Summer 2015 - Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association


Summer 2015 - Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association
Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood Association
Summer 2015
24th DMNA Jazz in the Park June 20
By Tyler Leeper, Jazz in the Park Chair
top everything and write “INCREDIBLE DAY OF FUN” on your calendars for Saturday, June 20. This is
the 24th DMNA Jazz in the Park. Our
incredible team has put together a great
afternoon of activities.
to Francie Wesley for her hard work coordinating this event.
Jazz in the Park is a celebration of our
neighborhood and an opportunity to get together and share a wonderful afternoon of
music and community. This event is supyear the JIP Committee will be workported by the businesses of Monroe Street
ing to collect, sort and recycle as much
and sponsored by the Dudgeon-Monroe
of the trash as possible. Volunteers are
Neighborhood Association. Thank you to
The day will kick off at noon with the arts needed to help staff and sort the trash
Kelly Thompson and a HUGE THANKand craft fair and at 3:00 p.m. kids activi- stations. A big thank you to Debi-Leeper,
YOU to all of our Monroe Street businessAnn Sydnor and John Imes for their
ties start with Madison Log Rolling and
es that support this wonderful event!
work on this recycling project.
the Monroe Street Fine Arts Center
craft table. Four bands will be on
stage from 3:00-9:00 p.m. And this
year we have two new additions to
the day.
Vendors, including neighborhood
businesses and artists from all
over our neighborhood, will be
showing off their wares, so bring
your pocketbook! A big thank-you
Event Schedule
Noon – 6:00 p.m.
3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
3:00 – 9:00 p.m.
• Arts and Crafts hosted by the Monroe Street Fine Arts Center
• Log Rolling hosted by Madison Log Rolling
• High School All-Stars
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
• Edgewood Jazz Ensemble 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
• Trap Saturn
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
• MadiSalsa 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
July 4th Parade and Celebration
By Katie Ginder-Vogel and Emily Balsley, Co-Chairs
ome celebrate July 4th with your
Dudgeon-Monroe neighbors! We
would love to see ALL of you on Saturday, July 4, for the parade from Michael’s
Frozen Custard to Wingra Park, where
we’ll play games, mingle with neighbors,
and enjoy snacks donated by our wonderful Monroe Street businesses. Make it a
picnic and stay as long as you like!
WHEN: Saturday, July 4
WHERE: Start at Michael's Frozen Custard,
where kids can decorate their wheels. Deco-
rating supplies will be available for kids to
use, thanks to our favorite neighborhood
pharmacy and costume store, Mallatt’s. The
parade will end in Wingra Park for games
and snacks.
9:30 - 10:15 a.m. - Decorating in the Michael's Frozen Custard parking lot
10:15 - 10:30 a.m. - Parade around the
corner (Monroe to Knickerbocker
to Arbor) to Wingra Park
10:30 - 12:30 p.m. - Lawn games for
kids of all ages, snacks from
neighborhood businesses, and time
to relax with neighbors.
We are always hoping for a few more
volunteers to help make this event even
better! Here are a few ways you can help:
• Hang up event posters around the
continued on page 2
President’s Message
Dear DMNA Neighbors,
Summer 2015
The Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood
Association’s Hornblower is published
four times a year.
Article deadline for the next
issue: August 3
Contact Aileen Nettleton
[email protected]
Annual Contracts Offered in July:
Contact Christina Kantor
[email protected]
Your Words Here Deadline: July 20
[email protected]
The next issue should be in your mail
early September.
This and previous issues are
available at
Sign up for dmnanews through the
dmna website for notices of DMNA
events and hearings.
DMNA Officers:
President: Tyler Leeper,
[email protected]
Vice President: Daryl Sherman
Treasurer: Julia Billingham,
[email protected]
Secretary: Amy Cusick
backgrounds and experiences that inevitably will create differences of opinion.
