Techninds specifikacijos - dokumentas, kuriame pateikiamos biitinos


Techninds specifikacijos - dokumentas, kuriame pateikiamos biitinos
Sutarties Nr.
Specialiqjq s4lygq
I priedas
Vf Klaipedos valstybinio jtirq uosto
direkcijos infrastruktflros direktorius,
pavaduoj antis generalin j direktoriq
Algirdas Kamarauskas
Pagrindines s4vokos:
BangolauZis - vandens uosto statinys, saugantis uost4 nuo bangq. Siaurinio bangolauZio unikalus
2100 2020 9012 (adresas: Vetros g. Klaipeda);pietinio bangolauZio unikalus Nr. 2100 2020 B0l5
(adresas: Smiltynes g. Klaipeda).
Kur5iq nerijos Slaito tvintinimas
povandeninio Slaito stabilum4.
Uosto pietiniai vartai
statinys arba irenginys, kurio funkcija uZtikrinti Kuriiq nerijos
hidrotechninis statinys Kur5iq rnariq Siaurineje dalyje, kurio pagrindine
funkcij a - prevencine aplinkosaugine.
statybos techninis reglamentas, galiojantis Lietuvos Respublikoje (privalomas visiems
statybos dalyviams).
Uisakovas - V| Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto direkcija.
Objektas - Klaipedos valstybinia jurq uosto iiaurinio ir pietinio bang'olauiit4 rekonstravimas
(statyba) ir dalies Kuriiq nerijos ilaito tvirtinimas.
Projektas - objekto ,,Klaip€dos valstybinio jurq uosto iiaurinio ir pietinio bangolauiitl
rekonstravimas (statyba) ir dolies Kuriiry nerijos Slaito tvirtinimas" projektavimo ir statybos darbai.
Rangovas - vie5qjq pirkimq konkurso bldu nustatytas laimetojas, su kuriuo pasiraiyta projektavirno
ir statybos rangos sutartis del objekto ,,Klaipddos valstybinio jilnq uosto iiaurinio ir pietinio bangolauiit4
rekonstravimas ir dalies Kuriitl nerijos ilaito tvirtinintas" projektavimo ir statybos darbq atlikirro pagal
FIDIC geltonqj4 krygq (toliau - Rangos sutartis).
Techninds specifikacijos - dokumentas, kuriame pateikiamos biitinos projekto sprendiniq
jgyvendinimo s4lygos; statinio (arjo dalies), inZinerines sistemos, konstrukcijos, statybos produktq (gaminiq
ir medZiagq) ir technologines irangos, inZinerinds jrangos (irenginiq, gaminiq), sta.tybos ir montavimo darbq
techniniai, kokybes, hiti reikalavimai, charakteristikos, rodikliai bei Uisakovo rei[<alavimai rangovui, kurie
bus sudedamoji projel<tavimo ir stafybos rangos sutarties pagal FIDIC gelton4j4 knyg4 dalis,
uosto direkcija (toliau --UZsakovas) perka
uosto iiaurinio ir pietinio bangolauiitl rekonslravimas (statyba) ir dalies
objekto ,,Klaipedos valstybinio
Kuriiq nerijos ilaito tvirtinimes" projektiniq pasiUlyrnq parengirno ir ,,Klaipedos valstybinio iurq uosto
Sia technine uZduotirni
Klaipedos valstybinio
vidinio laivybos kanalo tobulinimo (gilinimo ir platinimo), pietinio
ir iiaurinio bangolauZitl
rekonstravimo (statybos) ir dalies Kuriit4 nerijos ilaito Nirtinimo bei pietinitl uosto varttl statybos " poveikio
aplinkai vertinirno atlikirno paslaugas. Sias paslaugas apima Sios III skyriuje numatytos uZduotys:
1. Parengti Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto Siaurinio ir pietinio bangolauZitl rekonstravimo
(statybos) ir dalies Kur5iq nerijos Slaito tvirtinimo projektinius pasiiilymus (1 uZduotis);
2. Planuojamoms [kinems veikloms atlikti poveikio aplinkai vertinimo procedfras (2 uZduotis);
3. Konsultuoti UZsakov4 Rangovo rengiamo techninio ir darbo (arba techninio darbo) projekto
(toliau - TDP) metu (3 uZduotis).
Detaliau uZduotys apra5ytos
III skyriuje
,,UZdaviniai ir atsal<omybe".
Projekto statybos darbai bus finansuojami i5 ES 2014-2020 m. strukt[riniq fondq le5q,
Projekto pavadinimas ,,Klaipddos valstybinio jurq uosto iiaurinio ir pietinio bangolauZiq
rekonstravimas ir dalies Kurii7 nerijos ilaito tvirtinimas" gali blti patikslintas pagaf STR 1.05.06:2010
,,Statinio projektavimas". Statinio statybos rlSis (rekonstravimas ar nauja statyba) tures buti patikslinta pagal
STR 1.01,08:2002,,Statinio statybos r[Sys", parengus Sio objekto projektinius pasill]rnus ir parengtiems
projektiniarns sprendiniarns al.likus poveikio aplinkai vertinimo procedltras.
Objekto projektavimo ir statybos darbai bus vykdomi pagal FIDIC rangovo projektuojamq statybos
ir inZineriniq darbq, elektros ir mechanikos irenginiq projektavirno ir statybos bei jrangos sutafties s4lygas
(1999 m., pirmas leidirnas, ,,Cieltonoji knyga").
Lietuviq kalba yra oficiali projekto kalba" Tiekejas tures pasiriipinti vertimu lietuviq
nemokantiems savo komandos nariams.
ISeities duomenys,
kuriuos reikia atsiZvelgti, teikiant paslaugas, numatytas Sioje technineje
- UAB ,,Sweco Lietuva" su UAB ,,Sweco hidroprojektas" parengtas Klaipedos valstybinio
laivybos kanalo maksimalaus gilinimo ir platinimo galimybiq pletros planas, 2014 m.
- UAB ,,Sweco Lieturra" su UAB,,Sweco hidroprojektas" parengtas Klaipedos valstybinio jurtl uosto
laivybos kanalo maksimalaus gilinimo ir platinimo galirnybiq pletros planas. Strateginio pasekmiq aplinkai
verlinirno ataskaita, 2074 m.
- UAB ,,Sweco Lietuva" ir Lietuvos energetikos instituto parengti Klaipedos valstybinio jurq uosto
pietiniq vartq techninds koncepcijos sprendiniai, 2015 m.
- PajUrio tyrimq ir planavimo instituto parengti Klaipedos valstybinio j[rq uosto KurSiq nerijos Slaito
sutvirtinimo projekto atrankos del poveikio aplinkai vertinimo dokumentai,2015 m.
- Pajiirio tyrimq ir planavimo instituto parengti Klaipedos valstybinio j[rq uostq pietinio ir Siaurinio
molq rekonstravimo atrankos del poveikio aplinkai vedinirno dokumentai ,2015 m.
- Lietuvos energetikos instituto parengta Klaipedos valstybinio jrirq uosto Siaurines dalies laivybos
kanalo tarp PKO ir PK28 platinimo galimybiq poveikio aplinkai vertinimo ataskaita, 200I m.
- Lietuvos energetikos instituto parengta Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto Siaurines dalies lailybos
kanalo nuo PKO iki PK2B platinimo darbq projekto rengimo Kur5iq nerijos povandenipio Slaito pastovumo
skaidiavimq ataskaita, 2009 nt.
- Lietuvos energetikos instituto parengta Klaipedos valstybinio j[rq uosto laiq,bps kanalo gilinirno ir
platinimo poveikio aplinkai vertinimo ataskaita,2010 m,
- UAB ,,Sweco hidroprojektas" parengtas Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto laivybos kanalo gilinimo
ir platinimo darbq techninis projektas, 201I m"
- Objekto ,,Dujotiekio dalies tarp planuojamo SGD terrninalo ir auk5to slelio dujotiekio krante
statyba" inZineriniq geologiniq ir geotechniniq tyrimq ataskaita, 2012 m.
- Lietuvos energetikos instituto parengti Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto naujojo i5orinio iplaukos
kanalo suformavimo ir gilinimo nlro PK-22,5 iki PK-5,5 iki 15,5 m gylio atrankos del poveikio aplinl<ai
vertinimo dokumentai, 2015 m.
- ICOMOS Atsakomosios stebdsenos misijos, vykusios 2015 m. sausio 1,9-22 d. Kur5iq nerijoje,
- UAB ,,Geoprojektas ir Ko" parengta objekto ,,I(laipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto laivybos kanalo
gilinimo ir platinimo paruo5iamieji darbai" inZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq ataskaita, 2010 m,
- Lietuvos geologijos tarnybos parengta KVru teritorijos Siaurines dalies inZinerinio geologinio
kartosrafavimo M 1:5000 ataskaita, 2005 m.
- Lietuvos geologijos tarnybos parengta Klaipedos valstybinio jDrq uosto teritqrijos pietines dalies
inZinerinio geologinio kartografavimo
1:5000 ataskaita, 2009 m.
- UAB ,,Geoprojektas ir Ko" parengta Klaipedos uosto iplaukos rekonstrukcijos projekto geologiniq
ir geofiziniq tyrimq ataskaita (1 tomas: priedas A), 1999 m.
- UAB ,,Geoprojektas ir Ko" parengta Klaipedos uosto iplaukos rekonstrukcijos projekto geologiniq
ir geofiziniq tyrimq ataskaita (2 tomas: priedas B), 1999 m,
- UAB ,,Geoprojektas ir Ko" parengtas priedas prie Klaipedos uosto iplaukos rekonstrukcijos
projekto geologiniq ir geofiziriiq tyrimq galutines ataskaitos, 1999 m.
-UAB ,,Geoprojektas ir Ko" parengtaKlaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto iplaukos kanalo nuo 15 m
izobatos (PK-17) iki PKO gilinimo techninio projekto rengimo geologinirl darbq ataskaitq,2007 m.
- UAB ,,Geoprojektas ir Ko" parengta Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto Siaurines dalies vidinio
kanalo tarp 0-28 piketq inZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq ataskaita, 2009 m.
- Vf Lietuvos energetikos instituto parengtas Klaipedos jlrq uosto iplaukos kanalo ir Siaurines
akvatorijos dalies gilinimo iki 14 m gylio darbq techninis projektas, 1998 m,
- Frederic R, Harris E. V. parengta Klaipedos uosto vartq rekonstrukcijos proje(to poveikio aplinkai
verlinimo ataskaita, l99B m,
- Frederic R, Harris B. V. parengtas Klaipedos uosto iplaukos rekonstrukcijog projektas (galutine
ataskaita), 1999 m.
