August 2015 Newsletter - Christus Victor Lutheran Church


August 2015 Newsletter - Christus Victor Lutheran Church
A Newsletter of the People of
15600 North Tamiami Trail
Naples, Florida 34110-6245
(239) 597-1043
Rev. Thomas J. Slater, Pastor
Thanks Be To God, who gives us the victory in Ministry Kim Heindl beginning on October
through our Lord,
4th at 9:30a.m.
Jesus Christ"
(I Cor. 15:57)
Summer Greetings
Don't just victoriously!
Pastor Tom
Pastor Tom’s Page
As we enter the month of August,
changes are in store for us. Our new
Intern and his wife, Justin and
Kelsey Ligenfelter, will have arrived
by the time you read this. Their first
Sunday will be August 2nd. Please extend our
warmest hospitality to them as they make
the transition to married life and Internship
all at once.
We had a very successful Victory Park
work day on July 22nd with eight people
working together to beautify our lovely park.
If you haven’t been back there for awhile,
please take the time to walk around and
experience the presence of God as you do.
As a “heads-up”, I wanted to remind you
that I will be kicking off the Adult Sunday
School class this year. On September 13th,
20th, and 27th I will be sharing the final draft
of our Five Year Mission Plan developed by
the congregation and our Long-Range Task
This class will prepare the way for a class
being taught on “Spiritual Gifts” by Associate
We are sad to report the death of Christus
Victor member, Dolores Troy, who passed
away on July 22nd, 2015. We give thanks to
God for her life and rejoice that she has
joined the Church Triumphant!
Sick or Hospitalized?
Please tell us if you or someone you know in the congregation will be hospitalized or in need of
a visit as we are not routinely notified by local hospitals when members are admitted. The office
number is 597-1043. Prayer for one another is understanding love.
President’s Place
Music Notes From
By Phyllis Nichols
Council approved our next CVLC
Five Year Mission Plan. The
congregation questionnaire
responses submitted in February
were discussed, analyzed and sorted into lists
by the planning committee. Many of the
questionnaire suggestions were then written
into the Five Year Mission Plan. Pastor Tom
plans to discuss the Five Year Mission Plan
during Adult Sunday School on September
13th, 20th and 27th. Please put these dates on
your calendar and plan to attend. Thank you
to all who provided ideas for the
development of the Five Year Mission Plan.
The steeple and the exterior of the church
building have been cleaned. Please take time
to notice our clean exterior. There are a
couple areas which need more attention.
These areas should be cleaned very soon.
Going forward, the property committee plans
to complete the exterior cleaning every three
years. Plans to repair the flat roof locations
over the office/education building are in
process. Three additional down spouts have
been added to help handle water during our
rains. A new freezer has been purchased for
the kitchen. Council approved a plan to place
new flooring in the Cafe and two adjacent
rooms, plus the library.
Council approved the 2015-16 internship
committee. Members of the committee
include, Sarah Alves- Chair, Christy O'Brien,
Gary Tinkel, Christine Krahn, Helen Wright,
John Preston and Bill Rhodes.
Thanks to all who assist in carrying out the
mission at CVLC.
The choir is on “vacation”
for the summer months, but we will have
anthems throughout the summer for some of
the special services. I will contact choir
members for those occasions.
Once again, I am asking for anyone who
would be interested in singing a special song,
or play an instrument to enhance the
services, to please get in touch with me. I
will be happy to meet with you to practice in
between the services, and then we can
schedule a Sunday for you. Solos, duets,
ensembles, just let me know! I plan the music
a month ahead so please let me know as
soon as possible.
Thank you so much to all who helped with
the anthems for Adam’s farewell. It was
deeply appreciated!
I would like to extend a very special
welcome to our new intern Justin and his
wife Kelsey. I am looking forward to
meeting you and working with you in the
coming year.
