Student Success - Lansing Community College


Student Success - Lansing Community College
Student Success
Welcome Back Students, Faculty and Staff
 Volunteers and public safety combined
efforts with volunteers at parking lots to
help students find parking as well as
handing out campus maps and
directories. Ice cream treats were
handed out to students during the first
week of classes as a welcome to LCC.
 Student Life hosted an Open House for
students to learn more about how they
can become engaged both on and off
campus through volunteering, joining a
student organization, writing for the
Lookout or attending campus events and
activities. Free snacks and school
supplies were distributed. A “Keys to
Success” Scavenger Hunt started a three
day event for students and served as a
motivation for students to discover
resources and activities available across campus.
 “Catch the Spirit Day” - Students who were “caught” wearing LCC apparel had an
opportunity to spin the Student Life prize wheel. Phil’s Store offered a 20% discount on all
LCC gear.
 LCC hosted The Campus Resource and Student Organization Fair as a means for students
to become familiar with the members of the community, student organizations and to meet
new people. This year over 30 vendors from LCC and the community participated to make
a successful beginning to the school year.
 Students attended a “happy hour” event with free refreshments and literature that
addressed substance and alcohol abuse awareness. During the event, the scavenger hunt
prizes winners were selected. 1st place prize was a $50 Phil’s Store gift certificate.
 High School Diploma Completion Initiative (HSDCI) hosted a week long new student
orientation. 27 students successfully completed orientation and have launched into the
semester. More than 20 volunteers shared their time and talents with LCC students
throughout this event. The volunteers included six LCC faculty members, 10 former HSDCI
students and five community members.
 A 2 day grand opening event was held at the Veterans Center. A meet and greet, tours,
information packets and food were available to students and employees.
 A Fall Kickoff reception and lunch hosted by the
Board of Trustees was given in honor of faculty and
staff. Faculty were also welcomed back and
recognized for their dedication and support of LCC
and its students.
Going the Extra Mile for Students at Livingston County
In support of Operation 100%, faculty are
invited to submit names of students
enrolled at the Livingston County Center
who are not attending class and staff will
follow up with phone calls. A resource
sheet is available if students have needs
related to transportation, child care,
personal counseling, etc.
Support Services
Support Services extended its reach this summer, working to support students, faculty, and
staff through a variety of ventures.
 Every Wednesday, Support Services partnered with the rest of the StarZone to provide
refreshments in the form of popcorn, water, cookies, and other light snacks; Support
Services brochures were paired with these goodies to remind students of our program
offerings. This simple action resulted in a number of conversations about our support
offerings. Women’s Resource Center/Returning Adult Program, in particular, saw an
increase in its applications from Fall 2014 to Fall 2015.
 Support Services launched a “Future LCC Star” goodie bag outreach to children in the
StarZone in late August for any student who brings a child to campus and arrives at
LCC’s Support Services. Approximately 2,100 students were served in July and August.
 LCC’s counseling staff strive to serve the needs of LCC’s students. One change adopted
over the summer was counselors adopting a specific population, Veterans, Student
Compliance Office, Trio or CTL, to provide a more direct support to these identified
groups. The counselors will continue to serve general population students.
 The Fostering Stars program launched at LCC in August when its first Coach, Carrie
Gregg, joined the team. LCC has been awarded a three year grant through the
Department of Human Services (DHS) to provide direct support for students who are
transitioning out of the foster care system by offering a case management approach
and a one-stop-shop for program participants. Participants must meet specific criteria,
and LCC must work with DHS to ensure that candidates meet these standards. The
grant allows LCC to serve 25 students; within the first five weeks 13 students applied
and were approved through the DHS process.
The Early College makes Newsweek’s List of America’s Top High Schools
Newsweek’s 500 of America’s Top High Schools annual report was released. The Early College
at LCC ranked #375. In the category of Beating the Odds: Top High Schools for Low-Income
Students, The Early College at Lansing Community College ranked #240.
