Bylaws - Clovis Junior Soccer League


Bylaws - Clovis Junior Soccer League
3. Notice mUSI be given 10 the Gener.1 mt-mhf!rship no less than 30 days prior 10 Ihe AGM . $Ych
notice CMI hf! done cled ronically yia e·maH or yia iI dub website.
4 . [Iected Officers shal beJln their term in oHke on M<!rch 1" of the elKtlon ye".
S. The P,"'sidenl, s«, e!a'V. Reibtrar and Uniform & Elluipf\'lMt Coordin;tlor will bfc elected in odd
number yl"I'S. The Commi~sione •• VP, ActI\fiti6 Coordinator & rrenur",r will be elected in even
numbend years .
6. The tenure of eildl o;rector~hip 5 ha~ be .pproKimately two yeal> foUowing instalbtion to the
office. An elected offICI!"!" mrf 1'101 hold th e- SlIme Board position mlXe than lou. consecutive yeal'S,
unleS5 there are no other nomination s forth!! position.
7. In the event there i5 iI vacant Board position, the President of the new Board may recommend a
person to rdl a vacant position after his or her Instlliialion to office. Sl.ICh appointment takes effect
with co nsent of the new Board members. Such consent shilll be by th e m,llority vote . Such
appointment is not bindi nS with out acceptante of Ihe appointee itOd wi l take effect'*;
UpOn IKceptance.
A.. The members of the Bon of Directors ad i"" tOsether sIla' conullllle th e- AdminiwatiV'l!
ma ....gement of the FSC. lh~ shOll be deemed r"'$pOnslble for.
1. fn5ums that the FSC operlll!!5 with in the Irameworlo; 01 the Preamble, Co n51ilutional Statement
and by By·Laws of the FSC, and within the rules of the Clovis Junior Soo:CIr LU8ue jCJSL) and the
California Youth Soccer Associalion (CAL NORTH).
2. R.151nl funds to cover the e~penses of the FSC.
3. P~vl ng Approved Indebtednen of the FSC und~ the provisions of thl! By· of the FSC. without
Incu rrlnl or assuming person" btlNlly for such indebted~
4. Requiilt ion 01 MKh suppl~ throu!h the offiCI of the Trea<;urer ~s may be req ui red lor Ihe conduct
of FSC bU5ioe s~
S. Confirmlnlorvetoill8 the selection of Cf»(hes.
1. L1.lson between FSC and CJSL
2. Attllnds monthly CJSl meetings.
3. Ensures L!!ilgu~ rule compliance.
4 . Provide'! an open line of commun lQ tion betwun thl co.aching staff and Board of Oirecto,,;.
S. Re$pOMible for recruitir\i. a<;~nfltO tlllfn$, Ind training of coad>es.
6. Ruporulble for enlortinll the CJSl "101"'1 PI,lv" Rule, and Disc:ip5..... 'V RulinSS and P..... lty Condud
7. lnve't~le and n!po4"t on tournam ent pol.sib~itits for the fSC te.m~
8. (oo Nlin.te thllSsignmenl of piay""$ \0 t e-ams with the consenws ol the Board of DirectOl"S.
9. Rts.ponslble for maintaining (oaches Llbr..-y Mid necessary re~Ofds thereof.
10. ResponsiDle for sUDmission of and gaining appro~al for hardship registriltions.
11. Report on th<! actMties of the office to the other Board MemDers as called for.
12. R<!pr<!s<!nt the FSC in ilffiliilted organization meetings.
13. Is a memDer of the CJSL Board of Directors.
1. Preside o~<!r all FSC meetings.
2. Pro~ide leadership, inspiration, and dlr<!ction for th<! FSC.
3. Hold th<! r<!malnd<!r of th<! Board r<!sponsible for fulfilling their obligations to the offices they hold,
without authority to remo~e such persons by unilateral action.
4. Responsible for implementing th<! means to attain the gOlills ildopted by the General Membership
ofthe Club.