- Klaipedos valsfybinio jurq uosto pietinio bangolauZio speeialiosios apZilros ataslcaitos ir techniniai
Klaipedos valstybinio jurq uosto Siaurinio bangolauZio specialiosios appiDros ataskaitos ir
techniniai pasai.
- Batimetriniq matavimq duomenys pagal paslaugq tiekejo pateiktas ir su Uisakovu suderintas ribas.
- Klaipedos valstybinio j[rq uosto aplinkos monitoringo ataskaitos uL2004-2.015 m.
- UAB ,,Getelit" parengtos Klaipedos uosto Siaurinio ir pietinio bangolauZiq monitoringo ataskaitos,
2015 m.
Anglq kalba pateikiami dokumentai, kuriuos, esant poreikiui, i lietuviq kalb4 i5siverdia pats paslaugr"
Japonijos tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo agentilros parengta Uosto pletro$ projekto Lietuvos
Respublikoje studija, 2004 m.
- Kur5iq nerijos i5skirtines visuotines vertes apra5as.
- Rekomendacijos del poveikio IINESCO Pasaulio kultlros paveldo vertybems vertinimo,
patvirtintos Tarptautines paminklq ir paveldo vietoviq tarnybos (ICOMOS), 20II m.
- WL Delft Hydraulics Port of Klaipeda Full mission simulation, 1996.
- WL Delft Hydraulics Improvement of Klaipeda harbour entrance feasibility study, 1998.
- WL Delft Hydraulics Improvement of Klaipeda harbour entrance feasibility study (Appendices),
- WL Delft Hydraulics Klaipeda Port, Lithuania Additional three dimensional physical model tests,
Tiekejas privalo vadovautis sutartimi, LR teises aktais, taip pat jq naujausiais pakeitimais ir
papildymais, EAU 2012 rekomendaeijomis. Tiekejui privalomi ir visi sutarlies vykdymo metu naujai priimti
teises aktai, jeigu jie susijg su Sio Projekto igyvendinimu.
Pagal sutarti Tiekejas tures atlikti toliau detaliai i5vardintas uZduotis, jomls neapsiribodamas,
ie5kodamas optimaliq sprendimq ir, esant reikalui, atlikdamas ir papildomas pagristai numatomas uZduotis,
kurios gali tapti bDtinomis prielaidomis sekmingai ivykdyti 5i4 paslaugq sutarti.
Klaipedos valstybinio jurq uosto laivybos kanalo navigaciniq s4lygq tyrimus ir
nustatyti Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto laivybos kanalo krypti ir parametrus.
Naujam lair,ybos kanalui atlikti hidrodinamini modeliavirn4 ir nustatyti Klaipedos valstybinio jDrq
uosto vartq (pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq) planing padeti, geometrij4 ir prelipinarq konstrukcinj
Remiantis Kur5iq nerijos povandeninio Slaito stabilurno skaidiavimais ir kitais duornenimis, nustafyti
Kur5iq nerijos Slaito sutvirtinimo vietas iki PK28,
Parengti Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq rekoprstravimo (statybos)
ir dalies Kur5iq nerijos Slaitc, tvirtinimo projektinius pasilrlymus ir kt. i5eities duomenis, reikalingus tol<iq
statiniq proj ektavimui atlikti.
UZduoties apimtis
1.1. Esamos situacijos analizd:
1.1.1. Meteorologiniq, hidrologinirl, hidrografiniq s4lygq Klaip6dos uoste analizb ir
apibendrinimas" Surinkti merteorologinius, hidrologinius ir hidrografinius duomenis, kurie bus reikalingi
modeliavimui atlikti ir projektui parengti. Atlikti Siq duomenq analizg ir, esant poreikiqi, atlikti papildomus
InZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq atlikimas"
Lf .2,1. Atliktiplanucrjarnos teritorijos geologiniq s4lygq charakteristikos analizg, Vadovaujantis STR L04.02: 20ll ,,InZineriniai geologiniai ir geotechniniai tyrimai",
parengti projektiniq inZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq program4, j4 suderinti su Liettrvos geologijos tarnyba ir
Uosto direkcija ir pagal parengt4 program4 atlikti projektinius inZinerinius geologiniriri tyrimus Siaurineje
Klaipedos uosto dalyje bei parengti inZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq ataskait4:
I." grgZiniq skaidius ir jq i5destymas pagrindZiamas inZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq darbq
programose, Viena programa del Slaito tvirtinimo - mechaniniu koloniniu bfldu grgZiama ne maLiau kaip 12
vnt. projektiniq inZineriniq geologiniq grgZiniq iki 35 m abs. a. tarp PK13 ir PK2B. I(iekViename skersiniarne
profilyje iSpumpuoti po vien4 grgLini, nustatyti hidrogeologines s4lygas ir parametrus. Antra programa del
molq - mechaniniu koloniniu b[du grgZiama ne maLiau kaip 10 vnt. projektiniq inZineriniq geologiniq
grgZiniq ties pietiniu ir Siauriniu bangolauLiais iki 35 m abs. a. GrgZiniq vietas ir atlikimo laik4 suderinti su
UZsakovu, atsiZvelgiant i parengtus projektinius pasi[lymus (grgZinius atlikti esamo stalinio vietose, kuriose
statinio planine padetis nebus keidiama ir naujoje planineje statinio padetyje). GrqLiant visus grgZinius imarni
grgZiniq kerno nesuardytos sandaros meginiai laboratoriniams tyrimams;
Lf.2.2.2. tyrimq metu Salia mechaniniu koloniniu budu i5grgLnl grgLiniq atliekarni
zondavimo (CPT) bandymai. Gauti rezultatai pateikiami bandymo grafikuose, skaiidiuojamqjq rodikliq
suvestindse lentelese;
L1.2.2.3. vadovzujantis Lietuvos standart LST EN 1991-I:2005 -- LST' EN 1991-2:2001
,,Eurokodas 7" Geotechninis projektavimas (1, ir 2 dalys)" atlikti laboratorinius bandymus kiekvienam
inZineriniam geologiniarn sluoksniui IGS. Laboratoriniq bandyrnq metu nustatomos Sios gruntq fizikines
savybes: gamtinis tankis, kietq daleliq tankis, gamtinis dregnis, plastingumo dregniq, takumo dregnis ir
mechaninds sar,ybes: stiprumas kerpant, stiprumas gniuZdant, apskaidiuojant grunto savit4j4 sankib4 ir
vidines trinties kamp4. Ri5liems (molingiems) gruntams atlikti odometrinius kompresijos bandymus
nustatant deforrnacijos rnodulj, proktoro bandymus, jais nustatant maksimalq ir minimalq smelingo grunto
tanki ir kt.;
I.I.2.2.4. vadovaujantisZsZ CEN ISO/TS 17B92-4:2005 standartu, atlikti gramrliometrines analizes
nustatymo bandymus kiekvienam inZineriniam geologiniam sluoksniui IGS ir identifikuoti grunt4 pagal LST
ISO ir DIN 18196 standaftus;
I. nustatlrti agresy/um4 metalui ir betonui; grgZimo darbq metu neaptikus ri5liq (molingq) gruntq, vien4 grELini i5grgZti iki gylio,
kuriame butq pasiekta ri5liq (molingq) gruntq storymd, isigilinant ije du metrus;
1.f .2.2.1. bandymus, nurodytus LL2.2.3,1.L2.2.4 ir punktuose, atlikti laboratorijoje.
1.1.3" Geofiziniq tyrimq interpretacija. Atlikti geofiziniq tyrimq archS,vines medZiagos analizE ir
esamq geofiziniq duomenq interpretacij4, sudaryti teritorijos geodinamini modelf, nurodant kotiruojandius
inZinerinius geologinius sluoksnius,
inZinerines geologines
hidrogeologines s4lygas bei fizines
mechanines salybes"
Lailybos s4lygq tyrimai ir naujo i5orinio laivybos kanalo krypties nusttityrnas.
1,2.1. fvertinanttai, kad i5orinis laivybos kanalas bus gilinamas iki 17,5 m gylip, o vidinis laivybos
iki 17,0 rn gylio, atlikti navigaciniq sqlygrl i5oriniame laivybos kanale ir Klaipedos uosto vartuose
tyrimus, i5analizuoti i5orinio iplaukos kanalo pasukimo galimybes (laivq vedlines a5ies trajektorijos
pakeitim4) ir nustaty.ti optimali4 iplaukos kanalo krypti, nurodant kiekvieno iplaukos kadalo krypties keitimo
varianto privalumus ir trDkumus, analizuojant Sias situacijas:
L2 "1.I" esam4 situacij4,
uosto laivybos kanalo maksimalaus gilinimo ir platinimo
galimybiq pletros plane pateikt4 variant4, kai Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto iplaukos kanalo kryptis
keidiama l0o-12o j Siaurg nuo esarlos kanalo a5ies;
I.2.L3. ne maZiau karp 2 naujus iplaukos kanalo krypties keitirno variantus"
1.2"1.2. Klaipedos valstybinio
1.2.2. Nustatyti optimalq iplaukos kanalo
vidinio laivybos kanalo ploti iki PK28.
1.2.3.Parengti Klaipdrdos valstybinio
Uosto kapitono tarnyba,
ploti i5orineje dalyje (uZ uosto
vart11), uosto vartuose
uosto naujo laivybos kanalo ribrl schqm4 ir
1.2.4. Atsilvelgiant inaujo i5orinio laivybos kanalo krypti
j4 suderinti
ir parametrus, nqmatyti
vedlines bei
navigaciniq Zenklq perkelim4 (iSdestym4).
Kur5iq nerijos Slaito tvirtinimo vietq ir parametrq nustatymas.
Remiantis inZineriniq geologiniq tyrimq duomenimis atlikti I(ur5iq nerijos povandeninio 3laito
stabilumo skaidiavimus ir, atsiZvelgiant j parengt4 Klaipedos valstybinio jlrrq uosto laivybos kanalo
maksimalaus gilinimo ir platinimo galimybiq pletros plan4, nauj4 Klaipedos valstybiririo jlrrq uosto naujo
laivybos kanalo ribq schem4 ir ivertinant tai, kad vidinis laivybos kanalas bus giliriamas iki 17,0 rn jj
praplatinant, patikslinti, kuriuos I(ur5iq nerijos priekrantes ruoZus Siaurineje Klaipedos qosto dalyje iki PK28
reikes tvirtinti povandenine stabilizuojandia sienute, o kur bus galima formuoti natiiralq Slait4, norint vidini
lairybos kanal4 i5gilinti iki 17,0 m pagal nauj4 laivybos kanalo gilinimo ir platinimo ribq schem4.