Veterans Affairs
This summer Veterans Affairs welcomed Andrew Cosgrove as the new director as well as 2 new
student employees under the work-study program. The department also underwent building
renovations allowing for a designated space for veterans to go when they need help with
benefits, advising, counseling, or need to study. The new space also provides a lounge area for
veterans to come in and relax; watch TV, read, or play video games. Popcorn is available at no
charge, drinks and snacks will be added soon for a minimal fee.
Planning for the Veterans Day Memorial Induction Ceremony is underway. This year there will
be 3 local veterans from the WWII and Korean War eras who will be inducted.
Dual Enrollment Agreements in the Works with MSU and WMU
Dual admissions agreements are in the works with Michigan State University and Western
Michigan University which would enable students to be enrolled at LCC and one of the
universities simultaneously. The agreements will be program specific in areas such as:
Agriculture Science, Design Architecture, majors within the College of Arts & Letters and MSU’s
Study Abroad/Experiential Learning.
LCC Nursing Recognized as Leader in Preparing Students for BSN Degree
This summer nursing administrator, Carole Stacy, was a resource for an article in the June issue
of Health Leaders e-Newsletter. Nurse Stacy along with Mary Lou Wesley, RN, MSN, senior vice
president of care services and chief nursing officer at Sparrow Health System, spoke on the
need for BSN prepared nurses in the workforce. According to the American Association of
Colleges of Nursing fall 2014 survey, baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs are showing
a 10.4% increase in enrollment in RN to BSN programs. Both Nurse Stacy and Wesley conclude
that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) study along with Sparrow’s Magnet status have fueled the
need for the increased education for nursing. One of the key recommendations in the IOM
report released in 2010, recommended that nurses obtain higher levels of education and
training through an education system that promotes seamless academic progression. LCC was a
forerunner in this concept when we partnered with Michigan State University and our University
Center colleagues to develop RN to BSN bridge courses for a seamless education. A student in
LCC’s second year associate degree nursing program can enroll in MSU’s baccalaureate program
while finishing their second year at LCC.
State Renews EMS/Paramedic Program Approval
In August, the Emergency Medical Services/Paramedic Program received a three year
unconditional approval with the State of Michigan. The state accreditation is a requirement in
conjunction with the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
(CAAHEP) which was awarded to LCC in 2012 for the maximum five year accreditation.
Nursing Professionals Share Research and Passion for Nursing
Over the summer Marcella Williams, adjunct nursing faculty, toured the Nursing Center of
Excellence facility in Rome, Italy as part of her doctoral studies. The Center’s Director,
Alessandro Stievano, Ph.D. MSN, RN, conducted the tour and gave the doctoral group insights
into nursing in Italy. In August, Dr. Stievano came to Lansing to conduct research in healthcare
facilities as part of an international study on dignity within the profession of nursing. During his
stay in Lansing, Dr. Stievano toured LCC’s Health Building and met with nursing staff. Dean
Margie Clark hosted a dinner for Dr. Stievano at her home and included LCC nursing staff and
community professionals to discuss the various degree options for students going into the
profession of nursing.
Ensuring our Students are Prepared for Employment through Operation
100% and C3R (Coalition for Career and College Readiness)
This summer Provost Prystowsky and Dan McKean, the Executive Director of The Foundation,
met with several influential community, school and business leaders including Richard Peffley,
Interim General Manager at Lansing Board of Water and Light, Dennis Fliehman, CEO, Capital
Regional Community Foundation, Michelle Strasz, Director, Capital Area College Access Network
and Scott Koenigsknecht, Superintendent of the Ingham Intermediate School District to discuss
Operation 100% and the C3R. The meetings included discussion on what community business
leaders are looking for in employees and reaching out to high school leadership to assess
students’ needs before entering college which is key in LCC’s effort to prepare students for
future employment.
Imbed Principles and Practices of Inclusivity and Diversity
Disability is a Non-issue for Aviation Students
The beginning of Fall Semester finds a number of students excited to begin the Aviation
Maintenance Program, but none more so than two of our students who are deaf. This summer
a deaf student visited the program and decided aircraft maintenance is what he wanted to do.
