The Cruiser 2009-10 and 2010-11 Double Issue


The Cruiser 2009-10 and 2010-11 Double Issue
Letter from the Director
Joseph F. McNeel, Ph.D.
Director, Division of Forestry and Natural Resources
Dear readers,
This Cruiser marks a new era in the varied history of this
august publication, in that all of the photography is digital and
the layout is all computer-based. We are also offering this
Cruiser either as a pdf file or as a hard copy which can be ordered through an on-line publishing company.
All of this is quite amazing for those of us who were introduced to the now common calculator in High School or even
College (or even later – Thank goodness I’m not that old!)…
And so I’m here trying to look forward to future educational
needs for our students, while remembering when we used Biltmore sticks and pacing to measure tree heights.
What will the future bring us? At the very least, we’ll be teaching students more eloquent
approaches to data collection and analysis, perhaps to the point where we won’t even have to
leave the office to cruise a stand of timber. We’re close now through the analysis of high resolution satellite images and newer innovations like LIDAR imagery.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of my job is the realization that our knowledge base
continues to grow at a nearly exponential rate, while at the same time, our Universities are calling for reductions in the number of credit-hours required for graduation with a Bachelor of Science degree. The implications are staggering and leave me scratching my head in amazement .
The students you’ll meet in this Cruiser are probably the smartest and best educated group
we’ve had the chance to educate. Some of them, however, believe that their education has
reached its conclusion and they will march through time with the meager weapons we’ve provided through their coursework.
Sadly, they are wrong. If anything, my experience suggests learning truly is a life-long experience and only ends when the curtain draws to a final close. And looking at the beaming
faces covering each page, I know that these students face a world of change and innovation
that demands more and more education.
And when they look upon these pages two or even three decades from now, let’s all hope
that they’ve been able to keep up with all those new changes that we can’t even begin to envision today.
Here’s to our graduates! Long may they continue to learn!
Letter from New Faculty
Gloria Oporto, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Wood Science and
Dear readers,
It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to wish you all the best in the next stage
of your lives and also tell you a little bit about
myself and my new position as Assistant Professor here at WVU.
My passion of working in the forestry area
started many years ago back in Chile, where I
am originally from. God’s generosity allowed me to grow up in a place with several natural
beauties and I can remember with such great clarity playing in the middle of tall trees and
admiring their beauty while the waves of the ocean were coming ashore. However, not only
the beauty, but also the potential behind such a great and complex material were the motivation for the following stages on my initial steps as a researcher. When I was finishing my
undergrad studies in Chemical Engineering, my final research project involved a process to
convert wood into pulp and it was here were I learned about wood components and confirmed the potential for novel byproducts from such interesting material. After that, I was
working in a research center at the University of Concepcion in Chile, working very close to
forest related companies. Then, during my PhD studies I was performing work with wood
composites, another fantastic opportunity to work and learn much more about the great
properties of wood.
And here I am, starting a new challenge which completes the fifty percent missing in
my professional life, “teaching”. I am beginning this new journey with all the energy to
transfer my knowledge to the new generations of students coming to our Department. I will
be working hard to make this department a better place to learn and develop research in
the area of wood and its byproducts. It is also important to remark the great support that
feel from my colleagues and the staff around me. Thanks!
Once again and finally, I would like to wish you all the best on the new challenges that
you will be facing as soon as you graduate. I hope you can remember your time here and
you know that it would be great to see you again in the future.
Good Luck!
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
James T. Anderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management. Received B.S.
in Wildlife from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, M.S. in
Range and Wildlife Management from Texas A & M UniversityKingsville, Ph.D. in Wildlife Science from Texas Tech University.
Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 1999.
Kathryn Arano, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Forest Economics. B.S. Forestry, University of
the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, 1995. M.S. Forest
Resources Management, University of the Philippines, Los Banos,
Laguna, Philippines, 1998. Ph.D. Forest Economics and Management,
Mississippi State University, 2003.
