

This presentation is an exclusive offering of a naturally articulated and exceptionally well-preserved dinosaur skeleton, prepared and ready for exhibition.
This spectacular specimen belongs to
the well-known species Tenontosaurus
tilletti, and is unmatched in completeness and quality—making it the finest
known example of this species to date.
No comparable specimens of this
dinosaur exist in any private or museum-owned collection. All others pale
in comparison, being incomplete and
heavily restored.
The Tenontosaurus’ skeleton’s individual bones are beautifully preserved,
which greatly enhances its aesthetic
appeal and exhibit quality (see closeup photos). This skeleton has been
preserved as it was found, frozen in
what can be described as a sleeping
Interestingly, the huddled pose of the
skeleton (with inward-flexed limbs and
a curled neck) is actually not a typical death pose—rather, it suggests a
rapid burial, perhaps while still alive.
Taphonomic speculation surrounding
the death of this individual—together
with its outstanding, show-quality
condition—make for a rare and exciting exhibit, sure to become a highly
valuable attraction for new and repeat
visitors alike.
The 105-year-old Tenontosaurus fossil
measures roughly 17-feet-long (5.18m)
and represents a virtually complete
skeleton (approximately 98% intact).
Additionally important, the bones of
this skeleton are all sourced from a
single, adult individual (as opposed to
having been reassembled from several
individuals of the same species).
Therein lies a huge benefit: no restoration or reconstruction was needed.
It’s no overstatement to say that the
state of preservation of this skeleton is
absolutely outstanding.
Finally, to further enhance and maintain the skeleton’s authenticity and
integrity, it has been cleaned—but
in a manner specifically meant to
only expose one side. Therefore,
the remaining bones are intentionally being kept in situ in their original
matrix—enabling future study.
Class Dinosauria
Order Ornithopoda
Suborder Iguanodontia
Genus Tenontosaurus
Species Tenontosaurus tilletti
Nicknamed “Clover”
This dinosaur was discovered in 2008
in Private Ranch, Big Horn County,
Tenontosaurus skeleton, displaying the characteristic massive
tail, complete with intact ossified tendons. A healed tail injury,
possibly due to an attack, is discernible and one of the interesting pathologies present. Interestingly, no stomach stones
(gastroliths) were found in direct association with this skeleton.
The skeleton was unearthed from the
Cloverly Formation.
Based on radiometric dating, the
Cloverly Formation was formed
approximately 105 million years ago,
therefore assignable to the Early
Cretaceous Period (i.e., Aptian to
Albian geologic ages).
To ensure the specimen is and will be
made available for scientific research,
this offer is limited to public museums
or institutions only.
Available for immediate delivery.
Please contact us to inquire about pricing
information and eligibility for acquisition.
Lateral view of anterior caudal vertebrae
displaying ossified tendons
Purchasing Terms
The mounted skeleton was excavated
and preserved in a manner reflecting current paleontological standards,
including documentation in photographs, maps and field notes, which are
available for inspection upon request. In
addition to this data, letters and legal
documents attesting to land ownership
and rights to fossils as property are provided as the complete offering.
View of articulated right hind feet and manus
View of distal caudal vertebrae showing the terminal
element with hyper-ossification
The fossil is available exclusively by
Maxilla & Mandible, Ltd. For further
info, please contact Henry Galiano
([email protected]).
Palantar view of articulated left hind foot
Cranial area—Unfused neural arches in the cervical vertebrae, indicating that continued growth
was possible in this individual, despite its large size.
The Natural History and Science Emporium
459 Columbus Avenue Suite 117
New York, New York, 10024
E-mail: [email protected]
Please visit for
more photographs or to fill out the contact form to get
more information directly from Maxilla & Mandible, Ltd.