December 2015 - Gateway Community CRC


December 2015 - Gateway Community CRC
One of the core strategies under the heading ‘To be
Good Stewards of our Finances and Facility’ in our
3-year strategic plan states:
 Develop a missional approach to facility rentals.
commitments each budget year.
In the hustle and bustle of
Christmas do you sometimes
forget what really happened and why? I know I do sometimes.
As I was working through my Reformed theology course I
came across this modern day parable that a Korean Pastor
named Mr. Kim shared. As I read it, it put things back into
perspective as I pondered, again with fresh eyes, that ‘Jesus
On a regular basis the staff is receiving requests to rent
our facilities - long term and one off events. In light of
this, the following two organizations will become our
newest longer term renters starting in January:
Yes, the radio station! Praise 106.5 will
be moving out of Lynden, WA to
come down from heaven to purchase for himself a dwelling
place’ - you and me! I pray this parable is as helpful to you as
Bellingham, WA so their Canadian Staff
it was for me.
Da vi d
Ha rri s,
Re s ult s
The parable go as follows...
Acquisition Specialist, will be renting room 200 in
the Heritage Wing.
As a result of this new
partnership, Praise 106.5 will encourage their
sponsored events to take place at Gateway.
part of the rental contract Gateway will receive
radio air time on Praise to promote some of our
outreach initiatives moving forward.
the large multi-purpose room downstairs
on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Scores of books have been written that offer guidance for
building the marriage of your dreams. Yet, what if God’s
Prestige Martial Arts will be renting
Nadeau, is excited about the facilities and
primary intent for your marriage isn’t to make you happy . . .
but holy? And, what if your relationship isn’t as much about you
and your spouse as it is about you and God?
Gateway Staff will be hosting Garry Thomas ‘A Lifelong Love’
evening conference to kick-start our 6-week marriage Bible
the partnership moving forward. Todd’s classes are
study on ’Sacred Marriage’ written by Gary.
for all ages and focuses on Tia Kwan Do and
Regardless if you’re engaged, newlyweds or
Fitness Kickboxing. This is a great opportunity for
married for 63 year, this is something you
us to reach-out and welcome a variety of people
will not want to miss. Tell your friends,
from Abbotsford to Gateway Church.
family and your neighbors all about this
Both Praise and Prestige are excited to make Gateway
per ticket
their home. Each one provides us as a church with
Monday, March 7, 2016
unique ministry opportunities.
Gary Thomas is a bestselling author and international speaker whose ministry
brings people closer to Christ and closer to others. He unites the study of
Scripture, church history, and the Christian classics to foster spiritual growth
and deeper relationships within the Christian community. His unique message is
designed to help you embrace the unique way that you interact with God,
partner in the spiritual growth and character formation of your spouse, build a
closer, grace-based family, and enjoy God with a new sense of freedom and
Can you find all the church
logo’s in this issue of the many can you find?
Look for this symbol
~ With Thankfulness!
~ Outreach Ministry
~ ACS and the church
~ Events & Rentals
Volume 1 Issue #7
odd story and asking their advice. “Who ever heard of
 Develop a strategy to meet the various financial
memb e r
In This Issue:
“A year or two ago,” he explained, “I received a letter from a
friend. This friend was a young dentist. He wanted to move
to our city and start a dental practice here. Since I’m a
businessman who knows the city, he asked me to find him a
place that he could use as a home and office combined. Now
as we all know, there’s been a great housing shortage. But I
did all I could to help him. Finally I found a place and wrote
him about it. I told him the house was in bad condition.
There was a hole in the wall, and the roof leaked. The house
was in a very bad neighborhood. On top of all that, the price
was much more than the house was worth. Although I told
him all these problems, my friend sent me a telegram telling
me to buy the house.
“A day or so later, I got a cheque from him to cover the
down payment, so I signed the papers to buy the house.
The owner agreed to vacate the house in three days. But
when the time was up, the owner asked for a few more days
to find another house. I granted him this period of grace.
But after a week he was still there. Two weeks, three weeks,
a month, three months, six months have passed. The man
who sold the house has bought fancy clothes for himself and
his family, and they are eating expensive food. He knows
that I am a Christian and that in Korea we Christians never
go to court against other Christians, and we try not to go to
court against unbelievers. He laughs at me when I come.”
Mr. Kim was saying all this at a gathering of church elders
in the Korean city where he lived, and he had been asked
to lead their morning devotions. But instead of saying
something inspirational about God, he was telling them this
someone selling his house for a big price and then not
letting the new owner move in? What am I to do?” Kim
asked his fellow elders. After a discussion, they all agreed
that Kim had the right to go to the authorities and have the
man evicted and to take charge of the property.
“Thank you, Fathers and Brethren,” said Kim, “for
considering my problem. Before I sit down, I wish to draw
one conclusion. Long ago the Lord Jesus Christ came down
from heaven to purchase for himself a dwelling place.”
