1:250 000 tobermorey sf 53-12 - Northern Territory Government


1:250 000 tobermorey sf 53-12 - Northern Territory Government
1:250 000
Map Series
Explanatory Notes
2nd Edition
SF 53-07
SF 53-08
SF 54-05
SF 53-11
Sheet SF 53-12
SF 54-09
SF 53-12
Northern Territory
(Second Edition)
SF 54-13
SF 53-16
SF 53-15
Government Printer of the Northern Territory
Darwin, October 2002
MINISTER: Hon Paul Henderson, MLA
DIRECTOR: Dr R Dennis Gee
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE: Kruse PD, Brakel AT1, Dunster JN, and Duffett ML, 2002. Tobermorey, Northern Territory
(Second Edition). 1:250 000 geological map series explanatory notes, SF 53-12. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Darwin
and Geoscience Australia, Canberra (National Geoscience Mapping Accord).
(1:250 000 geological map series, ISSN 0814-7485)
ISBN 0 7245 7049 7
KEY WORDS: Geological mapping, Geophysical interpretation, Structural geology, Economic geology, Sedimentary geology,
Stratigraphy, Northern Territory, Tobermorey, Palaeoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, Cambrian, Ordovician, Jurassic, Cretaceous,
Cenozoic, Arunta Province, Georgina Basin, Tarlton Fault, Marqua Monocline, Toomba Fault Zone, Mopunga Group, Keepera
Group, Toko Group, Igneous intrusions.
For further information contact:
Reference Geologist
Northern Territory Geological Survey
GPO Box 3000
Darwin NT 0801
Phone: +61 8 8999 5281
Web site: http://www.dbird.nt.gov.au/ntgs
Formerly Australian Geological Survey Organisation (Geoscience Australia)
© Northern Territory Government 2002
Printed for the Northern Territory Geological Survey
by the Government Printer of the Northern Territory
This information is provided on the understanding that the user agrees to release and indemnify the Northern Territory, the
Commonwealth of Australia, companies who supplied and acquired the data, and their employees, agents and contractors, in
respect of all liability for actions, claims, costs, expenses, loss, damage or injury, which may be suffered by them, or any other
persons, arising from the use of the data, or as a consequence of any unlawful or negligent act or omission of the user.
TOBERMOREY1 includes portions of the Georgina Basin and Arunta Province. Outcrop of the Narwietooma Package of the
Arunta Province is restricted to the southwestern corner and southern margin of TOBERMOREY. In the southwest, >1820 Ma
migmatite (p_Cd) is widespread. Four recognised granite bodies intrude unit p_Cd. The Your Dam Metamorphics outcrop in the
south-central map area; these are thought to have been metamorphosed in the period 1780-1720 Ma. Scattered Mount Tietkens
Granite Complex intrudes near the southern sheet boundary. Limited geochronological data indicate an age of 1753 ± 7 Ma for
one exposed granite. Granites penetrated in drillholes have yielded U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages of 1846 ± 6 Ma, 1763 ± 4 Ma
and 1749 ± 8 Ma.
Unmetamorphosed Georgina Basin sediments cover the bulk of the map area. Except near major faults, they are little
deformed. A Neoproterozoic succession commences with deposits of both major Cryogenian glaciations; the Yardida Tillite
and Black Stump Arkose correlate, respectively, with lower (Sturtian) and upper (Marinoan) glacial deposits of the Adelaide
Rift. The dominantly marine Wonnadinna Dolostone, Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose, Elyuah Formation and Grant Bluff Formation
succeed these units. These sediments were deposited initially in northwest-trending grabens controlled by major faults, such as
the Tarlton Fault and Marqua Monocline-Toomba Fault Zone.
Cambrian deposition in TOBERMOREY commenced in the mid-Early Cambrian with the Red Heart Dolostone, a marine
unit bearing calcimicrobial-archaeocyathan patch reefs. Two depositional sequences have been recognised in the Middle
Cambrian. Sequence 1 is represented by the platformal marine Thorntonia Limestone. Sequence 2, which spans the remainder
of the Middle Cambrian, is primarily Arthur Creek Formation. This unit includes a basal interval of anoxic, basinal pyriticcarbonaceous black shale, which constitutes a major potential petroleum source rock. The upper Arthur Creek Formation is of
more typical aerobic carbonate deposited in normal marine waters. Quartzic dolostone and quartz sandstone of the Steamboat
Sandstone complete sequence 2.
The Late Cambrian Arrinthrunga Formation is primarily peritidal. Cambro-Ordovician deposits consist of two principal
depofacies: peritidally influenced, platformal marine carbonate rocks of the Ninmaroo Formation in the east, interfingering
with terrigenous quartz-glauconite sandstone of the marine Tomahawk Formation in the west. The corridor of interfingering
falls within TOBERMOREY.
A dominantly marine Early to Middle (to possibly Late) Ordovician succession is preserved in the Tarlton and Toko Ranges.
From bottom to top, it consists of the Kelly Creek Formation, Coolibah Formation, Nora Formation, Carlo Sandstone, Mithaka
Formation and Ethabuka Sandstone. This last formation may represent the initial pulse (Rodingan Movement) of the Alice
Springs Orogeny.
The Early-Middle Devonian Cravens Peak beds may denote a second, mid-Devonian pulse (Pertnjara-Brewer Movements)
of the Alice Springs Orogeny. The Orogeny culminated in the Carboniferous and was responsible for much of the present
structure in the region.
Mesozoic (Jurassic-Cretaceous) quartz sandstone formerly blanketed the region, but is now confined to the southern map
area as outliers of the Eromanga Basin.
Continental Cenozoic deposits indicate pedogenic and lacustrine (Austral Downs Limestone) and fluviatile (Poodyea
Formation) environments.
The southern Georgina Basin is strongly prospective for petroleum, with excellent potential source rock and seal in the
lower Arthur Creek Formation juxtaposed against potential reservoir dolostone in the underlying Thorntonia Limestone. The
structurally complex southern basin margin has potential for Pb-Zn mineralisation and numerous occurrences have been
identified. Diamonds are being actively sought in the region. In the Arunta Province, malachite has been recognised in the
Mount Dobbie Granite and L
Pgc granite.
Names of 1:250 000 and 1:100 000 mapsheets are shown in large and small capital letters, respectively, eg TOBERMOREY, Tarlton.
Note: A change in the name of the 1:250 000 mapsheet from Tobermory to Tobermorey was agreed by the Northern Territory and Auslig
in 2002 following a query from Auslig. The incorrectly spelled First Edition mapsheet name was derived from the homestead name, which
has always been known as Tobermorey (since being established in 1913). The name on the Second Edition mapsheet (released early 2003)
was changed to agree with the feature name, but the hard-copy version of these notes was released prior to notification of the name change
and used the original spelling. The revised name has been used throughout this 2008 CD ROM version, which is otherwise unchanged
from the original 2002 text.
Geophysics ....................................................................... 38
Gravity....................................................................... 38
Magnetics................................................................... 39
Radiometrics.............................................................. 40
Downhole geophysics................................................ 40
Geological history .......................................................... 40
Economic geology . ......................................................... 43
Georgina Basin............................................................... 43
Petroleum................................................................... 43
Phosphate................................................................... 44
Diamonds................................................................... 44
Copper-lead-zinc........................................................ 45
Platinum group elements............................................ 46
Gold............................................................................ 47
Uranium..................................................................... 47
Manganese................................................................. 47
Groundwater.............................................................. 47
Arunta Province............................................................. 47
Copper-lead-zinc........................................................ 47
Gold............................................................................ 48
Tungsten..................................................................... 48
Diamonds................................................................... 48
Uranium..................................................................... 48
Other metals and non-metals..................................... 48
Acknowledgments............................................................ 48
References......................................................................... 48
Appendix - revised stratigraphic units.............................. 56
Abstract ........................................................................... iii
Introduction........................................................................ 1
Terminology and classification.................................... 2
Location and access..................................................... 2
Climate......................................................................... 2
Physiography................................................................ 2
Vegetation.................................................................... 2
Previous investigations................................................ 2
Regional geological setting................................................ 3
Arunta Province................................................................. 4
Metamorphic rocks.......................................................... 4
Migmatite unit (p–Cd)................................................... 5
Your Dam Metamorphics (p–Cy).................................. 6
Intrusive rocks.................................................................. 6
Mount Tietkens Granite Complex (L
Pg)........................ 6
Granite unit (L
Pga)......................................................... 7
Granite unit (L
Pgb)........................................................ 7
Granite unit (L
Pgc)......................................................... 8
Granite unit (L
Pgd)........................................................ 8
Quartz veins................................................................. 8
Georgina Basin stratigraphy............................................. 9
Neoproterozoic..................................................................... 9
Yardida Tillite (L
Keepera Group................................................................11
Black Stump Arkose (L
Wonnadinna Dolostone (L
Puw)................................... 12
Mopunga Group............................................................. 12
Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose (L
Pun)...................................... 12
Elyuah Formation (L
Pue)............................................. 12
Grant Bluff Formation (L
Pua)...................................... 13
Cambrian............................................................................ 14
Red Heart Dolostone (–Cld)........................................ 14
Thorntonia Limestone (–Cmt)..................................... 15
Arthur Creek Formation (–Cma)................................. 17
Steamboat Sandstone (–Cms)...................................... 18
Arrinthrunga Formation (–Cua)................................... 19
Eurowie Sandstone Member (–Cue)............................ 20
Cambro-Ordovician........................................................... 20
Tomahawk Formation (–COt)...................................... 20
Ninmaroo Formation (–COn)...................................... 24
Ordovician.......................................................................... 27
Kelly Creek Formation (Olk)..................................... 27
Toko Group.................................................................... 29
Coolibah Formation (Olc).......................................... 29
Nora Formation (Oln)................................................ 31
Carlo Sandstone (Omc).............................................. 32
Mithaka Formation (Omm)........................................ 33
Ungrouped...................................................................... 33
Ethabuka Sandstone (Ome)........................................ 33
Devonian............................................................................ 34
Cravens Peak beds (Dc)............................................. 34
Mesozoic............................................................................ 34
Undifferentiated Jurassic-Cretaceous (JK)................ 34
Palaeogene-Neogene.......................................................... 35
Austral Downs Limestone (Cza)................................ 35
Poodyea Formation (Czp).......................................... 36
Palaeogene-Neogene-Quaternary...................................... 36
Quaternary.......................................................................... 37
Structure and tectonics ................................................... 37
Location of TOBERMOREY...................................... 1
Regional geological setting......................................... 3
Simplified solid geology.............................................. 4
Lithostratigraphic column........................................... 5
Arunta Province terrane of southwestern
TOBERMOREY.......................................................... 6
Migmatite unit p–Cd leucocratic phase........................ 6
Migmatite unit p–Cd melanocratic phase..................... 7
Granite unit L
Pga: pale grey to pink granite.................. 7
Granite unit L
Pgb: granite of leucocratic phase ........... 8
Granite unit L
Pgb: melanocratic phase quartz
diorite........................................................................... 8
Granite unit L
Pgc: coarse leucogranite.......................... 9
Granite unit L
Pgd: pale grey granodiorite..................... 9
Wonnadinna Dolostone: quartz-lithic intraclast
dolopackstone to dolograinstone............................... 12
Grant Bluff Formation measured section.................. 13
Synaeresis cracks in Grant Bluff Formation............... 14
Lower Thorntonia Limestone: bioclast
dolowackestone......................................................... 15
Medial Thorntonia Limestone: bioclast coquina....... 16
Medial-upper Thorntonia Limestone erosive contact.......16
Lower Arthur Creek Formation: pyriticcarbonaceous dololaminite........................................ 17
Upper Arthur Creek Formation: interbedded
microsparstone and mudstone................................... 17
Outcrop of upper Arthur Creek Formation................ 18
Arrinthrunga Formation: stromatolite
boundstone................................................................. 20
Cross-bed foreset azimuths in Tomahawk
Formation and Ninmaroo Formation......................... 21
Carlo Sandstone: arthropod scratch marks................ 33
Mithaka Formation: Rusophycus............................... 34
Austral Downs Limestone: silicified
limestone.................................................................... 35
Austral Downs Limestone: pedogenic alpha
fabric .........................................................................36
Austral Downs Limestone: pedogenic beta
fabric .........................................................................36
Schematic lithologs and downhole geophysical
logs of TOBERMOREY drillholes....................... 42-43
Microdiamond and chromite grain locations in
TOBERMOREY........................................................ 45
Lower Thorntonia Limestone: galena and
sphalerite in vug fill................................................... 46
48 Medial Thorntonia Limestone: sphalerite and
platy organic matter in vug fill.................................... 46
24 Tomahawk Formation: sublitharenite........................ 22
25 Tomahawk Formation partial measured section........ 23
26 Tomahawk Formation: deformation in quartz
sandstone................................................................... 23
27 Tomahawk Formation-Kelly Creek Formation
measured section....................................................... 24
28 Ninmaroo Formation: stromatolite boundstone
and bioclast-lithoclast grainstone.............................. 25
29 Ninmaroo Formation: arthropod track in
quartz sandstone........................................................ 25
30 Ninmaroo Formation: synaeresis cracks in
dolomudstone............................................................ 26
31 Ninmaroo Formation: domical stromatolites............ 26
32 Ninmaroo Formation: ooid grainstone...................... 27
33 Measured section through Kelly Creek Formation,
Nora Formation and Carlo Sandstone....................... 28
34 Kelly Creek Formation: granule conglomerate......... 30
35 Kelly Creek Formation: Cruziana and
Rusophycus................................................................ 30
36 Kelly Creek Formation: ?Gyrolithes......................... 30
37 Kelly Creek Formation: quartzic dolosparstone........ 31
38 Coolibah Formation: intraclast-bioclast
grainstone-rudstone................................................... 31
39 Nora Formation: basal ferruginous echinoderm
grainstone-rudstone................................................... 32
Pre-Quaternary lithostratigraphy of Georgina
and Eromanga Basins........................................... 10-11
Rock densities of lithostratigraphic units.................. 39
TOBERMOREY drillhole locations and available
downhole geophysical data....................................... 41
PD Kruse wrote the bulk of these explanatory notes
and acted as compiler. AT Brakel contributed to CambroOrdovician stratigraphy and Structure and tectonics from
his field experience. JN Dunster wrote most of Economic
geology, although PD Kruse prepared the section on
Petroleum and contributed to Phosphate and Diamonds.
ML Duffett wrote Geophysics other than the Downhole
geophysics section. Groundwater was prepared using
material contributed by Bob Read (Natural Resources
Division, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and
Environment, Alice Springs).
Cited locations in this publication are based on Map
Grid of Australia zone 53 coordinates and the GDA94 map
datum, and are deemed accurate to ± 50 m. Within the text,
the Universal Grid Reference style is used as explained on
the mapface (eg Niko Hill at MGA 745000E 7500000N
is represented as QR450000). Full grid references are
provided in tables. To convert from the AGD66 AMGs
used on older maps, block shift all data 127 m to the east
and 170 m to the north.
During Second Edition field mapping of TOBERMOREY,
the United States Department of Defence ceased selective
availability of its Global Positioning System (GPS) signal
at midnight on 1 May 2000. In principle, civil users can
now position themselves with a hand-held GPS receiver to
within ± 10 m or better in ideal conditions (Crettenden 2000).
First Edition TOBERMOREY explanatory notes (Smith
1965a) and map (published 1966) were the result of
fieldwork in 1958-1959 by the then Bureau of Mineral
Resources (BMR)2, supplemented by stratigraphic drilling
in 1962 (Milligan 1963) and 1964 (Smith 1972, Questa
1994). The Geophysical Branch of BMR contributed road
and helicopter gravity surveys in 1957-1961 (Barlow 1965,
1966), and an aeromagnetic survey of the map area in 19631964 (Wells et al 1966).
The present Second Edition map incorporates portions
of the existing BMR 1:100 000 Toko Preliminary Edition
(Simpson et al 1979) and BMR-Geological Survey of
Queensland (GSQ) 1:250 000 Hay River-Mount Whelan
First Edition Special maps (Simpson et al 1985). Together,
these account for one quarter of TOBERMOREY,
including all of Toko and the southern half of Marqua.
The remaining area was collaboratively remapped in 19992000 by Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS)
geologists PD Kruse (Tarlton, Tobermorey, northern
Marqua and eastern Alkea) and JN Dunster (Arunta
Province in southwestern Tarlton), and AGSO geologist
AT Brakel (Algamba and western Alkea). Colour aerial
photographs at 1:50 000 scale provided the field base for
this remapping.
Mount Guide
100 km
Lake Caroline
Major road
Northern Territory
Linda Downs
Lucy Creek
Derry Downs
Minor road
Town, settlement
Figure 1 Location of TOBERMOREY
Subsequently renamed Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO), now Geoscience Australia (GA).
in the northeast characteristically form low to moderate
hills on the sand plains. There is an overall easterly fall in
this northern area, so that the lowest elevation is around
Tobermorey homestead. Flat sand plains also mask Arunta
Province rocks in southwestern TOBERMOREY.
Drainage in the southwest is centred on the Hay River,
which flows south-southeastward, parallel to the prevailing
seif dune trend of the Simpson Desert. Drainage from the
southern flank of the Toko Range enters the Field River,
which likewise debouches into the Simpson Desert. Runoff
from the northern flank of the Toko Range and adjacent
areas to the north drains into the Georgina River system
and ultimately into channel country in southwestern
However, field experience during mapping was that the last
two digits in both easting and northing could be unstable,
and so quoted values for these digits in the present notes
should not be relied upon.
Terminology and classification
Grainsize terminology follows Wentworth (1922). Sandstones
are classified according to Folk (1974). Carbonate rock
classification follows the revision of Wright (1992). The
term quartzic, often used herein with regard to dolostones,
indicates a significant but not dominant admixed detrital
quartz component.
Location and access
TOBERMOREY is bounded by latitudes 22°00’S and
23°00’S, and longitudes 136°30’E and 138°00’E (Figure 1).
This is a remote and sparsely populated area, with small
Aboriginal communities at Warlpeyangrere and Urlampe, and
station homesteads at Tarlton Downs, Marqua, Tobermorey
and Manners Creek. Beef cattle grazing is the principal land
use. The unsealed east-west Plenty Highway traverses the
central map area and links Alice Springs, some 500 km to
the west with Urandangi, Boulia and other centres in western
Queensland to the east. Station tracks provide reasonable
access, although the northwestern quadrant is virtually
devoid of tracks and bores. Four-wheel drive access to the
more rugged parts of the Toko Range can be difficult. Fuel
and a campground are available at Tobermorey homestead.
Fuel may also be obtained en route from Alice Springs at
Jervois homestead. Elsewhere in the region, it is available
at Alpurrurulam on the Sandover Highway (weekdays
only), and at Urandangi, Boulia, Mt Isa and Camooweal in
Two broad vegetation styles are recognised in TOBERMOREY
(AUSLIG 1990). In both, the tallest stratum represents less
than 10% of the total vegetation. In the area west of the
Tarlton Range, the northwestern map area and the central
Toko Range, tall open Acacia shrubland is developed on
more sandy soils. Shrubs over 2 m high constitute the tallest
stratum. These are dominantly Acacia, Eucalyptus, and some
Hakea and Grevillea. Spinifex (especially Triodia pungens)
is a common cover.
The remainder of the map area is of low open Acacia
woodland. The tallest woodland stratum is typically less
than 10 m high, of mixed desert acacias, eucalypts (such
as Eucalyptus argillacea and E. terminalis) and, on more
calcareous soils, gidgee (Acacia georginae). E. microtheca
is characteristic of floodplains. The understorey is mainly
of Acacia, Cassia and Carissa shrubs, or grasses such as
Astrebla (Mitchell grass) and Dichanthium.
Previous investigations
Early geological investigations of the Georgina Basin,
including TOBERMOREY, were summarised by Whitehouse
(1936), who also commented on lithostratigraphy and
expanded on an earlier initial biozonation (Whitehouse
1931). CT Madigan in 1935 was perhaps the first geologist
to traverse TOBERMOREY (Madigan 1937). Hossfeld
(1954), in reviewing the geology of the Northern Territory,
noted the presence of Ordovician rocks and fossils in
the Tarlton and Toko Ranges. Noakes and Traves (1954)
reviewed the geology of the Barkly region, of which
TOBERMOREY is a part, and Noakes (1956) and Sprigg
(1963) also dealt briefly with local geology. JN Casey
(BMR) was apparently the first to record Cambrian fossils
from the sheet area, while accompanying a CSIRO field
party in 1954 (Casey and Gilbert-Tomlinson 1956).
The Georgina Basin was specifically surveyed by
the then BMR and GSQ during 1957-1965. Within this
programme, TOBERMOREY was systematically mapped
in 1958-1959, resulting in the First Edition geological map
(Smith and Vine 1960, Smith et al 1961, Smith 1965a).
Smith (1972) summarised work in the Georgina Basin up
to that date.
Concurrently, petroleum companies conducted initial
investigations in the region from the late 1950s. Mining
The climate is arid with median annual rainfall of 150-200 mm.
Most falls in the summer months of October to March, but
totals can vary greatly from year to year. Summers are hot,
with mean maximum and minimum January temperatures of
36‑39°C and 21‑24°C, respectively. Winters are mild with
mean maximum and minimum July temperatures of 21‑24°C
and 5‑7°C respectively (Bureau of Meteorology 1988). The
winter months of April to September are the most congenial
for fieldwork.
Tarlton Range in the southwest and Toko Range in the
southeast of the map area are prominent plateau ranges
consisting primarily of Ordovician rocks. Carbonate rocks
in the upper Tomahawk Formation outcrop as prominent
plateaux rimming the northern Tarlton Range. Lesser
uplands are present in south-central TOBERMOREY, eg the
Umberumbera Hills comprising the Ninmaroo Formation
and Mesozoic rocks. The northern half of the map area is
dominated by sand plains, particularly in the northwestern
quadrant where the Tomahawk Formation is the source of
much colluvial sand. This unit and the Ninmaroo Formation
companies commenced metalliferous exploration in the
early 1970s, and diamond exploration in the 1980s (see
Economic geology).
The BMR pursued a fresh Georgina Basin project
during the later 1970s and early 1980s (Druce 1974),
including further drilling, selective remapping and directed
research programmes.
thought to be dominated by large mafic-intermediate
intrusive bodies and younger non-magnetic granitoids.
This region of thickened, stable crust with relatively
low heat flow and low crustal temperatures underlies
HUCKITTA and northern HAY RIVER. In contrast with
the Arunta Province to the south, the Altjawarra Domain
resisted Proterozoic and Palaeozoic deformation and
was only mildly reactivated during the Alice Springs
The adjacent, much younger Irindina Package occupies
most of ILLOGWA CREEK and southern HUCKITTA
and, from aeromagnetic interpretation (Ahmad 2002),
extends eastward into west-central HAY RIVER, and
thence further into southeastern HAY RIVER (Figure 2).
Buick et al (2001a, 2001b) obtained SHRIMP U-Pb
zircon ages from Irindina Package rocks on ALCOOTA
and ALICE SPRINGS that suggest deposition in the
late Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian. This package
underwent granulite facies metamorphism during the
Larapinta Event (Hand et al 1999) at 480-460 Ma (late
Early and Middle Ordovician; Pietsch 2001, Scrimgeour
and Raith 2001).
Regional geological setting
TOBERMOREY incorporates a significant portion of the
southern Georgina Basin, as well as a small area of exposed
basement metamorphic rocks and granites assigned to the
Arunta Province (Figures 2, 3). This is consistent with
extrapolation of the interpretation of Pietsch (2001) that
indicates basement continuity with the >1820 Ma Arunta
Province Narwietooma Package. The remaining basement
in the northern two thirds of TOBERMOREY is regarded
as being part of the subsurface Altjawarra craton of Myers
et al (1996), referred to herein as the Altjawarra Domain.
This domain is based on geophysical interpretations
by Myers et al (1996) and Teasdale and Pryer (2002),
who recognised a structurally distinct basement package
21˚00 '
23˚00 '
139˚30 '
metamorphic rocks
Middle Cambrian
Palaeoproterozoic granite
Lower Cambrian
Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic
Upper Cambrian
Figure 2 Regional geological setting of TOBERMOREY
C On
C Ot
C On
C Ot
C Ot
C On
C Ot
C On
L ua
C On
p C d?
C ua
-p Cy
L us
L un
L uw
C ma
L us
C ma
L gc
C ua
C mt
JK Olk
C ms
L gd
L ga
C Ot
L ua
C ua
p Cd
C ua JK
L gb
C Ot
L un
L uw Oln
L ut
L us
L uw
Ome Dc
m02-074.dgn 138˚00’
L gd
C ma
Arthur Creek Formation
Nora Formation
Poodyea Formation
L gc
C mt
Thorntonia Limestone
Coolibah Formation
Austral Downs Limestone
L gb
L ua
Grant Bluff Formation
Kelly Creek Formation
L ga
L un
Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose
C On
Ninmaroo Formation
Cravens Peak beds
Mount Tietkens
Granite Complex
L uw
Wonnadinna Dolostone
C Ot
Tomahawk Formation
Ethabuka Sandstone
p Cy
Your Dam Metamorphics
L us
Black Stump Arkose
C ua
Arrinthrunga Formation
Mithaka Formation
p Cd
L ut
Yardida Tillite
C ms
Steamboat Sandstone
Carlo Sandstone
Figure 3 Simplified solid geology of TOBERMOREY
Arunta Province
The southern margin of the Georgina Basin incorporates
a principally marine stratigraphic succession ranging
from mid-Neoproterozoic to Middle Ordovician, as
well as Devonian, Jurassic-Cretaceous and Cenozoic
rock units (Figure 4). This margin was deformed during
multiple tectonic events, of which the Alice Springs
Orogeny was most influential. Two prominent synclines,
the Dulcie Syncline in HUCKITTA-ELKEDRAALCOOTA-BARROW CREEK and the Toko Syncline
succession. Major northwest-trending faults traverse the
region. Northward, the central Georgina Basin has been
little affected by tectonism, and flat-lying Middle Cambrian
sediments overlie Early Cambrian volcanic rocks.
Metamorphic rocks
In the mid-1970s, the Arunta Province was subdivided
into three principal tectonic terranes (northern, central and
southern), and its inferred lithostratigraphy grouped into
three major divisions, each of distinctive lithological and
metamorphic facies character (Shaw and Stewart 1975,
Stewart and Warren 1977). More recent studies (Zhao and
Bennett 1995, Collins and Shaw 1995, Hand et al 1999) have
highlighted significant problems with these lithostratigraphic
subdivisions, primarily on the basis of new geochronological
data. In particular, it has been shown that stratigraphic
correlation or subdivision cannot be made on the basis of
metamorphic grade and deformation alone. Pietsch (2001)
thereby proposed a stratotectonic subdivision of the province
based on protolith assemblages, relationships, similar tectonic
history and geochronology. His analysis did not extend east of
136°30’E, but it appears from current gravity and aeromagnetic
data that his Narwietooma Package embraces all of the
exposed Arunta Province in TOBERMOREY and extends
southward into northwestern HAY RIVER (unit A5 of Ahmad
2000). This package comprises >1820 Ma rocks of mafic and
felsic composition intercalated with pelitic and psammitic
metasediments, the whole of which was metamorphosed
to granulite facies in the period 1780‑1720 Ma. In adjacent
HUCKITTA (at least), coeval 1780‑1760 Ma granites (Jervois
Granite, Xanten Granite; unit g6 of Ahmad 2000) occur within
the Narwietooma Package.
Migmatite unit (p –Cd)
This unnamed unit extends into the southwestern corner
of TOBERMOREY from southeastern HUCKITTA,
where it was first recognised, and continues southward
into northernmost HAY RIVER. First Edition mapping
interpreted it as possibly Archaean, but it is now regarded
as more likely to be Palaeoproterozoic (Freeman 1986). It
is bounded on the east by the Tarlton Fault and is therefore
a component of the Jervois Block of Warren (1981: 5).
