Impacts of Modernization VS Architectural Tourism


Impacts of Modernization VS Architectural Tourism
Impacts of Modernization VS Architectural Tourism
Faculty nC Management Science, Khon Kaen University
dkovathan.akul9 y a h ~ m ~ r ~ . l h
This piper aims ro study ahout the c~mtcstarion:case study in the impacr of K ~ ~ I Rfii~d's
I ~ N
maderni7atiun thal why i~
a f
k l ~ Architcctuml
Herimp (Wac Chnna Songkram).
The growih or K h w n Rond and induslrial tourism Is one of dte reawns in lfie
mudcrnlzaria~l'cs t m m that crash strongly from the wpid growth to Wut Chuna Sungkram. This is Ihc
tim whem wc havc to wrnsider this pmhlem.
T h i s ppcr
will answer (his queslion hnt maybe occurs (1, the Thui B~ddhiiilheritage. The
diapmm of problems in pan ot wigins of Ihe ~nnllictwill m k e you to
mrre understunrl abuut the
proms or conlcstation study.
J'lliv papr tmcerlr about contestation: caw ?;~utfyabout [tie itnpd of Khuosan
Koad's modernization ha1 wtiy it affect to Wat Chana Songkram.
Thc growth of Khaosan Roud and industrial lourihm is onu rd he r w o n s in the
rnodcrni?ation's stma~nthat crash strongly to the Buddhist heritage. Wut ChanaSongbam.
Is this Ihc time where we have I6 csnsider this pmhlen~'!
This assignment will answer this que~tion.The diagram of problems in par1 or
origins of the conflict will make you to more understand uhut the process of conlerttaliun
Research Methodology
I . Documcnling the preliminary and secondmy resvurres
2. Field Study
3. Anulysiv of the documents
4. Cosclusians
5. Remmmendutions
Scope of the Study
I. Wat Ghana Songklcmm
2. Khdosun Rond
" The local community is the jn~poitantfactor to conserve h e heritage. IF thc nulive
peaple is mined the knowledge, the s j ~ ecrm dcvclop parallel wirh the heritage in thc'ksi
Tourism M t y of-,
A c d 11 QCT-,
.2005. AvaiI~bkBotn
: ~ / w w w . u r t n ~ . ~ W~ l ae s vp d ~
North - Soi Rarnb
Soutb - Ghana So
Wesl- TmaoR~ad
0.339 quare kilomttms of
This Wp1e is an dd mastnry, which was
Rammkoin (that is, M o r e 17152).
(temple in the paddy Wl. Later? Kiqg Ramah I
$a$a&@&u to give d~aawnr~n&'Tcmg
mqk h d h Ay&M&ya and Mhrst
hi@minn,which meam w h b g a war
(History of War Chrussl %ng,b;ram. 2OEj.l)
Tucked Away in h 6 ce~jterof the backpacker are nf Bu~lglumpuis thc Icmplc uf
Wat Chana Stmgkrurn. Peopia ctem use thc Wnplc 33 a shortcut bwwn Khawsan Road and
thw r i v wilhou1:,cvcr
st~ppinglo tilkc a c l < ~ sloll.
Big mixtdkc. built in ihe I 81h cmlury.
\he teinplc k i rcccntly been renwakd. If appf-hing
the ~ c n i pfm
l ~ the riverside m.
yau l i m ~p:~k\ tkmgh the .shady rvurcyard land prking 101) t h ~
temple housing (kuii),
wharc h i h thc monh unrl Fay workcvs Tclr
kcn~plclivc. Thc ~ ~ j u r t HISO
y d usually hw n
k w stalls for thc ~ouriats.
figure 3 Outer wall of the uhosot with its-sildcdwinduw kdmes.
From the kuti. you pass under a bell tiwer (being renovnled in ~y.4rrnw-y2003)
to reach the temple compound. The ubosot lies in a sitnplc cclunyd. If corning Irom the
river. you are a1 the back of the u k o t . The gable ends of the tlbuwl arc hcraulir~I1~
decorated in carved gilded wood and mirrored tiler;.
ig qujlb imprtr;siv@wilh its,gildtd Buddxd imagc in
tnsidc Ihc uhusol, Ihl:
fronl or ii large gilded Tall. and cerenlanial urnbi.ella above. Of specid note+rttcrc is ~ R F @r
of wooden elephm tusks. which made froin ebony, lo be ~ h cside sislc .trl thc $mallenthroned statue of King Taksin.
