High Performance, High Availability Ethernet Access for


High Performance, High Availability Ethernet Access for
High Performance, High Availability Ethernet Access for Channel Partners
QuantumLINK is CityLink’s premium Ethernet access service designed specifically for resale by Channel Partners. It allows you to deliver and operate high performance, high availability services to your customers. The unparalleled flexibility and capabiliGes of fibre opGcs cabled all the way to your customer’s premises will give you a quantum leap in service delivery performance.
CityLink is New Zealand’s most
experienced Metro Ethernet
network provider supported by
established partnerships with
almost all the leading Internet,
Application and IT support service
providers. For our Channel
Partners QuantumLINK offers a
new level of functionality and
performance that will allow you to
offer greater value to your
At the heart of this Ethernet
access service are CityLink’s new
generation of core network
switches, which are equipped with
1Gbps or 10Gbps optics that
deliver a range of service ports
over a dedicated optical path
directly to your customer’s
Three service port options are
Data ports for Internet and
applications service delivery.
Data + Voice port bundles
enabling service convergence
onto a single QuantumLINK
connection while providing
port-based QoS.
VLAN ports supporting multiservice delivery and private
networking services.
Channel Partners also have
available a flexible array of service
Head-end ports, EVC
configurations, and VLAN options
to meet also any customer
requirements you may face.
QuantumLINK has comprehensive
functionality, yet is economic to
implement and operate. To find
out more contact CityLink today.
Benefits for your Customer:
1. High performance
connections to support
business critical services and
applications such as interoffice networking, voice and
Internet access
2. Scalability as your customer’s
require more bandwidth,
QuantumLINK’s 1Gbps or
10Gbps access connection will
ensure bandwidth can scale
quickly and easily
3. Affordability and familiarity of
Ethernet makes it easy to
implement QuantumLINK
4. Access protection options for
mission critical service
availability to ensure your
customers meet their uptime
Service Levels
99.95% 1
Target Availability
Frame Delay
Frame JiMer (at 1Gbps)
Frame Loss (at 1Gbps)
SLA Monitoring
Future Service
ProacGve Service Maintenance
Future Service
Access ProtecGon
Op7onal 2
SLA Non-­‐performance PenalGes
Op7onal with Access protec7on
Service Support
24 hrs x 7 days
On-­‐site Service RestoraGon
24 hrs x 7 days
Frame Throughput at Access
dedicate 1Gbps to core switch
UNI Attributes
Circuit Type
IEEE 802.3 physical interface
Circuit Delivery
Fibre to the customer premise
UNI Interface Speed
1Gbps or 10Gbps(Full duplex)
UNI Physical Interface RJ45 on service demarca7on device
Up to 9000 Bytes on GE ports
Service MulGplexing
All to one bundling
EVC Type
Mul7point to Mul7point
Ingress bandwidth per EVC
CIR=PIR 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000 Mbps
EVC Attributes
CE-­‐VLAN PreservaGon (QinQ)
Data/Voice Port
No, but VLAN mapping op7onal
CE-­‐VLAN limit
CE-­‐VLAN QoS preservaGon
Layer 3 device
(Layer 2 device with VLAN mapping)
Layer 2+ device
IEEE 802.3
IEEE 802.3
One per port
(20 per port with VLAN mapping)
50 per port
CE-­‐connected device
MAC Layer
MAC address limit
Based on the assumption that 1 major service outage occurs every 4 years, that powering of the CPE-device is the
users responsibility and core-network switches are UPS/Generator powered. Target availability excludes planned
Will have additional charges for required implementation, on-going services, equipment and monitoring/reporting.
CityLink Ltd, Level 5, CityLink House, 53 Boulcott Street
PO Box 9328, Martin Square, 6011
Ph: 0800 4 CITYLINK [email protected]