Apibendrinus vis4 surinkt4 mediliag4 ir prie5 tai min6tuose punktuosg gaut4 informacij4
irvadovaujantis EAU 2012, STR 1.04"01:2005,,Esamq statiniq tyrimai" ir kt. Liqtuvos Respublikoje
galiojandiais istatymais, staffbos techniniais reglamentais ir normatyviniais dofc.umentais ivertinti
pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauiiq statinio techning bUklg ir jo atitikti Siuo inetu galiojantiems
normatyviniarns ir techniniams dokumentams"
1.5. Parengti Klaipddos valstybinio jtrrq uosto pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq rekonstravimo
(statybos) ir dalies l(ur5iq nerijos Slaito tvirtinimo projektinius pasiulymus.
l.5.L Planini4-konstrukcinitl Klaipedos valstybinio jurq uosto vartll (pietinio ir iiaurinio
bangolauZitl, kanalo ir Kuriiq nerijos iiaurinds dalies ilaito sutvirtinimo koncepcijos projektiniq pasiulymtl
al t e r n atyv t4 (t o I i au - A I t e rn atyv o s) s ukilr i m as :
1,5.1.1. parengti Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolluZiq rekonstravimo
(statybos) ir Kur5iq nerijos Siaurines dalies Slaito tvirtinimo ne maZiau kaip 7 planiniq - preliminariq
konstrukciniq projektiniq pasiulymq Alternatyvas (esamos situacijos, keidiant tik pietinio bangolauZio
padeti, keidiant ir pietinio, ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq padetis), ivertinant naujo laivybos kanalo krypti ir ribas,
ir atsiZvelgiant i statybos darbq technologij4, gamtines ir eksploatacines s4lygas, ir vi5as kitas aplinkybes,
kurios gali daryti itak4 bangolauZiq planinei padediai ar konstrukciniam sprendiniui (teritorijq planavimo
dokumentus, Kur5iq nerijos nacionalines vertybes ir t. t.); Alternatyvq sprendiniai turi biiti projektuojami taip, kad ateilyje biltq galima vystyti i5orinio
uosto pletr4 prie Siaurinio bangolauZio Siaurineje Klaipedos uosto dalyje;
.5. I .3,
rengiant Alternatyvas iverlinti, kad pietinio bangolauZio Saknies padetis nekeidiama;
1,5.L4. rengiant Alternatyvas atsiZvelgti iKlaipedos valstybinio jDrq uosto pietiniq vaftq technines
koncepcijos sprendinius;
1.5,1.5. rengiant Alternatyvas ivertinti, kad Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto lhivybos kanalas bus
pasukamas, gilinarnas ir platinauras dviem etapais: I etape planuojama pasukti uosto iplairkos kanal4, iSgilinti
i5orini iplaukos kanal4 il(i 17,5 m ir praplatinti pagal naujai sufotmuoto laivybos kanalo parametrus, vidini
laivybos kanal4 iki PK26 i5gilinti iki 17,0 m gylio ir praplatinti pagal naujai suformdoto lairybos kanalo
parametrus, II etape - i5gilinti ir praplatinti vidini laivybos kanal4 nuo pirmo apsisukjmo rato (PK26) iki
Kiaules Nugaros salos (PK87);
ir palyginti skirtingus, ne maZiau kaip tris, pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq
statybos naujoje
konstrukciniq sprendiniq variantus ir ne maZiau kaip du pietinio ir
Siaurinio bangolauZiq rekonstravimo esamoje padetyje, iskaitant ir Kur5iq neri"ios Si{rurines dalies Slaito
sutvirtinimo preliminariq konstrukciniq sprendiniq, variantus; i5analizuoti
1.5"1,7, numafyti galimus Alternatyvos igyvendinimo etapus tam, kad kaip imanoma anksdiau butq
galima pradeti objekto statybos ir laivybos kanalo gilinimo ir platinimo darbus;
1"5.1.8. rengiant Alternatyvas, jq sprendiniai turi biiti projektuojami tokie, kad nebltq pablogintos
laivybos s4lygos laivybos kanale, o bltq uZtikrintos geresnbs laivybos s4lygos nei esamoje situacijoje;
1.5. 1.9. rengiant Alternatyvas, jq sprendiniai turi
Kur5iq nerijos krantams ties Elaltijos jlra;
projektuojami tokie, kad elozija neturetq itakos
1 . 5. l . 1 0. rengiant Alternat)'rras ivertinti galimas pasekmes gamtines aplinkos kopponentams ir tokiq
pasekmiq prevencij os, kompensavimo arba maZinimo priemones ;
1.5,1.11. projektuojant
konstrukffv 4 b angolauLi q
Alternaffvq sprendinius ivertinti galimybes panaudoti esam4 bangolauZiq
stal.yb ai p agal nauj 4 p laning p adeti ;
1.5,LI2, ivertinti visas kitas aplinkybes, kurios gali tureti itakos bangolauZiq planinei padediai ir
konstrukciniam sprendiniui (teritorijq planavimo dokumentus, Kur5iq nerijos nacionalines verfybes ir t. t.);
1.5"1,13. kiekvienos Alternatyvos sprendiniams igyvendinti apra5yti statybos da{bq technologtjq;
1,5.1.14. apskaidiuoti kiekvienos Alternat)'rros preliminari4 orientacing igyvendinimo kain4.
1.5.2. Palyginti ir pasiillyti prioritetines Alternatyvas, atliekant palyginamqjq analizg:
1.5.2.I. Parengti Alternatyvq, kurioms bus atliekamas hidrodinaminis modeliavimas, ataskait4. Sioje
ataskaitoje turi btti pateikta tekstine ir grafine informacija apie Alternatyvq sprendinius, kuriems bus
atliekamas hidrodinaminis modeliavimas, taip pat apra5yti naudojamus i5eities duomenis. Si4 ataskait4
pristatyti Uosto technineje taryboje ir gauti jos pritarim4. Gavus pritarim4 Siai ataskaitai, Alternatyvoms
rengti hidrodinamini modeli.
I.5.2.2. Sudarytine rnaZesni kaip 2Dhidrodinamini modeli, kurio rezultatq ir duomenq palcaktq
Alternatyvos sprendiniams vertinamoje teritorijoje pagristi, Modelis turi ivertinti bangq, druskingo vandens
pritekejimo i Kur5iq marias, ne5menq, Kur5iq nerijos ir Baltijos jlros krantq erolijos klausirnus fiais
situacijos ir ne maiiau
planinitl-konstrukcini7 sprendinitl
Alternatyvoms modeliqvimo darbus :
I.5.2"3.L Projektavimo parametrU (bangtl ir srovitl), reikaling4 bangolauiit4 statybai
rekonstrukcijai, duomen4 bazes sudaryruas ir analiz1:
- Vejo ir bangq tyrimai Baltijos priekrantes I-ietuvos teritoriniuose vandenyse;
- tekmiq struktlros tyrimai Baltijos priekrantes Lietuvos teritoriniuose vandenyse.
1.5,2.3.2, Bangt4 sklaidos modeliavimas uosto vidineje ir iiorineje akvatorijoje Qsamoie situaciioie
ne maiiau kaip leiioms Alternatyvoms (ne maZiau kaip 7 situaciios):
Baltijos priekrantes (l,ietuvos teritoriniai vandenys) bangq sklaidos modpliavirnas ivairiomis
meteorologinemis s4lygomis (esant stipriems PV, V ir SV krypties vejams) visoms alterpafvoms ir esamai;
- bangq parametrq arnlizd i5orineje uosto akvatorijoje (naujo molo zonoje ir dtanevravimo zonose)
ivairiomis meteorologinemis s4lygomis, lyginant visas alternatyvas su esama situacija;
- bangq sklaidos modeliavimas uosto vidineje akvatorijoje visoms alternatyvoms
situacij oj e, esant ivairioms meteorologinems s4lygoms ;
- bangq parametrq analize uosto vidineje akvatorijoje (navigaciniame kanalp
jvairiomis meteorologinemis s4lygomis, lyginant visas alternatyvas su esama situacija.
prie krantiniq)
1.5,2,3.3" Baltijos prielcrant,is (Lietuvos teritoriniai vandenys), Klaipedos sqpiaurio
Kuriiq mari7 dalies hidrodinaminis modeliayimas esamoje situacijoje ir
Alternatyvoms (ne maZiau kaip
ne mqiiau kaip ieiioms
Vandens apykaitos s4lygrl tarp jiiros ir Kur5iq mariq (Klaipedos s4siaurio pralaidumo) analize
lyginant visas alternatyvas su esama situacija, kai s4siauriu teka ivairiq dydZiq ir krypQiq debitai, ivertinant
pietinius uosto vadus;
- hidrodinaminiq pokyditl analizd manevravi no zonose, prie jiiros varlq bangolauLit4 galvq, prie
krantiniq bei Kur5iq nerijos kranto lyginant vi as alternatyvas su esarna situacija, ivairiomis
hidrometeorologinemis s4lygomis (s4siauriu tekant irairiems debitams bei pudiant PV, V ir SV stipriems
L5.2.3"4. Baltijos prielwantes (Lietuvos teritoriniai vandenys) neimerul perhaios modeliavimas
esamoje situacijoje ir ne maiiau kaip ie{ioms Alternatyvoms (ne maZiau kaip 7 situacijds):
- Juros dugno erozijos ir akurnuliacijos zonq pokydiq nustatymas prie bangolauZiq galvq ir iplaukos
kanale lyginant visas alternatyvas su esama situacija, ivairiomis hidrometeorologinemip s4lygomis (pudiant
PV, V ir SV stipriems vejams - vienkartines audros) ir vidutiniams metams;
- nesmenq srauto pokydiai j[ros priekranteje rnaZiausiai 20 km pakrantes ruoZe (f Siaurg ir i pietus
nuo uosto vartq) trumpalaikiu laikotarpiu (audros, sukeltos PV, V ir SV stipriq vejq) ir vidutiniams metams,
lyginant visas altematyvas su esama situacija;
- kranto linijos pokydiq nustatymas lyginant visas alternatyvas su esarra situacija, fvairiomis
hidrometeorologinemis s4lygomis (pudiant PV, V ir SV stipriems vejams) ir vidutiniams metams;
- iplaukos kanalo kasrnetiniq gilinimo apimdiq (ne5rnenq s4na5q) ivertinirnas vidptiniams metams. Krantotvarkos priemoniq tailEmo
juros ir Kurii4 mariq krante modeliavimas
situacijoje ir ne maiiau kaip ieiioms Alternatyvoms.