James P. Armstrong, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Wood Science. Interim Division Director 1995 1997. Program Coordinator for Wood Industries 1989 -Present. B.S.,
Pennsylvania State University, 1972. M.S., State University of New
York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1976, Ph.D.,
1979. Assistant Professor and Instructor of Wood and Fiber Utilization,
Michigan Technological University, 1976 -1981. Joined faculty of
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 1981.
John R. Brooks, Ph.D.
Professor Forest Biometrics. B.S.F. Forest Management, West Virginia
University, 1975; M.S. Hardwood Silviculture, West Virginia
University 1978; Assistant Professor Forest Technology, Glenville State
College 1978-1987; Ph.D. Forest Biometrics, University of Georgia
1992; Forest Biometrician, F&W Forestry Services, Inc., Albany, GA.
Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, Fall
Our Faculty
Robert C. Burns, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of RPTR. B.S Criminology, Indiana University of
PA. M.S. Public Administration, Central Michigan University, Mount
Pleasant MI. Ph.D. Leisure Studies Penn State, University Park, PA.
Ben Dawson-Andoh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Wood Science. Ph.D., University of British
Columbia, Canada, Forestry- Wood Science, 1989. Visiting Research
Associate, Michigan State University, 1994 -1995. Research Scientist,
Forintek Canada Corp, Canada, 1991-1994. Postdoctoral Research
Associate, Department of Forest Products, Oregon State University,
1989-1991. Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia
University, 1995.
Jinyang Deng, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism. B.S. in
Forestry, 1987 and M.S. in Forest Recreation, 1990, Central South
Forestry University, China. Ph.D. in Recreation and Leisure Studies,
2004, University of Alberta. Visiting scholar, Department of
Hospitality, Tourism & Marketing, Vitoria University of Technology,
Australia, 1997-1998. Joined faculty of Division of Forestry and
Natural Resources, West Virginia University, 2005.
David DeVallance, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Wood Science. Ph.D., Oregon State, Wood
Science (2009); M.S., Orgeon State, Wood Science, 2003; B.S., The
Pennsylvania State University, Wood Products Processing and
Manufacturing, 1997. Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West
Virginia University, 2009.
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
John W. Edwards, Ph.D.
Professor of Wildlife Ecology, B.S., West Virginia University,1980.
MS., Clemson University, 1986. Ph.D., Clemson University, 1995.
Assistant Profressor, Clemson University, 1996 -1997, Research
Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Forest Service, 1994-1995. Joined faculty of
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 1997.
Kyle J. Hartman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Ecology, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology. Program
Coordinator for Wildlife and Fisheries Resources. West Virginia
University Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. AS., Hocking
Technical College, B.S. and M.S. The Ohio State University, Ph.D.,
University of Maryland. Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West
Virginia University, 1996.
Eric Heitzman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Silviculture, Ph.D. Forest Ecology, Michigan
Technological University 1997. M.S. State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry 1991. B.S. Forestry,
University of Vermont 1983.
Todd Katzner, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Wildlife and Fisheries Resources.
Ph.D., Arizona State University 2003; M.S., University of Wyoming,
1994; B.A., Oberlin College 1991. Joined the Division of Forestry,
West Virginia University, 2010.
Our Faculty
Kudzayi Maumbe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources. P h.D.,
Parks, Recreation and Tourism Resources (specialized in Tourism
Marketing), 2006. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
M.S., Parks, Recreation and Tourism Resources, 2000.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Joined Division of
Forestry, West Virginia University, 2010.
Patricia M. Mazik, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Unit Leader. B.S., Mount Union College,
Alliance Ohio, 1983 Biology/Geology. M.S., Southwest Texas State
University, San Marcus, Texas 1985, Biology. Ph.D., Memphis State
University, Memphis, Tennessee, Biology, 1989. Joined faculty of
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 1998.
David W. McGill, Ph.D.
