July 2016 Wings Newsletter - St. Paul`s United Methodist Church of


July 2016 Wings Newsletter - St. Paul`s United Methodist Church of
September 2016
Youth Mission Trip
1 &2
Backpack Blessing
Ministry Fair
Refugee Update
Financial Peace
Ninos con Vida
Summer Program
Stephen Ministry
St Paul’s Jr/Sr
Hi all. Just wanted to thank all of you who helped send the youth and accompanying
adults on our Mission Trip to work with a large variety of non-profit organizations in the
general vicinity of Loveland, Colorado. It was an amazing time. We built special bonds of
fellowship within our group and with youth from other areas. Many of us worked in areas
outside our comfort zones. I think we can say that we all tried to be open to the work God
was doing within us as well as do a good job with the sites to which we were assigned. I
was so proud of our group. When Larry and I looked at the list of those signed up we were
so excited. Great adult sponsors and wonderful youth. Our youth group had a great
attitude from the beginning and were a joy to watch as they interacted with others. I am so
glad to have had the opportunity to make the trip with them.
I would like to share a little of my personal experience on the mission trip. I was assigned
five youth, all from different youth groups in other states. We were placed with the
nonprofit Hearts and Horses which offers a large spectrum of therapeutic riding. Larry's
group was also assigned, but they worked with children while my group worked more
closely around the horses; scooping poop, pulling weeds, and in general doing some pretty tough manual labor. I was pretty sure I lost weight on the trip because I averaged 10
miles a day on my pedometer. Ha. I gained. :/
The irony of my placement was that I have had a great fear of horses since one tried to
scrape me off his back through a low hanging mesquite tree in Texas. I was an eighth
grader at the time and that finished me with horses.
Talk about God bringing you face-to-face with your fears. Did you know horses are BIG?
Bigger than me. Bigger than you. Bigger than most people. But I was determined to face
my fears with God and the five youth God gave me to supervise. One of the youth was
even allergic to horses but rather than switch assignments, he decided to stay with the
Royal’s Schedule
Outreach Mission
Blood Drive
St. Paul's church family and friends,
Food Pantry
Jim Hendricks
We scooped poop every day; all the corrals and all the stalls. We pulled weeds, many,
many weeds. More about the unusable corral full of three foot weeds later. We
brainstormed and then prepared volunteer appreciation gifts. And we petted horses. And
did a lot of our poop scooping while in the stall and corrals with the horses. Gentle horses,
sometimes a little too friendly horses but horses to respect not fear. I wish I had told
someone about my fears when I was twelve years old and been able to get past those
fears four decades ago! Time wasted and horses avoided.
I must say I had a joyous time on the mission trip with a few exceptions. I loved hard work
outdoors with the breeze blowing on my face. I loved working with other youth and getting
to spend lots of time with our youth. I liked scooping poop. Unfortunately weeds do not like
me. And I had an interesting allergic reaction that in retrospect I did not take seriously
enough. Lesson learned. I thought I might end my musing with lessons learned from
scooping poop and pulling weeds.
When scooping poop:
1. It helps to ship it off site. Flies do not accumulate to bother the horses and people.
Scoop it. Move it. See # 7 below for corollaries.
2. Horse poop does not smell, at least initially :)!
3. The output reveals the input. Horse poop reveals that horses eat hay! Hmmm…
I wonder what our output (verbal more than fecal) reveals about our input.
4. Team work makes it go much faster. Somehow teaming up in the really poop decorated stalls made the work more
pleasurable than everyone scooping away in a stall by themselves a little at a time.
5. A little reward in the midst of chores makes the work faster and more pleasurable. Petting horses was an easy
distraction. The youth loved them, me too! But saving the petting to the end or taking a group break to pet the horses
was a nice perk to every morning.
6. A clean stall was a reward in itself. It was great to be able to look and measure how successful your efforts were.
7. You must scoop daily or poop accumulates. Accumulated poop attracts flies and leaves stalls and corrals less than
attractive and comfortable. Again, I wonder how this applies to our daily life... What poop are we allowing to
accumulate that makes our lives or personalities or relationship with God less than it should be?
1. It is unwise to weed if they are three feet high and dried and set in dirt like concrete. Especially if you think you might
be allergic. Picture pollen flying into your sinus cavities. Not smart. Lesson learned.
