July-August 2016 Newsletter is here


July-August 2016 Newsletter is here
Volume 52, Number 11
Larry Kaplan
Geoff Kaufman
Sally Rogers
Bare Bones
Steve Cormier
The 52nd
Annual FSGW
A whole weekend of music, friends, and fun!
September 23-26, 2016
West River Conference Center
West River, MD
Hooray! Getaway time is almost here! Each year brings another wonderful group of music lovers to a beautiful spot on a Chesapeake inlet, where
we spend an unforgettable weekend celebrating the music we love with
old friends and new. One of our friends from California has described
the Getaway as “a gathering of musicians, with all attendees being ‘just
folks,’ whether they are professional musicians or shower singers.” If
you’ve been to the Getaway before, you’ll surely want to come again, and
Continued on page 4.
ISSN 0015-5950
July/August 2016
Saro Lynch-Thomason
David Jones
Advance Notices............................................13
Board Members/Meetings..............................3
July Calendar............................................12-13
August Calendar......................................14-15
July 29: Nanne Kalma & Ankie van de Meer .3
August 20: Windborne................................5
Co-sponsored Dances......................................8
Editorial Policy..................................................6
English Country Dances...................................9
Newsletter Submissions policy.....................10
Other FSGW Dances........................................6
Sings & Storytelling..........................................2
Sunday Night Dances.......................................7
Non-FSGW Events
Concerts................................................... 11, 16
Dance Classes..................................................19
Jams/Open Mics/Sings...................................21
Jeanne Kaplan, editor
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW Sings/Swaps/Events
FSGW July Open Sing • Kensington MD
Friday, July 1 • 8 pm NOTE: Earlier start
time (but it’s getting to be the default!)
Singers go around the room, giving everyone a chance to sing
a song, play a tune, or pass. Most songs are presented from
memory, but cheat sheets often appear. Everyone is welcome.
The open sings have a loose topic to encourage us to learn new
songs or put the polish back on some old ones. Don’t worry
if you can’t think of a song on the topic—come join in the fun
anyway! Theme: (stolen from her son Ken Schatz, who runs
the Exceedingly Good Song Night in New York City) will be
“Scandal and Shame: Songs of impropriety & dishonor, songs
of disgrace, gossip, embarrassment, injustice, infamy and disrepute!” Firefly viewing at the break! Hosted by Nancy King.
Contact Nancy [email protected] for directions.
FSGW August Open Sing • Bethesda, MD
Friday, August 5 • 8:30 pm
Theme: Marvelous melodies. Open Sing topics usually focus
on lyrics. This time, bring songs you love for their music! Host:
Mary Ann Daly, between MacArthur & Massachusetts, about a
mile from Glen Echo. [email protected] or 301-229-8534.
FSGW Gospel Sing • Takoma Park, MD
Sunday, July 10 • 4-8 pm
Gospel sings are held the second Sunday of every month at
various homes. Group singing starts at 4 pm and breaks for
a covered dish supper at 6 pm, with more singing after supper until 8 pm. Everyone is welcome! This month’s Gospel Sing
will be at the home of Barbara Karpas, only about six blocks
from the Takoma Metro station on the Red Line. Info/directions: 301-270-4239.
FSGW Gospel Sing • Washington, DC
Sunday, August 14 • 4-8 pm
This month’s Gospel Sing will be at the home of Brenda
Dunlap in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC.
Info/directions: 202-425-5264.
Schweinhaut Song Circle • Silver Spring, MD
Wednesdays, July 20 and August 17 • 1-3 pm
On the third Wednesday of each month, this song circle provides a daytime opportunity to enjoy great songs, old or new,
humorous or serious, timeless or topical. The song circle is
about the joy of singing, not about talent. You don’t have to
read music, and printed words are provided for songs that
have been suggested in advance. Of course, you may lead or
request any song, whether or not we have printed words. All
are welcome, regardless of age or experience, including instrumental accompanists. Come when you can and leave when
you must, but do come to sing or just to listen! Free! Cosponsored by FSGW and Carpe Diem Arts. Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center, 1000 Forest Glen Road, 20901. For more
info or to suggest songs in advance, contact Fred Stollnitz at
[email protected].
FSGW Storyswap • Annandale, VA
Saturday, July 23 • 7:30 pm
Storytellers and listeners meet in the home (or perhaps on the
screened deck) of Barbara Effron for an evening of shared stories and potluck snacks. Free. For RSVPs and directions: [email protected].
FSGW Storyswap; • Gaithersburg, MD
Saturday, August 13 • 7:30 pm
Gather around the firepit at the home of Eve Burton and
Roger Metcalf to share stories and potluck snacks, perhaps
with some members of the Twinbrook Tellers as well. Free. For
RSVPs and directions: [email protected]. FSGW Shape-Note Singing • Alexandria, VA
Sunday, July 24 • 4-8 pm
Sunday, August 28 • 4-8 pm
Every fourth Sunday, singers explore the rich traditions in The
Sacred Harp (1991), Shenandoah Harmony (2013), and Christian Harmony (1959), with unaccompanied four-part singing
fueled by a potluck supper. Loaner books are available, and
all are welcome. Usually the singing is held upstairs in room
19 and the supper from 6-7 on the ground level of the Fellowship Hall. First Christian Church of Alexandria, 2723 King
St., 22302, about a mile out from the Metro & Amtrak stations and the GW Memorial. For more information contact
[email protected] or 301-229-8534.
FSGW Doo-Wop Sing • Potomac, MD
Saturday, August 20 • 5:30 pm
Remember those classic harmonies from the early days of
rock—from groups such as the Platters, the Clovers, and the
Drifters? Not to mention the great girl groups such as the
Shirelles, the Chiffons, the Crystals, etc. Come join us as we
sing those wonderful songs from that era, such as Under the
Boardwalk, Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goin’ To The Chapel, My
Boyfriend’s Back, Earth Angel, and many more. Lyrics are provided. Optional potluck at 5:30; singing begins at 6:30. Home
of Al Kehs. Info: 301-983-0534.
FSGW Newsletter deadline NOW the 8th!
New Season, New EDITOR
Please send newsletter submissions to
editor ([email protected]) by the
8th of the preceding month.
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW July Concerts
Two concerts with
Alexandria, VA & Takoma Park, MD
Nanne Kalma &
Ankie van der Meer
Dutch maritime singers
Friday, July 29 • 6:30 pm
Emma’s Espresso & Wine Bar,
106 Hume Ave., Alexandria, VA 22301
$15 donation suggested•
FSGW House Concert, Takoma Park, MD
Saturday, July 30 • 7:30 pm
House concert at Janie Meneely’s in Takoma Park.
Details and RSVP 443-786-0463 or [email protected]. • $15 donation suggested
Delightful and refreshing are two words one can use to describe the duo of Nanne Kalma and Ankie van der
Meer. Nanne and Ankie have been playing together since 1980. Singing in Frisian, Dutch, Esperanto and English,
their engaging wit and terrific arrangements (and harmonies) captivate any American audience. The songs need
no translation.
The duo has produced nearly 40 albums (LP and CD), and they regularly tour in Europe, North America and
Australia. Traditional as well as newly written songs fill out their wide repertoire. They like to sing about different subjects. Maritime and historical themes play an important role, but they also sing about humorous events
from daily life. At festivals, concerts, on ships or in singing workshops, Nanne and Ankie’s program is always
witty and adapted to the situation wherever they are. They accompany themselves on guitar, mandolin, concertina and shawm.
FSGW Board 2016–2017
April Blum, President
[email protected] 301-422-0292
Charlie Baum, Vice [email protected]
Jerry Stein, Treasurer
[email protected]
Kim Gandy, Secretary
[email protected]
Penelope Weinberger, Dance
[email protected]
Mike LIvingston, [email protected]
Judy Oppenheim, Membership
[email protected] 301-589-4008
Heather Livingston, Publications
[email protected] Ingrid Gorman, Publicity
[email protected] Members-at-Large
Tim Livengood
[email protected]
Steve Kaufman
[email protected]
Steve Winick
[email protected]
Mini-Festival Coordinating Committee
April Blum, Mini-Fest Chair (Logistics/Dance) [email protected] Charlie Baum, Mini-Fest Co-Chair (Programs) [email protected]
Dwain Winters
Washington Folk Festival Coordinating Committee
[email protected]
FSGW Board Meetings
Wednesday, July 6 and August 3• 8 pm
The monthly FSGW Board meetings will
be held in Classroom 201 Arcade Bldg. at
Glen Echo Park, MD. All FSGW members
may attend. If you wish the Board to
consider a particular matter, please contact
the appropriate Board member, or April
Blum by e-mail, [email protected], or
call afternoons or evenings 301-422-0292
in advance of the meeting.
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10———————————————————————————
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
The 52nd Annual FSGW Getaway
continued from front page
if you haven’t yet experienced this marvelous gathering, now is the time! Do take note of the dates for this year – we’re a
bit earlier than usual!
The weekend starts off on Friday evening with a pot-luck supper and a big sing-around. Saturday and Sunday we have
a full program of informal participatory workshops, mini-concerts, song circles, and jam sessions, with 4 (and sometimes
5) events occurring simultaneously, so there’s always plenty to choose from. Each evening we have sign-up concerts—a
chance to show us all what you can do—and lots of events running concurrently, songfests and jam sessions until the wee
hours. There are CDs and some instruments and crafts for sale, as well as a silent auction to benefit our scholarship fund
– bring an item to donate and take a different one home!
We’re encouraging folks to bring their kids and/or grandkids, and want to plan appropriate activities for them, so do let
us know in advance how many children you’ll be bringing, and their ages.
We have an exceptional lineup of Special Guests this year: We’re delighted to welcome Sally Rogers,
a marvelous songwriter and singer of traditional and contemporary songs. British-born David Jones
presents music-hall songs, stories, sea songs and ballads that will make you laugh or
melt your heart. Larry Kaplan is a fine guitarist and singer-songwriter with a maritime bent. If you like songs of cowboys and other working people, Steve Cormier
will fill the bill. Geoff Kaufman, a shanty-man at Mystic Seaport, will share songs of
the Northeast and the sea. Saro Lynch-Thomason comes to us from Asheville, NC,
with lots of Appalachian ballads and regional songs. And to top it all off, the trio Bare
Bones (Bill and Rebecca Kimmons and their “spare rib” Dock Cutlip) will bring
us exquisite harmonies and gospel songs. All of these folks will be performing in miniconcerts and participating in lots of workshops.
