Feast of Corpus Christi
Feast of Corpus Christi
SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH MECHANICSBURG, PA June 22, 2014 Masses for the Week VIGIL - THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST 5:00 PM Doris McGee Costello (Regan) - LPO SUNDAY, JUNE 22 - THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST 8:00 AM People of the Parish Living and Deceased - DMH 9:30 AM Bernard Britt (Campbell) - DMH 11:15 AM Patricia Hutterer (Russoli) - WJS MONDAY, JUNE 23 - WEEKDAY 6:30 AM Margaret Creeden (Family) - DMH 9:00 AM Joan Boyle (Young) - LPO TUESDAY, JUNE 24 - THE NATIVITY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST 6:30 AM Stasia Dlugolecki (Durle) - DMH 9:00 AM Ginger Ryan (Ryan) - LPO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 - WEEKDAY 6:30 AM Joseph Fortuna (Sprague) - DMH 9:00 AM Ruth Finn (Rieger) - WJS THURSDAY, JUNE 26 - WEEKDAY 8:30 AM Joseph Frankowski (Follansbee) - DMH FRIDAY, JUNE 27 - THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS 6:30 AM Josephine Ogden (Family) - DMH 9:00 AM Jack Sherrick (Coyne) - WJS SATURDAY, JUNE 28 - THE IMMACULATE HEART OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 8:00 AM Assunta Rasetta (DiVeglia) - DMH VIGIL - SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES 5:00 PM People of the Parish Living and Deceased - WJS SUNDAY, JUNE 29 - SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES 8:00 AM Reverend Louis Creeden (Family) - DMH 9:30 AM John Beck (Croop) - WJS 11:15 AM Donald Davis (Davis) - DMH Today in Our Parish After Masses Grocery Gift Cards (Narthex) Holy Land Craft Sale (Narthex) Knights of Columbus ARC Canning (Narthex) The Week Ahead MONDAY 9:30 AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Sanctuary) 6:00 PM Vacation Bible School (Parish Life & Ed. Ctr.) 7:00 PM Parish Finance Council (John Paul II Rm.) TUESDAY 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 12:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Zumba® Fitness Program (Brindle Hall) Rosary (Bethany Towers) Archivists (Lee Horan Rm.) Vacation Bible School (Parish Life & Ed. Ctr.) Knights of Columbus Council Mtg. (Lee Horan Rm.) WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM NCA Youth Cheerleading Camp (Bishop Dattilo Hall) 6:00 PM Vacation Bible School (Parish Life & Ed. Ctr.) 7:00 PM Zumba® Fitness Program (Brindle Hall) 7:00 PM Legion of Mary (John Paul II Rm.) THURSDAY 9:00 AM NCA Youth Cheerleading Camp (Bishop Dattilo Hall) 9:30 AM Miraculous Medal Novena (Sanctuary) 10:30 AM Rosary (Bethany West) 6:00 PM Vacation Bible School (Parish Life & Ed. Ctr.) 7:00 PM Boy Scout Trp. 195 Mtg. (Saint Joseph Hall) FRIDAY 9:00 AM NCA Youth Cheerleading Camp (Bishop Dattilo Hall) 6:00 PM Vacation Bible School (Parish Life & Ed. Ctr.) 6:00 PM Virtual Bible Study Wrap-Up (Lee Horan Rm.) SATURDAY 3:30 PM After Mass 6:15 PM Missionary Cooperative Second Collection Sacrament of Reconciliation (Sanctuary) Grocery Gift Cards (Narthex) Sacrament of Reconciliation (Sanctuary) NEXT SUNDAY After Masses 12:15 PM 6:30 PM Missionary Cooperative Second Collection Grocery Gift Cards (Narthex) Sacrament of Baptism (Sanctuary) SJAA Football and Cheerleading Registration (Saint Joseph Hall) 7:30 PM Over-30 Men’s Basketball (Bishop Dattilo Hall) Feast of Corpus Christi MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Dear Friends in Christ, Every year, on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, I am reminded of the powerful words of Saint John Paul II when he visited us as seminarians at Saint Charles Borromeo and gave us seminary students an address on the Holy Eucharist, something I will never forget. It was in the Fall of 1979. The Holy Father spoke to us about the Holy Eucharist and especially the Feast of Corpus Christi. He counseled us to make the Eucharist the center of our lives as seminarians and future priests. The Holy Father also spoke to us with apparent nostalgia about the tradition of Corpus Christi processions in Poland. I recall watching Pope John Paul II prepare for the Mass as he knelt down for silent prayer (several minutes) before putting on his vestments. At the end of Mass, the Holy Father carried the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in a procession around Seminary. When we returned to the sacristy, the Holy Father said that he would much prefer having the procession through the streets of Overbrook, like they did in Poland. It was evident that he missed his homeland. He reminded us that in Krakow (and I