tajikistan - High Mountain Hunts


tajikistan - High Mountain Hunts
Joel Latham
3409 Redstone Drive
Arlington, Texas 76001-6507
Phone: 817-465-3833
Cell: 817-371-4340
[email protected]
Web address:
Marco Polo
Per hunter $36,500
Non hunter $ 3,500
Mid Asian Ibex
(capra sibirica alaiana) may be combined at $4,500
Hunting Areas
Sept. 1-Dec. 31
Best Dec.10-31
14 day trip
10 Day Hunt
Range Trophy
50” to 60”
300 - 600 yards
30°F to -50°F
For weather info, click.
Altitude of Hunt
CITIES and other permit (s) may be required by U.S. Fish and Wildlife for endangered wildlife. No sale may be consummated until
the necessary permit (s) have been obtained from the USFW Service.
Price includes: invitation letter, one trophy fee of specie, firearm permit, hunting license, CITES export permit, veterinary certificate,
services of interpreter from/to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan airport, all inclusive from arrival in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.
Price excludes: Visa, International and domestic air fares, customs clearance, trophy shipment, insurance, tips, extra hunting days, extra
trophy, hotel accommodation and food before and after the hunt, hotel extras, personal expenses, non-hunter, special food, cost of
medications, immunizations, hospitalizations and services of doctors, charges for evacuation or rescue by ambulance, helicopter or airplane,
and any other service or product that is not agreed or mentioned in this document. The Marco Polo trophy will be shipped to you when the
Export Permit is issued and the trophy has received the veterinarian export papers, etc. Freight cost, via DHL, is approximately $400 - $500.
Reservations, Payments & Permits: Confirmation will be upon receipt of a 50% deposit per person in U.S. Dollars only, (a) read,
understand and accept the Terms and Conditions and signing of both the (b) Release of Liability and (c) The Hunting Contract.
* Marco Polo is in CITES II. High Mountain Hunts will hold your 50% deposit until you receive your USFW CITES Import Permit, Form 3201. An application must be made on your behalf to the authorities in Tajikistan. Tajikistan authorities then notify the Secretary of CITES
and they notify the USFW of your request to hunt. U.S. clients must personally and in advance, complete USFW Application Form 3-200-21.
Mail to: USFWS, Division of Mgt Authority (DMA), 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Room 212, Arlington, VA 22203. Application must be
submitted to arrive on May 1 (not before May 1). The USFW then issues the U.S. CITIES Import Permit Form 3-201 normally issued in a
minimum of 30 days and with many requests, averaging between 60-90 days. It is the exclusive responsibility of the hunter to comply with all
the U. S. Dept. of the Interior Fish & Wildlife Service wildlife permit conditions. Your remaining balance is due when you receive that U. S.
CITES import permit. Upon entry into the U.S. with a trophy, present to authorities your Wildlife Declaration Form 3-177. All clients must
comply with the U.S. Department of the Interior/Fish and Wildlife Services laws, requirements and conditions. The Original USFW CITES
Import Permit, Form 3-201 must accompany you and the trophy when returning to the U.S.
The Minister of Natural Protection/Conservation issues hunting licenses consistent with the harvest quota. To export a sports hunted Argali
from Tajikistan, a hunter must have his license marked by the local authorities to verify that the trophy was legally taken. This validated
licenses must then be presented to the Minister of Natural Protection/Conservation for the issuing of an export license and a certificate of
authenticity in Dushanbe which is then submitted to the Russian CITES Management Authorities in Moscow for an export (re-export)
certificate because Tajikistan has not accede to CITES. The CITES management Authority of the Russian Federation in Moscow serves as its
CITIES management authority until Tajikistan accedes to the CITES Convention. This explains why U.S. hunters returning home (not going
through Dushanbe and Moscow) not receiving the veterinary certificate and the marked license by authorities verifying that the trophy was
legally taken, must have their trophies shipped at the end of the hunting season (some time as much as 90 days later). Sometimes the high
passes are closed to road traffic from/to Dushanbe to hunting camp. Sometimes flights can be delayed up to 7 days from Dushanbe to
Khorog, therefore, entry and exit through Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan is the preferred route.
Travel Itinerary: Day 1 - Flight from Chicago to Istanbul via Turkish Air and on to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and spend the night
Day 2 - Fly to Osh, Kyrgyzstan in the afternoon, drive to Tajikistan (14 hours) arriving early morning.
Day 3 - Sometime begin your hunt about 9:00 AM (10 days hunting)
Day 13 - Return to Osh, Kyrgyzstan and spend the night in private company owned house
Day 14 - Fly to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and hotel until late night departure
Two Great Marco Polo Trophies – Pamir Bear Skull –
Welcome to Murgab Camp – Big Foot – Zafar, Hunt Manager, Gives Thumbs Up. All His Hunters Were Successful
Revised 12-28-09