It is an honor and a pleasure to serve as
The controversy around these projects is a
DMNA’s president. I grew up on Woodbyproduct of passionate, involved people
row Street and Terry Place and have lived and this is exactly what makes this neighin four apartments on Monroe Street. You borhood one of the best in Madison. I
may know me as the owner of Wingra
don’t ask you to avoid bringing your pasBoats, but I also have served as Jazz in
sion and activism to this issues; we will
the Park Committee chair for the last five be stronger as a neighborhood if we hear
years and have been a member of DMNA from everyone. I encourage you to join a
for many more. As I prepare to take this
committee: Zoning, Transportation, Parks
position, I have reflected on the changes
& Gardens or another. Get involved, be
and accomplishments in our neighborpassionate. Just remember we are all part
hood over the last 15 years and the oppor- of the same community. We are neightunities and challenges that remain.
bors, we are family, and we always need
As with most things, our community ex- to act from a place of friendship and respect, even when we disagree.
periences cycles of interest and involvement. The last couple years I have seen
Thank you for the opportunity to serve
interest in Glenwood Children’s Park
this wonderful neighborhood.
(which is looking great but still needs
volunteers), and Southwest Path lighting, Tyler Leeper
as well as concern about traffic issues
and accidents on Monroe Street. One of
the ongoing cycles that has significantly
• Sign up with your kids to help staff the
impacted our neighborhood is development. History Committee Chair Stephen
kids’ games, nail painting, etc.
Billingham recently reminded me that
• Help with setup the morning of July
DMNA was created to help retain the
4 or cleanup when decorating has
Dudgeon School property that was being
considered for development. More recent
Please email Katie Ginder-Vogel,
development projects include Parman
[email protected], or Emily Balsley,
Place, The Monroe, Wingra Shores and
[email protected], if you would
the design of 3414 Monroe at Glenway,
in addition to restaurants Colectivo, Gates like to volunteer! Hope to see you all on
July 4th!
& Brovi and Freiburg Gastropub.
Fourth of July
These changes have often been controversial. As I look to the future, I believe
there will be more development, and I do
not fear the controversy. We are a group
of intelligent people, with diverse views,
is where
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Neighborhood Grant for Tours and Trails
By Sandy Stark, Southwest Path Chair
he DMNA received from the City of
Madison a Neighborhood Grant for
“Tours and Trails.” The project and grant
application was spearheaded by SW Path
Committee, with participation by the Parks
and Gardens and History Committees. The
DMNA award is for a nature and culture
pathway through a portion of the Dudgeon-Monroe neighborhood and the Lake
Wingra watershed. The emphasis of the
trail will be on the history and culture of
the area and on the beneficial relations of
humans with the watershed environment.
Official events will begin in the first half
of June with two tours:
1. A walk between the two Jens Jensen
Council Rings in our neighborhood:
announced. Watch for dates and times at
postings on dmnanews emails and at www. .
SW Path work events at the Glenway
Prairie/Path site are the second Saturday
of each month through October. We gen2. A walking and/or biking tour of native
erally meet from 10:00 a.m.-noon, but
plantings and special features along and
as the weather gets hot, we can meet as
accessible from the SW Path east and south
early as 9:00 a.m., so watch for notices.
between Glenway and Wingra Park: path
plantings, parks and small-lot gardens, and Prospect Garden workdays are listed
under “Upcoming Events.” Individuals
a visit to the UW Arboretum off Monroe
may also work on their own schedule.
Street. This will be a “nature trail focus”.
Contact coordinator Jake Blasczyk,
Watch for butterfly garden tours and [email protected] or 251-9506.
grating birds tours in the summer and
Jake has created a blog that chronicles the
fall. We will wind up with seed collecting
progress and provides information about
and scattering. Some of these events will
the gardens along the Southwest Path: .
coincide with path committee work, as
Glenwood Park Council Ring, at the steep
end of the park near the SW Path, and the
Wheeler Council Ring in the UW Arboretum off Arbor Drive. This will be part of a
“neighborhood landscape history tour.”
Calling All Photographers!
By Heather Marley, Directory Committee Chair
here is your favorite place in our
neighborhood? Is it on one of the
piers at Wingra Park, under one of the red
and white umbrellas at Michael’s Frozen
Custard, or maybe just a shady spot under
one of the many trees? Wherever it is
we’d love to see it! In a neighborhood
with so many picturesque spots we certainly don’t lack subject matter. With the
weather getting warmer every day, there
is no time like the present to get out there
and start snapping pictures. There is no
better way to share your favorite spot than
on the cover of the DMNA directory!
The DMNA Directory Committee is looking for pictures of your favorite spot to go
on the cover of the next neighborhood di-
rectory. Please submit your original (high- will be available for the Fall Membership
resolution) photo with your name and ad- Drive by September 2015.
dress to: [email protected] by June
We look forward to seeing your pictures!