The Aviation staff worked with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to make provisions for
hearing impaired students and to receive a waiver that will allow those students to gain their
federal licenses in aviation maintenance. Shortly thereafter another deaf student joined the
Aviation Maintenance Program. There are specific challenges in this field for a hearing impaired
student and there are certain things that hearing impaired maintenance technicians cannot or
should not do. But those things are very few compared with the myriad of things they can do.
Hearing impaired technicians have every reason to expect to have a fulfilling career within this
field. The Center for Student Access does an outstanding job of providing support and providing
interpreters for our students. Jennifer Fenning, the Program Coordinator, worked with the
Center as well as the FAA and the students themselves to enable their successful entry into the
Aviation Maintenance Program.
LCC’s TRiO Program successfully retained a renewal grant for the next five years insuring that
help can continue to be given to over 200 students that are served every year. TRiO helps first
generation, low income and/or students with a disability through the educational process.
Through direct academic support services, counseling, tutoring and a wide range of resources
the TRiO program has had:
 A record number of TRiO students (68) attended the 3 day TRiO Summer Institute at
the University Center featuring keynote speaker Robert Proctor, LCC Chair of the Board
of Trustees
 14 TRiO students graduated and transferred to four-year universities to complete
Bachelor degrees
 5 TRiO students began Master degree programs at Western Michigan University,
Michigan State University, Eastern Michigan University and Siena Heights University
Diversity Lansing Initiative Advisory Committee
Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Paul Hernandez is a part of the Lansing Economic Area Partnerships’
Diversity Lansing Initiative Advisory Committee, representing LCC. Diversity Lansing focuses on
assisting the Lansing region business community with recruiting and retaining world-class
diverse talent. The work group encourages and leverages partnerships that celebrate and
embrace the core values of a diverse welcoming and affirming region, which will strengthen our
economy, and create opportunities in Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham counties. The work group
also focuses on why having a well-rounded diverse workforce is so important, as it helps attract
top talent. Additionally, the work group will research case studies from other companies and
cities that have successfully implemented diversity programs.
Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence
Dr. Prystowsky, Dr. Paul Hernandez, Matt Fall, Tanya McFadden, Kali Majumdar, Anne
Heutsche, Danielle Barnes, Mecha Crockett and Christine Conner applied to be a part of the
project Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence Campus-Based Strategies for Student
Success with the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). LCC was chosen
as one of twelve colleges and universities to participate. Focusing on building on AAC&U’s
Centennial focus on equity and inclusive excellence, the project is designed both to develop
useful evidence about existing campus efforts to track gaps in the achievement of key learning
outcomes for all students and design ways to close these gaps. As a partner institution, LCC will
have the opportunity to design, implement, and assess a campus action plan that can serve as
a replicable, equity-focused model for improving student learning and success. The project is
taking place over the course of 2 years.
Center for Workforce Transition (CWT)
The CWT recently participated in the City of Lansing
Mayor’s Senior Activity Fair, the Plus 50 Job & Career
Fair at the Capital Area Michigan Works! and in the
Veteran Expo Fair at the Lansing Center. The Plus 50
Job & Career Fair assisted Plus 50 students with
workshops on Job Connections, Networking, and
Application-Know-How. Participants had the opportunity
to see academic and career advisors as well as meet
with 14 employers such as Peckham, MSUFCU, and the
State of Michigan.
The CWT will also be providing workshops for the
Lansing School District for their WIOA At-Risk Youth program of those students who graduate
with their GED and desire to attend a post-secondary school. These workshops will include what
every student should know about being a student at LCC from registration to applying for
financial aid to enrolling at LCC.
CWT would like to bring awareness to the students at LCC of the WIOA program at the Capital
Area Michigan Works! to assist with the goal of Operation 100% by making LCC students aware
of tuition and book assistance to successfully complete their degree program if they are eligible
for these services. The WIOA program will be able to assist students in their last year of their
degree program.
