The Intercity Group – Passion for Real Estate


The Intercity Group – Passion for Real Estate
Intercityhaus Zurich (Headquarters)
The Intercity Group –
Passion for Real Estate
«Freilager Zürich»: first letting of 796 apartments by Intercity Zürich AG
and of 7,300 m² retail and office space by SPG Intercity Zurich AG (2014 / 15)
We offer professional, dedicated and successful sales, property management and
lettings, services and provide comprehensive advice – to the benefit of our clients.
The Intercity Group is a real estate ser-
• Personal. Whilst being large enough
Our many satisfied private and corporate
vice company with subsidiaries located
to handle the most complex real estate
clients are the most important proof of
in all the major business centres across
assignment, we are still small enough
the excellence of our service.
German-speaking Switzerland and with
to offer special, individual customer
national and international partners. For
all aspects of real estate, our many years of experience and the advantages of
our specialist companies makes us your
ideal partner.
• Competent. We are real estate specialists in all our selected fields.
• Independent. As a family owned and
operated business and independent
service provider, we have no conflicts of
The Intercity Group
• sells a house or apartment every day,
• lets an apartment (first letting) every day,
• lets 100 m² of office, retail or commercial
space every day,
• brokers an investment property deal
every week,
• manages over 25,000 rental properties
• manages 135 communities of
condominium owners.
Condominiums «Am Seeufer» in Horgen-Zurich:
sale by Wüst und Wüst AG (2012 / 14)
Intercity Group Executive Board
Herbert J. Wüst
Robert Hauri FRICS
Cornelia Hürlimann
lic. oec. HSG
eidg. dipl. Immobilien-Treu­händer
Deputy CEO
CEO Intercity Verwaltungs-AG
CEO SPG Intercity Zurich AG
Msc Real Estate (CUREM / UNI ZH)
eidg. dipl. Immobilien-Treuhänder
lic. oec. HSG
dipl. Wirtschafts­prüferin
Markus Wüst
Michael Blaser
Manager Intercity Basel and Bern
lic. oec. publ.
eidg. dipl. Immobilien-Treuhänder
CEO Wüst und Wüst AG
Manager Residential Marketing
Immobilienvermarkter mit eidg. FA
Intercity Group Holding AG, Zug (Board of Directors)x
Markus Wüst, Chairman, Winkel ZH, with the company since 1988, Herbert Wüst, Delegate of the Board of Directors, Zurich, with the company since 1981,
Toni Bächler, Weggis LU, with the company since 1964, Dieter Herweijer, Küsnacht ZH, with the company since 1969, Beat Meister, Erlenbach ZH,
Annelies Wüst, Zurich, with the company since 1986
«Löwenbräu RED» in Zurich-West: letting of 5,300 m² of
office space by SPG Intercity Zurich AG (2012; tenant
representation mandate from a reinsurance company)
The answer to all your real estate needs
Rooted in Eastern Switzerland
Bringing people together
Our head office has been established for
Since 1972, Hugo Steiner AG has built up
Wüst und Wüst has enjoyed a long traditi-
60 years. With branch offices in all the
a reputation in eastern Switzerland as a
on in the brokering of exclusive residential
regions in German-speaking Switzerland,
dedicated real estate agent and experi-
properties. As property agents, we bring
Intercity can react quickly and locally in all
enced property valuer. Our extensive expe-
people together – buyers and sellers, pro-
markets. We assist our clients in all real
rience gives us an in-depth knowledge and
perty developers and local authorities, ow-
estate matters: management, sales, let-
understanding of local issues and we work
ners and developers. We advise our clients
tings and advice.
within a strong corporate network. This is
in the marketing, search and development
the basis for our long-term and successful
of exceptional properties. Wüst und Wüst
client relationships.
is an ‹exclusive affiliate› of the auction
house Christie’s real estate network for
German-speaking Switzerland.
Zurich, Lucerne, Berne, Basel, Olten,
St.Gallen and Zug
Zurich, Lucerne and Zug
«The specialist firms within the
Intercity Group share skills, experience
and a passion for your property.»