Freeman (1986) described it as quartzofeldspathic gneiss,
grading into biotite gneiss, with migmatite as concordant
and discordant leucosomes in both. Feldspathic quartzite,
schistose muscovite-bearing quartzite, schistose quartzrich metasediment, biotite schist, layered magnetitequartz rock, calc-silicate rock and megacrystic granitic
gneiss are minor constituents in HUCKITTA.
As in HUCKITTA, most outcrops in TOBERMOREY
are isolated exposures on extensive sand plains. The best
outcrop is adjacent to the Tarlton Fault around PQ820680
to the south of Canyon Bore (Figure 5), where contiguous
outcrop of leucocratic migmatite bears local rafts of
black schistose amphibolite. Leucocratic rocks include
deformed granodiorite and feldspar-quartz gneiss.
In thin section, granodiorite from PQ617828
comprises a plagioclase−quartz−K‑feldspar mosaic
ranging from coarsely to finely granular, with interstitial
chlorite (at least some after biotite) and minor sericite.
Plagioclase shows deformed twin lamellae and incipient
sericitisation. Quartz shows strained extinction, especially
in coarser crystals. Disseminated apatite and opaques are
also present.
Plagioclase is much more sericitised in a feldsparquartz gneiss from PQ568726 (Figure 6), in which it is
intergrown with aggregates of quartz and microcline, with
associated flaky biotite and muscovite. It forms relatively
large crystals, with ragged margins, which are altered to
sericite/clay and epidote with minor carbonate. Quartz,
associated with microcline, constitutes a recrystallised,
equigranular medium-grained mosaic with unit, undulose
or semicomposite extinction of its components and
showing a weak gneissic foliation.
The dark amphibolite (Figure 7) comprises a weakly
foliated intergrowth of plagioclase laths and xenoblasts, and
recrystallised prismatic hornblende, together with minor
Figure 4 Lithostratigraphic column for TOBERMOREY. Wavy lines
denote unconformities
Figure 5 View to north over Arunta Province
terrane of southwestern TOBERMOREY:
hill at left with surrounding foreground
and middle ground is migmatite unit
p–Cd; Keepera Ridges with Neoproterozoic
succession on centre horizon; Tarlton Range
with Ordovician succession prominent
at right horizon; Tarlton Fault at base of
range. Tarlton PQ828664, south of Canyon
aggregates of biotite and possibly retrograde muscovite.
Plagioclase is variably altered to sericite, epidote and
carbonate. Accessory, disseminated anhedral opaques are
generally intergrown with hornblende or biotite. Foliationparallel and crosscutting thin veins are of K‑feldspar or
quartz. These rocks are interpreted to represent basic
igneous rocks, which have been metamorphosed to
amphibolite grade.
Quartzitic rocks are also present, as at the peak of a
prominent hill at PQ682747.
Your Dam Metamorphics (p –Cy)
This unit was proposed by Warren in Stewart et al (1980)
for scattered outcrops of muscovite-feldspar-quartz
granofels, schistose gneiss and schist in the vicinity of
Your Dam in south-central TOBERMOREY. As mapped
by Simpson et al (1985), outcrops are confined to lows
between overlying Mesozoic rocks. These metasediments
comprise variable proportions of muscovite, biotite,
quartz, rare K-feldspar and accessory tourmaline (Warren
1981: 6). Warren postulated a depositional age of greater
than 1800 Ma.
Intrusive rocks
Three granite units have been recognised in the
TOBERMOREY-HAY RIVER region; these are the
Mount Dobbie Granite, L
Pgt granite (both confined to HAY
RIVER) and Mount Tietkens Granite Complex. Simpson
et al (1985) implied that all three are approximately coeval.
Four additional granite bodies (L
Pga to P
Lgd) were delineated
during remapping in southwestern TOBERMOREY; these
are described separately pending clarification of their
genetic relationships. They were mapped as undifferentiated
?Palaeoproterozoic, dominantly coarse-grained muscovite
granite by Smith (1965a).
Mount Tietkens Granite Complex (P
Lg )
The Mount Tietkens Granite Complex of Warren (in
Stewart et al 1980; Teikens Granite Complex of Simpson
et al 1985, Shergold 1985) is poorly defined. Its nominated
reference area falls within a region mapped by Simpson
et al (1985) as L
P gt. Those authors do nevertheless
map the complex: at 6 km south of Old Marqua and at
Christmas Creek in the Marqua Monocline area, and
much farther afield at the southern end of the Toomba
Figure 6 Migmatite unit p–Cd: feldspar-quartz gneiss of leucocratic
phase. Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72822, crossed nicols;
Tarlton PQ568726, near Tarlton Downs-Jervois boundary
Figure 7 Migmatite unit p–Cd: amphibolite of melanocratic phase.
Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72818, crossed nicols;
Tarlton PQ547872, near Tarlton Downs-Jervois boundary
Figure 8 Granite unit L
P ga: pale grey to pink granite. Scale
bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72817, crossed nicols; Tarlton
PQ828666, near Tarlton Downs-Jervois boundary
Fault in southwestern MOUNT WHELAN. The unit
therefore appears to embrace all otherwise unassigned
granite outcrops in the TOBERMOREY-HAY RIVERMOUNT WHELAN region. Warren in Stewart et al (1980:
38) included within the unit an ‘older phase’ of medium
even-grained muscovite-biotite leucocratic granite, and
a ‘younger phase’ of porphyritic leucocratic granite,
with associated tourmaline leucogranite and late-stage
pegmatites. She quoted a K-Ar date on muscovite from an
associated pegmatite of 1726 Ma, and Shergold (1985) a
K-Ar date on an associated pegmatite at Christmas Creek of
1719 Ma. An intrusive age close to 1800 Ma was postulated
(Warren in Stewart et al 1980).
In TOBERMOREY, possibly related granites have
been penetrated in four drillholes. The closest to the
mapped Mount Tietkens Granite Complex is BHD9 in
the Marqua Monocline area, which intersected coarse,
grey, feldspar-quartz-two mica granite from 537 m depth
(McGeough and Shalley 1992). Grey feldspar-quartzmuscovite granite that was penetrated at 598 m depth in
NTGS99/1, about 25 km to the west on Marqua Creek,
has been dated by the SHRIMP U‑Pb zircon method at
1846 ± 6 Ma (Andrew Cross, ANU, pers comm 2001).
Granites intersected in Hacking 1 at 1222 m (Weste 1989)
and Owen 2 at 1150 m depth (Kress 1991) have ages of
1749 ± 8 Ma and 1763 ± 4 Ma, respectively (A Cross, pers
comm, 2002), and are tentatively included in the Mount
Tietkens Granite Complex.
Granite unit (L
This granite intrudes migmatite unit p–Cd, adjacent to the
Tarlton Fault around PQ820680 to the south of Canyon
Bore. It comprises medium-grained, pale grey to pink granite
(Figure 8), which in thin section shows hypidiomorphic
intergrowth of anhedral alkali feldspar (microcline) and
quartz with subhedral plagioclase. Whereas microcline is
relatively fresh, plagioclase is extensively altered to sericite,
clay and minor epidote. Quartz exhibits both unit and undulose
extinction. Biotite and muscovite occur as disseminated,
randomly oriented flakes, and reddish-brown to black iron
oxides as grains, aggregates and grain boundary and fracture
linings. Apatite is present in trace amounts. Later-stage
quartz ± feldspar veins of millimetre to decimetre scale
probably relate to proximity to the Tarlton Fault.
Granite unit (L
Granite unit L
Pgb forms isolated outcrops on sand plains
around PQ580850 in the vicinity of Boundary Hill. Rock
types are generally of undeformed medium-grained
leucocratic (white) and more melanocratic phases (grey),
altogether ranging from granite to quartz diorite. In thin
section, granite from PQ582851 (Figure 9) consists of
an equigranular intergrowth of anhedral microcline and
quartz with weakly prismatic plagioclase. Plagioclase
tends toward mild alteration to sericite, clay and finely
Figure 9 Granite unit L
Pgb: granite of leucocratic phase. Scale
bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72819, crossed nicols; Tarlton
PQ582851, Tarlton Downs-Jervois boundary
Figure 10 Granite unit L
Pgb: quartz diorite of melanocratic phase.
Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72820, crossed nicols;
Tarlton PQ582851, Tarlton Downs-Jervois boundary
granular epidote, with intergrown trace carbonate, in
its core regions. Quartz shows unit to weakly undulose
extinction. Biotite flakes are partially to completely
chloritised; minor muscovite is interstitial to quartz and
feldspar or locally intergrown with the biotite. Accessory
disseminated opaques are present, as are trace amounts
of apatite and zircon.
Associated quartz diorite (Figure 10) is distinguished
by the absence of alkali feldspar. Plagioclase (labradorite)
and quartz predominate, and biotite is much more common.
Plagioclase cores are altered and biotite is chloritised, as in the
granite. A more diverse suite of accessory minerals includes
opaques, apatite, allanite, sphene and zircon. Among these,
allanite forms larger, prismatic brown crystals, generally
intergrown with biotite. Quartz and quartz-iron oxide veins
occur locally.
A sample of L
Pgb from PQ582851 yielded a SHRIMP UPb zircon date of 1753 ± 7 Ma (A Cross, pers comm, 2002).
Accessory minerals include fine anhedral apatite and bluegreen pleochroic tourmaline.
Copper occurrences within this granite are denoted by
secondary malachite within quartz-hematite veins, presumably
related to the nearby Tarlton Fault.
Granite unit (L
This unnamed, slightly to moderately foliated granite body
outcrops on sand plains to the south of the Marshall River on
the western margin of TOBERMOREY, around PQ540610.
A pale grey medium-grained granodiorite from PQ546624
(Figure 12) consists of coarse-grained plagioclase and lesser
microcline phenocrysts intergrown with finer polycrystalline
quartz aggregates. Feldspar shows evidence of granulation
along crystal boundaries; myrmekitic quartz intergrowths
are present marginal to some microcline crystals. Plagioclase
is incipiently altered to sericite and finely granular epidote.
Quartz exhibits undulose extinction and sutured margins.
Biotite and lesser muscovite occur singly between quartz
and feldspar crystals, or together as intergrowths. Accessory
minerals include opaques (disseminated as anhedral grains),
apatite and zircon.
Granite unit (L
A granite outcrop along Camel Creek is assigned to unit
Pgc. A sample from PQ887606 (Figure 11) is a coarse
leucogranite comprising a granular mosaic of microcline,
quartz and plagioclase. Plagioclase shows weakly prismatic
crystals commonly altered to sericite, clay and finely granular
epidote. Quartz shows weakly undulose extinction. Biotite
is minor and muscovite even more so. Opaques (probably
iron oxides) are present as fine grains and intergrowths.
Quartz veins
Quartz veins up to 10 m thick mark the trace of the Tarlton Fault
to the south of Canyon Bore, where they outcrop as a northnorthwest-trending discontinuous wall up to 10 m high.
Figure 11 Granite unit L
Pgc: coarse leucogranite. Scale bar = 2 mm.
Photomicrograph C72824, crossed nicols; Tarlton PQ887606,
Camel Creek
Figure 12 Granite unit P
Lgd: pale grey granodiorite. Scale bar = 2 mm.
Photomicrograph C72823, crossed nicols; Tarlton PQ546624, near
Tarlton Downs-Jervois boundary
Georgina Basin stratigraphy
Elements of the two immediately overlying
s u p e r s e q u e n c e s o u t c r o p i n T O B E R M O R E Y:
Supersequence 2 (Yardida Tillite but not Mount Cornish
Formation) and Supersequence 3 (Black Stump Arkose,
Wonnadinna Dolostone, Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose, Elyuah
Formation and Grant Bluff Formation, but not Oorabra
Arkose, Sun Hill Arkose, Boko Formation, Elkera
Formation, Central Mount Stuart Formation and Andagera
Formation). Neither the Neoproterozoic nor the basal
Cambrian constituents of Supersequence 4 (upper Central
Mount Stuart Formation, possibly uppermost Elkera
Formation; Mount Baldwin Formation, Adam Shale) are
identified in TOBERMOREY.
The First Edition TOBERMOREY map and explanatory
notes (Smith 1965a) included all pre-Grant Bluff
Formation strata in the now defunct Field River beds of
Smith (1963). Neoproterozoic rocks in the vicinity of
the Marqua Monocline in southeastern TOBERMOREY
(Adam Trough) have been revised and remapped on
the Hay River-Mount Whelan Special sheet (Simpson
et al 1985, Shergold 1985). Following Second Edition
remapping along the Tarlton Fault, such rocks are
now known to outcrop at three additional localities in
southwestern TOBERMOREY (Keepera Trough); these
include the Keepera Ridges and two unnamed hills, one
near the Plenty Highway at PQ571924 and another at
PQ949573 near Limestone Creek. All three localities are
bounded by the Tarlton Fault and its offshoots.
The Georgina Basin is a component of the formerly
contiguous Centralian Superbasin (Walter et al 1992, 1995),
together with the Savory, Officer, Amadeus and Ngalia Basins.
Sedimentation in the Centralian Superbasin and Adelaide
Rift commenced at about 800 Ma (Cryogenian; Zhao et al
1994, Fanning et al 1986). Initial deposition in the southern
Georgina Basin was in fault-bounded troughs, of which the
Keepera and Adam Troughs (Walter 1980) are represented in
Neoproterozoic rocks were conceptually excluded from
the Georgina Basin (eg Smith 1972) until their developmental
continuity with Cambrian and younger rocks was recognised
by Walter (1980) and Shergold and Druce (1980). Currently
accepted lithostratigraphy is primarily that of Walter (1980),
who revised and amplified the nomenclature of Smith (1964)
and subdivided the Neoproterozoic succession into four
hiatus-bound tectosomes [modified as sequences by Walter
et al (1992) and supersequences by Walter et al (1994)
and Walter et al (1995)]. Stidolph et al (1988) and Haines
et al (1991) recognised additional units in the southwestern
Georgina Basin. The oldest supersequence, Supersequence 1
comprising the Yackah beds and Amesbury Quartzite,
outcrops in adjacent HAY RIVER and HUCKITTA as well
as further to the west, but not in TOBERMOREY.
Cobble and boulder
conglomerate, pebbly
Limestone, silicified to
chert and chalcedony
Fluviatile channel
Unconformable on Oln,
Omc, Omm, Ome, Dc
Low- to high-angle cross-beds
Terrestrial brackish
lacustrine, pedogenic
Unconformable on
_COn, Olk
Rhizoliths, alveolar texture, soil
glaebules, circum- and intragranular
cracks, brecciation; plateau-forming
Quartz sandstone, minor
mudstone and
Terrestrial, cool water
Unconformable on most
older units
Cross-beds, ferruginisation, plant
fossils; mesa-forming
Calcareous sandstone and
siltstone, limestone, minor
conglomerate; grades
upward into quartz
sandstone and
Shallow subtidal
marine, offshore
sandbar, beach, nonmarine braided
Unconformable on
Omm, Ome
Fish and invertebrate fossils
Quartzose and
sandstone, siltstone,
Gypsiferous shale and
siltstone, calcareous
siltstone, quartz sandstone,
glauconitic and micaceous
quartz sandstone, minor
coquinite, granule
Quartzose sandstone,
minor feldspathic
High-energy barrier,
lower-energy subtidal
Conformable and
gradational on Omm
Clay pellets, cross-laminations,
ripples, load casts, current structures,
invertebrate fossils, ichnofossils
Low-energy lagoonal
Conformable and
gradational on Omc
Invertebrate fossils, conodonts,
ichnofossils including enormous
Littoral, high-energy
shallow marine
Conformable and
gradational on Oln
Micaceous and glauconitic
siltstone, claystone,
sandstone, minor
dolostone; basal coquinite
Limestone, quartzic
limestone, dolostone, marl,
siltstone, basal sandstone
Quartzose and dolomitic
quartz sandstone, siltstone,
dolostone, partially
dolomitised limestone,
minor conglomerate
Low-energy intertidal
to shallow subtidal
marine, possibly
below wave base
Intertidal to shallow
subtidal marine
Conformable on Olk,
Basal clay pellet bed; current
structures, thick cross-bed sets,
ripples, ichnofossils; caps Tarlton and
Toko Ranges
Invertebrate fossils; recessive, forms
scarp of Tarlton and Toko Ranges
Ninmaroo Formation
(_COn) 795 m
Limestone, dolostone,
minor quartz sandstone
Subtidal open marine,
restricted marine,
Disconformable on _Cua
Tomahawk Formation
(_COt) 190 m
Quartzose and glauconitic
sandstone, minor
dolostone, limestone,
dolomitic quartz sandstone,
Subtidal open marine,
restricted marine,
littoral to sublittoral
Disconformable on _Cua
Dolostone, limestone,
minor quartz sandstone,
siltstone, shale, marl,
Quartz sandstone, quartzic
Peritidal, restricted
shallow subtidal
Conformable on _Cma,
Stromatolites, thrombolites, nodular
evaporites, gypsum crystals,
fenestrae; local karst at top
emergent hypersaline
Transitional within _Cua
Abundant halite hopper casts; ripples,
cross-laminations, gypsum crystals
Poodyea Formation
(Czp) 10 m
Austral Downs
Limestone (Cza) 8 m
(JK) 30 m
Cravens Peak beds (Dc)
280 m
Ethabuka Sandstone
(Ome) 1147 m
Mithaka Formation
(Omm) 156 m
Carlo Sandstone (Omc)
190 m
Nora Formation (Oln)
250 m
Coolibah Formation
(Olc) 110 m
Kelly Creek Formation
(Olk) 290 m
Peritidal to open
subtidal marine
Formation (_Cua) 975 m
Eurowie Sandstone
Member (_Cue) 60 m
Conformable on Olk
Lenticular chert, silicified microbial
mounds, stromatolites, invertebrate
fossils, conodonts
Conformable on _COt,
Current structures, mud pebble and
_COn in TOBERMOREY; cobble mould horizons, ripples, lowdisconformable on
angle cross-beds, granule beds,
karstified _COn,
stromatolites, invertebrate fossils,
Georgina Limestone in
conodonts, ichnofossils; plateau- and
Synaeresis features, flat-pebble
conglomerate, cross-beds including
herringbone, stromatolites,
invertebrate fossils, conodonts, joints;
laterally interfingers with _COt
Cross-beds, ripples, current
structures, flat-pebble conglomerate,
ichnofossils, invertebrate fossils,
conodonts, mesoscale deformation of
sandstone beds; interfingers laterally
with _COn
Table 1 Pre-Quaternary lithostratigraphy of Georgina and Eromanga Basins in TOBERMOREY and environs
unIt, MaP syMBol, Max thIcKness lIthology dePosItIonal envIronMent steamboat sandstone
(_Cms) 80 m
Quartzose and
quartz sandstone, quartzic
High-energy marine
arthur creek Formation (_Cma) 457 m
Upper: dolostone,
Lower: foetid pyriticcarbonaceous black shale,
laminated dolostone
Limestone, dolostone;
medial pyriticcarbonaceous black shale
interbeds; basal terrigenous
sandstone, greywacke,
Dolostone, minor quartzic
dolostone, mudstone,
conglomerate; basal
Upper: open to
restricted subtidal
Lower: deeper anoxic
Open to restricted
subtidal marine
thorntonia limestone
(_Cmt) 03 m
red heart dolostone
(_Cld) 9 m
Basal contact characterIstIc Features Conformable on _Cma;
possibly disconformable
on Quita Formation in
Disconformable on _Cmt
Some cross-beds
Disconformable on _Cld
or older units;
nonconformable on L
Nodular chert, nodular evaporite,
phosphate and glauconite lithoclasts,
bitumen, disseminated pyrite,
invertebrate fossils
Subtidal marine
Disconformable on
Adam Shale, Mount
Baldwin Formation or
older units
Archaeocyathan-calcimicrobial patch
reefs, invertebrate fossils, pyrite and
rare galena, mesophase bitumen;
Diplocraterion in basal sandstone;
microkarstic upper surface
Conformable on L
Disconformable on
Luw, Oorabra Arkose
Ripples, cross-beds, synaeresis
features, mud pebble horizons; forms
prominent strike ridges
Interfingers with L
Disconformable on L
Intertidal, shallow to
deep marine
Proximal glacial
Conformable and
gradational on L
Disconformable on L
Oncoids, fenestrae, stromatolites, flat
Disconformable on
Yackah beds
Nodular evaporite, shredded to
brecciated texture, invertebrate
fossils, disseminated pyrite
neoProteroZoIc grant Bluff Formation
Pua) 70 m
elyuah Formation (L
20 m
gnallan-a-gea arkose
Pun) 450 m
Wonnadinna dolostone
Puw) 460 m
Black stump arkose
Pus) 700+ m
yardida tillite (L
2900 m
Quartz sandstone/quartzite,
glauconitic quartz
sandstone, mudstone
Mudstone, siltstone; thin
basal sandstone or pebbly
Pebbly arkose, sandstone,
siltstone, shale
Dolostone, quartzic
Micaceous (to pebbly)
arkose, sandstone,
micaceous mudstone
Diamictite, siltstone,
dolomitic shale, dolostone,
minor quartz sandstone,
Table 1 (continued)
Yardida Tillite (L
Keepera Group
The glacigene Yardida Tillite (Walter 1980) is correlated
with the Sturtian glaciation in the Adelaide Rift (Preiss
et al 1978). It comprises mainly green-grey diamictite,
laminated siltstone and minor fine to very coarse
(rarely pebbly) quartz sandstone and arkose. Locally,
the formation culminates in a 100 m-thick interval of
grey, laminated dolomitic shale containing lenticular
dolostone, interpreted as a postglacial cap dolostone.
The formation outcrops extensively in the Field River
Anticline, which extends southeastward into HAY
RIVER. Using data derived from this latter area,
Walter (1980) constructed a composite type section,
incorporating measured sections, drillholes and seismic
traverses, to yield an estimated thickness of 2900 m.
In the absence of exposed contacts, Walter inferred a
disconformable relationship with the underlying Yackah
beds; the contact with the overlying Black Stump Arkose
is likewise disconformable.
Black Stump Arkose (L
Red-brown to purple brown micaceous, fine to very coarse
(to pebbly) arkose, sandstone and laminated micaceous
mudstone of the Black Stump Arkose (Walter 1980) are
correlated with the Marinoan glaciation in the Adelaide Rift.
They are interpreted as proximal glacial outwash deposits
resulting from rapid erosion and mass transport (Walter
et al 1995, Walter and Veevers 1997). The composite
type section of Walter (1980), which has an estimated
minimum thickness of 700 m, is located in northeastern
HAY RIVER. In TOBERMOREY, the unit is exposed to
the south of the Marqua Monocline between Old Marqua
and Boat Hill. At Boat Hill, it rests disconformably on
the uppermost dolomitic shale of the Yardida Tillite
(Walter 1980); elsewhere this interval may be absent. The
upper boundary of the formation is gradational into the
Wonnadinna Dolostone.
G:\Geological Survey\Publishing\Production\NTGS_250k_explan_notes_update\Updated_NTGS_250k_explan_notes\Tobermory\Tobermory_Archive\Tob_PM\Tob_Table1_p2.doc
Wonnadinna Dolostone (L
Gradationally overlying the Black Stump Arkose is the
Wonnadinna Dolostone (Wonnadinna Dolomite of Walter
1980), a unit of purple-red to yellow-brown and green-grey,
locally quartzic dolostone, interbedded with more or less
dolomitic arkose, siltstone and shale. The dolostone locally
bears abundant oncoids, fenestrae and possible columnar
stromatolites, and according to Walter et al (1995), is unlike
correlative postglacial cap dolostones elsewhere. Domical
and saucer-shaped stromatolites and flat pebbles are present
in dolostone along the Marqua Monocline, to the northwest
of Boat Hill (QQ711658). A bed in the Keepera Ridges
(PQ782756) includes abundant flat dolomudstone pebbles
and associated clots of galena.
The formation is 460 m thick in the composite type
section in northeastern HAY RIVER and is at least
380 m near Boat Hill and in the Keepera Ridges in
TOBERMOREY. In the type section, the lower boundary
is at the base of the first prominent dolostone bed, 4.7 km
north-northeast of Gnallan-a-Gea Bore (Walter 1980).
Correlative cap dolostones in adjacent Centralian
basins were interpreted by Kennedy (1996) as deeper
water deposits (below storm wave base) resulting from an
anomalous flux of inorganic carbonate to the sea floor during
postglacial transgression. An example from the uppermost
Olympic Formation of the Amadeus Basin (Figure 5A of
Kennedy 1996) shows millimetre-scale graded quartzic
dolomudstone beds interleaved with fibrous cement and cut
by subvertical neptunian fractures. A lithologically similar
dolostone from an unnamed hill near Limestone Creek
(southwestern TOBERMOREY) shows a tendency toward
grading in thin section, wherein dolomudstone beds with
ghost peloidal textures and admixed quartz silt and minor
muscovite coarsen toward their bases via the addition of
angular to subangular, medium silt- to fine sand-sized
detrital quartz. Although bedding-parallel cement layers
are absent, subvertical, possibly neptunian fractures are
present, now infilled by ferruginous ferroan dolomite and
gypsum. Tabular dolomudstone clasts from such rocks can
be reworked into quartz-lithic intraclast dolopackstone to
dolograinstone (Figure 13).
The Wonnadinna Dolostone may thus mark deeper
water as well as intertidal to shallow subtidal deposition
(fenestrae, oncoids).
Figure 13 Wonnadinna Dolostone. Quartz-lithic intraclast
dolopackstone to dolograinstone; brown tabular dolomudstone clasts
at bottom. Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C75142, crossed
nicols; Tarlton PQ953575, near Blue Hills Bore
The formation comprises brown to grey, fine to very
coarse pebbly arkose, sandstone, siltstone and shale.
Cross-stratification is common in the arkose and sandstone.
The lowest pebbly arkose or sandstone denotes the lower
boundary with the underlying Wonnadinna Dolostone,
which Walter (1980) inferred from regional correlations to
be disconformable.
The Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose is gradational upward
variously into the overlying Elyuah Formation or Grant
Bluff Formation. At the northern end (PQ771763) of
the prominent ridge of the Keepera Ridges to the east of
Arthur Creek, the Grant Bluff Formation rests directly and
conformably on metre-scale beds of orange-brown pebbly
Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose; 1.3 km to the southeast along
the same ridge, grey mudstone of the Elyuah Formation
Mopunga Group
The term Mopunga Group was coined by Noakes (1956)
without named constituent formations, and later redefined
by Smith (1964) and Walter (1980).
