July 2-3 - St. Margaret of Scotland Parish


July 2-3 - St. Margaret of Scotland Parish
Parish Office Staff
Parish Life
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John P. Hopkins
St. Vincent DePaul Society
Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136
Tommy Watts
Austin Lobo
Religious Education
Madeline Romano
[email protected]
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Catherine Charles, SND
[email protected]
Parish Support Staff
Tina Maichle
[email protected]
Knights of Columbus
Rob Szczerba: 302-836-5806
Teri Dzik: 302-834-5590
Parent Bereavement Group
Irene Felker: 302-834-8259
Jean Brady: 302-738-5126
Prayer Line
Karen Kolek: 302-834-0225 ext. 108
Daughters of St. Francis de Sales
Susan Brubaker: 302-834-1671
Pastoral Counseling
Sandy Cooper: 302-738-4539
Bible Study and Faith Sharing
Deacon Tommy Watts: 302-834-5408
Lois Nowell
[email protected]
Boy Scouts
Jonathan Nicholls: 302-838-5294
General Information
[email protected]
Friends of St. Margaret (50 +)
Sr. Catherine Charles: 302-834-0225 ex. 105
Cub Scouts
Joe Musike 302-545-8149
St. Margaret of Scotland Football Team
Michael Klepacki: 302-229-2285
Parish Ministries
Golf Committee
Mike DeShaies: 302-365-5136
Mike Ryan: 302-283-1474
Special Ministers of Holy Communion
Kathy Linsner: 302-832-1488
Church Cleaning Group
Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738
Lynn Woerner: 302-836-5206
Janet and Ed Tyczkowski: 302-832-1057
Altar Servers
David or Lisa Carey: 738-9530
Suzanne Kirk: 302-369-6443
Nursery / Babysitting
Megan Januszka: 302-454-0112
Cantors & Choir
Tom Mucchetti: 610-220-2690
Mary Kate Newell: 302-521-7788
Margaret’s Song (guitar & choir)
John and Patty Jacob: 302-388-0767
Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers)
Tim Higgins: 302-836-1099
RCIA (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Michael Felker: 302-834-8259
Doughnuts / Refreshments after Mass
Cindy Sparco: 302-836-0385
Welcoming Committee
Trish Gerhart: 302-379-3869
Prayer Shawl
Sara Moss Starkey: 302-836-4008
Barbara Coates: 302-838-7738
Social Justice Committee
Bill Mitchell: 302-836-6006
Meg Kane-Smith: 302-836-3511
Women at the Well
Janet McGehean: 302-392-2236
Francis Woerner: 302-836-5206
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Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am & 10:30 am
Weekday: Mon., Wed., & Fr i. 8:30 am
Holy Day: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm
Reconciliation: Sat. 4:30 pm
Rosary: Thur s. 7:00 pm
Recitation of the Rosary is held every Thursday
at 7:00 p.m. in the church.
First Friday Adoration
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 2 & 3, 2016
Adoration is held from 9am - 10am
on the first Friday of every month. All are welcome to join us
in worshiping our Lord.
Living the Paschal Mystery
Mass Intentions
The establishment of God’s reign is already an inbreaking of the final glory that will be ours—our
“names are (already) written in heaven.” References to
the abundance of the end of times are captured in the
“harvest” metaphor Jesus uses. Jesus looks at the harvest and sees abundance and fulfillment. Some of this
abundance and fulfillment is surely realized in our own
taking up of Jesus; mission to bring peace, to heal, and
to dispel evil. The challenge of the gospel is that we
don’t get so lost in doing Jesus’ mission that we forget
being faithful disciples is in itself already an in-breaking
of God’s kingdom. Living the paschal mystery means
that we let go of even the responses others might give to
our Gospel living and surrender ourselves to be laborers
for the harvest of peace and Presence.
July 4
July 6
July 8
July 9
July 10
8:30 am
8:30 am
8:30 am
5:30 pm
8:30 am
10:30 am
Matthew Mitchell
Sheila DeShaies
Andy Hutson
Aileen Murray
Thomas Concavage
Paula Levine
Baptisms can be scheduled on most Sundays at noon
or during any of our Masses. If this is your first child
you are required to attend a class before the Baptism
can be scheduled. Call the office to schedule.
