Catalogue 2015


Catalogue 2015
Catalogue 2015
Children’s books
I feel all achy !
By Augustine Tirrily, Charline Collette
For children, there is always something wrong. When their heads aren’t
scratching, the tongue tingles ... But today, definitely nothing is allright. It
gallops under the skull, it frolics in the hair, it gathers under the eyelids...
What can we do? Do not worry, the animals are there!
An album, full of images and poetry, for children who feel all achy. A book
to reassure parents.
Hardback binding / 25 x 19 cm / 40 p. / 16 € / Age : 4 +
On dirait que des poissons taquins
nagent en rond dans mon ventre.
Je me frotte le ventre,
mais il ne se passe rien.
The Child who had forgotten his fear
By Nathalie Wyss, Béatrice Boutignon
Despite the wind, despite the snow, a child keeps walking. Frightened, he
goes forward to avoid his heart to crumble... until he meets a bear with a
thick and warm fur. « What are you afraid of ? » he asks. They keep on walking, together, united by a new friendship, taking care of each other. A little
bird, who symbolizes fear, now follows them, light and harmless.
A tender story with soft picture to enable children to deal with their fears.
Hardback binding / 25 x 19 cm / 40 p. / 16 € / Age : 4 +
Nathalie Wyss
Béatrice Boutignon
No hang up under the chestnut
By Juliette Valery, Aki
A dog who wants to go to school? It does not happen every day! And what the hell a
dog can do in a school? Slide down the big slide? Learn to read, maybe? Eat mashed
potatoes with a fork?
Yet, every morning, Jules meets a dog waitingby his school. And every morning, he
would like to bring with him so much!. One day, Jules decides to take a chance...
Hardback binding / 25 x 19 cm / 40 p. / 16 € / Age : 4 +
Bim, bam ! Ça se bouscule, derrière elle ! Ling monte sur
les épaules de Lucien. Pomme pince les fesses de Firmin.
Puis, comme Madame Compas tarde à parler, les copains
se mettent à crier :
— Allez, Maîtresse, on le garde !
The wind’s color
By Nastassja Imiolek
Lou is a lonely child. He lives with his grandfather in a small village. The forest,
the mountain, and even the sea, separated him from the nearest city.
One day, he wonders how does the grass grow, where does he come from, and
what is the origin of the world. So, he leaves his village looking for answers.
An album about children questionning which will help him to understand the
Hardback binding / 25 x 19 cm / 40 p. / 16 € / Age : 4 +
- Ce n’est pas moi, lui dit le village, mais
tous mes chemins serpentent à l’unisson.
Lou remercia le village. Cette fois, il était désemparé.
Il ne savait toujours pas d’où venait le vent.
Pourtant, il avait posé la question partout !
Push-Piano or the new
worlds symphony
By Gilles Baum, illustrated by Rémi Saillard
Hardback binding / 23
x 33 cm / 40 p. / 16 €
Age : 4 +
A curious little boy sits
down in front of a majestic
piano. He tries to play but
can’t reach the keyboard
and… falls into the instrument ! Begins a fantastic
journey into marvellous
different worlds, with lots
of magic and poetry…
My name is Nako
By Guia Risari, illustrated by Magali Dulain
Hardback binding / 25 x 19 cm /
40 p. / 16 €
Age : 4 +
The disappear animals
picture book
By Laurie Agusti
Hardback binding / 25
x 25 cm / 40 p. + flaps /
17,80 €
Age : 6 +
An animated book to sensibilize younger readers
to the animal world. It
will teach them how the
Australian frog, the Dodo
and many others have
disappeared. Beautiful
illustrations to emphasize
the fragility of the environment.
Tango has two dads, and
why not ?
By Béatrice Boutignon
Hardback binding / 25 x 19 cm /
40 p. / 16 €
Age : 4 +
Rights sold to Brazil
The black Santa Claus
by Bruno Heitz
Hardback binding /
25,5 x 20,5 cm / 40 p. / 15 € /
Age : 6 +
Everybody thinks
that the real Santa is
dressed in red and no
one has ever seen a
black Santa. But on
that special night everyone will think Santa
is somebody else...
