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Calvary News
March 1, 2016
Sign up for Listening/Sharing Groups
Doug Kearney will be facilitating listening groups of five to seven people for Calvary
members to share concerns and dreams for the congregation, and, in particular, to share
where our focus should be in these months before the call of a rector. The sign up sheet
will be in the Old Well Hall on Sunday mornings. During the week, call the office at 6846266 during the week to reserve your spot at a time that suits you. Use this opportunity to
listen to others' perspectives and let your own voice be heard.
Listening Group Times (more groups to be added if needed)
Wednesday, March 2, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 3, 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 6, 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday, March 9, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 10, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 13, 12 noon
Preaching License Presented
Br. John Huebner first felt an inner call to preach in
2012 while working with the Missionaries of Charity sisters
in Indianapolis during his novitiate formation as an
Episcopal Missionary Religious Brother. After several
preaching opportunities, the guardian of his religious
community and their supervising bishop recommended
obtaining a License to Preach and to Lead Worship from the
diocese. Offering guidance and supervision, the Rev. Dr.
Claude Stewart had been working closely with Br. John to
fulfill the requirements of the Diocese of Western North
Carolina for the license. After receiving a letter of
recommendation from Rev. Doug Kearney, Bishop Porter
Taylor presented Br. John a License to Preach and Lead Worship at the diocesan chapel on
February 22.
Br. John Huebner is a Professed Brother in the Community of the Gospel, an Episcopal
Monastic Religious Community. Br. John works in ministries to the homeless (Beloved House
Mission and Church of the Advocate) in Asheville and is active at Calvary Church in EfM,
the Choir, the Healing Prayer Team, and the Food Pantry.
Wednesday Food & Formation During Lent
On Wednesdays during Lent, the theme is
Walking the Path. Dr. Dan Snyder began the series with
a video and sharing of his five week journey walking the
Camino. Then Mother Liz spoke about walking the
Gospel path and encouraged us to share stories about
meeting Christ on the road.
Walking th e Labyrinth will be offered on March
2. Our gathering will focus on a continuing walk with
Christ through Lent with the opportunity to walk our
indoor labyrinth. Mother Liz will lead a brief meditation and offer some suggestions about the
labyrinth. This will be a quiet experience with Taizé chants playing in the background. For
those unable to walk there will chairs around the Commons Room where prayers for self and
the walkers may be offered.
March 9, Fr. Doug will talk about Walking Between th e Cro ss and th e To m b,
illustrated by experiences in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Walking with
th e Celtic Saints ends our series on March 16. Please sign up in the Old Well Hall or call the
office to register.
We welcome children and youth to join us especially for walking the Labyrinth and for
the celebration Agape meal on March 23. There will be music at both these gatherings. The
food will be simple – soup, bread and salad – in recognition of the season in which we are
invited to simplify our lives. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Old Well Hall to indicate
what we need and inviting you to set up, bring soup, bread, or salad or clean up. Dinner starts
at 5:45; the program begins at 6:30.
Holy Week Schedule
You’ll hear more about Holy Week at Calvary in this newsletter and as we go forward,
but here’s the schedule, beginning Sunday, March, 20:
e Palm/Passion Sunday worship at 8 and 10:30 a.m.
e Holy Eucharist Monday at 6:00 p.m.
e Holy Eucharist with Soaking Prayer Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
e Agape Meal Wednesday at 5:45 p.m.
e Maundy Thursday footwashing, Eucharist, and stripping of the altar at 7:00 p.m.
e Good Friday Service at noon, followed by Stations of the Cross at 1:00 p.m.
e Easter Vigil with baptism, shared with Nativity Lutheran at Calvary Saturday at 8:00 p.m.
e Easter worship with Eucharist Sunday at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt at 9:30
a.m. for the children.
Holy Week Agape Meal
This year we will have our Agape meal on
Wednesday 23 March and on Maundy Thursday
return to the traditional service in church. It is very
important that we have numbers for this event and
we ask you to sign up as soon as possible. Tickets
will be available on Sunday mornings. Bob
Robbins will prepare a wonderful meal including
leg of lamb and the suggested donation is $10.