Saturday at 4:30pm or by appointment.
-Living Liturgy
Parish Office Hours for the Summer are:
MON—THURS: 9:00am– 4:00pm
FRI: 9:00am—12:00pm
Consult the parish priest at least one year before your
wedding date.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the
following new parishioners to St. Margaret of Scotland Parish.
Thomas and Archana Binoy: Christopher
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Parish News
St. Vincent de Paul Food Closet
Thank you for your generous donations to satisfy the needs of the
food closet. The items that are currently needed are desserts, jell-o
and spaghetti sauce. Thank you for your gener osity in helping to
feed and care for the community.
From the Religious Ed Office:
VBS Registrations are coming in fast! Don’t miss Barnyard
Roundup this year, during the week of August 1. All registration
information, including the week’s lineup and a daily Bible Study
reflection for parents, can be found on the parish website, Religious
Education page. If you hover over the Religious Education tab, you
will see the VBS link appear.
Religious Ed Registration News – The 2016-17 RE calendar will
be posted by July 1. Watch for it! Lots of new, hopefully exciting,
activities for ALL parish families with children will be offered. The
sacrament formation calendar for Reconciliation & First Eucharist
will be posted by August 1.
Religious Education classes are held on Sunday mornings or Tuesday evenings in Christ the Teacher school, for all children of parish
families who attend any non-Catholic school. Children should be
enrolled in the parish religious education program from Kindergarten, straight through until 9th grade, when the prepare for and receive
the sacrament of Confirmation.
All registration information and
forms can be found on the parish website, Religious Education
page. RE registration closes August 30.
Vacation Bible School
Aug. 1st - Aug. 5th
8:30am– 12:00pm
VBS 2016 is “farm-tastic!”
Registration is open for those who are entering Kindergarten through
entering Grade 5, who will attend VBS from August 1st to August
5th, from 8:30 am to 12 Noon. The cost is $35 per child. Come
along with us as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat yummy
snacks, play awesome games, and more. Plus, you’ll learn all about
Jesus our Savior and how He gathers us together! Can’t wait to see
you there! To register, print out one registration form per family, as
well as once Consent Form A for each child, found on the VBS page
of the parish website, www.margaretofscotland.org. Send your form
back to Mrs. Romano c/o Religious Education Office, or drop it off
in the Barnyard Roundup VBS bag found on the table in the gathering space in church.
Any questions? Just email [email protected] or call 834-0225, ext. 103.
Want to help? Come be part of Barnyard Roundup VBS! At Barnyard Roundup VBS, as VBS staff you can live out the theme “Jesus
Gathers Us Together” as you share the message and the fun with
kids! If you can help full or part time, we have many ways to be
involved to suit your schedule and interests. We are looking for
adults and high-school age helpers. Email Madeline Romano at
[email protected] or call 834-0225, ext. 103 for
more information. Join us to see how Jesus gathers us together!
Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
Next week, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central
and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organizations
that provide affordable shelter and training for seminarians in a region that still struggles from the effects of Soviet rule. By providing
pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your
donations help restore the Church and build the future in the region.
Please visit www.usccb.org/ccee.
The St. David Council #12842, invites men 18 and older to join us in
supporting the parish and the community through acts of service.
Please call Grand Knight Rob Szczerba for additional information at
302-836-5806 or e-mail [email protected].
Knights of Columbus
“July” Family of the Month
Walter and Diane Kolisz
Walter stepped up to be the new Grand Knight for the term.
The parish and the Knights of Columbus community are very
grateful. Thank you for giving your time and dedication to
this committee.
If you enjoy Rock Climbing, Exploring caves, Camping,
Bike Riding and so much more, consider joining Boy Scout
Troop 283. You can enjoy all of these fun activities and learn skills
that will last a lifetime. For more information about joining, contact
Rob Szczerba, Membership Chair, at 302-836-5806 or email at
[email protected].