Accommodations: There are 50 bedrooms in buildings with heat, AC, and hot showers, with up to four sturdy bunks per room (a discount is offered if you’ll volunteer to
take an upper bunk; if you cannot get yourself into an upper bunk, please let us know).
Tents and RVs are OK, but no hookups are available. Public gathering areas and some
bedrooms are handicapped accessible. Special dietary needs may be accommodated if
you let us know in advance. Limited kitchen facilities (fridge, freezer, microwave) are
available to us at all times. No smoking is permitted indoors, and we are asked not to
bring any alcohol.
What to bring: Along with voices, instruments, and your love of music,
bring bedding, pillows, towels and soap, flashlight, and a coffee mug to
help save paper. No pets, please.
Rates and Registration: See registration form on page 23 and explanation below. Rates are for one, two, or three nights, and for day-trippers who bring their own
food. To dine at the Getaway buffet you MUST register in advance. If you register for two
nights, the fee covers three meals and a late-night snack both Saturday and Sunday. A threenight registration gives you an additional night’s lodging and breakfast on Monday morning.
A one-night registration gives you all meals and snacks on either Saturday or Sunday and, if
you wish, a bed on either adjacent night.
Payment notes We have been able to keep our prices as low as possible this year, but
recognize that some folks may still have a problem with the cost. If you need help with the
tuition, there is a scholarship fund to assist; contact Charlie Baum at [email protected] to
inquire about scholarships. You may register online with your credit card at www.fsgw.org.
If you can’t register online and need to pay in a foreign currency, contact Dick Greenhaus
[email protected].
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Windborne Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW Concert and Workshop
Takoma Park, MD
vocal quartet from Vermont
August 20
Vermont-based Windborne (Lauren Breunig, Jeremy Carter-Gordon, and Lynn & Will Rowan) bring
polished harmonies and folk exuberance to songs
from Corsica, Bulgaria, Quebec, the Republic of Georgia,
the Basque country and early America; they’ve been described as “shifting effortlessly between
drastically different styles of traditional music within the same concert.” In addition to touring the eastern United States,
they have performed in Angola, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan as cultural ambassadors selected by American Music
Abroad, a joint program of the Association of American Voices and the State Department.
Windborne has released two CDs as a quartet, Midwinter Meeting (2013) and Lay Around That Shack (2015). In addition, Lynn and Will released Windborne in 2008 and Sing the Sun’s Return: Wassails and Carols for Yuletide in 2015.
On the day of their evening concert at Seekers Church, local singers (and folks who want to sing) will have the opportunity to learn from these tradition-bearers at a worshop in Takoma Park. As their web site notes, “In addition to performing
in New England and around the world, Windborne has taught workshops in schools, community centers, singing camps,
and universities. Seasoned teachers and song-leaders, they delight groups young and old with enthusiastic, clear, and
nuanced instruction for musicians of all levels of experience. Singers not only learn the notes of a song, but also work on
the varied vocal styles, language pronunciation, and gain an understanding of the song in its original cultural context.” And
everyone who attends the workshop on Saturday morning, August 20, will get $10 off admission to the concert Saturday
evening – so, for FSGW members, the workshop is $10 and the concert is free!
Concert at Seekers Church
Saturday, August 20 • 8 PM
Seekers Church, 276 Carroll St. NE, Washington, DC (diagonally across from Takoma Metro stop) $20 (members $10)
Saturday, August 20 • 10:30 am-1 pm
Vocal harmony workshop with Windborne (all ranges, all levels of experience)
Takoma Park firehouse, 7201 Carroll Ave. (park and enter in rear or take Ride-On bus no. 12 or 16 from Takoma Metro
station). $20 (members $10), all participants get $10 off admission to evening concert
FSGW sponsors events that are intended to foster a pleasant environment and a
tolerant community, and to provide a comfortable experience for all.
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10———————————————————————————
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW Family Dance • Sunday, July 10 • 3-5 pm
The family dance returns for a great dance to bring the little ones out onto the dance floor. Quena
Crain calls to the Long Pond Rounders, to make this a great dance for all ages. Fun for the whole
family! In the Glen Echo Spanish Ballroom Annex. No experience necessary – an experienced (and
patient) family dance leader will make sure that everyone has a great time. $5 for ages 4 and older.
FSGW Square Dance • none in Juyly and August
Silver Spring Contra/Square Dance
Thursday, July 14 • 7:30–10 pm • (intro workshop 7–7:30)
Caller Lindsay Dodson with band Sugar Beat (Elke Baker, Susan Brandt, Marc Glickman). Great Hall of the SS Civic Bldg, One Veterans Plaza, 20910. Free parking at 801 Ellsworth
Dr. Introductory workshop at 7. Co-sponsored by FSGW, Carpe Diem Arts, and Montgomery
County Rec Dept. $8 for FSGW/BFMS/CDSS members. $10 adults, $5 students. First timers free.
Info: Rachael Erichsen at 757-329-3714 or Busy Graham at [email protected].
AND: Thursday, August 11 • 7:30–10 pm •
(intro workshop 7–7:30)
Caller Caroline Barnes with band Callithump (Glyn Collinson, Andrew Marcus,
David Knight). Same venue and info as above.
Greenbelt Contra Dance • Greenbelt, MD
Saturday, July 2 • 7-9:45 pm
Featuring the calling of Kappy Laning and music by Waverley Station: David Knight on fiddle and Liz
Donaldson on piano. Greenbelt Community Center Gym, 15 Crescent Rd, 20770. $10; $5 for age 7 - 18; 6
and under free. Info: 301-397-2208. Co-sponsored by FSGW and the City of Greenbelt.
AND: Saturday, August 6 • 7-9:45 pm
Greenbelt Contra Dance, featuring the calling of Ann Fallon and
music by Some Assembly. Beginner lesson at 6:30. Soft soled shoes please. Greenbelt
Community Center Gym, 15 Cresecent Rd, 20770. $10; $5 for age 7 - 18; 6 and under
free. Info: 301-397-2208. Co-sponsored by FSGW and the City of Greenbelt.
Glen Echo International Folkdancers • MD • Thursdays • 7:30–10:45 pm
See the listing under International Dances on page 16.
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW Sunday Night Dances
at Glen Echo Park, MD • Spanish Ballroom
Contras and Squares • 7:30–10:30 pm
Introductory lesson every Sunday • 7–7:30 pm
Join us for an evening of dancing at Glen Echo Park. Every Sunday, FSGW (in cooperation with the National
Park Service, Montgomery County, and the Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture) presents contras
and squares danced to live music by fabulous bands with entertaining callers. Experienced and new dancers
welcome; no partner needed. Welcome/Orientation session every Sunday at 7. Come early for an
introduction to the basic moves. Dances often become more challenging as the evening progresses. Bring water
or a sports drink, and dress in layers. Smooth-soled shoes are kindest on your knees and ankles when turning.
Info: Penelope Weinberger or Steve Burnett; [email protected]
Admission: $10 for FSGW, BFMS, CDSS, and ATDS Members
$5 youth (with student ID if over 17)
$13 for the general public
Contra Sonic - Charlotte Crittenden with ContraForce
Thursday, July 28 • 7:30-11 pm
Venue: Spanish Ballroom
ContraForce returns to Contra Sonic to thump, rock and glow! This will be an exciting evening to
kick off ContraForce’s visit to Glen Echo. Charlotte Crittenden will call marvelous dances.
Prices as above.
July 3 - Bill Wellington and Wheelhouse
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
One of central Virginia’s favorites, Bill Wellington, calls with the wonderful band Wheelhouse.
July 10 - Gaye Fifer with Anadama
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
Amelia Mason (fiddle), Emily Troll (accordion) and Bethany Waickman
(guitar) are Anadama. They fuse the traditional music of New
England, Ireland, and Quebec into a great sound for contra. Gaye
Fifer calls.
July 17 - Steve Gester calls with The Ripples
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
The Ripples are happy providers of contra dance music in the Midwest and beyond. Based in
Cincinnati and Louisville, they put out a contemporary-meets-traditional sound with hints
of jazz, bluegrass, world beats, and straight up pop hits. You’ll be groovin’ in no time at all!
The Ripples are Gabrielle Lanza (vocals and percussion), Kristen Planeaux (piano, flute,
vocals, and percussion), Andrew Taylor (fiddle) and Christopher Wood (piano, guitar,
and bass). Steve Gester calls.
FSGW Sunday Night Dances
continued on page
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10———————————————————————————
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW Sunday Night Dances
continued from page
July 24 – Andrea Nettleton calls. Band TBD.
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
Another wonderful Sunday Night Dance will be held. Fun will be had by all.
July 31 - Charlotte Crittenden with ContraForce
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
ContraForce: Andrae Raffield (fiddle), Joey Dorwart (drums,
sax) and Jimi Periano (guitar). Come hear ContraForce rock
the stuff out of some folk tunes with their Tribal Psychedelic
Folk Metal. Charlotte Crittenden has joined ContraForce
to call on their tour.
August 7 - April Blum with Zeke’s Fancy
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
Zeke’s Fancy takes traditional dance music from the British Isles and
Appalachia and combines it with American swing to create a
unique blend of music. Zeke Hutchison (mandolin), Mark
Barsamian (fiddle), Paul Brown (fiddle), Dave Borowski
(guitar, bass) and Nick Weiland (drums) make up the band. April Blum calls.
August 14 - Maia McCormick calls with Ricochet
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
Rya Martin (piano) and Walter Hojkstra (fiddle): Ricochet specializes
in rollicking traditional French-Canadian and New England tunes,
and they have some original tunes in their tune-kit as well. Walter is
a fine old-time fiddler, and will have some of those in the evening’s
set list. Maia McCormick will keep us moving.
August 21 - Frannie Marr calls with The Stuff
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
Frannie Marr is a caller, dance organizer, and dance gypsy residing in Southern
California. The Stuff is Gretchen Caverly (fiddle) and Nic Coker (guitar, fiddle).