Elyuah Formation (L
Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose (L
The Elyuah Formation (Smith 1964) was redefined by Walter
(1980) to exclude the then constituent Oorabra Arkose
Member (Smith 1964 after Joklik 1955), which he elevated
to formation status. As redefined, the Elyuah Formation is
predominantly of laminated shale and siltstone with a thin but
persistent basal sandstone or pebbly arkose. The 36 m-thick
type section of Smith’s (1964: 23‑24) former ‘shale member’
is near the southeastern extremity of the Dulcie Range in
HUCKITTA; Walter (1980) presented additional measured
In TOBERMOREY the Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose (Walter
1980) outcrops in the Keepera Ridges and south of the
Marqua Monocline, where Walter (op cit) measured
thicknesses of 10 m and 40 m, respectively. It attains
345 m in the type section in the Field River Anticline
(northeastern HAY RIVER), and at least 1450 m in the
Bat Hills further south.
sections in the range 80-210 m thickness. In HUCKITTA the
grey, green or red shale is commonly veneered by colluvium,
so that the basal pebble conglomerate, of milky quartz and
minor lithic pebbles in a quartz arenite matrix, is commonly
the only outcropping portion of the formation (Freeman
The formation is likewise obscured in the Keepera
Ridges on TOBERMOREY, where Walter (1980) measured
a maximum thickness of 210 m. There, colluvium shed
from the conformably overlying Grant Bluff Formation
veneers a discontinuous northeast-facing scarp slope with
limited exposure of Elyuah Formation. Perhaps the best
outcrop is toward the southern end of the prominent ridge
to the east of Arthur Creek, at PQ779754: a 23 m interval of
laminated to thinly bedded grey mudstone and minor purple
micaceous quartzic siltstone, with thin interbeds of grey
to brown, very fine to fine quartz sandstone. Conversely,
at the northern end of the same ridge, around PQ771763,
the scarp slope is predominantly of orange-brown pebbly
Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose and there are only short outcrop
intervals of Elyuah-type thinly bedded grey mudstone. These
observations collectively suggest interfingering between the
two formations.
light grey quartzite, medium
red/yellow-brown siltstone,
weathering to dark brown,
medium bed
55 225
cream to light grey quartzite,
thickly bedded
white coarse to granule quartz
28 230
CLIFF: quartz sandstone, thinly to
thickly bedded, planar-laminated
to mm- to cm-scale rippled
42 230
light grey flat pebble conglomerate
bed, 5 cm thick, weathering to redbrown
Grant Bluff Formation (Pua)
Walter (1980) revised the Grant Bluff Formation of Smith
(1964) to exclude the recessive upper interval, which
he named the Elkera Formation. The thus restricted
Grant Bluff Formation is nevertheless widespread; it
extends from ALCOOTA to HAY RIVER and ranges in
thickness from 50‑100+ m in HUCKITTA up to 1170 m
in HAY RIVER. The unit outcrops as prominent strike
ridges of distinctive laminated to medium undulosebedded quartz sandstone/quartzite with micaceous
partings; the sandstone is medium to coarse and has
common centimetre-scale (rarely up to decimetrescale), asymmetric and some symmetric ripples,
small- to large-scale trough cross-beds and dewatering
structures including synaeresis features (Freeman
1986). Feldspar grains are a local minor constituent, as
is glauconite. Mud pebble and clay granule horizons
are locally present. Jenkins et al (1992) recorded the
ichnofossils Palaeophycus tubularis Hall and Planolites
montanus Richter from the type section in the Elua
Range (HUCKITTA); these simple horizontal trails are
consistent with the terminal Neoproterozoic age assigned
to the formation.
In TOBERMOREY, the Grant Bluff Formation
outcrops in two small fault-bounded blocks at an unnamed
hill 2 km north of the Plenty Highway at PQ571924,
and as the characteristic prominent strike ridges in the
Keepera Ridges. A nearly complete section to the east
of Arthur Creek in the latter area, which is truncated
at the top by an offshoot of the Tarlton Fault, is 248 m
thick (Figure 14). As in the Elua Range, it comprises
two boldly outcropping sandstone ridges separated by a
medial, relatively recessive interval of interbedded, thinly
bedded, glauconitic fine quartz sandstone and mudstone.
Large-scale synaeresis cracks are prominent on bedding
surfaces of the stratigraphically higher sandstone ridge
CLIFF: light grey fine quartz
sandstone, weathering to
red-brown, thinly bedded
22 265
fine glauconitic quartz sandstone,
thinly bedded
70 265
CLIFF: light grey medium-coarse
quartzite, thinly-thickly bedded
40 225
orange-brown pebbly arkose,
thickly bedded
tabular intraclasts
synaeresis features
Figure 14 Measured section through Grant Bluff Formation. Grid
locations, and measured dips and dip azimuths are shown at left.
Tarlton PQ771763 to PQ775749, Keepera Ridges
Figure 15 Grant Bluff Formation. Largescale synaeresis cracks in upper part of
formation. Tarlton PQ776750, Keepera
Red Heart Dolostone (–Cld)
(Figure 15). A contact with the conformably underlying
Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose is preserved at PQ771763, where
pebbly Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose passes upward over 1.5 m
through grey, medium bedded very fine quartz sandstone
into grey, thinly bedded mudstone and thence into grey,
thinly to medium bedded very fine quartz sandstone,
with tabular mud pebble moulds, of the basal Grant Bluff
Formation (Figure 14).
Elsewhere, the Grant Bluff Formation rests
conformably on the Elyuah Formation. In adjacent
HUCKITTA and westward, it is conformably succeeded
by the Elkera Formation.
Walter (1980) modified the original Mount Baldwin
Formation of Smith (1964) to exclude the upper interval, of
archaeocyath-bearing dolostone and associated siliciclastic
rocks. Freeman (1986) subsequently assigned this interval
to the Errarra Formation. The Errarra Formation on
HUCKITTA is equivalent to the Red Heart Dolomite
of Walter et al (1979) on HAY RIVER, and these were
synonymised as Red Heart Dolostone by Ambrose et al
(2001). The type section in the Desert Syncline (HAY
RIVER) spans the interval 52.6‑62.4 m in cored drillhole
Hay River 11B and comprises 9.0 m of grey and tan
stylolitic, mottled, brecciated and vuggy dolostone above
a basal 0.8 m of dolomitic, coarse quartzofeldspathic
sandstone with thin interbeds of green mudstone. Walter
et al (1979) identified the U-shaped dwelling burrow
Diplocraterion sp in outcrop of the basal sandstone. The
lower contact of the formation is disconformable on the
Adam Shale or older units; the upper contact is an irregular
microkarst surface beneath theThorntonia Limestone or
Arthur Creek Formation (Shergold 1985).
The Red Heart Dolostone shares a common mid-Early
Cambrian fauna with the Todd River Dolostone of the
Amadeus Basin, of archaeocyaths (Kruse in Walter et al
1979, Kruse and West 1980, Kruse and Shi in Brock et al
2000), brachiopods, hyoliths, molluscs, fragmentary
?echinoderms and problematic skeletal fossils (Laurie
and Shergold 1985, Laurie 1986). These are indicative of
a late Atdabanian age in Siberian terms (Debrenne et al
The Red Heart Dolostone is not exposed in
TOBERMOREY, but is intersected in cored drillholes
Hacking 1 (1209.9‑1221.9 m), BHD4 (350.9‑356.1 m) and
BHD9 (528.8‑536.6 m depth). It is evidently also present
in BHD5 (491.7‑510.6 m) and BHD6 (39.3‑49.1 m depth),
where it is equivalent to unit Cl of McGeough and Shalley
(1992). It thus has a thickness range in the map area of
5‑19 m. The basal beds in these intervals are variously
of quartzic dolostone, quartz-intraclast dolomitic granule
Lower Cambrian rocks are not exposed in TOBERMOREY.
Elsewhere along the southern margin of the Georgina
Basin, sandstones of the Mount Baldwin Formation
(Smith 1964) in HUCKITTA and the Octy and Neutral
Junction Formations (Haines et al 1991) in ALCOOTA
and BARROW CREEK bear a basal Cambrian
ichnofauna that enables correlation with Arumbera
Sandstone III and IV of the Amadeus Basin (Walter
et al 1989). The Adam Shale is a lateral equivalent on
HAY RIVER, which yields coeval acritarchs (Muir in
Walter et al 1979). In MIM cored drillholes in the Boat
Hill area of TOBERMOREY (McGeough and Shalley
1992), maroon and olive green mudstone below the Red
Heart Dolostone (ie below 356.1 m depth in BHD4, and
possibly also 510.6 m in BHD5 and 49.1 m in BHD6)
may represent the Adam Shale.
Southgate and Shergold (1991) outlined a sequence
stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian rocks of the
Georgina Basin. They recognised two major Middle
Cambrian sequences: sequence 1 (including an upper,
tectonically enhanced sequence 1a) of Ordian-early
Templetonian age; and a more substantial sequence 2 of
late Templetonian to early Mindyallan age. Their scheme
was modified by Gravestock and Shergold (2001), who
transferred the former sequence 1a to sequence 2.
conglomerate, or marly mudstone with abundant admixed
lithoclasts (including granite-derived quartz and feldspar in
Hacking 1). In the overlying grey to pink dolostone, pyrite
commonly (and galena rarely) fills vugs and lines fractures
(see Economic geology).
Hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions in the Red Heart
Dolostone in drillhole Hay River 11A (HAY RIVER) have
homogenisation temperatures of 174‑225°C (Wilkins in
Shergold 1979a, 1979b). Wilkins in Shergold (1979b)
applied an unspecified pressure correction and calculated
a minimum temperature of 250°C for crystal growth. The
same samples also contain mesophase bitumen. This has
been used as a palaeothermal indicator of 400‑470°C (Taylor
in Shergold 1979a, Shergold 1985) or >200°C (Chapman
2001). However, it may also form partly as a result of natural
radioactivity. In contrast, migrated bitumens studied in the
Arthur Creek Formation and Thorntonia Limestone in Owen 2
are considerably less mature. Several contain humic acid that
only occurs in very immature bitumens. The most mature
pyrobitumen has a reflectivity of 1.38-1.44% (Glikson in
Kress 1991).
1939, 1941, Öpik 1968, 1970, 1975, Jell 1975, Shergold
1975b, 1981, Schmitt and Southgate 1982, Kruse 1990;
sequence 1 of Southgate and Shergold 1991). A maximum
103 m thickness has been reported in Morstone 1 petroleum
exploration well in CAMOOWEAL (Stewart and Hoyling
1963). The formation has a gradational lower contact on
the Colless Volcanics (Early Cambrian) or on a variously
named basal terrigenous siliciclastic interval. Where these
are absent, it rests unconformably on Proterozoic rocks
(Shergold and Druce 1980).
In addition to the limited outcrop, the Thorntonia
Limestone is entirely intersected in six TOBERMOREY
cored drillholes. From east to west these are Owen 2
(1053.3‑1150.2 m), BHD4 (301.9‑350.9 m), BHD5
(456.0‑491.7 m), BHD9 (484.9‑528.8 m), Tobermorey 14
(85.3‑109.5 m; Gibson 1984) and NTGS99/1 (554.7‑598.4 m
depth), giving a thickness range in the map area of 24‑97 m.
In these drillholes the unit rests disconformably on the Red
Heart Dolostone or nonconformably on Palaeoproterozoic
granite (see Mount Tietkens Granite Complex). A medial
dark, siliciclastic mud-rich interval imparts a stratigraphically
successive light-dark-light grey colouration to the carbonate
portion of the formation and this is generally recognisable
in drillholes across the southern Georgina Basin. All three
intervals exhibit disseminated pyrite. A basal terrigenous
interval is locally present (eg 5 m of dolomitic feldspathic
greywacke with basal arkosic pebble conglomerate directly
overlying granite in Owen 2).
Thorntonia Limestone (–Cmt)
Lower Middle Cambrian strata in TOBERMOREY are
exposed along the Marqua Monocline in the Boat Hill area
(Simpson et al 1985). They were initially assigned to the
Marqua beds (Smith and Vine 1960, Smith 1963), a provisional
unit that included all Middle Cambrian rocks in the immediate
region, and later to the Hay River Formation (Shergold in
Walter et al 1979). The type section of the latter is in cored
drillholes Hay River 11, 11A and 11B in the Desert Syncline
(HAY RIVER), where three constituent numbered ‘members’
were recognised. Shergold (1985) subsequently modified the
formation concept to embrace a greater thickness of strata in
three discrete packages, portrayed by Donnelly et al (1988)
as an Ordian-age ‘Lower Hay River Formation’, an early
Templetonian ‘Upper Hay River Formation Member 1’ and a
Floran-Undillan ‘Upper Hay River Formation Member 2’. In
the nomenclatural rationalisation of Ambrose et al (2001), the
last unit was included as part of the Arthur Creek Formation
(which see), whereas the first two were retained in the
Thorntonia Limestone. The name Hay River Formation was
The Thorntonia Limestone (Öpik 1956) is extensive
around the eastern (Queensland) margin of the Georgina
Basin and extends as far south as cored drillhole GSQ
Mount Whelan 1 (Green and Balfe 1980) in MOUNT
WHELAN. No type section has been designated, but a type
area is implied in the Thorntonia area in CAMOOWEAL.
Reference sections have been nominated by Shergold and
Southgate (1986: 19), who also provided detailed regional
descriptions. The formation includes grey limestone, partially
dolomitised limestone and dolostone with chert nodules and
minor phosphorite. It is richly fossiliferous, with a varied
biota of trilobites including Redlichia, Xystridura, Pagetia,
Peronopsis and questionable Onaraspis, brachiopods,
hyoliths including Guduguwan hardmani, bradoriides,
echinoderms, molluscs, chancelloriids, calcimicrobes and
stromatolites, to which Shergold et al (1985) assigned
an Ordian (early Middle Cambrian) age (Whitehouse
Figure 16 Thorntonia Limestone. Bioclast dolowackestone of lower
light grey interval. Pyrite (black) is disseminated and stylolite- and
fracture-associated. Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72846,
crossed nicols; 588.1 m depth in drillhole NTGS99/1; Marqua
NTGS99/1 and BHD holes) and in Hay River 11, 11A
and 11B, it is a relatively thin (0.5‑6.2 m) phosphatic
and glauconitic bioclast intraclast peloid dolopackstone
to dolograinstone that has an erosive lower contact on
the medial interval (Figure 18). Bioclasts include coarse
sand and granules of lingulate brachiopods, fragmentary
trilobites (including Xystridura, Pagetia and Peronopsis),
echinoderm ossicles (prone to phosphatisation), and
hyoliths (dominantly Guduguwan hardmani) and their
phosphatic steinkerns. A Templetonian age was attributed
by Shergold (1985) and an early Templetonian age by
Donnelly et al (1988). This unit is now a dolosparstone,
with bitumen occluding intercrystal porosity, particularly
toward the top of the formation, where a microkarstic
surface is locally evident. In Owen 2, the upper interval
is apparently much thicker (27 m) and contains additional,
locally amalgamated black terrigenous silt laminations,
pyritic carbonaceous dolostone intervals and thin, sand
to granule intraclast-bioclast conglomerate.
Altogether, this upper light grey interval may correlate
with the apparently coeval Bronco Stromatolith Bed
(Southgate 1986), a distinctive, thin (1‑30 cm) marker
bed of limonite-stained, stratiform to low-domical
stromatolites that directly overlies an irregular and indurated
erosion surface at the top of the Thorntonia Limestone in
Figure 17 Thorntonia Limestone. Bioclast coquina of dark medial
interval. Packstone of hyolith conchs and some opercula (mainly
Guduguwan hardmani) at bottom. Wackestone of phosphatic hyolith
steinkerns at top. Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72845,
crossed nicols; 575.2 m depth in drillhole NTGS99/1; Marqua
The lower light grey interval comprises planar- to
nodular-bedded dolostone with ghost grainstone texture or
admixed siliciclastic mud; bioclast (trilobite, brachiopod,
echinoderm) dolowackestone to dolopackstone (Figure 16);
brecciated dolostone including lithoclast dolopackstone;
and basal quartzic (and locally glauconitic) dolostone with
breccia of carbonate and granitic granules to pebbles. Some
lithotypes are foetid, mottled, stylobedded or concretionary,
and may enclose lithoclast conglomerate, bioclast coquina
or nodular evaporite.
The darker medial interval embraces a similar suite
of carbonate lithotypes including nodular anhydrite,
but with common interbeds of foetid dark grey to black
marl and pyritic carbonaceous mudstone. Also present
are thin bioclast coquinas (Figure 17), intraformational
conglomerates of reworked tabular dolomudstone, and
tracts of black (phosphatic?) sand to granules, together with
evidence of submarine hardground development, such as
thin phosphatised crusts. Elevated Total Organic Carbon
(TOC) values in this interval indicate source rock potential
(see Petroleum). This and the underlying light grey interval
of the Thorntonia Limestone become more siliciclastic
southward, as is evident in drillholes Hay River 11, 11A
and 11B (Shergold 1985).
The upper light grey interval equates with the ‘Upper
Hay River Formation Member 1’ of Donnelly et al (1988).
In the Marqua Monocline drillholes (Tobermorey 14,
Figure 18 Thorntonia Limestone. Erosive contact between
phosphatic and glauconitic, bioclast-intraclast-peloid dolograinstone
of upper light grey interval (above) and marly dolomudstone of
medial interval. Phosphatic grains in upper interval include originally
phosphatic lingulate brachiopods (light brown) and phosphatised
hyolith steinkerns (dark brown). Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph
C72844, plane polarised light; 558.7 m depth in drillhole NTGS99/1;
Marqua QQ470743
Figure 19 Arthur Creek Formation. Pyritic-carbonaceous
dololaminite of lower interval. Laminations are highlighted by
variations in proportions of organic matter and clays (dark) versus
fine xenotopic dolomite spar, quartz silt and bedding-subparallel
muscovite (light). Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72843,
crossed nicols; 530.0 m depth in drillhole NTGS99/1; Marqua
Figure 20 Arthur Creek Formation. Centimetre-scale sedimentaryboudinaged interbeds of lime mud (now pale microsparstone)
and dolomitic-siliciclastic mudstone (dark) of upper interval.
Rounded dolospar-filled areas in microsparstone are burrows. Scale
bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C72851, crossed nicols; 835.6 m
depth in drillhole Hacking 1; Marqua QQ054745
CAMOOWEAL. PN Southgate (quoted in Gravestock and
Shergold 2001: 124) has most recently reinterpreted this bed
as a product of submarine erosion. The present upper interval
would then represent the former sequence 1a of Southgate
and Shergold (1991), since transferred by Gravestock and
Shergold (2001) to sequence 2.
(451.5 m), and also includes the immediately underlying
and overlying formations (Thorntonia Limestone and
Steamboat Sandstone, respectively). Altogether, the
formation is disconformably underlain by Thorntonia
Limestone or where this is absent, by Red Heart Dolostone.
Exceptionally, it is nonconformable on Palaeoproterozoic
granite in Randall 1 (HUCKITTA). The maximum known
thickness of the Arthur Creek Formation (483+ m) is
intersected in BHD9 in TOBERMOREY.
The Arthur Creek Formation replaces the former
Sandover beds in ELKEDRA (Stidolph et al 1988), and
in TOBERMOREY, the Marqua Formation and ‘Upper
Hay River Formation Member 2’ of Donnelly et al (1988;
Ambrose et al 2001). However, these two latter units do
correspond to two informal subdivisions of the Arthur
Creek Formation (cf Shergold 1985: 10‑11); these are a
lower interval of deeper water, foetid pyritic-carbonaceous
black shale with planar to undulose dolostone laminations
(anaerobic facies of Stidolph et al 1988); and an upper
interval of paler carbonate exhibiting dolomudstone to
dolograinstone textures (aerobic facies of Stidolph et al
1988). The transition is abrupt in NTGS99/1, in which the
lower and upper intervals are respectively 272.1 m and
179.4 m thick; elsewhere the transition may be gradational or
interdigitating. Overall, the formation denotes an initial rapid
Arthur Creek Formation (–Cma)
Smith (1964) coined the Arthur Creek beds to encompass
all strata between the Mount Baldwin Formation
(then understood to include what is now the Red
Heart Dolostone) and the Arrinthrunga Formation in
HUCKITTA. Freeman (1986) revised this interval as the
Arthur Creek Formation, using as type section two cored
drillholes NTGS HUC1 and NTGS HUC2; these gave a
notional thickness of 417.6 m. However, comparison with
more recent Pacific Oil and Gas drillholes casts some doubt
on the claimed stratigraphic overlap of HUC1 and HUC2.
In addition, the interval immediately above 70.7 m depth
in HUC2 is here regarded as Steamboat Sandstone. A
replacement holostratotype section is therefore nominated
here and spans the interval 103.2‑554.7 m in cored
drillhole NTGS99/1 (see Appendix). This drillhole is one
of the thickest available intersections of the formation
transgression and the onset of anoxic conditions, succeeded
by gradual regression into more aerobic marine conditions
above wave base.
The lower, black shale interval is readily oxidised and
leached, and consequently is poorly exposed. In some
areas, as for example flanking the Davenport Province
in ELKEDRA, near-surface chertification leaves tabular
rubble, in which the trilobite Xystridura is prominent (Plate 6
of Stidolph et al 1988). Pristine laminites in this interval
(Figure 19), as intersected in cored drillholes, comprise
millimetre-scale laminations highlighted by variations in the
proportions of organic matter and clays (dark) versus fine
xenotopic dolomite spar, quartz silt and bedding-subparallel
muscovite (light). Grading within lamination couplets and
the absence of bioturbation led Morris (1986) to interpret
these rocks as anoxic rhythmites. Patchy early diagenetic
carbonate forms remnant dolostone nodules within these
otherwise burial-compressed laminites. The proportion
of carbonate decreases toward the base of the formation,
where foetid pyritic-carbonaceous black shale constitutes
viable petroleum source rock (see Petroleum). Pelagic
agnostine trilobites and benthic lingulate brachiopods and
sponge spicules are locally present. Disseminated pyrite
of microbial origin (Ferris 2000) occurs throughout the
interval. Some pyrite replaces sponge spicules or occurs
as epigenetic nodules and veinlets. Superimposed thin
(centimetre-scale) granule to pebble intraclast, intraclastbioclast and quartz sandstone beds, some with scoured
bases, have been interpreted as turbidity current deposits
(Morris 1986).
The upper, paler carbonate interval represents subtidal
restricted marine shelf deposition above wave base. It
is predominantly of light grey dolomicrosparstone and
dolosparstone with recurring ghost grainstone textures,
alternating with more or less nodular (sedimentary
boudinaged) centimetre-scale calcimudstone-siliciclastic
mudstone interbeds (Figure 20). Sedimentary and diagenetic
features include admixed quartz silt to sand, wisps to thin
interbeds of darker siliciclastic silt, bioturbation, stylobeds,
disseminated and fracture-lining pyrite, nodular evaporite,
and shredded to brecciated textures due to evaporite
dissolution and collapse. Bioclasts are common. The upper
interval is also poorly exposed, but locally outcrops as light
grey platy limestone or dolostone (Figure 21).
Common quartzic interbeds in more easterly drillholes,
such as NTGS99/1 and Owen 2, record intermittent
terrigenous sand pulses that were presumably derived from
a source further to the east. Quartz sand input peaks around
the lower-upper transition in both drillholes. In Owen 2, the
transition is marked by breccias of sand- to cobble-sized
tabular dolostone in a darker grey siliciclastic matrix; these
are interpreted as debris flows.
Altogether, the Arthur Creek Formation is richly
fossiliferous and yields a variety of miomeran and polymeran
trilobites, lingulate and calciate brachiopods, hyoliths,
molluscs, echinoderms and sponge spicules. Trilobites
indicate an age ranging from Templetonian (pre-Triplagnostus
gibbus Zone; Laurie 2000a) up to the Boomerangian Lejopyge
laevigata Zone, ie latest Middle or early Late Cambrian
(Marqua Formation of Shergold 1985: 11; Shergold 1995, cf
Geyer and Shergold 2000). The formation thus spans most of
the Middle Cambrian and constitutes a large part of sequence 2
(Southgate and Shergold 1991).
Steamboat Sandstone (–Cms)
Smith (1972) and Shergold et al (1985) have summarised
the Steamboat Sandstone (Noakes et al 1959) of the
URANDANGI-GLENORMISTON area. There, outcrop of
the formation consists of 60-80 m thickness of calcareous
sandstone and quartz sandstone with minor quartzic
grainstone and dolostone, possibly disconformable on
Quita Formation and undoubtedly conformable beneath
Mungerebar Limestone. Agnostine and polymeran trilobites
indicate an age within the terminal Middle Cambrian
Lejopyge laevigata Zone, extending to the Middle-Late
Cambrian passage Zone of Damesella torosa-Ascionepea
janitrix (Shergold et al 1985).
Correlative fine quartz sandstone, which is exposed
between the Arthur Creek and Arrinthrunga Formations
in the vicinity of Eurolley Bore in eastern HUCKITTA, is
taken to be a decalcified equivalent of quartzic dolostone
Figure 21 Arthur Creek Formation.
Centimetre-scale interbeds of calcimudstone
(pale grey) and dolomitic-siliciclastic
mudstone (brown) of upper interval.
Compare with Figure 20. Toko QQ705664,
Marqua Monocline north of Boat Hill
sediment of the overlying unit, plus associated pisoids and
cavity-fill breccia. However, the disconformity is difficult to
identify where overlain by the Ninmaroo Formation, as the
mixed carbonate rock types above and below it are similar.
In drillholes BMR 12 Cockroach and PAP Netting Fence 1,
it is recognised at a marked change in downhole geophysical
log characteristics (Kennard 1981: 5).
Kennard (1981) documented the following component
rock types: microbial (‘algal’) (dolo)boundstone, including
thrombolitic, columnar, columnar-domical and various
laminated types; peloid (dolo)grainstone and lesser
packstone and wackestone, including ripple cross-laminated
peloid (dolo)grainstone; ooid (dolo)grainstone; minor
flat-pebble conglomerate; minor calci/dolomudstone
with variable terrigenous silt and clay content, as well as
pseudomorphs of gypsum crystals and nodular evaporite;
mixed mudstone (marl); mixed sandstone (quartzic lime/
dolostone); and minor quartz sandstone (see Eurowie
Sandstone Member below). These constitute the elements of
eight discrete lithofacies, of which four dominate exposures
along the Marqua Monocline in TOBERMOREY; these
are, from base to top, the peloid grainstone, peloidal
lime-mud, and intermixed laminated microbial (‘algal’)
boundstone and microbial (‘algal’) mound lithofacies
(Kennard 1981: fig 14). A basal cross-stratified peloid
grainstone and dolostone unit mapped by Simpson et al
(1985) coincides with the lowest, and perhaps also part or
all of the next succeeding lithofacies of Kennard (1981);
Shergold (1985: 14) observed that this mapped basal unit
is overlain by a mainly microbial boundstone lithofacies.
Two complete measured sections of the formation in
this area are respectively 777 m and 914 m in thickness
(Kennard 1980).
The basal beds of the formation are exposed in a northsouth transect, 9 km to the east of Old Marqua homestead
at QQ497729. There, scattered blue-grey thin-bedded
calcimudstone and grey/brown nodular limestone of the
uppermost Arthur Creek Formation are overlain by much more
closely spaced limestone beds, including some Steamboat
Sandstone (quartzic carbonate rocks), then basal Arrinthrunga
Formation mainly of locally centimetre-scale cross-bedded
ooid-peloid grainstone (peloid grainstone lithofacies). About
4 km east of Marqua homestead, the succeeding peloidal
lime-mud lithofacies is represented by stylobedded peloidal
dolomudstone at QQ392754.
Outcrops in the vicinity of Smiths Dam (QQ240830)
illustrate a variety of lithofacies. At QQ242834, 500 m north
of the bore, a 2 m-thick slope section exposes basal light
grey, brown-mottled dolomicrobialite, which is succeeded
by light grey grainstone, followed by intraclast wackestone
at the top. A further 400 m to the north at QQ241839 (and
also west of the bore at QQ180830; Figure 22), columnar
stromatolites are well exposed on bedding planes. At
QQ213828 to the west of the bore, microbial laminite with
late-diagenetic siliceous nodules is exposed at the base
of an isolated hill of Jurassic-Cretaceous quartz granule
conglomerate and claystone.
The Arrinthrunga Formation was deposited on an
extensive, very shallow, restricted carbonate platform,
which was bordered in the west and north by an evaporitic,
mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shoreline (Kennard 1981: 26).
occurring at the same stratigraphic level in numerous
southern Georgina Basin drillholes, and is thus assigned
here to the Steamboat Sandstone.
The Steamboat Sandstone was formerly recognised in
outcrop in the Marqua Monocline area of TOBERMOREY
as unit –Cmm2 (Simpson et al 1985). This unit was stated by
Shergold (1985) to be up to 60 m thick. It is also delineated in
TOBERMOREY cored drillholes Hacking 1 (718.6-752.9 m),
NTGS99/1 (86.4-103.2 m) and Owen 2 (643.5-692.7 m
depth), giving a confirmed thickness range of 17‑49 m. This
interval comprises generally recrystallised grey dolostone
with admixed quartz sand to granules, dolomitic granule
intraclasts, darker siliciclastic mud wisps to interbeds, smallscale cross-beds and planar to wavy stylolites.
