AbsJuly - Montana-Northern Wyoming Conference UCC


AbsJuly - Montana-Northern Wyoming Conference UCC
Community Congregational
PO Box 88
101 S Woodard Ave
Absarokee, MT 59001-0088
July 2016 Monthly Newsletter
Join the group to visit our friends
at Beartooth Manor & Meadowlark on July 17
Community Yard Sale July 30 during Absarokee Days
All Church Worship July 31
A thought worth pondering on this 4th of July:
This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in
unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.
Theodore Roosevelt
Beside Still Waters
July 2016
Community Congregational Church, UCC
PO Box 88 – 101 S. Woodard Avenue
Absarokee, Montana 59001
[email protected] or [email protected]
“He leads me beside still waters” Psalms 23:2b
VOL. 15 NO. 7
I Come into the Presence of Still Water
“This Stillwater [River] is a blue ribbon fishery,” says Wikipedia.
This fact is not lost on many of you. Wikipedia continues, “Trout are the
primary game fish, but Mountain Whitefish are also common. In the river's
lower sections, Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout are the most common, but towards the headwaters
Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Brook Trout show up with increased frequency. The Stillwater is
often overlooked, but is one of Montana's greatest fisheries.”
anglerweb.com notes that “If a list were ever compiled of misnamed rivers, then surely the
Stillwater would be near the top of the list. Despite its name, the Stillwater River has huge amounts of
whitewater, large drops, tons of rocks and a very swift current. It is anything but still. Indeed, a
fisherman or floater will have to look hard to find the calm stretches of this river.”
Now that I have the attention of all you anglers, rafters, and kayakers, I’ll continue.
My understanding, though I have been unable to find a written source to back me up on this, is
that the original name of our river was more along the lines of “spirit river” or “sacred water,” and that
there were some misunderstandings and mistranslations as the name was handed down.
All of which brings me to the wonderful poem I offer you for the month of July. I pray that,
whether you prefer white water, still water, or simply fish-laden water, we may all find a few moments
to “rest in the grace of the world” and be free.
Yours in Christ,
“The Peace of Wild Things,” by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Community Congregational Church, UCC
PO Box 88 101 S Woodard Ave
Absarokee, MT 59001
Church office 406-328-4601
Email [email protected]
Reverend Meg Hatch
Home 328-7959 Cell 696-5096
[email protected]
[email protected]
Admin Assistant: Susan Leaverton
Moderator: Greg Waite
Vice-Moderator: Will Lynn
Council Clerk: Nancy Immel
Treasurer: Virginia Guthrie
Bookkeeper: DarCy Smith
Financial Secretaries:
Janel Brunckhorst, Paulette Viig, Katie Alt
Board of Trustees:
Don Parker, Chair & Council Rep
Sue Pederson, Secretary
Virginia Guthrie, Treasurer
Barb Lynn
Jerry Gardner
Board of Deacons: Linda Gardner, Janel
Brunckhorst, Bob Kimball, Cathy Hoyem
Deacons Emeritus: Bernard VanEvery &
Bob Staigmiller
Board of Mission: Nancy Staigmiller, Kerry
Schmelzer, Joyce & Gary Race, Clarice King,
DarCy Smith, David Littlelight
Pastor-Congregational Relations:
Janet Tryon, Jean Guy-Gaustad, Susan Waite
UCC Conference Delegates:
Bob & Nancy Staigmiller
Church/computer Maintenance:
Ron Nusbaum (406-598-4103)
The Dorcas Society:
President: Mayme Yates
Vice President: Sharon Swanson
Secretary/reporter: Diann Ogren
Treasurer: Tommye Parker
***Those who serve in July***
Tom & Frances
Ron & DarCy
Will & Barb Lynn
Mark & Sue
Mayme Yates &
Sharon Swanson
E Finley &
T Finley
Waites &
Clarice King
Parkers &
T Goodsell
Walens & ??