An original Christmas book very far
from traditional ones,
half way between the
comic strip and the
Hardback binding /
21 x 21 cm / 40 p. / 15 € /
Age : 4 +
Rights sold to U.S.A.
The true story of Roy and
Silo, two male penguins,
inseparable for years
and madly in love with
each other. One day, a
guardian of the zoo they
live in gave them the
opportunity to raise a
baby penguin : Tango.
It looks as if...
by Marie Dorléans
Marie Dorléans creates magical connections between
the most different things.
With her imagination a necklace becomes a train and a
hat looks like a mountain... A
beautiful moment of poetry.
Hardback binding /
21 x 26 cm / 48 p. / 15 € /
Age : 3 +
Rights sold to South Korea
A king seen from the sky
by Bruno Gibert
On the year of 1783, the
french king Louis the
XVI attends a spectacular show... Indeed,
a sheep, a duck and a
fowl have been chosen to be the very first
passengers of the
Montgolfier brother’s
ballon... How does the
earth looks like from
the sky ?
Nako lives in a house
with wheels, people say
that he is a « gypsy », a
« romani » or a « rom ».
A story nor sad or
right-minded, just a
slow approach of a little
known population.
Mum and dad
by Françoise de Guibert,
illustrated by Vincent Bourgeau
How to deal with a child
whose parents are getting
separated ?
As it is always a hard time
for everyone, this sensitive
book will help going through
that situation.
Hardback binding /
20 x 24 cm / 48 p. / 15 € /
Age : 2 +
Little blue riding
hood by Guia
Risari, illustrated by
Clémence Pollet
Le Petit Chaperon bleu
Guia Risari
Par une nuit à donner les chocottes au loup,
un cauchemar s’invite dans la chambre de Titou,
le plus petit des enfants d’un géant, et le papa n’est pas là.
Clémence Pollet
Heureusement, trois gentils tout plein arrivent à la rescousse…
Qui réussira à endormir Titou ?
La fée magie, la princesse au grand cœur ou le doudou trop chou ?
Qui des trois sera sacré le plus gentil des gentils ?
Dark woods a boring
grand-mother, a red
hood… Red ? No,
blue ! This book tells
the story of a unique
wolf and riding hood.
Mischievous and
audacious, the child
is not easily taken in
Hardback binding
and dare his friend
22,5 x 28,5 cm / 40 p. / 15,90 € to a special game.
Age : 6 +
Rights sold to South America and U.S.A.
Code sodis : 7850165
C. Beigel & C. Merlin
La fée, la princesse ou le doudou ?
e Be
& Christ
Qui des trois est le plus gentil ? La fée, la princesse ou le doudou ?
Qui des trois est le plus gentil ?
ISBN : 978-2-36080-078-0
14 €
C. Beigel & C. Merlin
À partir de 3 ans
e Be
& Christ
Par une nuit de terrible tempête,
Le trésor attire trois affreux pas beaux…
Qui se révélera le plus horrible ?
Le pirate Double Port, l’ogre Big-estomac ou la vilaine sorcière Dézégou ?
Qui des trois sera sacré le plus méchant des méchants ?
Qui des trois est le plus méchant ?
un navire sombre dans la mer d’encre.
Un mystérieux coffre est épargné par les ots, et vogue le radeau.
Who’s the nastiest of the three?
Who’s the kindest of the three?
by Christine Beigel, illustrated
by Christophe Merlin
Who’s the nastiest of the three?
and Who’s the kindest of the
three? are the two first titles of
a new collection. They present a
child and three famous characters of youth literature. Who will
be the nastiest? Who will be the
kindest? Every time, the amazing
end comes to surprise the reader.