2. Delegate. When lesson above causes your face to swell, observe rather than participate on day two. And listen to
your daughter nurse's advice and DO NOT tell your doctor about this event later.
3. Again teamwork it essential. The weeds around the perimeter of the corral were easier to pull. The center of the
corral was like concrete. On one really big and stalky weed three of the youth decided to team up. They placed their
hands around the base of the stalk and counted off "three, two, one!" And pulled. It popped right out. The speed with
which the work was completed accelerated with this learning.
4. The teamwork lesson was well learned and celebrated. Videoed. Photographed.
The last night all of our teams had reflection time together. We took turns telling each person what we learned and
admired about them. It was very moving. One of the youth who seemed standoffish for the first two days turned out to be
really uncomfortable with new people, but he stuck with us. We all learned from one another. Each person brought
different gifts. What a joy!
And are own youth were such hard workers. I loved the reports I heard in the evening. I loved watching them interact
with youth from other groups and it was very entertaining to listen to discussions about whether we drank soda or pop or
coke. Or how you properly pronounced the word bagel. Who knew bagel had an alternate pronunciation? They too had
their boundaries stretched as did most adults. It was hard and rewarding work. At the end of the week my small team got
to watch a horse show that Larry's group helped with all week. His youth team worked with children who were differently
abled than most of us. So many challenges those children and their parents live with every day. But the joy they
experienced in showing off their new skills to parents, family, and all of us was contagious.
So thank you. Thank you for sending our youth. Thank you for sending our sponsors. And thank you for sending me.
God was present and it was incredible!
Our ministry seeks to CONNECT young disciples with the community of God,
to GROW their relationship with Christ, enable them to SHARE their faith
and to SERVE throughout the world.
Wednesday Night Programming
Begins September 7th
5:45 - 6:30 ~ Dinner Served
6:30 - 7:45 ~ Programming for ALL ages
9. FUSION offers you a free dinner. (Free will donation is accepted)
FUSION is not just for kids or families
FUSION has 3 different adult classes offered this year.
FUSION has a kid’s program for those ages 4 - 6th grade.
FUSION offers nursery care for those who have kids under the age of 4 whose parents are involved in any of the
Wednesday night ministries (FUSION classes, bell choir, praise team, or chancel choir).
FUSION has a hang-out time for the youth, grades 7 - 12.
FUSION includes children’s choir for kids from 6:30 - 7:00, you do not have to stay for the program in order to
participate in children’s choir.
FUSION is a ministry that is intended to merge generations ~ FUSE them together in food, fun, and fellowship!
1. FUSION is a great way to connect with others and re-connect with your faith during the week! Join us this year!!
Sermon Series “Snip-its” with Pastor Nancy
Pastor Nancy will be continuing discussion on her Sunday morning sermon series. Join her Wednesday nights if you
would like to be part of the discussion.
God’s Leadership with Pastor Cesar
Pastor Cesar will begin the year with an 8 week class called “God’s Leadership.” It will be a bilingual class that
addresses the people who God chose to be leaders, to make history, those that we might ignore. GOD chose these people
to make history!
“FaithLink” current events
This class will be a discussion of a different current event each week, and how we respond with our faith. Join us for
some discussion and reflection on how our faith influences reactions to the world we live in.
will be experiencing a number of different service projects. We will spend time making new friends, playing
games, and growing together in our faith.
will have a hang-out time in the youth room. We are still looking for volunteers to supervise a few times
this year. Could you join them one week?
The altar area was overflowing with kids and their backpacks on Sunday, August 14. It
was heartwarming to see so many excited kiddos as they gathered with teachers, youth,
college students and peers to receive a special “Back to School Blessing.” Following the
blessing, each child was given a backpack tag to carry with them each day to school. The
tag shared Matthew 28:20, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” We pray
they know god’s presence each and every day this school year and always! If you did not
receive your backpack tag, please see Holly outside the Chapel doors on Sunday morning.
Back to School
We had more than 45 different ministries represented on August 14 at our Ministry Fair.
The Fellowship Hall was filled with individuals sharing their excitement for numerous
ministries and programs that St. Paul’s offers. It was a great opportunity for new families
and regular attendees to find out more about our church. We saw an increase
in participation and volunteers in all ministry areas ~ what a blessing! For those of
you who were able to join us ~ thank you. If you were unable to attend, there are still
opportunities to get involved at St. Paul’s. If you need a place to share your time and
talents, contact the church office or Pastor Nancy. They will be happy to get you
Great thanks to the St. Paul’s congregation for donating items to
the refugee family we will be sponsoring in the near future.