Learning Assistance: One Book #OneLCC – Fall Kick-off Event
On August 27, nearly 400 students and
employees attended events in the Library and
Centre for Engaged Inclusion to kick off One
Book #OneLCC 2015-16. Attendees engaged
with a panel of LCC student immigrants and
participated in discussions and conversations
surrounding The True American by Anand
The True American is required reading in
many LCC courses including all First Year
Experience sections and numerous writing,
English, and social science courses.
Additionally, the book serves as supplemental reading, or as a thematic source for many art,
human services, and even some math courses. To further enhance the experience of the book,
a robust series of events will continue throughout the year, including visits from both the book’s
subject and author.
Community Impact and Engagement
Student Leadership Academy
Members of the LCC Student Leadership Academy volunteered at the Clinton County Back to
School/Project Connect event in St. Johns. LCC students unloaded, sorted, stacked and packed
gently used clothing and school supplies. Project Connect helped over 400 local families become
equipped for the new school year. Children received clothes, backpacks, school supplies,
haircuts, hygiene kits, food and Clinton County family services information.
LCC Students Tutor at Eastern High School
Eastern High School in Lansing will be working with a number of LCC faculty members on a
service-learning project focusing on tutoring high school students. The partnership will formally
begin at the end September to bring LCC students to the high school during the day and after
school to tutor students who are facing challenges with different subjects in school.
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) partners with Pure Michigan
Micro Loan Program
The SBDC office at LCC has been selected as a partner in the new Pure Michigan Micro Loan
Program, along with Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Huntington Bank. The
SBDC will provide technical assistance to local small business loan applicants with an emphasis
on woman-owned and minority-owned businesses. A kickoff event will be held at LCC
Washington Court Place on September 22 with area economic development partners.
High Customer Ratings for the Small Business Development Center
A customer satisfaction survey was conducted in August for clients of the Small Business
Development Center office at LCC. 96% of respondents rated their experience as “Satisfactory”
or “Highly Satisfactory” which put our SBDC office at LCC above the statewide average.
Performing Arts
Our region is considered festival-rich boasting an abundance of year-round arts and cultural
celebrations. LCC Performing Arts is an important contributor to the festivities during the
summer months. Our own Summer Stage Under the Stars festival drew over 2500 people to
campus for five productions in June and July. LCC was also represented around town as the
LCC Jazz Band, under Jon Gewirtz’s direction, was invited for a performance at the Old Town
Jazz Festival in early August, entertaining more than 200 people. The annual Renegade Theatre
Festival in mid-August provided numerous opportunities for LCC faculty (Chad Badgero, Paige
Dunckel, Dedria Humphries, Kelly Stuible, and Karrie Waarala), staff (Melissa Kaplan, Jeff
Wilson) and many students as performers, directors, and organizers. The festival brought close
to 3,000 people to Old Town for 30 shows over three days including LCC’s presentation of
CHICAGO MEMORIES, based on retired LCC professor Marc Van Wormer’s short stories,
adapted for the stage and directed by LCC Theatre professor Andy Callis.
LCC North Participates in 2015 Mint Festival in St. Johns
LCC North represented Lansing Community College
at the 2015 Mint Festival in St. Johns by being a
major sponsor of the festival. A booth with LCC
materials were set up near the parade and staff
accompanied the LCC decorated REO truck in the
Mint Festival Parade cheering the crowds and
receiving thank you’ s from the bystanders.
Business & Community Institute (BCI)
Closing fiscal year 2014-15 strong, BCI delivered
a comprehensive array of workforce development
solutions to our regional employers, through a
diverse product mix across various lines of
LCC's updated BCI registered logo
Training Programs Delivered:
227 (13% over last year)
Total Training Attendees:
Total Training Hours Received: 31,000 (20% over last year)
2,435 (31% over last year)
Customer Satisfaction Measures:
Trainer Satisfaction:
Course Content Satisfaction:
Learning Objective Demonstration: 98%
BCI is honored to help our regional employers improve productivity, reduce operational
inefficiencies, and build healthy workplace environments on behalf of LCC.