Looking for help to clean the Church on the 1st Mondays of the month. Takes no more than 1 ½ hours if we
have 6 people. PLEASE call Barbara Coates 302-838-7738.
Prayer Shawls and Lapghans are available during
the summer. Blessed by MSGR. Hopkins and made
by our talented parishioners. Call Barbara Coates
302-838-7738 or stop by the parish office.
St Margaret’s Warriors Football
Registration for 2016
Registration for St. Margaret’s football is now open
online. We will have an onsite registration on July 10th at St.
Margaret’s Church parking lot from 4pm to 5pm. Our teams
consist of children who will be in grades 4th thru 6th, as well as
grades 7th and 8th during the 2016 school year. A low fee of $175 is
due at the time of registration. Registration forms can be printed in
advance by visiting the team’s website at www.leaguelineup.com/
*All Home games and practice at Caravel Academy, Red Lion stadium or Gunning Bedford school.
*All games are played at High School stadiums in New Castle County.
Additional information on the team, league, registration, or eligibility can be obtained by calling Mike Klepacki @ 229-2285.
Social Justice Reflection
meets the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm in the parish
center. The next meetings: August 4, September 1, October 6,
November 3, and December 1. There is no July meeting.
FAIR TRADE: We thank you for the continued suppor t of the
Fair Trade Products through your purchases. The products are available on the third weekend of every month. The next weekend for
sales is July 16 & 17. This month we will have our standard coffee,
tea and chocolate for sale.
CLEAN KIDS PROJECT –Thank you for your continued donation
of soap for the children in Guatemala. Donations are still needed
and much appreciated they can be dropped off at the box as you
enter the gathering space.
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Community News
Why Catholic Cemeteries?
In today’s gospel we hear that Jesus was moved by compassion for a
widowed mother and raised her dead son to life. This was before His
own death and resurrection from the dead. Jesus, by his cross and
resurrection, has set us free from earthly death and has given each of
us the gift of eternal life. In a world that regards death as a sad end,
Catholic Cemeteries stand as visible reminders of our faith in Jesus
and an enduring hope in eternal life. They are the resting places for
our mortal remains until the final resurrection of all the dead on the
last day. Our burial together, as followers of Christ, is enduring and
powerful testament to our hope in eternal life with God. For more
information on making your cemetery arrangements please call
(302) 656 -3323.
The Alliance of the Two Hearts “Communion
of Reparation All Night Vigil” is held on the
First Friday and Saturday of each month. Please
join us July 1 at St. Hedwig Chapel, 408 S. Harrison St., Wilmington from 8:15 pm to 2:30am. Includes First Friday and Saturday Masses, Confession, Rosary and Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament. For more information call Irene Harach 302738-1285.
Our Lady of Fatima Annual Parish Fair
July 11th — July 16th
6-10PM Nightly
Visit the website at WWW.OLFNEWCASTLE.COM
Check out our blog at olffair.blogspot.com.
One out of every three adults over the age of 65 will fall every year.
Are you a senior who has concerns about falling?
A Matter of Balance and Christiana Care can help. A Matter of Balance is a free class for older adults intended to teach people how to
avoid falls and reduce their fear of falling. Christiana Care is offering these classes on the Newark Christiana Care campus throughout
the year. The class meets for 2 hours one day every week for 8
weeks. You will learn how to prevent falls and exercises to improve
balance. The next class begins on Tuesday June 28th from 1-3pm.
There are also 2 more classes scheduled through the end of 2016. To
sign up for a class or learn about A Matter of Balance classes offered at other sites throughout the state, contact Susan Fox at 302255-9690 or [email protected].
Christ the Teacher School
Our Regional Catholic School
For additional information visit
Annual St. Joseph Parish Carnival Middletown
Tuesday, July 19 thru Saturday, July 23, 2016
Exciting rides, games and nightly entertainment under the big top! Special children’s game area. Nightly raffles. Delicious meals in our air-conditioned Parish Hall beginning at 5:30 pm
Tues.-Friday. Outdoor dining, rides and games begin at 6:00 pm
nightly. FREE admission and parking. More information—call
Parish Office 302-378-5800 or www.stjosephmiddletown.com.