S. Report on the activities of the office to the other Board members as called for.
6. Represent FSC in affiliated organization meetings.
1. Preside at m<!<!ting in th<! abs<!nc<! of th<! Pr<!sid<!nt.
2. R<!sponsible for all FSC publicity with the general populace, induding coach<!s, sponsors, and oth<!r
interested parties.
3. Pr<!par<! n<!wsl<!tt<!rs.
4. Report on the acti~ities of the office to the Board m<!mbers as called for.
5. Represent FSC in affiliated organizillion meetings.
1. Responsibl<! for keepingofthe minutes of all meetings.
2. Responsible for general correspondence of the FSC.
3. Prollide notifICation to the General Membership of the AGM and to the Board Members of al
Board meetings.
4. R<!port on the activities of the office to the other Board Members as called for.
S. In coordination with the Vice-President, prepare newsletters.
6. Represent the FSC in affiliated orgilniziltional meetings.
an itemized statement of Incom<! and <!xpenses at <!ach FSC Meeting, to include a
statement of income and expenses at each FSC Meeting, to include a statement of monies
2. Issue yearly financial reports to be dated upon a fiscal year March 1, through the end of February
corresponding to the term of office and to be presented to the new Board of Directors within ten
(10) days of their installation into the office for
or non-acceptance. If by chance there is
no new Board, the Treasurer Is to turn over the books to the ClSl..
3. Provide an annual budget based upon information supplied by the Board of Directors, to be
presented for review, revision, and approval ilt the April m<!eting of each year.
4. Purchase of loods and services to be ren~ltd to FSC b~ upon t~.....,~ tMJdiet approved by
the Board of Dlr«lors 01 other elIpellws as m.... be approved by ;) fNjorll'i vote of the BoiJrd of
S. Collect due~ mt1V Ius, unifonn fees, rtiLUratlon f~, ""d othlr monies r~iwd by FS( arid
maintilin records rrgarding such collections.
6. Disburse moniel for Approved Indebtedness of FSC subject to the By·Laws Ind approved budle! of
FSC and malm;)ln records of such disbursement.
7. Obtain competitive bids ~ the pun:hilSe of awar~ and submit such bid s for approval of the Bea rd
of DirKtors. UpOrI such Ipprovil l. arrqe for purcllul of
&. Allocatr monies r«eivld ill the reAistr" tion ptoc:ess to their propt'. ~p/IfIl (thl RIglstf3. of CJSl).
9. Report.on tile 'cthritiesof the office to t he othe. Board Membin ncalled for .
10. Reprt5ent the FSC in affihled OIgani.~tion mef:ting.
1. Responsible for 1111 rellistration of d pllyers, In the FSC
in the undlr-14's and the VQUflger
Ige lI'ouPS.
2. Re5PQn:iibk! for cond(>(tlnll iI minimum of two rei!S1ratioo driWs. On, to be held in the Spring
befofethe end of May and ttw other held by the first week of ~embe •.
3. Responsible for publk Wr.g r<!"gis1li1tion drNH.
4. Responsible for rt("rl.lltmenl and Irainlng of ;wIl.llt leg~tralion ,ssinant$.
S. Responsibll for prope. registration of players, tums, coaches, and .~sl~unt cO lches w1th CJSL.
6. Allocate monies received In the registration process to the FSC Treasure •.
7. Respomi~e fOI submitti ng hilrd!ohip appWc~iOns to the Comm issio!"let lor timely presentatiOn to
&. Prepare 551 of (~CIlH. auisunt coac~, fu m ~~nu. and 51)Oru01"S to<" use by fsc.
9. Report. on ttle Klivltluoftlleoffln! to the Other Board "'ember~ lIS (I~ed for.
10. Replesent the FSC in affihled organllUion mtetlngs.
1. Responsible for subml$slon of requests fOI purchases of uniforms. equipment, and supplies
nece-;sary b" so«el pllyto the Board of DirectOl"1.
2. Provide liaison wilh Commissioner to deterl'1""oinoe .-qulpmlHlt and un iform 'tilu irements.
oJ. Milmain r«ords (inventcrvl of ill uniforms and equipment.