Arrinthrunga Formation (–Cua)
The Arrinthrunga Formation (Smith 1964) is widespread
across the southern Georgina Basin and extends from
eastern BARROW CREEK eastward to TOBERMOREY,
northern HAY RIVER and westernmost MOUNT WHELAN
(Reynolds 1968). The Meeta beds (Smith 1972), formerly
RIVER and AVON DOWNS, are synonymous (Kennard
1981). The Arrinthrunga Formation is primarily a peritidal
unit; correlative marine sedimentary rocks from elsewhere in
Queensland are referred to the Georgina Limestone, which
laterally interfingers with it (see Shergold et al 1985: 14).
The formation includes well bedded limestone and dolostone,
and minor interbedded quartz sandstone, siltstone and shale.
It attains 800-900 m thickness (maximum 975 m; Smith
1972: 104) in HUCKITTA. Quartz sandstone in the medial
part of the formation is assigned to the Eurowie Sandstone
Member (see below).
The nominated type section in the Elua Range in
HUCKITTA (Smith 1964) was determined by Kennard
(1980) to be structurally complex, with a faulted base and
with additional medial portions faulted out, so that only
about one third of the total interval is represented. Kennard
(1980) therefore nominated a reference section GEO 802 in
the nearby southern Dulcie Range area.
Due to its deposition in peritidal environments, the
formation is very sparsely fossiliferous. Its stratigraphic
position conformably and gradationally above the
Arthur Creek Formation (or Steamboat Sandstone where
present), and disconformably below the Tomahawk
Formation or Ninmaroo Formation, brackets the unit
within the Late, but not latest Cambrian. Among the rare
trilobites, brachiopods, hyoliths and molluscs reported,
the stratigraphically lowest appears to be a single trilobite
pygidium from basal beds at Black Tank in the Marqua
Monocline; this indicates an age close to the Middle-Late
Cambrian boundary (Shergold 1985). The precise age
of the uppermost beds of the Arrinthrunga Formation
is uncertain, but the youngest fauna in the laterally
interfingering Georgina Limestone provides a proxy
upper age limit of Iverian (mid-Late Cambrian) Irvingella
tropica Zone (Shergold in Green and Balfe 1980).
Beneath the Tomahawk Formation, the top of the
Arrinthrunga Formation is an at least locally karstic erosion
surface as is shown by an irregular topography infilled by
Among drillholes in the region, the Arrinthrunga Formation
is intersected in TOBERMOREY drillholes Hacking 1,
NTGS99/1, Owen 2, Lucy Creek 1 and BMR 12 Cockroach.
Of these, the thickest intersection is in Lucy Creek 1, which
records a complete thickness of 715 m (Pemberton 1967).
Hacking 1 preserves a 468 m cored interval of the lower
and medial portions of the formation (including the Eurowie
Sandstone Member). As in other drillhole intersections
throughout the southern Georgina Basin, the formation in
Hacking 1 is a compendium of thin lithotype intervals marking
the geologically rapid lateral and vertical environmental
shifts of a peritidal platform. These lithotypes include grey
silty, mottled and stylonodular calcimudstone; intraclast and
quartzic lime/dolostone; dark grey siliciclastic mudstone;
and centimetre-scale interbeds of light grey calcimudstone
and dark grey or green siliciclastic mudstone. Fenestrae,
small-scale cross-beds, thin intraformational granule intraclast
(including flat pebble) and lithoclast conglomerates, wavy
microbial laminites and domical and columnar stromatolites
are recurrent, as are nodular evaporites and disrupted, mottled
and shredded evaporite dissolution textures. Coarser, bedspecific dolomitisation has rendered many intervals porous
to vuggy.
Kennard (1981: 3) also confirmed the presence of the
Arrinthrunga Formation in BMR 12 Cockroach and Lucy
Creek 1 in TOBERMOREY. Eastward, the formation is
recognised in PAP Netting Fence 1 (GLENORMISTON;
Smith 1972: 108).
Figure 22 Arrinthrunga Formation. Columnar stromatolite
boundstone. Interstitial sediment between columns is very fine sandsized quartz, fine to medium sand-sized ellipsoidal ?peloids (now
microspar) and trace muscovite in what is now a calcite mosaic. Scale
bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C75149, crossed nicols; Marqua
QQ180830, near Dam A Marqua
Eurowie Sandstone Member (–Cue)
Quartz sandstone and quartzic dolostone in the medial
Arrinthrunga Formation in eastern HUCKITTA (Freeman
1986) and southeastern ELKEDRA (Stidolph et al 1988) are
attributed to the Eurowie Sandstone Member (Smith 1964).
In HUCKITTA, this member is generally 40‑60 m thick
(Kennard 1981: 24). It includes rippled and cross-laminated
quartz sandstone with abundant hopper casts after halite,
and outcrops as medium to thick beds and lenses. Gypsum
crystals and laminae, and nodules probably after anhydrite
are also present, as are bevelled ripples, dolostone pebble
clasts and parting and streaming lineations. An intermittently
emergent hypersaline shoreline depositional environment is
Kennard (1981) reported the member in Lucy Creek 1 in
TOBERMOREY, where it is 28 m thick. A 29 m thick, more or
less quartzic dolostone with nodular evaporites in Hacking 1,
in the interval 269.5-298.5 m depth, is also attributed to the
Eurowie Sandstone Member.
This platform was subjected to intermittent local
emergence. The formation thus records a general shoaling
from a more open subtidal setting (upper Arthur Creek
Formation) through a probably low, yet wide seaward
high-energy barrier (Steamboat Sandstone, ooid-peloid
grainstone of the basal Arrinthrunga Formation in the
Marqua Monocline area) into characteristically restricted,
shallow subtidal to peritidal conditions. Hypersalinity on
the platform limited grazing skeletal invertebrates and so
permitted microbial mats to flourish, forming planar, wavy,
domical and columnar stromatolites, according to depth and
hydrodynamic conditions. Gypsum and nodular evaporites
(anhydrite) precipitated in intertidal to supratidal flats.
Siliciclastic mud to fine sand was shed onto the platform
from the hinterland. Kennard (1981: 30) postulated a
rapid sea-level rise in mid-Arrinthrunga time, leading to
the wide establishment of the microbial mound lithofacies
on the platform. Quartz sandstone and mixed ooid-quartz
sandstone lithofacies are surmised to have migrated
across the platform as shoaling resumed, culminating
in intermittent emergence and the reestablishment of
hypersalinity (Eurowie Sandstone Member). Stromatolites
continued to propagate in areas bypassed by the terrigenous
sediments. This cycle of sea-level rise and shoaling was
repeated before regression exposed the platform and
subjected its carbonate blanket to karstification.
Tomahawk Formation (–COt)
The Tomahawk beds (Smith 1964) are here formalised as the
Tomahawk Formation. The type section and lower boundary
stratotype is nominated in cored drillhole NTGS ELK6 in
ELKEDRA and a reference section and upper boundary
stratotype is in the Tarlton Range in TOBERMOREY (see
Appendix). This stratotype is preferred to the eastern Dulcie
Range reference section X30 of Smith (1964: 48-49, 52),
zircon and tourmaline, with interstitial coarse dolomite
mosaic cement. At the surface, the glauconite is readily
leached to produce the weathered outcrops of friable,
brown to red-brown quartz sandstone that are characteristic
of the formation. These appear as well sorted, locally
dolomitic, fine to medium (to coarse) quartz arenite and
minor quartzwacke, subarkose and sublitharenite, plus thin
interbeds of micaceous siltstone and shale. Subarkoses
include plagioclase, microcline and perthitic feldspars
(Freeman 1986).
The Tomahawk Formation dominates the northwestern
quarter of TOBERMOREY, although outcrops are generally
poor. There as elsewhere, the formation essentially comprises
white to brown, thin to medium, well sorted, fine quartz arenite
and minor granule and cobble conglomerate. Dolostone
and minor dolomitic sandstone are interbedded in units
0.1‑30+ m thick. Sandstone typically exhibits horizontal
planar lamination, but cross-beds also occur (including
solitary and festoon sets at centimetre and decimetre scales,
and rare herringbone cross-beds). Ripples include symmetric
oscillation and asymmetric linear and interference types.
Synaeresis features are characteristic. Current markings
(normally current lineation, less frequently small flute moulds
and current bounce or skip marks) are present throughout the
region, although not abundant. Wrinkle marks (runzel marks)
are also widespread.
Seven foreset directions from sandstone cross-beds
were measured which, when corrected for tectonic tilt, are
scattered around a southeast-facing semicircle (Figure 23).
Evidence of reversing tidal currents in the form of
herringbone cross-beds is more common in the dolostone
beds than in the sandstone. Other types of dolostone
cross-bedding are more abundant, and include both planar
because the basal contact with the Arrinthrunga Formation
may be faulted there, and because it is now recognised
that this section includes the Kelly Creek Formation in
the upper part of the ‘Tomahawk beds’ interval (with the
formation boundary within the 400-500’ span in his Fig 22).
The Tomahawk Formation is thus dominantly a sandstone
unit that contains minor siltstone interbeds, and at the top,
thin carbonate intervals. A maximum recorded thickness
of 225 m was measured in section X54 (Smith 1972) in the
western Dulcie Range (northwestern HUCKITTA), but the
upper portion of this interval may represent the Kelly Creek
Formation, by analogy with section X30. The true thickness
may be in the order of 150-190 m; 149 m was intersected in
cored drillhole NTGS ELK6.
The Tomahawk Formation is widespread in the
southwestern Georgina Basin and interfingers laterally with
the carbonate-rich Ninmaroo Formation in the southeast.
This corridor of interfingering can be traced northward
across central TOBERMOREY and into south-central
SANDOVER RIVER. The Tomahawk Formation rests
disconformably on the Arrinthrunga Formation and is overlain
with apparent conformity by the Kelly Creek Formation.
Trilobites and rostroconch molluscs in basal beds indicate
an Iverian to Payntonian (medial Late Cambrian) age for
initiation of the Tomahawk Formation (Casey and GilbertTomlinson 1956: 65, Jones et al 1971: 21, Pojeta et al 1977).
Conodonts provide an upper age range, given by Shergold
and Druce (1980: 161) as the late Datsonian Cordylodus
oklahomensis‑C. lindstromi Zone. The Datsonian stage
was then regarded as Early Ordovician, but is now assigned
to the latest Cambrian (Shergold and Nicoll 1992). The
recently ratified global Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in
Newfoundland is correlated with the base of the succeeding
Warendian stage in Australia (Cooper et al 2001). Other fossil
groups represented in the formation are brachiopods, hyoliths,
pelecypods, gastropods, echinoderms and possible sponge
spicules (Freeman 1986, Stidolph et al 1988), although none
has been described.
In the Dulcie Range (HUCKITTA), Nicoll (1991b) noted
the presence of the conodont Cordylodus caseyi, indicative
of the late Warendian (Early Ordovician) Chosonodina
herfurthi-Cordylodus angulatus Zone, and in succeeding
beds, the younger conodont Ulrichodina deflexa, in an
interval attributed to the uppermost Tomahawk beds, but
these may well be Kelly Creek Formation. This assessment
is supported by the report of Jones et al (1971: 21) of late
Datsonian conodonts in the uppermost Tomahawk beds and
Kelly Creek Formation in the Tarlton Range area. Conodonts
Cordylodus proavus and ?Oneotodus gracilis, which
indicate a Datsonian age, were identified from the newly
remapped uppermost beds of the Tomahawk Formation
in this latter area (Zhen Yongyi pers comm 2002). The
Tomahawk Formation has thus yielded no fauna of confirmed
Ordovician age, although an occurrence of putative Early
Ordovician fossils was identified during Second Edition
mapping (see below).
Sandstone dominates the Tomahawk Formation. Fresh
sandstone preserved above 149 m depth in cored drillhole
NTGS ELK6 is a locally centimetre-scale cross-bedded,
dolomitic, glauconite-quartz sedarenite of detrital glauconite
pellets (up to 30%), quartz sand and trace to accessory
Figure 23 Cross-bed foreset azimuths (corrected for tectonic
tilt) in Tomahawk Formation and Ninmaroo Formation, western
TOBERMOREY. Inner circle: directions from fine arenite; outer
circle: directions from dolostone
solitary and festoon types in centimetre- and decimetrescale sets. They indicate palaeocurrents directed around the
compass (Figure 23); northwest-southeast and east-west
current trends include reversing tidal current pairs. A set of
symmetric ripples in a dolostone bed at PR936063, which
is 4 cm high and internally cross-laminated with foresets
dipping in opposite directions, also indicates oscillating
Tabular intraclast beds within sandstone, generally
4‑15 cm thick, are minor. Intraclasts are preserved either
as moulds or as the original fine sandstone clasts. They are
well rounded in plan view and are generally about 1 cm
across, but range up to 8 cm or more.
Most hills surficially or entirely consist of deeply
weathered material from a zone underlying a former
geomorphic surface. Thus ferruginised and silicified rock
occur beneath overlying (or formerly overlying) ferricrete and
silcrete, respectively; some small areas mapped as the Triassic
Tarlton Formation on the First Edition map (Smith 1965a)
consist of such ferruginised rock. Manganese staining and
encrustations up to centimetres thick are locally present.
Ichnofossils are common, especially on planar and rippled
bedding surfaces. These are mainly horizontal traces of
Planolites type, as well as Palaeophycus, Teichichnus, bilobed
trails, Corophioides, Skolithos, Arenicolites or Diplocraterion,
and arthropod traces such as Monomorphichnus, Diplichnites,
Rusophycus and Cruziana (Stidolph et al 1988 and personal
observations), collectively indicative of littoral to open
marine conditions [Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies of
Seilacher (1964)]. A distinctive coiled trace (?Gyrolithes) is
evident in the marginal central-western map area and in the
Tarlton Range area; a single specimen found at QR034289
northwest of Olivers Bore is probably the most easterly
known occurrence. The rostroconch mollusc Cymatopegma
semiplicatum, of mid-late Paytonian (Late Cambrian) age,
was discovered at PR926420 during the present Second
Edition mapping and identified by Laurie (2000b).
Upper levels of the formation contain poorly to moderately
sorted, coarse quartz sandstone to granule and pebble
conglomerate, interbedded with fine sandstone. Granules
are variously rounded, whereas pebbles are consistently
well rounded and usually of quartz, although a minority
are of silicified fine quartz arenite. Coarser conglomerate is
uncommon; however at PR167276 there are at least two beds,
one with cobble and boulder clasts up to 35 cm in size, the
other with a boulder, about 1 m long, of poorly sorted coarse
sandstone. Rarely, conglomerates are steeply bidirectionally
cross-bedded (eg high hill at QQ166913; Figure 24).
Another notable occurrence, at PR941321, is characterised
by subrectangular blocks of fine Tomahawk Formation
arenite and well rounded cobbles and boulders of similar
sandstone or quartz. Maximum clast size there is 0.7 m.
The sandstone clasts have yielded the trilobite Lycophron
sp, pelecypod Sthenodonta sp, indeterminate costate orthide
brachiopods and indeterminate pseudoplanispiral gastropods
of probable Early Ordovician age (Laurie, 2000b). Hence
the deposit is younger than this.
Siltstone, with white mica common on bedding surfaces,
becomes interbedded with sandstone in these upper levels
of the formation as a minor constituent, generally as thin,
white beds.
There are few sections of substantial thickness exposed
in the region. The thickest measured, at PR557389 near
the northwestern sheet margin, is only 23 m in thickness
(Figure 25). Beds in this section, including a 15 cm dolostone
band, can be recognised in a hill 40 km to the east-southeast
at PR935287, testifying to the lateral extent of detailed
Medium to thick beds of grey to yellow-brown limestone
or coarsely recrystallised dolostone, which are included in
the Tomahawk Formation, commonly bear relict peloids
and ooids, admixed quartz sand, accessory glauconite
and trace tourmaline. Medium-bedded carbonate flatpebble conglomerate is extensive in the Dulcie Range
area of HUCKITTA (Freeman 1986), and is known also
in TOBERMOREY. Within the corridor of interfingering
with the Ninmaroo Formation in central TOBERMOREY,
where dolostone occupies all or most of a hill, it is mapped
as Ninmaroo Formation (see below). West of this corridor,
dolostone is depicted in Ninmaroo colour but included within
the Tomahawk Formation.
Although these carbonate interbeds are typically flatlying, associated sandstones tend to be structurally deformed
at mesoscale (including kink folds; Freeman 1986). This
deformation is widespread in HUCKITTA, ELKEDRA,
Sandstone outcrop usually displays greatly varying dips,
which can change significantly in magnitude and direction
Figure 24 Tomahawk Formation. Granule conglomerate sublitharenite
of angular to subrounded, medium silt- to granule-sized quartz in
groundmass of quartz, muscovite and iron oxides ± clays. Scale
bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C75148, crossed nicols; Marqua
QQ166913, near Southern Cross Bore
Figure 26 Tomahawk Formation. Mesoscale deformation in
quartz sandstone: view along axis of local synclinal fold. Marqua
QR126085, Atnetye
within metres. This renders it difficult to obtain reliable
regional dips. Folding can be broad enough to occupy a
moderate-sized hill, but commonly occurs on metre and
decimetre scales. In most cases, beds dip into a hill on all
sides. A good illustration at PR744261, where in a small
hill only metres wide, dips of 15° toward 155° occur in
the north side, but change to 13° toward 310° on the south
side over a distance of only 3 m. Freeman (1986) invoked
subsurface cavernous solution of underlying carbonate rock
(Arrinthrunga Formation) by groundwater, with consequent
progressive subsidence of lithified sandstone, to account for
this lithology-selective deformation. This would account for
many instances of sandstone and dolostone in close lateral
The uppermost Tomahawk Formation adjacent to the
Tarlton Fault and on the eastern margin of the Tarlton Range
is a series of prominent, thinly to thickly bedded, metre-scale
grey limestone packages and intervening recessive marly
mudstone to fine sandstone. A measured section through
this interval is 32 m thick; the formation top is placed at the
top of the uppermost prominent limestone bed (Figure 27).
The interval has also been intersected beneath the northern
Tarlton Range in cored drillhole BMR Grg 12 (Milligan
1963). These limestones include more or less recrystallised,
partially dolomitised ooid and ooid-intraclast grainstone
(some with admixed glauconite sand, minor lime mud
intraclasts and bioclasts), ooid-bioclast grainstone, quartzicglauconitic-lithic limestone and intraclast-lithoclast limestone
(including granule-sized flat pebbles). Some grainstones show
fine-grained quartz arenite
quartzic dolostone
partially dolomitised limestone
dolomitic quartz sandstone
festoon crossbeds
symmetric ripples
synaeresis features
horizontal planar lamination
small flute moulds
Figure 25 Partial measured section in Tomahawk Formation,
northwestern TOBERMOREY. Algamba PR557389, southwest of
Lucy Creek No 15 Bore
tops are planed off by overlying cross-bedded crinoid
Limestone beds in this uppermost Tomahawk Formation
interval become selectively dolomitised adjacent to the
Ninmaroo Formation to the northeast of Tarlton Range.
This transition can be observed in a broad amphitheatre
between Cockroach Creek and Whitewood Bore to the
southeast. North of the Plenty Highway, this interval is totally
dolomitised; these prominent beds are traceable westward at
least to the mapsheet boundary.
The Tomahawk Formation represents the episodic
shedding of terrigenous sand, possibly from exposed Arunta
Province basement to the west, onto a broad marine platform,
which was otherwise dominated by the correlative Ninmaroo
Formation in the east. Deposition took place in littoral
to sublittoral environments that extended a considerable
distance offshore, within restricted to open marine waters
that were moderately deep yet still subjected to storm wave
action. Ichnofossil elements of the Skolithos ichnofacies may
represent occupation by opportunistic species after highenergy events, with more diverse Cruziana ichnofacies taxa
populating the sediments in less stressful low-energy interludes
(Ekdale et al 1984). Widespread symmetric oscillation ripples
probably formed near approximate storm wave base. The
common cross-bedded units represent migrating straight and
lunate megaripples, and together with other current indicators,
record episodes of current activity that were occasionally
strong enough to cause scouring. Intraclast-bearing layers
and hummocky cross-strata mark rare instances of severe
storm activity extending to the seabed. Rare herringbone
cross-beds indicate that reversing tidal currents played a role
in megaripple migration. The introduction of coarse sand and
gravel up to boulder size in the upper Tomahawk Formation
implies shallowing into turbulent conditions of the foreshore,
as a result of progradation in response to uplift and erosion
of the hinterland.
light grey fine-medium quartz
sandstone: thinly to medium
bedded, weathering to orangebrown
LEDGE: medium quartz sandstone: thinly to medium bedded,
weathering to maroon-brown
light grey-brown fine quartz
sandstone: thinly to medium
light grey/brown strongly
dolomitised intraclast-?bioclast
grainstone: glauconitic, thickly
light grey coarse quartz sandstone: medium bedded,
high-angle cross-beds
light grey intraclast limestone:
bedding-parallel flat pebbles
light grey intraclast limestone:
bed of light grey flat pebble
intraclast limestone, pebbles
generally bedding-parallel
light grey ooid-intraclast grainstone: thickly bedded, partially
light grey, partially browndolomitised intraclast-lithoclastbioclast limestone: glauconitic
light grey, partially dolomitised,
coarsely recrystallised
glauconitic limestone
light grey fine quartz sandstone; minor quartzic-lithic
limestone, marl
Ninmaroo Formation (–COn)
light grey fine-medium quartzicglauconitic-lithic limestone
light grey/brown patchily
dolomitised ooid grainstone:
glauconitic, calcimudstone
intraclasts, bioclasts
The Ninmaroo Limestones and Ninmaroo Series of
Whitehouse (1936) were emended by Casey (1959) as the
Ninmaroo Formation. The type section, which is 795 m
thick, is at Black Mountain (BOULIA; Jones et al 1971)
in the Burke River Structural Belt of the eastern Georgina
Basin, where five formal members are recognised (Shergold
and Druce 1980). These members are not identified in
TOBERMOREY. Much work on conodont (Jones et al
1971, Druce and Jones 1971, Druce 1978, Druce et al
1982, Nicoll 1990, 1991a, Nicoll and Shergold 1991,
Nicoll 1992, Nicoll et al 1992) and trilobite biostratigraphy
(Shergold 1975a) has been conducted in the Burke River
region, together with the documentation of rostroconch and
polyplacophoran molluscs (Pojeta et al 1977, Runnegar
et al 1979). The age of the Ninmaroo Formation at Black
Mountain is thus well constrained and ranges from the
mid-Payntonian (medial Late Cambrian) Hispidodontus
appressus Assemblage Zone up to the Warendian (earliest
Early Ordovician) Chosonodina herfurthi/Cordylodus
angulatus Assemblage Zone (Shergold and Nicoll 1992).
The conformably underlying Chatsworth Limestone is
absent in TOBERMOREY, where the Ninmaroo Formation
flat pebble intraclasts
invertebrate fossils
Figure 27 Measured section through Tomahawk Formation-Kelly
Creek Formation contact (reference section and upper boundary
stratotype of Tomahawk Formation). Tarlton PQ930670 to
PQ920682, near Lucky Bore, southern Tarlton Range
millimetre- to centimetre-scale high-angle cross-bedding. A
distinctive cliff exposure in an indent at PQ913668 reveals
laterally linked columnar stromatolites 0.8 m in height (relief
>1:1) with a surrounding narrow apron of coarse crinoidossicle packstone or grainstone, all of which is encased in
possibly microbially-bound ribbon lime mud. The column
of Ninmaroo Formation dolostone. The northern slope of
the next hill to the south is mostly of Ninmaroo Formation
dolostone and dolomitic sandstone, but contains two tongues
of Tomahawk Formation sandstone.
Clearly exposed Tomahawk-Ninmaroo contacts are rare.
One distinctive exception is at QQ118887, to the east of
the Tarlton Range, where brown medium quartz sandstone
of the Tomahawk Formation immediately overlies yellowbrown, partially quartzic, small-scale cross-bedded Ninmaroo
Formation dolostone. A 3‑20 cm-thick, dark red-brown crust
of silicified Ninmaroo Formation dolostone marks the contact.
This crust can be traced laterally on an irregular surface,
along which the crust varies in orientation from horizontal to
near-vertical. Elsewhere (eg QQ220905), the contact may be
stylolitic. At QQ524848, an incompletely exposed sandstonedolostone contact zone has associated black chalcedonicmanganiferous crusts.
This corridor of interfingering can be traced from
Tarlton Range northeastward and thence northwestward into
southwestern SANDOVER RIVER. Minor occurrences of
Tomahawk-type quartz sandstone to the east of this corridor
are mapped as Ninmaroo Formation on the Second Edition
TOBERMOREY map, but are depicted in Tomahawk
Formation colour. Westward, where dolostones range up to
30 m or more in thickness within the Tomahawk Formation,
the converse applies.
Component rock types in TOBERMOREY include grey
to brown, more or less quartzic ooid, bioclast (especially
echinoderm), peloid, lithoclast (quartzic, glauconitic) and
Figure 28 Ninmaroo Formation. Columnar stromatolite boundstone
(at bottom) in grainstone of bioclasts (calciate brachiopods,
echinoderm ossicles, hyoliths, trilobites), generally with micrite
envelopes or Nuia-type radial coatings, together with quartz,
glauconite and muscovite in a coarse calcite spar mosaic. Scale
bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C75147, crossed nicols; Marqua
QQ138972, near Beenleigh Bore
is considered to be disconformable on the Arrinthrunga
Formation, although the contact is difficult to identify in the
field (Kennard 1981: 5). In TOBERMOREY, a minimum
220 m (incomplete) has been intersected, but not cored, in
drillhole Owen 2. Shorter intervals have been penetrated in
cored drillholes BMR Grg 11 (Milligan 1963) and BMR 12
Cockroach (Smith 1967).
The Ninmaroo Formation comprises a range of
ooid, peloid, bioclast, intraclast (including flat pebble
conglomerate), microbial and mixed-lithology limestone and
dolostone, and minor quartz sandstone. These were deposited
on a broad epeiric platform under normal open marine to
restricted and emergent evaporitic conditions (Radke 1980,
1981, in Druce et al 1982). The shoaling cycles of Radke
(1980) have not been recognised in TOBERMOREY.
Ninmaroo Formation rocks have been subjected to burial
and uplift diagenesis, including widespread dolomitisation
(Radke 1982)
The Ninmaroo Formation is extensive around the Toko
Syncline in eastern and central TOBERMOREY, where
it interfingers with the Tomahawk Formation to the west.
The lateral facies change is well illustrated in hills around
QR135298, about 6.5 km to the west-southwest of Desert
Bore. There, the northern face of one hill is entirely of
Tomahawk Formation, but the southern slope bears a lens
Figure 29 Ninmaroo Formation. Arthropod track and horizontal
burrows or trails in quartz sandstone bed. Hand lens is 4.5 cm long.
Marqua QQ342906, Umberumbera Hills
Figure 30 Ninmaroo Formation. Synaeresis
cracks in dolomudstone. Alkea QR137139,
Figure 31 Ninmaroo Formation. Decimetrescale domical stromatolites. M arqua
QR120009, Tarlton Downs-Manners Creek
boundary fence, 50 m south of Plenty
than 1 cm up to 14 cm in diameter. Some beds have erosive
bases, and occur above or between dolomitic sandstone beds,
from which the tabular intraclasts were probably derived.
Good examples occur in the side of a gully at QR134295,
7 km to the west-southwest of Desert Bore; in cliff sections
at QQ346906 in the Umberumbera Hills; and toward the base
of a 0.5 m-thick bed on the western extremity of a prominent
Ninmaroo Formation ridge at QQ392984.
This suite of sedimentary structures indicates deposition
under variable energy conditions, punctuated by recurring
high-energy episodes, and is consistent with the depositional
models of Radke (1980).