Higher Education &
Leadership Symposium
President Knight and the LCC Board
of Trustees welcomed three
esteemed guests to campus to
present the Higher Education &
Leadership Symposium. The panelstyle Symposium was moderated by
LCC Chairman of the Board Robert
Proctor and focused on issues and
trends in learning and leadership
through an engaging dialogue among
leaders in the field.
Making a Difference in Livingston County
 LCC staff volunteered at Howell Balloon fest to raise
money for Genesis House, an organization in Livingston
County that supports individuals with mental illness.
 LCC is the monthly program sponsor of the Howell
Chamber of Commerce. The LCC table will display
promotional materials for the month of September, and
LCC information will be included in Chamber
communications. LCC representatives will present at the
Kick Off meeting, which highlights what’s new in
Livingston County.
 LCC North celebrated its name change that was
approved by the LCC leadership team in July. The LCC
North name is more inclusive of the geographic diversity
of students coming from northern regions, where, in Fall
semester of 2014, 39% of LCC North students came
from Shiawassee, Gratiot, Ionia, and Ingham counties.
The LCC North name is easier to remember, simple to
use, and provides a uniform branding for LCC extension
centers. The LCC name change demonstrates to the
northern region that LCC is committed to the students
and communities. Luanne Bibbee, full-time Coordinator
said, “The name change to LCC North reinforces LCC’s
commitment to the northern regions and communicates
that the College is investing in the community and the
individuals it serves.”
Community Champion Award
Trustee Robin Smith was awarded the Community
Champion Award by the East Side Community Action
Center in Lansing. Trustee Smith was recognized for
her contributions to the Lansing community through
her service as an LCC Board of Trustees Member;
Chair of the Board of Directors of the Association of
Community College Trustees (ACCT); and her work
with the Lansing School District as classroom teacher,
Community Relations Assistant, Parent Student
Coordinator and the 21st Century Program.
New HSDCI Graduate Celebration
The High School Diploma Completion Initiative (HSDCI) celebrated at West Campus with
students, families, faculty and community members in honor of the most recent group of five
students that earned their diplomas from Ingham/Eaton county high schools. These graduates
successfully earned a combined total of 132 college credits in tandem with their diplomas.
Notably, all of these students improved their high school to now, college GPAs since enrolling
with HSDCI. The keynote speaker for the event was Dr. Nicole Carter who serves as the
Director of the Women's Center at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
Career & Employment Services
Career & Employment Services (CES) hosted the Summer Student Employment Job Fair.
Over 135 students attended and 25 on campus hiring departments.
CES completed the transition to a new Career Services Management System
( for students to search and apply for on-campus positions, offcampus full-time and part-time positions, as well as internships and apprenticeships.
Jackson National Life held an information session for students about careers at Jackson,
attended by 21 LCC students.
The State of Michigan held an employment information session for IT students; 29 LCC
students attended.
Marketing and Communications
Youth Summer Camps Facebook
Targeted Facebook ads ran May-July and
generated 323 website clicks at $.23 per click
(total investment $75). Ads were supplemented
with Facebook posts to generate interest in low
enrollment classes. These posts helped avoid
some class cancellations.
Facebook efforts combined with direct mail and
boots on the ground for the Youth Summer
Camp program resulted in 2,657 webpage visits.
Online Course Evaluations
This summer, Course Evaluations moved to an
online format. A communication plan which included emails, electronic message boards, TV
monitors, homepage slide, social media posts, a website URL, vertical banners, myLCC posts,
table tent cards, and faculty reminder cards were developed. Students can access the surveys
on any mobile device including tablets and phones.
Home Page Slide
Stars Connect
A new multi-channel social media
hub was added to the microsite
which includes the starpower blog.
Named “Stars Connect,” the site
allows for social media to live in one
dynamic web page with movement
and additional marketing
components to promote LCC’s social
media channels.