Thanks also to those of you who helped move donated items to the
church. We now have all of the items needed to furnish a new
home for the refugee family! The only items that will be needed for
the family will be some clothing items. We will not be seeking
clothing donations until we are given the clothing sizes of the family members.
We have been assigned a refugee family! They are from Ethiopia and will be arriving at
9:04 PM on Thursday, September 15, at Eppley Airport. Help is needed to move the
furnishings you have donated from the church to their new family’s home on Friday
September 9th from 5:30-9:00PM.
If you would be interested in helping, please contact
Kris Lausterer at [email protected] or Mary Robotham at [email protected]. If you
have a truck we would really appreciate your volunteering as we will need several trucks to
move the donated items.
Lastly, if you would like to meet the family as they arrive at Eppley Airport, please contact Kris or
Mary. We are very excited to meet the family and it would be really cool to have a large group from St.
Paul’s at the airport to greet them!
Young Adult Financial Peace University
Let’s be real, adulating is hard. Making your own doctor’s
appointments, finding an apartment, figuring out what to do
with your actual paychecks. Why are there so many things
we’re supposed to know that nobody ever taught us?
Financial Peace University can help make sense out of all that
weird money stuff. Whether you have student loans to pay off, want to buy a car, are signing up for
insurance, or figuring out how to pay all your own bills, these classes break it down and give you clear
advice. Plus, lean alongside other young adults who are just as overwhelmed as you are!
We are offering a young adult FPU class for anyone ages 18-35. We will meet in the Chapel from 7:309:00pm on Sundays from September 18 to November 13. There will be a free preview class on Sunday,
September 11, beginning at 7:30pm in the Chapel. This class is open to anyone, so please invite your
There is a sign-up sheet in the West hall. For additional information, please email Diane Kenyon at
[email protected], or call at 402-658-0313
Financial Peace University Scholarships
Would you like to sponsor a young adult who wishes to take Financial Peace this fall? The cost of
materials is $93 per individual or couple. Please contact Diane Kenyon at 402-658-0313 or
[email protected].
Wing inputs are due to the office not later than the 20th of each month unless the date falls
on a weekend, then they are due the first Monday following. Inputs for the weekly
bulletins are due to the office not later than 12:00 pm on Wednesdays.
Ninos con Vida Summer Program
The doors of the vehicle were opening, you could hear their laughter, running down the steps, and their
greeting was a big smile. The children were coming to Ninos con Vida Summer Program, At that
moment, it felt so alive that glorious moment when Jesus said: “Let the little children come to me.
Don’t keep them away. The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like them.” (Matthew 19:13-14 NIRV)
We sometimes think like the disciples that Jesus had more important things to deal with than being
with funny, loud children. The gospel focuses on Jesus’ ministry in so much detail when he set free
sinners, women, children, sick and the outcast.
Ninos con Vida Summer Program of the Missouri River district Hispanic ministry has been an
extension of Jesus ministry for eight consecutive years. Children live in the truth through songs, Bible
stories, art, games, experiments, sports, field trips, lunch, reading, fellowship, and technology. Children
are not stopped on being children, they become children again like a 12-year-old who after school has to
take care of her 4 year old sister because their parents have to work. She enjoys playing and singing
with the other children and her little sister. But in the summer program, her sister is a child like her
and like all the children who belong in the Heavenly Kingdom.
Children are confused in the value of their lives. Parents work all day to fulfill the family’s needs, but
they are missing quality time of the growing up of their children. Parents want to make sure that their
children are loved and commonly express this with material things. One of our volunteers said, “in
silence, listening and being present with them is when they feel being loved and how important they
really are. Children understand so easily that God loves us and that He sent his son to be with us and
that his son would give his own life so we could be with him forever.”
Children think they are useless because we said you are inexperienced, you don’t know anything, you
are irresponsible, I won’t always be doing everything for you. Children perceive that they are failures
that they have a deficit or inability because all that they do is no good and are incapable of taking care
of themselves. Only adults are perfect! Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and do not forbid
them.” We stop them by word and act to live their own life. We obstruct their process of growing up
and flourishing and being the best version they can be. We deny and refuse their competency and
potential with what they are born with. In that way, we are denying the creation of God who made all
things perfect and good. The children are created in the image and likeness of God, and not only that,
the kingdom of God belongs to them, to the persons we think possess characteristics and abilities which
are inferior to adults.
