tästä - Emmaus Lutheran Church


tästä - Emmaus Lutheran Church
2015 Emmaus Summer Camp
Tuesday, August 4th
Friday, August 7th
Vedder River Campground @ Cultus Lake
5355 Giesbrecht Road
Chilliwack, BC
Find us online! www.emmauslutheranburnaby.com
Welcome to our 36th Camp!
Our summer get-away is the year’s highlight for so many, this enriching experience reminds us about
God’s love and blessing for each and every one of us. Camp is one of those special places where we can
go to escape busy schedules, ringing cell phones and social media. It is a place to renew our connections
to God, to our community and to nature. This year’s theme is Camp Discovery, where we go on an
outdoor adventure to grace adventure to learn wisdom and courage to step out in faith and serve. We will
be exploring God’s love for us and exploring ways that we can serve at home, at school, or in our
communities. Come join us for a good time!
This camp newsletter will fill you in on everything you need to know about Emmaus camp. Make sure to
take advantage of the Early Bird Registration deadline. Save $10 on each registration received by
July 10th !
If you need more info, or would like to volunteer or donate food and other supplies, please contact
Jorma, our Children’s and Youth Coordinator by e-mail at [email protected], or the church
office by telephone (contact information below), we'd love to hear from you!
Please pray on behalf of these camps and all participants!
Thank You! Kiitos!
6344 Sperling Avenue, Burnaby BC V5E 2V4
Office: 604-521-7927 Mobile: 604-488-9434
Pastor Timo Saarinen - [email protected]
Our camp, held from August
4th – August 7th, is geared to
children up to 18 years of age,
but all “young at heart” people
are most welcome to attend,
including young adults. Please
note, a parent or guardian must
accompany children under
seven years of age. Please
remember that while we love all
of God’s creatures, this
children’s camp is unable to
accommodate pets.
Camp attendees must arrange
their own transportation.
Parents dropping off older
children must confirm their
pick-up time with staff prior to
Fees include all meals, snacks, and
supplies for the Bible study and arts
and craft sessions. Thanks to the
continued help of our community
and an army of volunteers, we are
able to keep costs much lower than
comparable church camps.
Campers can arrive anytime
after 3 pm on Tuesday. Please
ensure that you have made
pickup arrangements for your
child for Friday, Aug. 7th
between 10 and 11am as we
must vacate the property by
11am. Please no “early bird”
arrivals for this year’s camp to
allow camp setup to proceed
smoothly. Your camp
committee says “Kiitos!”
In the theme of Camp
Discovery, we are trying out a
new location for this year! This
year we are at the Vedder River
Campground at Cultus Lake, a
short drive from the city. A map
and driving instructions are
enclosed. The drive takes
approximately 45 min – 1 hour.
We will be located at the
One of the pleasures of camp:
tenting amongst the trees.
Campers should bring their own
tents, sleeping bags, etc.
Emmaus can supply some tents
Due to the limited space and
extra costs, we are unable to
accommodate recreational
Everyone's favourites await:
swimming, games, Bible study,
and arts and craft sessions. Skits
and games liven up the evening
campfires. The Candy Kiosk
will again offer each child one
treat per day. If you do not
wish your child to take part in
the Candy Kiosk, please note
this on the registration form.
This year we also have a
swing, adventure tunnel, and
horseshoe pits!
*NEW: This year we will be
including some programming
for adults! Join Pastor Timo,
Marika Saarinen, and Ulla Papp
as they provide some mini
workshops on parenting, selfcare, and self-discovery.
Due to the shorter camp this year,
camp fees have been slightly
lowered for this year. For each
family in attendance, the first child
will be charged $105, the second
$75, the third $65, and the fourth
child onwards may attend for free.
Children 2 and under attend for
Adults are charged $35 per day for
the children's camp (this also
applies to children or adults,
staying only a portion of the week).
If you will be joining us for a meal
or two, individual meal tickets are
$12, and coffee tickets are $5.
Volunteers Both camps are made
possible by the help of volunteers,
we welcome your help again this
year. All volunteers (young and
old ) will be charged the reduced
rate of $70 for the full camp.
This year a limited number of
volunteers will be accepted on a
first come, first served basis. Call
Emmaus to reserve your spot.
Mail in or drop off your
completed registration form and
cheque by July 24th, if at all
possible (telephone 604-5217927). Alternatively, let the
church office know how many
are coming or email Jorma (this
helps finalize arrangements for
food and other supplies), and
bring your completed form and
fee to Emmaus prior to the start
of camp. Cheques must be
made out to Emmaus Lutheran
Church; post-dated cheques for
the camp start date are accepted.
*NEW: Please ensure that you
sign and return the waiver form
with your registration or send
it with your child to camp.
(In Finnish)
Emmauksen kesäleirille, joka on
koko kesän kohokohta niin
monelle lapselle ja aikuiselle!
Tämä on jo 36. leirimme.
Päiväohjelmaan kuuluu aamuherätys, aamuhartaus, aamuvoimistelu, aamiainen,
muutama oppitunti, leikkejä,
pelejä, uintia monta kertaa
päivässä, lounas, välipala,
illallinen, iltapala, iltanuotio jne.
UUTTA: Tänä vuonna meillä
on ohjelmaa myöskin aikuisille!
Timo-pastori, Marika Saarinen
ja Ulla Papp ovat valmistaneet
pohdintoja ja asiatietoa
sellaisista aiheista kuin
'vanhemmuus', 'oman itsensä
hoito' ja 'itsensä löytäminen'.
