GERMANY – LITHUANIA – RUSSIA ONCE THERE LIVED A FIERY READ-HEADED ARTIST… P.S. TO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF EXPRESSIONISTS The concept of the Berlin – Vilnius – Moscow exhibition originated from the aide of German artist-expressionist Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1884-1976) about unification of various artistic trends and creative search into a bridge into future art. future art. The idea of the exhibition was sup- paintings. Pictures of Russian artists – Valery ported by the Titlas group of Lithuanian artists Volkov, Yelena Krylova, Viktor Fedotov, Tamata headed by Saulius Kruopis who has been for Grigoryeva, Irina Akulenko, Sergey Lychagin, many years advocating expressionist ideas and and Natalija Jankowskaja – were distinguished holding creative workshops in the Lithuanian at the exhibition not only by serious topics but town of Nida where German expressionists ar- also by a variety of composition solutions. ranged their plain-airs a hundred years ago and Natalija Jankowskaja said the art of all an exhibition of modern artists who continue sionism which they perceived mostly as a early summer the Union of Art- expressionism traditions and trends. It is an model of emotional comprehension of ists of Russia held an exhibition emotional and substantial artistic guideline in the world through personal affection. called Culture Bridges: Berlin - Vilnius - fine arts which exerted a major influence on the Their creativity is individual and differs in Moscow. Like the two previous displays arts in the world. style from each other. All artists stick to CULTURAL HERITAGE In the show was a stage of the international The concept of the Berlin - Vilnius - Mos- the professional school, culture, and ar- exhibition project devoted to the cente- cow exhibition originated from the idea of Ger- tistic achievements of their countries. nary of the recognition of expression- man artist-expressionist Karl Schmidt-Rottluff The unlikeliness and originality of images ism as an independent artistic guideline. (1884-1976) about unification of various artis- and plastic art of the paintings comprised The first exhibition was held in Berlin in tic trends and creative search for a bridge into the zest and artistic interest of the exhi- March 2011 in Russisches Haus and the bition. The display was multi-faceted and second followed in Vilnius in April unique in its historic significance as there 2012 in the 2W gallery of the capital have been no similar exhibitions of mod- city. The Moscow show was the con- ern cluding chord. It was organized by Jankowskaja is specifically proud of it. . . impressionism so far. CULTURAL HERITAGE painters is based on traditions of expres- Natalija the Moscow gallery Non Omnes with the participation of the international MOSCOW EXHIBITION – CONCLUDING CHORD public organization Russia - Germany Society and the Moscow branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, Besides the exhibition, Moscow the Union of Artists of Lithuania, also held a conference at which repre- the Lithuanian association of artists sentatives of different artistic directions Titlas (Bridge), and with support of compared experimental creativity of ex- the embassies of Germany, Lithu- pressionists in various artistic fields and ania, and Russia, the culture minis- explained the play of images in literature, tries of Lithuania and Russia. Natali- arts, and architecture. The presentation ja Jankowskaja, the director of Non Omnes Gallery supervised the exhibition and the Culture Bridges project. It 102 Lithuanian artists participated in them. of a new issue of Foreign Literature magazine The display in Berlin featured the works of was devoted to German expressionism. Lithua- nine modern Lithuanian artists - Arune Tornau, nian artist Saulius Kruopis, his Moscow col- Algimantas Kliauga, Aleksandras Vozbinas, Sau- leagues and art critics spoke out. lius Kruopis, Dalvis Udris, Skaidre Butnoriute, Experts agreed the exhibition project al- all began in artistic salons of the Armonas Svajunas, Juozas Prauchevichius and lowed to compare historic traditions and crea- German capital city. It was there Solomon Teitelbaum. tive specifics of various-generation artists from that the Non Omnes Gallery headed by Their German colleagues - Ingrid Kaftan, three countries - Germany, Lithuania, and Russia. Natalija Jankowskaja organized in the Britta Naumann, Waltraud Schwarz, Karina Stan- It is interesting by its broad display as it includes framework of its Culture Bridges project gle, Grit Sauerborn – also presented exciting works that reveal cultural and esthetic differenc- AMBER BRIDGE. INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE. 2012. № 3 (7) AMBER BRIDGE. INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE. 