Hardback binding /
21,5 x 21,5 cm / 32 p. / 14 €
Age : 4 +
Code sodis : 7850152
ISBN : 978-2-36080-076-6
14 €
À partir de 3 ans
A Family ressemblance
by Béatrice Boutignon
My head in the clouds, by
Marie Dorléans
This album shows to the
young readers the evolution of families models.
« The first time it happened to me, I was at school.
I felt a terrible urge to be
somewhere else… »
Hardback binding /
20 x 28 cm / 48 p. /
In this book, Marie Dorléans
tells the story of a young boy
who likes, first of all, being
lost in clouds and inventing
fantastics tales…
Hardback binding /
25 x 18,5 cm / 48 p. / 16 € /
Age : 4 +
Rights sold to the Basque Country
15,90 € /
Age : 5+
Rights sold to South Korea
This new collection of cardboard books takes children to different areas : in the
sea, or in the savannah. On the way, they learn colors, music, food or dimensions through the bright and lively characters of Florie Saint-Val.
16 x 16 cm
9,50 €
7 double pages
Cardboard book
Rounded corners
Age : 0 +
The savannah’s concert
by Florie Saint-Val
A walk under the sea
by Florie Saint-Val
Kids meet the members
of a jazz band : Léon
the lion is a clarinet’s
virtuoso, Cédric the
crocodile is a famous
Children discover colors and sea’s animals
with Ousmane the octopus, Gaston the grey
shark or Renaud the red
On the island
by Anne Cortey, illustrated by
Vincent Bourgeau
Hardback binding
16 x 26 cm / 48 p. /
14,90 €
Age : 6 +
A bear’s life by Christophe
Fourvel, illustrated by Janik Coat
At lunch time, it is Father Bear
who lifts the pitcher to drink
first. Then it is Mother Bear and
the oldest bear cub. It is always
this way : from the strongest to
the less strong. Until one day,
things change…
Every summer, Giulia and
Cosmo meet each other on the
island. One day of winter, the
little boy receives a letter from
his friend, saying that she is
coming… A beautifil relationship
between two childs.
Windows to open inside
A sweet allegory to approach
/ Hardback binding
with children the themes of
17,5 x 23,5 cm / 32 p. /
oldness and death.
16,30 € Age : 4 +
The little unknown and
the balloon
by Jean-Baptiste
Cabaud, illustrated by
Fred Bernard
Paperback / 16 x 25 cm /
32 p. / 6,60 €
Age : 6 +
Rights sold to Greece and
June and Léa
by Sandrine Bonini,
illustrated by Sandra
A red balloon on
a battlefield! This
book presents a very
sensible and profound
approach of war.
Hardback binding
28,5 x 22,5 cm / 40 p. / 16,30 €
Age : 6 +
Rights sold to Italy and Brazil
The guest
by Marie Dorléans
For he is alone and
decides to go on a
walk and comes face
to face with a strange,
red horse. He chooses
to keep it with him and
befriends him... But
the guest will turn out
to be more intrusive
than expected!
Texte de Stéphanie Baunet
Illustrations de Claude Grétillat
« La nuit, quand je m’endors,
les animaux de la ville se réveillent.
Un à un ils partent en chasse.
De cour en jardin, de parc en place,
un drôle de safari commence… »
Hardback binding / 21 x 21
cm / 40 p. / 15,30 €
Age : 4 +
Rights sold to Germany,
Mexico and Brazil
Stéphanie Baunet / Claude Grétillat
Marie Dorléans
safari nuit
Night safari, animals in the city
by Stéphanie Baunet, illustrated
by Claude Grétillat
Cette histoire, à chuchoter
aux premières lueurs de la nuit,
est accompagnée de notices
documentaires sur les animaux
de nos villes.
une collection
du Baron perché
À partir de 4 ans
ISBN 978-2-36080-036-0
Code Sodis 7599761
16 €
Marie Dorléans -
Un beau matin, le héros
ivre a une drôle d’idée…
cide d’inviter un cheval
ais l’animal s’installe et,
e pensée envahissante,
e plus en plus de place.