This duo will play exciting tunes that feed off of the crowd’s energy. Sure to be a
dance to remember.
August 28 – Janine Smith with Organic Family Band
Venue: Bumper Car Pavilion
Organic Family Band features Jakob Raitzyk (fiddle, foot percussion), Rebekah Geller
(fiddle), Michael Raitzyk (guitar), Judith Geller (french horn). What do you get
when talented mom and dad musicians have talented kids? It’s the Organic Family
Band, a new local group who is slaying it at dances. Seamless transitions, excellent
tune choices, high energy and the passing on of tradition! You don’t want to miss
their Glen Echo debut! Local favorite, Janine Smith with be calling the dances.
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW English Country Dances
Glen Echo, MD • Wednesdays • 8–10:30 pm
Dance on a wood floor in the climate-controlled community room of the Glen Echo Town Hall, 6106 Harvard
St., 20812. Bring clean, non-scuffing shoes for dancing. Cheerful, patient, talented callers are accompanied by
top-notch musicians—every Wednesday a different and delightful mix of instruments, including piano, fiddle,
flute, oboe, concertina, bassoon, cello, viola, and recorder. Light refreshments served at the break. Experienced
and new dancers welcome. No partner required. Info: Stephanie Smith 301-229-3577 or Roger Broseus
[email protected]
Admission: $10 for FSGW members, $12 for non-members.
July 6
Melissa Running calls the
dances to the music of Anna
Rain (recorders), Bruce
Edwards (bassoon and concertina), and Jonathan Jensen (piano.)
Bob Farrall calls the dances to the music of David
Knight (fiddle), Carrie
Rose (flute), and Ralph
Gordon (cello)
Dan Gillespie calls
the dances while Susan
Brandt (flute), Paul Oorts
(mandolin and accordion), and Liz
Donaldson (piano) make the music.
Anna Rain leads the
dances while Tina
Chancey (fiddle), Barbara Heitz
(flute), Melissa Running (piano)
play the tunes.
Stephanie Smith calls to the playing of Becky Ross (fiddle), Colleen
Reed (flute), and Liz Donaldson (piano)
Anna Rain calls the dances while
Jeff Steinberg (fiddle), Colleen
Reed (flute), and Melissa
Running (piano) make the music.
Smith leads the dances while Tina
Chancey (fiddle), Karin
Loya (cello), and Liz
Donaldson (piano)
play the tunes.
Carol Marsh calls to the playing
of Dan Gillespie (recorders), Paul
Oorts (mandolin and accordion),
and Melissa
Running (piano)
Tom Spilsbury calls
while Becky Ross
(fiddle), Barbara Heitz (flute),
Liz Donaldson (piano) play.
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10———————————————————————————
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
FSGW Co-Sponsored Chorus Sing at Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Migration and Immigration Songs
Friday, July 8 • 4 pm & Sunday, July 10 • 4 pm
The National Mall • Washington, DC
FSGW will host participatory sessions of migration and immigration songs at the
Smithsonian Folklife Festival’s “On the Move” stage on the National Mall, near the
Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum. Lisa Null, Donna Fletcher, Steve
Winick, and Charlie Baum (emcee) will lead off with one song each and then others
in the audience, including FSGW folks, will be invited to contribute their own songs,
in English or in any other language, and to join in on the choruses and refrains. FSGW’s
harmonies and strong voices are eagerly sought after to share with a broader public
the joys of group singing.
Voluntary and coerced immigration, dreams fulfilled and lost, reasons for leaving or
arriving in a new land, loved ones brought over or left behind, getting used to
a different society are a few themes likely to be touched upon in some of the
songs we sing.
The event is free, like the rest of the Festival, and each session lasts 30 minutes.
These sessions are part of the Festival’s “On The Move: Immigration and Migration Today” program. Other featured topics this year include Basque culture
and the music of California.
Although FSGW has worked with the Smithsonian Folklife Festival before, this
is the first musical collaboration between FSGW and the Smithsonian Folklife
Festival on the National Mall itself. Please show up and help make this one of the
most enthusiastic Open Sings ever! Look for the “On the Move” stage to find us.
See: http://www.festival.si.edu/blog/2016/songs-on-the-move/
FSGW Newsletter Editorial and Advertising Policy
The Folklore Society of Greater Washington endeavors to print copy it deems relevant to its membership and purpose as stated in its by-laws:
“The main purpose of the Society is to further the understanding, investigation, appreciation, and performance of the traditional folk music and
folklore of the American people.”
• All copy (except ads) must be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] in text format in the body of the e-mail by the 8th of the preceding month.
• All listings must be submitted in the format set out in paragraph 2 below. The format is also on our website (fsgw.org). Just click on Newsletter and
look for a paragraph in green.
• The Editor reserves the right to edit or omit copy as necessary. Ad content must be approved by the Editor.
Basic Ad charges: 1/4 page ads (3.4” x 4.5” or 7.25” x 2.5”): $65 for one month, $120 for two. Commercial business: $8 for 10 words. Non-commercial and
individual: $4 for 10 words. 25% discount for any single ad placed in 11 consecutive issues (one year) and paid in advance. We will work with you on larger ads. Copy, with check made payable to FSGW, must be received by the newsletter deadline. Mail to FSGW, P.O. Box 323, Cabin John, MD 20818.
Heather Livingston, Editor • [email protected]
Design & Layout: Jennifer Woods GRAPHICS • Silver Spring, MD • 301-587-7174
How to submit a listing to the FSGW Newsletter
1. Please look at this Newsletter and determine under what category your listing should appear. When submitting copy by email, put that
category in the subject line, followed by the month. So if you want to list a contra dance, your subject line is: Dance Contra [Month]. No
punctuation, please. If it’s a workshop: Workshop [Month]. If it’s a single concert: Concert Individual [Month] And so forth. Putting the
category in the subject line makes it easier for the editor to retrieve groups of events.
2. Please submit all listings in FSGW format. All information should be submitted in the following sequence:
Event Title • City, State Abbreviation
Day of the week, Date • start time - end time
One or two sentences only. Location (+ zip code for GPS). Ticket prices.
Info: Contact Name at Phone number or email/website.
NB: The city and state appear in the header; do not repeat them in the body, but in this age of Droids and GPS units, you need to include
the 5-digit zip code – it goes right after the street address. Submit entries to [email protected]
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
Concert Series
AMP by Strathmore, North Bethesda, MD
11810 Grand Park Ave., 20852, www.ampbystrathmore.
Saturday, July 9 • 8 pm
Shenandoah Run: 9-piece band plays vintage Americana
and contemporary folk, including bluegrass; $30-40.
Friday, July 15 • 8 pm
The Nighthawks: DC’s long-time rockin’ blues band; $20-30.
Baldwin’s Station, Sykesville, MD
7618 Main Street, 21784. www.uptownconcerts.com.
Thursday, July 14 • 8 pm
John Flynn: incisive, high-energy singer-songwriter; $20.
Thursday, July 21 • 8 pm
Vance Gilbert: humorous, folk-pop entertainer; $20.
Thursday, August 18 • 8 pm
Bill Staines: the songs he’s written sound traditional; $20.
Fairfax Summer Concerts
Fairfax Summer concerts are scheduled through the end of
August at various parks throughout Fairfax County; from kid
stuff to folk to rock to blues. See and download the full list at
At Mason District Park, Annandale VA, 6621 Columbia Pike,
22003. FREE.
Friday, August 12 • 7:30 pm - Tom Paxton
Sunday, August 14 • 7:30 - Wayne Henderson
with Jeff Little and Helen White
Electric Maid, Washington, DC
268 Carroll St., (Takoma), NW 20012. electricmaid.org
Friday, July 8 • 7 pm
Scott Wolfson & Other Heroes + Gina Forsyth are part of
the Falcon Ridge Most Wanted Preview. [Festival is August
5-7; Falconridgefolk.com].
Gypsy Sally’s, Washington, DC
3401 K St., NW 20007. gypsysallys.com.
Birchmere Concert Hall • Alexandria,
The Hillbilly Gypsies: stringband/bluegrass from West Virginia; $13.
Saturday, July 9
Hokum Jazz Duo, feat. Esther Haynes: “hot jazz” upstairs in
the Vinyl Lounge; no cover.
3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., 22305. All shows at 7:30 pm. Info:
10th Annual Mike Seeger Commemorative Old Time Banjo
Festival Featuring Sam Gleaves, Roni Stoneman, The Ebony
Hillbillies, Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer; $29.50.
Saturday, July 16
The Seldom Scene, “A Tribute to Ben Eldridge” includes current band with original members John Starling, Tom Gray,
guests Chris Eldridge and Jay Starling; $29.50.
Thursday, July 28
Sarah Jarosz: bluegrass-y, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist; $29.50.
Sunday, July 31
Maura O’Connell + Karan Casey; two Irish-born talents sing
traditional songs and lots more; $35.
Friday, August 5
The Hot Sardines: retro, trad-jazzy octet; $29.50.
Saturday, August 6
Tab Benoit: Louisiana guitar and vocals; $29.50.
Tuesday, August 23
David Crosby: pop star with folk roots, with son James
Raymond; $90.50.
Thursday, July 21 • 8 pm
Friday, August 5 • 8 pm
Wednesday, August 17 • 8 pm
Christian Lopez Band: young mountain-rooted songwriter;
Silver Line Station opens: Americana; $10/12.
Thursday, August 18 • 8 pm
Professor Louie and the Crowmatix: Woodstock roots;
Dwight & Nicole open; $15.
Thursday, August 25 • 8 pm
Freestate Blues Review: all-star band of Ed Crowley, Mark
Stutso, Robert Frahm, Andy Poxon, Steve Wolf; $10/12.
The Hamilton, Washington, DC
600 14th St. (at F), NW 20005, thehamiltondc.com.
Saturday, July 16 • 8:30 pm
Dailey & Vincent: top-notch bluegrass harmonies; $22.5039.50.
Wednesday, July 20 • 7:30 pm
C.J. Chenier & the Red Hot Louisiana Band: classic zydeco;
bring your dancing shoes; $15-20.
Concerts continued on page 16.