Professor - Extension Specialist, Appalachian Hardwood Center. B.S.
California Polytechnic State University, M.S. University of Wisconsin,
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University. US Peace Corps, 1985 -1988.
Westvaco Corporation 1995-2000. Joined faculty of Division of
Forestry, West Virginia University, 2001.
Joe McNeel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor/Director WVU Division of Forestry. B.S., WVU
Forest Management, 1979. M.S., VPI Industrial Forest Operations,
1981. Ph.D., VPI Industrial Forest Operations, 1984. UGA 1984 -1989,
Assistant/Associate Professor in Forestry Extension-Extension Timber
Harvesting Specialist. UBC 1989-1992, Assistant Professor, Harvesting
and Wood Science Department. USFS 1992-1996, Research Engineer,
PNW Lab, FORSYS Cooperative, USDA Forest Service. UW 1992 1996, Associate Professor (research), Forest Engineering Department,
1996-97 Senior Researcher, Forest Engineering Research Inst. of
Canada (FERIC). Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia
University, 1997.
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
George Merovich, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Wildlife & Fisheries Resources. Ph.D,
West Virginia University, Forest Resource Science, Wildlife and
Fisheries Program; M.S., Frostburg State University, Applied Ecology
and Conservation Biology; B.S., The University of Arizona, Wildlife
and Fisheries Sciences.
Stuart Moss, M.S., M.B.A.
Research Assistant Professor of Forest Business Management. B.S.
Forest Management, University of Kentucky, 1983. M.S. Forest Soils,
Virginia Tech, 1986. M.B.A., Georgia College & State University,
1997. 1987-1989, Forest Soils Research Coordinator, University of
Georgia; 19891991, Technical Analyst and Manager of Software
Development, Canal Forest Resources; 1991 -2002, Branch Manager,
Corporate Manager, and Manager of Forest Technology & Economics,
F&W Forestry Services; Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West
Virginia University, 2004.
Gloria Oporto, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Wood Science & Technology. Ph.D. Forest
Resources, University of Maine, 2009; B.S., Chemical Engineering,
University of Concepcion, Chile, 1994. Joined Division of Forestry,
West Virginia University, 2011.
J. Todd Petty, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. B.A., Biology,
University of Virginia, 1990; Research Biologist, Maryland.
Department of Natural Resources, 1990 -1992; M.Sc. Fisheries and
Aquatic Ecology, Universty of Georgia, 1994; Ph.D., Fisheries and
Aquatic Ecology, University of Georgia, 1998. Joined faculty of
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 1999.
Our Faculty
Chad D. Pierskalla, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Recreation Resource Management. B.S. in
Recreation Resource Management, University of Minnesota, 1994.
M.S. in Forestry, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, 1996.
Ph.D. in Forestry, University of Minnesota, 2000. Joined faculty of
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, Fall 2000.
James S. Rentch, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor. B.S. Political Science, Rutgers, New
Jersey. M.S. Environmental Science, Marshall University. Ph.D. Forest
Science, West Virginia University.
Steven W. Selin, Ph.D.
Professor of Recreation. B.S., University of Maine, M.S. Northern
Illinois University, Ph.D., University of Oregon. Joined faculty of
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 1992.
Kaushlendra Singh
Assistant Professor of Wood Science and Technology. B.T., G. B. Pant
University of Agricultural & Technology, Pantnagar, India, 1997; M.T.
Agricultural Engineering. Indian Institute of Technology, India, 1999;
Ph.D. Agricultural and Biological Engineering. University of Georgia,
Athens, USA. Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia
University, 2009.
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Dave Smaldone, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism. Ph.D. Resource
Recreation and Tourism, University of Idaho.
Ben Spong, Ph.D.
Forest Operations Extension Specialist. Received B.S. in Forest
Resources from the University of Washington, Seattle, 1994. M.F. in
Forest Engineering form Oregon State University, 2001. Forest
Engineering Ph.D. dissertation in progress at Oregon State University.
Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, Fall
Tony Tomkowski, M.S.
Assistant Professor of Forestry. A.A.S., Paul Smith's College, 1965.
B.S.F., West Virginia University, 1967, M.S., 1970. New York State
Conservation Department, Fisheries Management, 1968-1969. Joined
faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 1970.
Jingxin Wang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Forest Operations. B.S., Jilin Forestry
University, China, Forestry and Engineering, 1983. M. S., and Ph.D.,
Northeast Forestry University, China, Forest Engineering, 1990.
Ph.D., University of Georgia, Forest Resource Management, 1997.
Faculty, Northeast Forest University, 1986 -1993. Visiting Scientist,
University of Helsinki, Finland, 1993-1994. Research Assistant and
Coordinator, University of Georgia, 1994 -1998. Programmer and
System Analyst, Computer Sciences Corporation, Atlanta, GA, 1998 2000. Joined Faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia University,
Our Faculty
Stuart Welsh, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Ichthyology; B.S., West Virginia
University, 1990; M.S., Frostburg State University, 1994; Ph.D., West
Virginia University, 1997 Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West
Virginia University, 2000.
Robert c. Whitmore, Ph.D.
Professor of Wildlife Biology, Wildlife Biologist. B.S., California State
University at Fullerton, 1970. Ph.D., Brigham Young University,
1975. Joined faculty of Division of Forestry, West Virginia University,
Petra B. Wood, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Wildlife. Ph.D., University of Florida.
Research Biologist and Assistant Leader, West Virginia Cooperative
Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Joined faculty of Division of
Forestry, West Virginia University, 1992.
Nicolas Zegre, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Forest Hydrology. Ph.D. Forest Engineering
(Hydrology), Oregon State University, 2008. M.S. Forest Resources,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 2003; B.S. Forest Resources
Management, West Virginia University, 2000. Joined faculty of
Division of Forestry, West Virginia University, 2009.
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Michael Ashworth
Charleston, West Virginia
Wood Science and Technology
Michael Auciello
Cincinnati, Ohio
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Marcus Bailey
Duncan, South Carolina
Wood Science and Technology
Thomas Bisom
Stafford, Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Class of 2009-2010
Jon Butler
Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Lorraine Carter-Lovejoy
Richmond, Virginia
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Brad Cochran
Kenna, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Zachary Collins
Elktown, Maryland
Forest Resources Management
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Sarah Dee
Las Vegas, Nevada
Forest Resources Management
Brian Duvall
Morgantown, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Derrick Fike
Valley Head, West Virginia
Wood Science and Technology and Forest Resources Management
Benjamin Flint
Bremerton, Washington
Wood Science and Technology
Class of 2009-2010
Chelsea Gibson
Elkins, West Virginia
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Frank Klinger
Willoughby Hills, Ohio
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Joshua LaValle
Elizabeth, Pennsylvania
Forest Resources Management
Darrick Lowdermilk
Friendsville, Maryland
Forest Resources Management
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Keith nettles
Charleston, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Nicolas Plocek
Monclova, Ohio
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Patrick Palombo
Morgantown, West Virginia
Wood Science and Technology
Trevor Schwab
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Class of 2009-2010
Justin Shanks
Millboro, Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Kristen Smith
Charleston, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Melissa Stevens
Frostburg, Maryland
Forest Resources Management
Will Straub
Falls Church, Virginia
Forest Resources Management
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Sam Vincent
Clifton Forge, Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Shawn Waters
Fairfax Station, Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Jason Wykle
Renick, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Adam Zakowski
Vienna, Ohio
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Class of 2009-2010
WVU SAF had an extremely active year 2009-2010. Officers serving for the 2009-2010 year were
president Melissa Stevens, vice president Brian Duvall, secretary Sarah Dee, treasurer Adam Miller,
and historian Christian Roper. The organization hosted a Forestry Expo and Picnic in partnership with
the Forestry Club shortly after the start of the year to encourage students to become involved in the
student organizations within the division. In September, a delegation of 5 students attended the 2009
National SAF Convention in Orlando Florida. This was an excellent learning experience and networking opportunity. WVU SAF also attended the winter meeting of the Allegany Society of American Foresters and participated in the quiz bowl. The club was active throughout the year in picking up trash
along University Avenue as a community service project. In January, WVU SAF treated its members
to a ski trip at Wisp Resort in Maryland. Most recently, the club is participating in fundraising efforts
to raise money to attend the 2010 National SAF Convention in Albuquerque, NM. They will also be
participating in the Davis College Food, Fabric, and Forestry Week chili cook-off and ag-Olympics.
