The entrance sign to Nice (above)


The entrance sign to Nice (above)
Suggestion #17
Suggestion #18
The entrance sign to Nice (above)
is attractive, but doesn’t let visitors
know where the town is.
Since we took the photo (below),
the Clear Lake Queen has been
relocated, but there still should be
an informational kiosk about its
operation, costs, hours, seasons, etc.
There should also be a weatherproof
brochure dispenser at the site. While
we would have been interested in a
cruise, we could find no information.
1. Place the signage where you will
make the first, best impression.
2. Screen the utility boxes with landscaping. Add lawn or wildflower mix
to the roadside right-of-way.
3. Set up a volunteer trash removal
program along the highway. Trash
should be picked up once a week.
93 • Lake County, California • May 2002
Suggestion #19
Suggestion #20
The Featherbed Railroad Company
is one of the most notable attractions along the North Shore, but
was found by accident. It is a model
for other businesses in this area of
the county: it has attractive signage
fitting the theme, the landscaping
is attractive and impeccably maintained, and the rail cars are unique,
appealing, and draw visitors in.
The “Switzerland of America?” Other than the sign (below), we could find no
other elements in Lucerne bearing a Swiss theme. We suggest removing this
sign. It sits far off the highway in an unattractive location, is in poor condition, and generally reflects poorly on the community. New signage along the
lines of what Clearlake Oaks has done should be developed and placed along
Hwy. 20 in a location where it will create a good first impression of the community.
Picking a “theme” sets businesses
(and communities) apart from others.
In order to be successful, you either
need to be the best, or different than
the competition.
94 • Lake County, California • May 2002
Suggestion #21
Suggestion #22
Suggestion #23
Work with CalTrans to make sure
there are proper set-back ordinances
along Highway 20, and that trailer
parks are well screened from passing
motorists. As eastbound visitors enter
Lucerne, this is the first thing they
see (above).
We have recommended that a milelong promenade be developed in
Lucerne, which would make Lucerne
the “hub” of Clear Lake. We urge
the North Lake communities to do
everything they can to encourage the
project and to assist where possible in
making it a reality.
For Glenhaven, which seems more
of a residential area, we suggest new
signage that is smaller, lower to the
ground, and placed in a well-landscaped planter (below).
95 • Lake County, California • May 2002