DIGITAL posT FRom youR munIcIpALITy GeT A


DIGITAL posT FRom youR munIcIpALITy GeT A
What is
Get a quick
Digital Post is your personal mailbox on the
Internet. This is where you can receive and send
mail to the public sector.
Send, receive and store your correspondence with the
public sector in your Digital Post mail box. That way
you will get a quick overview and you don’t have to
worry about paper, postage and big binders.
As your Digital Post mail box is associated with your
Social Security number it follows you throughout life –
whether you move or change your address or e-mail.
Read this leaflet about how to communicate digitally
with your local authority.
If you don’t already have a Digital Post mail box
then go to to sign up.
One mailbox with multiple entrances
Do you already have E-boks?
With only a few clicks you can see all mail from
your E-boks in your digital mail box. That way
your mail from the public sector and private
companies is gathered in one place.
How do I know if there is new mail in
my digital mail box?
You can automatically receive messages in
your e-mail about new mail in your Digital Post
mail box.
Need help to create a Digital Post mail box?
Open this leaflet and read the instructions on
how to create your own Digital Post mail box
and send mail to the public sector.
Give your family, a friend or a third party access
to your Digital Post mailbox. See how to do it at under Selvbetjening (Selfserve).
Where did you put your papers
from the municipality?
Collect them in your digital
mailbox so they do not disappear!
Your digital mailbox is like
your regular mailbox.
The mail might contain a
deadline that needs
to be met!
Here you can get help setting up and using
the digital mailbox:
Odense Centralbibliotek (central library)
Hovedbiblioteket · Østre Stationsvej 15 · 5000 Odense C
+ local libraries
Digital Post usersupport (e-Boks)
Give others access to your
Digital Post mailbox
FRom your
Phone 38 17 11 87
Weekdays 9.00 - 20.00 · Weekend 11.00 - 17.00
Digital Post is secure digital
communication between you
and the public service.
The municipality is always open online
The municipality is always open online
How to send a
letter to Odense
Municipality by
Digital Post
How to create your
Digital Post mailbox
Follow the instructions below or see a more
detailed instruction at
You need a NemID card to register.
If you don’t have a NemID card, order it at
Open your Digital Post mailbox
1. Choose the tab “adresse bog” (address book) and find Odense Kommune.
1. Go to and click “Digital Post” (Digital Mail)
2. A new window will open and you logon with NemID
2. You will now see all mailboxes in
Odense Kommune.
3. Read the text and click at “Opret postkasse” (create mailbox)
3. Find the relevant category for your request and choose the mailbox that matches your request
best. For more information about each mailbox click “læs mere” (read more).
4. Type your name(1), your e-mail-adress(2) and your
cell phone number(3). Read and accept the
conditions(4). Click at “Opret poskasse”(create mailbox)
You have created your Digital Post mailbox
4. A new window “Ny Postmeddelelse” (new mail)
will open. Choose the subject that matches your request best. Click the button “Vælg emne”
(choose subject).
5. Write what your request is about in the box “angående” (about). Be brief and concise.
6. Write your message to Odense Kommune in the text box below.
7. Digital Post user support (e-Boks)
Phone 38 17 11 87
Weekdays 9.00 - 20.00 · Weekend 11.00 - 17.00
Remember: Your digital mailbox
is like your regular mailbox.
The mail might contain a deadline
that needs to be met!
The municipality is always open online
When finished, you can attach any supporting documentation by clicking on the top “vedhæft
fil fra arkiv” (attach mail from archive) or
“vedhæft fil” (attach file).
8. Finish and send your letter by clicking “send”.
Your digital letter is now on its way to Odense Kommune
Send a digital reply to Odense Kommune
If you receive a request from Odense Kommune, which
can be replied by Digital Post, click on “besvar” (reply) in
the top left corner. Follow steps 6, 7 and 8.