ekonominiq pasekmiq, lailrybos s4lygll,
statybos darbq technologijos, eksploatacijos s4lygq ivertinim4 kiekvienos nagrlnetos Alternatyvos
igyvendinimo atveju. Parengti sustambint4 galirnq aplinkosauginiq
tris optimalias Alternatyvas (Tiekejui ivertinant vien4
l<aip prioriteting) lailybos, aplinkosaugos, statybos darbq technologijos ir eksploatacijos s4lygtl atZvilgiu,
atlikti jq optimizavim4. Kiekvienai Alternatyvai ir jos igyvendinimo etapui apskaidiuoti ir nustatyti
reikalingas igyvendinti gamtosaugines priemones galimam neigiamam poveikiui i5Vengti, sumaZinti ar
kompensuoti, Parengtus projektinius pasifilymus su preliminaria orientacine skaidiuojpmqja kaina pateikti
derinti Technines tarybos posedyje ir gauti Technines tarybos pritarim4. Gavus pritarim4, rengti poveikio
aplinkai vertinimo dokumentus.
kaip Numatyti reikalingq navigaciniq priemoniq irengim4 / perkelim4 ir patekim4 prie
AtsiZvelgti i Klaipedos valstybinio jurq uosto direkcijos ir Uosto kapitono tarnybos pastabas,
kurios gali buti pateiktos tiekejui per vis4 paslaugq teikimo laikotarpi. .
1,5.2.8. Pasillyti objekto igyvendinimo stadijas, kad biitq pradeta vystyti prioritetine alternafyva
etapais, kol bus sprendZiami teritorijq planavimo dokumentq, aplinkosaugines ar teisipes aplinkos s4lygoti
apribojimai, jeigu tokiq butq ir projekto nebltq imanoma igyvendinti per vien4 etap4' Esant poreikiui, atliekant poveikio aplinkai verlinimo procediiras, patikslinti parengtr,
projektiniq pasiiilyrnq sprendinius ir atliktus pakeitimus suderinti su UZsakovu.
.5.3 " Gauti specialiuosius architektDrinius
reikalavirnus ir prisijungirro s4lygas TDP rengti.
Ataskaitos su i5vadomis pristatytos KVfUD technines tarybos posedyje ir po 2 ataskaitq bylq
egzempliorius lietuviq kalba ir po I egz. skaitmenineje laikmenoje PDF formatu pateikti UZsakovui'
Projektiniams pasiiilymams pritarta KVruD technines tarybos posedyje. UZsakovui pateikti trys
popieriniai projektiniq pasifilyrnq egzemplioriai lietuviq kalba ir vienas egzernplir:rius skaitrnenineje
laikmenoje (su grafiniais ir tekstiniais priedais). Tekstiniai duomenys skaitmeninese lajkmenose pateikiami
Word ir PDF formatais, grafiniai - DWG ir PDF formatais,
PaslaugU trukme
Paslaugq pradLia sutarties del Sioje technineje uZduotyje numat5rtq paslaugq atlikimo isigaliojimo
diena, Paslaugq pabaiga - galutines dokumentacijos pateikimo UZsakovui data. Paslaugps atliekamos per 12
menesiq nuo sutarties isigaliojimo dienos, iskaitant ataskaitq ir projektiniq pasiulymq pristatym4 KVJUD
techninei tarybai ir jq pataisym4 pagal UZsakovo pateiktas pastabas, tadiau neiskaitant termino, reikalingo
bangolauZiq rekonstravimo (statybos) atlikti
blti atlikti ne ilgiau kaip per
24 m6nesius nuo sutarties pasira5ymo dienos. Alternafvq, kurioms bus atliekatnas hidrodinaminis
modeliavimas, projektinius pasiiilymus Tiekejas tures parengti per 3 menesius nuo Sutarties pasira5ymo
inZineriniams geologiniams tyrimams
(atliekami atsiZvelgiant i parengtus projektinius pasifllymus). Tadiau tyrimai turi
Atlikti poveikio aplinkai
PAV), apimanti ir poveikio
gauti sprendim4 del Klaipedos vdlstybinio jilrry uosto
iiorinio ir vidinio laivybos kanalo tobulinimo (gilinimo ir platinimo), pietinio ir ii'aurinio bangolauiir4
yekonstravimo (statybos), dalies Kur{i4 nerijos ilaito tvirtinimoir pietini4 uosto vqrtL! statybos veiklos
vertinim4 LINESCO Pasaulio paveldo atLvilgiu,
PaslaugLl ribos:
Poveikio aplinkai vertinimas tures biiti atliekamas Sioms planuojamoms ukinems veikloms:
- Klaipedos valstybinio j[rq uosto pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq rekonstravirdui (statybai) ir dalies
Kur5iq nerijos Slaito tvirtinimui pagal 1 uZduotyje suformuotas ir pasirinktas Alternatyivas (ne maZiau kaip
trims pasirinktoms alternatyvoms).
17,5 m
- Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto lailybos k rnalo gilinimui (i5oriniame
gylio, vidiniame iki 17,0 m gylio) ir platinimui (pagal raujai suformuoto laivybos
ai. Sio
- Klaipedos valstybinio jlrq uosto pietiniq uosto vartq (aplinkosaugi
objekto statybos etapai buvo vertinami pagal Pletros plane suformuoto laivybos kanalo gilinimo ir
platinimo parametrus pagal pletros plano sprendiniq alterna['r'ros B scenarijaus B2 variqnt4B2b:
I statybos etapas - dambos ir marinos frengimas, KurSiq nerijos rytinio kranto suformavimas
natiiraliais gruntais (r,ykdomas prie5 atliekant Klaipedos valstybinio j[ry uosto laiq,bos kanalo gilinimo iki
PK26 darbus);
II statybos etapas - dambos ir marinos bei prieplaukos irengimas Alksnyngje (vykdomas prie5
atliekant Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto laivybos kanalo gilinimo iki Malkq ilarikos darbus).
PaslaugT etapai
Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo programos parengimas.
Tiriamieji darbai.
Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo ataskaitos parengimas,
Visuomenes informavimas ir poveikio aplinkai vertinimo dokumentrl dgrinimas,
Technines uZduoties gilinimo darbq projektui parengimas ir suderinimas su Uosto direkcija,
UZduoties apimtis
2.1. Parengti poveikio aplinkai vertinimo (toliau
- PAV) program4:
2.1,1. Programa turi nustat5rti: nagrinejamas alternatyvas, vertinamus aplinkos komponentus;
, remiantis KurSi
poveikio vi
tiriamqjq da
poveikiui aplinka
ivertinti, ir kt. infbrrnaclj1pagal PAV istatyme nustat5rtus reikalavtmus,
visuotines vertes apra5u;
nagrinejamus klausimus;
uoti, jo svarbai nustatyti ir
2.1.2. Visuomends informavimas apie parengt1 PAV program4 Aplinkos ministerijos nustatyta
2. 1 .3.
PAV programos derinimas ir tvirtinimas atsakingose institucij ose.
2,2. Atlikti privalomuosius tiriamuosius darbus, jeigu
atlikti 1 uZduotyje:
2.2.1" Dugno Sonines apZvalgos tyrimus, nuskendusitl ir pavojingq objektq paie5k4 bangolauZiq
rekonstravimo (statybos), pietiniq uosto varfq statybos, uosto i5orinio lair,ybos kanalo {ormavimo ir vidinio
lailybos kanalo tobulinimo rajonuose;
2.2.2. dugno buveiniq tyrimus bangolauZiq rekonstravimo (statybos), pietiniq posto vartq statybos,
uosto i5orinio laivybos kanalo formavimo ir vidinio laivybos kanalo tobulinimo rajonuose;
2.2.3. dugno gruntq geocheminius tyrimus;
2.2.4. gretimq uosto vartams (Kopgalis - I Melnrage) kranto ruoZq ir uosto pietines dalies Kur5iq
nerijos l<rantq tyrimus: kranto ir povandenio Slaito reljefas;
2.2.5. vintalinio poveikio Kur5iri nerijos panoramoms ivertinim4;
2.2,6. paukidiq, Zuvq ir buveiniq tyrimus su planuojamq darbq rajonais besiribojandiose Natiira 2000
teritorij ose;
2.2.7. povandeninius archeologinius tyrimus planuojamuose darbq rajonuose;
2.2.8. esant poreikiui, kiekvienai alterna$vai patikslinti gamtosaugines priemones galirnam
neigiamam poveikiui i5vengti, surnaZinti ar kompensuoti;
2.2.9. kt. gzrimus, jei tokie reikalingi poveikio aplinkai vertinimui atUkti ir nebuvo atlikti 1
2.3. Parengti poveikio aplinkai vertinimo ataskait4:
2.3.1. PAV ataskaita turi apimti tokias pagrindines dalis:
apra5ymas, i5skiriant nuling ir tris pagrindines
alternatyvas bei
alternatyvq igyvendinimo etapus; informacija apie viet4 (saugomos teritorijos,
kultDros verfybes, teritorijq planavimo dokumentai) ir kt.;
2"3.1"2" veiklq igyvendinimo technologinio proceso apraiym4 (statyba, gilinimas, i5kasto grunto
tvarkymas ir kt.); galirn4 poveil<i jvairierns aplinkos komponentams ir poveiki aplinkai maZinandias priemones
(vanduo, aplinkos oras, triukimas ir fizinis poveikis, Zemes gelm6s, biologine ivairove, kra5tovaizdis ir kt.).
Gamtosaugines ir kompensacin6s priemonds galimam neigiamatn poveikiui i5vgngti, sumaZinti ar
2.3.IJ. Bendroji dalis: planuojamos veiklos
2.3,L4. poveikio visuomends sveikatai vertinim4;
2 3 .f .5 . poveikio paveldui vertinim4 UNESCO Pasaulio paveldo atZvilgiu;
2.3.L6. monitoring4;, alternatyvq analizds apra5ym4 ir kt. duomenis.
