240e. ,l - Kadin Indonesia


240e. ,l - Kadin Indonesia
: Bantuan Kanada Untuk
Progronn Pelatihan Sk*por dan Ilukungan Bagi
Pengusaha Wnnita di Indonesia
Merujuk perihal tersebut di atas dengan hormat disampaikan hal-hal sbb
Pada tanggal Juni 2009, Trade Facilitation Oflice (TFO) Canada menginformasikan
kepada KBRI Ottawa bahwa the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
telah menyefirjui proposal TF) project yaitu program pelatihnn elspor dan dukungan
bagi pengusaha wanita di Indonesia ( trade training and support for bwinesswomen in
Indanesial. Pemilihan program ini dilatarbelakangi data yang dirniliki TFO bersumbEr dari
Irur Press Sentice flP'$J, www.ipsnews,net yang menyebutkan bahwa -sekitar 65ok
populasi wanita Indonesia bekerja di sektor informal dan mayaritas dalam lsondisi
lreamanan ke$a yang fu*g, upah rendah, ha* sebagai petrcrja yang tidak dilindungi
wrta $dakmemiliki jaminan keamanan sosial".
Pengajuan program ini kepada CIDA dilakukan sejak setahun lalu dan
mengkonsultasikan pilihan prCIgram ini kepada Kepala Balai Besar Pendidikan dan
Pelatihan Ekspor Indonesia (PEI) BPEN Depdag, KBRI Otfawa (Fungsi Perdagangan) dan
Whyte Reynolds, Pimpinan Eksekutif Canada Indonesia Private Sector Enterprise
Development Project (CIPSED). Sebagai informasi, terlampir disampaikan copy proposal
TFO yang diajukan kepada CIDA (rincian perkiraan biaya menyusul disampaikan), serta
daftarjenis workshop yang akan diberikan kepada peserta pelatihan.
Pada pro$am untuk Indonesia ini, TFO bermaksud mengkombinasikan pengalaman
positifnya dalam prcgram pengembang;an perdagangan dan dukungan untuk pengusaha
wanita dengan keberhasilan fndonesia dalam msningkatkan ekspornya, tennasuk ekspor ke
Kanada. Sejak tahun 2005, TFO dengan bantuan pcndanaan dari CIDA telah memberikan
pelatihan ekspor dan dukungan bagi pengusaha wanita dan program ini sekarang telah
berkembang di 10 negara di Afrika dan Amerika Latin. TFO juga ingin membantu para
pengusaha wanita di Indonesia agar sejajar dengan pengusaha di negara lain, terutama
dalam kemampuan mengakses pelayanan dan dukungan perdagangan yang diberikan TFO.
4. Sumber pembiayaan progftlm ini, berdasarkan hasil diskusi sntara Exeattive DirectorTFA
Mi. Brian Mitchell dengan Kepala PEI - BPEN Depdag tada w*tu itu Bombang
Mulyatno, disepakati adalaB'cott-sharing!'. TFO akan membayar tiket expens, allowarzce
and akomodasi lokal exryrts. Sedangkan PEI membayar jasa staf lokal, materi bahan
seminar dan pelaksanaan seminar di Jakarta. Masalah pembiayaan ini masih akan
didiskusikan lebih lanjut, misalnya mengantisipasi sekiranya acara seminar dilakukan di
luar Jakarta, s€tra kemungkinan adanya tindak lanjut program berupa kunjungan misi
dagang Indonesia ke Kanada" atau sebaliknya kur$ungan misi dagang Kanada ke Indonesia.
Program ini rencananya akan di-implementasikan mulai bulan November-Desemb€r 2009
sampai dengan Mei 2012. Namun sebelumnya, untuk tebih mematangkan dstail atau
langkah-langkah pelaksanaan di lapangan, perlu dilakukan pertemuan terlebih dahulu
antara TFO Canada dengan PEI - BPEN Depdag. TFO Canada sudah menyatakan
keinginannya untuk melakukan kunjungan penjqiakan ke Jakarta pada sekitar Oktober
Direnoanakan pada sekitar minggu pertama Juli 2009 akan dilakukan rapat antara TFO
Canada dengan KBRI Ottawa (Fungsi Perdagangan) membahas rencana persiapan
kunjungan TFO Canada ke Indonesi4 atau alternatif lain percncanaan kunjungan pejabat
PEI 'BPEI.I Depdag ke Kanada. Informasi hasil rapat ini nantinya akan kami sampaikan
ke Jakarta pada kesempatan pertama.
Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih.