Herbert J. Wüst
CEO Intercity Group
Your first point of contact for commer-
Your partner in the construction process
Network of quality agents
cial real estate and investment property
You have one objective – the development is the Swiss network for resi-
SPG Intercity (a joint venture of SPG Société
of a site, the construction of a residential
dential property sales and home owner-
Privée de Gérance in Geneva and the Intercity
or commercial property, the renovation of a
ship. Initiated by Intercity, now
Group) specialises in the letting and search
building, an infrastructure or design pro-
encompasses over 50 established agency
for office and retail space and the brokering
ject. Inova Intercity will help you to achieve
offices throughout Switzerland.
of national and international investment
your objective and to overcome any prob-
has built a valuable network with its partner
deals. SPG Intercity has been associated
lems or difficulties. Our scope of services
companies and provides support in winning
with the global network of Cushman & Wa-
includes the representation and advising
mandates and in the sale of residential real
kefield since 1993 and was the first com-
of builders and property developers, and
estate using effective marketing tools.
pany in German-speaking Switzerland to be
quantity surveying.
accepted under the RICS Regulated firms’
Zurich, Basel, Geneva and Lausanne
Zurich, Uster and Basel
Partnerships throughout Switzerland
«anfos / haus» in the city of Basel:
re-letting of 21 apartments, 836 m² of
retail space and 5,318 m² of office space by
Intercity Basel (2012 / 13)
Intercity Zürich
SPG Intercity Zürich
Inova Intercity Uster
Zollikerstrasse 141, 8008 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 388 58 58
Zollikerstrasse 141, 8008 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 388 58 48
Zentrum Insel
Aathalstrasse 36, 28610 Uster
Tel. +41 44 942 12 01
Intercity Luzern
Wüst und Wüst Luzern
Alpenstrasse 6, 6004 Lucerne
Tel. +41 41 418 40 10
Alpenstrasse 6, 6004 Lucerne
Tel. +41 41 418 40 29
Intercity Basel
SPG Intercity Basel
Inova Intercity Basel
Intercityhaus am Aeschenplatz
St. Jakobs-Strasse 3, 4052 Basel
Tel. +41 61 317 67 67
Intercityhaus am Aeschenplatz
St. Jakobs-Strasse 3, 4052 Basel
Tel. +41 61 317 67 80
Intercityhaus am Aeschenplatz
St. Jakobs-Strasse 3, 4020 Basel
Tel. +41 61 317 67 77
Intercity St. Gallen
Hugo Steiner AG
Hugo Steiner-Haus
St. Leonhard-Strasse 49 9001 St. Gallen
Tel. +41 71 243 21 00
Hugo Steiner-Haus
St. Leonhard-Strasse 49, 9001 St. Gallen
Tel. +41 71 243 21 31
Intercity Bern
Intercity Olten
Intercity Zug
Intercityhaus am Loryplatz
Könizstrasse 1, 3008 Berne
Tel. +41 31 310 42 24
Jurastrasse 19
4600 Olten
Tel. +41 62 206 10 20
Fischmarkt 1
6300 Zug
Tel. +41 41 727 53 70
Wüst und Wüst AG
Wüst und Wüst Zug
Wüst und Wüst-Haus
Seestrasse 221, 8700 Küsnacht
Tel. +41 44 388 58 68
Fischmarkt 1
6300 Zug
Tel. +41 41 727 53 80
Zollikerstrasse 141, 8008 Zurich
Tel. +41 44 388 56 00
Die Intercity Group is an independent real estate company with offices in Zurich, Lucerne, Berne, Basel, St. Gallen, Olten and Zug. Hugo
Steiner AG in St. Gallen. Wüst und Wüst for luxury homes in Zürich, Lucerne and Zug (exclusive affiliate of Christie’s International Real
Estate). SPG Intercity commercial property consultants in Zurich, Basel, Geneva and Lausanne (alliance partner of Cushman & Wakefield). Inova Intercity as property advisors in Zurich, Uster and Basel. the quality network for residential real estate brokers.
Edition Q3 / 2014
Local roots. National presence.