imagine throughout Poland), the popular Corpus Christi procession was banned during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Later, the Communists were determined to eradicate this tradition. Prior to the war, in Krakow this great public procession honoring the Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ went from Wawel Cathedral through the streets of the Old Town to the Market Square. The communists permitted a truncated procession to leave Wawel Cathedral and process around the courtyard of the royal palace, but the procession was forbidden to enter the city. After numerous protests from the archdiocese, the restrictions were eased a bit so that the Corpus Christi procession was permitted, albeit along a shortened route in the city. During these processions in the 1970’s, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the future John Paul II, preached dynamic sermons in which he spoke of the Eucharist and also about religious freedom and the right to worship. As is well known, the future pope struggled for the building of new churches in the archdiocese of Krakow. He also fought for the restoration of the full Corpus Christi procession. Every year on this feast of Corpus Christi, I remember Saint John Paul II’s simple, but powerful words. That experience is forever etched in my heart and in my mind. I also find it very providential and significant that the last encyclical letter written by Pope John Paul II was on the theme of the Holy Eucharist which he entitled Ecclesia de Eucharistia. If you have not already read it, I highly recommend this encyclical for your spiritual reading. In it, he wrote the following: The Eucharist, as Christ’s saving presence in the community of the faithful and its spiritual food, is the most precious possession which the Church can have in her journey through history. Saint John Paul II believed this with all his heart. His Eucharistic devotion and piety were an example for us all. The Eucharist is our most precious possession as Catholics. I encourage your devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, especially through its reverent reception and the practice of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Near the end of Ecclesia de Eucharistia, we read: ―In the humble signs of bread and wine, changed into his body and blood, Christ walks beside us as our strength and our food for the journey, and he enables us to become, for everyone, witnesses of hope. If, in the presence of this mystery, reason experiences its limits, the heart, enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, clearly sees the response that is demanded, and bows low in adoration and unbounded love.” As we celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi this Sunday, we thank Christ our Lord for this amazing gift. When we receive Holy Communion, we know that we are receiving the most holy Body and Blood of our Lord. When the people of Israel journeyed through the desert during the Exodus, the Lord fed them with manna. As we journey through the desert of this life, the Lord feeds us with living bread, with Himself, the Bread of Life. We believe Jesus’ promise that whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood has eternal life and He will raise him on the last day. Every time we receive Holy Communion, it is an intimate and personal encounter with Jesus who gives Himself to us. May the power of this Holy Sacrament penetrate our lives! Let us never take for granted the unsurpassable gift and priceless treasure of the Most Holy Eucharist! Saint Joseph, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death! Blessings, SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH MECHANICSBURG, PA June 22, 2014 We Remember This Week’s Readings ALTAR FLOWERS: In honor of the Wedding of Laura Hoehn and Tommy Trabold. Dates available: 6 July (2) and 13 July (2). Each bouquet is available for a $50 donation. TABERNACLE FLOWERS: In honor of the Wedding of Laura Hoehn and Tommy Trabold. Dates available: 29 June (2) and 6 July (2). Each bouquet is available for a $50 donation. AMBO FLOWERS: In honor of the Wedding of Laura Hoehn and Tommy Trabold. Dates available: 29 June (2) and 6 July (2). Each bouquet is available for a $50 donation. PRO-LIFE ROSES: In honor of the Wedding of Laura Hoehn and Tommy Trabold. Dates available: 29 June (2) and 6 July (2). A $5 donation per rose benefits Pro-Life Activities. PULPIT CANDLES: Dates available: 29 June and 6 July. The candles are available for a $10 