Top row
left to right:
Sam Hawkins,
Darren Foster,
Ray Ford,
Christian Roper
Bottom row
left to right:
Emily Bard,
Danielle Hayes,
Devin Milsop,
Alexis Marshall
Mission Statement
The mission of PRPS is to provide WVU students with
information about job opportunities, internships,
scholarships, etc. through guest speakers, meetings,
emails and other forms of communication.
We strive to spark an interest for recreational activities among
individuals within and outside the WVU Community.
PRPS also creates opportunities for networking among WVU
students through activities with other clubs in the Department of
Forestry and Natural Resources.
Outstanding Seniors for
2010-2011 are pictured
from top right, Marie
Perrin (Forest Resources
Management), Ben Haas
(Recreation, Parks and
Tourism Resources),
Patrick Eisenhauer
(Wood Science and
Technology and Division
of Forestry and Natural
Resources Outstanding
Senior) and Ryan Harris
(Wildlife and Fisheries
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Emily Bard
Richwood, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: USDA Forest Service (White Sulfur Springs, WV,
2010; Richwood, WV 2009, 2010)
Honors: H. Philip Berthy Scholarship
Bartholomew J. Barhorst
Saint Marys, Ohio
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Summer Work: City of Saint Marys General Services (2006-2009),
Douglas Island Pink and Chum Snettisham Sockeye Hatchery
(Snettisham, AK, 2010)
Bobby Bell
Paradise, Ohio
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Baillie Lumber Co. (Smyrna, NY), Coastal Lumber Co.
(Hazelton, WV)
Organizations: Forest Products Society, Society of Wood Science and
Robert Boehle
Blanchester, Ohio
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: Ohio Department of Agriculture (Reynoldsburg, OH,
Organizations: Society of American Foresters
Honors: Xi Sigma Pi, President’s List (Spring 2010)
Class of 2010-2011
Ryan Bremar
Grantsville, West Virginia
Summer Work: It’s All Wood Construction (Morgantown, 2010)
Organizations: Forest Products Society
Christopher Caplinger
Dunmore, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: Brethren Woods Camp and Retreat Center
Organizations: Professional Recreation and Parks Society, Intervarsity
Christian Fellowship
Honors: Golden Key Honor Society
Samuel A. Chaber
Hurricane, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: USDA Forest Service (2007-2009)
Organizations: Professional Recreation and Parks Society
Nicholas Chilcoate
Fulton, Maryland
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Baywood Design & Building Group (2008-2009),
Private Yacht Owner (2009), The Woodworkers Club (2010)
Organizations: Forest Products Society, Society of Wood Science and
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Cathleen Collier
Morgantown, West Virginia
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Organizations: The Wildlife Society
Robert Lee Crawford
Maidsville, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: Outdoor Recreation Center (2007-2010); Adventure
WV (2009-2010)
Dane R. Cunningham
Hastings, Pennsylvania
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: Assistant to Dr. John Brooks (2010), Graduate Student
Assistant (2008-2009), Born Landscaping (2007)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters, WVU Whitewater Club
Honors: Goodspeed Forestry Scholarship, H. Phillip Berthy
Scholarship, Spitzer Scholarship
Jordan Curry
Spraggs, Pennsylvania
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Appalachian Hardwood Center (2010)
Organizations: Forest Products Society
Class of 2010-2011
Sarah D’Agostin
Jane Lew, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Organizations: Professional Recreation and Parks Society, Veterans of
Honors: WVU Forestry Alumni Scholarship (2010), Asher W. Kelly
Scholarship (2009).