4. Re5PQn!iib1e for Iht SIOf"~e. INIInlen,nce, IUldnca, collection, and inventooying of d uniforms
Ind equipment.
S. Report on the activities of the offIce toth e oth" Board Memb~rs as called fOI .
6. Represent tile FSC In affi~ated organization mtttinlils.
1. Responsibll for Inhl. lIon, promociOOl, ;JOd operation of all fund ra;,.!n! ewnts..
2. Rest>onsible for spon$OI" p_ement and procurement of r~lKement spDr\SOf"!o
.s such nHd
3, Plan and coordiniite activities including rerognition banquets, award ceremonies and any other
special activities sponsored and approved by the Board of Directors of FSC.
4, Act as a liaison b@tweentheFSCandtheReaganParents'Club.
5. Assist the Vic@-Presidentinpreparingnewsletter.
6. Report on the activities of the office to the other Board Members as called for.
7. Other job duties as assigned by the FSC Board.
S. Activities Coordinator position may be rolled only if specified Board positions are filled; (President,
Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Uniform & Equipment Coordinator, and
1. Assist other Board Members as directed by the Board of Directors.
2. Report on the activities of the office to the Board Members as called for.
3. Represent the FSC in affiliated organization meetings.
4. Director At-Large positiorl may only be filled if specified Board positions are filled; (PreSident, VICe·
President, secretary, Treasur@r,Registrar,Uniform&EquipmentCoordinator, and Commissioner).
A. COaches
1. Implement the goals of the FSC expressed in the Preamble.
2. Apply the "MUST PLAY· Rule of the CJSL, and maintain records of such.
3. Share information regarding strategies, skills, ind other information regarding the conduct of
the games and/or practices.
Responsible forthe conduct of the team and its supporters.
Obtain uniforms and equipment from the Uniform and Equipment Coordinator,
Assist the Activities Coordinator in obtaining sponsors.
Mandatory attendance at a least one CJSL or FSC Coaches Clinic is required of all head coaches
and recommended for an assistant coaches.
8. An Coaches must possess an "F" or higher lic@nse,ora modular license for the age group to be
9. Coaches shall be appointed by a majority vote of the FSC Board of Directors.
B, Team Members
1. Responsible for observing the direction of the team coach and assistant coaches.
2. Subject to the disciplinary rulings of the team coach, Board of Directors, and the CJSL.
3. Those players properly registered and assigned to a registered team are not to be added,
dropped, or transferred by the coach or any individual. This is to be the sole responsibility of
the FSC Board of Directors.
aua MttlINGS
rhe te<m "Club Meeting" as \lSE'd in Ihe ~t;lt.ltion and By·uws shall aPf)\y 10 lhe- General
Membtrshlp Meeting and meilings of th e &oard of Directors.
1. Thl~ meeting shan con~ist of the Bo,rd of Directors, team cOlches and My other member of
the General membership who wish to participate.
2. AfIfluill General Meeting: The Ann Uli ~eral Meelin,!! shall includ. the election of offlcen
as describtd In the constltvtlon. A Wfitten notice must be given to the ~"II membership
no less than 3.0 dilys prior to the AGM. Such ootice un be done electrooluly"; a e-mail or
via a club website .
The &oard of Directors shll meet al lea!ot once pel" month for the wndlK\ offS( business.
1. The President of the Boant of Directors sh8M preside ilt ilil Club Mell!llngs. In the absence of
the President, the Vice·Presldent shall preside.
Should any guest from In outside affi liation attend a Club MelPtlng at the request of the
&oil rd of Directors, the righ t to $ptlk shall bf' alowed without ilnY attendant right to vote
on imy issue.
A quorum of the Board must be in attendance at any Oub Meeting 10 conduct businen of
the fsc. A qllOtUm is " , LEAS' HALF Of nl( El£CTED BOARD Of DIRECTORS.
In all Oab Meetings and in all fSC businKS, tach member of the Elected fIoard of Director.;
shall have one lO'ote.