Discover Your Starpower Branding/Enrollment Campaign
The enrollment branding campaign “Discover Your Starpower” continues for Fall 2015 with
online ads and videos on, commercials on WLNS, print ads in Lansing Community
Newspapers, City Pulse, and online ads on A direct mail postcard was sent to over
16,000 adult households in the greater Lansing region. “Discover Your Starpower” – Tech
Career Facebook ads and radio ads also aired on Midwest Communications stations. New
Enrollment “Discover” Microsite was refaced with the new “Discover Your Starpower”
branding/enrollment campaign.
Billboards at 5 locations
Facebook Activity for Open Enrollment Days
Facebook Video Post
Student Job Fair
Career and Employment Services hosted a job fair, with over 15 LCC departments interested in
hiring students for fall
and spring semesters.
included a home page
slide, webpage,
electronic message
board, TV monitor
messages, Facebook
posts, and myLCC posts.
Degree Works
This program is being remarketed using the new term
My Academic Pathway (MAP).
Communications included a
dedicated website, posts to
myLCC and social media, a
postcard, and email sent to
current students.
TRiO Program Marketing
The program received a marketing refresh with new photos
and interviews of TRiO students showcasing the office and
students from the program. A new video was produced, the
website was updated, and three of the students were
featured on the #starpower blog. One story was picked up
by local media and received coverage in the Lansing State
Journal and WLNS Channel 10 News. A brochure is also
being developed. The webpage is To view video
visit the website or
2015 Common Ground Festival
LCC Radio has been helped promote this year’s Common Ground Festival with ticket giveaways,
in-studio guests and increased airplay of many artists playing the festival. Several of the radio
staff will be joined by the Communications and Marketing team at the LCC sponsor booth. LCC
Radio was on hand to provide stage announcements at the GM Pavilion Stage.
Community and Continuing Education Fall
CCE Fall booklets featuring classes available this semester were
produced and mailed. Mailing was increased to include the
Lansing Chamber of Commerce members. A total of 3,612
booklets were mailed.
Late Start
Late start classes continue to be communicated to students using electronic message boards,
TV monitors, Facebook targeted ads, online ads, a postcard to students who applied for fall but
did not register and billboards around the Lansing area. The Discover commercial, radio, and
online ads were updated to promote late-start classes. A dedicated home page slide and
website will run until the last fall class stars on October 30.
Experience #starpower Appreciation
A new team formed to create year-long
appreciation events for LCC employees.
In addition to the a
webpage was added with a calendar of
events for staff to participate in. An
email, social media posts, a kick-off
letter, appreciation card, T-shirts and
magnets were created.
Massage Clinic External Electronic Signage
Messages about LCC’s Massage Clinic were displayed on external digital signage to build public
awareness about the massage program.
Nominate a Veteran External Electronic Signage
Communications to build awareness about LCC’s commitment to Veterans and to encourage
entries for “Nominate a Veteran” were made on and on myLCC. In July, the website
landing page received 491 unique page views.
ePathways Home Page Slide
A home page banner slide was
featured to promote the ePathways
program. The page received 488
unique views during this time.
H.O.P.E. Scholarship Brochure
A brochure for the HOPE Scholarship Program was created to educate
and guide students through the milestones of being a H.O.P.E. Scholar
recipient. The piece explains the program and serves as an essential tool
for becoming a college student.
M-CAM – Certified Production Technician (CPT)/Mechatonics Enrollment
Marketing conducted a month long push of the M-CAM
Program to build awareness and increase potential student
participation in informational sessions. Sessions provided
details about the tuition-free CPT and Mechatronics
classes being offered at LCC West.
Marketing support for M-CAM included a flyer which was
viewed on the LCC webpage. M-CAM Facebook posts
and advertising reached 2,845 people with a total spend
of $32.46 and received 30 likes and 63 shares. The
press release sent out on behalf of M-CAM garnered
interest of the media resulting in an interview on the
Morning Show with Dave Akerly (WILS 1320 AM).