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10——————————————————————————— 11
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
S u n day
M o n day
10am Annapolis Jam
11 DC Bluegrass Union Jam
3:30 Glen Echo Waltz
7:30FSGW Contra Dance
Bill Wellington with
Smithsonian Folklife
10 amAnnapolis Jam
Silver Spring Country Jam
FSGW Family Dance
FSGW Gospel Sing
FSGW Chorus Sing
at Folklife Festival
T u e s day
W edn e s day
All times are pm unless otherwise noted.
7 DC Bluegrass Union Jam
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
8 Balkan Singing
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
8 Wheaton Sea Chantey
8 Balkan Singing
8 Baltimore English Country Dance
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
Reston/Herndon Folk Club
Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
Arlington Israeli Dance
DC Shape Note Sing
Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
Reston/Herndon Folk Club
Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
12 Noon LOC:
NOKA Basque Trio
7:30 Wolf Trap: Bob Dylan
+Mavis Staples
FSGW English Country Dance
FSGW Board Meeting
Smithsonian Folklife
Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
Reston/Herndon Folk Club
Wolf Trap: Bob Dylan
Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
Baltimore Contra Dance
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance
FSGW English Country Dance
FSGW Schweinhaut
Song Circle
FSGW English Country Dance
Baltimore Contra Dance
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance
Baltimore Sea Chantey
WFMA Concert: Andrew
McKnight, Bill Baker,
and Justin Trawick
7:30FSGW Contra Dance
Gaye Fifer with Anadama
Smithsonian Folklife
10 amAnnapolis Jam
3:30 Glen Echo Waltz
Sandy Spring Sacred Harp
Vienna Shape Note Sing
Wolf Trap:
Tedeschi Trucks Band:
7:30FSGW Contra Dance
Steve Gester with The
10 amAnnapolis Jam
Alexandria Scottish Jam
4 FSGW Shape Note
7:30FSGW Contra Dance
Andrea Nettleton with
7 DC Bluegrass Jam
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
8 Balkan Singing
8 Baltimore English Country Dance
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
8 Balkan Singing
8 Baltimore English Country Dance
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
Reston/Herndon Folk Club
Arlington Israeli Dance
Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
7:30 The Hamilton: C.J. Chenier
Baltimore Contra Dance
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance
Annapolis Sea Chantey
Greenbelt Cajun Jam
Wolf Trap: Jeff Beck +Buddy Guy
FSGW English Country Dance
Baltimore Contra Dance
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance
Washington, DC Sea Chantey
10 amAnnapolis Jam
7:30 Birchmere: Maura
O’Connell + Karan Casey
7:30 FSGW Contra Dance
Charlotte Crittenden
with ContraForce
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
T h u r s day
F r i day
8:30Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
8:30Friday Night Contra Dance
Botanic Garden:
Jarekus Singleton
6:30 Harrisonburg Family Dance
7:30 Glen Echo Int’l Dance
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
8:15 Back Room Blues Dance
Smithsonian Folklife
Front Royal, VA Family Dance
Arlington Circle Dance
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
Baldwin’s Station:
John Flynn
Back Room Blues Dance
12 n 5
LOC: The Ingramettes
Botanic Garden:
Fast Eddie & the Slowpokes
Glen Echo Int’l Dance
Arlington Circle Dance
Jammin Java:EmiSunshine
Wheaton Folksong Sing-In
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
Gypsy Sally’s:
The Hillbilly Gypsies
Baldwin’s Station: Vance Gilbert
Back Room Blues Dance
7:30 FSGW Silver Spring
Contra Dance
7:30 Glen Echo Int’l Dance
12 n LOC: Rahim AlHaj Trio
7:30 Glen Echo Int’l Dance
7:30 Birchmere: Sarah Jarosz
7:30 FSGW Contra Sonic
with ContraForce
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
8:15 Back Room Blues Dance
FSGW Open Sing
Archie Edwards Blues Jam
Berryville, VA
Shape Note Singing
Wolf Trap:
Mary Chapin Carpenter
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Smithsonian Folklife
FSGW Chorus Sing at
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
7 DC Cajun Dance
7 Electric Maid:
Scott Wolfson & Other Heroes
8:30Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
8:30Friday Night Contra Dance
Glen Echo Open Band
The Nighthawks
8:30Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
8:30Friday Night Contra Dance
8:30Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
8:30Friday Night Contra Dance
6:30 FSGW Concert:
Emma’s Alex. Va
Nanne Kalma and
Ankie van der Meer
7 Bethesda Hootenanny
Folk Sing
8:30Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
8:30Friday Night Contra Dance
Smithsonian Folklife
1 Archie Edwards Blues Jam
7 Annapolis Contra Dance
7:30Leesburg English
Country Dance
The Seldom Scene
8:30The Hamilton:
Dailey & Vincent
Advance Notice
Special Event
Saturday, September 17
7 pm
John Roberts &
Debra Cowan
Seekers Church, Takoma,DC
Friday, September 23, thru
Monday, September 26
52nd Annual
FSGW Getaway
West River Conference Center
West River, MD
Saturday, February 4, 2017
FSGW Annual
Mini Fest
Takoma Park Middle School, MD
Noon to 10:30 pm.
1 Archie Edwards Blues Jam
2:30Kensington Spelmanslag
7:30 FSGW Storyswap
Greenbelt Contra Dance
1 Archie Edwards Blues Jam
2:30Kensington Spelmanslag
6:30Norwegian Dance Party
7:30Birchmere: Banjo Festival
8 Baltimore Contra Dance
Shenandoah Run
Smithsonian Folklife
S at u r day
Frederick Contra Dance
Archie Edwards Blues Jam
Annapolis English
Country Dance
7:30 FSGW House Concert:
Takoma Park
Nanne Kalma and
Ankie van der Meer
July 2016
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10——————————————————————————— 13
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
S u n day
Folk Dance
September 24
& Sunday,
September 25
There will be a reunion dance/
dinner/ brunch to celebrate
over 50 years of international
dancing in Baltimore. The
festivities are open to
everyone. Some hospitality is
available for those coming from
Norway, California, New York,
and elsewhere
The dance will be held on
Saturday, September 24,
8 to 11 p.m. at St. Mark’s on the
Hill, 1620 Reisterstown Road,
Pikesville, 21208. There will be
a casual dinner preceding the
dance at 5 p.m., location TBA
,and a brunch the following
day, Sunday ,September 25,
at 11 a.m., location also TBA.
Cost for the party is $10.
pre-paid, $15 at the door.
The cost for dinner and brunch
is $5.00 for each event.
Please join our Johns Hopkins
International Folk Dancers
Facebook page to share photos
and memories.
For more details or to ask
questions contact Susan Tager,
[email protected]
or 410-532-5242.
M o n day
7 DC Bluegrass Jam
7 Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
7:15Reston/Herndon Folk Club
8 Wheaton Chantey Sing
8 Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
8 Balkan Singing
8 Baltimore English Country Dance
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
All times are pm unless
otherwise noted.
10 am Annapolis Jam
11 DC Bluegrass Union Jam
3:30 Glen Echo Waltz
T u e s day
7:30 FSGW Contra Dance
April Blum with
Zeke’s Fancy
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
8 Balkan Singing
8 Baltimore English Country Dance
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
7 Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
7:15Reston/Herndon Folk Club
8 Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
8 Arlington Israeli Dance
FSGW Newsletter Deadline!!
10 amAnnapolis Jam
Silver Spring Country Jam
FSGW Gospel Sing
7:30Fairfax Co.: Wayne Henderson
7:30 FSGW Contra Dance
Maia McCormick with
10 amAnnapolis Jam
3:30 Glen Echo Waltz
Sandy Spring Sacred Harp
Vienna Shape Note Sing
7:30 FSGW Contra Dance
Frannie Marr with
The Stuff
10 amAnnapolis Jam
2 pm CABOMA Jam
Alexandria Scottish Jam
7 DC Bluegrass Jam
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
8 Balkan Singing
8 Baltimore English Country Dance
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
7 Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
7 DC Shape Note Sing
7:15Reston/Herndon Folk Club
8 Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
8 Balkan Singing
8 Baltimore English Country Dance
8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
7 Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
7:15Reston/Herndon Folk Club
7:30Birchmere: David Crosby
8 Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
8 Arlington Israeli Dance
7:30Bethesda Int’l Folk Dance
7 Chevy Chase Israeli Dance
8 Balkan Singing
7:15Reston/Herndon Folk Club
8 Baltimore English Country Dance 8 Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
FSGW Shape Note Singing 8 Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
7:30 FSGW Contra Dance
Janine Smith with
Organic Family Band
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
W edn e s day
7:30 Jammin Java: Muriel Anderson
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance 8
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
8:15 Back Room Blues Dance
Baltimore Sea Chanteys
Wolf Trap: Silk Road Ensemble
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
8:15 Back Room Blues Dance
Gypsy Sally’s:
Christian Lopez Band
Annapolis Sea Chanteys
FSGW English Country Dance 8
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance 8
FSGW English Country Dance
Front Royal, VA Family Dance
FSGW English Country Dance 7:30 FSGW Silver Spring
Baltimore Contra Dance
Contra Dance
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance 7:30 Glen Echo Int’l Folk Dance
FSGW English Country Dance 8:15
Baltimore Contra Dance
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance
Botanic Garden:
F r i day
7:30 Birchmere: The Hot Sardines
FSGW Board Meeting
The Crawdaddies
Gypsy Sally’s: Hokum Jazz Duo
FSGW English Country Dance 6:30 Harrisonburg, VA Family Dance 8:30 FSGW Open Sing
Baltimore Contra Dance
7:30 Glen Echo Int’l Folk Dance 8:30 Friday Night Contra Dance
1 FSGW Schweinhaut
Song Circle
T h u r s day
Greenbelt Cajun Jam
Arlington Jam
Jammin Java: The Stray Birds
DC Sea Chanteys
Baltimore Contra Dance
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance
Botanic Garden: Vintage#18
Glen Echo Int’l Folk Dance
Arlington Circle Dance
Gypsy Sally’s: Professor Louie
and the Crowmatix
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
Wheaton Folk Song Sing-in
Baldwin’s Station: Bill Staines
Back Room Blues Dance
Glen Echo Int’l Folk Dance
Mt. Vernon Int’l Folk Dance
Gypsy Sally’s:
Freestate Blues Review
Back Room Blues Dance
8:30 Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
Fairfax Co.: Tom Paxton
Wolf Trap: Lyle Lovett
Hamilton: Charlie Musselwhite
Friday Night Contra Dance
with Glen Echo Open Band
Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
8:30 Friday Night Contra Dance
8:30 Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
8:30 Friday Night Contra Dance
8:30 Greenbelt Int’l Folk Dance
S at u r day
Archie Edwards Blues Jam
Berryville Shape Note Sing
6:30 Norwegian Dance & Potluck
FSGW Co-sponsored
Greenbelt Contra Dance
7:30 Birchmere: Tab Benoit
Archie Edwards Blues Jam
2:30 Kensington Spelmanslag
7:30 FSGW Storyswap
10:30 am FSGW Windborne
Vocal Harmony Workshop
Archie Edwards Blues Jam
Lancaster, PA Contra Dance
Annapolis Contra Dance
FSGW Concert Seekers Church
Archie Edwards Blues Jam
Kensington Spelmanslag
Wolftrap: Bonnie Raitt
+Richard Thompson
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10——————————————————————————— 15
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
concerts continued
Friday, August 12 • 8:30 pm
Tuesday & Wednesday, July 5 & 6 • 7:30 pm
Charlie Musselwhite: Grammys, Blues Awards -- may be the
best blues harmonica player around; $25-35.
