
Non-Profit Org.
St. Mark Lutheran Church
1614 West 5th Street
Storm Lake, IA
Storm Lake, IA 50588
Permit No. 35
“St. Mark is a welcoming community, boldly witnessing Christ’s love.”
St. Mark Lutheran Church ELCA
January 2014
Visit our website -- www.stmarkstormlake.com
Saturday Worship at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday Worship at 9:00 a.m.
January 4 & 5 - Munching for Missions (Women Seminarian Scholarship)
January 12 - Confirmation & Sunday School resume
January 18 - Third Saturday Pizza
January 26 - St. Mark Annual Meeting
Call Committee Update
The Call Committee has interviewed another pastor and unanimously agreed to proceed with the next steps for this candidate. We are very excited about this possibility.
We are in the process of doing the necessary checks and work. Once those are
complete and assuming they are confirmatory, the Call Committee will recommend
this pastor to the PPC and a congregational meeting will be scheduled. The required
notification will be given to all members and information about the candidate will be
presented with the notification. Until that point the information about the candidate is
confidential and needs to be kept that way.
As a reminder, this is the process, starting from the interview step:
Interviews: The call committee will receive names of pastors from the synod. Depending on their location, a phone or video interview may be conducted before the
candidate travels here for an interview. If the call committee does not find an appropriate candidate, more names may be requested from the synod. The candidate’s names are confidential at this point.
Decisions: The call committee will submit its recommendation to the PPC and the
synod. If the PPC approves the recommendation, the candidate may be invited to
meet with the congregation prior to the congregational meeting to vote on the candidate. Members of the congregation will be notified of the special congregational
meeting for the purposing of extending a call. Approval requires a two thirds majority of those present. If approved, a Letter of Call is prepared and sent to the
Pastor Response: The pastor has thirty days to respond to the Letter of Call. The
pastor’s response is shared with the congregation as soon as it is received. If the
pastor accepts, preparation begins for starting the call and for installation and an
“end date” notice is given to the Interim Pastor.
Installation: The new pastor is installed and events are planned to welcome the
pastor and family to the congregation and community.
Updates on the call process are on the bulletin board by the west entrance and on
the St. Mark website at www.stmarkstormlake.com If you have any questions about
the process or the progress; please talk with any member of the Call Committee:
Lisa Shepherd, Cindy Smith, Ellen Converse, Rick Lampe, Jim Jorgensen, Josh
Newhouse, or Julie Sievers
Sometimes January 1st marks the beginning of a repeat cycle of events -- spring, summer, fall, winter; the ongoing routines of work, family, school, community; seasonal
sport cycles – football, volleyball, basketball, baseball; the major group of holidays -New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
Scholars who keep track of things like this define such cyclical time as “chronos time.”
When I finished serving as interim pastor at St. Peter in Pocahontas last March, Mary
Ann and I were sure I had retired for good, and we celebrated with lots of travel. Then
St. Mark reached out to me, and here I am, an interim pastor, once again engaged in familiar patterns: worship, teaching, pastoral care, preparation, and more. CHRONOS
TIME! (My experience seems to validate three ideas: 1. God DOES have a sense of humor; 2. Life is what happens while making other plans; and 3. Old preachers never retire – they just get sent out to pastor!)
Once in a while some very special events are anticipated as the New Year begins -events that reorder our thinking and cause us to take a fresh look at our lives. Scholars
refer to such events as “kairos moments” or “kairos time.” When such moments or
times occur, our lives move into new meaning and we need to acknowledge that an event
has broken into our lives in such a way that routine cycles become less important and
familiar anticipated routines are diminished significantly, altered, or even ended.
Mary Ann and I experienced something like that during 2013, when we became emptynesters (OK, again). Now with Heather married to Nate, mother of Daniel, and expecting a second son in March, we trust that she is not going to be what cultural observers call a boomerang child. The empty-nester reality does change the way we think of
our lives: older, able to tackle other interests and responsibilities, etc. KAIROS TIME!