The SecrlPtary sh all notify ;,II Directors, (ollChes and other interested pwtils of the date,
time and location of the Annual Gtneral Meeting.
Nothing in this section or any other shall be construed to meln th at the BOMd of Directors
does not have the right to assemble forthe purpose of conducting FSC b ... ~ness.
Any question upon wh ich . vote of the General Membersh ip Is feql.llred at a Gener .. 1
Mem bership MelPtinl shall aflot one vo1e for each General Member ;tS describ ed in the
1. The O"eitlion 01 abolitiOfl of a Olrectorship
Of 3nignment/n!assignm~t
of a director!ollip
function sh ..1 req uire I vote of 2/3 ol l he Directors in attendance at any Oub M~lng a~
such need may be .;aled fOf by th e Generll Me mbership 01 by, membe r of 1M Board of
2. Th« r~moval of a member 01 th. Board of Dir~or$ may be prgpose<l by the General
member5hip at any Oub ~ttin& ~nd requires a 2/3 vote of the other DIrKto rs In
~tteodance for removal. Th~ party upon whom the reff10llal adicm Is pfMsed shd not hilOl!
a vote in the remllVal procus nOf ... ~I his/11K pre!.ella! be taunted to detenl'.ine the
numbet"of votes ne<:e»J<y to .ulin IIIfJ 2j;t ¥Ote removal.
3. Any Bo.n:l Member mis$in& (3) «l nS«"\ltNe Bo.u Mef!tin~ may be wtljlK'1 10 removal.
4. TIle removal of a member 01 Ihe COiIchi~ staff may be proposed by the General
Membership at any Club Meetlnl.nd r~qulres 2/3 vote of thl! Director1 In "nendance for
removal. If the coach upon whom such action is pressed Is a m.mber of the Board of
DlrllClors, such Director shall not have a vote In the removal IIf'OCeU nor wlU his/her
presence be counted to determine the number of votes n~cessMY to an"ln the 2/3 vote
removal. StJch action will ngt ,ff,CI the person's continued function In th« CIPOlClty of iI
5. TIle discipline o r removal of afly Bo"d Member or cOOIch shd be a two step pl"0ces5.. Fir.;t,
the Bo"rd wit consider. upon prior fIIoI)fion. whether there b: wfficltnt uuse 10 con!iider
the dluipl"e or (em~ of a Soard membK or Coach. Upon p~ 01 m e motion by 1/3
of Ihe DIRECTORS IN ATI£ND.t.N CE, the Bo.u Member or Coach shall be t"IOtlfled In woo",
of the reawns why removlll is be1na considered and the dile lind time whk.h Ihe Bo"rd wi.
consider the disclpWne or removal . Second, the Board Member or COach who is to be
cOM§idered 10 be diiciplined or (.moved shall have iI!l opportunity to hlar Ihe charges
alilinst him or her and respond . Upon conclusion of the hearin8, the Boa rd shall vote, In
closed e>;ecutlve seiiion, ilnd It shall ,..qulrll a vote of 2/3 of the BOARD DF DIRECTORS IN
ATTENDANCE to remove or otherwln discipline iI Coach or Soard Member. If tn~ ~!.On to
be remOYild i5 ~ So~rd m~mber. hl1/her votl shiH not cOIJnl In disclplltle or ,..moval process
nor will hls/her vote kH! cllunt.d to determine Ihe neces&il<y vote 10 acprove the refflOVilI Of
dl!.cipline. nor ..,;1 he/i ll\! p;.wtlcIpalt in the ~ e~t't"... live sessloR 10 dl'lermin~
6. The ~rd ~illl ~ discretion 10 impose whatt'VeI' discjpline. indl.ldln& ~rno..-al. it
coniiders appropriate under t he cJrwmstancei.
7. Any disciplined or removed eo8fcl Member Of COach shall Mve the right 10 "Ppeal th~
dedilon to the OSL.