Leiriläiset voivat saapua leirille
tiistaina 4.8. klo 3 pm jälkeen.
Varmista, että olet sopinut siitä,
että lapsesi haetaan leiriltä
perjantaina 7.8. klo 10 ja 11
välillä aamupäivällä. Meidän
täytyy olla pois leirialueelta
viimeistään klo 11 AM.
Leirin teemana on 'Löydä leiri'
(Camp Discovery). Niinpä
kokeilemme tänä vuonna uutta
leiripaikkaa. Se on Vedder
River Campgroud. Ajo-ohjeet
ovat mukana tässä kirjeessä. Ajo
sinne kestää noin 45
minuuttia. Meille on varattu
alue #1 (Group site #1)
Ilmoittaudu leirille 10.7.
mennessä ja säästä $10
leirimaksussa! Koska leiri on
lyhyempi tänä vuonna ja
olemme pakosta joutuneet
vaihtamaan leiripaikkaa niin
leirimaksut ovat tänä vuonna
normaalia halvempia!
Ensimmäisestä lapsesta
perheessä, leirimaksu on $105.
Toisesta lapsesta samasta
perheestä $75 ja kolmannesta
lapsesta $65. Neljäs lapsi
samasta perheestä on ilmainen.
Aikuisilta ja vierailijoilta
pyydämme lahjoitusta leirikassaan $35 päivää kohden. Siihen
maksuun sisältyy aamiainen,
lounas, päivällinen ja kaikki
välipalat sekä uinti ja hyvä
seura. Jos aterioit meidän
kanssamme kerran tai pari, niin
yksittäinen ruokalippu on $12, ja
kahvilippu $5. Kaikki tulot
menevät leirimenojen
Nuorille tai aikuisille, jotka
ovat leirillä töissä silloin tällöin
leirimaksu on $70. Ne, jotka
työskentelevät koko leirin ajan
keittiössä, ovat ruokapalkalla.
Leirimaksuihin sisältyy kaikki:
ruokailut, opetus, oppikirjat,
leiriohjelma jne. Tämä on
mahdollista vain sen tähden,
että monet lahjoittavat ruokaa
leirille, ja kaikki tekevät
vapaaehtoista työtä. Kiitos
teille kaikille!
Kaikki leipomiset ja ruoat ovat
tervetullutta apua leirikeittiöön.
Mieluiten otamme ne vastaan jo
ennen leirin alkua. Ne voi
tuoda kirkolle. Kiitos! Pat
Hulme vastaa keittiö-puolesta.
Ilmoittaudu leirille mahdollisimman pian, mieluummin
24.7. mennessä. Silloin
tiedämme, kuinka moni on
tulossa ja osaamme tilata
tarpeeksi oppikirjoja ja varata
ruokaa riittävästi. Haluamme
myös tietää jo etukäteen ketä
aikuisia tulee leirille. Se
helpottaa leirin suunnittelua.
UUTTA: Ole hyvä ja
vastuuvapautussopimus (waiver
form) ja palauta se yhdessä
registeröimiskaavakkeen kanssa
tai låhetä se lapsen mukana
Ilmoittaumiskaavakkeet voi
tuoda tai postittaa Emmaukseen
@ 604-521-7927. Maksun voi
laittaa siihen mukaan ja päivätä
shekin leirin alkamispäivälle
(postdated). Shekit tulee
kirjoittaa nimellä Emmaus
Lutheran Church.
P.S. Rukoile tämän leirimme ja
kaikkien leiriläisten puolesta.
Vedder River Campground
5355 Giesbrecht Road
Chilliwack BC
V2R 4R1
Driving Directions
1. Follow Highway 1 East towards Abbostford
2. Take exit 104 for No.3 Road
3. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Cultus
Lake/Number 3 Road E/Yarrow and merge onto
No. 3 Road
4. Continue until you reach Tolmie Road. Turn right
onto Tolmie Road.
5. Turn left onto No.3 Road
6. Turn left onto Yarrow Central Road
7. Continue onto Vedder Mountain Road
8. Turn Left onto Giesbrecht Road
* Vedder River Campground will be on the right
*Emmaus Camp will take place at Group Site #1
What to bring
Things to pack:
* Bible * Sleeping bag and foamie * Pillow
* Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap etc.
* 2 Bath towels * Rain gear * Boots
* Insect lotion * Warm Clothes * Jacket * Socks
* Bathing suit * Hat * Sunscreen * Sunglasses
* Underwear * T-shirts * Long sleeve shirt
* Runners * Flashlight and extra set of batteries
* Tent (if you have one) * Plate, cup, bowl, mug
(We have spoons, forks and knives for everyone)
* Water Shoes
Leave these at home: * Video Games * Playing
cards * CD-players, MP3s, ipods/ipads/tablets
* Food, candy, snacks. *Cell phones * Bicycles
*We are an “unplugged” camp (no wifi, no
phones, no tech!) so that we can fully enjoy
and be present in nature and in one another’s
Camp Guidelines
I will:
1. Come smiling and in good spirits.
2. Be a friend to everyone.
3. Participate.
4. Be helpful to my fellow campers.
5. Look after my duties because everyone has
privileges and responsibilities at the camp.
6. I can always ask for help.
7. Keep the campsite clean.
8. Stay within the camp area because I am not
covered by insurance outside of camp
9. Swim only at the designated area and at the
designated times.
10. Enjoy this non-smoking camp.
11. Enjoy this “unplugged” camp!
12. Enjoy myself!