Bob Dylan: folk to rock + Mavis Staples: gospel to r&b; $45100.
Sunday, July 17 • 7 pm
Jammin’ Java, Vienna, VA
Tedeschi Trucks Band: blues + Los Lobos: roots rock + North
Mississippi AllStars: southern bluesrock; $25-65.
227 Maple Ave. E., 22180, jamminjava.com.
Thursday, July 21 • 7:30 pm
Wednesday, July 27 • 8 pm
EmiSunshine: 10-year-old old-time/country prodigy; $15.
Jeff Beck: bluesrock + Buddy Guy: classic bluesman; $30-65.
Wednesday, August 3 • 7:30 pm
Thursday, August 11 • 8 pm
Muriel Anderson: acclaimed finger-style guitarist and harpguitarist, eclectic; $25.
Silk Road Ensemble featuring Yo-Yo Ma: classics and
traditional tunes from the East and Middle East; $30-80.
Wednesday, August 24 • 7:30 pm
Friday, August 12 • 7:30 pm
Lyle Lovett & His Large Band: Texas music + Emmylou Harris; Americana; $30-55.
The Stray Birds: second-generation old-time trio, done up in
modern style; $18.
Homegrown Concerts
Saturday, August 27 • 8 pm
Bonnie Raitt: blues & pop + Richard Thompson: Brit folkrock; $40-70.
Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Coolidge Auditorium, Jefferson Bldg, 10 First St., SE, 20540 loc.gov/concerts/folklife/
Individual Concerts
Wednesday, July 6 • 12 noon
Andrew McKnight, Bill Baker, Justin Trawick
Bethesda, MD
Sunday, July 10 • 7- 9 pm
NOKA Basque Trio from California, joined by Erramun
Martikorena and Basque singer-songwriter Mikel Markez;
free; performers also appearing as part of Smithsonian Folklife
Festival on National Mall – festival.si.edu.
Award-winning folk/Americana artist Andrew McKnight’s
musical journey has traced nearly a million miles of blue highways, and earned him a wealth of critical acclaim; local boy Bill
Baker has become a familiar name in the Washington DC music scene, and Justin Trawick won “Song of the Year” at the
Washington Area Music Awards in 2014. Positano Ristorante
Italiano, 4948 Fairmont Ave., 20814. $10 Members; $15 nonmembers. Reservations: email to [email protected]. Info:
Thursday, July 21 • 12 noon
The Ingramettes, award-winning Virginia gospel ensemble.
Thursday, July 28 • 12 noon
Rahim AlHaj Trio: Middle Eastern music from New Mexico,
feature oud, santur, percussion.
National Botanic Garden, Washington, DC
American Roots Music Series on Conservatory Terrace
100 Maryland Ave., SW 20001, usbg.gov.
Smithsonian Festival of American Folklife
on the National Mall between 4th & 7th Sts.
June 29-July 4 & July 7-10; 11 am – 5 pm;
6:30 concerts
Thursday, July 7 • 5 pm
Jarekus Singleton: young blues guitarist and singer; free.
Thursday, July 21 • 5 pm
Admission is free. There are two programs this year: Basque
Culture and the Sounds of California. Basques are rooted
around the Pyrenees Mountains, with migrations to the sheepgrazed mountains of Idaho, fishing communities from Scotland to Newfoundland, towns across Mexico and Argentina.
California’s music reflects the state’s diversity, as it is our most
populous and most diverse state, with one in four immigrants
to the U.S. living there. Come celebrate its history, cultural
heritage old and new, with fascinating mixtures. Information:
festival.si.edu. See p.10 for FSGW events there.
Fast Eddie & the Slowpokes: electric Maryland blues; free.
Thursday, August 4 • 5 pm
The Crawdaddies: Louisiana and eastern roots rock; free.
Thursday, August 18 • 5 pm
Vintage#18: quartet plays blues and R&B; free.
Wolf Trap Filene Center, Vienna, VA
1551 Trap Road, 22182, wolftrap.org.
Paid Advertisement
Saturday, July 2 • 8 pm
Mary Chapin Carpenter: DC’s “Hometown Girl” + openers
The Milk Carton Kids; entertaining Americana; $25-50.
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
Cajun Dance with The Capitol Hillbillies
Washington, DC
Friday, July 8 • 7-10 pm
The Capitol Hillbillies, DC’s premier street band, host a boisterous Bayou dance party on the second Friday in July. Songs
in Cajun French (with Cajun squeezebox, fiddle, acoustic guitar, standup bass, harmonica, and triangle) power three hours
of two-steps and waltzes. Dance lesson at 7. The Corner Store,
900 South Carolina Ave SE, 20003. Info: rollingpiano@
gmail.com or www. Rollingpiano.com. $15.
FSGW Family Dance.
Details on page 6.
Harrisonburg Family Dance • Harrisonburg, VA
First Thursdays • 6:30-8:30 pm
First Presbyterian Church, 17 Court Square 22802. Line, circle
and square sets. Free and open to all. Info: tommack1861@
gmail.com or facebook.com/SVCWED.
Front Royal Family Dance • Front Royal, VA
Second Thursdays • 6-7:30 pm
Samuels Public Library, 330 East Criser Rd 22630. Line, circle
and square sets. Free and open to all. Info: tommack1861@
gmail.com or facebook.com/SVCWED.
FSGW Sunday Night Dances.
Details on pages 7 & 8.
BFMS Contra Dance • Baltimore, MD
Wednesdays • 8-10:30 pm
Beginners always welcome. New dancer workshops at 7:30 on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Nationallyknown musicians and callers appear regularly. BFMS and
FSGW members $9, non-members $13. Lovely Lane Church,
2200 St. Paul St, 21218. Info: bfms.org.
6 Susan Taylor calls to Marty Taylor (whistles,
concertina), Elke Baker (fiddle), and Jonathan
Jensen (piano).
13 Quena Crain calls to the Long Pond Rounders: Jonah
Sidman (fiddle), Corey Walters (flute, mandolin),
Ross Harriss (sax, guitar), Ness-Smith Savedoff
(percussion), and Michael Friedman (piano, feet).
New dancer orientation at 7:30 pm.
20 Ann Fallon calls to Some Assembly: Joe
Klausner (fiddle, mandolin), Mary Corletta
Flora (flute), Donna Boylan (piano), Adam
Lee (guitar), and Ian Sturrock (percussion, guitar).
27 Kim Forry calls to the Contra Rebels: Todd
Clewell (fiddle), Barb Schmid (fiddle), Henry Koretzky (guitar), and Bruce Campbell (bass). New
dancer orientation at 7:30 pm. August
3 Melissa
Chatham calls
to Emily
Aubrey (fiddle), Robin Wilson (flute, concertina,
sax) and Janina O’Brien (piano).
10 Alexandra Deis-Lauby calls to Unbowed: Jamie
O’Brien ( guitar), Henry Koretzky (mandolin), Bruce
Campbell (bass). New dancer orientation at 7:30
pm. 24 Perry Shafran calls to Triple Helix: Colleen
Reed (flute, sax), Keith Gillis (guitar), and Alexander
Mitchell (fiddle).
31 Janine Smith calls to the Old Time Jam Band. Fridays
Friday Night Dancers • Glen Echo, MD
Fridays • 8:30-11:30 pm
The Friday Night Dancers, a non-profit, volunteerbased organization, in cooperation with the National Park Service, Montgomery County, and the Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture, sponsors weekly contra dances to
live music in the historic Glen Echo Spanish Ballroom (unless
otherwise specified), at 7300 MacArthur Blvd, 20812. New
dancer class every week from 7:30 to 8:15. $10 for the lesson
and dance. $5 for age 17 and under. (Age 17 and under free
on second Fridays.) Info: FridayNightDance.org, or 301632-2222, or the Friday Night Dance Facebook page.
1 Ted Hodapp calls to Anadama with Amelia Mason
on fiddle, Emily Troll on accordion and Bethany
Waickman on guitar.
8 Ann Fallon calls to the fabulous Glen Echo Open
15 Quena Crain calls to Long Pond Rounders with
Jonah Sidman on fiddle, Corey Walters on flute
and mandolin, Ross Harriss on sax and guitar,
Michael Friedman on piano and foot percussion,
Doug Schaefer on percussion.
22 Scott Higgs calls to Green Light Karma with David
Knight on fiddle, Andrew Marcus on accordion
and Dave Wiesler on piano and guitar.
29 Charlotte Crittenden calls to ContraForce with
Andrae Raffield on fiddle, Joey Dorwart on drums
and saxophone and Jimi “Two Nails” Periano on
acoustic and electric guitars.