donation. TABERNACLE CANDLES: In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Len and Pat Semick. Dates available: 29 June and 6 July. The candles are available for a $10 donation. SANCTUARY CANDLE: In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Len and Pat Semick. Dates available: 29 June and 6 July. The candle is available for a $10 donation. ALTAR CANDLES: In honor of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Len and Pat Semick. Dates available: 27 July and 10 August. The candles are available for a $10 donation. ______________________________________ REST IN PEACE Monday 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18 Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday Is 49:1-6 Acts 13:22-26 Lk 1:57-66, 80 Wednesday 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3 Mt 7:15-20 Thursday 2 Kgs 24:8-17 Mt 7:21-29 Friday Dt 7:6-11 1 John 4:7-16 Mt 11:25-30 Saturday Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 Lk 2:41-51 Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles Acts 12:1-11 and 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18 Mt 16:13-19 ST. JOSEPH COUNCIL #12788 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Our parish council is sponsoring the Joseph Sisto Memorial Scholarship, an educational scholarship in memory of the Council’s first Grand Knight. This scholarship is a $500 one time scholarship for any graduating senior who belongs to Saint Joseph Parish. The student must also: plan to attend a postsecondary educational institution (university, college, junior college, tech school, etc.) that requires tuition; have a minimum GPA of a ―B‖; and submit an essay with the topic to be provided. See application for further requirements. Applications can be acquired at the parish office (Knight’s Box), any pamphlet rack at the side exits of the church or online at the Council’s web site www.council12788.org (click on ―About Us‖) where the application can be filled out online, then printed and submitted. Submission deadline is 30 June 2014. Please contact Francis Bludis at 697-0713 with any questions. Please pray for those who have died. In Memoriam Are you a NetCharge User? Why not give it a try this summer? Sign up for NetCharge this summer for quick, convenient, and easy online giving to Saint Joseph Parish! Then your weekly donation will be one less thing you need to worry about when making your summer travel plans! Visit our website at stjosephmech.org to sign up! The following memorials have been presented to Saint Joseph Church. All memorials will be remembered in daily prayers and weekly liturgies. IN MEMORY OF FROM Genevieve Snyder Jeanne Lafferty Jane M. Farina MATTHEW 25:40 HELPING HANDS MINISTRY RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP ANNUAL BUDGET FOR SUNDAY COLLECTIONS $1,140,620 Fiscal Year July 2013—June 2014 Actual 15 June Year-to-date Catholic Communications Budget ―…And the King will say to them in reply, ―Amen…Amen…I say to you: whatsoever you did for these least sisters and brothers of mine, you did for Me!‖ –Matthew 25:40 Difference $16,616 $21,935 ($5,319) ———————————————— $1,134,438 $1,096,750 $37,688 $2,421 YTD June Loan Payment $5,575 $68,200 May Debt Collection $4,899 $64,240 Shortfall ($676) ($3,960) Saint Joseph Parish is launching our Matthew 25:40 Helping Hands Ministry. The ministry will provide the following services: 1. Providing meals (on a short-term basis) for parishioners who are not feeling well, who have recently been released from the hospital, and for new mothers. 2. Visiting with parishioners who are homebound and would like to have company from time to time. Visits can be ongoing as long as welcomed by the parishioner. For additional information or to make arrangements for meals or visits, parishioners or family members of parishioners should contact Linda Schneider, 580-7697, [email protected]. MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Book Collection The rising 8th grade Class of 2015 at Saint Joseph School will be holding a used book/DVD/video game sale Saturday, 6 September, as part of the Knights of Columbus yard sale. All proceeds will go to the 8th grade class graduation and activity fund. We are collecting for resale gently used books (from children’s to adult), cookbooks, movies on DVD, and video games. Donations may be placed in the box outside the school office anytime between now and 30 August. We ask that you do NOT donate encyclopedias, magazines, VCR tapes, or items containing offensive or