Teknatool Chuck Accessory Jaw Sets


Teknatool Chuck Accessory Jaw Sets
Teknatool Chuck Accessory Jaw Sets
Precision Midi
Ideal for those with lathes up to
12”/300mm swing.
Takes all the accessory jaws,
although only those designed for
smaller work are recommended for
use on the Precision Midi.
Available in insert/adaptor versions and
dedicated threaded versions.
Full Cross Function
Only Teknatool Chucks give you the same jaw fixing system and same
insert/adaptor system across all chuck models.
This means all accessory jaws in the
range fit all the chucks in the range,
including older chuck models*, giving
you the ultimate flexibility. In buying a
Teknatool chuck, you can be confident
that whether you want to move up or
down the range, any accessories you
have invested in will fit.
Ideal for those with lathes
up to 14”/360mm swing.
Provides high geared chuck
power for smaller lathes.
Takes all the accessory jaws,
although only those designed for
smaller work are recommended for use
on the G3.
Available in insert versions and
dedicated threaded versions.
Code: JS25N
• One of our most popular and convenient jaws
for small bowl and small unsupported spigot
turning work. Ideal for mini/midi lathe work.
• Great for work below the size that can be
handled by the 50mm jaw set.
75mm (3”) BOWL JAWS
Code: 6014
• The dovetail walls are 3 x the thickness of
conventional jaw types for rugged work holding for
larger/heavier bowl work.
Teknatool chucks have been
especially designed so the jaws
will cut into the wood, grip firmly
in the contraction mode and
provide high tear out strength.
Some chucks use an engineering
jaw profile (designed to hold
a hard material like steel) or
rounded profiles, which just crush
the wood fibres without digging in
and holding securely.
Special Jaw Slides
• All Teknatool Chucks use the same fixing method,
meaning appropriate* accessory jaws can be
fitted across the range to any Teknatool Chuck.
• The jaw slides have automatic jaw stop safety
feature - automatically prevents the jaw slides
coming out from the chuck body.
• Precision fit, designed for a long, tough life.
• Large section guideways and large surface
area for long term surface and wear
• Teeth have radiused edge profiles to reduce
wear and frictional resistance on scroll ring.
• Made from iron composite impregnated with copper –
copper has outstanding qualities as an anti-seize and low friction agent.
The copper is fused into the matrix for finest mechanical properties.
*The Compac Chuck requires additional accessory to fit the Nova accessory jaw range. Not all accessory jaws are recommended
for use on every chuck in the range, for example large accessory jaws designed for big work are not recommended for use on the
small Precision Midi Chuck. Check comprehensive accessory jaw manual or pamphlet if in doubt, or ask your reseller.
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Code: JS5ON
• These jaws are perfect for small to medium sizes
with maximum grip, provided by the dovetail.
• Versatile all round jaw to get you started, before
moving on to more specialized jaws. Able to handle
both bowl and spigot projects.
75mm (3”) LONG NOSED
JAWS Code:6017
Code: JS75DT
(1.375”) Code: JS-SP35
• A 50mm 2” rise above their mounting base means
very long reach deep inside of bowls.
• Great for gripping the base (foot) of footed
bowls in the contracting mode.
• Tremendous holding power externally and
internally – very versatile jaw.
• Three step sizes provide optimum gripping for
three foot sizes with minimal crush damaged
• Specially designed to provide a strong
contracting grip to unsupported spigot turning
applications, e.g vases, goblets. Can handle
spigots up to 50mm (2”) and minimum down to
30mm (13/36”).
• Optimum Step sizes:
• Also has expanding grip mode.
• Ideal for green wood turning.
• Internal powergrip for holding spigoted work
42mm (1.65”)
50mm (2”)
64mm (2.5”)
100mm (4”) JAW
SET Code:JS100N
130mm (5”) JUMBO
• The big brother to the 100mm jaw set.
• Designed for expanded dovetail, reverse dovetail
for gripping footed bowls.
• Designed to handle large work up to 750mm in
• One of our most popular jaws to mount 12”-14”
• Ideal ‘companion jaw’ to both the Titan chuck and
the Supernova2 (the power of both these chucks
matches the big capacity of these jaws)
• Can mount false wooden jaws, so customised
jaws can be made for special purposes.
• Also ideal for use with centre saving systems.
Code: 6006
Code: FPV
• A versatile set designed for re-chucking of bowls to
remove chuck marks, add decoration or to re-shape
the bottoms of bowls that have already been turned.
• A versatile set designed for re-chucking of bowls to
remove chuck marks or to re-shape the bottoms of
bowls that have already been turned.
• Other Nova jaw sets can be fitted to the Cole Jaws
making a combination jaw facility – expanding
dovetail facility for mounting bowls/platters and a
reverse dovetail for mounting footed bowls/platters.