20. All approved pictures will be posted on
the DMNA website beginning
June 27. We encourage everyone to visit
between June 27 and July 20
to vote on their favorite photo.
The winning picture will be
announced by July 30. By
submitting your photo, you
are giving permission for it to
be published in any DMNA
publication and verifying the
photo has not been previously
published. The new directory
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A Little Cash Can Save an Ash!
By Percy Mather, Parks and Gardens Committee
an you imagine playing on hot
slides, sizzling swings, and burning
monkey bars? The playground area at
Wingra Park will have these dangers in
the future due to the emerald ash borer
(EAB). The park has three mature ash
trees that provide crucial shade for the
playground area. These trees are in
danger of dying unless they are treated.
EAB is in Madison, threatening any ash
tree more than a few inches in diameter. EAB larvae penetrate the bark and
devour the tissues beneath it that convey
water and nutrients between roots and
leaves. Based on experience in Michigan and Ohio, untreated trees die within
two to five years of infestation.
money so that the crucial trees shading Wingra's playground can be treated
through the Adopt-a-Park program. The
The City of Madison has pledged to treat estimated cost for treatment of the three
healthy ash trees along our streets which trees is $800 for two years of protection.
are not located under utility lines. The
Send checks to help save Wintreatment consists of injection of insecgra Park ash trees, made payable
ticide during May – June. This kills the
to DMNA, to the treasurer, Julia
larvae and protects the tree for at least
Billingham, 648 Sprague Street,
two years.
The problem is that there isn't enough
money to treat ash trees along streets as
well as in our parks. DMNA Parks &
Gardens Committee is asking neighborhood residents and park users to donate
53711. Donations are tax-deductible; note “Wingra ash trees.”
Thank you. Questions? Contact
Percy Mather, percy.mather@gmail.
com or 233-1955.
Parks and Gardens Opportunities
By Percy Mather, Parks and Gardens
olunteers are welcome to join us on
workdays at Glenwood Children’s
Park and Wingra Park Orchard Garden,
now including a butterfly garden! Tools,
instruction, water, and occasional snacks
are provided. Work gloves, hats and
sunglasses are recommended. See Upcoming Events for dates and times. To
schedule additional hours, call 233-1955
or email [email protected].
event for anyone who has donated at
least four hours of time to a DMNA park
or path project will be held at 3:00 p.m.
on Saturday, June 27. Rain date: 3:00
p.m. Sunday, June 28.
Residents in three neighborhoods are optimistic about siting a community garden this
year along the SW Path near Odana Road.
Send an email to SWCommunityGarden@ to receive more information.
Cherry Fest: A volunteer appreciation
Mary Jo Croake
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Can Turtles Breathe Through Their Tails?*
By Debi Leeper
ids, have you ever wondered how
old turtles are, where they go in the
winter, or the purpose of the patterns on
their shell? Come to Science Thursdays
at Wingra Boats to find the answers to
these and many other exciting questions!
Science Thursdays are held every Thursday from 6:00-7:00 p.m. throughout the
summer June 18-August 20 and provide
a free science workshop to explore the
answers to these and many more.
Lake Wingra is a beautiful, natural and
accessible ecosystem right in our back
yard. People of all ages have been exploring and studying Lake Wingra for
years. In 2009 Wingra Boats formalized
their Outdoor Education Program and
since 2012 the DMNA has generously
supported Science Thursdays to help
people of all ages understand the beauty
and importance of the Wingra watershed.
Science Thursdays are led by educators
and naturalists on a variety of topics.
These workshops are targeted at elementary age kids, but material is provided
to challenge and interest children of
all ages. No reservations are required.
Sessions start promptly at 6:00 p.m.
continued on page 5
New Developments Along Monroe Street
By Lynn Pitman, Zoning Committee Chair
t has been a busy spring on the development front in the Dudgeon-Monroe
neighborhood, with actions taken on
the proposed new development at 3414
Monroe Street and the new Freiburg
Gastropub at 2612 Monroe.
The Plan Commission in a 5-4 vote approved the proposal to demolish the current building at 3414 Monroe and build
a four-story mixed-use building with
3500 square feet of commercial space,
19 apartments, and underground parking. The approval was subject to several
conditions: that the parking ramp be narrowed to 16-18 feet so that the building
could be stepped back further from the
Arbor House lot line, and that a landscape plan for protecting the trees and a
green buffer between the Arbor House
and the new building be submitted and
approved before final approval.