Patrick Eisenhauer
Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Carey Forest Planning (2007), Muncy Hardwoods
(2009-2010), ACE Adventure Resort (2010)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters, Forest Products Society,
Ski Club
Honors: Xi Sigma Pi, Ramsey Scholarship (2007-2011), Weyerhaeuser
Scholarship (2009-2010)
Rachel Everly
Morgantown, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: WVU Student Recreation Center (2007), Adventure
WV (2008, 2009), Marion Co. Parks and Recreation Commission
(Fairmont, WV, 2010)
Organizations: Professional Recreation and Parks Society, Climbing
Club, Adventure WV Leadership Committee
Honors: Presidential Award for Excellence in Scholarship
Natasha Green
Oak Hill, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: The Shack Neighborhood House (Morgantown, WV,
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Andrew J. Grubler
Wheeling, West Virginia
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Internship Research Assistant (2010), WVU Civil
Engineering Assistantship (2010), Rodney Kovach, Contractor (2009)
Organizations: Woodsmen Team, Forest Products Society, Alpha
Gamma Rho
Jonathan Harbin
Mannington, West Virginia
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Forquer Contracting (2005-2010)
Ryan M. Harris
Kettering, Ohio
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Summer Work: WVU Extension Wetlands Research Assistant (2010 2011)
Organizations: Ducks Unlimited
Brett Harshbarger
Keyser, West Virginia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: US Army Corps of Engineers (Jennings Randolph Lake,
Organizations: Mountaineer Maniacs
Honors: Dean’s List, Golden Key, Xi Sigma Pi
Class of 2010-2011
Joel Haymond
Morgantown, West Virginia
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Appalachian Hardwood Center (2010)
Organizations: Forest Products Society, Alpha Gamma Rho
Mark David Carl Hudnull
Summersville, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Organizations: Society of American Foresters, Collegiate 4 -H
Ian Kisamore
Orange, Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Organizations: Forestry Club
Andrew Kosydar
Bel Air, Maryland
Forest Resources Management
Organizations: Society of American Foresters, WVU Marching Band,
WVU Drumline
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Matt Malone
Morgantown, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: WVU DFNR Forest Technician (2008 and 2010); WVU
Plant and Soil Science Summer Undergraduate Research Student (2009)
Organizations: WVU Archery Club
Honors: Davis College Student Ambassador, Eugene Shreve and
Vandvort Agriculture Stuent Scholarship
Matt Marrongelli
Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: Montgomery County Parks Department (2010)
Alexis Marshall
Pocomoke, Maryland
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Organizations: Professional Recreation and Parks Society, Xi Sigma Pi
Honors: H. Phillip Berthy Scholarship
Beth Mascio
Haddonfield, New Jersey
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Class of 2010-2011
Adam Miller
Needmore, Pennsylvania
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of Forestry
(McConnellsburg, 2008); USDA Forest Service (Morgantown Field
Office, 2009-2011)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters, Forestry Club,
Woodsmen Team, Wildlife Society, Professional Recreation and Parks
Society, Archery Club, Professional Society of American Foresters
Jeremy Owens
Parsons, West Virginia
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Armstrong Hardwood Flooring (Beverly, WV, 2010)
Organizations: Forest Products Society
Honors: Mechanical Certificate from TCHS
Marie L. Perrin
Flintstone, Maryland
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: US Army Corps of Engineers (Youghiogheny River
Lake, 2010), Maryland DNR Forest Service (Snow Hill, 2009)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters (President), Forestry
Club (President), Woodsmen Team, Xi Sigma Pi, Society of American
Honors: National Forestry Honor Society, Tyron Memorial Scholarship
William C. Pershing
Greensburg, Pennsylvania
Forest Resources Management (minor in Sociology)
Summer Work: Assistant on Black Cherry study with Dr. John Brooks
Organizations: Society of American Foresters
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Valerie Richards
Morgantown, West Virginia
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Summer Work: Assistant on benthic macroinvertebrate study, CoOp
Research Unit (2008)
Organizations: Wildlife Society, Society of Environmental
Professionals, Sigma Alpha
Honors: Davis College Ambassador
Lonnie Legan Riggleman
Moorefield, West Virginia
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Jonathan Shuman
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Hillenbrand Furniture
Deidre Smithberger
Newport, Ohio
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: Pisgah National Forest, Grandfather Range District,
Nebo, NC (2007-2009); Wayne National Forest, Athens Ranger
District (Marietta, OH).
