vexiIN FO 56 Z P R AVODAJ S TŘE DIS K A VE X ILOLOG ICK ÝCH INFOR M ACÍ THE BU LLE TIN OF THE FLAG DATA CE NTR E TOTO Č ÍSLO JE VĚNOVANÉ XIX. MEZINÁ RODNÍMU VEXILOLOGICKÉ MU KONGRESU Po dvou letech se opě t koná mezinárodní vexilologický kongres. Letos – poté, co minulé kongresy se konaly ve Victorii (Britská Kolumbie, Kanada) a předtím v Kapském Mě stě (Již níAfrika) – se jeho konání vrátilo do Evropy. Ve dnech 23.7. – 27.7. 2001 se sejdou vexilologové z celého svě ta na tý denní setkání v severoanglickém mě stě York. REGIONÁ LNÍSYMBOLY V Č ESKÉ REPUBLICE Na základě zákona č. 347/97 Sb. bylo zavedeno v Č eské republice krajské zřízení, tvořené třinácti kraji. Podle zákona č.129/2000 Sb. o krajích mají kraje právo použ ívat své symboly. Vlajky krajů jsou tvořeny přímý m přepisem znaku na list vlajky. Jedná se tedy o heraldické vlajky. Pomě r šířky k délce praporu je 2:3. V současné době jsou symboly udě leny třem krajům a ve třech krajích jsou symboly schváleny zastupitelstvem kraje. VEXILOLOGIE V Č ESKÉ REPUBLICE Č lánek popisuje rozvoj vexilologie v Č eské republice po roce 1990. Zabý vá se čiností podvý boru pro heraldiku a vexilologii a způsobem přijímání nový ch obecních praporů v Č R. VLAJKY Č ESKÝCH VEXILOLOGICKÝCH ORGANIZACÍ V článku jsou popsány vlajky Vexilologického klubu, Střediska vexilologický ch informací a Regionálního střediska vexilologie a heraldiky. * Č lánky a popisy praporů krajů do angličtiny přelož ili Jaroslav Martykán a Jan Zrzavý če rve ne c- s rpe n2001 J uly - Aug us t2001 RE G IO N A L S Y M B O LS O F TH E CZE CH RE PU B LIC According to the law No: 347/97 Sb., regional administration of the Czech Republic has been recently established. First elections to the regional assemblies were held in autumn 2000 already. New administrative division of Czechia consists of 13 regions (“ kraj” ) while capital city of Prague has retained its special status, too. With accordance to the Regional Act No: 129/2000 Sb., new administrative units are authorized to display their symbols. The Subcommittee for Heraldry and Vexillology attached to the House of Deputies (Parliament) recommended creating regional symbols in the unified form. The arms are quartered with full arms of the related historical land (i.e. Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia) in the first quarter, while the second one is charged with the arms (or their derivate) of the administrative center of the region. A specific symbol characteristic for the said region is placed in the third quarter, while the last quarter is reserved either for another typical regional symbol or for the arms of another historical land where lesser part of the region spreads, if so. CZECH REPUBLIC Czech Vexollological Pages http://web.uhk.cz/cvp/kraje/symbkraj.htm The flags are of a heraldic type, i.e. the quarters of shield are substituted with those of flag’s surface. The obliged width to length ratio is 2:3. Symbols of the region are usually chosen in a public competition organized in particular regions or designed by a group of experts nominated by the regional authorities, respectively. In some cases the regional authority addressed a renowned heraldist directly. The new symbol design is to be discussed in the Regional Council and consequently approved by the Regional Assembly. Later on, head of the region (named sheriff or “ hejtman” in Czech) will ask the Speaker of the House of Deputies to grant the new symbol. The design is passed to the Subcommittee for Heraldry and Vexillology in order to judge of its professional correctness from the heraldic and vexillological point of view; the subcommittee would set official blazoning of both arms and flag. The superior Parliamentary Committee for Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Physical Culture will proceed the approved design of new symbols to the Speaker of the House of Deputies and it will recommend him to grant them officially by his resolution. Afterwards, a solemn ceremony will take place in the Parliament when the Speaker hands over an official letter (or privilege) describing both symbols to the representatives of the region. There have been symbols already granted to three regions and the symbols of further three regions wait for their sanction by the Parliament. Petr Exner 2 vexiIN FO 56 OLOMOUC OLO The flag is quartered. The upper hoist field is blue with a red-white checkered eagle with yellow crown, beak, and legs. The upper fly field is yellow with a black eagle with yellow crown, red beak and red legs, with a white perisonium with a central cross and two terminal trefoil. The lower hoist field is yellow with a blue wavy diagonal stripe ("descending"). The lower fly field is blue with yellow letters S, P, Q, and O (SP above QO). Symbols were officially inaugurated by the Speaker of the House of Deputies on 27.6.2001. KARLOVY VARY KAV The flag is quartered. The upper hoist field is red with a white double-tailed lion with yellow crown, tongue and claws. The upper fly field is blue with a yellow fountain with white jetting water. The lower hoist field is blue with two crossed miners' hammers (white with yellow shafts) and