The DMNA Council submitted a statement
opposing the project as configured, and
urged both parties to explore trade-offs between size, underground parking, and proximity to the Arbor House lot line, given the
impact of the building on the Arbor House
site that includes the historic Plough Inn, a
Landmark site. It also requested any new
development require a landscape plan that
would improve greenspace. The Zoning
Committee will stay involved with the
project as it moves forward.
The application for a liquor license by
the new Freiburg Gastropub was initially
turned down by the Alcohol Licensing
and Review Committee in March. Neighborhood questions about outdoor seating,
parking, hours, and location surfaced
after a public meeting two days before the
ALRC hearing. However, Zoning Committee members worked with the owners
and neighbors to address immediate
concerns, and the license was approved
at the City Council meeting on April 8.
Outdoor seating is no longer planned, and
restaurant parking will be available at the
Luedtke-Storm-Mackey building. Work
with Vilas Neighborhood Association is
underway to develop a Good Neighbor
Agreement for businesses wishing to
apply for alcohol licenses. These guidelines will help businesses work with their
residential neighbors to avoid future conflicts over issues such as noise or hours
of operation. See for current updates.
and end at 7:00 p.m. with a snack and a beats once every couple minutes. They
stop breathing through
chance to visit with
their lungs and they are
neighbors. Check
able to extract enough
the Wingraboats.
oxygen from the water
com website for
through specialized skin
a listing of upcells that are just inside
coming Science
the tail opening. Water
Thursday topics.
turtles can stay like this
Parents, mark your
for two or three months.
calendars to bring
your children to
(Obtained from www.
as many Science
Thursdays as you
Kids at Science Thursday; Photo By org/kidspage/hibernation.
Debi Leeper
can this summer.
It is a way of continuing your child’s science education through
hands-on experiential
Please visit our website to view our portfolio.
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*Answer: During the
winter most turtles hibernate at the bottom
of the lake. They allow
their body to get cold
and slow down so much
so that their heart only
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Neighborhood News Briefs
but please keep in mind that one person’s summer fun may be another person’s nuisance or health issue. Keep outMake Music Madison June 21
door noise levels low after dark and in
The free, citywide Make Music Madithe early-morning hours. Check to make
son music event ushers in summer on
sure that smoke from your grill, fireplace
Sunday, June 21. Outdoor performance
or pit doesn’t waft into your neighbors’
stages located on Monroe Street inopen windows and doors. Remember
clude Monroe Commons, Wingra Park,
that all dogs and cats must wear license,
Michael’s Frozen Custard and Hotelrabies and owner identification tags and
RED. Take your pick from blues and
must be leashed if they leave your propbluegrass, rock and pop, indie folk,
erty. Finally, be sure to clean up after
contra-dance music, musical show tunes, your pet. Thank you!
mariachi and more. Information about
performers and performance times is at
July 4th Fireworks Tips
As you make your plans for a festive
Fourth of July remember that under city
Keys to Keeping Your Home Safe ordinances only sparklers, snakes, snaps,
While the overall average number of thefts caps and party poppers are legal in Madiand burglaries in the Dudgeon-Monroe
son. A citation bail of $172 and fines of up
neighborhood dropped last year, summer
to $1,000 plus court costs may be levied
typically brings about an “uptick” in these against individuals found to be using firecrimes according to Madison Police Ofworks in violation of city ordinances, even
ficer Molly Jean Thomson. Thomson
for a first offense. You can view fireworks
explained that open windows and doors
at two free community events: the Lake
and items in your yard are easy targets for Monona Shake the Lake celebration Satburglars and thieves. Here is her advice
urday night, June 27, and the Elver Park
for protecting your home, belongings and event Thursday night, July 2.
yourself this summer. Lock the doors when
My Bike’s Been Stolen!