Pointing to himself Kim continued, “He bought this old
shack. It was in rundown condition. It was in a bad
neighborhood. Jesus bought me because he wanted to take
possession of me and dwell in my heart. He gave himself
for me, and he gave me the Holy Spirit as a down payment,
bringing me countless blessings. But I cling to my dwelling
and leave him outside. Now if you say that I have the right
to seek the help of the authorities to evict the man who is
occupying my friend’s house, what shall you and I say of
ourselves when we deny the Lord Jesus Christ the full
possession of that for which he gave his own life?” (Donald
Grey Barnhouse, Romans).
The baby that came, born in a dark, smelly, dirty cave and
had a feeding trough for His crib is Lord of ALL - He came
to take full possession of you and me. Now that is a reason
to celebrate!
The Staff of Gateway Community wish you a very
with family and friends.
May this be a time to reflect and
remember with JOY the message
of the stable and His journey to
the cross.
Oh...what a Savior!
Marcel, Bert, Anthony, Carol,
Sandra, Heather, Eric, Ken and Hilda
Safe Church Meeting for Volunteers!
If you are serving or desire to serve in any ministry that
ministers to those who are newborn to age 18 or any
vulnerable adult you need to attend the Gateway Safe
Ministry Team
Church Meeting if you have not done so in the past. This
Council is excited to announce that together, through the
amazing generosity of the members Gateway
Community, we have reach our financial needs and
obligations for 2015. In total
is not optional but is required of us to be a safe church
A major component to Community CARE Groups is Bible
The Outreach Ministry team is a wonderful new area to
for all that attend Gateway. Our next Safe Church
Study - a group of people digging into and learning from
serve and use your gifts in the life of Gateway and
Meeting will be Sunday, January 24 after the morning
God’s Word together. But facilitating a good Bible Study
beyond. This vital team will be established early in the
service in Room 205. If you plan on attending, please
is not always the easiest thing to do for a lot of people.
new year to help Gateway be effective and strategic in
go to the Welcome Center and sign up.
Total collected: $1,205,647.72
Total expenditures: $1,204,841.81
It’s also required for those serving in this category to
Surplus: $905.88
have a criminal and vulnerable sector check done
through the BC Ministry of Justice. This is a confidential
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name, make known
among the nations what he has done.”
Psalm 105:1
are encouraged to come to an evening of food,
fellowship and training on
How to Lead an effective
Please contact the office for your access code.
Bible Study.
opportunities both locally and globally.
The mandated purpose of the Outreach Ministry Team is
to “assist Gateway Community CRC in realizing its
mission to be a healthy, growing and diverse family of
walk us through practical and easy steps on how to lead
transforms lives in our church, in our city and in our
Early in the new year, Pastor Marcel and Pastor Anthony, along with Julies Siebenga, Executive Director
a Bible Study, how to make people feel part of the
world through overseeing, challenging, training and
of ACS, will begin discussions on how to host and facilitate roundtable discussions to talk about the
discussion, how to get people to participate in the
ongoing relationship between the Christian School and the local Church.
discussion so it’s not always the same people talking,
individuals and community groups.”
Israel - Feb 2017
Home, church and school—
of what you’ll learn and experience:
how to get people to prayer and more.
Does serving on this type of ministry team interest you?
So please mark this date in your calendar and plan on
If so, please talk to Pastor Marcel for a full copy of the
Outreach Ministry Team Mandate.
One-Day Staff Retreat
The staff will gather for a one-day
The Shephelah:
“lowlands” or “foothills”. The term refers to a 12–15 mile
wide region in Judea. The area is found between the
coastal plains—home of the Philistines in the
Testament—and the Mountains of Judea where the
Israelites lived. The Shephelah is where the two cultures
met: God’s people and the pagan Philistines. Whoever
retreat on Dec 22 to take a strategic
A huge thank you to everyone
who participated in
leading us through a 2-hour round
positive comments were received
table discussion on the ‘7 Habits of
from venders and community
Highly Effective People’ as laid out by
guests regarding our facility and
Stephen Covey in his book titled the
Gateway hospitality.
the world. The Old Testament heroes that
We will also take a look at the 2016
Philistines generally were located in this area.
 1 Samuel 13: 23 and 14:31
Need more information?
Go to the church
Registration deadline:
June 2016
calendar year and insert all the events
and ministries taking place to see how
we can be strategic in our efforts,
Picture: You will stand here overlooking The Valley of Elah in the
Shephelah near Tell Azekah. From this view point it’s easy to see how
the Israelites and the Philistines were encamped on opposite side.
annual Arts & Craft Show. Many
battled the
Advancement Director for ACS, will be
controlled the Shephelah shaped the culture of that part of
 Judges 13-16
outreach initiatives and will be instrumental in planning
God, expressing the good news of God’s Kingdom which
in the fear and knowledge of our Lord! It’s time to be intentional in our conversations.
 1 Samuel 17
our outreach efforts. This new team will oversee current
Bryan and Lynette Brandsma and Heather Postma will
regardless of what order you put these three words, there is one common goal - to raise our children
Group Leaders, and anyone else who may be interested,
process and free to those that volunteer at Gateway.
Thank you.
On Thursday, January 14 at 7:30 all Community Care
outreach and ministry. Believe it or
not, 2016 is filling up quickly.