2.3.2.Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo ataskaitoje turi buti i5skirti ir jvertinti Sie aktualls aspektai:
2.3.2.L Planuojamos veiklos poveikis,,Natura 2000* ir kitoms artimoje aplinkoje esandioms
saugomoms teritorij oms; planuojamos veiklos poveikis TINESCO Pasaulio paveldo status4 turindiai vietovei - Kur5iq
nerijai; uosto hidrotechniniq irenginiq (nagrinejant pietinio ir Siaurinio bangolauZiq rekonstravimo
(statybos), Kur5iq nerijos Slaito tvirtinimo ir pietiniq uosto varlq statybos) ir i5orinio ir vidinio laivybos
kanalo formavimo / gilinirno poveikis jlros krantui ir Kur5iq nerijos krantui; krantotvarkos priemoniq
taikymo pagrindimas, principiniai krantotvarkos priemoniq sprendiniai;" kt. informacija pagal PAV istafyme nustatytus reikalavimus.
2.4. Parengt4 PAV atasknit4 pristatyti Uosto direkcijos technin6s tarybop posddyje
pritarim4 jai vie5inti.
2.5. Organizuoti visuomen6s supaZindinim4 su PAV ataskaita ir atlikti poveikio aplinkai
vertinimo dokumentq derinimo procediiras pagal PAV istatyme nustatytus reikalayimus.
2"6" Esant poreikiui, attikti poveikio aplinkai vertinim4 tarpvalstybiniame kontekste.
2.7.Pagal poveikio aplinhai vertinimo sprendinius, esant poreikiui, patikslinti projektinius
2.8, Pagal poveikio aplinkai vertinimo, apimaniio ir poveikio paveldui vertinim4 UNESCO
Pasaulio paveldo atZvilgiu, gautus sprendinius parengti techning uiduoti laivybos kanalo gilinimo ir
platinimo darbq projektui ir j4 suderinti su Uosto direkcija. Parengtai techninei uZduoiiai gauti Uosto
direkcijos technin6s tarybos pritarim4.
Atsakingos institucijos sprendimas, kad planuojama lkine veikla leistina] Ataskaitq bylq 3
egzemplioriai lietuviq kalba ir po 1 egz. skaitmenineje laikmenoje PDF formatu pateikti UZsakovui,
Esant poreikiui, patikslinti projektiniai pasiulymai. Projektinirl pasillymq 3 bylos lietuviq kalba ir 1
egz. skaitmenineje laikmenoje (su grafiniais ir tekstiniais priedais) pateikti UZsakovui. Tekstiniai duomenys
skaitmeninese laikmenose pateikiami Word ir PDF formatais, grafiniai - CAD ir PDF formatais.
UZsakovui pateiktaterchnine uZduotis Klaipedos valstybinio jiirq uosto laivybqs kanalo gilinimo ir
platinimo darbq projektui rengti (I egz. popieriniame variante lietuviq kalba ir I egz. skaitmenineje
laikmenoj e Word formatu),
Paslaug\ truhme
Paslaugq pradLia - sutarties pasira5ymo diena, Paslaugq trukme poveikio aplinkai vertinimo
proceduroms atlikti ir sprendimui del planuojamos [kines veiklos gauti - 24 mehesiai nuo sutarties
pasira5ymo dienos. Poveikio aplinkai vertinimo paslaugos laikomos atliktomis, kai gaunamas atsakingos
institucijos sprendimas, kad planuojama [kine veikla leistina ir baigiamos Sio sprendimo apskundimo
Konsultuoti UZsakov4 siekiant uZtikrinti, kad TDP bltrl rengiamas kokybi5kai rrilarku
Uiduoties animtis
3.1. Dallvauti vidiniuose ir i5oriniuose Projekto susitikimuose. Tiekejas, atsiZyelgdamas ireikiam4
kompetencij4, tur6s deleguoti kompetentingus specialistus i su Projekto igyvendinimu susijusius susitikimus.
3.2" Teikti bet koki4 kit4 nuolating konsultavimo pagalb4UZsakovuidelTie\ejoparengtq i5eities
duomenq ir projektiniq pasiDlymq sprendiniq.
3.3. Parengti atsakymus iUZsakovo pateiktus klausimus ir juos ra5tu pateikti UZsakovui per 2 darbo
dienas nuo klausimo faksu ar el. pa5tu gavimo dienos,
UZsakovui teikiama nuolatine Proj ekto konsultavimo pagalba,
Paslaugt! trulcrne
Paslaugq pradLia- Rangos sutafties pasira5ymo diena. Konsultavirno paslaugos tures blti teikiamos,
Projektui bus gautas statyb4 leidZiantis dokumentas. Preliminariai - 12 mgnesiq nuo Rangos
sutafties tarp UZsakovo ir konkurs4 laimejusio Rangovo del Sio projekto igyvendihimo pagal FIDIC
gelton4j4 knyg4 isigaliojimo dienos.
Visus tr[kstamus duomenis, kurie reikalingi kokybi5kiems Alternatyvq sprendiniams parinkti,
modeliavimui atlikti ir projektiniams pasifilymams parengti, tadiau kuriq nepateiks Uisakovas, parengia
Tiekejas tures parengti iSsamias nagrinejamq Alternatyvq ir parengtq projektiniq pasiulymq
prezentacijas ir esant poreikiui jas pristatyti Techninei tarybai, Uosto tarybai ir I arba Pletojimo tarybai. Si
paslauga neitraukta i bendr4 paslaugq atlikimo termin4.
Visais atvejais, kai rerikalaujama, kad Tiekejas patartq Uisakovui, toks patarimps turi brlti pagristas
visq reikSmingq aplinkybiq (veiksniq) ivertinimu. Jeigu UZsakovui bntq siiilomi alternaffviis sprendiniai, jq
tr[kumai ir privalumai tuli buti ai5kiai aptafti. Net ir tuo atveju, kai yra siulomi alterinatyv[s sprendiniai,
Tiekejas privales pateikti savo pagrist4 nuomong, kuris i5 sprendiniq labiausiai atitiktq Projekto tikslus ir
esmines igyvendinimo s4lygas, Jeigu Projekto tikslai ir esmines igyvendinimo s4lygos npleidZia identifikr.roti
labiausiai tinkandio sprendinio, Tiekejas privales i5siai5kinti papildomus UZsakovo tikslus ir poreikius ir jq
pagrindu rekomenduoti tinkamiausi4 sprendini.
VI KVruD Statybos ir eksploatacijos
VI KVJUD Pletros ir akvatorijos
prieZiiiros depaftamento direktorius
depaftamento direktorius
Gediminas Ztmaras
Vidmantas Pauk5te
VI KVruD Pletros skyriaus viriininkas
VI KVJUD uosto kapitonas
Algirnantas Kungys
Adornas Alekna
/Tr ans
at i on
fr ofu
L it hu ani
Contract No,
Annex I
of Special Conditions
Infrastructure Director
of SE Klaipeda State Seaport Authority
Actins for Director General
Alcirdas Kamarauskas
Main definitions:
Breakwater - a water poft structure that protects the port from waves. Tlle unique number
of the nofthern breakwater: 2100 2020 9012 (address: Vetros Str, Klaipeda); tlie uniqpe number of the
soutlrern breakwater: 21002020 8015 (address: Smiltynes Str. Klaipeda).
Reinforcement of the Curonian Spit slope - a structulre or an installatioh, whose function
is to ensure the stability of the Curonian Spit's underwater slope.
The southern gate of the Port - a hydroteclinical structure in the norllir of the Curonian
Lagoon, whose main function is preventive environmental.
STR - construction technical regulations valid in the Republic of Lithuania (binding to all
the state enterprise Klaipeda State Seaport Authority,
Reconstruction (construction) of the northern and sofiherh breah,uaters of
a part of the Curonian Spit slope.
Project - design and construction works of the object "Reconstruction (construction) of
the northern and southern breakwaters of Klaipeda State Seaport and reinforcemenl, of a part of the
Curonian Spit slope".
Contractor - the winner established by way of a public procurement tender, with whom a
contract on the performance of design and construction works in relation to the object lleconstruction of
the northern and southern brealauaters of Klaipeda State Seaport and reinforcenteht of part of the
Curonian Spit slope, the slope of Approval "Reconstruction (construction) of the northern and southern
breakwaters of Klaipdda State Seaport and reinforcement of a part of the Curonian Spit slope" in
accordance with the FIDIC Yellow Book (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor's Agreernent) will be
Klaipeda State Seaport qnd reinforcement of
Technical specifications - a document setting out the necessary conditions for the
implementation of Project's solutions; technical, quality and other requirements, characteristics and
parameters of the structure (or its part), engineering systems, structures, building products (products and
rnaterials) and technological equipment, engineering equipment (equipment, ploducts), construetion and
installation works, the Customer's requirements to the contractor, which
make an integral parl of
design and construction contract according to FIDIC Yellow Book.
By this technical task SE Klaipeda State Seaport Authority (hereinafter refered to as the
Customer) purchases the serviees of the preparation of project proposals on the objeet "Reconstruction
(construction) of th.e northern and southern breala,uaters of Klaipeda State Seaport and reinforcement of
part oJ the Curonian Spit slope " and performance of the environmental irnpact assessment of the
project "Improvement (dredging and expansion) of the external and internal shipping channel of the
Klaipeda Sate Seaport, reconstruction (construction) of the northern and southern breakwaters and
reinforcement of a part of the Curonian Spit slope". These services include the taslk provided for in
Chapter III:
l. To prepare project proposals on the reconstruction (construction) ofthe nofthern and southern
breakwaters of Klaipeda State Seaporl and the reinforcement of a part of the Curonian Spit slope (Task
2. To carry out the environmental irnpact assessment procedures for projected eoonomic activities
(Task 2);
3. To advise the Customer during the preparation of technical and working (ol technical work)
projects (hereafter referred to as TDB) by the Contractor (Task 3).
The tasks are described in detail in Chapter III ,,Tasks and responsibilities""
The Proiect's construction works will be financed from the EU structural funds for tlie period
The Project's title ,,Reconstrttction of the northern and southern brealataters pf l(laipeda State
Seaport and reinforcement of a part of the Curonian Spit slope" can be adjusted according to STR
1:05:06:2010,,Designing of structures"" The type of the construction of the structure (reconstruction or
new construction) will be adjusted according to STR 1:01:08: 2002 "Types of structtpe construction",
upon preparation of the pr<lject proposals of the object and performance of environmental impact
assessment on the prepared project proposals.
The works of designing and construotion of the object will be carried out in acgordance with the
FIDIC conditions on construction and engineering works designed by a contractqr, designing and
construction of electrical and mechanical equipment (1999, first edition, ,,The Yellow Book"),
The Lithuanian language shall the official language of the Project. The service provider will have
translations for his employees who do not know the Lithuanian language.