Thank you to H.G. Fisher for filling in for
me while I am on vacation the 9th of August
Choir rehearsals will not resume until
October at a day and time to be announced
Should anything change, it will be noted in
the weekly bulletin. As always, if you have
any questions, please see me after the
service or email me at:
[email protected]
Until next month, keep a song in your hearts!
for more ideas. If this topic is of interest to
you, you may want to start a new
Stewards of creation. In creation, God
ministry...a congregational creation care
gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth team.
and all that is in it. God is the owner; we are
the stewards. Creation is our first
stewardship. Think about how we might
Who sits next to you in
care for the earth so as to sustain it for
church? Please make it
future generations.
a prayerful effort to
Reimagine your offering. In previous
notice who sits near you
years we have highlighted ELCA good gifts,
every Sunday. Please
like fruit tree seedlings, animals or water
make a prayerful effort
purification. This program is a way for you
to say *hello* and get to
to go beyond your regular congregational
know these sisters and brothers by
offering to support the ministries of the
ELCA that mean the most to you. You can
select a gift to give in honor of a friend or
loved one. With each online donation of
$10 or more, you may request a printed card INFORMATION! Neighborhood Connections
can begin and get stronger in church! It's a
to be sent to your home, so you can tell
Sunday Thing!
others about your gift.
For example, you can purchase chicks for
$10, a pig for $30, sheep for $125, a cow for
$500, water purification tablets for $50, fruit
tree seedlings for $10, or farming tools and
training for $25. There is a variety of
selections with a price range from $10 to
over $500. A catalog is available on online
AT CVLC we care for creation when we
Thank you Stephen Stidinger for the
care for our buildings and grounds, maintain wonderful and informative postings on
Victory Park, and when we host a
the Christus Victor Facebook page!!!
congregational garage sale. We can support Now all the congregation has to do is. . .
local farmers through purchases and recycle.
We can thank God for creation and pray for
those impacted by natural disasters. Visit
Lutherans Restoring Creation at http://
Undy Sunday
New Intern’s Pantry
August 9th and August 16th have been
designated as the Annual “Undy Sunday”
Drive by the Catholic Charities of Collier
County. This supplies necessary new
underwear and socks to needy school kids.
Collection boxes will be in the narthex for
you to deposit your gifts. All children’s sizes
of underwear and socks are needed. Cash
donations may be placed in pew envelopes
marked “Undy Sunday” Let’s help out the
needy kids with our gifts. Thank you!
We are very excited about our new
Intern, Justin Ligenfelter and his wife
Kelsey who arrived the end of July. To help
them get settled, we would like to present
them with a congregational gift at the
Luau: A Publix Gift Certificate.
Please use a pew envelope for your
contribution – indicate "Intern's Pantry"
and place it in the offering plate. We will
be collecting contributions to purchase a
single gift certificate for them. If you have
already gone to your northern address you
may mail your donation directly to the
church office with a notation “Intern’s
Pantry” at 15600 Tamiami Trail N., Naples,
FL 34110. Thank you so very much for
your participation. We know Justin and
Kelsey will greatly appreciate it.
Meals of Mercy
Thank you to each and every person
participating in this wonderful program!
Such a blessing to have tasty meals prepared
when you're recovering after a hospital stay!
Our church steps "up to the plate" with a
plate of food! Another form of OUTREACH,
as we participate inside our own church
walls! Thank you and bless each of you!
Carol Phillips
Parish Life
Got an idea? We're making plans for our
future events! Come one, come all. We
AARP Driver Safety
want your input! Planning our LUAU for
Take the AARP Driver Safety Classroom
Intern Justin and his wife
Course! Learn proven safety strategies to
Kelsey will be included in
maintain your confidence behind the wheel. the event! Should be an
Upon completion you may be eligible to
interesting time! Don't
receive an auto insurance discount. Consult forget AUGUST 3, 2015
your agent for details.
at 1:00 PM! We hope
Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 9:00a.m.
see YOU there!
at Christus Victor Lutheran Church
To register please call Ulla at 239-269Carol Phillips
August 16, 2015
12:00 p.m.
