WindMil/OpenDSS Conversion - Engineering Analysis


WindMil/OpenDSS Conversion - Engineering Analysis
WindMil/OpenDSS Conversion and
Analysis Example
› What is OpenDSS and why use it?
› Exporting a WindMil model to OpenDSS
› Example – 8760 hourly loss analysis
› Preparation, data, and assumptions
› Analysis
› Results
› Summary and conclusions
What is OpenDSS and Why Use It?
› DSS = Distribution System Simulator
› Created by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
› Useful for frequency domain analysis and time series
analysis, such as:
Annual planning criteria violations
Device operations
Distributed generation
Annual losses
Harmonic analysis
What is OpenDSS and Why Use It?
› How is it useful for WindMil users?
› Helps users to complete more advanced analysis for real
time, times series, and harmonics
› WindMil translator reduces time in building the necessary
script files
› Milsoft plans to embed OpenDSS into WindMil in the future
Export WindMil Model to OpenDSS
› Model and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) data
based on samples from clients
› One 12.47 kV feeder in WindMil, including:
› Primary distribution
› Secondary distribution
› Distribution transformers
Export WindMil Model to OpenDSS
› WindMil model stats
Peak = 3.1 MW
Transformer kVA range 5 – 750 kVA for a total of 10,959 kVA
Number of customers = 1,044
Primary distribution length = 21.9 miles
Secondary distribution length = 25.65 miles
Export WindMil Model to OpenDSS
› Export to OpenDSS
› WindMil v8.2.0.4829
› Export file
functionality in
Export WindMil Model to OpenDSS
› What do the exported files look like
Example: 8760 Loss Analysis
› Analysis preparation
› Overhead and underground line construction specifications
› Added transformer no-load losses
› Create LoadShape .dss file
› Create new load .dss file
› Customer advanced metering infrastructure .csv file
Example: 8760 Loss Analysis
› Data and assumptions
› Removed customers from model that did not have advanced
metering infrastructure data available
› Created an annual load profile for OpenDSS using:
› One day of hourly demand information
› Annual feeder demand and power factor
Example: 8760 Loss Analysis
› Analysis
› 8760 hour loss analysis
› Edit Master.dss file to run
annual analysis
› Add EnergyMeter to monitor
system losses by equipment
8760 Hourly Loss Analysis Example
Annual Loss Analysis Results
Example: 8760 Loss Analysis
Summary and Conclusions
› Time series analysis is valuable
› OpenDSS can be used as an extension of your WindMil
› Allows WindMil users to have more advanced applications
› This example is the tip of the iceberg for the functionality
of OpenDSS
Thank You
Trishia Swayne, P.E.
Senior Consultant
Leidos Engineering
131 Saundersville Rd, Suite 300
Hendersonville, TN 37075
(615) 431-3227
Tyler Patton
Project Engineer
Leidos Engineering
131 Saundersville Rd, Suite 300
Hendersonville, TN 37075
(615) 431-3245