Benedicta Women's Leadership Conference &
Women of Grace
Malvern Retreat House is hosting two retreat opportunities in July
with well-known retreat director Johnnette Benkovic. On July 7-8
the Benedicta Women's Leadership Conference will train women to
be active leaders and mentors. This conference will be followed by
the Women of Grace weekend retreat on July 8-10. This retreat will
include four noteworthy speakers and a focus on the theme "Hail,
Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy: Our Refuge on the Battlefield of
Life." To register, please visit malvernretreat.com/register or call
610-644-0400 for more information.
C.R.E. POSITION AVAILABLE: Coor dinator of Religious
Education, at St. Catherine of Siena Parish Prices Corner, Wilmington. Responsible for classes for 150 children; and for First Penance
and Holy Communion programs. 25 hours per week. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree; at least five years’ experience as religious
educator. Please contact Rev. John Hynes, 633-4900 to learn more.
Centering Prayer Retreat Led by Therese Saulnier of
Contemplative Outreach at
Jesus House Prayer & Renewal Center
2501 Milltown Rd.Wilm.DE 19808 /July 22-24, 2016
Centering Prayer is a receptive method of silent prayer that prepares
us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, prayer in which we
experience God’s presence within us, closer than breathing, closer
than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Centering Prayer emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God and as a movement beyond conversation with Christ
to communion with Christ. Therese has been practicing Centering
Prayer for 28 years and teaching Centering Prayer for 25
years. Therese works for a Fortune 500 company and offers a
unique perspective in living a contemplative life in 21st century
America. Therese holds a Master of Arts degree in Theology, with a
concentration in Spirituality, from Fordham University. The retreat
will begin with Check-in after 4 pm with dinner at 6 pm on Friday and end with lunch at 12:30p on Sunday. Cost for this retreat is
$225 for a semi-private room or $250 for a private room, which
includes 2 overnights and 6 meals. There is also a commuter option
for $175 with all meals. There is a $75 non-refundable deposit. Call our office at 302-995-6859 to register.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Delaware / Maryland / Eastern Shore
In today’s Gospel Jesus sends the 72 out to tell the people the good
news. We are each called by Christ to go out to all the world and
tell the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do we reflect the
love of Christ in our relationships, especially our marriage relationship? Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by
attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend scheduled for November 4-6 in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For mor e infor mation, visit our website at www.wwme-delmar.org or to r egister
for the weekend, please call Tony & Linda Massino @ 302-2209833.
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Diocese News
The Diocese of Wilmington Catholic Charities’ Delaware Energy
Assistance Program (DEAP) which provides assistance with home
energy costs is seeking 7 Seasonal Intake Workers – 2 located in
Wilmington, 4 in Dover and 1 in Georgetown, Delaware. Free parking. Primary responsibilities are communicating information to clients regarding DEAP’s services and processes. Interviews clients,
data entry DEAP applications, performs calculations and collects
documentation required by law. Determines eligibility of clients,
completes the files on each client and maintains client records. Refers clients to other community resources and/or programs. DEAP
runs from August through March but the length of the assignment
will be dependent on factors such as program funding and client
utilization. For more information or to apply go to [email protected]
The Diocese of Wilmington Catholic Charities’ Delaware Energy
Assistance Program which provides assistance with home energy
costs is seeking 1seasonal Receptionist/Telephone Operator in
Georgetown, Delaware. Free parking. Primary responsibilities are
answer incoming calls from clients, respond to inquiries regarding
all DEAP Programs, schedule appointments and utilize the database
to provide updates to clients. DEAP runs from August through
March but the length of the assignment will be dependent on factors
such as program funding and client utilization. For more information or to apply, see our posting on www.CareerBuilder.com EOE
Field Specialist of the Home Assistance Program (HAP)
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington is seeking Field
Specialists for the Home Assistance Program to cover the entire
State of Delaware with the workplace located at the Dover office.