This daics rrom khc mien al' King Ranla 1. Gable end d@tmation b%i
N9ga crr
swid j'ciilurc of Frtml Pnlace attisuns. Behinrl the chapel walls md window
framcs nrc numc rncllif!,. Ogivd slut~son tlrc tetnpfe wall are i n the s h u p of Visbnu
nmuated an a Garuda. The outside arch has abcco flame motifs, whib inaidc the dwrframes
are colonxl paintings. APound the chapel and Mind t
k principal Buddha image are
cantdnws d the ashes of the ptincas of five kings.
4 Clwup of thc absot's window,
Chedi: Two W l s we
perid. They are in the Jgm m,w
in front of the chapel in
and sharp top shapc.
early Rauanakasin
l ~uddba1-p
~ l * n t m i ~
is m
i lirmgc
~ ~ie ihc Jutidhp ~ n
-re,. nmie of
plaster, lined with lead 'mdgilded, in the reign of King Rama I. Tbe: tase is surrounded by t 5
Buddha images, which WE atI olade at the same time.
Fignm 6 Principal Buddha Image,
(Hhbwy of Wst Chana Songkmn R a t c h ~ v o ~ v i h a 2003:
r a 1-31
Sim Sam Hang Road
wet a a n a s&!?ham
Norbat Bridge
Figure 7 Aerial pholo in 1857. lrhunya Chevapilntiuwal. 2{Kl I)
2. Kharrsan Road
In the period orking R i t m I, b l u m pcc~plr:moved frtit,m Ayuddhilya to Io~xitcin
f k n t of Wat Tang Pu (Waf Chana Sqngkram, at the p ~ % n t h
Figure 8 Khaosan R o d Today
Tn the perjoei af King Rama V. he would Iike to expand the roy nl tehidences tQ
urhim tuf B~~ngkok
and he thought that the r ~ y aresidences
should build around outer f l e a of
Rtlltunakavin [\land because rhe air was fresh and the royd mside~ic~h*
expand L ~ aC m
easier. Sf) Phm R I I I C ~ ~ W UB~ EQ WSathrtn
Mongkol (Wung Na. thc hmther of King Ranra
V1 urdtrcd t u enlarge the tirw 11, thr:norlh besidc the old city c*~\n;lI
along rhao Phraya
River close Phrd Anhit n k d . Chakrapnng n,d. and Khurjum road. (PIJw Raltal~aut1994 6)
This arm. there are many peslplc who huy clothcx ilnd i r ~ ~ ~ s s n r iw,uvcnirl;
and lnt~
sic CD.
Kliaosan Road is loea~edin Banglumphno dktrict. In jieneml. it opens daily
f n ~ mI0:1rn to1t5pnl.
Since Khuolcan road has transthrnted itself intn a Mweccii far b~ckpi~ckers.
is a nwd LO buy home n w pzr+,owil belongings when they amive or ready 10t a k rrff for t~ew
destinolinn. All kinds irl souvenirs are also in huge deinand tiom Ions af these t h ~ i % twho
are aboui to go back home. Ready-made c l o k both in Thai and western styles as well as
knock-off products ranging from watch to music CD can b found everywkm. Bargaining i s
a must here.
Statement of Heritage S i Historical Vdue
Wet C b a !%@ram:
Wat Chaaa Songoriginal evidence of the *tory such as:
there arc m y heritages tbat
conserve the
1. The old @hmm
for m b at Wat Cham Songkram
2. The plath& of Knti (bdnmrn d mods) that show the w t h d c Thai
style archilecture: it is like big ra on the Iand and put h e post for raised up the high land.
But at the present, ir ha% already des yd as replace by the new one through thc times.
Figure 10 Tbe new platform of K u (Chunya
~ v a p o ~ u w a2001)
t .
Once, W a g Na Wat Charm Sangkram b the royal midam of F h &ng
C b Tosince was located in this area m.