you are out in the yard and when you are
in your house, even during daylight hours, Why go to the trouble of registering your
as well as when you are away from your
bike? Here’s why: 1) Registering your bike
house. Equip your windows with limiting greatly increases the likelihood that if your
devices that keep windows from opening
bike is stolen it will be returned to you. 2)
enough to let a person get in. Get to know The registration sticker on your bike serves
your neighbors so they can keep an eye on as a deterrent to potential bike thieves. 3)
your house. If you are unfortunate enough A city ordinance requires all bicycles used
to be a victim of a burglary, call the police. by Madison residents are registered. A fouryear bike registration is only $10. Go to
Like a Good Neighbor and
Our neighborhood is a tercontinued on next page
rific place to enjoy summer,
New Monroe Street Farmers Market is “for the neighborhood” and encourage
Come to Edgewood High School parking lot 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Sundays for
the new Monroe Street Farmers Market,
planned to begin June 7. The market will
offer a variety of fresh produce, meats
and other locally made food products
such as cheese and baked goods. Lucas
Lippert, who is working with many
neighbors to organize the market, says
that volunteers are needed to help on
market days. “This will be a fun, walkable community event, which supports
local farmers.” For more information:
Monroe Street Reconstruction 2017
Monroe Street now is scheduled to be
resurfaced from Odana Road to Leonard
Street and reconstructed from Leonard
Street to Regent Street in 2017. For information about the project and to sign
up for emails from City Engineering see:
Freiburg Gastropub on Monroe
The Freiburg Gastropub, 2612 Monroe
Street, plans to open mid-June, according
to owners Steve Weber and Jack Sosnowski. The contemporary German menu
will feature fresh, local produce and quality ingredients. Specialties will include
chicken liver pâté and potato pancakes,
house bratwurst, pierogi and smoked trout
salad, grilled quail, veal cutlet, and seared
scallops with potato dumplings. Pleased
to locate in the remodeled 1930s building, the owners stress that the restaurant
walkers and bicyclers.
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Neighborhood News Briefs
click on “Bike Registration” to learn how
simple it is to register your bike online, via
U.S. mail or in person.
and special events. For more information:
255-7500 or [email protected].
HotelRED Renovation Complete
HotelRED, 1801 Monroe Street, is a little
bit more Wisconsin thanks to a recently
Double SS Barbeque is moving to 1835
completed renovation. An approximately
Monroe Street, the space formerly oc800-foot extension brings the number of
cupied by J. Kinney Florist. The awardwinning restaurant and caterer, previously dinners who can be seated in the dining
area of The Wise Restaurant & Bar to
located in Cambridge, specializes in Texabout 50. Large new sliding glass doors
as-style barbeque, Cajun boudin (a spicy
sausage) and tamales. The targeted date for open directly from The Wise into an outdoor seating area. Touches of Badger red
the opening is July. J. Kinney Florist will
have been added to the updated contemcontinue to design flowers for weddings
BBQ Aficionados Rejoice
porary black-white-and-brown interior
décor, and a new menu features Wisconsin food and beverage favorites sourced
from Wisconsin producers.
Gingko Tree Closes Its Door
The Gingko Tree gift-and-home-accessories specialty store, 1919 Monroe
Street, is packing up and moving to a
new location in Verona. The shop’s last
day of business is June 15. All in-stock
items are 50 percent off.
14,000 Years of Neighborhood History
By Stephen Billingham, History Committee Chair
stand our locale as a spiritually sacred
center for civilization over millenniums.
Lake Wingra Springs are the abode of
powerful water spirits, serpent beasts and
underground water panthers, and the very
source of life itself. Great celestial
birds, invisible but very powerful
and making thunder as they flew,
were extremely helpful to the
people of our sacred land. Spirit
bears had providence of the earth.
Native people lived to mitigate the
balances of these great powers of
order and chaos. Spiritual beings
were brought to life by the ritual
creation of earth effigy mounds, at
the places where the spirits actually lived—here where Dudgeon
Pie at Annual DMNA Meeting: Tyler Leeper, Jane Albert, School stands, on the Dividing
Anna Peterson
Ridge, in Forest Hill Cemetery,
years of human history in our neighboralong the lakeshores, and in a continuous
landscape surrounding our lake.
Dudgeon-Monroe neighbors love and
At the completion of his presentation,
revere our neighborhood, but few underBirmingham led a tour
uest speaker at the April 19 DMNA
Annual Meeting was Robert Birmingham, Ph.D., former state archaeologist for
the Wisconsin Historical Society. Birmingham gave a 45-minute synopsis of 14,000
Pam Mache, DVM
Tom Bach, DVM
Kristi Crass, DVM
Becky Banks, DVM
Bridget Baker, DVM
of the effigy mounds on the Edgewood
College campus. As Birmingham writes
in his book, Spirit of the Earth: The Effigy
Mound Landscape of Madison and the
Four Lakes (University of Wisconsin
Press, 2009), the mounds surrounding
Lake Wingra “…are among the densest
and most impressive effigy mound groupings found anywhere.”