Salary, excellent benefit package which includes health/dental insurance, 403 (b), LTD, FSA, voluntary group life, accident, cancer and
hospital confinement insurance, vacation, sick/personal days and
holidays. Free parking. These individuals perform audits, formulation of work orders based on the audit findings, monitors work progress, provides technical assistance as needed and conducts the final
inspections and all associated paperwork to maximize energy efficiency and reduce the energy burden of low income families
throughout the State of Delaware. The primary responsibilities are
identifying ways that client’s housing unit and its systems are not up
to minimum standards and detecting any health and safety issues.
Prepares work orders based on audits, on-site monitoring of work
progress of contractors, provides technical assistance as needed,
educates clients the work to be performed. Conducts the final inspection of the completed work and provides quality assurance of
the work performed or items supplied to ensure compliance with the
HAP best practices. This candidate must hold a high school diploma
or equivalent. Three to seven years of relevant work experience in
the building trades or related fields and State and local building
codes. For more information or to apply, see our posting on
www.Careerbuilder.com EOE
The Diocesan Office for Marriage and Family Life is looking for
Catechists for Pre-Cana and Remarriage classes. For more information, please call Rita McDowell at 302-295– 0667.
Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy
Information about the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is
available at a special Vatican website – www.im.va.
Diocese of Wilmington events that are tied into the Jubilee of Mercy
will be announced on the diocesan website – www.cdow.org/mercy.
The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy will conclude on the Solemnity
of Christ the King on November 20, 2016.
Are you Being Called to God?
Through the prophecy of Isaiah, God promises His people that “as a
mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” In the last two
thousand years, God has called countless women and men to bring
comfort to His people as religious sisters and brothers, as deacons
and as priests. Could He be calling you to comfort His people in this
generation? Call or write Father Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of
Priestly & Religious Vocations 302-573-3113, [email protected]
And be sure to visit our website: www.cdow.org/vocations!
Marriage Moments
How much independence is good in a marriage? Certainly
husband and wife should be able to stand on their own two feet and
not rely on their spouse for identity and self-worth; BUT interdependence is better. What do you depend on your spouse to do
around your home?
Parenting Pointers
...love your neighbor as you love yourself (Luke 10:27)-It's a
familiar verse; perhaps so familiar we take it for granted. How do I
love myself? (Do I take care of my health, my mind?...) Help your
children identify their strengths today. Not just general strengths. Be
Good News
Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday
morning at 10:05 a.m. on WDEL 101.7 FM, 1150 AM and
www.wdel.com. Next Sunday, July 10th tune in to hear an interview with Father Glenn Evers, Associate Pastor of Saints Peter and
Paul Parish in Easton, and Associate Director of Vocation for the
Diocese of Wilmington. For photos, information regarding upcoming guests, podcasts and more, “Like” Catholic Forum on Facebook
at www.facebook.com/catholicforum. Listen to past episodes of
Catholic Forum online at catholicforumradio.libsyn.com or search
“Catholic Forum Radio” on iTunes podcasts.
Family Service Day for the Year of Mercy
Are you interested in service to others? Is your family willing to
assist various parishes or the monastery with service work? The
Office for Marriage and Family Life, in conjunction with Immaculate Heart of Mary is planning a Family Service Day on Saturday,
July 23, 2016. We will begin with continental breakfast and a brief
prayer at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish at 9 am, before you
begin your mission. If you are interested, please contact the Office
for Marriage and Family Life at 302-295-0667 with your name,
phone number, number in your party, and ages of children, if they
will be volunteering. If you have a particular gift or interest, please
let us know. Possible service includes painting, cleaning, stocking
of food pantries, gardening, etc.
July 3rd - July 10th
July 3– Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 66:10-14c/ 6:14-18/ Lk 10:1-12, 17-20
July 4– Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22/ Mt 9:18-26
July 5– Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/ Mt 9:32-38
July 6- Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/ Mt 10:1-7
July 7– Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9/ Mt 10:7-15
July 8– Hos 14:2-10/ Mt 10:16-23
July 9- Is 6:1-8/ Mt 10:24-33
July 10– Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dt 30: 10-14/ Col 1:15-20/ Lk 10:25-37
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