Figure 1 1
In the papi, Tram raiI m u lpssetl
hy Wat Chrma ,3vdrgkm,tn.The new
plntfor~naWuti (figure lip Chunyn Chmvagornnnauwat. 2001 )
WIE8m8w Rod
The weand &u&thwse:ob this mad. Bonny Uclmhouse, wlllch s h ~ w the
The thly (4mpi~up.
k ~ whod
hoe* w Bh;~s;mRrr~d[hill r e M f b d rM an
Khimsan Rwd as at thc prcGc111. it
nln? h v c b i g b r i ~VAIUC ;I?; Iha: site (TI"'
tm imprun1.
evml. {Bun-g ChirrtcP. 1988, p.121
Cultbrat Vdue
Tile diversity of culture gatheri118rhrough thir>r o ~ I eslsh
nat inaality of fareignm
hriqg the indigennus of life style in the rnodel+ttti& ttn Rhrlnsen kt&. it i s the impowant
n n n n c i ^ g n ~ ~ , k e a in
q ~hca f u ~ u r canyhrltly
caannl know tha l i Ft.>sjyle Ih i t it mai
be chang$ thftl~ighthe layer d'tifne, While ilk heritage of
specific place nvay h a w a
unjversaI dime~icion, the needs and wishc~of sonla cclmmut~riies: $kduId he r~qpcctcd.
(l'COMMQ$Interoa~iopalCul t u a l ~ourisrnCharter, 2008 p. I t i
Whw tnalry pct4$.lc co~ncto live tygcthct. it will bect~actbc wid ihevw}~bu?dy
C'IW irnsuviatc cwh atbcr. Ww b n a Stlngkrarn is the or~mniunity'st ~ u t d r n d~f Khwnn
Road in u l ~ cgr ~cligion.The temple show$ the spifiiual l:unn~fiunsbe*lyree<npast md
pxeswt. Thc a q c i u ~ i c muf fr~rcigncn-and Thais il; link& with evenrs having n. pwfou~d
crtta pa <I ~x,rnmunity.j b
n Ti)lur. %03)
SpiFitud v&c
Ifr Thdlrmd. the no sf religio~~
that pedple &spat i s Haddllism. 11 flrovokt; the
mesrt;al value- 11 wclcnurages Thais' ~ l M
do poGd rhings and it is the rmd17n of [hat why
Thais ts hrtpful.
f rrierprefatiw value
Why Ihe lourhs w u l d firid khr di fferenr mlrure? The answer Lq, they wnuld
like to intcryret the meaning 01' divtr~tyof culture, The abili~yof Wat C b a Srmgkrm~
Iandscup hrfororm and enlightw its UI'I wid hbitory. Qmmr~te
sen% oaf pluw fwlin& ~ r c a l e
1i11kawith the p h i (agccthe~Wen Taylor, 2Mk3)
Int@Q of faMc, materials ad design, asmiation, &ng
and the phygcal
c o m p e n t s are one of the important parts of situation analysis. The evidences d the earlier
period of llaodscape ma!&& it is:a m e w ofestablishing bistorie identity and contributes to a
senst of the meam of time and links with the past. {Kea Taylor, 2003)
The Conflict
~ I m p a s t o r d ~ ~ d ~ r o a d
The h p c t of mdcmimion of Khawan raad is the conflict of Wat Chana
S o a g h m as tbl- transformation of Khmsan mad destroys the idendy and the p e a d u l
arnbieat of tbe site.
1. The Growth of Kbxm Rod attack strongly to the Buddhist heritage that was
built in the pericd of Aydqayk Thc plan of Wat €ham Songham was changed @ugh rhe
stream of time. Tbe main w
n of this is the developmenl of socioeconomic growth of
Khaosan road when the goremrhqithad policies ta support tourism in Thailand.
2, The people in the oommunity around Khaosm road do not take cam and
~ s p o ~ ~ s i bthe
l e heritage. War Chaw qongkram as much as they should do. Because the
fomr papk has already moved to a m b r ama and the new p p u l a m come by do h o w
the past in h e mental memory.