Marketing efforts made a measurable impact on
information session participation.
Parking Brochure
A brochure to communicate parking information to students and staff was sent along with
parking permits and contained information about campus parking options and CATA.
Parking permits were printed in house and set up utilizing data to tie back to the recipient. More
than 16,200 permits were mailed. By producing this piece in-house, LCC saved a substantial
amount of money over outsourcing.
Emergency Procedure Manual
The Emergency Procedure Manual was updated to include Rave Guardian and Emergency
Messaging. These changes are also reflected on the website.
Rave Guardian Palm Card
Palm cards were created to promote
awareness of the new mobile app available
to LCC students, staff, and faculty at the
Downtown and West campuses. Palm cards
are being distributed through orientation,
Human Resources, the StarZone, University
Center, and more.
Fall Kick-Off, Service Awards & Board of Trustees Luncheon
Lansing Community College’s annual fall kick-off took place with over 500 employees from
across campuses/extension centers in Dart and Gannon. Arrangements included catering,
signage, setup, programs, and overall communications.
Music in the Park continues in Grand Ledge
This year’s “Music in the Park Concert Series,” a three-month event, is the longest running of its
type in Mid-Michigan and was a phenomenal success. Attendance for the free shows continued
to grow with estimated numbers ranging between 250 to 800 people per concert. Festival
organizers estimated the July 30 performance featuring the blues of Root Doctor and the
Americana sounds of Rob Kladja peaked at over 800 people in attendance.
Physical Fitness Facilities Brochure
A new brochure featuring LCC’s Physical Fitness Facilities was created to communicate Fitness
and Wellness offerings including the fitness centers, weight room, and classes. New
photography was required to support the brochure content. Fitness staff are using the pieces to
encourage fitness memberships. Electronic indoor signage is also being utilized to promote
awareness of the fitness facilities.
Day at the Zoo
LCC Radio and LCC-TV joined the Alumni Association and several other LCC organizations for
the Alumni Association’s “Day at the Zoo.” Attendance was approximately 2000.
Historical Society of Greater Lansing
LCC hosted the annual meeting of the Historical Society of Greater Lansing. The group enjoyed
a luncheon in the Arts & Sciences Building before a guided history tour of LCC’s downtown
campus led by David Siwik. Logistical support included arrangements for location, setup, food,
signage, media services, parking, and overall communication.
LCC Arts & Culture Reception
Dr. and Mrs. Knight hosted an open-house style reception at the Herrmann House in
conjunction with LCC’s faculty jazz quartet performance at the outdoor amphitheater and
Lansing’s Concerts in the Park at Durant Park (adjacent to LCC’s campus). Logistical support
included communication.
Old Town Jazz Fest Returns to Lansing
Every year thousands of festival-goers descend on Old
Town Lansing to see some of the nation’s leading jazz
artists perform. LCC Radio staff and volunteers were on
hand to do stage announcements, offer assistance to
festival organizers, and pass out station giveaways. The
station worked closely with the Michigan Institute for
Contemporary Art (MICA) and Marshall Music to give
listeners and festival-goers the chance to win an
autographed guitar. During the final night of Blues Fest,
the station gave away two Fender Stratocasters; one autographed by the artists of Jazz Fest
and the other featuring the artists of Blues Fest.
Mason Sun Dried Fest
LCC Radio returned to the annual Mason Sun Dried Fest which was attended by thousands of
festival goers. WLNZ staff helped event organizers throughout the day with concert
announcements, introductions and coordinating the live entertainment between three stages. It
was an outstanding opportunity for student workers to gain experience and build confidence
and a great way for the college to support the Mid-Michigan community.
Music in the Park Finishes Most Successful Year
This year’s “Music in the Park Concert Series” was a
phenomenal success. Attendance for the free concert
series was at its highest with estimates ranging between
250 to 1000 people per concert. The final show on
August 27 featured nationally recognized vocal group
Three Men and a Tenor and drew an audience of 1000.