Grey recrystallised sucrosic dolostones, some with
ghost grainstone textures, are common. Such dolomitisation
is due to burial diagenesis, producing dolosparstones, in
which a moderate to coarse crystal mosaic obscures primary
depositional textures. Some coarsely dolomitised lithotypes
have experienced subsequent dedolomitisation (Figure 32).
Two dominant joint trends typify the Ninmaroo Formation
in TOBERMOREY; in the south-central map area a west-
intraclast (dolo)grainstone and minor calci/dolomudstone
and dolomitic quartz sandstone in medium to thick beds.
These contain laminated and bioclast horizons, flat pebble
conglomerate, stylobeds, low-flow regime parallel bedding,
low- to high-angle cross-beds (including bidirectional
examples), domical and columnar stromatolites (Figure 28),
occasional ichnofossils (Figure 29) and characteristic
synaeresis features (Figure 30). Symmetric ripples are rare.
There are excellent exposures of decimetre-scale domical
stromatolites along the Tarlton Downs-Manners Creek
boundary fence, 50 m to the south of the Plenty Highway at
QR120009 (Figure 31), and of columnar to clavate forms, to
the south of Centenary Bore at QQ084958. These are generally
enclosed by moderate- to high-energy grainstone.
Flat pebble intraclast conglomerates are widespread, but
minor. Typically of decimetre-scale thickness (2‑40+ cm),
they contain flat pebbles variously of calcimudstone, peloid
grainstone, quartzic peloid grainstone, calcareous sandstone
and quartz sandstone, commonly in a calcite or dolomite spar
mosaic. These usually rounded tabular clasts range from less
the formation is 168 m thick. Southeastward in MOUNT
WHELAN, Gausden (1980) reported that the formation
thickens to 290 m in drillhole AOD Mirrica 1.
Druce (1976) and Shergold and Druce (1980) outlined a
lithological succession within the formation: basal dolostone
(30 m); medial fine dolomitic sandstone with coquinite
interbeds (maximum 120 m); and upper, in part quartzic
dolomitic limestone (30 m). However, the ‘basal’ dolostone
is absent in the type section and, according to Radke (1981),
this interval represents the uppermost Ninmaroo Formation.
The Kelly Creek Formation is thus a resistant unit with
a lower portion dominantly of quartz sandstone, dolomitic
quartz sandstone and siltstone, and an upper portion primarily
of dolostone and partially dolomitised limestone. This broad
bipartite subdivision is evident in the Gaphole Creek type
section. This section commences with thin to medium,
planar bedded, fine quartz sandstone that contains streaming
lineations, mud pebble and cobble mould horizons, ripples,
low-angle cross-beds, bioclast-bearing granule beds and
rare ichnofossils including Diplichnites. The upper portion
of the section is of thick grey-brown, locally cross-bedded
The Kelly Creek Formation forms prominent hills and
scarps within the Tarlton and Toko Ranges. This is well
illustrated in the southeastern Tarlton Range, where the
gently west-dipping Kelly Creek Formation forms a steepsided dissected plateau. A sharp topographic break marks the
boundary with the Tomahawk Formation below. Throughout
TOBERMOREY, outcrops of the Kelly Creek Formation are
topographically more prominent and much less deformed
than lithologically similar quartz sandstone of the Tomahawk
According to Shergold and Druce (1980), the lower,
dolomitic sandstone interval displays streaming and parting
lineations, high-angle cross-beds, festoon cross-beds,
shell banks and columnar stromatolites, which support an
interpreted intertidal to supratidal depositional environment,
although some shallow subtidal deposition cannot be
excluded. Brachiopods and trilobites are rare in this unit;
some trails are preserved in sandstone beds. A more diverse
fauna of endoceratid nautiloids, gastropods and conodonts
in the upper carbonate unit was taken as being suggestive of
unrestricted, open marine environments.
A 92 m-thick composite section of the Kelly Creek
Formation was measured in the southern Tarlton Range
plateau (Figure 33). Basal beds are of thin to medium, light
grey to brown, locally micaceous, fine to coarse calcareous
quartz sandstone, some becoming intraclastic along strike,
and interbedded medium to thick yellow-brown, glauconitebearing intraclast-lithoclast-bioclast dolostone, some with flat
pebble intraclast horizons and centimetre- to decimetre-scale
high-angle or bidirectional to herringbone cross-beds. From
about 25 m above the formation base, dolostone beds are few
and thin- to medium-bedded quartz sandstone dominates.
Here and elsewhere, this yellow-grey to maroon-brown
sandstone bears lithic and glauconitic grains or flat pebbles,
mud pebble mould horizons, and symmetric to asymmetric
linear, linguoid and interference ripples. Lenticular granule
quartz conglomerate is locally present in this sandstone
interval (eg granule conglomerate with floating roundedsubrounded light grey quartzite and minor white quartz
Figure 32 Ninmaroo Formation. Condensed ooid grainstone. Ooids
are partially to completely dolomitised to coarse euhedral mosaic.
Partially dolomitised ooids locally preserve precursor radial and,
especially toward outer surface, concentric structure. Dolomite
rhombs within ooids are zoned and some zones are replaced by finer
calcite mosaic (dedolomite). Ooids are enclosed in hypidiomorphic
calcite spar mosaic with admixed angular to rounded, medium silt- to
fine sand-sized quartz. Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C75145,
plane polarised light; Marqua QR074010, near Centenary Bore
northwesterly trend is dominant, whereas a southwesterly
trend characterises the northeastern map area.
Kelly Creek Formation (Olk)
In TOBERMOREY, the Kelly Creek Formation (Casey in
Smith 1965a) outcrops around the Toko Range in the southeast,
where it rests apparently conformably between the Ninmaroo
Formation below and Coolibah Formation above (Shergold
and Druce 1980: 163). It also occurs around the Tarlton Range
in the southwest, where it is conformable on the Tomahawk
Formation, but where the Coolibah Formation is absent. The
Kelly Creek Formation is there succeeded conformably by the
Nora Formation (Webby et al 1981: 29). Eastward, in MOUNT
WHELAN (Reynolds 1968) and GLENORMISTON (Jones et al
1971), the basal contact is a disconformity on karstified Ninmaroo
Formation and older Georgina Limestone. The formation is now
also recognised in the upper part of the ‘Tomahawk beds’ interval
in reference section X30 of Smith (1964: 48-49, 52), in the
eastern Dulcie Range in HUCKITTA.
Casey (in Smith 1965a) nominated a type section at
Gaphole Creek in the Toko Range (TOBERMOREY), where
flat-pebble intraclasts
invertebrate fossils
yellow-brown dolostone
light grey quartz sandstone:
thinly bedded, planar bedded
yellow-brown / grey interbeds of
dolostone and fine quartz sandstone
yellow-brown ?ooid dolograinstone
light yellow-brown fine quartz
sandstone: friable, medium bedded,
planar bedded
light grey medium quartz
sandstone: medium to thickly
bedded, planar laminated to
cm- to dm-scale crossbedded, asymmetric ripples
maroon Carlo Sandstone scree: quartz sandstone with streaming lineation,
flute casts, asymmetric ripples, mud pebble mould horizons, ichnofossils:
Diplocraterion, horizontal traces
quartz sandstone scree: asymmetric ripples,
mud pebble moulds, ichnofossils including
horizontal traces, vertical burrows
Skolithos, Diplocraterion
yellow-grey quartz sandstone:
medium bedded, parallel bedded,
weathering to maroon; ichnofossils
including sinuous horizontal traces,
quartz sandstone scree
yellow-brown dolomitic quartz
sandstone: lithic, glauconitic, poorly
quartz sandstone scree
light yellow-brown fine quartz
sandstone: thinly to medium bedded
yellow-brown dolostone:
mainly parallel bedded,
with minor cm-scale
cross-bed lenses
dark brown ferruginous
bioclast-lithoclast dolostone
with gastropods
yellow-brown quartzic dolostone: medium bedded
white siliceous subplanar
concretions 6-7 cm thick
quartz sandstone scree
yellow-brown dolomitic-lithic
-glauconitic fine-medium
quartz sandstone: medium
light grey medium quartz
sandstone: thickly bedded
dark yellow-brown quartzic
quartz sandstone: medium
quartzic dolostone
yellow-brown fine quartz
sandstone: thinly bedded
dark yellow-brown dolomitic
quartz sandstone, dolostone
light grey fine-medium
quartz sandstone:
medium bedded, mainly
parallel bedded
very thick bed (1.6m) of light
grey medium quartz sandstone:
weathering to yellow-brown,
cross-beds highlighted by brown
dolostone grains, in cm- to dmscale sets
yellow-brown dolomitic
quartz sandstone
medium quartz sandstone: thickly
bedded, planar bedded
light yellow-grey medium
quartz sandstone: medium
bedded, friable; vertical
light grey ooid-intraclast
Figure 33 Composite measured section through Kelly Creek Formation, Nora Formation and Carlo Sandstone. Grid locations shown at left
of each column. Tarlton PQ901663 to PQ855660, southern Tarlton Range
pebbles to boulders up to 30 cm in size at QQ421980;
Figure 34).
Ichnofossils include Diplocraterion, Diplichnites,
Rusophycus (Figure 35), Cruziana and other arthropod
scratch marks, sinuous horizontal trails including Planolites,
Cochlichnus, pellet trails and bilobed trails, possible
Skolithos, and a distinctive ?Gyrolithes (Figure 36),
suggestive of intertidal to shallow subtidal depositional
environments (Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies of
Seilacher 1964). Horizontal trails are especially abundant
at the summit of a flat-topped hill at QR469125 on the
western margin of the Toko Range. Sandstone beds thicken
and become more dolomitic toward the top of the formation
in the southern Tarlton Range measured section and are
associated with interbeds of commonly cross-bedded
quartzic dolostone.
Prominent outcrops in central TOBERMOREY,
formerly mapped as the Triassic Tarlton Formation, are
here remapped as Kelly Creek Formation, as confirmed by
occurrences of the above ichnofossil fauna. These outcrops
are now recognised as western outliers of the Toko Syncline
The lower, siliciclastic portion of the Kelly Creek
Formation is dissected to the north of the Tarlton Range and
in the Toko Range, but a measure of topographic prominence
is nevertheless maintained. The lower formation boundary is
drawn at the base of prominent red-brown to yellow-brown
quartz sandstone hills in both regions.
The dolomitic upper portion in the Toko Range was
named by Radke and Duff (1980) as the Withillindarmna
Dolostone Member, and mapped as a distinct unit by
Simpson et al (1979). However, Shergold (1985) cited
rapid lateral facies variation within the Kelly Creek
Formation in discounting this unit, and it is not depicted
by Simpson et al (1985). Thus, despite its distinctive joint
pattern on aerial photographs of the Toko Range, the unit
name is not used herein, although this and other dolostone
intervals in the Kelly Creek Formation are distinguished
on the present Second Edition map. In the Toko Range,
this interval includes discrete medium to thick yellowbrown sucrosic dolostone (at least some after precursor
dolograinstone), dolomudstone and dolomitic quartz
sandstone beds, variously with intraformational pebble
conglomerate, channels, microbial lamination and locally
abundant horizontal and oblique burrows. These rock types
are recognisable in the upper portion of the type section at
Gaphole Creek.
Equivalent dolostone on the northern flank of the Tarlton
Range is well exposed between the Plenty Highway and the
Tarlton Range proper. It includes medium to thick, mid-grey
dolostone, some with centimetre-scale cross-beds or horizons
of silicified flat pebbles; quartzic dolosparstone (Figure 37);
medium-grained glauconitic quartz sandstone, locally
with quartz sandstone flat pebbles; partially dolomitised
limestone with centimetre-scale high-angle cross-beds and
synaeresis features; laminated lithic limestone; quartz-lithic
ooid dolograinstone; and interbedded recessive marl with
horizontal trails.
Jones et al (1971: 21) reported late Datsonian (now latest
Cambrian) conodonts in the lower Kelly Creek Formation,
immediately succeeded by an Arenig (Early Ordovician)
conodont fauna, and therefore postulated a hiatus within the
formation spanning the Warendian stage as then conceived
(ie earliest Ordovician sensu Shergold and Nicoll 1992).
This supposed intraformational hiatus is depicted in charts
by Shergold et al (1976), Shergold and Druce (1980) and
(questionably) Webby et al (1981), and is the basis of the
intraformational Kelly Creek Movement of Webby (1978).
However, Webby et al (1981) subsequently observed that
no physical discontinuity has been demonstrated, and that
while the relevant faunas remain undescribed, the nature and
timing of the proposed break is in doubt. Indeed, Radke’s
(1981) reassignment of the ‘basal dolostone’ interval of
Shergold and Druce (1980) to the uppermost Ninmaroo
Formation would appear to resolve this putative hiatus to
the Ninmaroo-Kelly Creek boundary (Shergold 1985: 16).
This was supported by Nicoll et al (1992), who identified the
Kelly Creek Movement (their Kelly Creek Eustatic Event)
as terminating deposition of the Ninmaroo Formation.
Druce (in Shergold 1979a) listed four successive
conodont faunas in the Kelly Creek Formation. The
oldest was assigned to the mid-Warendian Cordylodus
rotundatus‑C. angulatus Zone sensu Jones et al (1971);
this was succeeded by an earliest Arenigian Scolopodus
sexplicatus Zone fauna and thence by two additional early
Arenigian faunas. In contrast, Nicoll et al (1992) correlated
their Kelly Creek Eustatic Movement at the base of the
formation with the terminal Warendian.
Toko Group
Casey (in Smith 1963), Smith (1972) and Draper (1980b) have
charted the nomenclatural history of the Toko Group. The
group name is derived from the Toko Series of Whitehouse
(1936), intended to encompass all Ordovician rocks (at
that time unnamed) to the west of Boulia, Queensland.
Following subdivision and naming of the succession, Casey
(in Smith 1963) took the Toko Group to embrace the Kelly
Creek Formation to the Mithaka Formation, inclusive.
Subsequently, Casey (in Smith 1965a) excluded the Kelly
Creek Formation. Draper (1980b) further modified the group
to exclude the Coolibah Formation and include the Ethabuka
Sandstone. Webby et al (1981) rejected Draper’s (1980b)
proposals and retained the conception of Casey (in Smith
1965a); their view is adopted herein.
Coolibah Formation (Olc)
The Coolibah Formation (Casey in Smith 1965a) outcrops
around the Toko Syncline in TOBERMOREY, HAY RIVER,
considered to be absent in the Tarlton Range, although a
2 m-thick calcareous sandstone bed in the southern part
of the range, to date and herein treated as basal Nora
Formation, has yielded the distinctive Coolibah Formation
gastropod Teiichispira cornucopiae (Gilbert-Tomlinson
in Hill et al 1969, Gilbert-Tomlinson 1973, Shergold and
Druce 1980: 163). The formation comprises grey and
white limestone, quartzic limestone, dolostone and marl,
and local chert lenses. It is conformable between the Kelly
Creek Formation below (Shergold 1985: 17) and the Nora
Formation above.
Figure 34 Kelly Creek Formation.
Intraformational granule conglomerate
with floating rounded-subrounded light
grey quartzite and minor white quartz
pebbles to boulders. Scale bar = 2 mm.
Photomicrograph C75133, crossed nicols;
Marqua QQ421980, Umberumbera Hills
Figure 35 Kelly Creek Formation. Cruziana
and Rusophycus on sole of medium quartz
sandstone bed. Hand lens is 4.5 cm long.
Tarlton PQ886658, Umberumbera Hills
Figure 36 Kelly Creek Formation.
?Gyrolithes on sole of medium quartz
sandstone bed in ledge at 57 m level in
measured section near Lucky Bore, southern
Tarlton Range (see Figure 27). Hand lens is
4.5 cm long. Tarlton PQ920682
by stromatolitic limestone and bioturbated calcimudstone
interbedded with siltstone (Shergold et al 1976: 25); fenestral
limestone is also present. A section of similar thickness to the
north at QQ765906 includes light grey peloid and nodular
limestone and intraclast-bioclast grainstone (Figure 38) in
recessive yellow-grey, thinly interbedded calcimudstone
and marl. Elsewhere, Smith (1972: 127) listed thicknesses
of 55 m at Gaphole Creek (TOBERMOREY), 36 m in
drillhole Netting Fence 1 (GLENORMISTON) and 110 m
in MOUNT WHELAN; Shergold (1985) reported 79 m
in drillhole AOD Ethabuka 1 (MOUNT WHELAN) and
28 m in drillhole Mount Whelan 1 (MOUNT WHELAN;
Green and Balfe 1980); and Gausden (1980) attributed
51 m in drillhole Mirrica 1 (MOUNT WHELAN). Citing
drilling reports, Smith (1972: 127) and Shergold and Druce
(1980: 163) additionally noted peloid grainstone, stylolitic
limestone and micaceous, cherty and pyritic calcimudstone,
together with basal sandstone, in drillholes Netting Fence 1
and Ethabuka 1. Green and Balfe (1980) reported the
presence of bioclast grainstone to wackestone and a basal
intraformational conglomerate in drillhole Mount Whelan 2
The Coolibah Formation contains a varied fauna of
nautiloids, gastropods, sponges, trilobites, rostroconch
molluscs, pelecypods, brachiopods and conodonts (GilbertTomlinson 1973, Pojeta and Gilbert-Tomlinson 1977, Wade
1977a). Conodonts have confirmed a middle to late Arenig
age (Stait and Druce 1993).
The Coolibah Formation was deposited in a shallow
marine environment, under shallow subtidal to intertidal,
fluctuating energy conditions (Shergold et al 1976).
Figure 37 Kelly Creek Formation. Quartzic dolosparstone of
abundant, admixed, subangular to subrounded, very fine to medium
sand-sized quartz and minor glauconite in coarse hypidiomorphic
to idiomorphic dolomite spar. Scale bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph
C75153, crossed nicols; Tarlton PR834009, northern Tarlton
Nora Formation (Oln)
Casey (in Smith 1965a) nominated a type section near
Tobermorey No 8 Dam in southeastern TOBERMOREY,
where he estimated a formation thickness of 53 m. However,
Smith (1972) reported a thickness of 15 m in the type area,
and Shergold et al (1976: 24) presented a type section of only
9 m thickness. The type section commences with silicified
microbial mounds in conglomeratic limestone, overlain
In the Toko and Tarlton Ranges of TOBERMOREY, the Nora
Formation (Casey in Smith 1963) rests conformably on the
Coolibah Formation and Kelly Creek Formation, respectively.
In both areas the Nora Formation typically constitutes the
scarp of the ranges, which are capped by the conformably
overlying, resistant Carlo Sandstone. Westward, in Dulcie
Range (HUCKITTA), the Nora Formation is eroded and is
Figure 38 Coolibah Formation. Intraclast
bioclast grainstone-rudstone of intraclasts,
echinoderm ossicles and trilobites in
coarse calcite spar. Intraclasts include
reworked calcimudstones and bioclast
grainstones with trilobites, echinoderm
ossicles, bryozoans (top centre) and
pelecypods or ostracodes. Scale bar = 2 mm.
Photomicrograph C75154, plane polarised
light; Toko QQ765906, Bloodwood Creek
unconformably overlain by the Dulcie Sandstone (Devonian).
Southward and eastward, it extends onto HAY RIVER,
Casey (in Smith 1963) coined the formation name for
an exposed 60‑120 m-thick interval of recessive, thinly
bedded olive, yellow, grey, brown and purple, micaceous
and glauconitic siltstone, claystone, fine sandstone, minor
dolostone and basal brown coquinite (Smith 1965a, 1972).
A measured section of the formation in the southern Tarlton
Range (Figure 33) is 42 m thick. Some clastic beds are
rippled and cross-laminated (Shergold and Druce 1980).
Casey (in Smith 1963) nominated a type area on the western
scarp of the Toko Range near Halfway Dam, in southeastern
TOBERMOREY. In the subsurface, the formation thickens
southeastward to 190 m in drillhole Mirrica 1 (Gausden
1980), 235 m in Mount Whelan 2 (Green and Balfe 1980),
and according to Shergold (1985: 18), 250 m in Ethabuka 1
in MOUNT WHELAN. The formation is generally masked
by Carlo Sandstone scree, and so is exposed only in steep
gullies incising the scarp (eg at PQ839963 in the northern
Tarlton Range). The lower part of the formation is richly
fossiliferous, reportedly yielding nautiloids, brachiopods,
pelecypods, trilobites, ostracodes, gastropods, rostroconchs,
echinoderms, sponges, bryozoans, corals, fish remains,
questionable foraminifers and ichnofossils of mid-late
Arenig age. Aspects of the nautiloids have been described
by Beard (in Hill et al 1969) and Wade (1977a, 1977b),
conodonts by Nieper (in Hill et al 1969), brachiopods
by Telford (in Hill et al 1969), pelecypods by Pojeta and
Gilbert-Tomlinson (1977), rostroconchs by Pojeta et al
(1977) and trilobites by Fortey and Shergold (1984). The
basal coquinite is a distinctive iron-enriched, dull mid-dark
brown bioclast grainstone-rudstone bed, which is rich in
echinoderm plates and gastropods (Figure 39). The upper
portion of the formation has fewer body fossils, but does
contain ichnofossils, including Diplocraterion, Diplichnites
and horizontal trails, indicative of at least the Cruziana
The predominantly fine grainsize of the Nora Formation
implies deposition under low-energy conditions, but
higher-energy episodes are indicated by included bioclast
grainstones. An intertidal to shallow subtidal marine
depositional environment was deduced by Shergold et al
(1976). More specifically, Shergold and Druce (1980)
suggested an offshore bar environment for the basal coquinite,
whereas Draper (1977) envisaged an offshore, below wavebase setting for the entire formation.
Carlo Sandstone (Omc)
The Carlo Sandstone (Casey in Smith 1963) is a unit
of resistant red-brown, well sorted, fine to medium
quartz sandstone and minor feldspathic sandstone. Its
medium to thick beds cap the Toko and Tarlton Ranges in
MOUNT WHELAN. A prominent clay-pellet bed denotes
the base of the formation. Casey (op cit) nominated a type
area near Carlo homestead in MOUNT WHELAN (location
in Draper 1977: fig 2) and estimated an exposed thickness
of 75 m (90 m according to Smith 1965b) in southwestern
GLENORMISTON. A thickness of 22 m was measured
in the southern Tarlton Range (Figure 33). The thickness
increases southeastward to at least 150 m in MOUNT
WHELAN (Smith 1972). In the subsurface, the formation
attains 174 m in drillhole Ethabuka 1 (190 m according to
Draper (1977), and 176 m in Mirrica 1 (Gausden 1980),
both in MOUNT WHELAN. Lower and upper contacts
are gradational and conformable, with the Nora Formation
below and the Mithaka Formation above.
Current features, including streaming lineation, flute
casts, thick cross-bed sets and ripples, are characteristic.
Measured current directions in the Tarlton Range (Smith
et al 1961) are predominantly from the southeast (see
Smith 1972: 129‑130). Measurements from the Toko
Range (Draper 1977) gave similar results. Shergold et al
(1976: 22) recognised a threefold subfacies division of
the formation: the basal subfacies is characterised by a
mixture of biogenic and sedimentary structures (thin to
medium, fine quartzose sandstone bearing clay pellets);
the medial subfacies is dominated by sedimentary
structures (thinly to very thickly bedded, fine to medium
sandstone with common ripples and cross-stratification);
F i g u re 3 9 N o r a F o r m a t i o n . B a s a l
ferruginous echinoderm grainstonerudstone bed with echinoderm plates and
minor gastropods, nautiloids, trilobites
and possible brachiopod fragments. Scale
bar = 2 mm. Photomicrograph C75155,
plane polarised light; Toko QQ765906,
Bloodwood Creek
Figure 40 Carlo Sandstone. Arthropod
scratch marks on sole of medium quartz
sandstone bed. Pen is 13.5 cm long. Tarlton
PQ839963, northern Tarlton Range
and the topmost is dominated by biogenic structures
(mottled bioturbated, very fine to fine sandstone). Draper
(1977) has provided extended descriptions of these. The
basal subfacies caps the plateau tops of the Toko and
Tarlton Ranges.
Body fossils are not common and are mainly found
toward the base and top of the formation (Shergold et al
1976: 25, Draper 1977). Sparse nautiloids, brachiopods,
rostroconchs, gastropods, pelecypods, conodonts and fish
are suggestive of a Middle Ordovician (latest Arenig to
Llanvirn) age (Öpik and Gilbert-Tomlinson in Smith 1972,
Shergold et al 1976). In contrast, ichnofossils are abundant
and diverse, and include Skolithos, Diplocraterion,
Rhizocorallium, Arenicolites, Arthrophycus, Diplichnites,
Dimorphichnus, Merostomichnites, Rusophycus, Cruziana
and arthropod scratch marks (Figure 40), among others
(Shergold et al 1976, Draper 1977). These are collectively
representative of the Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies
of Seilacher (1964).
The Carlo Sandstone denotes deposition in shallow
littoral conditions in a shoaling or barrier island setting
(Shergold et al 1976). Draper (1977) has outlined a highenergy barrier model, with component barrier island, flat
and bay subfacies.
maximum thickness of 156 m was intersected in drillhole
Mirrica 1 in MOUNT WHELAN (Gausden 1980). The
Mithaka Formation is conformably overlain by the
Ethabuka Sandstone.
The fauna of trilobites, ostracodes, nautiloids,
gastropods, pelecypods, brachiopods, bryozoans,
receptaculitaleans, sponges, conodonts, fish, chitinozoans,
ichnofossils and probable echinoderms remains virtually
undescribed, but is suggestive of a Middle Ordovician
(Llanvirn) age (Shergold 1985). Pelecypods locally
form shell banks in the lower part of the formation,
and ichnofossils include Monocraterion, Arenicolites,
Diplocraterion and Chondrites-like burrows (Draper
1977), as well as Cruziana (Seilacher 1970) and horizontal
to oblique traces. These represent the Glossifungites,
Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies of Seilacher (1964).
Enormous Rusophycus, up to 30 cm in length (Figure 41),
are associated with equally large asaphide trilobites
(Draper 1980a).
Draper (1977) envisaged a low-energy marine lagoonal
setting with limited tidal range, inshore of a barrier of Carlo
Sandstone, for the Mithaka Formation
Mithaka Formation (Omm)
Ethabuka Sandstone (Ome)
The Mithaka Formation (Casey in Smith 1963) comprises
poorly exposed, thinly bedded, brown and grey gypsiferous
siltstone and fine sandstone, white glauconitic and
micaceous quartz sandstone, gypsiferous green shale,
calcareous siltstone and minor coquinite and granule
conglomerate. It gradationally and conformably overlies
the Carlo Sandstone (Smith 1972: 130). The formation
is largely confined to the Toko Syncline in HAY RIVER,
TOBERMOREY where, according to Smith (1965a),
a maximum 60 m is exposed. The type area of Casey
(in Smith 1963) is in southwestern GLENORMISTON.
Small outliers up to 20 m thick (Smith 1972) surmount
the Tarlton Range in southwestern TOBERMOREY. A
Draper (1980b) named the Ethabuka Sandstone for a
thick sublabile to quartzose sandstone previously termed
the Ethabuka beds (Mulready 1975) or attributed to the
Devonian Cravens Peak beds (Reynolds 1968). The type
section is in drillhole Ethabuka 1 (Mulready 1975) in
MOUNT WHELAN, where according to Draper (1980b),
the formation is 1147 m thick, resting conformably on
the Mithaka Formation and unconformably overlain by
the Jurassic Hooray Sandstone. In a fourfold subdivision
of the formation, the two lower subunits (respectively
224 m and 200 m thick) are of very fine to fine sandstone
with siltstone interbeds and rare pebbly layers; siltstone is
more prevalent in the upper subunit. The two uppermost
subunits (respectively 251 m and 472 m thick) are of fine
Figure 41 Mithaka Formation. Enormous
Rusophycus from base of formation. Toko
QQ983584, Gaphole Creek
to medium sandstone; the upper 128 m contains additional
interbedded claystone.