3. The Mestyle d people who live inkthecommunity of K h m m Road changed by
the modernization.Thai lifestyle is one of the h e w that when we lo& at the present, wc
can see only some evidtaccs of the existence of ih&\
OH$m ofthe c a d e t
1. The expansion of city in the period of King
IV and King R a m V affect to
the lifestyle haw in ihc past, the 6;msl w u tlsed as urns
tians but when the change
came, the roads twamc the main route to journey.
2. When Khaom Road by westerrimtion, it is in the
of King Rama V afta
the development of industries. The poriciea of government purpose to evelop the dty to the
3. In the period of Khg Ram 9, since h e pIan of develpment Lional mid and
economic h e governmat, issue 4cb (1977-1981), h e numbers of to ts makes the
h d u W development grow in the first rank since 1982 and grow kttur in
ry year. So
the guesthouses business in Thailand started in 1971 by m s a n road in 1 . A d it
invaded the old community around the site.
The changing above affect
the site directly as Ehc careers md ~ervices'w
internet caEs, la&,
pubs, bars and
restaurants.All d hat bave to desuibe the advertise in English and in big size ta amw the
viewpoint of visitors. And it desaroys the autjmtic feeling to the baitage.
changed for sup-
h e towkits' demand cg.
The impact of Khwsan Road Mudcmization to Wat Chana Songkram
Result: Growth of K h m Road.
responsible of pabpk in the cammu~lity,changing of lifestyle
Public Actitms
Aulhorily: Mdcrnization
R I Project
Phm Nakhorn Oicvic
Scnak oC Wut Ch;ma Son&r;lrnls Monks
,%ride uf Wal Cham Smgkmm's Monks
Cornn~itlwof Khaossn's wad Merchants
Com~nirtmor Khuosm's
Group of merchants of fwtplh
Group of merchmls af foalpath
= Rm~lnako
Jn Island Projecl
= Blmgkok Metropolitan Administration
= Cornminee of Bmgl umphoa Community
= Bangkok taurist bureau
= Office of National Environmenl
Figure 12 Origin of Conflict Diagram
qif 1 a h $ I
The StaMokhs, their motivations and arguments
The Impact of Khacwan
Senate of Monks
Cormnittee of Merchants of Kh
Socioeconomic Benefits
Group of Merchants on footpath
= Bangkok tourist b m u
= Office of National bvimnrnenl\
Figure 13 The Stakeholders, their motivations and argum
The Stakeholders, their W
s and ailiances
The tactics of stakeholders: when the stakebolders in part of Modernization would
like to change some. they do not ask the part of conservation as the part of mademizsltion
already has the authority to control it and the codes of Bmgkok Metropolitan Administmtion
do not write to protm the heritage much.
Phfa NakWim District
Enginmr and Const-
Architect of Phra Nalihom 1)i~trirt
Conclusion of the authority person
Figure 14 The Stakeholdem. their tactics and alliances Diagranl
From above diagram: we mn remark r h t when f t m l poplc wulJ I@ t~ ctmmwt
irnporunt is in the process
of authrrrired pcrsnn, as i~ b s tu c h k ~ h cscalc und corrrct plan that appropriak and
teIevant tv legal?
nr adapt h i h r residences, they huvc 10usk permission lcr do. The
In fact, after I haw in~crvi~wed
the infomatilion from Mr.Sumpoeg Kasantikul.
m c h i ~ e car~Phrn Nakhvrn Disqr~cr.The hierarchy of the engineer or construci oficer in Thoi
gouernmehl omr'ral syslem is higher than drchitwt: wr: tun ptx,pa,sc to then1 by do not have
to pass the architect who hi* vnly 1 p h v n in each disrri~q.Thiit is good for the merchant#
who would like 10 build high rising. IT tk ~gulutionis appmwd. they will cnncwl Wat
Cham Sungham.
Sm dingrim in thg , ~ t & t k o I b , thair mptivation and alliances for mow inftmntldon
Concl krsion (Outcomes of the Conflict)
We well hegin the mu11of the conflict at Khaaxan Ktud as il is the reason OK Wat
Chana Songk~qni'schanging: The Moving residences bcforc selling Rltttanakosin p e r i d .