Please know that if this creates a hardship for
anyone your donation of any amount will be
gratefully received. This is a great opportunity to remember the early church as Christians
gathered for a meal together and, over time, came to be understood liturgically as the Holy
Readers Needed for Palm Sunday and Holy Week
We will have a service every day from Palm Sunday through Easter Day and several of
those services require extra readers. We’ll also have need of chalice bearers as well. If you are
interested in helping us out, please call the parish office at 684-6266 and let us know.
Walking Through Lent
The Health Ministry invites you to improve your
health during Lent and draw you closer to God. This
year we are “walking” the Camino. From Estella, Spain,
we continue through the provinces of Navarre, La Rioja,
Burgos, Castille, and Leon.
Our “journey” is off to a very slow start with less
than half of our projected miles walked. We now have
nine “walkers” and a total of 114.5 miles traveled. I
know the first two weeks weren’t very pleasant weatherwise, but it’s not too late to start. Pick up your guidelines and walking logs in the Old Well
Hall and “walk” towards a healthier heart.
Labyrinth Committee News
Silent Auction/Craft Sale: The Labyrinth Committee will hold a silent auction/craft
sale on April 3 and 10 to raise the additional funds needed to complete the labyrinth and
perennial garden. If anyone has items to donate, please contact Jo Miller at [email protected] or 828-667-1864.
Committee Meeting: The Committee will meet on March 20 at 9:30 a.m. in the
Commons Room to make final plans for the sale.
Health Ministry
Savoring life… what does that mean to you? Appreciating every
moment of love, grace, joy, compassion, sorrow and peace, walking with
Christ and each other? In the context of health and nutrition(yes, friends,
it is March again), do you savor the flavor of what you eat? Do you eat for
your body, or purely for the pleasure of eating? Are many of your foods
unadorned with dips, sauces, marinades, spices? Do you actually TASTE
the food itself? The spunky acidity of a tomato; the soothing sweetness of
a carrot; the decadent creaminess of an avocado; the tartness of a lemon;
the earthiness of a mushroom; the pungency of a banana pepper; the
layers of flavor as you eat brussel sprouts or kale; the differences in flavor of raw compared
to cooked fruits and vegetables. And, how about the blended flavors of several foods, like
sautéed mushrooms over steak or oatmeal with raisins? The brain transcribes the impressions
from our tongues’ taste buds. Unless we’ve previously tasted a food, plain, we wouldn’t
recognize it as the food it is.
Another component of enjoying the experience of a food, is being MINDFUL of what
is being eaten. If we are multi-tasking by eating and watching TV, reading the paper, emailing
or driving the car, the brain is distracted from tasting to what requires attention. Why do you
eat when you eat? Some people never actually experience hunger, yet eat just the same. A
once primal urge has turned into a routine. And, ideally not overindulgent, keeping calorie
intake balanced with calorie need.
Our physical and psyche may glide in harmonious existence. Unfortunately, eating out
of habit is what often contributes to health issues. If the physical body does not expend energy
it once required, the result is fat accumulation which influences diabetes and heart disease.
Among cultures with lengthy lifespans, explored in The Blue Zones, a consistent habit is to stop
eating before feeling full. Mindful eating impresses the senses, so that eating is a delight!
Once in tune, the signal to eat is more likely heard when hungry, rather than because of the
time on the clock or to accompany an activity out of habit.
On the contrary, healthy habits don’t need to be broken. Drinking a cup of water
before and after going for a walk, eating a fresh fruit between meals as a snack, or nibbling on
a dainty handful of nuts after dinner are good things, and, not likely to contribute to excess
calories, if meal choices are mindful. Don’t give up on filling your plate half full of colorful
vegetables and fruits, watching your fats, getting enough lean protein and low fat dairy,
including whole grains, and limiting sugars, sodium and alcohol. Drink water.
This is not to say that flavor enhancing herbs, spices and juices are not a healthy habit,
but I encourage you to mindfully challenge your taste buds during the month of March! Savor
life and food! I encourage you to eat a food unembellished, sans sauce, that you’ve never tried
before, to Savor the Flavor of Eating Right!