1. Th. term NApproved Indebtedn enN or "Approved Debt" sha ll IPPIy to Iny •• quest for
pa.,.."ent which hai been approved by I majority vote of Dirllctors in attendan ce at ilny Club
2. All r~eSls fw Pilymwnt maGe 01 f SC by venclon, purveyor.;., suppUets. ¥ld seleri mall
r~lJite a majority vote of III. DIrKtOf! In .11lendiW>Ce at "ny "lib Meeting.
3. All lIi1Yf1lenl~ of Approved IndeC)led ness mo1d e by fSC wll indude the ~gnBlufe of the
Treisurer and 0f1~ of the foll)W\ng: I'le-iident, V'Ke~enl orSecrel;l <y.
1. The approvotl "" npendituret of fSC monies ouWiIl! Ihl! FSC ~n",, ; 1 Mael !>hall requirl! ~
mll)orlty vote of the DhdOl'S Iro ~endi....ce.
l. The ~""1'OV31 for <III other motioltS, unl4lu ottwrwise !i)etifoed ~hall be by 1Nj0rity votl! of
the DirKtOf'S in attmdil lK• .
3. In the extended IObs'lKl! 01 thl! Trenurel" (e.g., ... acation), the nlWr'I& of the dlrtil!s of the
offlCe!>h<tli flIH in order upon the ~etilry, Vice·Pre~dent, MId Presid ent .
4. Chllnges in, additions to or del ellons from this Constitution and 8 ...·lJow$ mllV only be done
at thl! Annual General Mutln8. Approval of such action requires II 2/3 vote ollhe adult
members in ilttendancfI.
S. C~n8l!s in dub affi~ation mil Vonly btt donI! at the Annual General Meetln811nd requires ilt
lfIast ~ t he prior searon ' membe-rshlp to be in ilttentliinCtl. Appro ... <il of such OI(tion requires
a 2/3 vote of Ihl! adult membef~ in Itlendllf'oCl!.
6. Nothing in this (ONtitutklll or &y- taws shilll be construl!d M proYIdln& thl! minor members
of this orpnilation ml! .i&ht to vote upon F!£ business.
1. Eaen eligible player on 10 IflIm mU $! plaV In eKh league game for Ihl! tim. specified bV the CJSl,
In Iht Coa<:hes' Kit.
2. It shall be the objflct of the team t oaeh to gi ... e each pjaV!!r an equill ~ha re Of the tr .. ining lind
participation in the lelgue glm".
1. Per50ns nominated bV the Commlnloner to the coaching staff require ilpproval bV the Board of
4. Th!! conm..ct of the coaches and of thl! ~I¥rs shil ll reflect the stand«ds of C1Sl & Fs,c in all
respects. Sweil rin&. insubordirla1Ion, <llJCKSNe ilb!.ef\Ce, f!&hllnll or OIher \M"I~porhmanlike
conduct may be sufflCiI!nt IIrOtmd~ for ",.pulsion from the Clw.
S. No member of the Club Is .11owed to a ny or use illcot\oIic bewfaee~ 01' oIMr mindjf"l!31ity
,)Iter in, substances during ltJfly CJs!,. ~e-etin&. FSI: Meeting. pridke, ptK1i«' games, league
games, tournament plrticipltion, or OI:her ttim f\Jnction. Sum ronduct may be llrounds for
expulsion upon 2/3 vote of the OIrKtorsln IIttendanCl! at any Club Meeting.
6. A new pl.wer ciln be rellisterfld and added ilt ilnV time prior to the Ind of Ih, wctflr season. A
plIlV" Cilnnot change teilms aftar team rosters hav!! been submitted to the Regi!itrar of the
1. No 1CllvltV ofth", Club !>hail be undert.ken without direct adult supe ..... rsio n.
8. No penon ~h.all be lliiowed to $Oildt do ~ iltiom, p~rticipilte in the salfl of aODds or servius, or
"""11' In ilny other fund rl ls ing ICllvil:y on bl!hillf of the FSC without ttoe approval of
of th", Board of Difecto.s.
9. Allust on!! adult coadl mU51 be p.~t at any team f\Jnction .