I'hy siwl
Thc chunging of Khu(rsan rodd in human life is the big collixion of the sooint and
cconon~icof Lhc ~lnallcommunity in thc paa. By normally. it cat1 occur in every sociut. But
Khntwnn Roid is the "Jumping Changing" and none planni~~g
The social changing
In the past. Khaosan Road was no important merlning as it is only the small
can~munityin R~lngluniphooDistrict. As in that ~ r i r x l Biwglumphon
was well known IL? lhe
business center. the localion or Bunglumphoo canal, and the fonresses. The caonrction t~
the others places haFd to find roo though tram rail did not past to this area, (Tram mil is the
important route in that perid).
When we look back in the earlier period, Thai houses was bnilt closed to the
rod, the quiet covered this area. la the day, shap houses was opened in tht morning and
c l d . i n the evening but s m e things change when cheap mt houses occurred. So Khaosan
Road k m m e the places that tourists ask.
From the image ofThai md Chinese people walked amad the street at the cafb
or the ~ i ~ u & ~ h o tp s , 4 in-group
in frolu of th house disllppr. Until the pcsat, the
chaos comes tcbps site. The foreigners are sa mmge pass by, same has many tbings to
hold, rhe objectivbis only to fmd the place for sleep and go out to see the civilimtion of
Bangkok by do not \Sapt to look back auythhg.
The hi& d n g is the nluionship kcween ihs loal pmple in the
oad was theplam what activities hppned and c o m e a d the
community. Once Khaos
association of the leader in
public, was lost. he things at the p m n t sti11 are the new
generation who intereg only
The monks' appliance
upcounhy pesplc come to buy som
small hotels were built.
in the Khaosm q m r is the earlier business that
'ng. But everything change when gueathonsta asd
~acalpmple ----t F O + ~ I ~ S
The modem busirrtss change by d i d h t c o m m the old evidences. It s u p p
towists' want in some @od such as the peak gro
spmtsd in many rooms for rent.
n u m b of rooms is not enougb for
the f d shop that name of Thai foods
m forrent.
The footpath that the old gemration walked
place for buy variety of
goods for at.ttracting the tourists Taxis and W-rCrrk prkh
passeow. Th high prize of renting tbe lad, time out with
try to scsve high qudity to the c u s ~Everymy
~ .
of business. The dwrs always open
the mmhmts try to use many tecbniqu
"Some old shop still c o m e their
old one that has only 2 stories but the height of them became. the earn@ tion
Fmm the message above, the
still stand done among the m&m life style that attack to it by crowed tomhis, n o k s ~ p b s ,
bars, restaurants and many &ctioasthat some are improper,
The committee of temple suppoPts the wanting of tourists by puttjng the
cwvtnicnt things into the heritage but they forget to consider the mental appropriation.
At the present. Khnasan Road has iqmant mle in pari of:
I. Tourism
2. Comerce
3. T h e ccnler ofaclivitjrs in variety of fes~ivuls
At h e presenr, the study pf physiml form make we know that, the land uses i r e
changcd from commcreial buildings and hr~usesto k the guesthouscs by dapting thc 01th
nnd built the tlews, The txpmwicm uf guesthot~scsin rbe study area. wrne of thal affbct to the
physicd fr)m pmvokcs lhe negative poinrs IU the social, communities, cldtures wd Thai
traditions ~~pecially
the nrwest Buddhist heritage. Wat Cfiantl Smgkram.
By (he way. Wit1 Chana Snngbm afTcclEd directly by the g r r ~ w hof Khaosan
Road &i in the pas1 il loc~tedwith the p c c , The envirrlnmenr an~undthe sitc uppropriutc
with the Buddhist aclivities. So we will see in detail of thih wnsfomdon of Khnosan Road
that why i t affects to Wal Chana Songhm.
Whcn we s e the aerial photos of 2 0 I , the group uf buildings around Khaosan
R o d was udapting und expand bigger for built guesthouses that it qpmpriute with thc
riu~nhersof houxs in the study urea in 1988 Cham Songkranl subdistrict ha? 1,OI 7 houses
and 200-3 Chana Songkram suh4islrict 846 houses. Thc sk~listicsf prmission snd repairing
building in 1986-1995 ( 1U years). the area m u a d C h n a Songkram sub-district. the Imd
uses tbr built houscs WM & w ; L ~
but ihe land uses ftw cwln~nercialbuildings was incrcnsd
highly (irterviewing Mr-Surapcjng Kasantikul, Architdt of Phtu Nakhom District]. So
crowed ~ourists,pubs. bars, restaurants and rnnny activities are h i l t . all of chnos ducs not
respea ~ h hc e r i ~ g ein h e way that they should k.