Now if she would just take her stuff from upstairs!
So it would seem that 2014 will bring some kairos moments to our lives, yours and mine.
We welcome them even as we give thanks to the stability and security that comes
through the familiar patterns of chronos time.
It’s good that New Year’s Day comes to closely after our annual celebration of Christ’s
birth. If ever an event invited God’s people to look beyond the routines of chronos time
to the hope and expectation of kairos time, that event is the birth of our Lord Jesus
Christ – Emmanuel, God with us now and forever. With such good news so fresh in
mind, there’s only one thing to say to kairos in a New Year – BRING IT ON!
God’s blessings as you begin a chronos and/or kairos New Year!
Pastor Paul
2014…A New Year. New adventures. A fresh start. While this is true, aren’t there
things that will not change with the New Year? Can’t we say that there are parts of
2013 that will come with us into 2014?
For instance, like it or not, we will continue to grow older in the coming year! 
While this might excite those 16 years of age and younger –the rest of us will just
endure this truth – hopefully aging like fine
wine – getting better, rather than getting bitter. Other things that will likely follow
us into 2014
- We will continue to have moments of relational and financial challenges.
We will continue to build “to do lists” and then “check off our to do list”.
All of us will continue to eat, sleep, and pay our bills.There will be moments when we worry- All of us will continue to come up short in
some area of our life
We will likely enjoy entertainment, recreation, or time away from daily demands.
Routines happen! Whatever the year – there is “a certain sameness” to our lives.
Heading into 2014
We could “resolve” to lose weight, to be more organized, and to save more money,
and while those things can be good things, what if each of us resolved to allow Jesus to “make our daily routines”, “more than routine”, as we allow Him to redefine
our day to day. Rather than continue to “go and do”, taking care of those things we
think we are supposed to do, in the way we have in mind to do them…
What if we resolved to allow God to redefine and refocus? God bringing His purposes to already existing plans!
One of my favorite Bible verses for this point is Proverbs 16:9. God’s Word says:
“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.”
God will help us see how our “routines can be redefined”. Doing similar things,
in new ways, with a renewed perspective.
God’s Blessings this New Year as you listen to His leading!
Walking Together as we Follow Christ…
Kandi Anderson, Director of Faith Formation
C.R.E.W January Schedule
SMYLE Dinner and Devotions
Jan. 8 3:30-5:30
Jan. 8th 6:15-7:30
Jan. 15th 3:30-5:30
Jan. 15th 6:15-7:30
Jan. 22nd 3:30-5:30
Jan. 22nd 6:15-7:30
Jan. 29th NO CREW
Jan. 29th NO SMYLE
Thank You!!!!
Thanks to all of you for the prayers, cards, gifts, goodies, and kind words
during this past Christmas time. We are truly blessed to be a part of this
loving and caring congregation.
Kandi and Jane
NEEDED!!! Altar Guild members....We would like to have 3 volunteers for each month. It only
takes about an hour a week and there are clear instructions and training available. Please contact
the office if you are willing to serve!!
Our Sudanese friends in Storm Lake call our attention to the ongoing tragic situation
in the fledgling nation South Sudan. Please pray for the safety of their families in
South Sudan, for peace in that new nation, and for reconciliation among its people.
St. Mark Website Make a New Year’s resolution to visit www.stmarkstormlake.com once a
week. Read the week’s announcements. Check the calendar for the most up-to-date details about
activities. Listen to a sermon and share it with a friend. Learn more about our ministries -- and
volunteer to help.
Thank you to everyone who made Adopt
a Family once again a success. This is a
picture of all the gifts just before they
were taken to Upper Des Moines. Thanks
to Sheryl Kleppe and Jolene Manzey for
their help organizing Adopt A Family
this year.