Organizations: Professional Recreation and Parks Society, Society of
American Foresters
Class of 2010-2011
Michael Stahlman
Morgantown, West Virgnia
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Summer Work: Columbus Scuba (2008-2010)
Organizations: International Association of Nitrox & Technical Divers;
Mid-Ohio Divers; Remote Medical International
Jataya “Jay” Taylor
Rapid City, South Dakota
Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources
Organizations: Professional Recreation and Parks Society, WVU Caving
Club, Veterans of WVU.
Aaron Tumblin
Dunmore, West Virgnia
Forest Resources Management
Summer Employment: John L. Wayne Surveying & Forestry
(Arborvale, WV, 2008-1010); WV DNR (Elkins, 2006)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters
Joseph Brandon Utz
Rochelle, Virginia
Wood Science and Technology
Summer Work: Madison Wood Preserves (Madison, VA, 2005 -2010)
Organizations: Forest Products Society
The Divi sion of For estry and Natural Resources
Jared Varner
Morgantown, West Virginia
Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
Summer Work: US Fish and Wildlife Service (2010)
Organizations: American Fisheries Society, Friends of Decker’s Creek,
WVU Swim Team
William Middleton Walker IV
Warsaw, Virgina
Forest Resources Management
Roberta Benson Ware
Albright, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
WVU Division of Forestry and Natural Resources (2010)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters
James Watson
Fairmont, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: Wildlife and Fisheries Resources (2008-2009); USDA
Forest Service (Morgantown)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters
Honors: Honor Society of Agriculture; Gamma Sigma Delta; Xi Sigma
Pi, National Forestry Honor Society, Three Little Pigs Scholarship;
Thomas G. Clark Scholarship; Roger Latham Memorial Award; Bartlett
Tree Foundation, Inc. Grant-in-aid Scholarship
Class of 2010-2011
Paden Wilson
Wood Science and Technology
Organizations: Forest Products Society
Jessica Wise
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: West Virginia Division of Forestry, Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture, Pennsylvania Hardwood Development
Organizations: Society of American Foresters
Honors: Xi Sigma Pi, National Leadership Society
Jared Andrew Yeager
Elkins, West Virginia
Forest Resources Management
Summer Work: WV Division of Forestry (Farmington)
Organizations: Society of American Foresters
The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only
if we make ourselves responsible for that future.
- Gifford Pinchot
1938 – PRESENT
Dr. Chauncey S. Boucher
Dr. Charles F. Lawall
Dr. Charles F. Lawall
Dr. Charles F. Lawall
Dr. Charles F. Lawall
Dr. Charles F. Lawall
Dr. Charles F. Lawall
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
over there.
