EOHHS Virtual Gateway: MTF Updates
EOHHS Virtual Gateway: MTF Updates
Commonwealth of Massachusetts EOHHS Virtual Gateway: Executive Office of Health and Human Services MTF Updates Commonwealth of Massachusetts April2010 April 2012 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Document Status in MAP New! New My Account Page “Document List” • MAP users now see when documents sent to MassHealth during the past 18 months for a household were received, and whether they have been processed. • Contains document information, not copies of actual documents themselves. • “Envelope Category” and “Document Category” is for internal purposes only. Please disregard. 2 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Document Status in MAP New! Multiple Documents in One Mailing or Fax • If multiple documents were sent in one fax or mailing: You will not see all of those documents in the list: You will only see the name, randomly selected, of one of the documents. So, it’s a good idea to check the list first for a “Date Received” around the time you think it was sent in, rather than first checking by “Document Type.” 3 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Document Status in MAP New! Social Security Number • For a document name to display, document must include Social Security Number (SSN) that matches the SSN of the household member that the document is about. • So, all mailed or faxed documents need to have the applicable individual’s SSN on it for it to be shown. Example: If a birth certificate for a spouse were mailed or faxed (alone, with no other documents), it must have SSN for that spouse on that document for it to be displayed in the MAP list. 4 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Head of household (individual who signed the application and is currently receiving benefits) can register / log into member-facing My Account Page Heads of household can also now see the new document list! EOHHS Virtual Gateway Member-Facing MAP & Change Form: • Almost 100,000 Head of Household users! • Almost 100,000 searches have been performed by Health Assistance members! • 5,293 Change Forms have been submitted by members! 6 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Poster and Flyer • Download, photocopy, and distribute flyer to your clients and patients! • Order free flyers and posters: Call 1-800-841-2900. Press “1” then “8” at the prompts. http://www.mass.gov/Eeohhs2/docs/masshealth/provider_services /forms/map-flyer.pdf EOHHS Virtual Gateway 24 - 7 Phone Service EOHHS Virtual Gateway Incomplete Application Lists Tip: Check Your VG “Incomplete Application” Lists Regularly Incomplete applications for <Your Organization> • These are applications begun by you or your organization but “suspended” without being submitted to MassHealth 9 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Incomplete Application Lists Incomplete applications can be displayed by the user who entered it or by the organization where the application was entered Click application number to open incomplete application EOHHS Virtual Gateway Incomplete Application Lists Why check VG “Incomplete Application” lists regularly? • Occasionally, VG users become so busy, they “suspend” a VG application, forget to come back to it, send verifications and signed signature pages to MassHealth, and assume their date of service is covered. • However, please remember: The “date of application” is the date MassHealth electronically receives the VG application. • The longer an application is kept in “suspense”, the less likely the applicant will receive appropriate coverage for the applicable date of service. This affects both your facility as well as the applicant. Incomplete applications for <Your Organization> 11 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Incomplete Application Lists Search for specific applications having “Status” of “Incomplete” EOHHS Virtual Gateway Incomplete Application Lists Run reports (on screen) containing all “Incomplete” applications for a specific period of time EOHHS Virtual Gateway Which Fax Cover Sheet to Use? Tip: Fax/Mail Cover Sheets • Be sure to refer to Fax/Mail Desk Guide for which cover sheet and address/fax number to use. • Use VG-generated cover sheet when your organization submits a VG application and it is pending its intake (initial) determination. • CPU has noticed that some organizations are using the generic cover sheet when the VG-generated cover sheet should have been used. www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/ masshealth/providerservices/mfcs-guide.pdf Thank you! 14 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Need Your Help Tip: VG-Generated Fax/Mail Cover Sheet • Please write on VG-generated cover sheet your organization’s name, sender and phone number. • Why? If you forget to click VG “Submit” button, but you fax MassHealth documents using the VG cover sheet, we cannot determine who sent them, to notify you that the application was never submitted. Fax: 617-887-8799 Organization name, Sender, Phone No. • Valuable time can be lost if we cannot contact you / your organization. 15 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Need Your Help More Tips: Fax Cover Sheets • Be sure to indicate the actual number of pages you are faxing on the cover sheet – this affects the scanning process. • Also, please be sure NOT to fax signature pages they MUST be mailed with the cover sheet. www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/ masshealth/providerservices/mfcs-guide.pdf Thank you! 16 EOHHS Virtual Gateway Quality Assurance – Request Reminder: Application Integrity – Request Suggested VG User Policy Going Forward: General MEC Policy: Staff not allowed to look into or process case either for themselves, family member and/or friends. • If the application is for: § the staff person, they must bring it to a manager for processing. § a family member, friend and/or someone that they know, bring to supervisor • If worker comes across application while processing their assigned work they must forward to a supervisor manager. • If family member/friend contacts them, they should direct the family member/friend to follow the normal procedure. However, if worker brings it to a manager, MEC will process but not talk to the staff person about the case. • If managers receive inquiry from someone they know, they must pass that inquiry down to a supervisor or staff, who will follow up with person. CST Policy: • CST employees who receive or are applying for medical benefits through the Commonwealth must not access their own case. Employees should contact their supervisors for assistance. • Accessing and/or altering confidential info belonging to a friend, family member, associate, or anyone else with whom the employee has an established relationship is subject to disciplinary action. EOHHS Virtual Gateway Questions? 18
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