On the fourth Saturday of each month, I am available for nutrition counseling, as is an
RN for blood pressure screening. In addition, a nurse is available for blood pressure screening
on the second Sunday after each service. Cheers to your health, Linda Wozniak, RD, LDN.
New Offering Plates
On the first Sunday in Lent, we gratefully received
these new mahogany offering plates. They were turned by
Don Rose, of Simpsonville, South Carolina. Mr. Rose is a
third generation woodworker who began learning his craft as
a youngster. He also enjoys teaching and has helped others
improve their skills in wood turning and other aspects of
woodworking. A retired engineer, he continues to enjoy
spending many hours in his shop fabricating various wood artifacts. Wood carver Mark
Strom of Leicester, North Carolina, hand carved the dogwood flowers on the plate rims,
duplicating the dogwood design used in the chancel and on the chapel altar. Mr. Strom’s
works reflect his love of nature and can be found in numerous private and corporate
collections throughout the United States. Sadly, because health reasons have forced his
retirement from woodworking, the Calvary offering plates were his last commission.
News from the Discernment Committee
The Parish Profile has been completed and approved by the Vestry and the Diocese.
The profile can be viewed on our parish website, All necessary
documents have been sent to the Diocese and will form the basis of advertising the
Rector’s position. Although the advertisement period must remain open for a minimum of
two months, we will process any applications as they are received. We hope to identify a
final candidate, and make a recommendation to the Vestry in July or August. We need
everyone’s prayers and support as we walk together.
Annual Parish Meeting
Calvary’s Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, March 13 at 9:30 a.m. in
the Parish Hall. Please plan to come out and hear about our eventful year.
If you are the chair of spokesperson for a church committee or group, we need a
report from you. These don’t have to be long or involved. We can send you reports from
past years if that would be a help. Reports should be sent to the parish office no later than
noon on Friday, March 4. If you have a questions, please call Anne in the office at 6846266.
The Book Club
Calvary’s Book Club will meet on Friday, March 18, to discuss
Thirteen Moons, by Claude Frazier, the acclaimed local author of Cold
Mountain. All are welcome to join us at Baabals in Fletcher at 11:30
a.m. for lunch, fellowship and discussion of this historical fiction novel
about the Cherokee. The book is also available in large print and on
audio CD from the public library.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry provided food for 429 families who
visited in February, and the 1,402 individuals in those
Valentine cards, and other items related to Valentine’s
Day were donated to clients who wanted them, through the
efforts of Lois Pryor, and the volunteers who helped her in
the distribution of these items. Our clients are very grateful
for these little extras, which many of them would not get if at all if not from the pantry.
SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016, 3:00 P.M.
Please Sign Up
Coffee Hour is a great time to say hi to people and
grab a bite to eat.
We need people to sign up for March – especially on
Palm Sunday and Easter Day, when there will be lots of
hungry visitors we want to show a nice welcome to. Please
sign up sheet in the Old Well Hall.
Calvary Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch will meet at Asiana Grand Buffet in
Skyland at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, March 11. If you plan to
come, please call Anne Rodgers at 694-0540 before
Wednesday, March 9.
Second Annual Bunny Hop
5k Fun Run, Sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Hendersonville. Saturday, March 26 at
10:00 a.m., Jackson Park, Shelter #1. Free Bunny Ears for the First 200 Pre-registered
Pre-registration $25 per person OR $20 per person for groups of 4 or more. Register before
March 11 to guarantee a T-shirt Day of run registration - $35. Stay after the Bunny Hop for
Henderson County Parks and Registration’s 34th annual Easter Egg Hunt at 12:00! Visit to print and mail with payment. Visit to register and pay online. 100% of funds raised will
stay in Henderson County to benefit Kiwanis-sponsored local youth programs.
If you have any questions or want a paper registration form, see Lee Smith or call her at 6065658.
Dear Calvary Church:
The family of Robert Gibson wishes to thank everyone who was involved in the funeral
service and visitation. We wish to thank the Order of the Daughters of the King for the
reception, and to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, phone calls, visits and condolences.