Only the lowest subunit outcrops, as an escarpment
around the junction of TOBERMOREY, GLENORMISTON
and HAY RIVER within the axial Toko Syncline, with
a maximum exposed thickness of 35 m (Shergold et al
1976). The thinly to medium-bedded sandstone bears
clay pellets (locally as clay pellet conglomerate), crosslaminations, asymmetric linguoid and interference
ripples, load casts, parting and streaming lineations, flute
casts and other current structures, and minor phosphate
pellet conglomerate and flaser bedding, together with the
ichnofossils Rusophycus, Cruziana, burrows (including
U-tubes) and trails (Draper 1980b). The undescribed
fauna of pelecypods, trilobites, nautiloids, gastropods
and brachiopods was assumed by Shergold (1985) to be
Middle Ordovician (late Llanvirn).
In outcrop, the Ethabuka Sandstone is unconformably
overlain by the Cravens Peak beds, or where these are
absent, by Mesozoic sandstone.
Draper (1980b) drew attention to the similarity of
the Ethabuka Sandstone with the lower Carlo Sandstone
and invoked similar depositional conditions: a marine
high-energy barrier, but with bioturbated intervals
also indicating a lower-energy, subtidal environment.
Haines et al (2001) viewed the Ethabuka Sandstone as
representing an initial pulse (Rodingan Movement) of a
protracted Alice Springs Orogeny.
RQ0561. Revised, the Cravens Peak beds are 280 m thick
and are of lower calcareous rocks (calcareous siltstone,
calcareous sandstone, limestone and minor conglomerate)
grading into upper sandstone and conglomerate.
The suggested intervening hiatus of Gilbert-Tomlinson
(1968) has not been corroborated. Turner et al (1981)
documented scales of the thelodont fish Turinia, ostracodes
and eridostracans from the lower calcareous unit, and the
placoderm Wuttagoonaspis from the upper unit, confirming
an Early-Middle Devonian (Emsian-Eifelian) age (see also
Young 1996). Only the Wuttagoonaspis fauna is recorded
from TOBERMOREY. These data enabled those authors
to propose a shallowing depositional environment in
the Cravens Peak beds from an initial shallow subtidal
marine setting (stromatolites and marginal marine,
stratigraphically lower fauna) upward via beach and
offshore sandbar deposits (oncoids, phosphorite, lower
fauna, high-angle tabular cross-beds) into a non-marine
braided fluviatile environment (freshwater Wuttagoonaspis
fauna) in upper beds.
Haines et al (2001) portrayed the Cravens Peak beds
as synorogenic deposits generated by a mid-Devonian
pulse (Pertnjara-Brewer Movements) of the Alice Springs
Mesa-forming quartz sandstone and minor mudstone and
conglomerate overlying Arunta Province and Georgina
Basin rock units in southern TOBERMOREY represent
outliers of the Eromanga Basin. Outcrops range from
leached white or pale orange-brown through to ferruginised
dark maroon-brown, and are commonly variegated.
Sandstone is planar to cross-bedded and locally contains
lenticular granule conglomerate or scattered quartz and
lithic pebbles and cobbles. Claystone may be ferruginised
to maroon-purple or red-brown on outcrop crests, or leached
white below.
Undifferentiated Jurassic-Cretaceous (JK)
Cravens Peak beds (Dc)
In their original concept, the Cravens Peak beds (Reynolds
in Smith 1965a) included rocks since discriminated as
the Ethabuka Sandstone, Cravens Peak beds proper and
the Cenozoic Poodyea Formation (Draper 1980b: 472).
The principal outcrop area lies in HAY RIVER, MOUNT
WHELAN and GLENORMISTON, but outliers are present
in the southeastern corner of TOBERMOREY, centred on
Most of these rocks were assigned to the Tarlton
Formation (Condon and Smith 1959) by Smith (1965a) and
attributed a Triassic age on the basis of Triassic or Early
Jurassic plant fossil determinations by White (1961). In
addition, a few localities in southeastern TOBERMOREY
were placed in the Cretaceous Longsight Sandstone.
Mond and Harrison (in Senior et al 1978) revised the
lithostratigraphic nomenclature of the basin, subsuming
both of the above units into the Hooray Sandstone (Hill
and Denmead 1960). Gould (in Hill and Denmead 1960)
deduced a Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age from additional
plant fossils collected from the Tarlton Range. All Mesozoic
rocks in TOBERMOREY would thus appear to belong
to the Hooray Sandstone. Nevertheless, pending specific
studies, these rocks are mapped herein as undifferentiated
Prominent outcrops in central TOBERMOREY, formerly
mapped as the Tarlton Formation, are here remapped as
the Kelly Creek Formation, as confirmed by occurrences
of ichnofossils of Ordovician aspect. These outcrops are
now understood to be western outliers of the Toko Syncline
within the unit, whereas rare charophyte and other algal
remains, plant tissue, ostracodes and foraminifers indicate
brackish lacustrine conditions (Paten 1964). Lloyd (1968a)
reported the foraminifer Ammonia beccarii from the Austral
Downs Limestone, for which Lloyd (1968b) deduced a
Miocene age. Grimes (1980) viewed the formation as having
resulted from the damming of an ancestral Georgina River,
regionally generating up to 35 m thickness of sediment.
Smith (1965a) estimated a more modest thickness of 15 m
The Austral Downs Limestone forms prominent,
extensive plateaux overlying the Ninmaroo Formation
in central-eastern TOBERMOREY and outliers extend
into the central map area. Plateaux are best developed
around Tobermorey homestead, where marginal cliffs are
2-3 m high. Outliers may also be steep-sided plateaux (eg
QR292120 near No 6 Bore Manners Creek, where there are
cliffs of silicified limestone at least 7.5 m high; Figure 42)
or much more subdued (eg QR203428 in western alkea,
where fragmental calcrete is capped by white to translucent
chalcedony). One such outlier at QR521512 is a bioclast
wackestone with gastropods.
Palaeopedogenic features are common in the formation.
These include rhizoliths, alveolar texture, and soil glaebules
with circum- and intragranular cracks (see Esteban and
Klappa 1983), collectively indicative of a subaerial calcrete
origin. Both alpha fabrics (dominated by non-biogenic
textures of dense micrite to microsparite) and beta fabrics
(dominated by biogenic features) are known (Figures 43,
44; see Wright and Tucker 1991).
A basal contact is preserved at QR296129, where the
Austral Downs Limestone rests disconformably on Kelly
Creek Formation. There, typical orange-brown medium
quartz sandstone of the Kelly Creek Formation is patchily
transformed to more ferruginous pisolitic ironstone upward,
passing rapidly and unevenly into a 1.5 m-thick maroon-red
ferruginous, fine to medium sandstone cap. This ferruginous
sandstone bears coarse (1-2 cm), presumed vadose pisoids
at its base, and sand-sized pisoids are scattered throughout,
suggesting a palaeosol profile (cf Paten 1964). This profile
is succeeded by interbedded, similar maroon ferruginous
Austral Downs Limestone (Cza)
Terrestrial lacustrine limestone within the Georgina River
catchment, including HAY RIVER, TOBERMOREY,
SANDOVER RIVER, AVON DOWNS and adjacent areas
of Queensland, is assigned to the Austral Downs Limestone
(Noakes and Traves 1954). This limestone is pale grey,
but especially toward the top, is silicified to resistant, redbrown and white chert and chalcedony. Western Queensland
outcrops were described by Paten (1964), who noted a
similarity with modern spring deposits in that area. He
further recognised brecciation within the limestone, and a
basal reworked ferruginous interval which he took to indicate
that the Austral Downs Limestone postdated a widespread
Cenozoic ferruginisation episode (part of Czf herein) in the
region. Whitehouse (1940) recognised pedogenic limestone
Figure 42 Austral Downs Limestone. Cliffs
of silicified limestone. Alkea QR292120,
near No 6 Bore Manners Creek
the Poodyea Formation (Radke et al 1983). Component clasts
in conglomerate include quartzose sandstone derived from the
Carlo Sandstone, vein quartz and quartzite. Trough cross-strata
occur in medium- to large-scale sets. The unit outcrops within
existing valleys or as low ridges and is restricted to the central
Toko Syncline, where it rests unconformably on the Nora
Formation, Carlo Sandstone, Mithaka Formation, Ethabuka
Sandstone and Cravens Peak beds. It is considered to represent
fluviatile channel deposits. The type area is at RQ004666
in TOBERMOREY, where the thickness is probably less
than 10 m. A pre-Quaternary Cenozoic age is likely, as the
formation is post-Devonian, is undisturbed by structures
which have influenced erosional patterns of Mesozoic rocks,
and is locally overlain by Quaternary cover.
Ferricrete and manganocrete (Czf)
Superficial, dark iron-rich (haematitic or goethitic) crusts
up to several metres thick locally cap dolostone of the
Ninmaroo Formation and especially, highly weathered
sandstone of the Tomahawk Formation. Nodular and
massive types are the most common, whereas encrustations
and botryoidal textures are much less so. Where developed
on Tomahawk Formation sandstone, relict textures and
quartz sand grains may be preserved. Locally, it is partially
silicified, or manganiferous up to the point of being more
properly called manganocrete. It has a distinctive very dark
photopattern, but not all such dark areas are ferricrete; some
are ferruginous sandstone, and probably represent areas
from which a former ferricrete cover has been stripped.
Figure 43 Austral Downs Limestone. Pedogenic alpha fabric of soil
glaebules with intra- and circumgranular cracks. Scale bar = 2 mm.
Photomicrograph C75150, plane polarised light; Alkea QR334178,
near Alkea Waterhole
sandstone and white porous calcimudstone of the basal
Austral Downs Limestone.
Silcrete (Czz)
Poodyea Formation (Czp)
Silcrete forms local replacement cappings atop Ninmaroo
Formation dolostone and Tomahawk Formation fine quartz
arenite. Some retain relict textures of the parent rock. In
the region east of No 16 Bore Lucy Creek, silcrete is better
developed than elsewhere, and distinctive yellow-brown, red,
Sinuous outcrops of cobble and boulder conglomerate,
cross-stratified conglomerate and pebbly sandstone in the
southeastern corner of TOBERMOREY and in adjacent
Figure 44 Austral Downs Limestone.
Pedogenic beta fabric of soil glaebules with
intra- and circumgranular cracks, bound
by abundant rhizoliths. Scale bar = 2 mm.
Photomicrograph C75134, plane polarised
light; Tobermorey QR924297, near Indeear
black and variegated varieties can co-occur in the same outcrops.
Some of these have brecciated texture (eg hill beside Algamba
Creek at QR103201). Locally, ferruginous and manganiferous
types are present. At QR382272 in southern Alkea, laminated
silcrete incorporates tabular ironstone rubble.
Grimes (1980) recognised three episodes of ferricrete
and silcrete development in adjacent western Queensland:
Palaeocene, Oligocene and (post-Austral Downs Limestone)
Along the southern Georgina Basin margin, pre‑800 Ma
tectonism (Zhao et al 1994) created northwest-trending
grabens (including the Keepera and Adam Troughs in
southwestern and southeastern TOBERMOREY, respectively)
in which thick Neoproterozoic successions accumulated
(Walter 1980).
Evidence for the Larapinta Event is from the Irindina
Supracrustal Assemblage (ISA; Chan et al 1990, Mawby
et al 1999) around Harts Range in ALICE SPRINGS and
ILLOGWA CREEK, and the extent of its effect on the
Narwietooma Package in TOBERMOREY is not yet clear. The
ISA may represent latest Neoproterozoic to early Cambrian
deposition within a deep extensional sub-basin (Irindina subbasin of Buick et al 2001a, 2001b) within the more extensive
Centralian Superbasin, the former subsequently deformed and
metamorphosed during the Larapinta Event. Alternatively
the ISA may be an allochthonous thrust sheet emplaced over
the basement.
Undisturbed and unmetamorphosed Ordovician
sedimentary rocks northeast of the Tarlton Fault in the
Georgina Basin proper are located on the Altjawarra Domain.
This stable basement is surmised to have allowed these
sedimentary rocks to accumulate and remain preserved in
pristine condition, even while dramatic Ordovician tectonism
was operative in the adjacent Irindina sub-basin.
The Alice Springs Orogeny, commencing around
450‑440 Ma (Late Ordovician; Scrimgeour and Raith
2001, Haines et al 2001) was a compressional intraplate
event which exhumed the Arunta Province from beneath a
formerly continuous intracratonic Centralian Superbasin,
now represented by the Georgina Basin and other basins.
As a consequence, Arunta Province rocks have been thrust
against Georgina Basin rocks. In addition, synorogenic
sedimentation associated with the Late Ordovician event
(Rodingan Movement) may be represented by the Ethabuka
Sandstone (Haines et al 2001), although the precise age of this
unit remains uncertain. These authors also relate the Cravens
Peak beds to the mid-Devonian Pertnjara-Brewer Movement.
The Alice Springs Orogeny was the last major tectonic episode
in central Australia. It rejuvenated older faults and produced
the present major structures of the region.
The southern Georgina Basin and adjacent Arunta
Province have been subjected to extensive faulting with
a dominant northwesterly trend. According to Smith
(1972: 41), all the major northwesterly faults are normal
faults, downthrown on the northeastern side, and locally
with throws of more than 1000 m. For the Arunta Province
of southwestern TOBERMOREY (Narwietooma Package
of Pietsch (2001), this trend is evident in airborne magnetic
data (see mapface).
Major faults in TOBERMOREY are the Tarlton Fault in
the west and Toomba Fault Zone in the east. These affect
Devonian but not Mesozoic rocks and so were last reactivated
within that interval, most likely during the mid-Carboniferous
(340‑320 Ma) Mount Eclipse Movement (Haines et al 2001).
The Tarlton Fault denotes the contact between the Arunta
Province and Georgina Basin terranes in TOBERMOREY.
According to Warren (1981: 5), the Tarlton Fault was already
active by 1700 Ma. It is exposed along the southeastern
Tarlton Range southward of the Keepera Ridges, and further
to the southeast is intermittently discernible as far as northern
Unconsolidated sand (Czs)
Unconsolidated colluvial sand and minor silt blankets
much of TOBERMOREY. In the northwestern map area, it
develops as deep drifts over parent Tomahawk Formation
Regolith (Cz)
This term embraces in situ weathering products and shallow
skeletal soils, not otherwise categorised herein, which are
directly derived from underlying shallow subcrop with little
active transport. It is depicted on the mapface in the colour of
the parent subcrop unit, with superimposed grey stipple.
Alluvium (Qa)
Alluvium of sand and minor gravel, silt and clay is
deposited in the beds and banks of watercourses. Flat Qa
floodplains are generally demarked from adjacent colluvial
sand (Czs) by a break in slope. However in northwestern
TOBERMOREY, alluvium consists of reddish quartz sand
that is indistinguishable on the ground from wind-blown
colluvial sand (Czs). In this area, one vertical exposure of
alluvium in an eroded creek bank over 3 m high consists of
essentially structureless sand and lamination is only locally
discernible. Areas were mapped as alluvium where the
photopattern indicated reworking of the sand by occasional
flowing water. In floodout areas where floodwaters dissipate
into a sheet, the boundary between Qa and Czs becomes
Claypans (Qp)
Clay accumulates in poorly drained depressions on
floodplains and along relict drainage. Many are poorly
vegetated, but a waterlogged minority supports denser
Structure and tectonics
The eastern Arunta Province has been shaped by three
major tectonic events: the 1780‑1730 Ma Strangways event,
which resulted in high-grade metamorphism and granite
intrusion; the 480‑460 Ma deformation and granulite-grade
metamorphism of the Larapinta Event (Hand et al 1999); and
the 400‑300 Ma Alice Springs Orogeny (Mawby et al 1999).
In addition, an early Neoproterozoic extensional episode has
probably influenced the adjacent Georgina Basin.
HAY RIVER. Georgina Basin rocks as low in the succession
as the upper Tomahawk Formation are sharply upturned on
the downthrown northeastern side. At PQ825699 near Canyon
Bore, partially and completely dolomitised grey/brown and
yellow-brown carbonate beds of the uppermost Tomahawk
Formation dip vertically adjacent to the fault. Eastward toward
the Tarlton Range, dips in overlying maroon sandstone of the
Kelly Creek Formation become progressively less steep as
they approach the flat-lying Nora Formation. The fault itself is
concealed beneath alluvium adjacent to a fault-parallel creek;
small outcrops of Arunta Province rocks are visible in the
opposite bank. A similar situation obtains at PQ841669, but
there the fault is marked by a prominent thick quartz vein. At
PQ833685, a small anticline is developed in upper Tomahawk
Formation limestone beds immediately adjacent to the fault.
Warren (1981) interpreted tilted Mesozoic sandstone and
an early Cenozoic ferruginous deep weathering profile near
Junction Bore in southwestern TOBERMOREY as indicating
a late movement on the Tarlton Fault during the Eocene-late
The Toomba Fault is about 200 km long and extends
from TOBERMOREY through northeastern HAY RIVER
into MOUNT WHELAN. It has affected rocks as young as
Devonian. Seismic interpretation in MOUNT WHELAN
by Harrison (1979, 1980) shows that the Toomba Fault is
a high-angle reverse fault (Reynolds 1968) dipping to the
southwest at 40‑70° and with a vertical displacement of
6.5 km. Adjacent Palaeozoic rocks on the northeastern side
are steeply upturned, overturned, or folded as monoclines
and anticlines. In addition, right-lateral transcurrent
displacement was up to 4 km. Harrison (1980) related
these features to northerly compression in the Late
Devonian or Early Carboniferous.
The Marqua Monocline is a northwesterly extension of
the Toomba Fault Zone. Its southern limb is vertical while
its northern is almost horizontal (Shergold 1985). Rock
units ranging from the Black Stump Arkose to Ninmaroo
Formation are affected.
The Toko Syncline, to the north of the Toomba Fault
Zone in the southeastern map area, is a southeasterly
plunging asymmetric syncline with steeper dips on its
western limb. The syncline is traversed by an east-northeast
fault set, complementary to the dominant northwesterly
trend. These are normal faults, downthrown on their
southeastern sides. Throws on these structures attain 60 m,
but are generally less than 30 m (Smith 1965a, 1972).
Apart from mesoscale deformation in the Tomahawk
Formation (which see), folding and faulting are much
less evident in central and northern TOBERMOREY,
away from the basin margin. Second Edition mapping
did not substantiate most north- and northeast-trending
fold axes depicted in the Tomahawk Formation on the
First Edition map in central-western TOBERMOREY.
However, two north-northeast-trending lineaments,
located 8 km and 10.5 km to the southeast of No 20 Bore
Lucy Creek, are interpreted as faults associated with
folds. The western occurrence (PR647107) has the better
outcrop, and consists of a long, low ridge. The lineament
along the eastern side of this ridge, presumably a fault,
is not exposed, but parallel to it on the west is the axis of
a tight anticline. Dips on the eastern and western limbs
both range up to 50°, and dip reversal occurs within a
distance of 30 m.
The Ninmaroo Formation in central and northern
TOBERMOREY is characteristically jointed. In the central
map area, joint sets trend west-northwest and roughly
parallel fault trends to the south. In the northeastern map
area, joint sets parallel the complementary east-northeast
fault set in the Toko Syncline.
NTGS airborne magnetic and radiometric surveys cover
most of TOBERMOREY with north-south oriented flight
lines spaced at 400 m (Elkedra 1999, Eromanga 2001) or
500 m (Huckitta East 1983). The Elkedra and Eromanga
surveys were flown with a nominal terrain clearance
of 60 m, whereas that of Huckitta East was 100 m.
Semi-regional and radiometric data are not available
for Tobermorey, but older BMR regional aeromagnetic
data on 3200 m-spaced flight lines are available for this
area. The two recent radiometric surveys have a nominal
sampling interval of 70 m, using a 33 L crystal. Full details
of NTGS surveys are accessible on the website http://www.
National reconnaissance gravity data at nominal
11 km station spacing are available for the whole of
TOBERMOREY. These were acquired in a series of
ground traverses and helicopter surveys between 1957
and 1961 (Barlow 1966). This regional data set is
supplemented by several company surveys, commencing
with Alliance Petroleum Australia, who in 1963 performed
a series of traverses on existing tracks at about 1.5 km
spacing. Alliance also acquired more detailed data (0.8 km
spacing) on semi-regular grids in the vicinity of the Tarlton
and Toko Ranges (Alliance Petroleum Australia 1964).
Subsequent gravity surveys were in generally northeastoriented traverses with varying interline and intraline
station spacing. Plenty River Mining Company occupied
over 500 stations, mainly on Toko, on lines 5 km apart
and 1 km station spacing (Plenty River Mining Company
1984). Pacific Oil and Gas surveyed several widely spaced
traverses across TOBERMOREY (Pacific Oil and Gas
1991). Station spacing on these lines was mainly 1 km,
with some segments at 5 km and one traverse near the
Queensland border at 200 m (Preston 1988).
Early seismic work by BMR (Montecchi and Robertson
1966) was not generally successful in obtaining useful
reflection data. However, velocity information was
obtained from refraction work in central TOBERMOREY
(Chenon 1966). The only modern seismic data acquired
were four lines totalling 123 line km in southeastern
TOBERMOREY, one of which (G89-303) passes close to
drillhole Owen 2. This survey, conducted for Pacific Oil
and Gas Ltd, was documented by Sweeney (1990).
The gravity field of TOBERMOREY is relatively
featureless in comparison with surrounding regions,
with low-amplitude (less than 100 µm.s-2) anomalies and
gentle gradients. As such, much of the map area has been
designated the Tobermorey Gravity Shelf (Barlow 1966).
The total range of Bouguer anomalies is approximately
400 µ m.s -2. Higher amplitude, steeper anomalies are
confined to the edges of the map area, where the flanks of
the Hay River Gravity Low and Field River Gravity Spur
(Barlow 1966) impinge respectively on the southwest
and southeast of TOBERMOREY. These features are
northwest- to north-northwest-trending regional structures.
Otherwise, no pervasive structural trend is apparent in the
gravity data.
The gravity low in the southwestern corner of
Tobermorey is the northern edge of a larger feature,
itself superimposed on the more extensive Hay River
Gravity Low, extending onto HAY RIVER and ILLOGWA
CREEK. This feature is nowhere expressed in outcrop,
but is interpreted to be a granite pluton at depth. A
magnetically quiet area coincident with the gravity low in
northwestern HAY RIVER indicates possible subcrop of
this granite. There is a negative Bouguer gravity contrast
of approximately 200 µm.s-2 between this region and the
northwest-trending belt of Palaeoproterozoic migmatite and
granite to the southwest of the Tarlton Fault.
Bouguer gravity values diminish only slightly to the
northeast of the Tarlton Fault, implying either little vertical
displacement, or minimal overall density contrast between
Georgina Basin sedimentary rocks and adjacent Arunta
basement. Downhole density measurements suggest that the
latter may be the case (Table 2). Such relative decrease in
Bouguer gravity to the northeast of the Tarlton Fault as does
exist is probably due merely to the more porous siliciclastic
portions of the succession.
The general similarity of density between basement and
basin fill, together with the shallow dips of the sedimentary
succession, suggest that much of the gravity signal is
likely to be due to intrabasement lithological variation.
Consequently, the curvilinear association of intense high and
low Bouguer anomalies in northwestern TOBERMOREY
is interpreted to result from a steeply dipping, thick mafic
body concordantly within felsic igneous bodies and
psammitic metasediments. However, the gravity high of the
Field River Gravity Spur in southeastern TOBERMOREY
is considered to arise at least in part from the thick carbonate
succession in the Toko Syncline. An association between
west-northwest-trending gravity highs and similar magnetic
features in northern TOBERMOREY suggests that these
represent west-northwest-striking basement with a mafic
igneous component. The remaining gravity features on
ninmaroo Formation arrinthrunga Formation hagen Member steamboat sandstone arthur creek Formation thorntonia limestone red heart dolostone Palaeoproterozoic felsic igneous rocks number of
Porosity (%) 2900
TOBERMOREY are integrated responses from basement
geology (particularly granitoid intrusions), basin shape and
intrasedimentary compositional facies changes, and cannot
be interpreted with confidence.
Most magnetic anomalies on TOBERMOREY range up
to 500 nT in amplitude, both positive and negative, with
isolated more intense features superimposed. Georgina
Basin sedimentary rocks are almost totally non-magnetic;
hence the observed magnetic signal is entirely from the
basement interface and intrabasement units. The most
pervasive magnetic trend is generally west-northwest
and is exemplified by high-frequency anomalies in the
southwest. Northwestern TOBERMOREY is exceptional
in this regard, with indications of northeasterly-striking
magnetic basement units. One of these corresponds to
the intense gravity high discussed above. There are also
some indications of deeper-seated north-south-trending
magnetic sources.
The southwestern high-frequency anomalies are clearly
associated with Arunta Province subcrop, though in detail
most Arunta outcrops occur in areas of little or no magnetic
signal. The anomalies are due to mafic metamorphic rocks
of the Narwietooma Package, which do not outcrop. There
may also be a magnetic signal from outcropping migmatite
and granite, if magnetite is a significant accessory.
The Tarlton Fault is only expressed in the high frequency
component of the magnetic data, with if anything a slight
basinward rise in long-wavelength magnetic intensity across
the fault. As with the gravity, this implies limited (less than
1 km) vertical displacement on the Tarlton Fault. There is
some indication of continuity of magnetic source at depth
across the fault.
Indications from drilling and previous basement
modelling (Wells et al 1966, Teasdale and Pryer 2002) are
that the Georgina Basin undulates around depths of 1 km
through much of TOBERMOREY. Intersections with felsic
igneous rocks at 1221.9 m, 1158.8 m and 1104.6 m depth
in Hacking 1, Owen 2 and Lucy Creek 1, respectively, are
broadly consistent with this interpretation. The lack of a
gravity low coincident with the magnetic low in southcentral TOBERMOREY suggests that the low may denote
carbonate basin fill rather than a basement granitoid.
Conversely, the magnetic high around QR500300 may
represent elevated basement, as there is no correlatable
sg bulk wet (tm-3)
sg standard deviation 0.
Mean depth (m) 81.0
Mean thickness (m) 42.0
Table 2 Rock densities compiled from downhole logs and sample measurements of lithostratigraphic units intersected in drillholes (Hacking 1,
Owen 2, BMR 12 Cockroach, Netting Fence 1) on or near TOBERMOREY; SG = specific gravity
gravity feature. Loss of high-frequency magnetic signal in
northeastern TOBERMOREY is associated with decreasing
Bouguer anomaly in that direction. This is also interpreted as
an increase in basin thickness, with an increased proportion
of siliciclastics in the subsurface relative to elsewhere in
other Cenozoic units in TOBERMOREY have variable,
but low gamma signatures. In many areas these can be
seen as subdued signatures of adjacent inliers, resulting
from erosion and proximal dispersal. In northern and
northeastern TOBERMOREY, these dispersal patterns have
a distinct north-northwesterly trend, presumably imposed
by prevailing wind directions. Another notable feature of
the Cenozoic radiometric response in TOBERMOREY
is the concentration of clays into watercourses on plains,
resulting in clear delineation of Arthur Creek and the Hay
and Marshall Rivers.
Outcrops of Arunta Province rocks are generally too small
for their radiometric response to be adequately resolved.
The few larger outcrops appear to be of generally low total
count in comparison to surrounding Cenozoic sediments,
with some possible exceptions at PQ822680 and PQ558696.
The various granitoids have variable total count signatures,
with some evidence for at least two distinct types: one
high, exemplified at PQ833668 (including L
Pga); and one
low, notably on the western margin of TOBERMOREY
(including L
The Grant Bluff Formation has a distinctly low response.