Watch for events related
to the DMNA Nature, Cultural and History Trail coming soon, with events
being planned for this summer. See
links to resources on Native history and
mound-building cultures in the area.
New officers elected at the DMNA Annual
Meeting are: president—Tyler Leeper; vice
president—Daryl Sherman; secretary—
Amy Cusick. Continuing as treasurer is
Julia Billingham. Outgoing officers are Al
Nettleton, Charlie Crisanti and
Marcia Diamond.
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Alder Eskrich Reports
eighbors – It is such an honor to have
been elected to serve as your alder
here in District 13. I know that we all appreciated that we had such a positive local
election with so many residents engaging
deeply in the electoral process. Thank you.
I have quickly been diving into district
and city-wide issues with my new col-
Toddler Preschool MMSD 4K
Child Centered Programs with
Emphasis on Social Development
leagues on the Common Council. I am
pleased to announce that I will be serving
on many important
committees, including
Affirmative Action
Commission, Board
of the Bayview Foundation, Board of Estimates, Capital East
District Committee,
Community Development Authority, Joint
Southeast Campus
Area Committee,
Joint West Campus
Alder Sara Eskrich
Area Committee, and
Henry Vilas Zoo Commission.
This is a very exciting time in Madison,
but we have our work cut out for us. I will
continue to rely on the many community
organizations in our city, including our own
Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood Association, to help learn
and prioritize issues. The work
of governance is all our work.
Please stay in touch with me
through my alder email account
com) or 608-669-6979, and
at the district webpage (www.
district13). You can sign up for
my email updates, which I plan
to send regularly, at that website.
I prioritize communication and
look forward to working together to continue making our neighborhood one of the
best places to live, work, and play.
Supervisor Erickson Reports
Accredited Parent Co-op since 1972
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Madison WI 53711
Addressing Racial Disparities and
Mental Health Issues in the Dane
County Criminal Justice System: The
Dane County criminal justice system has
some of the most significant racial disparity issues in the country. To address ongoing concerns of racial disparity and mental
health in our criminal justice system, a
resolution dealing with these issues will
be before the county board in May. The
resolution establishes three Public Protection and Judiciary Committee work groups
to study these issues: 1) inmates’ length
of stay; 2) mental health issues facing inmates; and 3) alternatives to incarceration.
Other issues to be addressed include eliminating solitary confinement and safety
issues in the Dane County jail.
business, agricultural interests and municipalities. The Dane County Board passed
a resolution that I introduced to address
groundwater issues here in Dane County,
asking the DNR to consider the cumulative effect of high-capacity wells and make
groundwater issues a priority for Dane
County government.
Groundwater and High-Capacity Wells:
With Lake Wingra bordering our neighborhood, we are clearly aware of surface
water quality issues. Groundwater is also
a significant issue. Many counties in Wisconsin have passed resolutions to address
groundwater concerns, specifically highcapacity well drilling, and how permits for
these wells are approved. These counties
have experienced serious depletion of
groundwater flowing into rivers, streams
and lakes. High-capacity wells are dug for
Thanks also go to:
• Outgoing committee chairs Linda McQuillan, Membership, and Charlie Crisanti,
• Jane and Bill Albert and Anna Peterson,
Social Committee, for coordinating and
serving pies baked by council members, ice
cream and coffee at the Annual Meeting.
• The Nominating Committee, Sandy Stark, Julia Billingham and Jane Albert, for their work
in recruiting volunteers as new officers.
• All the ongoing work of DMNA committees
and many volunteers.
Kassel, Germany Sister County: The
chamber music ensemble Con Vivo! has
been invited to represent Dane County
and perform at the “Kultursommer Nordhessen” Arts Festival and four concerts in
the county of Kassel, Germany, in June.
Thank You!
• Thank you to new, outgoing and continuing officers for their service to DMNA
Lake Wingra Watershed Plan
By Linell Davis
veryone wants to save the lakes in
July, but they want clear streets in
January. To protect and improve water
quality in Lake Wingra we need to
change our expectations and the norms
that govern our behavior. That means
learning to live with less salt. This is one
message from the Madison City Engineering meeting held on March 26, 2015,
to present and discuss the Lake Wingra
Watershed Plan. The plan has been in
development since 2011 in response to
“Lake Wingra: A Vision for the Future”
published by Friends of Lake Wingra in
2009. The original publication can be
viewed at
The current Lake Wingra Watershed Plan
is a joint initiative of City Engineering
and Friends of Lake Wingra.