5 April Blum calls to Zeke’s Fancy with Zeke
Hutchinson on mandolin, Mark Barsamian on
fiddle, Dave Borowski on guitar, Nick Weiland on
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10——————————————————————————— 17
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
Dances continued
12 Maia McCormick calls to Glen Echo Open Band.
19 Steve Gester calls to Some Assembly with Mary
Corletta Flora on flute, alto sax and penny whistle,
Joe Klausner on fiddle, mandolin and banjo, Adam
Lee on guitar, Ian Sturrock on vocals, cajon and
guitar and Donna Moore Bovlan on keyboard and
26 Lindsey Dodson calls to Rambling House with Joe
DeZarn on fiddle, Tina Eck on flute/pennywhistle,
Patrick Cavanagh on tenor banjo/button accordion,
and Marc Glickman on piano/bodhrán.
BFMS Contra and Square Dance
Baltimore, MD
Saturday, July 9 • 8-11 pm
Quena Crain calls to The Long Pond Rounders: Jonah Sidman: fiddle, Corey Walters: Flute & Mandolin, Ross Harris:
Sax & Guitar, Michael Friedman: Piano & foot percussion,
Doug Schaefer: Percussion. Workshop for beginners starts at
7:30. Bring a snack & bring a friend. Beginners, singles, couples and families welcome. No experience or partner necessary. St. Mark’s on the Hill, Parish Hall, 1620 Reisterstown Rd.,
21208. $9 Members, $13 Non-members. Under 21 full-time
students with ID $4 members, $6 Non-members. Info: Sara
Glik 410-292-8681 or [email protected].
Lancaster Contra Dance • Lancaster, PA Saturday, August 20 • 7-10 pm
Rebecca Denison calls to Ladies in the Parlor with Barb
Schmid-fiddle, Freya Qually-guitar, Sharon Sacks-banjo
and Suzanne Gates-bass. Lancaster County Central Park,
Williamson Road, Pavilion 11, Lancaster, PA 17602. Potluck
at 5:30. Beginners Workshop at 6:15; $9 adults/$6 students.
Age 15 and under free. Info: Karen 717-951-4317 or www.
ATDS Contra • Annapolis, MD
Saturday, July 16 • 6:30 -10 pm
April Blum will call contras and squares to the engaging tunes
of Triple Helix: Alexander Mitchell (fiddle, mandolin, tenor
banjo), Colleen Reed (flute, sax), and Keith Gillis (guitar).
The evening includes a free introductory session at 6:30;
Dance 7‑10 p.m. Annapolis Friends Meeting House, 351 DuBois Rd, 21401. $10/discounts for seniors, students, families,
and ATDS/FSGW Members. Info: Charlotte Featherstone at
203-247-3964, [email protected] or
Saturday, August 20 • 6:30-10 pm
Caroline Barnes will call contras and squares to the melodies
of Wild Wood: Steve Bocian (mandolin, octave mandolin,
banjoin, djembe), Joanne Murphy (hammered dulcimer,
concertina, mandolin), Pierce Crowell (guitar) and Ed VandenBosche (cello, recorder). (Same info as previous article.)
Frederick Contra Dance • Frederick, MD
Saturday, July 23 • 8-11 pm
Ann Fallon will call to the fabulous SummerTunes Band led
by Liz Donaldson and Andrea Hoag. If you are interested
in registering for the all-day music workshop, please contact
Andrea Hoag [email protected]. Snacks to share at
the break are welcome. Introductory workshop at 7:15.Trinity
School, 6040 New Design Rd., General: $10, Students: $5. Info:
Boe Walker at 301-694-6794 or www.contradancers.com.
English Country
Baltimore Folk Music Society
Pikesville, MD
Mondays • 8-10:30 pm
English Country Dancing is lively movement to elegant music in a friendly, informal setting. All dances are taught and walked
through 7:45. Admission $8 Members (BFMS, ATDS, FSGW,
CDSS); $11 Non-members, $2 student discount. St. Mark’s on
the Hill Parish Hall, 1620 Reisterstown Rd, 21208. Info: Sharon
McKinley at 410-660-9147 or [email protected].
11 Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Ann Fallon calls to Becky Ross (violin), Robin
Wilson (flute, concertina), and Jonathan Jensen
(piano and a bunch of other things)
18 Carl Friedman calls to the fabulous Geud Band of
25 April Blum calls to Barbara Gorin (strings), Marty
Taylor (winds, concertina), and Janina O’Brien
1 Free New Dancer Orientation at 7:45
Sharon McKinley calls to Becky Ross (violin), Steve
Epstein (clarinet), and Janina O’Brien (piano)
8 Diane Schmit calls to Emily Aubrey (violin), Mark
Vidor (accordion), and Judy Meyers (piano)
15 Mike Franch calls to Barbara Gorin (strings), Robin
Wilson (flute, concertina), and Carl Friedman
22 Ann Fallon calls to Emily Aubrey (violin), Dave
Crandall (flute, sax), and Judy Meyers (piano)
29 Tom Spilsbury calls to Tina Chancey (violin), Robin
Wilson (flute, concertina), and Liz Donaldson
FSGW English Country Dance.
Details on page 9.
The Leesburg Assembly • Great Falls, VA
Saturday, July 16 • 7:30-10:30 pm
Please join us for our monthly dance! All dances taught and
called to live music. Please consider bringing a refreshment
to share. $10. St. Francis Episcopal Church, 9220 Georgetown
Pike, 22066 - 4.7 miles west of the Beltway. Info: David Pacelli
at 703-757-8648 or theleesburgassembly.org.
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
Dances continued
ATDS English Country Dance • Annapolis, MD
Saturday, July 30 • 6:30-10 pm
Emily Aubrey will call to the delightful music of Becky Ross
(fiddle), Liz Donaldson (piano) and Marty Taylor (concertina, whistles). Free introductory session at 6:30; Dance 7-10.
Annapolis Friends Meeting Hall, 351 Dubois Road, Annapolis.
Admission for dance: $10 with discounts for seniors, students,
families and members of Annapolis Traditional Dance Society
(ATDS). All ages welcome. No experience or partner required.
Annapolis Friends Meeting House, 351 DuBois Rd, 21401.
$10/discounts for seniors, students, families, and ATDS/FSGW
Members. Info: Jan Scopel at 443-540-0867, [email protected] or contradancers.com/atds.
Bethesda International Folk • Bethesda, MD
Mondays • 7:30-10 pm
Come join our friendly group and learn dances from all
over the world. Beginners 7:30-8, intermediate / advanced
8-10 (requests from 9:15-10). No partner needed. All levels
of experience welcome. Adults over 16 please. Mostly recorded music; wonderful wood floor. Jane Lawton Community Ctr, 4301 Willow Ln., 20815. $8. Info: Phyllis or Brandon,
301-871-8788, DiamondDanceCircle.com or [email protected].
Glen Echo International Folk • Bethesda, MD
Thursdays • 7:30-10:45 pm
Church of the Redeemer, 6201 Dunrobbin Dr (near the intersection of Goldsboro and MacArthur). Lesson at 7:30,
Request dances from 9 to 10:45. Mostly recorded music. No
partner or experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothing
and soft-soled shoes. Co-sponsored by FSGW. $5 Info: Jamie
at 301-466-3018 or [email protected].
Carpathia Folk Dancers • Washington, DC
Thursdays • 6:30-9 pm
Carpathia is Washington’s multi-ethnic Eastern & Central European dance performance ensemble. We are currently looking for 3-4 new men and women who are interested in performing dances from a variety of countries including Ukraine,
Poland, Romania, Germany, and Bulgaria. We rehearse on
Thursday evenings in Foggy Bottom, and have dancers from
16 years old to their mid-40s (we are open to any interested
in fast paced performance dance of at least 14 years old).
Costumes are provided by the ensemble. Please contact [email protected] for more information and check us out
at www.facebook.com/carpathiadc.
Mt. Vernon International Folk Dancing
Alexandria, VA
Thursdays • 8-10 pm
We welcome beginners and advanced dancers, no partner
necessary. Friendly and diverse group; fabulous wooden
floor; a mix of easy dances, advanced instruction and request-
ed dances. Mt Vernon Unitarian Church, 1909 Windmill Lane,
22307. Usual donation $4. Info: Patricia at 703-472-3888 or
[email protected].
Circle Dance • Arlington, VA
3 and 5th Thursdays • 7:30-9:30
Come and explore dances from all over the world in a spirit of
mediation and joy. All dances taught. Recorded music. Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Rte 50 at George Mason
Dr, 4444 Arlington Blvd, 22204. Donation requested. Info: Ann
Ulmschneider at 703-528-5114 or [email protected].
Greenbelt Folk Dancing - Greenbelt, MD
Fridays • 8:30-10:45 pm
We focus on dance from Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.
No partner or experience necessary. Beautiful dance floor.
Teaching from 8:30 to 9:15, requests from 9:15 on. Greenbelt
Community Center Dance Studio, 15 Crescent Rd., 20770.
$7/students and seniors half price. Check website for special
events. Info: Larry Weiner at 301-565-0539 or [email protected], or larryweiner.com/FridayDance.htm.
Israeli Dancing • Arlington, VA
2nd and 4th Tuesdays • 8-10 pm
Beginner/review instruction from 8 to 9. Intermediate and
practice from 9-10. All with a thirst for exercise and dance
are welcome. Congregation Etz Hayim, 2920 Arlington Blvd,
22204. $5 per person per hour. Info: Ethan Halpern at 301982-0937 or [email protected].
Israeli Dancing • Chevy Chase, MD
Tuesdays • 7-10:30 pm
Instruction from 7 to 7:45. We focus on building a repertoire
of both classic and newer Israeli dances in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Recorded music. Light refreshments served.
Ohr Kodesh Congregation, 8300 Meadowbrook Ln, 20815.
$8 adults, $6 students. Info: Mike Fox at 240-424-0805 or
Arlington Northwest Morris Women
Mondays • 7:30-9 pm
Learn and perform the traditional morris dances of Northwest
England, which combine simple footwork with power and
precision. We are a welcoming group of women who practice
in a great place with a wooden floor (easier on your knees)
at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Arlington
Blvd at George Mason Dr. Info: [email protected] or
[email protected].
Rock Creek Morris Women
Wednesdays • 7:30-9:45 pm
Learn English morris dancing and become part of a community that dances, sings, and socializes together. Bethesda
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10——————————————————————————— 19
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
Dances continued
Elementary School, 7600 Arlington Rd, 20814, walkable from
Bethesda Metro. Info: Louise at 301-927-6373 or [email protected] or uswet.com/RCMW.html.