Also, television, radio, conversations, churches, and the actions of others contribute more because of the
color of their skin and because they speak a different language. They need help! Home is the sacred
place of the family. Their roots and the heart of each family member are connected in words in Spanish,
but English is used to communicate with society. Society who can’t accept the idea of a child being
perfectly bilingual and assume they are suffering and in need of education. The children are the most
efficient translators for their parents. Ninos von Vida allows children to express freely in two languages
because their deep feelings will be spoken and they are thinking in their native language, the language
spoken to them from birth by loving parent.
Letting the children be children is how it’s supposed to be since the beginning. Ninos con Vida is the
paradise for them and for us, where kids and adults play together enjoying the life, singing with
different voices the only truth, and we practice living in that truth through dancing. We
discover together in the Word of God that the life of people in the past was hard. Some
failed again and again and sometimes crying defined the saddest moments. But there
will always be a happy ending, always a smile will rise, because God is taking care of us,
loving us, and saying to us. Don’t worry, be happy; enjoy my gift, the gift of life.
The imagination is promoted in Ninos con Vida. Imagination is the faculty of the person
to create new ideas, images, pictures, concepts, and reflections/solutions. To become
visible that which is not present in our reality imposes unity of our whole being: the
mind by thinking; the soul with emotions, feelings and desires; and the body where enthusiasm,
motivation, and excitement are felt. It is possible to become real because we have the creativity to do it.
We need the children to work with us for the transformation of the world and to complete the task Jesus
gave us to love one another. You have been an important and essential part of the life of children.
Together our district church supporters (St. Andrews, Bellevue Aldersgate, Nehawka First, and
Weeping Water First), individuals, and volunteers, are contributing to spread the love of God who cast
out all fear, in making a difference in our community and by impacting the lives of the children.
Job stress...Caregiving responsibilities...Empty nest...Loneliness...There are times in one’s life when burdens and
anxieties seem overwhelming. Stephen Ministry is designed to help individuals address those needs and concerns
by offering Christian care that is one-on-one and confidential.
But my problems don’t seem big enough to require a Stephen Minister. It doesn’t need to be a major illness
or the death of a loved one that brings you to a Stephen Minister. We all have times in our life when it would feel
good to simply share our burdens, big or small, with someone who is willing to patiently listen. And that’s the
main purpose of a Stephen Minister--to listen. Whether it’s the stress of handling family duties as a single parent,
the loneliness and anxiety of being in a new place, or simply entering a new phase of life (retirement, empty nest,
divorced, etc.), sharing your concerns with a Stephen Minister can help to ease the burden.
Why meet with a Stephen Minister when I can talk to my family or close friends? Many are blessed with
family members and friends who are available in a time of need. However, it can also be helpful to share honest
feelings, fears, and frustrations with someone who is outside of the situation--a neutral person who will listen
without judgment. And a Stephen Minister doesn’t require anything from the
relationship--he/she is available simply to listen to you.
How long does a Stephen Ministry relationship last and where do meetings
occur? Though meetings with a Stephen Minister typically occur weekly for an hour,
the duration of the relationship can last as long as it is needed. This may be over the
course of a few weeks, months, a year, or more. Meetings can occur wherever the care
receiver is most comfortable and the least distracted. Often meeting in their home is
preferred, but it can also be at church, on a walk through the park, or over coffee.
I know someone who could benefit from a Stephen Minister--how do I make a
referral? First, talk to this person about the Stephen Ministry, emphasizing that it is
individual and confidential. Secondly, get his or her permission to make the referral.
You may then share this with Pastor Nancy or Ray Cardaronella, who serves as the
referral coordinator for our Stephen Ministry.
Does a person need to be a member of our church to meet with a Stephen Minister? No. Our Stephen
Ministry is available to the unchurched or to members of other churches where Stephen care is not offered.
Therefore, do not hesitate to share this resource with a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who is going through a
stressful or difficult time.
Beginning September 18, those wishing to have a Stephen Minister pray with them individually may do so following the
9:30 service. Two Stephen Ministers will be available each week at the front of the sanctuary following the end of the service.
