Buffalo Ranch Newsletter
Buffalo Ranch Newsletter
Buffalo Ranch Newsletter Third Edition 2016 Board of Directors Michael Thomas President Vikki Pinnicchia Vice President Lanny Maren Secretary Arthur Rosenwach Treasurer John Phillips Director Oil Stains in the Driveways In the recent months many violations were issued for oil stains in the driveway. The Board has put together some tips to help you remove the stains. 1. The ZEP Commercial 128 oz. Driveway, Concrete and Masonry Cleaner is a concentrated solution that provides fast and powerful cleaning. It removes grease, dirt and oil from concrete, brick, asphalt and quarry tile. One 128 oz. bottle can make up to 20 Gal. of cleaner. 2. Tide with bleach powder; just need to keep scrubbing it, it is not a 5 minute process. 3. Brake fluid cleaner and a scrub brush. 4. Power washing before and after any of the above options. Painting or staining the driveway to cover the stains is not an option. The paint will only peel away in the high desert temperatures and the stains are likely to seep back through. Overwatering It has come to the attention of the Board that many homeowners are overwatering their rear yard landscaping. This is causing leeching into neighboring yards and/or flooding in the common areas. You can take these steps to prevent overwatering: 1. Check your irrigation time clocks to ensure you are on the correct watering schedule. 2. Place a waterproof barrier between your planter and the perimeter wall. 3. Relocate your plants to three feet from the wall and trees to five feet from the wall to ensure the watering will not effect the wall. 4. Have your irrigation checked for leaks. Buffalo Ranch Community Website CAMCO Sarah Pellino, S. Community Manager, sarah.pellino@ camconevada.com Tricia Kornegay, Community Assistant, tricia.kornegay@ camconevada.com Phone (702) 531-3382 Fax (702) 531-3392 P.O. Box 400518 Las Vegas, NV 89140 www.camconevada.com Hours of Operation: Monday– Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-4:30pm The Buffalo Ranch website is up and running. You can visit the website for copies of previous meeting minutes, forms, updates on the community, and to submit questions or report concerns. In order to save the association some money: THIS WILL BE THE LAST MAILED NEWSLETTER. You will need to check out the website from this point forward in order to view the newsletters. Please keep in mind that if you have a tenant you may want to download the newsletter and send a copy to your tenants. You can visit the website any time: www.buffaloranchlasvegas.com If you have suggestions for content please submit them on the website. A big thanks to John Phillips for working so hard to set this up! GATE BALLOTS At the 4/20/16 meeting the gate ballots were opened. The Community received 290 ballots with a total of 224 “Yes” votes and 66 “No” votes. The Community only needs 53 more “Yes” votes to install the gates. If you have not voted you will be receiving another ballot– it is imperative that you vote on this very important issue. 2016 Meeting Dates 6/15/16 8/17/16 10/19/16 12/07/16 All meetings will be held at CAMCO Durango: 5980 S. Durango #131, Las Vegas, NV 89113 at 6pm Buffalo Ranch Third Edition 2016 Board of Directors ft Vikki Pinnicchia Vice President +,E, H€IFiWF ft ]ts H 7 T,)' 'f I H'! 6t xt' +€ iH br* E"J :€ . T HE j&++ifrtf.