Elements of Art and Beyonce PowerPoint


Elements of Art and Beyonce PowerPoint
The Elements of Art
The easiest way I have found to remember
all 7 elements of art is via this acrostic:
Beyonce's hair
is a great
of texture.
Examples of Texture
Very = Value
This picture of Beyonce is a
good representation of value
because of how the smoke
goes from bright white (in the
center) and fades into black
(around the outside).
Examples of Value
Fine = Form
Form is basically anything
that is either 3D or LOOKS
like it's 3D.
Examples of Form
Lady = Line
There are lots of different
types of lines, from
straight to curvy and
Examples of Line
Sure = Shape
ORGANIC shapes are shapes that can
be found in nature, like what's on
Beyonce's eye. GEOMETRIC shapes
are circles, squares, triangles and
other shapes that are usually too
"perfect" to be found in nature.
Examples of Shape
Can = Color
There are three main types of colors
on the color wheel: primary,
secondary and tertiary. There are
multiple combinations that can be
made with these colors.
Examples of Color
Sing = Space
Space has to do with how far away or how
close objects are together. For example,
are the objects in the picture overlapping?
That is an interesting use of space. Are the
objects spaced very far apart and
surrounded by empty space?
Examples of Space
Elements of Art Assignment
Remember to Fill each area and to use COLOR!
Step 1 – Divide your paper into 8 equal
Step 2 – Label one section with your name.
Label each section with an element of art.
Step 3 – Fill in each section with your own
representation of that element.
Elements of Art Assignment
Elements of Art Assignment