Foggy Bottom Morris Men
Thursdays • 8-10 pm
Experience the vigorous thrill of the morris and the camaraderie of a morris team! Learn and perform dances from English Cotswold villages, mummers’ plays and occasional longsword dances. We welcome new and slightly used dancers to
our practices at Knock on Wood Tap Studio, 6925 Willow St,
NW, Washington DC and/or at the pub afterwards. Info: Alan
Peel at 301-920-1912 or [email protected] or fbmm.org.
Norwegian Potluck & Dance • Columbia, MD
Saturday, July 9 • 6:30 pm Potluck
Dance at 8
6212 Twenty Year Chase, 21045. Host phone just in case:
Deb Weinreich, 410-953-0030
Saturday, August 6 • same time
6807 Westmoreland Ave in Takoma Park 20912. Loretta and
Tony are hosts: 301-270-4925.
Norwegian-style house party. Only 19 min from DC Beltway.
Mesmerizing live music by Loretta Kelley on the unique
Hardanger fiddle (w/sympathetic strings under the bowed
strings--see HFAA.org). Addictive dances, some with elements like Swing or Hambo. Beginners, singles/couples,
watchers/listeners all welcome. Bring clean shoes to wear,
food to share, and bucks you can spare. Info/directions:
http://MAND.fanitull.org or Jenny at [email protected].
See rscds-greaterdc.org for all Scottish dance listings.
Bethesda Scottish Country Dance
Mondays • 8-10 pm
NIH Building T-39 (Dance and Aerobic Center). Call or email
in advance for directions. Info: John MacLeod at 301-6225945 or [email protected].
Greenbelt Scottish Country Dance
Tuesdays • 8-10 pm
Dance all year ‘round at the Greenbelt Community Center.
$8. Info: Jay Andrews at 703-719-0596 or andrewj@rcn.
Alexandria Scottish Country Dance
Wednesdays • 8-9:45 pm
Learn Scottish dance at the Durant Center, 1605 Cameron St,
Alexandria 22314. $5 Info: [email protected].
Back Room Blues • Glen Echo, MD
Thursdays • 8:15-11:30 pm
Popular weekly blues dance in the “Back Room” at the Spanish Ballroom, Glen Echo Park, 7300 MacArthur Blvd, 20812.
Sprung wood floor. Beginner lesson from 8:15 to 9. Different
D.S. and instructors play blues from 9 to 11:30. Info: Donna
Barker at 301-634-2231 or CapitalBlues.org.
Waltz/Couples Dancing
Afternoon Waltz • Glen Echo, MD
Sundays • 3:30-6
Join us for an afternoon of waltzing! The band will play a
lively mix of folk waltzes with other couples dances, including
hambo, swing, tango, and polka. Beginner lesson from 2:45 to
3:30. No partner required. Glen Echo Spanish Ballroom, 7300
MacArthur Blvd, 20812. $10. Info: WaltzTimeDances.org or
3 Let’s Play Three! with Andrea Hoag (fiddle), Jodi
Beder, Melissa Running, David Lopez
17 (in Bumper Car Pavilion): Addison Bleufonte with
Marc Glickman (piano), Andrea Hoag (fiddle),
David Julian Gray (clarinet), David Lopez (drums)
7 Waltz Magic with Alexander Mitchell (fiddle,
mandolin, vocals), Barbara Heitz (flute), Liz
Donaldson (piano), Ralph Gordon (bass)
21 Waverley Station with David Knight (fiddle),
Barbara Heitz (flute), Liz Donaldson (piano),
Ralph Gordon (bass)
Dance Classes
Scandinavian Dance Classes • Bethesda, MD
Tuesdays (July 5, 12, 19, & 26) • 7:30-9:30 pm
Beginning and advanced dancers welcome. Learn Hambo,
Schottis, polskas, springars, and other Swedish and Norwegian couple turning dances, including requests. Wear smoothsoled shoes (leather soles are best) for turning, not running
shoes. $5. First time free. Info: Jim Walker at 202-365-8745
or Lynn Walker at 301-834-4020, [email protected] or
GWCC Irish Set Dance Classes • Silver Spring, MD
Thursdays through August 18 • 7-9:30 pm
The Greater Washington Ceili Club holds weekly adult set
& ceili dance classes in a friendly, relaxed—and air-conditioned—environment. No experience or partner needed.
Wear comfortable clothes and leather or smooth-soled shoes.
Advanced dances this summer include the Sliabh Fraoch Set
and the High Cauled Cap. In addition to weekly instruction,
there is a monthly mini-ceili with live music, open to all on the
3rd Thursday each month. Argyle Park Activities Bldg, 1030
Forest Glen Rd, 20901. $40/season, register and pay at class,
first class free. Info: 301-649-6410, [email protected]
or gwcc-online.org.
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
Jams/Open Mics/Audience Participation
Acoustic Jam • Annapolis, MD
Sundays • 10 am-12:30 pm
Indoors at the Visitor Center, Quiet Waters Park. Info:
[email protected].
DC Bluegrass Union Dupont Circle Jam
Washington DC
1st Sundays • 11 am-2 pm
The Mansion, 2020 O St NW, 20036. Accessible on Metro Red
Line. Info: Mike Marceau at [email protected]. Info
on venue: omansion.com.
Classic Country & Gospel Jam • Silver Spring, MD
2nd Sunday • 2-5 pm
The Sunday jam welcomes a wide range of musical abilities
and acoustic instruments including (but not limited to) guitar,
fiddle banjo, mandolin, bass, Dobro, harmonica, cello & autoharp—as well as the human voice. 9819 Capitol View Ave.,
20910. Playlist & directions: www.SundayJam.org; Questions: Dorie Hightower 301-706-763
CABOMA Jam • Arlington, VA
2nd and 4th Sundays • 2 pm
Capitol Area Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association holds
jams at Lyon Park Community Center, 414 N. Fillmore St (at
Pershing Dr.), Arlington VA 22201. Info: Don at 703-5221696 or www.caboma.org.
Sacred Harp Singing • Sandy Spring, MD
3rd Sundays • 4-6 pm
Singing is followed by a potluck supper. Location is a small
schoolhouse behind the Community Building, 17801 Meetinghouse Rd, 20860 (about 10 miles west of Laurel). Info:
Dave Greene at 301-570-3283 or dgreene@all-systems.
com to confirm.
Vienna/Oakton Shape Note Sing • Oakton, VA
3rd Sundays • 5-7:30 pm
Books: The Shenandoah Harmony and the Sacred Harp, 1991
Denson edition; bring a snack to share. Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Rd, 22124, in classroom 1. Info: John at 540-955-2660 or jdelre@visuallink.
com or visit dcshapenote.squarespace.com.
Scottish Jam • Alexandria, VA
4th Sundays • 2-5 pm
John Strongbow’s Tavern, 710 King St., 22314. Info: Peter@
[email protected] or dcscottishsession.blogspot.
com. Info on venue: johnstrongbows.com.
Balkan Singing • Takoma Park, MD
Mondays • 8 pm
Informal singing group, Sedenka, meets to sing Balkan village
songs. Interested novices welcome. Info: Katya at 301-2704175 or [email protected].
DC Bluegrass Union VFW Jam • Takoma Park, MD
1st and 3rd Mondays • 7-10 pm
Free. Non-smoking. At Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 350,
6420 Orchard Ave (corner of 4th Ave), 20912, near New
Hampshire and Eastern Aves. Info: Barb Diederich at 301633-2504 or [email protected].
Sea Chantey Open Pub Sing • Wheaton, MD
1st Mondays • 8-10 pm
(NOTE: Held 2nd Monday in July due to July 4 holiday)
The Ship’s Company chanteymen host open mic chantey
sings. No cover or minimum; arrive early for a table. Participation encouraged but not mandatory. Requests honored
if possible. Mostly a cappella but instruments are welcome.
Limerick Pub, 11301 Elkin St, 20902. Info: Myron Peterson at
[email protected] or ShipsCompany.org.
Capital Accord Chorus • Silver Spring, MD
Tuesdays: 7:30-10 pm
Come sing with the Capital Accord Chorus, an all-women’s a cappella group singing in the barbershop style. Free and open rehearsals, Check us Out! We meet at Northwood High School in the
Chorus Room, 919 University Blvd. West, 20901. Info: 1-301-3927664, [email protected], www.capitalaccord.org.
Reston/Herndon Folk Club
Herndon, VA
Tuesdays • 7:15 pm
At Amphora Diner Deluxe, 1151 Elden St, 20170. Open mic
format. Doors open at 6. Second Tuesday includes 25-minute member showcase. Third Tuesday often features monthly
concerts, price varies. Info: 703-435-2402 or RestonHerndonFolkClub.com.
DC Shape Note Sing • Washington, DC
3rd Tuesdays • 7-9:30 pm
We sing from both The Sacred Harp and Shenandoah Harmony. Loaners available and books for sale. Everyone is welcome
to bring snacks and friends. Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church,
201 4th St SE, 20003. Enter side door, left of the main steps.
Street parking possible; church is 10 minutes from Capitol
South and Eastern Market Metro stations, or 20 minutes from
Union Station. Info: John at 540-955-2660 or dcshapenote.
Old-Time Jam • Baltimore, MD
Alternate Tuesdays • 7:30-10:30 pm
Ken and Brad Kolodner lead the Baltimore Old-Time Jam at
Liam Flynn’s, 22 W. North Ave, 21201. Info: KenAndBrad.
Newsletter submissions: See instructions on page 10——————————————————————————— 21
Folklore Society of Greater Washington Newsletter, Volume 52, No. 11——————————————————————— July/August 2016
Sea Chantey Open Pub Sing • 3 locations
2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wednesdays • 8-10 pm •
The Ship’s Company chanteymen host open mic chantey
sings. Participation encouraged but not mandatory. Requests
honored if possible. Info: Myron Peterson at ructic@yahoo.
com or ShipsCompany.org.