Claire Hatch
Hatches &
Cathy Hoyem
Marit Hoyem
Susan Waite
***Those we hold in prayer***
Barb Adams
Donna Adams (Sheila Lehner)
Joseph Bare (Joan Stadtmiller)
Roger Bare (Donna B)
Shirley Dunphy (Charlie K’s sister
Barbara Flanagan
Rita Sommers-Flanagan
Karen Freeman (Jean G)
Bren Gaustad (Jean G)
Cebrun Gaustad
Jamie Green (Donna H)
Marjorie Hoag (Sue W’s mom)
Dennis Hoyem
Brad Hutting (Nancy I’s brother in law)
Children & Staff of Intermountain
Charlie & Clarice King
Sue Lloyd
LuAnn Maeher
Joan Manley (Cheryl P’s sister)
Scott McKnight (Sue Pederson)
Bob Mussetter (Mary Mussetter)
John Parrott
Janet & Ray Potter
Judy Yates Shannon (Mayme Y)
John Simmons
Dalayna Singer (Meg & Claire)
Jana Stockton (Betty H)
Sharon Swanson
Janet Tryon
Linda & Hank Tuell (Gary Race)
Betsy Vandever
Paulette Viig
Libby & Connor Walunas (Jeanette W)
Nick & Joan Weppler (Cathy H)
Donn & Sheri Wright (Jean G)
New contact information for Sharon Swanson:
Sharon is now living at The Springs at Grand Park, 1221 28 th St W, Billings, MT 59102
Her direct # is 406-263-0326 and she would welcome calls and visitors.
The new and improved 2016 UCC Directory project!
There is a little church in Absarokee town,
It’s members and friends abound.
To keep in touch we need an update, so a project is under way.
It only takes a minute to write what you are all about…
Then send a picture you love, or let us help you out!
Before you know it a new book will be ready for you to share,
We will have a way to identify each other,
So we can write or call with care…
Please send that bio to the church e-mail, or hand it to Cathy H.
Hope to hear from you soon so we get this figured out!
Call Cathy Hoyem 328-6978 with any questions! And email pictures to the church at [email protected].
Completed info forms may be emailed, or dropped at the church office.
Deacons’ Report:
Sunday Morning Adult Education updates:
Our Sunday morning Adult Education group will take a break during July.
We will resume meeting at 8:45am on Sunday, August 7, to discuss An
Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith, by Barbara Brown Taylor.
“Taylor reveals meaningful ways to discover the sacred in the small things
we do and see, from simple practices such as walking, working, and prayer. . . .As we incorporate these
practices into our daily lives, we begin to discover altars everywhere we go, in nearly everything we do.
Through Taylor’s expert guidance and delicate, thought-provoking prose, we learn to live with purpose, pay
attention, slow down, and practice reverence.”
“I have no idea what you will see when you look at your life—but if you are tired or arguing about religion,
tired or reading about spirituality, tired of talk-talk-talking about things that matter without doing a single
thing that matters yourself, then the pages that follow are dedicated to you. My hope is that reading them will
help you recognize. . . some of the altars in this world.” —from the Introduction
We have three more copies of the book available for $5 each. Used copies are also available online. Please join
us, whether you’ve participated in this group before or not—all are welcome!
An invitation from Frances Haley
How about sharing a summertime afternoon with us by going to
Columbus for devotional services to be held on Sunday July 17th at
Meadowlark (2:00) and Beartooth Manor (3:00).
We’ll carpool from our church at 1:30.
The residents at both facilities truly appreciate our presence, and we enjoy being
part of their Sunday!
CCC Council Minutes June 14, 2016
Attendees: Meg Hatch, Greg Waite, Bob Kimball, David Littlelight, Virginia Guthrie, Don Parker, Nancy Immel
Greg gave the opening prayer
The May minutes were read and accepted as read. Treasurers Report: Virginia reported that pledges were lagging by
about 20%, and it is thought that they may catch up in the fall. Remodeling and maintenance have caused expenditures
to be up.