Substantiating data that must be taken into account in the provision of servicep specified in this
technical task:
- The feasibility development plan on the maximum dredging and expansion of the shipping
of the Klaipeda State Seaport prepared by UAB "SWECO Lietuva" and UAB "Sweco
Hidroproj ekt as", 207 4.
- The feasibility development plan on the maximum dredging and widening of the shipping
of the I(laipeda State Seaport prepared by UAB "SWECO Lietuva" a4d UAB "Sweco
Hidroproj ektas". Strategic Environmental Assessment Report, 20 I 4.
- Solutions of technical conception of the southern gate of Klaipeda State Se{port prepared by
UAB ,,Sweco Lietuva" and SE Lithuanian Energy,2015.
- Documents on environmental impact assessment of selection of the project on reinforcement of
the Curonian Spit slope of Klaipeda State Seaporl prepared by Coastal Research and llanning lnstitute,
- Documents on environmental impact assessment of selection of the project on reinforcement of
the Curonian Spit slope of Klaipeda State Seaport prepared by Coastal Research and Flanning Institute,
- Environmental
impact assessment repoft on the possibilities of expansiorl of the shipping
channelbetween PKO and PK28 of the nofthern part of Klaipeda State Seaporl prepared by the Lithuanian
Energy Institute, 2007.
- Report on the calculation of the stability of the underwater slope of the Curonian Spit of the
preparation of the expansion works of the shipping channel between PKO and PK2B of the nofthern paft
of Klaipeda State Seaport prepared by the Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2009.
- Report on environtrental impact assessment of dredging and expansion of the shipping channel
of Klaipeda State Seaport prepared by the Lithuanian Energy Institute,2010.
- Technical project of the works of dredging and expansion of the sliipping chpnnel of Klaipeda
State Seaport prepared by UAB "Sweco Hidroprojektas", 201 1.
- Report on engineering geological and geotechnical researeh of the object "Co4struction of a part
of a pipeline between the planned LNG terminal and the high-pressure pipelin" ens[61e'1, 2012,
- Documents on environmental impact assessment of selection of the fonnation and dredging of
the new external entrance channel from PK-22.5 to PK-5.5 of I(laipeda State Seapo( prepared by the
Lithuanian Energy Institute, 20 1 5.
- Report by the ICOI{OS reactive monitoring mission thattook place on 19-22 lanuary 2015 in
the Curonian Spit.
- Engineering geological survey reporl of the object "Preparatory dredging and expansion works
of the shipping channel of Klaipeda State Seaporl" prepared by UAB "Geoprojektas ir (o", 2010.
- Engineering geological mapping at scale 1:5000 of the northern part of Klaipbda State Seaport
prepared by the Lithuanian Geological Survey, 2005.
- Engineering geological mapping at scale 1:5000 of the southern part of Klaip€da State Seaport
prepared by the Lithuanian Geological Survey, 2009"
- Report on geological and geophysical survey of the Klaipeda port entrance channel
reconstruction project prepared by UAB "Geoprojektas ir Ko" (Volume 1: Annex A), 1999.
- Repoft on geological and geophysical survey of the Klaipeda port entrance channel
reconstruction project prepared by UAB "Geoprojektas ir Ko" (Volurne 2: Appendix B) in 1999.
- Annex to the final report on geological and geophysical sun/ey of the Klaipbda pofi entrance
channel reconstruction project prepared by UAB "Geoprojektas ir Ko", 1999.
- Report on geological works of preparation of the technical project on dredging of the entrance
channel of ICaipeda State Seaport from 15 m isobath (PK-l7) to PKO prepared by UAB "Geoprojektas ir
- Report on engineering geological survey of the inner channel of the northern part of Klaipeda
State Seaport between pickets 0-28 prepared by UAB "Geoprojektas ir Ko", 2009.
- Technical project on the dredging up to 14 m ofthe entrance channel and the northern water of
Klaipeda State Seaport prepared by SE Lithuanian Energy Institute, 1998.
- Assessment of environmental irnpact of Klaipeda Port's Gate Reconstruction Project prepared
by Frederic R. Harris B" V., 1998.
- Klaipeda Port's Gate Reconstruction Project prepared by Frederic R. Harris B, V. (Final
Report), 1999.
- Special inspection repofts and technical passports of the southern breakwater of the Klaipeda
State Seaport.
Special inspection repofts and technical passports of the northern breakwateir of the Klaipeda
State Seaport.
- Bathyrnetric measurements data in
accordance with the boundaries provided by the service provider
and coordinated with the Customer,
- Environmental monitoring report of the Klaipeda State Seaport for 2004-2015.
- Monitoriug reports of the nofthern and southern breakwaters of the Klaipeda Port prepared by
UAB "Getelit",2015"
Documents in English, which, if necessary, shall be translated into the Lithuanian language by the
service provider:
- Survey of the development project of the Seaport in the Republic of Lithuania prepared by the
Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2004.
- Description of the universal value of the Curonian Spit.
- Recommendations on the irnpact on the assessment of UNESCO World Heritage objects
approved by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), 201 1.
- WL Delft Hydraulics Port of Klaipeda full mission simulation, 1996.
- WL Delft Hydraulics Improvement of Klaipeda harbour entrance Feasibility Study, 1998.
- WL Delft Hydraulios Improvement of Klaipeda harbour entrance Feasibility Study
(Appendices), 1998.
- WL Delft Hydraulics Klaipeda Port, Lithuariia Additional three-dimensional physical model
tests. 2000.
The Supplier must follow the Contract, the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania as well as the
latest changes and additions, EAJJ 2012 recommendations. The Supplier is required to comply with all
new legal acts adopted within the term of the Contract, if they are related to the implbmentation of the
According to the Contract, the Supplier shall perform the tasks specified below, but not limited to,
seeking to find optimal solutions and, if necessary, carrying out reasonably foreseeablb additional tasks
which may be a necessary precondition for the successful completion of the service contract,
To perform the research of the navigations conditions of the shipping channel of the Klaipeda
State Seaport and establish the direction and the parameters of the shipping channel of the I(laipeda State
To carry out hydrodynamic simulation for the new shipping channel and establish the position,
geometry and preliminary structural solution of Klaipeda State Seaport gate (southern and northern
Based on the calculations of the stability of the Curonian Spit underwater slope and other data, to
determine the slope reinforcement places of the Curonian Spit up to PK28.
To prepare the project proposals for the reconstruction (construction) ofthe northern and southern
breakwaters of the Klaipeda litate Seaport and reinforcement of a part of the Curonian $pit slop and other
source data necessary to canlz out the design ofsuch structures.
Scope qfthe task
1.1. Analysis of the
current situation:
1.1.1. Analysis and generalization of rneteorological, hydrological an1l hydrographic
conditions in the Klaipdda State Seaport. To collect meteorological, hydrological pnd hydrographic
datathat will be required to perform simulation and prepare the project" To perform af analysis of these
data and, if necessary, to carry out further survey.
1.1"2. Performance of engineering geological research." To perform an analysis of the charaoteristies of geological conditions of the planned area.
L|,2.2.In accordance with STR 1.04,02:2011 "Engineering geological and geotechnical studies",
to prepare a designed engineering geological survey program and coordinate it with the Lithuanian
Geological Service and the Seaport Authority and in accordance with the program prepared to carry out
the designed engineering geological survey and prepare an engineering geological survey repoft:
f . The number of boreholes and their arrangement shall be substantiated in the program of
engineering geological survey works. One programme on the slope reinforcement - no less than 12
designed engineering geological boreholes shall be bored between PK13 and PK2B in mechanical
columnar manner of up to 35 m absolute depth. To pump out one borehole in each transverse profile and
determine the hydrogeological conditious and parameters. The second program for pierN - no less than 10
designed engineering geological boreholes shall be bored next to the southern and norfhern breakwaters
in mechanical columnar manner of up to 35 m absolute depth. The locations of tbe boreholes and timing
shall be coordinated with the customer, in accordance with the prepared project proposals (boreholes shall
be bored in the locations of the current structure, where the static planned position will not be changed in
the new planned position of the structure). During the boririg of the boreholes, samples of the kern of
undisturbed structure shall be taken for laboratory tests;
1.1,.2.2.2. During the survey, next to the boreholes bored in mechanically colurnnar manner,
dynamic interval probing (SPT) tests shall be performed. The results obtained shall be presented in test
graphs and summarized tables on the calculated indicators; Following the Lithuania standard LST EN 1997-1:2005 - LST EN 1997-2:2001
"Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design (parts I and2)",laboratory tests for each engineering geological layer
(lGL) shall be performed. During the laboratory tests, the following physical properties of the soil shall
be established: natural density, solid particle density, natural moisture, natural humidity, yield humidity;
and mechanical properties: shear strength, compressive strength, calculating the specific cohesion of the
soil and the internal friction angle, In case of cohesive (clayey) soils, odometric qompression tests
establishing the deformation model and proctor tests establishing the maximum and minimum density of
sandy soil, etc., shall be performed;
,/4' Following LST ISO/TS 17892-4:2005, granulometric analysis tests ofleaclr engineering
geological layer IGL shall be performed and the soil shall be identified in accordance with LST ISO and
18196 standards;
1.. The aggressiveness in respect to metal and concrete shall be established;
1.1,2.2.6.If during ttre boring works no cohesive (clayey) soils will be found, qne borehole shall
be bored to a depth in which a column of cohesive (clayey) soil is reached, penetratihg into it for two
1.1,2.2.1. The tests referred to in Clauses
accredited laboratories.
Ll.2.2.4 and 1,1.2.5 shall be caried out in
1"1.3, Interpretation of geophysical tests. To perfonn an analysis of the archival materials and
interpretation of available geophysical data, prepare a geodynamic model of the territory, indicating
quoting engineering geological layers, their errgineering geological and hydrogeologidal conditions and
the physical and mechanical properties"
1.2. Survey of shipping conditions and determining of the direction of the new shipping
1.2.1. Considering the fact that the outer shipping channel will be dredged to a depth of 17.5 rn
to 17.0 deep, to carry out a survey of the navigational conditions in
and the internal shipping channel - up
the external shipping channel and in the gate of the Klaipeda State Seapofi, to analyse the rotation
feasibility of the external entrance channel (amendment of the trajectory of vessels leading line axis) and
to determine the optimal entrance channel direction specifzing the pros and cons for e4ch version of the
change of the entrance channel direction while analysing the following situations:
1.2.L1. The current situation;
L2.1.2. The variant provided for in the plan on the feasibility of the maximum dredging and
expansion of the shipping channel of the Klaipeda State Seaport, when the direetiorr of the entrance
channel ofthe Klaipeda State Seaport is changed by 10'-12'to the north ofthe curent clannel axis;
L2.I.3. At least 2 ner,rr variants on the change of the direction of the entrance channel.