*Pig Roast
Macaroni & Cheese
Hawaiian Rice
Bean Salad
Watermelon & Pineapple
Decorated Cake
*Chef Alex of Café Figaro
Wiggins Pass Crossing Plaza
13510 Tamiami Trail N.
Naples, FL 34110
(behind Walgreen’s)
The Library
Concert Series Committee
We just celebrated the first event of our
new concert series with Paul Todd on July
24th at our “Christmas in July” concert in
Fellowship Hall. We all had a wonderful time
at this tremendous concert.
Our hope is to put together about 4-6
concerts a year with a variety of themes. We
are looking for a group of people interested
in working with the church and Paul Todd to
set up and take down chairs and decorations
for these events and take tickets and open
up the building for the musicians.
If you are interested in serving on this
type of committee, please call the church
office at 597-1043.
Be sure to browse
through the library this
month. There is no time
limit for keeping the
books. The choices are
varied and there’s something for everyone.
Library hours are Monday through Friday
during office hours and on Sundays.
The Right Words at the Right Time
By Marlo Thomas
In the Author Section
For everyone who needs a hero or loves a
good story, here is an inspiring collection of
personal revelations from over 100 people
who share a moment when words changed
their lives.
This Side of Heaven
By Karin Kingsbury
In the Author Section
Our clothing donation box
is over flowing!!
There are many books of this bestselling and
popular author in our library. This particular
novel is a story of family secrets, broken
relationships and a love strong enough to
span a nation.
That is a good thing! The gentleman that
used to come and pick up our clothing
donations has moved. We are in need of
some one to volunteer to come buy once a
week or even once every two weeks and
take the clothes to Good Will or the
Salvation Army or any other organization
that collects clothing. If you are interested,
please call the church office at 597-1043.
Thank you!!
Single Friends
Join us on Thursday August 6 , for a tour
of the Holocaust Museum. The tour is at
1:30, and we will carpool at the church at
12:15 or meet at the museum at 1:00.
Our next Mingle is Wednesday, August
12, from 5pm to 7pm, and we have several
new proposed activities to consider.
The next seven years
for Pr. Kevin in New
Guinea were diverse
and busy. Using his
leadership and
teaching skills, Pr.
Kevin worked with
the University of
Papua, New Guinea to design and develop
"It's a Sunday Thing"
religious education studies preparing
Outreach would like to give
graduated to teach religious education in
you an end of summer
secondary schools across New Guinea and
other South Pacific nations. He had to
1) Find your nametags!
manage the department budget and
2) Wear your nametags!
finances and secure funds for the program.
No matter if you are a new member (it
He also served as the pastor for the students
helps us all get to know you!) OR a member at the university.
for many years (it helps us all get to know
Another aspect of his work in New Guinea
you!) PLEASE wear your nametag!
for the ELCA included chairing a council and
If you have misplaced it, contact Dawn in five committees that responded to the needs
the office and we will get you a new
of 250 ELCA missionaries form seven other
one! "It's a Sunday Thing!" THANK YOU!
countries working a $1.5million budget for
counseling, retreats, seminars, education,
housing, transportation, and medical
Although that might seem to be enough
Saturday, August 1st and at the to keep one person quite busy, Pr. Kevin also
was the interim Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran
same time we
Church in New Guinea for two years, where
will clean our
he preached and presided in their native
section of Old
41. We meet at
Next month we find Pr. Kevin’s work is
8:00 a.m. at the Banyan tree
done in New Guinea after nine years and
across from the Band shell
on old US 41. It is a great experience…bring he’s in a different country once again.
the kids!
