20160609 Presentatie Ontwerp en ontwikkeling van video


20160609 Presentatie Ontwerp en ontwikkeling van video
Web lecture service
Web lecture service
edX consortium
Online and Campus Education
Learning Activities & Course Materials
Enrolled students only, massive numbers
Bachelors Level
Certificate of Completion
Massive Open
Online Courses
On-campus Education
Top-class education and research facilities
World famous university library
Active student societies
Great opportunities to participate in special
student projects
Course Materials
Big Exposure, Worldwide audience
Both Bachelor and Master level
No interaction with faculty
No accredited certificate
Learning Activities & Course Materials
Paid enrollment
Enrolled students only, limited numbers
Master level
Accredited Course Certificate
Full Master Degree
The X-Factor
The X Factor is that un-definable "something”
that make for star quality.
We commit ourselves to define this un-definable “something”
and look for a set of new rich-/multi-media principles
that will make the difference
Blended Bachelors, distance Masters or World classes, alike
Academic video
Get attention with witty remark
Motivational, social environmental case related situation
New theory explaned by teacher.
A rethorical question for engagement
An impressive light-serious example of theory
Short part with expert relating theory to practice
Assignment of the week, own casestudy
Older student about common mistakes/how to avoid
What comes next
NewMedia Centre
As we move towards our goal of being a world-class
university, bringing our students into the 21st
century, we will enhance online education through
innovative use of Rich-/Multi-media technology.
We operate as a TU Delft co-creating collaboration
platform for design, web, AV and multimedia
technology, bundling combining and institutionalizing
the campus online initiatives.
Service model
We do it for You stress free…
We do it with You in co-creation…
You do it Yourself with instruction…
Operational approach
course design – course production – course publishing
workflow based on capture-manage-deliver
re-usable content for any audience on any platform
asset management and channel management
no postproduction
Scripting essential
Empowering for do it yourself
Translation didactical concepts into online formats
Web lecture captures
Live and On-demand streams 24/7 anywhere
Multi media design
Web, Apps and interactive applications
3D design and animations
Videoconference, webinars,
Workshops, instruction & support
Further development