The only other radiometric features of Neoproterozoic
sediments are elevated patches in the Marqua Monocline,
mainly manifested in the Th channel. The radiometric
response reverts to uniformly low throughout the outcropping
lower portion of the Palaeozoic Georgina Basin succession
up to and including the Arrinthrunga Formation. The
gamma peak observed in downhole logging (see Downhole
geophysics), which is associated with carbonaceous shale
in the basal Arthur Creek Formation, is not apparent in the
airborne surveys, presumably because it is too thin or too
Areas of high total count on TOBERMOREY are
associated with the Tomahawk, Ninmaroo and Kelly Creek
Formations, but radiometric signatures within these units are
highly variable. This reflects signal attenuation by overlying
transported Cenozoic material. A proportion of the high K
in the Tomahawk Formation is likely to be sourced from
glauconite in sandstone, in addition to the contribution from
K-bearing clay minerals in finer-grained rocks. The base of
the Kelly Creek Formation is marked in many places by a
band of high K. Patches of high K are also present elsewhere
within the Kelly Creek Formation, but these are not clearly
associated with stratigraphic horizons, except in one case
on the northern limb of the Toko Syncline. Total count
decreases toward the top of the Kelly Creek Formation.
Radiogenic elements appear to be almost absent from the
Coolibah Formation, with little response in any channel. The
overlying Nora Formation presents a sharp contrast, with
elevated counts due to mica, glauconite and clay minerals.
Within the Nora Formation, there is a sharp decrease in all
channels northwest of a fault near the northwestern end
of the Toko Range. The radiometric response of the Carlo
Sandstone is more subdued, but there are isolated patches
of high Th. The Mithaka Formation reverts to higher
radiometric levels, with strong contributions from Th and
U, possibly associated with component carbonate. This
signature is obscured in some elongate darker areas that are
associated with watercourses.
The radiometric response of the Austral Downs
Limestone consists almost entirely of U, and is readily
distinguished as such, although total count is not high. Most
Downhole geophysics
Downhole geophysical data are available for
TOBERMOREY cored drillholes Hacking 1, NTGS99/1,
BMR Tobermorey 14, Owen 2 and BMR 12 Cockroach. In
addition, of eight MIM cored exploration drillholes in the
Marqua Monocline area (McGeough and Shalley 1992),
three (BHD4, 5 and 9) are of sufficient length to provide
stratigraphic overview. Lucy Creek 1 has downhole gamma
and resistivity logs, but was not continuously cored. These
drillholes variously sample the latest Cambrian down to
the basement. BMR Tobermorey 15 (Simpson et al 1985)
sampled Neoproterozoic rocks and is not considered here.
Stratigraphic drillholes BMR Grg 11 and Grg 12 (Milligan
1963) penetrated latest Cambrian to Ordovician rocks, but
only a partial electric and gamma log record was obtained
for Grg 11, and none at all for Grg 12. Drillhole locations
in chronological order and their available downhole
geophysical data are presented in Table 3.
The Adam Shale is intersected in Tobermorey 14
(Figure 45; Gibson 1984) and possibly in BHD4 and 5;
the disconformable contact with the overlying Red Heart
Dolostone is clearly registered in the Tobermorey 14 gamma
log. In this drillhole, other methods do not unequivocally
distinguish the Adam Shale from a 4 m thickness of
terrigenous pebble conglomerate and sandstone in the basal
Red Heart Dolostone. This latter formation is intersected
also in Hacking 1 (Weste 1989) and in the three BHD
The Thorntonia Limestone is recognised in
Tobermorey 14, NTGS99/1, Owen 2 (Kress 1991) and the
three BHD drillholes.
Gamma values increase downsection toward the base of
the Arthur Creek Formation in eight drillholes: Hacking 1,
Owen 2, NTGS99/1, Tobermorey 14, BMR 12 Cockroach
(Smith 1967) and the three BHD drillholes. This pattern
provides a distinctive log signature enabling recognition of
pyritic carbonaceous black shale in the basal Arthur Creek
Formation, which is a potential petroleum source rock (see
Geological history
The oldest securely dated geological event in TOBERMOREY
is the 1846 ± 6 Ma granite intersected at the bottom of
cored drillhole NTGS99/1. This granite is attributed to the
Mount Tietkens Granite Complex, which is intruded into
an evidently older eastern Arunta Province. Elsewhere in
the eastern Arunta Province, in what is now southeastern
Hole name
Grg 11
Grg 12
Lucy Creek 1
BMR 12 Cockroach
Tobermorey 14
Tobermorey 15
Hacking 1
Owen 2
Easting (mE) Northing (mN)
Table 3 TOBERMOREY drillholes in chronological order with locations and available downhole geophysical data (crosses). Resist = resistivity;
SP = self potential; SPR = single point resistance
(Southgate and Shergold 1991) commenced with marginal
marine terrigenous siliciclastic deposition, which heralded
the establishment of a broad carbonate platform facing
open ocean to the present east, beyond the Tasman Line.
The platform was subjected to brief episodes of anoxia,
generating thin black shales among the dominant carbonate
sediments of the Thorntonia Limestone.
The platform was at least locally exposed at the conclusion
of Thorntonia Limestone deposition, resulting in local
karstification of the sediment pile.
Renewed transgression marked the commencement
of sequence 2 deposition (Southgate and Shergold 1991).
In the southern Georgina Basin, this established a deeper,
anoxic basinal regime (Arthur Creek Formation) from
Templetonian time. Pyritic-carbonaceous black shale
accumulated on the basin floor, in part due to slopegenerated turbidity currents. The influence of open ocean
waters facilitated the proliferation of agnostine trilobites,
among other organisms. Continued aggradation through
the remainder of the Middle Cambrian led to shallowing
above wave base into a normal open marine platform
setting. Agnostines declined in importance as other groups
flourished. As the platform shallowed, nodular anhydrite
grew displacively within sediment under evaporitic
Ensuing restricted marine to peritidal deposition on
the platform (Arrinthrunga Formation) represents one or
more distinct depositional sequences. An evaporitic, mixed
carbonate-siliciclastic shoreline bordered the platform on
the west and north (Kennard 1981), whereas the quartzic
Steamboat Sandstone and ooid-peloid grainstone of the
basal Arrinthrunga Formation formed a seaward highenergy barrier. Hypersalinity on the platform precipitated
evaporites and permitted the expansion of microbial
stromatolites and thrombolites before and during a
postulated sea level rise (Kennard 1981). Renewed
shoaling culminated in intermittent emergence and the
reestablishment of hypersalinity (Eurowie Sandstone
Member). This cycle was repeated before a final regression
led to exposure and karstification of the platform in the
mid-Late Cambrian (Iverian).
Marine platformal conditions were widely reestablished
by the Payntonian and continued through the Early and
Middle Ordovician. A broad marine carbonate platform in
HUCKITTA and southwestern TOBERMOREY, felsic and
minor mafic protoliths destined to become the migmatite
unit p–Cd were emplaced and deposited, notionally prior
to 1820 Ma. These Narwietooma Package rocks were
metamorphosed to amphibolite facies during the period
1780–1720 Ma (Pietsch 2001). Unnamed granites L
Pgb, L
Pgc and L
Pgd intruded thereafter. According to Warren
(1981), the Tarlton Fault was already active by 1700 Ma.
Tectonism prior to 800 Ma created northwest-trending
grabens in which thick successions of the early Georgina
Basin accumulated (Walter 1980, Zhao et al 1994). Initial
deposition in TOBERMOREY was of glacigene diamictite
and laminated siltstone of the Yardida Tillite. This unit is
correlated with the 680–700 Ma Sturtian glaciation, the
older of the two major glaciations in the Adelaide Rift
(Preiss et al 1978, Walter and Veevers 1997). An intervening
Rinkabeena Movement (Wells and Moss 1983) was
followed by proximal glacial outwash deposits of the Black
Stump Arkose, which are correlated with the younger (590–
610 Ma), Marinoan glaciation in the Adelaide Rift (Walter
et al 1995, Walter and Veevers 1997). Ensuing peritidal and
possibly deeper water conditions generated fenestral and
oncoidal carbonate sediments of the Wonnadinna Dolostone.
A modest Toomba Movement (Walter 1980) intervened
before marine deposition of the Gnallan-a-Gea Arkose,
Elyuah Formation and Grant Bluff Formation.
Although deposition continued intermittently in
the southwestern Georgina Basin during the terminal
Neoproterozoic-earliest Cambrian transition, none is
recorded in TOBERMOREY. The hiatus is due to the
Huckitta Movement (Walter 1980), possibly representative
of the more substantial Petermann Orogeny, which
was centred on the Musgrave Block and southwestern
Amadeus Basin. The first Cambrian marine transgression
to affect the map area took place along the southern basin
margin in the mid-Early Cambrian (Atdabanian stage in
Siberian terms; Spizharskiy et al 1983). Marginal marine
siliciclastic sediments with Diplocraterion preceded open
marine carbonate shelf sedimentation, which included the
development of calcimicrobial-archaeocyathan patch reefs
(Walter et al 1979, Kruse and West 1980).
The initial Middle Cambrian marine transgression
was more widespread and extended into the central and
northern Georgina Basin. Ordian deposits of sequence 1
G:\Geological Survey\Publishing\Production\NTGS_250k_explan_notes_update\Updated_NTGS_250k_explan_notes\Tobermory\Tobermory_Archive\Tob_PM\Tob_Table3.doc
ohm m
API units
API units
ohm m
Figure 45 (this and page 43) Schematic lithologs and downhole geophysical logs of selected drillholes in TOBERMOREY
the east (Ninmaroo Formation) extended into Queensland.
Energy conditions were variable, with recurring high-energy
episodes. Ooid, peloid and skeletal sands formed a seaward
barrier system, again increasing salinity on the platform, with
associated semi-emergent shoals and cyclic sedimentation
(Radke 1980). Contemporaneously, terrigenous quartz sand
(Tomahawk Formation) was being shed from a western
landmass, possibly an exposed Arunta Province, into littoral
and sublittoral environments above wave base on the platform.
Abundant benthic soft-bodied organisms produced open
marine Cruziana and littoral Skolithos ichnofacies traces.
Storms deposited intraclast-bearing layers and hummocky
Peritidal to marine conditions persisted (Kelly
Creek Formation) until a final shallow marine to
peritidal carbonate platform phase (Coolibah Formation).
Ordovician sedimentation thereafter was primarily
siliciclastic. Offshore fine siliciclastic deposition below
wave base (Nora Formation) was overtaken by a prograding
high-energy barrier (Carlo Sandstone), which protected a
low-energy marine lagoonal setting (Mithaka Formation)
behind it (Draper 1977).
During this Early-Middle Ordovician sedimentation
phase, Neoproterozoic-Cambrian rocks in the Irindina
Sub-basin to the west were subjected to deformation
and granulite-facies metamorphism during the Larapinta
Event of 480‑460 Ma, but without evident effect in
TOBERMOREY. The 460‑450 Ma Rodingan Movement
(Wells et al 1970), which was the first phase of the
compressional Alice Springs Orogeny according to Haines
et al (2001), again deposited coarse, high-energy barrier
sands (Ethabuka Sandstone) on the platform and terminated
Ordovician sedimentation in the Georgina Basin.
Deposition in the Georgina Basin ceased until the
Pertnjara-Brewer Movement in the mid-Devonian
(390‑375 Ma; Haines et al 2001) generated the Cravens
Peak beds. A third, mid-Carboniferous (340-320 Ma)
phase left no depositional record, but may coincide with
post-Devonian movements along major faults. The Alice
Springs Orogeny produced the present major structures of
the TOBERMOREY region.
The region remained exposed until a widespread
Eromanga Basin transgression in the Jurassic-Cretaceous
deposited a marginal marine to marine quartz sand sheet.
Continental conditions prevailed thereafter, with ferricrete
and silcrete development in the Palaeocene, Oligocene
and Mio-Pliocene (Grimes 1980). Lacustrine conditions
in the Georgina River catchment generated the pedogenic
Austral Downs Limestone. Quaternary deposition has been
limited to widespread colluvial quartz sand and reworked
equivalents in alluvial floodplains and claypans.
ohm m
API units
ohm m
0 100
0 120
API units
0 100
dolomudstone, dolowackestone
mottled dolostone
intraclast-bioclast dolograinstone
ooid dolograinstone
microbial dololaminite
quartzic dolostone, quartz sandstone
Economic geology
mixed and silty limestone and dolostone
calci/dolomudstone-siliciclastic mudstone interbeds
Georgina Basin
coarsely recrystallised dolostone
pyritic-carbonaceous shale, shale-dolostone laminite
siltstone, mudstone
metavolcanic rock
Petroleum exploration and prospectivity in the Georgina
Basin is summarised by Questa (1994) and the petroleum
system thoroughly revised by Ambrose et al (2001). As the
Figure 45 (continued)
system is of Cambrian-Ordovician age, it belongs to the
Larapintine supersystem of Draper (2000).
Initial reconnaissance of Georgina Basin petroleum
prospectivity was undertaken by BMR in the 1950s.
Petroleum companies, including Frome-Broken Hill,
Geosurveys of Australia, Alliance Petroleum Australia
(Wilson 1963), French Petroleum, Australian Aquitaine
Petroleum and Shell Development, reviewed aspects of
the region in the late 1950s to early 1960s (Smith 1965a).
The first well drilled in the basin was Black Mountain 1
in Queensland, by Phillips-Sunray in 1962. Investigations
continued throughout the eastern, southern and central
regions during the early to mid-1960s. In TOBERMOREY,
BMR drilled three stratigraphic holes [Grg 11, Grg 12
(Milligan 1963) and BMR 12 Cockroach (Smith 1967)] in
the early 1960s. Lucy Creek 1 was drilled by Exoil in 1966
to evaluate a structural high in the west-central map area
(Pemberton 1967).
The impact of this early exploration phase was to
downgrade the perceived prospectivity of the entire basin, and
exploration virtually ceased until the early 1980s. However,
BMR and latterly NTGS continued to drill stratigraphic
holes and acquire geophysical data. One notable exception
to this interim malaise was the drilling of Ethabuka 1 in
the Toko Syncline on MOUNT WHELAN by Alliance Oil
Development Australia NL in 1974. This well yielded the
only sizeable flow of hydrocarbons to date from the Georgina
Basin: an estimated 7080 m3/day of dry gas from the Kelly
Creek Formation (Radke and Duff 1980). Gravity surveys
were conducted over the northern Toko Syncline for Plenty
River Mining in 1982-1983, but no drilling took place.
A fresh phase of exploration in the southern Georgina
Basin occurred during 1988-1991, as Pacific Oil and Gas
(a subsidiary of CRA) took up permits over the Dulcie and
Toko Synclines. During this period, the company acquired
675 line km of seismic data (four lines in TOBERMOREY)
and drilled eight exploration/stratigraphic wells. Of these
wells, Hacking 1 (1988; Weste 1989) and Owen 2 (1990;
Kress 1991) are located in TOBERMOREY. Hacking 1
was sited on an interpreted structural high as a stratigraphic
assessment of the source rock and reservoir potential of the
Cambrian succession near the southern basin margin. Owen 2
was drilled for stratigraphic purposes and to test for potential
early Cambrian siliciclastic reservoirs. Hydrocarbon shows
were detected in both of these wells. Pyritic-carbonaceous
black shale in the basal Arthur Creek Formation was identified
as a world class source rock, attaining 40 m thickness in
Hacking 1 (Questa 1994: 67). Total organic carbon (TOC)
contents were found to be in the range 0.5‑16%, but more
commonly up to 10%.
Drillhole NTGS99/1 in south-central TOBERMOREY
yielded TOC up to 2.9% from the Thorntonia Limestone
and 3.4% from the lower Arthur Creek Formation. Middle
Cambrian sediments were found to be marginally mature
to overmature for oil generation, with maturity increasing
southward. An estimated 40 billion tonnes of oil has been
generated from Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the southern
Georgina Basin (SIBGEO 1991, 1992). Potential reservoirs
occur in the Coolibah Formation, Kelly Creek Formation,
Arrinthrunga Formation, Chabalowe Formation (including
Hagen Member), Steamboat Sandstone, upper Arthur Creek
Formation, Thorntonia Limestone and Mount Baldwin
Formation (Questa 1994). Porosity in the carbonate rocks
is due to secondary dissolution and dolomitisation. Of
greatest relevance to TOBERMOREY is the stratigraphic
juxtaposition of reservoir and source-seal in the succession
from black shale-bearing medial Thorntonia Limestone, to
porous and vuggy upper Thorntonia Limestone, to basal
Arthur Creek Formation black shale (Ambrose et al 2001).
Biogenic accumulation accounts for widespread, but
economically insignificant phosphate in Cambrian carbonates
in TOBERMOREY. Shergold (1985: 24) reported 1‑5%
P2O5 from an accumulation of phosphatic-shelled lingulate
brachiopods in the lower interval of the Thorntonia Limestone
in cored drillhole Tobermorey 14. Biogenic phosphate
grains (lingulate brachiopods and hyolith steinkerns) are
also common in the medial and upper intervals in several
TOBERMOREY drillholes.
The Middle Cambrian is locally phosphatic near
Ammaroo in ELKEDRA and the best intercept is 0.9 m
at 30% P2O5 at 26 m depth, attributed to the Arthur Creek
Formation (Morrison 1968, Howard 1990). On this basis,
Morrison (1968) recommended that the Marqua area of
TOBERMOREY be considered prospective, but no work
has been undertaken. The Nora Formation may also be
prospective, if a sample from Gaphole Creek yielding 13%
P2O5 is indicative (Smith 1965a).
Following a drilling campaign at Wonarah in the central
Georgina Basin, which delineated a resource estimate of
72 Mt at 23 % P2O5 (report to Australian Stock Exchange
by AKD Ltd, 24 January 2002), Rio Tinto has recently
undertaken regional phosphate exploration throughout
the Georgina Basin, but there are no active tenements in
TOBERMOREY was included in a regional diamond
exploration program by CRAE (Colliver and Bubner
1987a, 1987b). Reconnaissance stream sediment sampling,
aeromagnetic and radiometric data were used to focus the
search. Ten picroilmenite and chromite grains were found in
southwestern TOBERMOREY and a single microdiamond
was reported from Shank Creek in the northeast (Allnutt
1986). Follow-up sampling failed to provide conclusive
results (Colliver and Bubner 1987a, 1987b).
Recognition that basement similar to the eastern Siberian
Platform (which hosts diamondiferous kimberlite) might
underlie part of the Georgina Basin has led to a resurgence in
diamond exploration. The model is based on the recognised
existence of the Altjawarra Domain (sensu Myers et al 1996),
a region of thickened, stable crust with relatively low heat
flow and low crustal temperatures, which underlies much
HUCKITTA. Any diamondiferous kimberlite pipes younger
than 500 Ma would be preserved in the overlying Georgina
Basin sedimentary cover. As of March 2002, Elkedra
Diamonds NL have pegged all but the southwestern corner of
TOBERMOREY, as part of a regional search (Figure 46).
22˚00 ’
Figure 46 Locations of microdiamond and diamond indicator minerals in TOBERMOREY, overlaid on aeromagnetic image
Carpentaria Exploration undertook regional exploration
for MVT mineralisation over the present structural margins
the Georgina Basin from 1976 to 1977 (Nenke 1977a, 1977b).
Soil, stream sediment and rock chip samples were collected
in the Dinner Creek-Marqua Creek area and from Centenary
Bore to Christmas Bore (south-central TOBERMOREY).
50 km
highest Zn and Pb values in rock chips were attributed to Fe
and Mn scavenging in the weathering profile,
as no surface
mineralisation could be found. Ferruginous lag assayed up
to 1.31% Pb and 834 ppm Zn (Nenke 1977a). Elevated Zn
in subsurface and unweathered carbonate was thought to be
due to cation substitution in the dolomite lattice. The greatest
anomaly of 1.15% Zn over 2 m, which was from channel chip
samples of fresh rock in the Marqua area, became the Boat
Hill prospect.
From 1981 to 1984, Agip Australia targeted MVT and
stratabound base metal mineralisation (Agip 1982, 1983,
1984). Reconnaissance mapping, rock chip sampling and
15 drillholes demonstrated that Pb, Zn and Ag anomalism
could be traced over a 10 km strike length in the vicinity of
the Boat Hill prospect. The highest base metal values occur
in close proximity to faults and the best drilling intercept was
0.5 m at 1.9% Zn. A geophysical programme was planned,
but Agip relinquished the area in 1984 when the company
ceased all base metal exploration in Australia.
In 1991, MIM targeted low-angle reverse faults on the
margin of the Georgina Basin for Pb and Zn (McGeough
structurally complex southwestern margin of the
23˚00 ’
Basin in southern Tobermorey contains several
Cambrian formations that are anomalous in Zn and Pb over
kilometres of strike length. These have been the subjects of
systematic company exploration for over 30 years.
Galena was first recognised in the Tomahawk Formation
during government mapping. Smith and Vine (1960) and
Smith (1965a) reported small quantities east of the southern
end of the Tarlton Range, but no precise location was given. In
the 1970s, BMR palaeontologist J Sheldon found an isolated
grain near Canyon Bore, Tarlton Range (pers comm reported
in Nenke 1977a).
In the early 1970s, Fimiston Minerals established a
Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) model for the Georgina Basin
and targeted Upper Cambrian formations, particularly the
Arrinthrunga Formation (Morris 1971, Keene and Morris
CRAE targeted two areas in TOBERMOREY for MVT
mineralisation, based on geological similarity with the Turkey
Creek/Box Hole prospect in HUCKITTA. Interpretation
of aeromagnetic, reconnaissance soil, stream, rock and
borewater data from northeast of Tarlton Downs homestead
and between McCrae Bore and No 6 Bore in the north-central
map area did not detect any anomalies of significance (Tham
galena, sphalerite and pyrite in crystal clots up to 2 cm
across were observed in the Thorntonia Limestone and Red
Heart Dolostone in BHD4, 5 and 9 (Figure 47). Highest
combined assays were 0.83% Pb, 2.24% Zn and 2 g/t Ag from
530.90‑531.36 m depth in the Red Heart Dolostone in BHD9
(McGeough 1992). BHD9 has galena and minor sphalerite
infilling fractures and along stylolites over 514.0‑516.5 m
depth in the medial Thorntonia Limestone and this interval
averaged 941 ppm Pb and 0.54% Zn. Petrological descriptions
and an assessment of paragenesis by Croxford (in McGeough
1992) were consistent with MVT mineralisation. Pyrite,
sphalerite and hydrocarbons were the earliest phases and so
are intimately interrelated (Figure 48). Galena was the last
to form and filled the remaining space within vugs in saddle
Reconnaissance stream sediment and rock chip sampling
along the Toomba-Craigie Fault by CRAE failed to locate any
significant base metal anomalies (Stegman 1991).
Cored stratigraphic drillhole NTGS99/1 intersected visible
galena and sphalerite in the Thorntonia Limestone. Quartermetre composites of quarter core with visible galena returned
assays of >2000 ppm Pb and the interval 585.75‑586.0 m
averaged 1.02% Zn. This significantly increases the area
of Thorntonia Limestone in TOBERMOREY known to be
anomalous in base metals.
Platinum group elements
Figure 47 Thorntonia Limestone. Slabbed drillcore from lower light
grey interval of formation showing galena and honey-coloured lowiron sphalerite as vug fill (centre). Scale bar = 1 cm. 526.3 m depth
in drillhole MIM BHD9; Toko QQ689668
Shergold (1985) reported 1.5 ppm Pt and 0.8 ppm Pd in
shale from the medial interval of the Thorntonia Limestone
in cored drillhole Hay River 11A in HAY RIVER. Based
on these assays, Geopeko briefly held ground to explore for
platinum group elements (PGEs) in Georgina Basin shales.
The company reviewed BMR magnetic data and reprocessed
some in-house airborne magnetic and radiometric data from
1978. After discussions with BMR, they concluded that the
elevated PGEs reported by Shergold (1985) were analytically
incorrect (Sherrington 1987).
Also encouraged by BMR assays and using a Zechstein
model, Saracen Minerals targeted shales near the Boat Hill
prospect. Nineteen shallow percussion holes totalling 550 m
1992, McGeough and Shalley 1992). Assays up to 1.8% Pb
and 7090 ppm Zn in the Thorntonia Limestone in the Boat
Hill area led MIM to conclude that mineralisation at the Boat
Hill prospect is structurally controlled (McGeough 1992).
MIM recorded 17 200 m loop 16‑channel SIROTEM traverses
approximately 500 m apart across strike at the Boat Hill
prospect. Of eight cored holes drilled, four tested conductive
layers from the SIROTEM survey. Minor occurrences of
Figure 48 Thorntonia Limestone. Sphalerite
(1) and platy organic matter (2) intimately
interrelated in vug fill; medial darker grey
interval of formation. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Polished thin section in reflected plane
polarised light (from Croxford in McGeough
1992); 513.36 m depth in drillhole MIM
BHD9; Toko QQ689668
2002). The occurrence appears to be hosted in dolomitic
quartz sandstone and dolostone at or near the base of the
Kelly Creek Formation and is very similar in style to the
outcrops at Lucy Creek 2. Elevated levels of trace metals
(eg 2460 ppm Pb and 60 ppm As) from the latter prospect,
replacement ore textures and close proximity to basement
structures suggest a geothermal or low temperature
hydrothermal ore genesis model, similar to the manganese
deposits in the Renner Springs district, northern Tennant
Inlier (Ferenczi 2001).
Surficial manganese occurrences are present in the
Ninmaroo, Tomahawk and Kelly Creek Formations.
Significant assay results have been reported from near Desert
Bore (QR192326), where sampling by Eldekra Diamonds
NL at CWN‑90 (in Tomahawk Formation) and Loc44 (in
Ninmaroo Formation) returned up to 42% Mn and 28.7% Mn,
respectively. Minor manganiferous mineralisation was also
encountered in the Ninmaroo and Kelly Creek Formations
in the vicinity of Treacle Hill Waterhole (QQ491831) during
NTGS Second Edition mapping.
were drilled and 491 samples analysed for Pt and Pd. All were
below 10 ppb Pt and 10 ppb Pd. The area was relinquished
in 1988 (Virtue 1988).
MIM also analysed for PGEs in their BHD series of
drillholes. None exceeded the 5 ppb Pt or 1 ppb Pd detection
limits. This has downgraded prospectivity for PGEs in
Georgina Basin shales within TOBERMOREY.
Shergold (1985) invoked a Carlin-style Au model for the
southern Georgina Basin. Saracen and MIM included Au in
their exploration of the Boat Hill area. In the former case, all
assays were below the detection limit of 0.01 ppm Au (Virtue
1988) and in the latter, the highest value was 0.005 ppm
(McGeough 1992).
During the early 1990s, CRAE prospected the Toomba
Fault Zone in HAY RIVER and TOBERMOREY for Au.
Rock chip and stream sediment sampling were undertaken.
Repeat bulk leach extractable gold (BLEG) sampling failed
to return assays in excess of 0.6 ppb Au (Stegman 1991).
Community and pastoral water supply in TOBERMOREY is
almost entirely reliant on groundwater. Altogether, 204 bores
(including stratigraphic and exploration drillholes) have been
drilled in the sheet, with standing water levels in the range
34‑71 m depth, total dissolved solids 417‑20 100 mgL-1 and
yields up to 6.3 Ls-1 (Read 2002). Bore yields are generally
low, with most producing in the range 0.5‑2 Ls-1; only a small
minority (nine bores) exceed 4 Ls-1. Supplies suitable for
stock (ie with total dissolved solids <5000 mgL-1) are widely
available. However, only 21 bores yield potable water, ie
with total dissolved solids <1000 mgL-1, NO3 <45 mgL-1
and F <1.5 mgL-1. About one third of bores meeting the first
criterion have either excessive nitrate or fluoride.