13 Wharf Rat, 801 S Anne St. (Fell’s Pt.), Baltimore,
20 Galway Bay, 63 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, 21401
27 Laughing Man Tavern, 1306 G St NW, Washington,
DC 20005
10 Wharf Rat, (Fell’s Pt.), Baltimore, 21231
17 Galway Bay, 63 Maryland Ave., Annapolis, 21401
24 Laughing Man Tavern, Washington, DC 20005
Cajun Jam • Greenbelt, MD
4th Wednesdays • 7-9 pm
Monthly open Cajun jam and dance. New Deal Café, 113 Centerway, 20770. Info: 301-474-5642 or newdealcafe.com.
Check website to confirm.
Folksong Sing-In • Wheaton, MD
3rd Thursdays • 8-10 pm
Join local musician Brad Howard every month for this musical gathering. Everyone gets a chance to lead the room in
song. Bring your favorite folk tunes, your voice, and even your
instruments for a great evening of song and pub-style fellowship. The Limerick Pub, at the corner of Elkin and Price, 11301
Elkin St, 20902. Venue Info: thelimerickpub.net.
Glen Echo Open Band • Glen Echo, MD
2nd Fridays • 8:30-11:30 pm
The fabulous Glen Echo Open Band plays for the secondFriday contra dance. All instruments and levels of ability are
welcome. Find recordings, tune book names and page numbers of tunes played by the Open Band at OpenBandOnline.
com. The site works best using iTunes on a PC or a Mac. Info:
Hootenanny! • Bethesda, MD
Friday, July 29 • 7-8:30 pm
Jeff Jenkins leads us in folk songs from the sixties. North
Bethesda UMC, 10100 Old Georgetown Rd., 20814. Info:
Valerie Blane 240-863-3218 or church website www.northbethesdaumc.org. Saturdays
Archie Edwards Blues Jam • Riverdale, MD
Saturdays • 1-5 pm
Acoustic instruments, all skill levels and listeners welcome. 4701
Queensbury Rd, 20737, across from the Riverdale MARC train
station. Ample parking. Free, but donations welcome. Info/ confirmation: 301-396-3054 or acousticblues.com.
Washington’s Spelmanslag Silver Spring
Kensington MD
2nd and 4th Saturdays 2:30-4:30 pm
Open rehearsals for a small orchestra playing traditional
Swedish music. Info at [email protected].
Shape Note Singing • Berryville, VA
1st Saturdays • 4-8 pm
Shape note singers will gather at Josephine School Museum,
303 Josephine St. Potluck supper (picnic style, no kitchen facilities). Info: shenandoahharmony.com, dcshapenote.squarespace.com, or call John or Kelly at 540-955-2660.
Weekends, Festivals
& Special Events
Traditions Week 2/Flutes-fujara • Westminster, MD
Monday, July 4 - Friday, July 8, 2016
A week filled with music, other instrument classes available, evening concerts and jams, at beautiful McDaniel College. For more information and to register see the webpage
at http://www.commongroundonthehill.org/, call Rob
Casell at 410-857-2771, or email rob@commongroundonthehill. On the website click Traditions Week 2 / Overtone flutes-fujara, for class descriptions. All levels, no music
experience necessary, loaner instruments in class. To hear
an example of fujara, go to https://www.youtube.com/
Common Ground on the Hill Roots Music
& Arts Festival • Westminster, MD
Saturday, July 9 – Sunday, July 10
Vendors, food, four stages, @ Carroll County Farm Museum, 500 S. Center St., Westminster, MD 21157. Info at
SummerTunes 2016 • Frederick, MD Saturday July 23 • 10 am-11 pm All-day music workshop and rehearsal includes playing for
the MMFAC contra dance. The experience is friendly, exhilarating, educational, and just plain fun. Music available
in advance; all instruments welcome. With Andrea Hoag
(fiddle), and Liz Donaldson (piano/accordion). Trinity
Episcopal School, 6040 New Design Rd, 21703. $55/before June 25; $60/after; scholarships available. Info and
registration: Andrea Hoag, [email protected] or
301-565-2777. www.contradancers.com/mmfac.
Vocal Week at Augusta • Elkins, WV
Sunday, August 7 – Friday, August 12
Come harmonize at the Augusta Heritage Center’s Vocal
Week! Join Flawn Williams, a dozen great instructors, and a
hundred happy singers in the cool West Virginia hills. Join in
on songs from many traditions, from Appalachian ballads to
sea songs, African American gospel, lullabies from many lands,
improv games, and duets from all over. Call 304-637-1209,
vocal/ or email [email protected].
Deadline SEPTEMBER 2016 Newsletter: MONDAY, August 8, 2016
September 23-26, 2016
Name__________________________________________________ Home Phone_______________________________
City_______________________________State_______Zip__________E-mail address______________________________
Emergency Contact Person _______________________________________Phone ___________________________________
Please DONOT list ❏ my name ❏ address ❏ phone or ❏ e-mail in Getaway Attendees Directory.
Please list ALLwho will attend, INCLUDINGYOURSELF,select housing preference and compute the cost. List additional names on a separate piece of paper. If
you are registering someone who lives at a different address, please list their informaton on a separate piece of paper, so that other attendees have their actual
address/phone number/e-mail.
Children 8and younger must be accompanied by at least an equal number of adults who are responsible for their care and supervision throughout the event. There is
a maximum of 3children under 12 per adult.
Name of each registrant
[including yourself]
(as you would like it on your badge)
Age (if child)
Meals you plan to eat
Staying Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sun Mon
(Y/N) Fri/Sat/Sun Brkft Lunch Dinner Brkft Lunch Dinner Brkft
for Upper
Payment for overnight Getaway attendees may be done in installments. Deposits of $30.00 per adult and $15.00
Total Due:* $___________
per child required to reserve space. The balance is due by September 10, 2016. After that date space will not be
Scholarship Donation: $___________
guaranteed. We’re sorry, but we cannot give refunds for any cancellations received after Sunday, September 11, 2016
unless someone else takes your space. There is a $10.00 processing fee per person for all cancellations. Payers in nonAmount Enclosed: $___________
U.S. currency who can’t register on-line may contact Dick Greenhaus at Camsco Music (dick@ camscomusic.com) for
payment options.
Amount due by September 10, 2016: $___________
3 nights and 2 days
(Fri. eve ‘til Mon. breakfast)
Adults 18 and older:
$211.00 ($205.00 upper bunk vol.)
Students over 18
Children 13 through 17:
Children 4 through 12:
Children 3 and younger:
Adults 18 and older:
$231.00 ($225.00 upper bunk vol.)
Children under 17 and full-time students, same rates as members (see above)
2 nights and 2 days
(Fri. eve to Sun. night)
$181.00 ($175.00 upper bunk vol.)
One day and a night
(Either Sat. or Sun., with 1 night)
$111.00 ($107.00 upper bunk vol.)
$201.00 ($195.00 upper bunk vol.)
$121.00 ($117.00 upper bunk vol.)
Upper bunk volunteer: adults only can take the discount of $6 each for 2 or 3 nights; $4 for 1 night. (Also applies to tenters and RVers)
Daytrippers who aren’t going to eat with us at the center need not register in advance.
We can’t guarantee the last-minute availability of meals to daytrippers—we tell the camp how many meals to prepare 2 weeks in advance.
Day rate (per day) without meals: Members: $35 adults 18 and older; $20, ages 13-17; $5 ages 4–12; 3 and under free.
Nonmembers: $40 adults 18 and older; $20 ages 13–17; $5 ages 4–12; 3 and under free.
Day rate (per day) WITH meals: Members: $75 adults 18 and older; $60, ages 13-17; $45 ages 4–12; 3 and under free.
Nonmembers: $80 adults 18 and older; $60 ages 13–17; $45 ages 4-12; 3 and under free.
**Current full members of FSGW/BFMS/CDSS/FMSNY/ FSSGB. If you are not yet a member, you may join FSGW now and get member rates.
July/August 2016
Housing choices: Your tent, camper or RV (but there’s only the upper bunk discount for that—plus guaranteed privacy).
ALLROOMS HAVE 4BEDS with upper and lower bunks. If you wish to share with specific people, we can put 4of you in a room. Privacy at the camp is hard to come by; there are only 50 rooms.
❏ ❏ I am interested in a scholarship. I/we would like to room with: ________________________________________________________________
I/We would like these Lodge Options: (same gender; music at night; quiet lodge; children; using own RV/tent):_________________________________________
❏ Vegetarian ❏ Restricted diet? ❏ Any allergies we should knowabout?_____________ ❏ Any physical disabilities we should take into account?_____________
Mail with payment to our registrar: (If you find you cannot come, please cancel your reservation.)
FSGW Getaway c/o Dean Clamons,
P.O. Box 217 / Clifton, VA 20124-0217 / USA / 703-631-9655 ([email protected])
P.O. Box 323
Cabin John, MD 20818
PERMIT #4297
Printed on recycled paper.
Address Service Requested
The Folklore Society of Greater Washington is a not-for-profit
[Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code] institution, and we encourage the financial contributions of our members. Contributions in
excess of annual dues are welcome and may be tax-deductible.
Please mail your gift to FSGW, P.O. Box 323, Cabin John, MD
20818. Subscriptions to the Newsletter are available only outside
the Greater Washington Metro area.
is dedicated to preserving and
promoting traditional folk arts in the
Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.
Membership is open to all who support these
goals upon payment of dues.
FSGW Membership Form
o New Membership o Renewal o Change of Address
Paper Newsletter
Family Electronic Newsletter
(Principal contact for membership, ballots, etc.)
Additional Names____________________________________________
(Family memberships only)
o $45 + $6
1 Year
$33+ $6
2 Years
o $62
$62+ $12
$85 + $12
City_______________________________State_____ Zip_____________
3 Years
$91+ $18
o $125 + $18
Name 1: H: ________-_______-_________W: ______-______-_______
$550 (no charge for paper)
$800 (no charge for paper)
o $25
Student membership is electronic newsletter only.
o $25
Paper newsletter memberships are only for
those outside of the Greater Washington
area. The subscription includes no member
Cell: ________-_______-_________Other: ______-______-______
May we list you in our Membership Directory? FSGW does not provide
mailing lists to any other organizations.
o Yes o No
o Yes, but do not list my:_____________________________________
Send form and check made payable to FSGW to:
FSGW Membership • FSGW, c/o M. Burnett, 10001 Boreland Ct., Bristow, VA 20136