We are very grateful for the Rev. Doug Kearney and Calvary Church and its members. It has
meant a great deal to all of our family to have such love and support.
– Hilde Gibson and family
Our hearts are still searching for the gladness we are to feel when a Christian loved one
dies. Peace is present. I appreciate and thank you for the care, concern, prayer, cards and
memorials that have been extended to us. East Coast Fellowship is very appreciative of the
gifts received and is dwelling on finding an appropriate use to honor Nathaniel’s involvement
in planting that church.
– Linda and Mike Wozniak
Thanks from La Capilla to Calvary, Fletcher
The youth and congregation of la Capilla de
Santa Maria wish to express our deepest gratitude to
Calvary Episcopal Church in Fletcher, NC for the
donation of a 2000 Dodge minivan.
Calvary Prayer List
Immediate Concerns – Karen Campbell, Tammy Asch, Marge Roome, Eve Hall, Kathy
Mayhew, Bud Fiske, Margot East, George Koen, Doris Strange, Maeve Galligan, George &
Karen Brown, Robert Morris, Mildred Henderson, Tony Wicker, Raymond Williams, Lynette
Walters, John Bodenhorst, Christopher Gant, Joan Schelly, Charles Huges, Rebecca Taylor,
Rick Hensley, Rusty Wagstaff, Terri Thompson, Jenny Hatcher, David, Jon, Tim, Carolyn,
Rebecca, Adam, Virginia, Barbara, Mark
Ongoing Prayer Requests – Dorlyn Ball, John Pirich, Terri Traw, Micki Ahlin, Bill Muller,
Warren Peterson, Mia Wadopian, Diana Wood, Kathleen Pacetti, Cameron Furlow, Ann
Fagan, Jo Furlow, Helen Diggs, Peggy Smith, Kay Nesbitt, Rick Garcia, Clelia Savarino, Kay
Levine, Julia Williams, Virginia McGee
Departed – Henry Diggs
Calvary Episcopal Church
2840 Hendersonville Road - P.O. Box 187
Fletcher, NC 28732
Phone: 828-684-6266
Fax: 828-684-6320
Email: [email protected]
A Welcoming and Affirming Congregation
Founded in 1859, we are members of the Body of Christ,
the worldwide Anglican Communion, and the Episcopal Church in the USA.
We are part of the Diocese of Western North Carolina.
The Right Reverend G. Porter Taylor, Bishop
The Reverend Doug Kearney - Interim Rector
The Reverend Doctor Elizabeth Canham - Priest Associate
Anne Spruance - Office Administrator
Philip Dettra - Director of Music
Sharon Tenty - Bookkeeper
Jon Lloyd - Sexton + Nate Fore - Sunday Sexton
The Vestry
Sue Ackman – 2017
Irene Bishop – 2016
Leo Bjorlie – 2018
Iris Durell – 2018
Janet Edwards – 2017
Jack Grant – 2018
Jennifer Hall – 2017
Ted Hill – 2016
Callie Otten – 2016
Lois Pryor – 2018
Dan Vining – 2017
Mary Ann Willingham – 2016
Janet Edwards, Senior Warden + Jack Grant, Junior Warden + Ted Hill, Treasurer
Mission Statement: Calvary Episcopal Church is a gathering
of those seeking to follow Jesus and to serve the world.
Prayer for the Calvary Discernment Committee:
Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the
minds of those who shall choose a new rector, granting them wisdom, clarity, and a
listening heart. May the Holy Spirit direct them in finding a pastor, who will care for your
people and equip us for ministry and service; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
8 a.m. & 10.30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist
6 p.m. Taizé - 2nd Sunday
12 noon - Centering Prayer
10 a.m. - Holy Eucharist & Healing
4.30 p.m. - Lectio Divina
Christian Formation
9.30 a.m. - Adult Classes
10:30 a.m. - Children’s Chapel
4.30 p.m. - Lectio Divina
6.30 p.m. - Program
(Dinner at 5.45)