1.2.2.To determine the optimum width of the entrance channel in the outer parf (outside the port
gate) and at the porl gate and the width of the internal shippirig channel up to PI(28.
To prepare a scheme on the boundaries of the entrance channel of the I(laipeda
Seaporl and coordinate it with the Harbour Master's Office.
1,2.4, Given the new direction and the parameters of the new outer entrance clannel, to provide
for the transfer of tlie leading line and the navigational signs (arrangement).
1.3. Establishment of the
Curonian Spit slope anchor points and pararneters.
Based on the data of the engineering geological surueys, to carry out the calculations of the
stability of the underwater slope of the Curonian Spit and, taking int account the prepared feasibility
development plan on the maximum dredging and expansion of the shipping channel of the Klaipeda State
Seaport and taking into account that the internal shipping channel will be deepened up to 17.0 m and
expanded, to speciflz wliat coastal stretches of the Curonian Spit in the northern parl of the porl of
Klaipeda up to PK2B must be reinforced with the help of underwater stabilizing walls, and the locations
there it will be possible to fonn a natural slope in order to dredge the inner shipping ch4nnel up to 17.0 rn
in accordance with the scheme on the boundaries of dredging and expansion of the new shipping channel.
1.4. After summarizing of the collected material and the above-mentioned received
information and following EAU 2012 Iz04z01 STR:2005 "Surveys of existing buildings" and others
applicable laws, building regulations and normative documents valid in the ltepublic of Lithuania,
to assess the technical condition of the structure of the southern and northern breakwaters and its
compliance with the existing normative and technical documentation.
1,5. To prepare prcrject proposals on the reconstruction (construction)
of the nofthern and
southern breakwaters of Klaipeda State Seaport and reinforcement of a paft of the Curonian Spit slope.
1.5.1. Preparation ofplanned-construction alternatives ofthe project proposals on the concept of
the reinforcement of the gate of the Klaipeda State Seaport (southern and northern breakwaters), the
channel and the Curonian Spit (hereinafter - Alternatives):
To prepare at least 7 Alternatives of the planned - preliminary-construdlion proposals on
the reconstruction (construction) of the northern and southern breakwaters of Klaipeda State Seaport and
reinforcement of a part of the Curonian Spit slope (current situation when only tlre location of the
,5.1 .1 .
changing of the southern breakwater is changed and when the location of both the southern and northem
breakwaters are changed), evaluating the direction and boundaries of the new shipping channel and taking
into account the constructionL technology, natural and operating conditions, and all other'circumstances
which may influence tlre pleLnned position of the breakwaters or structural solutions of the (territorial
planning docurnents, the Curonian Spit national values, etc.); Alternative solutions must be designed in such a way so in the future it lvould be possible
to perform the development of the outer pofi in the northern part of the Klaipeda Seaport;
1.5.1,3. While preparing the Alternatives,
southern breakwater
to assess whether the position of the root of the
be changed;
1.5"1.4. While preparing the Alternatives,
to consider the technical
concept solutions
of the
southern gate of the Klaipeda State Seaport;
1.5"1.5, While preparing the Alternatives, to assess that the shipping cliannef of the Klaipeda
State Seaport will be rotated, dredged and expanded in two phases: in Pl-rase I, it is planned to rotate the
port entrance channel, to dredge the external entrance channel up to 17"5 m and expand in accordance
with the parameters of the newly formed shipping channel, to dredge the internal shipping channel up to
17.0 m and expand in aecordanee with the parameters of the newly formed shipping ch4nnel; in Phase II,
to dredge and expand the inner shipping channel from the first turn round (PK26) to the Fig's Back Island
1.5.1,6, To analyse and compare at least three variants of preliminary design solutions of the
construction of the southern and northern breakwaters in the new planned position and at least two
structural solution variants of the reconstruction of the southern and northern breakwaters in the current
situation, including the reinforcement of the northern slope of the Curonian Spit;
To provide possible implementation stages of the Alternatives in older it would be
to staft the works of the construction of the object and tlre dredging and expansion of the,
shipping channel as soou as possible;
1.5. LB. When preparing the Alternatives, their solutions must be designed so as not to impede the
shipping eonditions in the shipping channel, and to ensure better shipping terms than in the current
1.5,1.9, When preparing the Alternatives, their solutions must be designed such that the erosion
would not affect the shores of the Curonian Spit at the Baltic Sea; When preparing the Alternatives, to assess the possible consequenqes on the natural
of the environment and the measures for prevention, compensation or rllitigation of such
oonsequences; When designing the solutions of the Alternatives, to assess the possilrilities to use the
current structural elements of tlre breakwaters for the construction of the breakwaters in accordance with
the new planned position; To consider all the other circumstances which may affect the planned position of the
breakwaters and the designed solutions (territorial planning documents, the Curonian Spit national values,
1.5,1.13. Forthe implementation of the solutions of each Alternative, to describe the technology
of the construction works; To calculate the prelirninary reference implementation cost of ear:h Alternative.
1.5.2. To compare and offer priority Alternatives while performing a comparatiye analysis:
L5.2.1. To prepare a repoft on the Alternatives whose hydrodynamic simulation will be carried
out. Tl-ris report must contain textual and graphical information on the solutions of the Alternatives for
which hydrodynamic simulation will be carried out, as well as to describe the used source data. Tl-ris
repoft shall be presented in the Technical Council of the Seaport Authorify and its approval must be
obtained. Upon approval of this repoft, to prepare a liydrodyriarnic model for those Alternatives.
1,5.2.2. To make at least a 2D liydrodynamic model, the results and the data o[which would be
sufficient to assess the solutions of the Alternatives. The model must assess the issues of waves, salt
water inflow into the Curonian lagoon, sediments, erosion of the Curonian Spit and the Baltic Sea eoast
(but not limited to). To perform the simulation work of the current situation and at Vea,st 6 plannedconstruction solutions of the Alternative"'
1,5.2.3,1. Development and analysis of the datqbase of the design parameters (waves and
currents) requiredfor the construction / reconstruction of the breala.uaters:
- Wind and waves survey in the Baltic coastal Lithuanian territorial watersl
- Survey of the currents structures in the Baltjc coastal Lithuanian territorial watgrs.
and Wave spreod simulation in the inner and outer harbour waters in the current situation,
for at least six Alternatiyes (at least 7 situations):
- Wave spread simulation of the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea (Lithuanian territorial waters) in
various meteorological conditions (in case of strong SW, W and NW winds) for all Alternatives and the
current Alternative;
- Wave parametric analysis of tl-re outer harbour waters (in tlie zones of the rlew pier area and
manoeuvring areas) in different meteorological, comparing all the Alternatives to the current
- Wave spread simulation in the internal waters of the port for all Alternatives and in the current
situation, under various meteorological conditions;
- Wave parametric analysis of the inner port waters (in the shipping
cha.nnel and at the berths)
under different meteorological conditions, comparing allthe Alternatives to the current bituation. Hydrodynamic simulation of the Baltic coast (Lithuanian territorial waters), Klaipeda
Strait and the northern part of the Curonian Lagoon in the curuent situation, and in at least six
Alternatives (at least
- Analysis of the water circulation conditions between the sea and the Curonian T agoon (Klaipeda
comparing all the Alternatives to the current situation when different sizes and
directions of flows take place in the Strait, considering southern port gates;
- Analysis of hydrodynamic changes in the rnanoeuvring areas, atthe sea gate bpeakwaters heads,
at the quays and the Curonian Spit comparing all the Alternatives to the current situation under various
hydrorneteorologic conditions (in case of different flow rates in the strait and strong SW, W and NW
1.5.2,3.4. Simulqtion of sediment carriage of the Baltic coast (Lithuanian ter+itorial waters) in
the current situation and at least six Alternatives (at least 7 situations):
- Establishment of the seabed erosion andthe changes of the accumulation zonps in the heads of
the breakwaters and the enlrance channel comparing all alternatives to the current situation, under
different hydrometeorologic conditions (when strong SW, W and NW winds blow and in case of a single
storrn) and over an average year;
- Changes in sediment flow or-r the sea coast in a coastal stretch of at least 20 km (to the north and
south of the port entrance) in a short term (a storm oaused by strong SW, W and NW winds), over atl
average year, comparing all Alternatives to the current situation;
of the
of the shoreline comparing all the Alternatives to the
situation, under different hydrometeorologic conditions (when strong SW, W and NW wind blow), over
an avefage year;
- The
of the volumes (alluvial sediments) of the annual dredeine of the
channel over an average year.
of the application of coast aruangement measures on the sea and the
for six Alternatives. To prepare an amalgamated assessment of possible environmental and economic
conditions, sliipping conditions, construction technology, the operating conditlons in case of Simulation
Curonian lagoon coast in the current situation and at least
implementation of eaeh examined Alternative. To identifl at least three optimal Alternatives (with naming by the Supplier one of them
as a priority) in respect to the conditions of shipping, environmental protection, oonstrtrction technology
and operating conditions and perform their optimization. For each Alternative and its implementation
phase, to calculate and determine the nature protection measures necessary to be implemented in order to
avoid, reduce or compensate possible negative effects. To subrnit prepared project pfoposals with the
estimated preliminary indical.ive price combine in the Technical Council and obtain tlle approval of the
Technical Council. Upon receiving the approval, to prepare the documentation on the environmental
impact assessment, To provide the installation
/ transfer of the necessary navigational tools and an access to
1.5.2,1. To take into account the remarks of the Klaipeda State Seaport Authority and the Harbour
Master's Office that can be given to the Supplier during the entire period of service. To suggest the stages of the object implernentation in order to start developing the
priority Alternative in stages while constraints of the territorial planning doeuments, environmental or
legal environmental are being solved, if any, and the implementation of the project woqld not be feasible
in a single stage" necessary, while carrying out the procedures of the environmental impact assessment,
to specify the solutions of the prepared project proposals and coordinate the implemerlted changes with
the Customer.
To receive special architectural requirements and conditions for the preparation of the
Reporls with findings are presented in the meeting of the KSSA Technical Council and 2 copies
of the report files iri the Lithuanian language and I copy irr the digital media in the PDF format are
submitted to the Custorner,
The project proposals are approved in the meeting of the KSSA Techniqal Council. The
Customer is provided with three copies of the project proposals on paper in the Lithuanian language and
I copy in the digital media (with graphics and text attachments). Text data in the digital media are
provided in the Word and PDF formats, graphical data- in the DWG and PDF formats.