Que faire alors de cette
étrange présence ?
les animaux dans la ville
An album and a documentary
to discover the animals of our
city. Between fiction and reality,
kids follow the urbans species’s
tracks who go out when the night
is coming. On the way, they learn
informations about their way of life,
their food and their specificities.
Hardback binding
18 x 30 cm / 32 p. / 16,30 €
Age : 5 +
The Onomatopeia’s ABC
by Bruno Gibert
Hardback binding
17 x 23 cm / 48 p. / 15,80 €
Age : 3 +
Atchoum, badadum,
clap clap… these
strange words are
Bruno Gibert realised
an alphabet book with
funny dogs : airman,
trumpet player, vampire or lumberjack are
playing in a world full
of joy…
June is Lea’s sister
and Lea is June’s. They
aren’t twins, but live
and play as well.
Everything is fine this
way, until one day
June has to go to high
War against my bed
by Martin Page, illustrated by Sandrine Bonini
Hardback binding
17 x 21 cm / 40 p. / 16,30 €
Age : 4 +
Rights sold to Korea and Japan
One morning, a little
boy cannot get out of his
bed : it feels too good
in there! Why would
we have to chose the
harshness of the world
rather than a soft blanket? The boy will go to
war in order to
free himself from this
smooth influence.
Claude Aveline
Claire Hannicq
Animals’ stories
Claude Aveline,
illustrated by Claire
A bird marrying a carp,
a baby flea jumping
towards the sun...
Six incredible and
roguish stories.
Hardback binding
18,5 x 24,5 cm / 64 p. / 16,30 €
Age : 6 +
Happy event for Mr and
Mrs Cracotte
by Sandra Poirot-Chérif
The sweet adventure of
childbearing told to the
with humour and
Hardback binding
22,5 x 28,5 cm / 40 p. / 15,30 €
Age : 3 +
Rights sold to Italy, Korea and Taiwan
The little potential
illustration factory
by Florie Saint-Val
Mum’s twelve coats
by Marie Sellier, illustrated
by Nathalie Novi
New edition
Hurluberlu and his
friends invite you to visit
an unusual factory...
With this activity book
inspired by the Oulipo,
you will discover the
secrets of illustrations.
Hardback binding
24 x 31 cm / 32 p. / pre-cut boards / 18,30 €
Age : 4 +
Rights sold to China and Great-Britain
Twelve poetic tales, as the
twelve months of the year,
present twelve different
moods of a mum.
Hardback binding
35,5 x 23 cm / 28 p. / 16 €
Rights sold to Spain
Love letters for
little minxes
Dominique Brisson, illustrated
by Maud Legrand
Hardback binding / 22,5 x
28,5 cm / 32 p. / 15,30 €
Rights sold to Italy and
Léon addresses
amusing letters
to the girls of his
where sweets
(finally) loom
large… !
The night
by Sandrine Bonini,
illustrated by Sandra
Hardback binding / 25,6 x
20 cm / 40 p. / 16,30 €
Age : 4 +
A little girl is invited
to discover the night’s
secrets by a funny
pig... A beautiful story
to read before sleeping
to stop being afraid of
switching off the light.
Éditions Le Baron perché, 30 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris
Tel. : 003 31 83 64 07 80/81
Deep Love
by Guillaume Dégé
Hardback binding
20 x 16 cm / 64 p. / 16,30 €
This book is, among
other things,
made to be used
by imaginative
children who are
discovering reading.
The combination of
obvious or absurd
things can be
discovered at liberty.
Not all animals are
by Béatrice Boutignon
A smart and poetic
book to learn lovingly
and effortlessly
Hardback binding
that our differences
19 x 25 cm / 48 p. / 16 €
create our similariAge : 3 +
Rights sold to Basque country, U.S.A., Korea and China
Foreign Rights :
Christian Voges [email protected]
Brigitte Stephan [email protected]