Reducing salt flowing into the lake is one
of three goals presented, along with reducing phosphorous and increasing water
infiltration. The Watershed Plan calls for
both resident actions and City initiatives.
To reduce phosphorous homeowners can
keep leaves and grass clippings off the
streets and out of gutters. Meanwhile, one
way the City is addressing phosphorus
concerns is through the alum treatment
pilot project at the Marion Dunn Pond in
the UW Arboretum along Monroe Street.
reducing impervious structures, creating
rain gardens and by supporting proposals
for erosion control, storm water management, and infiltration requirements for
With increased awareness, education and
commitment, we can all become better
environmental stewards. Learn more
Studies show that spreading between 3 to
about community action from the slides
5 pounds per 1,000 square feet of salt is
presented at the Watershed Plan meeting,
enough to melt snow, but both commercial at: private applicators spread as much as neering/stormwater
25 to 30 pounds per 1,000 square foot. The
City is reducing salt use by applying antiicing solutions on streets before storms,
but other major contributors to the salt
problem are commercial, multifamily and
institutional facilities. Community support
is essential to set standards for commercial
applications of salt.
Lake Wingra has lost water infiltration
because of significant development in
the watershed. Residents can help by
Rev. Katie Van Der Linden
Summer Worship Sunday 9:30 am
(beginning May 24 )
725 Gilmore Street, 233-8709
Community Dinner Wed., May 27 5:30 – 7 pm
Master Gardener Series Jun 10 & July 8 6:30 pm
Annual Rummage Sale – Thurs. June 4 & Fri. June 5
Madison Mallards “Faith Night” Sun. Jun 28 - 4:05
Annual Ice Cream Social August 23 4:30 – 6 pm
Break out your lawn chairs and
picnic blankets and join the
Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra for
a fun-filled evening at the Zoo!
Free train and carousel rides
Special food options from the new
Glacier Grille
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718 Gilmore Street • Madison, WI 53711
Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood Association
Upcoming Events
JAZZ IN THE PARK at Wingra Park
Saturday, June 20
Arts and Craft Fair noon-6:00 p.m.
Kids Activities 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Jazz Musicians 3:00-9:00 p.m.
Saturdays, June 13, July 11, Aug. 8, Sept. 12
10:00 a.m.-noon, 9:00 a.m. if hot
Glenway Prairie at SW Path
Wednesday, June 3
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Wingra Boats
Saturdays, June 20, July 18, August 15
9:00 a.m.-noon, Prospect at SW Path
Wednesday, July 1
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Bluephies Meeting Room
Sunday, June 21
Monroe Commons, HotelRED, Wingra
Park, Michael’s Frozen Custard
Tuesdays, June 2, 9, 16, 30, July 14,
JULY 4 PARADE AND CELEBRATION August 4, September 15
5:00-7:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 4
Wednesdays June 3, 10, 17, July 1,
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
July 15, August 5, September 16
Michael’s Frozen Custard & Wingra
9:00-11:00 a.m.
Saturday, July 25
10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Tuesdays, June 2, 9, 16, 30, July 14,
August 4, September 15
10:30 a.m.-noon
Wednesdays, August 5, September 2
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Wingra School Library
SW Path, Parks and Gardens, History
Committees Walks
Times and dates to be posted on
Jazz in the
Saturday June 20, 2015
Noon - 9 pm
Jazz in the Park is a celebration of our neighborhood and an opportunity to get together
and share a wonderful afternoon of music and community. This DMNA event is supported
by the businesses of Monroe Street. Please Buy Monroe and support those that support
this wonderful event!
2015 Event Line Up
12:00 – 6:00 pm
3:00 – 6:00 pm
Kids Activities
3:00 - 9:00 pm
• Arts and Crafts (hosted by the Monroe Street Fine Arts Center)
• Log Rolling (hosted by Madison Log Rolling)
High school All-Stars
Edgewood Jazz Ensemble
Trap Saturn
3:00 - 4:00 pm
4:30 - 5:30 pm
6:00 - 7:00 pm
7:30 - 9:00 pm
JIP is commited to be a Zero Waste Event
Thank you to our Monroe Street Merchants for their
support of Jazz in the Park

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