The most prospective formations are the Arrinthrunga
Formation and particularly the Ninmaroo Formation,
which is widespread, thick, and yields stock supplies from
moderate depths. The Kelly Creek Formation is a poor to
moderate aquifer for stock supplies. Highly saline water
(total dissolved solids 15 100 mgL-1), from Tobermorey No 8
(RN 12836) in the Toko Syncline, suggests the local presence
of evaporites in this unit. The Arthur Creek Formation has
been little utilised, but does contain aquifers suitable for
stock supplies, as also does the Carlo Sandstone in the Toko
Syncline. Known aquifers in Jurassic-Cretaceous rocks
are low yielding and limited to the Marshall River area in
southwestern TOBERMOREY. A few bores draw moderate
yields from unconsolidated Quaternary alluvium.
Water from five bores in TOBERMOREY was analysed
for U by CRAE. The highest level detected was 7 ppb U in
Coles Bore (Tham 1971).
Geopeko targeted the basal Georgina Basin succession
as part of a search for Proterozoic sediment-hosted U. The
company flew a radiometric survey over northern HAY
RIVER in 1979 and extrapolated the results into southern
TOBERMOREY. Cenozoic cover was a major problem
and the only anomalies detected were attributed to weak
surficial concentrations. No further work was undertaken
(Eupene 1979).
Roll-front uranium was considered to be a secondary
target in exploration of the Marqua area by Agip, but
no significant occurrences were identified (Agip 1982,
In late 2002, Elkedra Diamonds NL discovered numerous
manganese occurrences during a regional diamond
exploration program within Els 22529, 22534 and 22536
over western TOBERMOREY (Elkedra Diamonds 2002).
Most of these appear to be surficial in origin. However, two
(Lucy Creek 2 and Halfway Dam prospects) are interpreted
as stratabound. At Lucy Creek 2 prospect (PR703222), a
1‑2 m-thick Mn horizon outcrops over a strike length of
400 m (L Tompkins, Elkedra Diamonds, pers comm 2002)
within dolomitic siltstone of the Tomahawk Formation.
Initial rock chip samples gave encouraging assays containing
high-grade manganese and low levels of iron, phosphorus,
silica and alumina (eg D0066: 50.5% Mn, 0.44% Fe,
0.06% P, 6% SiO2 and 0.71% Al2O3; Elkedra Diamonds
2002). A follow-up RAB drilling program was undertaken
in October 2002.
Near Halfway Bore (QR020075) manganiferous material
containing up to 42% Mn was excavated during construction
of a small dam (L Tompkins, Elkedra Diamonds, pers comm
Arunta Province
Minor malachite (up to 1660 ppm Cu) and galena were
observed in quartz veins in the Mount Dobbie Granite
during a helicopter reconnaissance by MIM exploration
(McGeough 1992).
Normandy Poseidon explored for Jervois-style
copper, lead and zinc along Hay River into southwestern
TOBERMOREY. Airborne and ground electromagnetic
surveys and soil sampling were undertaken. Drilling of the
most significant anomaly failed to locate mineralisation
(Cozens 1995).
Second Edition regional mapping by NTGS identified
malachite and rare azurite in L
Pgc granite. Mineralisation in
outcrop in the bed of Camel Creek at PQ887602 is associated
with fractures, shear zones, quartz and ironstone veins. A
representative ironstone sample contains 2388 ppm Cu,
2 ppb Au, 3 ppm Pb and 20 ppm Zn. After heavy rains in
1999-2000, malachite was visible in Camel Creek downstream
to the Hay River junction but was not detected by Normandy
Poseidon’s earlier survey. Roof pendants of similar age
granites would be prospective throughout TOBERMOREY.
Ashcourt targeted the HAY RIVER-TOBERMOREY area
for Au, considering it to be a similar geological setting to the
Tanami region, but surrendered the licence due to an inability
to raise joint venture capital (Griffiths 1998).
Normandy Poseidon included Au analyses in their soil
sampling over airborne magnetic and EM anomalies in the
Hay River survey. Only one sample of 0.010 ppm exceeded
the 0.001 ppm detection limit (Cozens 1995).
The Arunta Province Stratigraphy text was prepared with
reference to petrographic descriptions commissioned from
Frank Radke (Amdel Limited, Adelaide). Ian Scrimgeour
(NTGS, Darwin) commented on a draft version of the
Arunta Province Stratigraphy. Bob Read (Natural Resources
Division, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and
Environment, Alice Springs) provided a contribution on
groundwater. Phil Ferenczi (NTGS, Darwin) collated
notes on manganese occurrences. Max Heggen (NTGS,
Alice Springs) liaised with Aboriginal organisations and
custodians regarding land access. The authors thank local
landholders and Aboriginal custodians for access to their
properties. Greg Ambrose (NTGS, Darwin) advised on
aspects of petroleum geology and downhole geophysical
logging, and Professor Barry Webby (Macquarie University,
Sydney) on Ordovician correlations. Zhen Yongyi
(Australian Museum, Sydney) identified a small conodont
sample from the Tomahawk Formation. Peter Crispe,
Chris Field, ‘Mac’ McClellan, Mick Crompton and Liam
MacNally assisted in the field, with the able base support of
Martin Cardona. Figures were prepared by Richard Jong and
Gary Andrews. The manuscript was edited by Tim Munson
and formatted by Stephen Cox.
Local pastoralists have provided anecdotal accounts of
minor scheelite occurrences in TOBERMOREY found
in the 1960s by ultraviolet (UV) prospecting. One such
reported occurrence in the vicinity of PQ938553 could not
be relocated during Second Edition regional mapping.
No significant W was detected during reconnaissance
work along Hay River by Normandy Poseidon. Systematic
soil sampling in the same area returned a maximum of
10 ppm W (Cozens 1995).
Agip, 1982. Tobermory and Hay River EL3142. Annual report
on exploration 1981‑82. Northern Territory Geological
Survey, Open File Company Report CR1982‑0376.
Agip, 1983. Tobermory and Hay River, EL3142. Annual
report 9.11.82-8.11.83, area to be retained. Northern
Territory Geological Survey, Open File Company Report
Agip, 1984. Tobermory and Hay River, EL3142. Final report,
9/11/83 to 8/11/84. Northern Territory Geological Survey,
Open File Company Report CR1984‑0191.
BHP targeted magnetic anomalies under cover between
the Marshall River and the Plenty Highway as potential
kimberlites. Unfortunately, drilling intersected magnetitebearing biotite schist and siltstone in the shallow subsurface
(BHP 1984, 1985).
Ahmad M, 2000. Geological map of the Northern Territory,
1:2 500 000. Northern Territory Geological Survey,
Ahmad M, 2002. Geological map of the Northern Territory,
1:2 500 000 (2002 Edition). Northern Territory Geological
Survey, Darwin.
Normandy Poseidon analysed for U in a reconnaissance
surface geochemical survey along the Hay River from HAY
RIVER into southwestern TOBERMOREY. Very few assays
exceeded the 4 ppm detection limit (Cozens 1995).
Alliance Petroleum Australia, 1964. Report for Tarlton Downs
gravity survey. Northern Territory Geological Survey,
Open File Petroleum Report PR1964‑0005.
Other metals and non-metals
Allnutt S, 1986. Final report for the period to 30th July,
ELs 4612-4617, 4625-4627. CRA Exploration Pty
Ltd. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Open File
Company Report CR1986‑0288.
Ba, Co, Mn, Ni and P were included in assays of reconnaissance
surface samples and systematic soil sampling over airborne
magnetic and EM anomalies along Hay River in southwestern
TOBERMOREY. Most samples were sourced from Arunta
Province rocks and none was considered anomalous (Cozens
Ambrose GJ, Kruse PD and Putnam PE, 2001. Geology and
hydrocarbon potential of the southern Georgina Basin,
Australia. APPEA Journal 41, 139‑163.
Abstracts, Geological Society of America Annual
Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, November 1‑10,
2001. Session T23, Sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits:
roles of basin evolution, tectonics and geochemistry
in ore genesis 1 (http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2001AM/
AUSLIG (Australian Surveying and Land Information
Group), 1990. Atlas of Australian resources. Third series.
Volume 6 Vegetation. Commonwealth Government
Printer, Canberra.
Barlow BC, 1965. Georgina Basin reconnaissance gravity
survey, NT and Qld 1959. Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Australia, Record 1965/96.
Chenon C, 1966. Cockroach Waterhole area experimental
seismic survey, Northern Territory 1964. Bureau of
Mineral Resources, Australia, Record 1966/75.
Barlow BC, 1966. Georgina Basin reconnaissance gravity
surveys using helicopters, Northern Territory and
Queensland 1960‑1961. Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Australia, Record 1966/147.
Collins WJ and Shaw RD, 1995. Geochronological
constraints on orogenic events in the Arunta Inlier:
a review. Precambrian Research 71, 69‑89.
BHP 1984. Exploration licence 4198, Marshall River, NT,
final report June 1983-December 1984. BHP Exploration
Department. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Open
File Company Report CR1984‑0121.
Colliver IC and Bubner GJ, 1987a. EL4628 Warka,
NT. Final report period ending 21st July 1987. CRA
Exploration Pty Ltd. Northern Territory Geological
Survey, Open File Company Report CR1987‑0206.
BHP 1985. Exploration licence 4527, Tarlton Range, NT,
final report May 1984-December 1984. BHP Exploration
Department. Northern Territory Geological Survey, Open
File Company Report CR1985‑0066.
Colliver IC and Bubner GJ, 1987b. EL4629 Toko Range,
NT. Final report period ending 21st July 1987. CRA
Exploration Pty Ltd. Northern Territory Geological
Survey, Open File Company Report CR1987‑0207.
Brock GA, Engelbretsen MJ, Jago JB, Kruse PD, Laurie
JR, Shergold JH, Shi GR and Sorauf JE, 2000.
Palaeobiogeographic affinities of Australian Cambrian
faunas. Memoir of the Association of Australasian
Palaeontologists 23, 1‑61.
Condon MA and Smith KG, 1959. Permian glacials
in central Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Australia, Record 1959/29.
Cooper RA, Nowlan GS and Williams SH, 2001.
Global Stratotype Section and Point for base of the
Ordovician System. Episodes 24, 19‑28.
Buick IS, Miller JA, Williams IS, Hand M and Mawby J,
2001a. Deep holes in the Centralian Superbasin, SHRIMP
zircon constraints on the depositional age of granulites
in the eastern Arunta Block. Geological Society of
Australia, Abstracts 64, 13‑14.
Cozens GJ, 1995. Final report on EL 6994 (Hay River)
09/11/90 to 28/10/94. Normandy Poseidon. Northern
Territory Geological Survey, Open File Company
Report CR1995‑0249.
Buick IS, Miller JA, Williams IS and Cartwright I, 2001b.
Ordovician high-grade metamorphism of a newly
recognised late Neoproterozoic terrane in the northern
Harts Range, central Australia. Journal of Metamorphic
Geology 19, 373‑394.
Crettenden P, 2000. GPS locations now more accurate.
MESA Journal 19, 34.
Debrenne F, Rozanov A and Zhuravlev A, 1990.
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Cahiers de Paléontologie, Editions du CNRS,
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Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.
Casey JN, 1959. New names in Queensland stratigraphy
(part 5). Australian Oil and Gas Journal 5 (12), 31‑36.
Donnelly TH, Shergold JH and Southgate PN, 1988.
Anomalous geochemical signals from phosphatic
Middle Cambrian rocks in the southern Georgina
Basin, Australia. Sedimentology 35, 549‑570.
Casey JN and Gilbert-Tomlinson J, 1956. Cambrian geology
of the Huckitta-Marqua region, Northern Territory. XX
International Geological Congress, Mexico 2, 55‑74.
[Reprinted 1957 Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia,
Bulletin 49, 55‑74].
Draper JJ, 1977. Environment of deposition of the
Carlo Sandstone, Georgina Basin, Queensland and
Northern Territory. BMR Journal of Australian
Geology and Geophysics 2, 97‑110.
Chan PA, Mikolajczak AS and Retter AJ, 1990. Quartz,
Northern Territory. 1:100 000 geological map series,
explanatory notes, 5951. Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Australia, Canberra.
Draper JJ, 1980a. Rusophycus (Early Ordovician
ichnofossil) from the Mithaka Formation, Georgina
Basin. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and
Geophysics 5, 57‑61.
Chapman LH, 2001. New constraints on the thermal
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Ferris FG, 2000. Microbe-metal interactions in sediments: in
Riding RE and Awramik SM (editors) Microbial sediments.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 121‑126.
Draper JJ, 1980b. Ethabuka Sandstone, a new Ordovician
unit in the Georgina Basin, and a redefinition of the Toko
Group. Queensland Government Mining Journal 81,
Folk RL, 1974. Petrology of sedimentary rocks. Hemphill’s,
Draper JJ, 2000. Petroleum supersystems in Queensland: a key
to undiscovered petroleum resources. Queensland Oil and
Gas July 2000, 42‑47.
Fortey RA and Shergold JH, 1984. Early Ordovician trilobites,
Nora Formation, central Australia. Palaeontology 27,
Druce EC, 1974. Georgina Basin project 1974-1980: a
proposal. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia, Record
Freeman MJ, 1986. Huckitta, Northern Territory. 1:250 000
geological map series explanatory notes, SF53‑11.
Northern Territory Geological Survey, Darwin.
Druce EC, 1976. Georgina Basin: in ‘Geological Branch
summary of activities 1975’. Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Australia, Report 194, 9‑13.
Gausden J, 1980. Mirrica No. 1 AP160P Queensland well
completion report. Alliance Oil Development Australia
NL. Queensland Department of Natural Resources and
Mines, Open File Company Report 8295.
Druce EC, 1978. Clavohamulus primitivus – a key North
American conodont found in the Georgina Basin. BMR
Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics 3,
Geyer G and Shergold J, 2000. The quest for internationally
recognized divisions of Cambrian time. Episodes 23,
Druce EC and Jones PJ, 1971. Cambro-Ordovician conodonts
from the Burke River Structural Belt, Queensland. Bureau
of Mineral Resources, Australia, Bulletin 110.
Gibson DL, 1984. Shallow stratigraphic drilling, Georgina
Basin, 1978 and 1980. Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Australia, Record 1984/33.
Druce EC, Shergold JH and Radke BM, 1982. A reassessment
of the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary section at Black
Mountain, western Queensland, Australia: in Bassett
MG and Dean WT (editors) The Cambrian-Ordovician
boundary: sections, fossil distributions, and correlations.
National Museum of Wales, Geological Series 3, Cardiff,
Gilbert-Tomlinson J, 1968. A new record of Bothriolepis in
the Northern Territory of Australia. Bureau of Mineral
Resources, Australia, Bulletin 80, 189‑224.
Gilbert-Tomlinson J, 1973. The Lower Ordovician gastropod
Teiichispira in northern Australia. Bureau of Mineral
Resources, Australia, Bulletin 126, 65‑88.
Ekdale AA, Bromley RG and Pemberton SG, 1984. Ichnology:
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Gravestock DI and Shergold JH, 2001. Australian Early and
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for species diversity and correlation: in Zhuravlev AYu and
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Columbia University Press, New York, 107‑136.
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Green PM and Balfe PE, 1980. Stratigraphic drilling report
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Griffiths MR, 1998. Hay River NT EL9604 surrender
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Eupene GS, 1979. Final report, Field River area, ELs
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Grimes KG, 1980. The Tertiary geology of north Queensland,
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Fanning CM, Ludwig KR, Forbes BG and Preiss WV, 1986.
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Haines PW, Bagas L, Wyche S, Simons B and Morris DG,
1991. Barrow Creek, Northern Territory. 1:250 000
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Ferenczi PA, 2001. Iron ore, manganese and bauxite
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Kennard J, 1980. Stratigraphic field sections and drillhole
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Haines PW, Hand M and Sandiford M, 2001. Palaeozoic
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Kennard J, 1981. The Arrinthrunga Formation: Upper
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Hand M, Mawby J, Kinny P and Foden, J, 1999. U‑Pb
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for early-Ordovician extension and constraints on
Carboniferous metamorphism. Journal of the Geological
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Harrison PL, 1979. Recent seismic studies upgrade the
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Kennedy MJ, 1996. Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and isotopic
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Harrison PL, 1980. The Toomba Fault and the western margin
of the Toko Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland and
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Kruse PD, 1990. Cambrian palaeontology of the Daly Basin.
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Kruse PD and West PW, 1980. Archaeocyatha of the Amadeus
and Georgina Basins. BMR Journal of Australian Geology
and Geophysics 5, 165‑181.
Hill D, Playford G and Woods JT (editors), 1969. Ordovician
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Laurie JR, 1986. Phosphatic fauna of the Early Cambrian
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Alcheringa 10, 431‑454.
Hossfeld PS, 1954. Stratigraphy and structure of the Northern
Territory of Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society
of South Australia 77, 103‑161.
Laurie JR, 2000a. Middle Cambrian biostratigraphy of
the southern Georgina Basin, Northern Territory:
preliminary results. Geological Society of Australia,
Abstracts 61, 54.
Howard PF, 1990. The distribution of phosphatic facies in the
Georgina, Wiso and Daly River Basins, Northern Australia:
in Notholt AJG and Jarvis I (editors) ‘Phosphorite
research and development.’ Geological Society Special
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Laurie JR, 2000b. Macrofossils from the Tomahawk beds,
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Laurie JR and Shergold JH, 1985. Phosphatic organisms and
the correlation of Early Cambrian carbonate formations
in central Australia. BMR Journal of Australian Geology
and Geophysics 9, 83‑89.
Jenkins RJF, McKirdy DM, Foster CB, O’Leary T and Pell
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Nicoll RS, 1991b. Conodont determinations in samples
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Scandinavia: in Webby BD and Laurie JR (editors)
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Rotterdam, 381‑394.
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Black Mountain, western Queensland, Australia. BMR
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Formation (Cambro-Ordovician), Georgina Basin,
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Syncline, Georgina Basin, Queensland and Northern
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Read RE, 2002. Note on groundwater in the Tobermory
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Appendix - revised stratigraphic units
Arthur Creek Formation (emendation of existing
White ME, 1961. Mesozoic plant fossils from the Tarlton
Range, Northern Territory. Bureau of Mineral Resources,
Australia, Record 1961/32.
Proposers: Freeman (1986: 57), after Smith (1964); amended
by PD Kruse.
Derivation of name: After Arthur Creek in eastern HUCKITTA
and southwestern TOBERMOREY.
Whitehouse FW, 1931. Palaeontologist: in Annual report of the
Under Secretary for Mines to the Honourable EA Atherton,
MLA, Secretary for Mines, including the reports of the
Wardens, Inspectors of Mines, Government Geologists,
and other officers, for the year 1930. Government Printer,
Brisbane, 141‑142.
Synonymy: Part of Sandover Beds of Öpik (1956); part of
Arthur Creek Beds of Smith (1964); part of Marqua
Beds of Smith (1972); Marqua Formation and upper
Hay River Formation Member 2 of Shergold (1985);
Upper Hay River Formation Member 2 of Donnelly
et al (1988).
Whitehouse FW, 1936. The Cambrian faunas of north-eastern
Australia. Part 1: stratigraphical outline. Part 2: Trilobita
(Miomera). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 11,
Distribution: Southern Georgina Basin, in HUCKITTA,
TOBERMOREY and HAY RIVER; subsurface in
SANDOVER RIVER and possibly western
Whitehouse FW, 1939. The Cambrian faunas of northeastern
Australia. Part 3: the polymerid trilobites (with supplement
No 1). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 11,
Geomorphic expression: Generally poorly exposed.
Type section: Holostratotype section in interval 103.2‑554.7 m
depth in cored drillhole NTGS99/1 (TOBERMOREY);
core stored in NTGS Core Library, Alice Springs.
Lower boundary at disconformable contact of foetid
pyritic-carbonaceous black shale of basal Arthur Creek
Formation with light grey bioclast dolograinstone of
underlying Thorntonia Limestone. Upper boundary at
sharp, apparently conformable transition between grey
Whitehouse FW, 1940. Studies in the late geological history
of Queensland. University of Queensland, Department of
Geology, Paper 2 (1).
Whitehouse FW, 1941. The Cambrian faunas of northeastern
Australia. Part 4 – Early Cambrian echinoderms similar
to the larval forms of Recent forms. Memoirs of the
Queensland Museum 12, 1‑28.
Age and evidence: Middle Cambrian: Templetonian
(pre-Triplagnostus gibbus Zone; Laurie 2000a) to
Boomerangian Lejopyge laevigata Zone (Shergold 1985,
1995), based on agnostine trilobites.
calci/dolomudstone-siliciclastic mudstone interbeds
of uppermost Arthur Creek Formation and quartzic
equivalents of overlying Steamboat Sandstone.
Holostratotype replaces composite stratotype of Freeman
(1986), due to doubts as to the latter’s completeness.
Tomahawk Formation (formalisation of name)
Reference sections: Composite section comprising cored
drillholes NTGS HUC1 and NTGS HUC2 in eastern
HUCKITTA [former lectostratotype of Freeman (1986)].
Complete and contiguous intersections in cored drillholes
Baldwin 1 in HUCKITTA (470.4-889.3 m depth),
Hacking 1 in TOBERMOREY (752.9-1209.9 m depth) and
Owen 2 in TOBERMOREY (692.7-1053.3 m depth).
Proposers: PD Kruse and AT Brakel, after Smith (1964).
Derivation of name: After Tomahawk Yard on northern flank
of Dulcie Range, central HUCKITTA (Smith 1964: 47).
Synonymy: Lower part of Dulcie Sandstone of Joklik (1955);
major portion of Tomahawk Beds of Smith (1964)
excluding that above 400-500’ level in his reference
section X30, now referred to Kelly Creek Formation.
Lithology: Lower interval of foetid pyritic-carbonaceous
black shale, passing upward gradationally into planar to
undulose foetid shale/dolostone laminite. Passes upward,
abruptly to gradationally, into upper interval of paler grey
dolomudstone to dolograinstone and calci/dolomudstonesiliciclastic mudstone interbeds, minor quartzic dolostone
and dolostone-clast breccia.
Distribution: Flanks Dulcie Range in HUCKITTA, ELKEDRA,
BARROW CREEK and ALCOOTA; extensive northward
of Tarlton Range in eastern HUCKITTA, southeastern
ELKEDRA, western TOBERMOREY and southwestern
Thickness: Maximum 457 m in Hacking 1; 452 m in
NTGS99/1 holostratotype, 419 m in Baldwin 1, 361 m
in Owen 2.
Geomorphic expression: Contiguous tracts of hilly country
around Dulcie Range and near Tarlton Range in
southwestern TOBERMOREY; isolated low to moderate
hills and some prominent ridges in northwestern
TOBERMOREY, eastern HUCKITTA, southeastern
ELKEDRA and southwestern SANDOVER RIVER.
Structural attitude: Flat-lying to moderately dipping;
subvertical adjacent to some faults.
Relationships and boundary criteria: Disconformable on
Thorntonia Limestone (Öpik 1956), or where this is absent,
Red Heart Dolostone (Walter et al 1979); unconformable
on older units. Lower boundary at sharp contact of light
grey bioclast dolograinstone of underlying Thorntonia
Limestone (or grey to orange-pink dolostone of Red
Heart Dolostone) with foetid pyritic-carbonaceous black
shale or paler dolostone of basal Arthur Creek Formation.
Overlain with apparent conformity in eastern outcrop area
by Steamboat Sandstone (Noakes et al 1959); boundary
at sharp transition from grey calci/dolomudstonesiliciclastic mudstone interbeds of uppermost Arthur
Creek Formation with quartzic equivalents of Steamboat
Sandstone. Overlain with apparent conformity in western
outcrop area by Chabalowe Formation (Stidolph et al
1988); boundary at transition from light grey, marine
carbonate rocks of upper Arthur Creek Formation into
peritidal, grey evaporitic carbonate of Hagen Member of
Chabalowe Formation. Where these two units are absent,
overlain with apparent conformity by Arrinthrunga
Type section: Interval 0-148.9 m depth in cored drillhole
NTGS ELK6 (ELKEDRA); core stored in NTGS Core
Library, Alice Springs. Lower boundary stratotype is at
148.9 m depth, where light grey dolostone of Arrinthrunga
Formation is disconformably overlain by thin (2 dm) basal
mudstone and succeeding quartz-glauconite sandstone of
Tomahawk Formation. Type section is dominantly of
quartz ± glauconite sandstone with minor recurring thin
mudstone interbeds and occasional conglomerates of
tabular sandstone and siltstone lithoclasts.
Reference section: Measured section on southeastern flank of
Tarlton Range (TOBERMOREY): base at valley floor at
PQ930670 commencing at base of lowest carbonate bed;
top at summit of isolated hill at PQ920682 (Figure 27).
Section 70 m thick, spanning upper carbonate interval of
Tomahawk Formation to lower Kelly Creek Formation.
Apparently conformable upper boundary stratotype of
Tomahawk Formation is at 32 m from base of section
and coincides with base of isolated hill.
Lithology: Quartz ± glauconite sandstone with minor
beds of dolostone, mudstone and conglomerate; upper
part of formation dominantly of limestone with lesser
interbedded sandstone and marl.
Correlations: Beetle Creek Formation, Blazan Shale,
Inca Formation, Age Creek Formation, Currant Bush
Limestone, V-Creek Limestone and Mail Change
Limestone in eastern Georgina Basin; Beetle Creek
Formation, Inca Formation, Roaring Siltstone, lower
Devoncourt Limestone in Burke River Structural Belt;
Wonarah beds, Burton beds, Camooweal Dolostone,
possibly Ranken Limestone in central Georgina Basin;
Anthony Lagoon beds in western Georgina Basin
(Shergold et al 1985).
Thickness: 148.9 m in type section (incomplete). Maximum
recorded thickness 225 m in measured section X54 (Smith
1972) in western Dulcie Range (HUCKITTA), but this
section may include part of Kelly Creek Formation. True
thickness estimated at 150-190 m.
Formation to steep face of Kelly Creek Formation. In
Dulcie Range, upper boundary coincides with transition
from deformed sandstone and minor carbonate beds
(Tomahawk Formation) into undeformed, moderately
dipping fine quartz sandstone of Kelly Creek Formation
[eg at NQ871991 in reference section X30 of Smith
(1964), southeastern Dulcie Range].
Structural attitude: Overall flat-lying in TOBERMOREY
and adjacent areas; low to moderate dips in Dulcie
Syncline. However, due to characteristic mesoscale
deformation of sandstone, dip and strike may change
significantly within metres. Freeman (1986) attributed this
to subsurface cavernous solution of underlying carbonate
rock (Arrinthrunga Formation) by groundwater and
consequent progressive gravity subsidence. Conversely,
carbonate beds are little affected; around Tarlton Range,
limestone-dominant upper Tomahawk Formation is planar
and gently dipping.
Correlations: Lateral correlative of Ninmaroo Formation
(Whitehouse 1936, Casey 1959) of eastern Georgina
Relationships and boundary criteria: Disconformable on
underlying Arrinthrunga Formation; lower boundary at
abrupt change from dolostone to sandstone. Laterally
interfingers with dolostone of Ninmaroo Formation along
eastern margin in TOBERMOREY and SANDOVER
RIVER. Conformable beneath Kelly Creek Formation;
upper boundary at transition from limestone-dominant
upper Tomahawk Formation to undeformed fine sandstone
of Kelly Creek Formation. In Tarlton Range, this boundary
coincides with clear topographic break from gently
dipping bedding plane surface of uppermost Tomahawk
Age and evidence: Late Cambrian (Iverian or Payntonian
to probably late Datsonian Cordylodus prolindstromi
Zone) based on trilobites and rostroconchs in basal
beds (Casey and Gilbert-Tomlinson 1956: 65, Jones
et al 1971: 21, Pojeta et al 1977) and conodonts in
uppermost beds (Shergold and Druce 1980: 161, Jones
et al 1971: 21, Shergold and Nicoll 1992). Possible
Early Ordovician suggested by trilobite Lycophron sp,
pelecypod Sthenodonta sp, indeterminate costate orthide
brachiopods and indeterminate pseudoplanispiral
gastropods (Laurie 2000b).