Length of the service
The beginning ofthe provision ofthe services - the effective data ofthe contracf on the rendering
of the service provided for in this technicaltask, The end of the provision of the services -the date of the
submission of the final documentation to the Customer. The services shall be performed within 12
months frorn the effective date of the Contract, including the submission of the reports and project
proposals to the KSSA Technical Council and their correction in accordance witli the Customer's
comments, but not including the term required to conduct the engineering geologicjal survey on the
reconstruction (construction) ofthe breakwaters (to be carried out in accordance with thg prepared projeet
proposals). However, the survey must be carried out within a maximum period of 24 months from the
of the
of the
Contract. The project proposals
of the Alternatives for which
hydrodynarnic sirnulation will be carried out shall be provided by the Supplier within 3 months from the
date of the sisnature of the Contract.
To perform an environmental impact assessment (hereinafter referred to as EIA), covering both
the impact on the object of TINESCO World heritage, and to receive a decision on the possibilities of the
activities of the Improvement (dredging and expansion) of the externql and intental sh:ipping channel of
the Klaipdda Sate Seaport, reconstruction (construction) of the northern and southern breala,uaters and
construction oJ a part oJ the ()uronian Spit slope.
Limits qf the service:
The environmental impact assessment shall be carried out for the following planned economic
- Reconstruction (construction) of the northern and southern breah,uaters of
Klaipeda State
Seaport and for the reinforcement of a part of the Curonian Spit slope in accordance with the Altenratives
specified in Task I and chosen (for at,least three chosen Alternatives),
- Dredging (up to 17,5 rneters in depth in the outer shipping channel and up to 17.0 rn in depth in
the inner shipping channel) and expansion (in accordance with the parameters of the newly formed
shipping char,nel) of the shipping channel of the Klaipeda State Seaport.
- Construction of the southern port gate (environmental construction works) of the Klaipeda State
Seaport. The phases of the construction of this object slrall be assessed in accordance with the parameters
of the dredging and expansion of the shipping channel formed in the Development Plan, under variant
B2b of scenario B2 of Alternative B of the solutions of the Development Plan:
Stage I of the construction - installation of a dam and a marine, the formation of the eastern coast
of the Curonian Spit with natural ground (to be performed before the PK26 dredgjng works of the
shipping channel of tlie I(laipeda State Seaport);
Stage II of tl-re construction - installation of a dam, a marine and a quay in Alksnyne (to be
performed before the works of the dredging of the shipping channel of the Klaipeda State Seapoft Lrp
Malkq Bay).
Phases qf the service,s_
. Preparation of the environmental impact assessment program.
. Survey works.
. Preparation of the repofi on environmental impact assessment.
. Infonning of the public and coordination of the documentation on the environmental impact
Preparation of the technical task for the dredging works project and its coo4dination with the
Seaport Authority.
Scope qfthe task
2.1. To prepare an environmental impact assessment (hereinafter -
EIA) prpgram:
2.1.1" Tlre program shall contain: the researched alternatives, the assessdd environmental
components; the assessed components of cultural heritage based on the desoription of outstanding
universal value of the Curonian Spit; the aspects of the assessment of the impact on public health; EIA
report content and the issues in question; the scope of the research work; the methods applied for the
prediction of the impact on the environrnent and the heritage object to predict, to deterrhine and assess its
impoftance of identiS,ing and evaluating and other information in accordance ulith the statutory
requirements of the EIA.
2.L2. Informing of the public about the prepared of the EIA program in acoordance
procedure set forth by the Ministry of Environment"
2.1.3" Coordination and approval of the EIA program at the competent authoritres.
2.2, To perform the compulsory survey work,
these surveys have not bden performed in
Task 1:
2.2"1. Survey ofthe bottom side and the search for sunken and dangerous objects in the areas of
the reconstruction (construction) of the breakwaters, the construction of the southern gpte, the formation
of the outer shipping channel of the port and the improvement of the inner shipping cha4rrel;
2.2.2. Stsrvey of the benthic in the areas of the reconstruction (construction) of the breakwaters,
the construction of the souttrern gate, the formation of the outer shipping channel ofl the port and the
improvement of the inner shipping channel;
2.2.3 . Bottom soil geochemical surveys;
2.2.4. Surveys of the coast stretches adjacent to the port gates (Kopgalis - I Melnrage) and the
coasts of the port of the Curonian Spit of the southern parl of the port: the coast and underwater slope
2.2.5 . The assessment of the visual irnpact on the scenery of the Curonian Spit;
2.2,6.Research of binds, fish and habitat in the Natura 2000 territories borderins the areas of the
planned works;
2.2.'T.Underwater archaeological surveys in the areas of the planned works;
2.2.8.If required, to speciSr for each Alternative the nature protection measures in order to avoid,
reduce or compensate the negative;
2.2.9. Other surveys,
were not performed in T'ask
such are required to perform the environmental impaot assessment aud
2.3. To prepare tlre environmental innpact assessment report:
2.3.l.The EIA leport shall include the following major sections: General part: description of the planned operations, specifying the zerlo and three basic
alternatives and alternatives and the stages of the principal Alternatives; information about the location
(protected areas, eultural values, land-use planning documents), etc,;
2.3.L2" Description
of the
activities irnplementation technological procdss (construction,
dredging, management of the dredged ground, etc.).; The potential impact on various components of the environment and the environmental
impact mitigation measures (water, ambient air, noise and physical effects, undergroi;nd, biodiversity,
landscape, etc.), Environmental and compensatory measures aimed to avoid reduce or compensate the
possible negative effects; Assessment of the irnpact on public health;
2.3"1.5. Assessment of the impact on the TINESCO World Heritage Site;
2.3 .l .6 . iVlonitoring;
2.3.L7" Analysis of the analysis of the Alternatives and other data.
2.3.2. The environmental impact assessment repoft must specify and assesSed the following
relevant aspects:
2.3.2.I" The impact of the planned activities on the Natura 2000 and other areas in the nearby
location; The impact of the planned activities on the area with the IINESCO Worild Heritage statLrs
- the Curonian Spit; Impact of the poft hydraulic equiprnent (when examining the reconstruction
(construction) of the southern and northern breakwaters, the reinforcement of the Curonian Spit and the
construetion of the poft soufhern gate), and the fonnation / dredging of the inner and outer shipping
channel on the seaside and the Curonian Spit; substantiation of the applieation of the coastal management
measures, the principal solutions of the coastal management measures; Other information in accordance with the statutory requirements of the EIA,
2,4. To introduce the prepared EIA report at the meeting
Technical Council and obtain the approval for its publicity.
of the Sehrport Authority
2.5" To organize the familiarisation of the public presentation with the EIA report and
carry out the coordination procedures of the environmental impact assessment documentation
under the EIA statutory requirements"
to carry out the environmental impact
in thp transboundary
2.7. According to the solutions of the environmental impact assessment,
rfeeded, to specify
the project proposals"
2.8. Basing on the received environmental impact assessment solutions, covering as well the
assessment of the impact on the UNESCO World Heritage, to prepare a technical task for the
project on the dredging anrl expansion of the shipping channel and coordinate it with the Seaport
Authority. To obtain the approval of the Seaport Authority Technical Courncil for the technical
A decision of the responsible authorities that the planned economic activity is permitted, 3 copies
of reporl files in the Litliuanian language and I copy in a digital media in the PDF formpt provided to the
If needed, specified project proposals. 3 files of the project proposals in the Litbuanian language
and 1 copy in the digital media (with graphics and text attaehments) provided to the Customer. Text data
in the digital rnedia are provided in the Word and PDF formats, graphic - in the CAD ansl PDF formats.
A technical task submitted to tl,e Customer of for the preparation of the projeot of the dredging
and expansion works of the shipping ehannel of the Klaipeda State Seaport (1 copy on paper in the
Lithuanian language and I copy in the digital media in the Word format).
Length of the service
The beginning of the provision of the services - tlie date of the signing of the Contract. The
length of the service of the irnplementation of the environmental impact assessment pfocedures and the
receiving of a decision on the planned economic activity - 24 rnonths after the signinf of the Contract.
The environmental impact assessrnent services shall be deemed as rendered when a decision of the
responsible authority is received that the planned economic activity is permitted and the procedures of the
appeal ofthis decision are finalized.
Task 3
To consult the Custorner seeking to ensure that the TDB would be developed qualitatively and
on time.
Scope of the task
3.1. To participate in internal and external project meetings. The Supplier, ha{ing regard to the
necessary expeftise, will delegate to competent professionals to the project implementation-related
3.2. To provide any other permanent advisory assistance to the Customer on the source data and
design offers solutions prepared by the Supplier.
3.3. To prepare answers to the questions of the Customer and submit them in writing to the
Customer within 2 working days from the date of the receipt of the questions by fax or e-mail.
The Customer is provided permanent advisory assistance.
Length ofthe service
The beginning of the provision of the services - the date of the signing of the Contract.
Consulting services will be provided until the construction permit for the Project is recqived. Preliminary
- 12 months after the effective date of the contractor's agreement concluded befiveen fhe Customer and
the successful contractor under the FIDIC Yellow Book"
Any rnissing data that will be required to select high-quality Alternative splutior-rs, perform
simulation and prepare the project proposals, that are not provided by the Customer, shall be provided by
the Suppliers.
Tlie Supplier will have to prepare detailed presentations of the Alternatives and the prepared
project proposals and, if needed, to introduce them to the Technical Board, the Port Board and / or the
Development Board. This service is not included in the overall senrice delivery date.
In all cases, when the Supplier is required to advise the Customer, such advice shall be based on
the assessment of all relevant circumstances (factors), If the Customer would be offered alternative
solutions, their advantages and disadvantages must be clearly discussed. Even in cases where alternative
solutions are proposed, the Engineer shall give his reasoned opinion which of the solutipns is best for the
Project's objectives and the key conditions of the implementation. If the Project's objeclives and essential
implementation conditions do not allow to identiff the most suitable solution, the Supflier shall find out
additional goals and needs of the Customer and recommend the most appropriate solution.
of SE KSSA Area Development and
Supervision Department
Director of SE KSSA Construption and Operation
Vidmantas Pauk5te
Gediminas Zumaras
SE KSSA Harbour Master
Head of SE KSSA Developmefrt Department
Adomas Alekna
Algimantas Kungys
Translated by JSC " House of languages "
H. Manto 36, Klaipeda LT92233, the Republic of Lithuania, E-mail:
The Translator is qware of criminal liability for deliberate incorrect translati
Article 235 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lith

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