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Irvin R. Stewart
Dr. Elvis J. Stahr
Dr. Elvis J. Stahr
Dr. Elvis J. Stahr
Dr. Paul A. Miller
Dr. Paul A. Miller
Dr. Paul A. Miller
Dr. Paul A. Miller
Dr. Paul A. Miller
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. James G. Harlow
Dr. Gene A. Budig
Dr. Gene A. Budig
1980Dr. Gene A. Budig
Dr. Gene A. Budig
Dr. Harry B. Heflin
Dr. E. Gordon Gee
Dr. E. Gordon Gee
Dr. E. Gordon Gee
Dr. E. Gordon Gee
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dean Clayton R. Orton
Alumni in military
Men, students, alumni, staff called to armed
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
In memory of our foresters who remained
Dr. Clayton R. Orton
Dr. Harry R. Varney
Dr. Harry R. Varney
Dr. Harry R. Varney
Dr. A. H. Vanlandingham
Dr. Harry R. Varney
Dr. Harry R. Varney
Dr. Harry R. Varney
Dr. Harry R. Varney
Dr. Roy M. Kottman
Dr. Roy M. Kottman
Dr. Ernest Nesius
Dr. Ernest Nesius
Dr. Ernest Nesius
Dr. Ernest Nesius
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Robert Dunbar
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
The Forest
U.S. Armed Forces
Dr. Leonard Marion Peairs
Mrs. Marion Cornwell
Lt. Robert J. Miller
J. B. Byers
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. Earl L. Core
Dr. Chris Koch
Ralph (Pop) Keemper
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. Earl H. Tryon
Rodney Philip True
Dr. Kenneth L. Carvell
E. Hansford McCourt
Prof. Allen W. Goodspeed
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. David E. White
Mr. Phil Berthy
Prof. Maurice G. Brooks
Dr. Kenneth Carvell
Allen W. Goodspeed
Dr. John R. Hamilton
William R. Maxey
William L. Wylie
Dr. Harry V. Wiant, Jr.
H. E. Matics
Dr. David E. White
Dr. Earl H. Tryon
William R. Maxey
Norman D. Jackson
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. W. C. Percival
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. David E. White
Dr. Wallace W. Christensen
Dr. Wallace W. Christensen
Dr. Wallace W. Christensen
Dr. Wallace W. Christensen
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Dale W. Zinn
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Kenneth L. Carvell
Bonnie Corley & Helen Massullo
Martha Flowers
Franklin L. Ammons
Dr. E. Gordon Gee
& Coster.
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Jack E. Coster
All Directors: Percival, White, Christensen
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Robert Maxwell
Dr. Roland L. Guthrie
William L. Wylie
Dr. Kenneth L. Carvell
Dr. Gary W. Zinn
Dr. Roland L. Guthrie
Robert E. Driscole
Dr. Robert L. Smith
Helen Massullo
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. Neil S. Bucklew
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Dr. David C. Hardesty
Mike Garrison
Dr. C. Peter Magrath
Dr. James P. Clements
Dr. James P. Clements
Dr. James P. Clements
Dr. Barton Baker, Acting
Dr. Rosemary R. Grady
Dr. Rosemary R. Haggett
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Barton Baker
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Rosemary R. Haggett
Dr. Rosemary R. Haggett
Dr. Rosemary R. Haggett
Dr. Robert Dailey, Acting
Dr. Robert Dailey, Acting
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. Jim Armstrong, Interim
Dr. Jim Armstrong, Interim
Dr. Jim Armstrong, Interim
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. David E. White
Dr. Jack E. Coster
Dr. James P. Armstrong
r. Rosemary R. Haggett
Daisy Maxon
Richard Michael Stanley
Alumni Association
William N. Grafton
September 11, 2001
Dr. Joseph McNeel
Dr. Ray Hicks
Anthony C. Tomkowski
Dr. John R. Brooks
Stuart Moss
Eric Heitzman
Dr. Jim Anderson
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Cameron Hackney
Dr. Joe McNeel
Dr. Joe McNeel
Anthony C. Tomkowski
322 Percival Hall , PO Box 6125
Morgantown, WV 26506-6125
Phone: 304.293.4412 Toll Free: 866-248-1206
Fax: 304.293.2441 email: [email protected]