January 4-5
(Sat) James Family
(Sun) Dan & Julie Sievers
(Sat) Mel & Sue Gutz
(Sun) Todd & Lucas Nicholson
(Sat) Stan Bochtler
(Sun) Todd Nicholson
Communion Assist: (Sat) Tom James
(Sun) Lucas Nicholson
Flowers: Betty McCrory, Brian & Scott (In memory of Glenn)
Proclaim: Betty McCrory, Brian & Scott (In memory of Glenn)
Glory to God, indeed!
Thank you for sharing in God's work as a friend and supporter of
LSI. Your compassionate support and love for your neighbors
makes new dreams possible for so many children, families and
May you and your family have a joyful Christmas full of the love,
light and peace of Christ.
Merry Christmas from LSI!
January 11-12
(Sat) Fern Crowley & Dorothy Tam
(Sun) Linda Glienke
(Sat) Frank & Judy Parker
(Sun) Randy & Donna Sennert
(Sat) Phyllis Caradine
(Sun) Linda Glienke
Communion Assist: (Sat) Sheryl Kleppe
(Sun) Rick Lampe
Paul Bengtson - Interim Pastor
Kandi Anderson - Director of Faith Formation
Jane Hartwell - Administrative Assistant
Brenda Newell - Custodian
Flowers: Ferne Frederiksen (In memory of Tom)
Proclaim: Colleen Harrison (In honor of Virg’s birthday)
Julie Egland - St. Mark Singers
January 18-19
Office hours: Monday - Friday
(Sat) Barb Wagner & Phyllis Cradine
(Sun) Grace Morris & Ferne Fredriksen
(Sat) Lyle & Barb Jackson
(Sun) Jolene Manzey & Sheryl Kleppe
(Sat) Barb Jackson
(Sun) Sheryl Kleppe
Communion Assist: (Sat) Brenda Newell
(Sun) Connie Leinbaugh
Flowers: Mary Ann & Paul Bengtson (In memory of our Mothers)
Proclaim: Mary Ann & Paul Bengtson (In memory of our Parents)
9:00 am - 5:00pm
Closed from 12-1pm
January 25-26
(Sat) Bruce & Ann Storm
(Sun) Gary & Faye Deitering, Brody & Aiden
(Sat) Bonnie Hunter & Dennis & LuAnn Jacobson
(Sun) Ed Quirin & Russ Eddie
Readers: (Sat) Ann Storm
(Sun) Charlene Quirin
Communion Assist: (Sat) Dennis Jacobson
(Sun) Charlene Quirin
Flowers: Dan & Julie Sievers (In honor of Adam’s birthday)
Proclaim: Dan & Julie Sievers (In honor of Adam’s birthday)
The January Parish
Planning Council Meeting
is set for January 9th at
January Birthdays
1/01 - Simon Key
1/01 - Nyanur Lual
1/01 - Nancy Masters
1/02 - Joanne Georgeff
1/02 - Melvin Gutz
1/02 - Eric Masters
1/04 - Phil Walsh
1/05 - Ron Ellefson
1/05 - Richard Hanson
1/05 - Bonnie Hunter
1/05 - Tom James
1/05 - Brigitte Porter
1/06 - Steve Eddie
1/11 - Lyle Jackson
1/12 - Debra Demers
1/12 - Grace Newell
1/14 - Lyn Berkland
1/14 - Julie Egland
1/16 - Brett Dewerff
1/17 - Virgil Harrison
1/17 - Dorothy Tam
1/19 - Lester Anderson
1/24 - Jean Nixon
1/24 - Deb Wilshusen
1/25 - Linda Anderson
1/26 - Doris Berge
1/26 - Adam Sievers
1/27 - Nathan Converse
1/28 - Kenneth Payne
1/29 - Stephanie Brummer
1/29 - Ryan Gutz
Accommodations are needed for 4(four) Luther Seminary
students who will be visiting Storm Lake January 9 &
10. A host provides overnight accommodations each
night and a breakfast each morning. These students are
taking part in a Rural Ministry/Rural Emersion experience. If you are willing to open your home to one or
more of these students, please contact the church office
732-5255. More schedule information will be provided as
soon as it is available.