A word from Cheryl Pfaus
Director of Education and Youth
Praise God! What a summer it has been! It has been an incredible journey for
our children and youth as they’ve encountered God in new, exciting ways. Faith is a
journey of discovery and enlightenment and the feet of our young ones are surely set on a
firm path! A million thanks to the congregation for supporting the high school youth who
encountered Jesus in Detroit at the ELCA Youth Gathering in July. The week was filled with
laughter, service and powerful moments where we were able to RISE UP and stand in God’s
presence alongside the people of Detroit. The youth will be sharing the details of their
journey this January with the whole congregation. Please don’t wait until then to start
hearing the stories...ask a youth about their journey today! Pictures from the trip can be
found on our CVLC FB page: Click this LINK, go to Photos and click on Mobile Uploads.
CVLC Youth Group with FL-Bahamas Synod Bishop Robert Schaefer
As you read this, our middle schoolers have taken off for Camp Mavericks at Luther
Springs in Hawthorne, FL. Please keep them in your prayers as they, too, encounter God in
a new way and develop relationships in His presence with new and old friends!
Oh, the stories we will have to share after a summer of transformation!
Thanks be to God for CVLC’s unending support and encouragement of these programs.
Children and Youth
Mark your Calendars!
Sunday School Returns
Sunday, September 13, 9:30am
Our 2015/2016 theme is: All God’s Creatures!
We will spend the year celebrating how God blesses
us through creation and diversity!
God also blesses each of us with many gifts...would you be
willing to share your gifts this year? Whether it’s
storytelling, music, food, teaching, decorating, crafts and
so much more...your gifts are most welcome!
Watch the bulletin board in the lobby for volunteer
opportunities to lend your hands and talents
this Sunday School Year!
Children’s registration forms will be available in August. Invite a friend!
THE FOOD COLLECTION for the month of August is
canned spaghetti. Please leave your donations in the
grocery carts in the Outreach Center and thank you for
your continued support.
Gisela Heiny
David Hengel
Kathy Savela
David Peluchette
Craig Engdahl
Elaine Morrison
Glen A. Temanson
Taylor LaMure
Sean Engler
Jill Schmieg
Katy Gidwani
Jim Oberman
Shirley Grigar
Abigail Kennedy
Kay Taylor
Gisela Grindle
Doug Knitt
Christoffer Engler
Wes Johnson
Judy Boucher
George Koch
Eugene Close
Rosie Glendenning
Michael DeVito
Dan Riddle
Jordan Ruhl
Carolyn Helgason
A very Happy Birthday to each and
every one of you! May the year
ahead be filled with wonderful
memories to cherish, and opportunities to serve God wherever He places
Esther Hecht
James Mennen
Dede Morrison
Rick Steinmeyer
Lacie Ruhl
Merma Harris
Issac Steinmeyer
Lola Palmer
If your birthday is incorrect or missing, please contact the church office
(597-1043) so we can change or update our records. Thank you.
Financial report
June 2015
Overall General Operating Donation Income vs. Expenditures
Previous YTD
Donations from Select General Operating Funds for the Month
Current Envelope
Loose Offering
June 2015
June 2014
$ Change
% Change
Total General Category
Select Funds Collected YTD Comparison
Current- Envelope
Loose Offering
$ 243,643.91
$ 15,456.53
Total General Category
$ 280,743.57
Associate Pastor
ELCA Hunger
Total Dedicated Income
In Christ, Jim Dupré, Treasurer
August 19th, 2015
Phyllis Nichols
David Peluchette
Vice President
Jim Dupre
Bridget Engdahl
Rebecca Stearns
Spiritual Ministries Liaison
Richard Dougherty
Administrative Committees
Pastor Thomas J. Slater
John Groth
Associate Member
Sunday Worship Services – January through April 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
May through December 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Church Office Hours –
Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Phone (239)597-1043 Fax (239) 597-6028
Web page:
E-mail: [email protected]
cell - 239-450-0699
Intern Justin Ligenfelter
(h) 239-947-0273
Dawn King
Office Administrator
Cheryl Pfaus
Director of Education & Youth
Joyce Reitz
Director of Music