with yellow crossed twigs below the hammers. The lower fly field is red with a white double-tailed lion (with yellow crown, tongue, and claws) emerging from three white wavy stripes. Symbols were officially inaugurated by the Speaker of the House of Deputies on 27.6.2001. PARDUBICE PAR The flag is quartered. The upper hoist field is red with a white double-tailed lion with yellow crown, tongue, and claws. The upper fly field is blue with a red-white checkered eagle with yellow crown, beak, and legs. The lower hoist field is blue with a white ashlar wall with three "teeth" and with a gate (within the gate, there is a yellow globe, the gate's voussoir with a black lyre). The lower fly field is red with a fore half of the white jumping horse with yellow hoofs and bridle. Symbols were officially inaugurated by the Speaker of the House of Deputies on 27.6.2001. LIBEREC LIB The flag is quartered. The upper hoist and lower fly fields are red with a white double-tailed lion with yellow crown, tongue and claws. The upper fly field is blue with a white felly wheel of the Redern family from the Liberec municipal arms. A white concave apex in the blue lower hoist field symbolizes mount of Ještě d. The Regional Assembly of Liberec approved the symbols on 22.5.2001. PLZEŇ PLZ The flag is quartered. The upper hoist field is red with a white double-tailed lion with yellow crown, tongue and claws. The upper fly field is green with four white stripes representing rivers of Mž e, Radbuza, Ú hlava and Ú slava. A yellow stripe across a green lower hoist field represents gold-bearing river of Otava. A rotund in the lower fly field recalls the Romanesque rotund from the town of Starý Plzenec. The Regional Assembly of Plzeň approved both symbols on 29.5.2001. HRADEC KRÁ LOVÉ KRH The flag is quartered. The upper hoist and lower fly field are red with a white double-tailed lion with yellow crown, tongue and claws. The upper fly field is blue with a yellow capital Gothic letter G from the second medieval arms of the city. The lower hoist field of a blue color is charged with a yellow crown of Bohemian queens. The Regional Assembly of Hradec Králové approved arms and flag on 12.6.2001. vexiIN FO 56 3 VE XILLO LO G Y IN TH E CZE CH RE PU B LIC The Czech Republic is witnessing a real vexillological boom nowadays. Since 4.9.1990 when the Communities Act No: 367/1990 Sb. was approved by the Czech Parliament, more than 1500 new municipal and civic flags have been hoisted in Czechia. As the Speaker of the House of Deputies is the only person authorized to grand new arms and flag to any city, town or borough, but also to smaller communities like villages and township villages, the Parliament had to establish a special body for execution of this privilege. Therefore, a special Heraldic Commission (or later Subcommittee) was established in spring 1991 in order not to create any new symbols, but to consult and to approve designs presented by the related communities. Every project of a new coat-of-arms and/or flag is discussed in complex from the point of view of both heraldry and vexillology before his approval for granting. There are four members of the Vexillological Club Board (Svoboda, Brožek, Fojtík, and Exner) participating in the activities of this expert body, name of which was changed to the Subcommittee for Heraldry and Vexillology on 8.11.2000. They set the unified criteria for approbation of the municipal and civic flags valid in Czechia for almost ten years already. Supported by wide experience of these leading Czech vexillologists and collected during general inventory of municipal flags organized by the Vexillological Club in 1978 and 1980, the above mentioned criteria were widely accepted by both heraldists and MPs who are also members of the Subcommittee; the criteria were practically applied during its existence. Thanks to them, new flags adopted in the Czech Republic during last ten years prove a high aesthetic and artistic quality in their majority. The Flag Data Centre deserves high credit for its decision to publish gradually a complete survey of all municipal and civic flags adopted since 1991 in its Vexillological Lexicon. Jaroslav Martykán VEXILLOLOGICAL CLUB (Prague) The Clubś flag consists of a red field (2:3) charged with a white triangle extending to the fly. Another blue triangle is laid on the white one. Its top extends to the half of the length of the flag. Author of the flag is PhDr.Zbyšek Svoboda FLAG DATA CENTRE (Hradec Krá lové ) The flag of the FDC is blue with three V-shape fields in colours of the town of Hradec Králové. The symbol was designed by Petr Exner. REGIONAL CENTRE FOR VEXILLOLOGY AND HERALDRY (Jitkov, okr. HB) CZECH VEXILLOLOGICAL PAGES http://web.uhk.cz/cvp S TŘE DIS K O VE X ILOLOG ICK ÝCH INFOR M ACÍ FLAG DATA CE NTR E ing .P e tr E xne r Havlíčkova 294 500 02 Hrade cK rálové Cze ch R e pub lic — ––––––––––––— — — — — — — — ––––––– e -m ail: pe tr. e xne r@uhk. cz webs ite : http://w e b . uhk. cz/cvp/fdc/s vi. htm 4 The flag of RCVH consists from white and green horizontal stripes and blackyellow canton. The symbol was designed by Milan Tý ma. vexiIN FO 56