your attention conduct of Mr Dowling that I believe is in breach of the


your attention conduct of Mr Dowling that I believe is in breach of the
22 July 2013
Hon Fiona Simpson Ml
Speaker, Queensland Legislative Assembly
Queensland Parliament House
Corner 6eorge & Alice Streets
Dear Madame Speaker
write to make a complalnt about the Member for Redlands, Peter Dowling MP. I wish to bring to
your attention conduct of Mr Dowling that I believe is in breach of the Code of Ethical Standards of
the Queensland Legislative Assembly. I believe that the conduct of Mr Dowling shows that he is not
fit and proper person to be a Member of Parliament.
the matters contained in this correspondence could be raised for consideration
by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly.
I would appreciate if
in a relationshlp wlth Mr Dowling for two years, I met Peter Dowting in 2010 when I lived
nearby Mr DowllnB and his wife Helen. He persistently pursued me for six months, both at work and
home. At the start of 2011, we started having an affair. He constantly reassured me that his
marriage was fake. He said that his marriage was a mariage of convenlence for the public to see
that he was married, to be able to hold his position as the Mernber for Redlands.
I was
We would always meet in Brisbane when Parliament was sitting. I would stay at various hotels
nearby where he would visit me. I also stayed in his room at Parliament house twice, overnight. I
met him often at his office at Parliament House. I met him a few times a week at his office In Victoria
Point, even up to the end of June 2013. The last time I met with Mr Dowling was when we stayed at
the Rothbury Heritage Hotel on 4 July 2013 and I was still to believe from Mr Dowllng that the plan
of us being together, in late 2015 was still the plan
overnight a few times in his marital house at Victoria Point. in hls rnarital bed, On all of
these occasions we would have sexual intercourse, Mr Dowling said that he needed to be married
for the next election. Mr Dowling asked me constantly over the last two years to wait form him,
promising that we would be living together as a couple after the 2015 election.
I also stayed
I have strong evidence
to support these matters, Mr Dowling has met my best frlend, my sister
my mother. Mr Dowling professed his love for me to all of these people.
White this is a deeply personal matter, this background is important for the matters I am raise in my
complaint, My relationshlp with Mr Dowling is now finished.
that these matters need to be raised as:
of women in the Victoria Point communlty who has been treated in
this way by MR Dowling and, if I did nothing, I am sure hls behaviour would continue; and
Mr Dowling's conduct is completely at odds with hls famf ly values and devout Catholic
persona he portrays in Parliament and in the media.
I believe
I am one of a number
Mr Dowling attended a Parliament trip to Perth for three days from 19 to 21 July 20L2, Mr Dowling
advised me that he deliberatety sought the invite so that we could have a few days away together.
We travelled together to Perth and stayed two nights at the Metro Hotel, I understand that the
accommodation and Mr Dowling's travel was pald by the Queensland Parllament. Mr Dowling paid
for all of my meals, expenses, entertainment and incidentals.
Of the three days we were in Perth, Mr Dowling attending only two half-days of the conference and
the conference dinner. The remainder of the time Mr Dowling and I undertook personal activities
ln january 2013, Mr Dowling took his mother to lreland. Mr Dowling used this opportunity for me to
meet him in lreland and travel together for a couple of weeks, visiting lreland, Scotland and London.
Mr Dowling left Brisbane on 5 January 2013 with his mother and I left Brisbane on 10 January 2013,
meeting Mr Dowling at 11January 2013 in Galway, lreland.
Mr Dowling made flight reservations for himself, his mother and for me though Flight Centre Victoria
Point. Mr Dowling made econorny class bookings with Virgin. Mr Dowling contacted Mr John
Borghetti of Virgin Australia and advised him that he was travelling to Europe with his mother and a
friend, by which he meant me.
Mr Dowling and his mother were upgraded to business class for the entire Journey. I was upgraded
to buslness class for the return journey. My estlmate ls that this upgrade would have a value of
between S20,000 and $25,000.
This gift has not been declared on the Register of Members lnterest completed by Mr Dowling.
Mr Dowling was invited to go to a Partiamentary Ethics Committee trip to Wellington in June 2013,
Mr Dowling decided that it would be a great opportunity for us to travel to New Zealand for a few
days of sightseeing.
We left Brisbane three days prior to the two day conference. We stayed in Auckland for one night
and then went to Wellington the following day. Mr Dowling paid forthe first night at the Bolton
Hotel while the second and third nights were paid by the Queensland Parliament. Mr Dowling paid
all of my expenses including meals, taxis and sightseeing and a $170 dinner on Monday 10 June.
this matter, including photos of our hotel room and Mr Dowling's
Parliamentary Committee papers spread around the room.
I can provide evidence of
Over the length of our relationship, I regularly met Mr Dowling in his Parliament House office.
Parliament House accommodation (includinB twice staying overnlght) and would visit his Electorate
Office a few occasions each week. On all of these occasions we would have sex at these locations.
This continued up until June 2013.
Rather than the public advice that he and other LNP Members of Parliament were not aware of the
increase in pay for Mem bers of Parliament, Mr Dowling had been advising me since early June 20L3
that he would soon be receiving a significant increase in pay, including backpay. Mr Dowling told me
that his pay would rise to about $220,000. Mr Dowling discussed many, many details of his
Parliamentary role with me.
of Facebook messages, 7%years of
documents, photos, videos and paperwork. Some of the photos that Mr Dowling sent me were Xrated and pornographic, including photos of himself naked.
from his prfvate email and his electorate
that some of these emails were sent using the laptop or lpad provided to Mr Dowling by the
Queensland Parliament. As well, the content, regardless of the computer from which it was sent, is
not content befitting of a Member of the Queensland Parllament'
I believe
Mfi p$WLrlrc's
Mr Dowling was aware that his conduct outllned above was improper and in conflict with his role
the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Commission. On a number of occasions we
discussed the fact that we had to be a bit more careful because of his role'
a member of
to resolve this matter by contacting the LNP, both in Victoria Point and State
president Bruce Mclver. I have been unable to have these matters investigated, Unfortunately, noone was interested in considering this matter.
I have attempted
I request that my name and contact details be kept confidential and not be tabled in proceedings
before the Parliament without my prior consent. lf my name needs to be disclosed for the
appropriate investigation, I am happy forthls to occur but would appreciate if you could advise me
I request
that I be provided advice on the outcome of the investigation of these matters. I trust this
matter will be dealt with speedily.
Along with many other Queenslanders, I have been deceived by Peter Dowling for the best part of 2
ltyears.l am disappointed and ashamed of myself and feelthat I have been left without dignity.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of these matters.
Yours sincerely
Victoria Polnt
QLD 4165