inappropriate content. Thank you for your support! Summer Hours School Office Hours: the office will be open Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The office is closed on Fridays. The school office phone number is 766-2564. Religious Education Office Hours: the Religious Education office will be open Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The office is closed on Fridays. The religious education office phone number is 766-2472. Theology on Tap… ... hits the roof! Join us for a Summer Social up on the roof of Ceoltas on 2nd Street. ―The Thatch‖, as this open-air rooftop bar is called, is the perfect location to kick back and socialize with other young adults from the Harrisburg area. We’ll meet there on Wednesday, 25 June at 6:30 PM. All 21-39 year olds are welcome – single, married, practicing Catholics or those still searching. Hope to see you there! For more information and to RSVP go to the Theology on Tap - Harrisburg group on Facebook or http://ww.stjosephmech.org/ adult-education/theology-on-tap/. Saint Joseph Cheerleading Registration Saint Joseph Cheerleading registration for the 2014 football season will be held on Sunday, 29 June from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Saint Joseph School cafeteria. Girls entering grades 2 through 8 in the fall are eligible to participate. Please contact Chris Geisel at [email protected] for more information. Saint Joseph Chargers Football Registration Registration for the 2014 season will take place Sunday, 29 June from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Saint Joseph School cafeteria. New players must provide a copy of the player’s birth certificate at registration. Registration is open to participants ages 5-13 as of 30 April. Visit www.sjchargers.org or contact Jim Wewer at [email protected] for more information. HURRY, HURRY, Step right up! It’s time for Parade Around the Our Father At Parade Around the Our Father, kids will spend the week at the CIRCUS--complete with animals, clowns and balloons--learning about the Prayer that Jesus taught. They will meet Saint Joseph of Cupertino--the ―Flying Friar.‖ Kids will hear Bible stories, make crafts, play games and eat snacks—all the while they will come closer to Jesus and the Catholic Faith! WHEN: 23 JUNE - 27 JUNE WHERE: SAINT JOSEPH PARISH LIFE and EDUCATION CENTER TIME: 6:00 - 8:30 PM COST: $15.00 per Child WHO: Children Pre-K 4 to Grade 4* *Children age 4 must have turned 4 by 30 September 2013. *Children Kindergarten through Grade 4 will be placed by grade completed. Registration materials are available at the Religious Education Office and on the Parish Web Site. Payment should be made at the time of registration [checks made payable to Saint Joseph REP]. If there is a financial concern, please contact Rich Groff at 766-2472. Missionary Cooperative Second Collection The Benedictine Fathers of Saint Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PA will be with us next weekend, 28/29 June 2014, asking for our prayers and alms for their missions in Brazil and Taiwan. Seminarians from many foreign countries study at Saint Vincent expanding the mission endeavors to all of those countries. Please be generous and help them reach out to the world by being part of their mission work. The Missionary Cooperative second collection envelopes are in your July envelope mailing. This mailing should arrive in time for you to use on 28/29 June. If you do not receive it in time, please place your donation in a plain envelope with your name and address on the outside of the envelope and place it in the second collection. We apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you for understanding. May God continue to bless you and your families. ZUMBA® Fitness Come join women, ages 18+, who are getting in shape to the beat of Latin rhythms! ZUMBA® Fitness classes take place on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday nights. Don’t miss the fun! Instructor: Angelica Ried Dates/Times: Tuesday, 24 June, 9:45-11:00 AM and Wednesday, 25 June, 7:00-8:15 PM Location: Brindle Hall Fee: $5/class Questions? Call Mary Vukelich at 766-9433. SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH MECHANICSBURG, PA Shamrock Soccer Camp Registration The Shamrock Soccer camp is open to boys and girls entering grades 4 through 9. The camp is held at Trinity High School, 21-25 July. Camp applications are available through the Trinity website, under the ―Athletics‖ tab. If you have any questions please contact Peter