Much like the prayers during our Healing Services, those with a personal prayer request (for self or others) may approach one
of these Stephen Ministers for the purpose of praying together. Unless otherwise noted, all prayer requests will be kept
For questions about our Stephen Ministry, please contact one of the Stephen Leaders:
Ray Cardaronella -- [email protected] —or— Stefanie Ramsey -- [email protected]
Pastor Nancy has reported on the mission trip elsewhere in this newsletter, but I would like to echo
her thanks to the congregation for sending us. And I’d like to thank our adult sponsors who made it
possible--Jeff and Roxanne Lott, Mark Stanton, Diane Lausterer and Pastor Nancy.
This was a life-changing trip for our youth and our adults. We laughed a lot along the way, but we
worked hard and we had God by our side every step of the way.
My biggest takeaway from the trip was that in a world that focuses too much on the negative, there
are lots of amazing people doing great things out there. I got to see God’s love every day--through
our youth and the youth of other churches and through the many other volunteers we encountered.
I have received notes from people thanking us for our random acts of kindness along the way, and I
received compliments about our youth from our bus driver, from the mission trip company we worked
with, and from the staff members at the various places we helped. When you spend as much time
together as we did, you get to know one another pretty well. I am proud of our youth. Their laughter,
their smiles, and their willingness to help others and serve God made it a great trip. We’re already
planning what we can do next summer.
What else are the youth up to? We took a
break after the mission trip, but we’re back
in action. We welcomed our new seventh
graders to our back-to-school barbecue on
August 14. Next up is gaga ball practice so
we can bring home the trophy from the
Camp Fontanelle Fall Festival. We are
excited for another great year of youth
-- Larry Sparks--
Raising Our
for the Almighty
Loving Savior
Sunday, September 11--Gaga Ball practice and pizza, 4 to 5:30pm, Gaga Ball pit and
Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, September 14--Youth preparing and serving Fusion dinner
Sunday, September 18--Camp Fontanelle Fall Festival. Leaving at 10:45am; returning
about 5:00pm. (We will need drivers.)
Sunday, September 25--Lesson, 4 to 5:30pm in the Youth Room
Sundays, 9:30-10:30a.m., Junior High in Room 15; Senior High in Room 10A.
Stephens Center
Outreach mission for September is for the Stephen Center. There will be a list of items needed in the West
hallway. A specific need is for towels (can be used) and coffee.
School Supplies
You all did a wonderful job collecting school supplies. Sarpy County Human Services was so pleased to get
everything. Seven big boxes of supplies including: 19 backpacks, 261 pencils, 33 loose-leaf paper packs, 42 glue
sticks, 20 boxes of colored pencils, 13 boxes of markers, 50 red ink pens, 43 erasers, 332 black/blue pens, 6
notebooks, 24 pencil cases, 8 boxes crayons, 64 pocket folders, 66 spiral notebooks, 3 composition books and
another BOX of crayons, paper, rulers for UMCOR school bags. Thanks so much for your continued support.
Birthday Closet
The Outreach Committee partnered with the Open Door Mission to help fill their Birthday Closet. We know every
child loves to get birthday gifts, but sometimes it is not always possible for a parent to buy those gifts. But once
again St. Paul’s came through with many generous donations for the closet. These gifts will put some smiles on many
young faces. Thanks, St. Paul’s.
FROM 7:00am to 1:00pm
The Red Cross Bloodmobile is coming to St. Paul’s September 11 from 7:00am to 1:00pm! For
anyone who donates blood, there will be a $5 Amazon card waiting for you! There will be a
sign-up sheet in the West hallway listing volunteer opportunities at the bloodmobile
registration table and in the canteen as well. Over 30 blood donors are needed. You are
eligible to donate if there are 56 days between donations of whole blood and 112 days
between the donation of double red cells. You can register this donation via redcrossblood.org. You can also use
a new tool to answer the history questions in the comfort of your own home via redcrossblood.org/rapidpass on
the day of the drive. Please contact Lin or Denny Hughes (402-592-4922) with any questions. Let’s remember
our heroes of 9/11 by donating life giving blood on 9/11/16.
Do your part--give the gift that keeps on giving.
Scrip Program
By using gift cards you help the church by sponsoring the Scrip Program. Please keep in mind that this also helps
keep you from identity theft, because you write a check to the church and use the gift cards in the store. No
more worries when using a check or debit card that someone will get your personal information. The gift cards
never expire and are good anywhere in the USA. The website to see all the 700+ companies in the program is
www.glscrip.com. Thanks for your support.