Thank you so much for thinking of me at
Christmas time. It is wonderful to have such
a kind church family. Brenda Newell
Confirmation and Sunday
School will resume
January 12th!!!
JANUARY 26, 2014 after worship!
Please let us know if we missed your
Flower and Proclaim charts have been
posted on the bulletin board in the
Narthax. Please take the time to sign
up for a time to sponsor flower or proclaim or both.
Dear Members of St. Mark,
Mary Ann and I thank you for generous gifts and
warm greetings received during the Christmas
season. I certainly appreciate your support and encouragement as I begin an interim ministry with
May God guide and bless your days and activities in
Pastor Paul
The Fellowship Committee met several times in November and December to plan for
the brunch following the Sunday School program on December 8th and the Advent
Conspiracy with the animals and the Inn Keeper telling his story on December 14th.
We enjoyed both events and hope you did, too. We were disappointed that more of
you did not attend.
We want to thank Brenda Newell for making the arrangements for Boyd Meyer to
bring his goats, sheep and donkey. Boyd and all of the Inn Keepers: Dan Sievers,
Jason Shepherd, Todd Nicholson, Dennis Jacobson, Stan Bochtler and Bob Ohrlund
were all good sports to dress in costume and read the Inn Keeper’s part. Thank-you
so much, guys.
We also want to express our appreciation to the musicians who played Christmas
song in the sanctuary. That was so beautiful and peaceful with the lights turned
down. Thank-you to Randy Sennert, Linda Glienke, Rachel Nicholson and Dan
The Fellowship Committee along with Clara Samuelson furnished the cookies, hot
chocolate and cider. Thank-you to Clara for always thinking of us. She makes good
rice krispy bars!
We meet again on January 7, 2014 to plan our movie night on January 18th the same
night as 3rd Saturday Pizza. Be sure to sign up and join us!
Julie Cook, Nancy Ledoux, Kandi Anderson and Bonnie Hunter
The worship board met on Dec. 11 at 6:15 with Pastor, Ann Storm, Julie Egland,
Marcyne Larsen present. Pastor requested that the board purchase a new Christ
candle due to the current holder being hard to hard to set up and difficulty to use
during services. Also, the board had a sample of finishes for communion ware ordered and the purchase will be made shortly will a generous memorial gift. Also, a
pottery bread plate and urn will be ordered as a memorial gift as well. The board
also decided not put a protective glass top on the alter so the wood from the
fasteners will not damage the wood.
The board will meet again to take down decorations at 5:30 on Wed. Jan. 8th with
a meeting to choose furniture at 6:15.
Submitted by Katherine Hintz-Bartz - Chair
Thank you! Thank you! For your generous support of
women’s projects throughout the year!
Christmas Jar Sales were great. We made 92 jars of mixes on December 4.
Calendar of events for all women of St. Mark:
January 4-5- women will be serving Munching for Missions with the proceeds going toward scholarships for women seminarians.
January 16- all members of St. Mark, especially youth are invited to a presentation on Human
Trafficking at 6:30 P.M. with desserts to be served after the presentation.
So far, from April to October 2013 the Sew and Do ladies have sent 46 school kits, 80 Lutheran
World Relief quilts and have assembled 99 baby kits. For the baby kits, they are in need of long
sleeved gowns (which you can’t buy large enough so they make them), a heavy blanket and a
lighter blanket for each kit. You may always make monetary donations to purchase what is
needed for these kits or any other project. Make checks payable to St. Mark Women and indicate
the project where the money is to be used.
Blue jeans are still needed for the quilts being made for our high school graduates. These ladies
work on some Mondays and have one quilt made and five more to go. Watch the bulletin for the
days and times they meet.
This month St. Mark women disbursed the following amounts of money to local benevolence:
Mr. Goodfellow
Cherish House $100
Upper Des Moines Opportunity $400
The Bridge $400
St. Mark library $150
Lakeside Bible Camp $200
The Fair Trade Coffee sales have increased since the coffee has been made available for purchase each week before and after worship. Therefore, the women will continue to roll out
the coffee cart the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month beginning in January. People are
needed to provide this service; it takes only 15-20 minutes of your time, and it is easy to
provide this service (see directions on the cart). Please sign up on the Coffee sign-up sheet
on the round table in the Narthex.