For Thais, the temple is lhe place that Huddhists will come ru do many
activides in :tlmout of thcir life from binh to death. So the cnvironmeni should praccful and
separate liom the dist)cder.
In lhe evening. when we walk in lo the tetnple. here arc many booths whal
show liquors t~ndcigerettcs in front or the templc. More than that, wmc people dress in thc
misappropri ian.
The pallel of Ihc develtrpment ~f Khopsclr~d and Wtlt Cham Songkrirm
like a conIrast i m y c tha~it can scc iwmany counrries.
the way. when Khaosan R o d was built, we dn no1 have ~ h cplanning lo
lamilis reason ip this conkstation
case st~tdyin this paper.
contwl the augmenlarion ~f the rnodedzqtior that is h e
Better Ways to RewIve the Conflict
"If the smial base is strong, the root is so deep so wc prepare to accept thr: stream of
culture from e v q t h i n g by don'r affect, don't h v d , h o w how to consider. grxd thing don't
refuse. bnd thing cannot cover LLX (Sorn. aclor of movie "the overture")"
The solution to conserve the uniqueamis of lbe heritage:
Things to consider
I . Aclivily far tuutism
2. Acti'vity for c o m e
3, Acqivity forpublic activity center
4. Activity for midaces
Fwm ofss4hg the bondhg t b t appmpdak
Funcdon of land uses and activity
The community mund Wat Chana Songkrttm should protect Lhe identity of
community and stakeholders should support the quality of life e.g. infrasmurc and the
traffic net.
As the increasing of the habitation for tourists from the m a of Khaosrmn road to
Chana Songkram, the inclination of visitors augment to 17,000 persons per year
(statistic from TAT, 2003). So in the future, it still plnys the important role io the pat of
uavelers' activity. but we have to control the masuremnts strictly.
Wh* we consider in this par& we should not permit to b e toluists pass h e
aro& Wat Cham Songham that tbe chaos might k defeat the monks'
mute the area
1. The *tors
should use the route that pass Rarnbutrec road beside Wat
Chana Songkmm.
2. Issue the F u F G m e n t for conml the land uses and type of buildings by
consider from the capacity and i&enoua cuhure.
3. Control the area that has the historical and cultural signi!"~ances.
We can permit to do the barsin'ass but have to control tht cleaning and neatness
and for the illegal building should solve immediately.
The measumrnent should control: '
The setting panel as they conceal the 'whole landscape. Maybe keep taxes to
support this policy.
ReIigh Places
Renovation tbf: atmosphere mound the site.
Flgure I5 Khmsm Road at the present
Source: Donruebi Kov~thmakul,October 10,2005
Figure 16 ITraf ~ m d s c d p After
R c ~ i o v a ~ ioof~Kbilosan
Source: Anusorn Bmochai. Quluher 1 7 , 2 0 5
Australiu ICOMUS. (2tX)3). Burra Charfer. Victofia: Uakin Ut~ircrsiry.
Bungkok Tourisi Bureau. (2t#)2), 'k must w e site in Bangkok. Bangkok Bmgkok
Bwpit hinting.
The factor that affect to moving midewes
Bxtnglumphmarea, Muster thesis. M.A.. Chulnlongkorn University. Bangkok.
Cheevup~rmmauwat. C. ( 2 0 1 1.
Rattanmih P. 1 1994). Cbanpjng an K h a w n Haad in dl human life. Masler thesis, MA..
Slipakorn Univet~ity,Bangkok.
Taylor. K. (lW3).Cultural landscape- Baagkok: Silprknrn Uniwrsily.
Tourkrn Authority n S T h n i l d . Map of Channsongkram Temple. Retrieved an Uctuhcr 1 1.
2005 from: hctp:l/www.1atnews.r~~eve11tslcvcn1sl~pri1/2M$.asp