Ottawa, 17 Juni 2009
Qver tha past decade ldonesia has been suceessfully reducing tts dependenct on oil and gas expottr
thrcugh a growing and increasingly diverse baskef of axporls, particularly in the fumiture and fexffles
secfors.. Neverfheloss tie benefls of tnde have not yet reachad many regions and groups within this
countd, particularly vnmen. lndonesian wotnon amaunt for 65 perceni af tne country's informal sactor,
where there is no job secuity, wages are low, workers' rights are not pratectad and the women are
denied socla/ secunty benefits'. lndonesia is also actively pursuing trade to Canada as pail of [s exporl
growth and dlversification strategy. They have alrcady made several invastmants in this regard such as
by translating TFO's Exporting to Canada Handbook rnfo Bafiasa lndonesia and contracting a cusfomlsed
sfudy of the footwear market in Canada, and they are planning on opening a dedicated trade offiw in
Canada sometime in 2009-10. Early in 2008, TFO rcceireor a reguest fnm lndonesian trade afficials far
tnde development support pafticulady in the fields of axporter tnining, trade in seruices and fumitura
erporls to Canada. Given the oppartunity to provide trade related technicalassisfance that will also
address some of the gender imbalances in lndonesia's ecpnomic growth, IFO has agraed to include
lndonesia as ds onlyAslan Partner Cauntry forthis Prognm.
Trade and Development Priorities
According to the National Agency for Export Development (NAFED), a branch of the Ministry of Trade of
Indonesia, their trade priorities are to "Manifest Sre competitiveness of Indoneslan's non-oil and gas
global product and intensify the role of non-oil and gas export in order to stirnulate the National Eeonornie
Growth.' According to their mission statement, fiey hope to achieve their priority by increasing the
competitiveness of product and services exports. Secondly, they hope to shengthen the institutions of
export development and increase the eryporters' competence to enter to global market as a way of
reducing poverty and unemployment rates".
Indonesia's exports to Canada suggest that the country has been successful in this effort. Exports to
Canada have grown sbadily from 2003 when they stood at 664 million USD to 929 million in 2007 (i,e.
growth ol 4lo/o over 4 years). Despite this grow$r Indonesia, one of the most populous countries in the
world, has relatively modest per capita exports to Canada: $2,86 per person, similar to Nicaragua but welt
below that of Ecuador and Guyana.
ln 2007, Indonesian exports to the US were $14.3 billion, and alfrough this was down slightly tom 2006,
from 2003 to 2007 they also gtew by approximately 40o/o. The tables below show that both North
American counfies also import similar producta from lndonesia, For example, Canada's top ten noncommodity imports include four from the textile industry. The United States has seven textile related
products in its top ten lisi of non-commodity imports.
The second most succEssful non-commodity export industry in Indonesia is fumihrre. The tables show
that both canada and the us import a simllar amouRt of wooden tumitufe horn lndoResia on a pei eapita
basis. Canadian imports of bedroom fumiture in particular have lagged behind their U.S. counterparts.
Yet Canada appears poised for grorvth in this sector. Per capitia, the US lmports a much larger amount of
bedroom fumiture than Canada. YeL combined bedroom and wooden fumiture sales to Canada have
grown 62% from 2003 to 2007. Furthermore, a greater number of smaller businesses are also entering
the furniture industry in Indonesiaa, which presenti an opportunig to promob job creation and contribute
to pover$ reduction.
' The Human Development Index (UNDP) for Indonesia
Press Service
flPS), www,iosnews.net
' NAFED, www,nafed.go..id
Fumiture lYorld, www.furninfo.com
is 0.?28,
or l07h out of l?? countries
Another priorig for Indonesia is the services sector, which holds strong potential for irnpact on
employmint, in 2005 service exports from Indonesia to Canada were $84 million", unchanged from
bnnough service imports from other parts of Asia had grown by over 660/o during that same period
Commerciallervices, partiCutarty business process outEouicin$; are notsd as a priority for lndonesia to
increase iF exports, including to Canada.
Pr.rlbvse, cardigsns ard similar article$ of man-
Footu€ar. outer sobs ol rubberlplagth$ uppers of
Many donor trade initiatives are helping lndonesia achieve its potential to export by means of training and
empioyment creation. In 2004, the US ereatad the "Growth through Investment, Agriculture and Trade"
(GlAn Project. Poject activities include the devefopment and impleme"ntation of social and poverty
ieducfion lbticies in the context of globalization and WTO accession". Two years later, Aushalla
implement6d a similar project to support the Indonesian Government including assisting wttf the
MihFtry's strategic traOe iotiCl diiectioh. Thbir oveiall actlvities also target social and poverty reduction,
Table 2 -
t http://www.international. gc.caleetlpdf/Pfuct Services-Sen-200?E en,pdf
wro, tcMb.wo.org
Since 2003, the EU-funded lndonesia Trade Support Program has been helping to simplify international
trade procedures. Trade procedures include the activilies,-practices and formalities involvei in collecting,
presenting, communicating and processing data and oth'er information requlred for
the movement of
goods in international trade.