Our next women’s board meeting will be Wednesday, January 8 at 5:00 P.M.
Jolene Manzey, President
December 11, 2013 - 8:00-8:50 P.M.
Present: Sheryl Kleppe, Kandi Anderson, Dean Nicholson, Bonnie Hunter, Pastor Bengtson, Jolene Manzey, LuAnn Jacobson, Jason Shepherd, Brad Lenhart, Rick Lampe, Todd Nicholson
The following items were discussed:
The Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were approved.
Pastor Bengtson gave his report. He has only been on the job a short time but told us today that he
had attended a meeting of CREW. He encouraged all Board members to come in to observe this group as
he found the experience to be uplifting.
Rick Lampe, acting President, gave his report. He asked that each Board have a representative at the
Annual Meeting to be available to answer questions should there be any. The annual meeting will follow
the Worship Service on Sunday, January 26, 2014. He also asked the each Board’s annual report be submitted to the Church Secretary no later than January 2, 2014.
Kandi Anderson, Director of Faith Formation, reported that she has been asked to serve on the Confirmation Planning Board for Lutheran Lakeside Bible Camp. The first meeting is in January. She also
thanked those involved with the Sunday School program and those who bought greenery from the youth.
Both CREW and SMYLE are finished for this year and will resume after the New Year.
In On-going Business, Rick Lampe reported that the Annual Meeting will be held on January 26, 2014,
following worship services. This will be published in advance in the newsletter and twice in the Sunday
bulletins. The Board Chairs were reminded to submit their inventories as soon as possible. Rick reported
that the Call Committee interviewed a potential candidate on December 7-8, 2013. They unanimously
agreed to bring this person’s name to the PPC at the January 9, 2014, meeting. The congregation will be
given the candidate’s profile and asked to vote on a call should the PPC agree to forward his/her name to
the congregation. The Call Committee is excited about the prospect of this person. Pastor Bengtson and
Sheryl Kleppe will both address the congregation about the remaining Adopt A Family names during worship services this weekend. Gifts need to be brought to the church no later than Monday, December 16,
2013. The PPC agreed to buy gifts for any remaining names following Sunday’s worship.
In New Business, Todd Nicholson submitted the 2014 Budget for approval. Jolene Manzey moved
and Dean Nicholson seconded that the budget be approved. A discussion was held about the percentage of
total giving that is being pledged to mission support. The percentage being nearly 10% the budget as submitted was approved for submission to the congregation at the Annual Meeting. The total budget recommended is $299,917.00. The motion carried. The church office will be closed December 25-27, 2013 and
again January 1-3, 2014. Linda Glienke and Mike Porsch have been asked to serve on the Auditing Committee. Jolene Manzey moved and Todd Nicholson seconded that the Auditing Committee Members be
approved. The motion carried.
The Board Chairs that were present gave their reports.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheryl Kleppe, Secretary
Memorials given to St. Mark in the last
fourth quarter of 2013
Jerry Drzycimski from Shirley Drzycimski and family
Bob Horsfall from Mike & Lori Porsch
Shane Wilson from Barb Movall
Eva Richard from Virg & Colleen Harrison
Victor Wenger from Clair & Carol Thompson
John Swanson from Clair & Carol Thompson
Greg Sievers from Deloris Sievers
Lester Juhl from Norma Juhl
Rick Sennert
John Swanson from Phyllis Caradine, Barb Movall, Lyn & Diana Berkland
Mel & Clara Samuelson
Virginia Schmidt funeral --- December 12, 2013
Nathan Woodley and Heather Bengtson wedding -- December 16,2013
Christopher Michael Stephen Hotovec baptism -- December 21, 2013
Isaac Wilson transferred to First Lutheran in Algona -- December