At three months, the “Music in the Park Concert Series”
is the longest running series of its kind in Mid-Michigan.
This is the third year LCC Radio has participated in the
series and the station has been invited to be a part of it
again in 2016.
MI-ACE Women’s Network Annual Conference
Lansing Community College hosted the annual conference of the American Council on Education
- Michigan Women’s Network. Held at the MSU’s Kellogg Center, the conference was successful
in attendance, quality of programming, and overall presentation. The LCC conference planning
committee consisted of employees from several areas of campus. Logistical and programming
support provided by the planning committee included setup, food, media services, printed
materials, and communication.
Common Ground Music Festival
The annual Common Ground Music Festival took place at Adado Riverfront Park. LCC was a
sponsor of the festival by allowing CGMF to utilize the Gannon Ramp. Logistical arrangements
included revising and finalizing agreements/contracts, communicating with LEPFA (sponsoring
organization), and executing the agreement.
Annual Retirees Luncheon
Lansing Community College hosted the Annual Retirees Luncheon in the Gannon Commons.
Attendance was the highest it had been in several years (100 RSVPs), as many retirees
expressed interested in exploring the newly renovated downtown campus. Logistical support
included finalizing invitation copy, catering arrangements, setup, signage, and communications.
American Association of Community Colleges Visit (Dinner & Symposium)
Lansing Community College was fortunate to have the CEO (Dr. Walter Bumphus) and Past
Board Chair (Dr. Ken Atwater) of the American Association of Community Colleges visit campus.
A small, intimate dinner was held in the Gannon Commons on Thursday evening to welcome
the esteemed guests. Friday morning, an open panel-style symposium on “Higher Education &
Leadership” was held in the Gannon Commons with over 100 attendees from across campus
and the community. Arrangements included catering, signage, setup, invitations, and
Support from Marketing also included:
LCC Dental Hygiene Program CE Seminar
Degree Qualifications Profile Workshop
The Open Education Resources Summit
Welcome Week website redesign
Updates to University Center flyer
Web page and graphics developed for the Foundation’s “Community of Giving”
Updates made to the Early LCC website. Early LCC had a few open slots for the summer
program. Two Facebook posts and a myLCC post were made, and within 24 hours, Early
LCC received their first new applicant.
Dr. Knight hosted the CASE Credit Union Executive/Membership Team at LCC for a
meeting, brief presentation and tour of campus. Logistical support included catering,
signage, setup, and communications.
Updates were made to YouTube and new videos added
Event support for HOPE Leadership Academy and The Early College Orientation Days
Asset Protection
Open Educational Resources (OER) Summit
An OER Summit will be hosted by the LCC Academic Senate on September 18. It was the first
of its kind in Michigan, bringing together prominent national speakers, experts, and advocates
of open education. Attendees will learn about the growing OER movement, how OER initiatives
have been implemented at community colleges across the country, and how to drive adoption
of OERs. An afternoon workshop moderated by experts will guide attendees in finding relevant
resources for their courses.
Purchasing Award
The National Procurement Institute has awarded the college with the 2015 Annual
Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award which measures state of the art in
best practices. LCC is one of only two agencies in Michigan and one of only 22 higher education
organizations in the U.S. and Canada to receive the award. The college has earned this award
for 13 consecutive years.
Financial Reporting and Budget Awards
The Government Finance Officers Association has awarded LCC with a Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and a Distinguished Budget
Presentation Award. These awards are the highest form of recognition in governmental
accounting, financial reporting and budgeting and represent significant accomplishments.
Upcoming Events
Date / Time
College Night
STEM fest- Free Community
Activity Day
2015 Historically Black College
and Universities (HBCU) Fair
5th Annual IT Speed
Networking Event
Big Book Bash
9:00am -1:00pm
Gannon Building
Arts & Sciences, Gannon,
Gannon Building
12:15-2:30 pm
West Campus, room M119
November 6-11
During regular library hours