Pastor's Report: Meg will be away for three Sundays between July 7 and 27. She is finding substitutes to preach during
that time period. Adult Education will be suspended during July.
Meg will run the Children's activities at the Evangelical Church during the June 26 Montana Bar-B-Que CookOff. She
requested volunteers to help.
Deacons Report: Bob reported that new members were welcomed to the church; the parking lot party celebration party
went well; a baptism was held. The church directory is in progress with Cathy Hoyem heading that effort. She has
placed information about the directory on a bulletin board in the Kennedy Room. A deadline for gathering pictures and
biographies for the directory will be set.
Trustees Report: Don Parker reported that the sidewalk is done and the sprinkler system was repaired. A “NO
SKATEBOARDING, etc.” sign will be installed in the parking lot. Samples of carpet for the church will be selected by the
Trustees and the congregation will vote on the final selection. Allen Goodsell will install tile inside two church entries.
The kitchen will have new countertops installed. Code requires that the kitchen have three sinks for sanitary
dishwashing. The kitchen island needs to be modified or replaced. Dorcas will design a new island.
Missions Report: David reported that Missions will determine need for possible outreach to Baker, MT, following the
recent tornado. Resources available in Stillwater/Carbon Counties available to meet the needs for social services,
medical, food, and housing assistance were discussed. A regular donation to the Senior Center is being considered. The
missions survey found that church members want to support the following causes: Camp Mimanagish, Heifer
International, Small Microloans for Women, Intermountain, Absarokee Senior Center and Project Hope. Missions will
report the survey results to the congregation.
New Business: Meg's job responsibilities were reviewed. Meg is a ¾ time employee to provide spiritual leadership,
education and pastoral care for our congregation. Though she responds to crisis needs of non-members, neither Meg
nor the congregation in general can provide the ongoing support a social services agency might provide. Guidelines will
be set for appropriate Mission Board responses to deal with these situations. Until these guidelines are in place, $50.00
per situation will be available for crises and the Mission Board will act as a backup for Meg. Meg will contact other local
churches in an effort to coordinate the outreach services provided to specific individuals. The Mission Board will develop
a list of services and agencies available to provide assistance.
Meg closed the meeting in prayer.
Respectfully Submitted, Nancy Immel, Church Clerk
Centering Prayer Field Trip
Carol Blades has invited our Centering Prayer group (and any
others who are interested) to travel to her garden south of Laurel
on Tuesday, August 2, for a garden prayer time. Meet at our church
at 8AM. We should be back by 11AM.
Please contact Meg if you would like to join us.
Baptism of Cora
Cornelia Kolpin
On May 22, 2016
Daughter of
Leslie & Raymond
Thank you to Claire for helping
to format these pictures!!
Family Picnic
June 16, 2016
At the home of
Mayme & Art
◄ June
Worship 10AM
Music: Cheryl
~ July 2016 ~
4 Happy 4th of July!!
5 Zumba 9AM
Deacons 10:30AM
6 Bible Study 9-11
Centering Prayer
August ►
8 Zumba 9AM
15 Zumba 9AM
1 Zumba 9AM
Meg & Family
leave for England
11 Zumba 9AM
12 Zumba 9AM 13 Bible Study
18 Zumba 9AM
19 Zumba 9AM 20 Bible Study
22 Zumba 9AM
25 Zumba 9AM
26 Zumba 9AM 27 Bible Study
29 Zumba 9AM
Please remember that Sunday Adult Ed classes will NOT be held during July.
They will resume in August.
Worship 10AM
Music: Cheryl
Worship 10AM
Cathy Hoyem leading
Music: Barb L
Worship 10AM
Music: Barb L
Worship 10AM
Music: Daisy
Cancer Support
at St Michaels
Mission 5:30PM
Trustees 5:30PM
Council at 7PM
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer
August Newsletter
articles due!!
Bill Hart b/d
Meg & Family