O’Donnell at [email protected]. Trip to Baltimore The Leisure club is sponsoring a trip to Baltimore on Thursday, 11 September in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner. The cost of the tip is $40.00 per person. It’s a ―do your own thing‖ day. For information call Marge at 697-8993 or Jeannie at 737-8600. Trinity Class of 1969 45th Reunion: Join us Saturday, 2 August at DUKES Riverside Bar and Grill on the second floor banquet room overlooking the Susquehanna from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. The cost is $45 and is payable (by 1 July) to Trinity High School. Send your payment to: Lisa Wolfe, Trinity Alumni Office, 3601 Simpson Rd., Camp Hill, PA 17011. VISA and MasterCard payments are also acceptable. Contact Lisa Wolfe at 761-1116 or [email protected] for more information. Any funds left over from the reunion will be paid to Trinity’s Capital Fund campaign. Attention Men of the Parish Next weekend there will be a representative in the Narthex after all masses with information and registration forms for the 36 th annual Corpus Christi Men’s Retreat at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD (just 45 minutes down Rt. 15). The retreat begins Friday evening 1 August and ends in the early afternoon on Sunday, 3 August. Our retreat master is Monsignor Stuart Swetland of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, an outstanding speaker and author. The total cost for 2 nights lodging and good meals is $150. Please pay $60 with your registration and $90 upon arrival. For more information and application forms, call Jim Folmer at 697-0462 or stop by the parish office. Trinity Cheerleading Camp Join us for cheerleading camp from 21 July - 25 July from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Saint Joseph Parish Life and Education Center. The camp is open to any child who is entering 2nd through 8th grade in the fall. The cost for one child is $60. The cost for each additional child in the same family is $30. For further information, contact Lori Beauduy at 571-1483. June 22, 2014 Catholic Speaker: Scott Hahn Dr. Scott Hahn is coming to New Oxford, PA to speak on Catholicism! He will speak on Saturday, 30 August from 10 AM to 4 PM at New Oxford High School Auditorium. Dr. Hahn is a Professor of Theology and Scripture at Franciscan University of Steubenville and a prolific author, penning over 40 books. Register by 11 August and pay a $15 fee (lunch included) to attend. Please contact Pete Socks at [email protected] or 6344961 for more information and to register. This event is sponsored by Immaculate Conception Church BVM. Charismatic Mass On Tuesday, 1 July 7:30 PM, there will be a Charismatic Mass with prayers for healing at St. Theresa Church. All are welcome. Reverend Dwight D. Schlaline will celebrate the Mass. For more information, please call: Loretta at 7377551 or Mary Ann at 564-7709. Interested in Running Track? Any student entering grades 9-12 who will be attending Trinity High School and is interested in running Varsity Cross Country should contact Coach Turpin at 731-0841. Any student entering grades 7-9 who will be attending Saint Joseph, Saint Patrick, Good Shepherd, or Saint Theresa School and is interested in running Junior High Cross Country should contact Coach Gruschow at 258-8429. No experience is necessary! Canning for Pennsylvania ARC After all masses this weekend, Saint Joseph's Knights of Columbus will be at all doors collecting for the benefit of the ARC of Pennsylvania. The ARC of Pennsylvanians is a statewide organization of parents, friends and individuals with disabilities that provide advocacy and resources for Pennsylvanians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The services include early childhood programs, community living arrangement programs, parent to parent groups and employment services. Recent government budget pressures have been very detrimental to these groups. Any help we can offer will be put to good use. All funds collected goes to the Association. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK We would like to thank Advanced Physical Therapy THIS WEEKEND, 21 and 22 June 2014, handmade articles from Bethlehem are available for sale in the narthex. Christian families in the Holy Land made these religious items from Olive Wood. We encourage you to support their efforts. for sponsoring an advertisement in our parish bulletin. Please patronize the businesses that underwrite all of the publishing expenses of our weekly bulletin.