2012. № 3 (7) 103 es and common creativity of artists from the sand kilometers. The distance between Vilnius three countries, exposes variety of imaginative and Berlin is the same. plastic and conceptual composition solutions. Why does the exhibition involve artists only from the three countries? in Berlin Why did expressionism become the main Lithuania has the Titlas group of artists hosted the Kazukas fair which is the who have been advocating for many years the annual traditional fair of Polish and bridges between Baltic countries? Exhibition su- idea of expressionism and organizing creative Lithuanian handicrafts dating back pervisor Natalija Jankowskaja explained: artistic workshops in the Lithuanian town of to the XVII century. Lithuanian art- Nida. They supported the ists brought gifts from the fair and idea exhibition presented them to guests, organiz- while distinguished Rus- ers, and colleagues. The private sian expressionists Vasily viewing was attended and ad- Kandinsky, Alexey Yavlen- dressed by Russian cultural attache sky, Verevkina in Germany Alexander Lopushinsky were at the roots of the and Lithuanian attache Rasa Balc- effort. cikonyte. The exhibition was a re- of the Marianna How did the project develop? markable event in the cultural life which has been strongly influencing world art in As three countries participate in the pro- of Berlin, for Lithuania diaspora general for a hundred years. It entered out life ject it was decided to hold three exhibitions in specifically. President of the Rus- and exerted a major impact on architecture, lit- turn, beginning in Berlin and building a bridge sia-Germany Society Yuri Roslyak erature, poetry, theater, and cinema. The trend between three cities. sent a message of greetings and — Expressionism is a fine arts guideline CULTURAL HERITAGE exhibition topic of the fruitful attempt to span cultural The concept of the Berlin - Vilnius - Moscow exhibition originated from the aide of German artist-expressionist Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1884-1976) about unification of various artistic trends and creative search into a bridge into future art. mostly developed in Germany and Austria in 1911-1922 and the period was even called a decade of expressionism. It was expressionism that laid the foundation for modern art, Did official authorities of participating countries provide any support? Unfortunately, international-scale exhibi- new artistic tech- nia nique, and organized very birth to interest- rarely late. ing experiments Therefore, the idea in all spheres of of the multi-stage artistic activity. international Why have of pro- ject Culture Bridg- to es: Berlin - Vilnius hold the exhibi- - Moscow devot- tion? ed to the centeThe idea originated be- tween the warm welcome and there were been did decide Skaidre Butnotiute, Saulius Kruopis, Tamara Grigorieva, Natalija Jankovskaja tion projects involving artists from Russia, Germany, and Lithua- gave wished success to our project. In Vilnius we had a very breathed life into you 104 The opened in March when Lithuania nary of expres- sionism was skies supported by the numerous unforgettable meetings. The Union of Alas, there is no limit to perfection and and earth. I was at embassies of Ger- Artists of Lithuania and its Chairman Yevgeny there is always room for improvement. The main a plain-air in Lith- many, Lithuania, Nalivaika and Secretary Egle Bertasiene provid- thing is that the project was accomplished and uania. Russia, culture ed immense support to us. In Moscow the exhi- 27 artists from three countries participated in it. tour of the Vilnius ministries of Lithu- bition was joined by distinguished sculptors The project enjoyed a broad public response TV tower the idea ania Russia, which invigorated the display in the halls of the and occupied a worthy place in artistic life of of bridges origi- Unions of Artists Moscow branch of the Union of Artists of Russia Germany, Lithuania, and Russia. Now it is all in nated. It is inter- and by in Begovaya Street. Nikolai Tereschenko, Merit- the past and we have to look into the future and esting prepare new interesting projects. During that a the and naturally galleries, collec- ed Artist of Russia and corresponding member distance between tors artistic of the Russian Academy of Arts, provided major Moscow and Vil- public of the three nius is one thou- countries. AMBER BRIDGE. INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE. 2012. № 3 (7) CULTURAL HERITAGE thinking, as well as specific technique, original What was most impressing in each stage? and assistance to the project. Did all your expectations come true? Anton Shenin. Berlin – Vilnius – Moscow AMBER BRIDGE. INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE. 2012. № 3 (7) 105