Donor efforts have also focused on environmental production, since Indonesia is a leader in wooden
furnilyle exports, the mana€ement of its forests is vitil for the long term survival of the industry. In 2002,
!!q. US developed an initiative to improve the Rattan resourci management and trading- system in
Kalimantan. This is an integrated approach towards conservation and r{eneration of natural resources
and economic development in Kalimantan. The initiative also contributei to better forest management
and community-based sustainable economic development of Katimantan, by improving nitural resource
management in general, and the resource management and trading system fbr rattan iriparticular.
Canada has also been prgsent in lndonesia. Canadian aid has contributed to trade capacig building
througlt bitateral private
Ttgtor enterprise development activities. In addition, CIDA recenily launched
new Canada Indonesia Private Sector Enterpriie Development project (itpSeo) which touches on
exporting in addition to its primary focus on noncxport areas of busineis Oevetopment services, including
Proposed Interuentions and Rationale
In its Indonesia orogram TFO will combine its posltive experience in women-oriented trade devetopment
programming with Indonesia's success in growing its export base including exports to Canada.
principal focus of TFo's proposed interventions iJ to ttrui help "tevet tne piaying fietO; wittr respect
?Tssl to trade support services for businesswomen in Indonesia. This prografr has been devetoped
following consultations w1S^!ne Embassy of Indonesia to Canada (trade sdtiin; ino ine Indonesian
e.xnqrt Training Gentre.(IETC). Whyte ReyTFgr the lead executing agency for th6 CtpSED project has
also been consulled to identif, areas where CIPSED and TFO's actiiitiel could complement one another.
l) Exportino for Businesswomen Pr.oju-am
Since 2005 TFO Canada has been offering a specialised program in trade training and support for
businesswomen. The program grew out ol an initiative nriroel by CIDA (Canada-Fund foi Africa),
ACCFSSI for African Businesswomen in International Trade, and it has now been implemented in over
ten counbies. This program of trade haining is delivered in four stages:
ldenfiflcation/confirmation of partner organisation(s) and of trainers
Course adaptation and translation
Training of trainers
Training of businesswomen (potentiauemerging and early-stage exporters)
This haining program will be delivered via TFO Canada and its lead country partner, IETC, through a
national_women's organisation, likely the Indonesian Businesswomen's Associ,htion (to Oe conrtrmedianO
then subsequently delivered
them in the provinces. TFO Canada will support the delivery itage
(exporter training and mentorship) in one or two of the provinces based on neeod and the opportunity-to
reach businesswomen in the market access components of the TFO Indonesia program
The regions to be supported and the selection oi the partner women's organisaiioriwill be
during the planning phase for Sre Indonesia prcgram.
Target Beneficiarbs:
a) 8-10 trainers from two or three trade support institutions.
b) Approximataly 50 Indonesian businesswomen (business owners or manager)
over the du ration of
Program and frorn several export-oriented sectors including fumiture and iervices.
Anticipated Outputs:
Exporter tralnlng program adapted to meet the needs of lndonesian businesswomen.
Trade support organisations are able
Businesswomen supported by the training program and will have identified action$ they need to
undertake in this regard.
to deliver a
specialized export training program for
Speafc G en de r Con sid e ration s :
This program is designed to specifically address gender differences in trade support for businesswomen,
inctuding trade kaining. This will be achieved by including businesswomen-specific examples and case
studies in the training material, by orienting the materialtowards sectors and issues that are of a greater
interest to businesswomen in Indonesia, and via an outreach program by host trade support institutions to
businesswomen who are typically well served by non gender specific trade support programs.
Spec/?c Enviro n me nt Considerafions:
None specific to this activity
Specific Rrbk Consde rations:
None specific to this activity
Resourcs Requ ircments (excluding projecUprcgra m managemant and overh eads) :
The total resource requirement ls $130,000 of which financing of $88,000 (68%) is requested *om CIDA
(see Annex B for delalled budget workings).
I mptementation Partner
IETC will be the initiat lead implementation partner, particularly for lhe train-the-trainer phase of this
project; however the exporter training and mentoring phases will be implemented by one or more
businesswomen's associations. These will be confirmed during the planning phase of this program.
Proposed Partners
The lead overall partner for this country program will be the Indonesia Export Training Centre (IETC).