&# we, +€ . tr tg s € it H 51Z;,, fpl €ft Hifi T ftr w E*\thYfr , t 5I + + ft ,fe ffi ffi &W\H.T tr tr Et zK " lf, lAT 4:lt fu T e\}tEfiffi zK,H . iH€ffi D)T frlfrgR*p}.rL ffi sEHzK" *, 1. f6 A1fi Pl iH iffi 2. iH J. iE\4ffi+n&$UHtB 4. reHtPi}kR2fi€AiffizK" ft+HW tr H Ht' lnl iffi Z Fd 3 Buffalo Ranch,i+tr F{f* 'ffr iE E€ iE Eft*I " FqE Fi zK rF FF . f(, ittri# s f(H!i&u, X'fXitrift7KZ^@6Nfri'*44. E24trfr t. *, " l& HI D_lifi H Eifi F.l€;#Hfe*, #ffi " T frl4},E&#fti#, +El f€il ig;# . Af+ 6ENti'€A T -,1-b IlY. " DJHf i*)B + ft {6 - }tffi ,tr # ir tr rh, i6 Sil,i+ E Tricia Kornegay, ifl, f,ffiJf^FlfHF ^rnftTT Community Assistant, tricia.kornegay@ lf P.O. Box 400518 Las Vegas, NV 89140 bl ilI E EE frF El . 18 -vi * +t'fPl Ht l4ifi ft tr I+€ Friday 9am-4:3Opm : , Tfi lbtFE& ]BHR, . ln R IR*I H trtrftS www.BuffaloRanchlasVegas.com A 6,tt E tr iT[ t " ;* +t'fru - ru E r4f rotrn Phillips X fH, iF T fi E i+ E i+i l4 fi H'l S #'f.j H t +ttrFF1+++,lFlF 2016 + 4 F 20 E ffi€i#,F.HT ffiPlffi&H ",H.Hffi2e\, HHHzz+, tr.x{H 66" 4l E 16 ffi q s3 dK lE ffi H **Wffif I . in Rff; lkH WH, 4AE LlLgl n- dKjeH . iE&rx +84 F!;#trr* ry 1g F't#tr. iHtr'|ft 6 H 1f; g!j&H. gffir.IFtqfiF www.camconevada.com Hours of Operation: Monday- Thursday 9am-5pm l#l " iH ifr € E.E r[ . iitrEifiBr4 Phone ('702) 531-3382 Fax (702) 531-3392 rt +Fl* n+ sEHzK Director camconevada.com ryl o_ John Phillips sarah.pellino@ camconevada.com S€ 2. "ride" € y,HE hawlrftR#)" T,f+frlffiljiib, Hfuiiils, s h++HfrZK6.f. 3. ffififiEljT. f\.__l jFH I t\rl 4.1FH t dz t*Zffi 1A, HfrzKi€ift it,m " Arlhur Rosenwach Treasurer Sarah Pellino, S. Community Manager, rE "ZEP Commercial 128 oz. Driveway, Concrete and Masonry Cleaner" ftl&ffifu\\&t+, 6h'Rlt€'i{EtFA*zKiE,. fiS, iff€f[ffifr$t'EtiHbr*fn^+" r2B oz.4 H,zo Gal zK. Lanny Maren Secretary CAMCO . i4 &l ]g,fH *en71Hfulfff.h*iHira*" 1 Michael Thomas President iE ffi fL ittriE#ft 1s$g€;#fiflF 0 pm, It,iLl, CAMCO, 6115116 8lt7lr6 5980 S. Durango #131, Las Vegas, NV 89113 10119116 12107116 buffrlo Krn.h V;olrtio'-, Yoh.y eh""g. At the 4120116 meeting the Board of Directors voted to change the violation protocol. This means that the violation notice process will drop down from three letters to two letters. Effective 6120l16 the violation process will be as follows: Courtesy Notice- minimum 14 davs to correct Hearinq Notice- minimum 10 davs to correct The two letter process will hopefully result in a decrease in postage costs as well as a the violations being corrected in a more timely fashion. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to comect any and all violations. In some cases where there is damage to the common areas the Board has the right to make the necessary repairs and charge the homeowner that caused the damage. The most common type of common area damage is street dumping. Street dumping is not allowed. There is a $15.00 certified charge that is placed on your Compliance Account with every Hearing Notice that is sent. This charge is placed whether or not you sign for the certified letter. It is therefore a benefit to you to correct the violation at the Courtesy Notice stage. Should you have questions about your violation or need more time to correct it please contact CAMCO to discuss it. Buffalo Ranch :$H + 4 F z0 E ffi Ig+ €€;# & H i4 Ett\&I$+ 2016 + 6 F 20 E rTth+ ftffi r$+AlgfE/'rlnT, 20 | 6 4ffil'ft*tb&ff X+R " tr H tr in'fH g H tr * ,i14fl'l4rEtn{H--iHT tl €iB4n,fH--iFT ro nFi.fr F! = tt A.Ffrffi tR. {fi eoE ]t A rtrE , +4*+E &tu11tlillK&trj$+SlF. *,tr rc.M tu}j$ + ffi S rn E X t fi! fr {f . ir R r€ F k1+lfr*R/rfi T a\ Jt E }4, }ES € € tE )tll FLIE, A€ffintr *ntratulrt$El Dli5A'frB'fr SU + H ffi € X r,Wwxit7rTffi H 4l--hIB&T #LlFt+E Ffi u), 9n R4trH x{ *t lol ffi EE, af fr# LJ " &.ffi nill tr j4 H'l E € E& 4' E W LIei.LnW, ^+ tr*, € +f j€ tr Ff iE €tr^ n * %fr fr, H! u i* Irr:ffi dr ftw lL4nI+rB *n'fi *r E ffi Hf *F-4 ilInt WJ X&.tr ttsffi j€ + S $ 1 s . pR ^ l-F, flls FT lti+ fr H € ed, ft fft frl FK & E E + + rfr . 00 F'! |HHX% cAMCo. t. fr\ "