Sep 4 - Gift card orders are taken and gift cards on hand for sale
Sep 11 - Gift card orders ready to pick up and gift cards on hand for sale
The Sowers Sunday School Class apologizes for the calories consumed and sugar highs caused during
the Dollars for Doughnuts fund raiser in August. But we want to thank the
congregation for raising nearly $700 for the Kitchen Stove Fund. Again
many thanks.
Cleaning Up Nebraska While Helping Others
Thank you to all who helped by taking time from their busy August
schedules for this rewarding community outreach effort. On August
13 and 20, numerous volunteers successfully scraped, caulked, primed,
and painted the home of Michael Stuczynski in Omaha. A special
thanks also to all who coordinated and provided a delicious lunch for
the workers on both Saturdays. This is truly a living example of
spreading God’s love in our world.
Camp Fontanelle BBQ and Quilt Auction
The annual BBQ and quilt auction fundraiser at Camp
Fontanelle will be held September 18. The proceeds from the
quilt auction and silent auction help support our camping
ministry. Besides the BBQ lunch and the auctions, activities
include the gaga tournament, corn maize, pumpkin patch, zip
lines, hayrack rides, jumping pillows, petting barn, and pony
For more details, check the camp website,
www.campfontanelle.com or look for the camp flyer on the
church bulletin board.
Camp Fontanelle Workday
A workday at camp is scheduled for September 10 to help prepare for the annual BBQ
fundraiser on the 18th. A variety of projects are planned and many volunteers are
needed. Start time is 9:00am and lunch will be provided. A car pool will leave from
the church’s south parking lot at 7:45am. For more information, contact Mike
Zimmerman at [email protected] or call 402-593-7243.
Food Pantry Needs & News
A big THANK YOU to everyone who brought food for the Pearl Food Pantry. The need is
great and continues. Please continue your donations. If everyone who reads these words
would just bring one item every Sunday, we will follow His commandment to feed the hungry.
Shout out to Paul Johnston. Your donation of fresh pears and peaches brought Barb (the lady
that runs the pantry since it was at Pearl) almost to tears. Fresh produce is sometimes
available, but fresh fruit is a real blessing.
The shelves contained a few staples, but they were down to one can of past sauce and a pound of ground turkey.
Your donations have made it possible for families to provide a balanced meal to their loved ones.
Thanks again and Blessings.
Rehearsal for
Rehearsal for
Johnson Wedding
Johnson Wedding
NE City
7:00pm - Bethany
Chatty Crafters
9:00am B9
5:45pm - FH
Praise Team
6:00pm Sanctuary
Chancel Choir
7:10pm - Sanctuary
Bell Choir
6:30pm - Chapel
6:30pm B9
Fall Clergy
Chatty Crafters
9:00 am B9
Fall SS Begins
Blood Drive
Financial Peace
7:30pm Library
Camp Fontanelle
Fall Festival
Boy Scouts
6:30pm Fellowship Hall
6:00pm - Library
Finance - 7:00pm
6:30 Bethany
Bell Choir
6:30pm Chapel
Praise Team
6:00pm Sanctuary
Chancel Choir
7:10pm Sanctuary
Lay Leadership
7:00pm - Chapel
Financial Peace
7:30pm Library
Comm Mtg
6:30pm - Chapel
Trustees Mtg
7:00pm - Library
Bethany Circle
1:00pm - B9
Worship Planning
2:00pm - Library
Lay Leadership
7:00pm - Chapel
Bell Choir
6:30pm Chapel
Praise Team
6:00pm Sanctuary
Chancel Choir
7:10pm Sanctuary
28UMW Program
Picnic - 5:00pm
Financial Peace
7:30pm Library
Tech Working
Group - 6:30
6:00pm - Library
6:30pm B9
Bell Choir
6:30pm Chapel
Praise Team
6:00pm Sanctuary
Chancel Choir
7:10pm Sanctuary
COMING OCTOBER 23 at 4:00pm to St. Paul’s
A Christian pianist who has performed more than
1300 concerts with such legends as Dave Brubeck,
Della Reese, and Jack Jones, just to name a few.
324 S Jackson Street
Papillion, Nebraska 68046
Office hours: 9-4pm M-F
Omaha, Nebraska
Permit No. 17
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Non-Profit Organization