Additional partners will be involved with the delivery of specific components, as described above. These
will be determined during the planning phase of the program. TFO will coordinate with the CIPSED
project and wherever possible complement existing program activities (e.9. CIPSED's support for ihe
Indonesian Businesswomen's Association in South Sulawesi), TFO will atso liaise with other donor
activilies in lndonesia to ensure complementarities with its program, particularly those of the EU and
USAID. IETC is already a pafiner with the CBI from the Netherlands with whom it is implementing an
export training/coaching program. TFO's proposed intervention with IETC has been developed in a
manner that complements the support provided by CBI by strenglhening IETC's capacity to outreach
directly to businesswomen in lndonesia, particularly those in disadvantaged regions.
Indonesla Export Tralning Gentre (IETC)
The Indonesia Export Training Centre currently manages education, training and consultation services.
Its Professional Education on Export Managemenf program aims to train participants to think globally and
improve professional exporUimport management. lts training programs include the following topics:
intemational trade; product development; export promotiorlexport communication; export marketing
strategy; quality; and competition management. Finally, IETC's consulting services include: support to
ldentifiy foreign buyers and trade partners; preparation of promotional tools; perticipation in international
exhibitions; negotiating with overseas buyers; and export cost calculations,
IETC's activities in integrating education and export training aim to increase the nurnber of exporters,
subsequenily increasing Indonesia's export value in the global market. IETC focuses on building and
improving product image in lndonesia, a rnust in today's competltive global market. According to the
Minister of Trade, the existence and development of IETC will continuously be required to improve
Human Resources Development in exports, especially in transforming local enhepreneurs into €xporters.
IETC cooperateg with domestic entrepreneurs and business professionals. The Centre organizes expofi
training sesgions
in cooperation wlth domesfic
industry and trade offices
municipalities, private and state-owned com panies and universities.
in provinoes,
Workshop t : GaiegGtobal
- An lntroduction to lnternotionol Trade
This workrhop wilt hetp exporters to understand what they need to know before
exporting. They witt understand how international trade igreements can open up markets ?or
thelr products and services and what they need to know ab-out the increastng imfortance of
globatization. They will be in a-better position to determine how they fit inlo ttie gtobal,
vatue chain and whether exporting is rilht for them.
modules include:
The International Trade Environment
Global vatue Chain
ls Exporting Right for You?
- Building Your Compony,s Expart plon
Once a company has decided
to pursue internationat markets, they must consider how their
gveratt strategy witl need to be modified. lt att starts with gainini a better understanding of
target markets and assessing the potentiat for products andlervices. Productfon capabitities
and information technology systems must be adequatety in ptace. Also, staff witt need to
refine their communication skitts and gain a better understinding of how to do business in
other markets.
A'lqdytes covered inctude:
Market Research
Buitding Production Capabitities
Building your Export Plan
: lta r ke,j E-ltt ty-St ra t e s v
Promoting Awareness of your products
Preparing to enter the market means being ready to provide very specific information about a
company's products and/or seryices. Product specifications need to meet international
standards, export pricing needs to inctude speciat packaging costs as welt as transportation to
a customer's destination. Decisions must be made regardin[ whether to seil direci or to work
with distributors,. agents or partners. Promotionat methodJwltt neeU to be carefutty thought
out and executed.
Mgdules include:
Setting up Distribution Channels
Costing and Pricing
Prompting Customers
Exporting Your Services
qzliaking the Sale,
- Turning your prospect into your Customer
suctessful, prompt, professional l.""fon"r, are required, lt is important
pertinent details are included in quotetions. Business is conducted
to ensure that
Oitfbrentty in different
of the world so fine-tuning,one's negotiation skitls will be worthwhlte in the long
contract will become the binding agreement between a supplier and ils custorier, therefore
understanding the legal aspects willensure that one is weil'protected,
Modules include:
Responding to Enquiries
Preparing a Quotation
Contracting and LegalAspects
Workshop 5:
Keeping the cash flowing and tfiaking sure you Get paid
Accgsl to adequate finance expands an exporter's chances of success. Several options are
avaitabte for financing export transactions. Some are faster than others, and some are riskier.
It ls important to have a fult understanding of the financing instruments and the informagon
that financiat institutions will require. Exporters must be frepared to spend some extra time
projecHng cash ftows.
Modules include:
Financing Options and Getting paid
Cash Flow Management
Workshop 6:
- Getting your Product to tllarket
Careful consideration needs to be given to packaging and tabelting, whether it is for point of
sale purposes or to be in accordance with internitionat shippfng rEgulations. Documents drlve
trade. They are an essentiat part of ensuring payment, that the godds are delivered and
provide proof of export for both the setter and the buyer.
lrtodules include:
Packaging and Labetling
Export Documentation