• Other Nova jaw sets can be fitted to the Cole Jaws
making a combination jaw facility – expanding
dovetail facility for mounting bowls/platters and a
reverse dovetail for mounting footed bowls/platters.
• Many advantages over traditional vacuum chucking.
• Many advantages over traditional vacuum chucking.
• Customisable with false wooden jaws.
• Customisable with false wooden jaws.
• Standard Cole Jaws are suitable for lathes with
minimum 12”/300mm swing diameter.
• Mini Cole Jaws are suitable for lathes with a
minimum 8”/203mm swing diameter.
• Designed for use with the 50mm jaw set.
• Provides a faceplate facility to enable you to
vacuum chuck.
Code: PJSN
• The most powerful jaw available for large spigot/
hollow form turning on the SuperNova2.
• Also a multi purpose jaw for bowl turners and
hollow form turners.
• Dovetail sizes fit neatly between the 75mm (3”)
and the 130mm (5”) Jumbo Jaw sets.
• Included with all standard versions of the Nova
Codes: 6000, 6001, 6002
Strong and fast mounting method for bowl blanks. A
better alternative to the woodworm screw which is only
suitable for smaller bowls.
Offers the secure mounting of a faceplate with the quick
convenience and power of a chuck. Strong mounting and
method even with irregular sized wood and rough cut
Three Sizes:
• Allows you the maximum freedom in designing
any size or shape of carrier.
- 50mm (2”)(fits standard 50mm jaws), Faceplate
diameter (3”)
- 100mm (4”)(fits 100mm jaws), Faceplate diameter (5”)
- 130mm (5”)(fits 130mm jaws), Faceplate diameter 6.25”
Code: 13029
Code: NCSC
Code: 10006
• A ‘supersized’ PowerGrip design these jaws
combined with the power and capacity of the Titan
Chuck – have far the most powerful grip of any other
chuck or jaw combination.
50MM (2”) JAW SET
• These jaws are standard with all Teknatool chuck
standard versions (excluding Nova Titan, which has
the Powergrip Jaw as standard).
• Deep smooth walled dovetail holds wood gently
but very firmly.
• Can handle spigots up to 60mm (2.38”) and
minimum down to 38mm (1.5”).
35mm (1.35”) BOWL
JAWS Code: 6019
• The 35mm bowl jaws fit perfectly into the current
jaw range, picking up a small gap left between the
25mm and the 50mm.
• Internal features dovetail grip for holding footed
bowls and other footed work pieces.
• Same style as 35 spigot, these jaws provide a
strong contracting grip to unsupported spigot
turning applications, e.g vases, goblets
Ideal for those with lathes
with 24”/609mm swing and
larger. Takes all accessory
jaws, but also has one extra
special PowerGrip jaw dedicated
only to the Titan. The super
aggressive holding power of this geared
chuck and accessory is amazing!
• These extended jaws are designed to act like a pin
chuck – expanding into a pre-bored hole.
• A useful technique for free form edge bowls.
• You don’t have to bore an exact size as with other
pin jaws.
• The longer jaws allow for a very powerful spigot
grip for smaller work such as lace bobbins. Also
ideal for longer dowel work.
• Features a small dovetail to mount small bowls.
• Twist drills also can be gripped to enable the chuck
to be used as a drill chuck.
• Holding power for large bowls and also moderate
hollow forms.
(1.8”) Code: JS-SP45
Nova Titan
Ideal for those with lathes
up to 20”/508mm swing.
Brilliant all-round geared
chuck for a majority of users.
Takes all the accessory jaws.
Available in insert/adaptor
versions and dedicated threaded
25mm (1”) JAW SET
• Screws go right through the wall section to add
more securing force where it’s needed most.
Special Dovetail Profile
Nova G3
• Never take the chuck off your lathe.
• Allows you to quick mount a spur center on your
chuck. For the bowl turner who also does some
spindle work.
• Able to hold spigot work up to 19” long.
• Special 3 hole fixing means these jaws can only be
used in conjunction with the Nova Titan 5” Chuck,
as the extra gripping power of the chuck enhances
the PowerGrip’s action. Able to hold large work up
to 750mm (29”) in diameter (with a dovetail facility
with up to 120mm (5”) recess).
Teknatool: Smart Tools, Powerful Solutions
• Standard with most chucks (check with your
reseller or on our website).
• Quick and easy method to mount unformed small
bowl blanks.
• Provides a secure mounting to form the outside of
• Specialist woodworm screws available for
PowerGrip and Cole Jaws.
Code: 10051
• This handy gauge is exclusive to the Nova chuck
range. Quickly and easily work out your dovetails
accurately. If you use a chuck, this is an essential
• In addition, this useful gauge contains many of the
useful measuring and gauging functions used in the
wider workshop:
An angle checker for knives, carving tools, chisels
and planer blades, a diameter gauge, a centre
finder, a dowel gauge, a furniture angle gauge, a
ruler scale and many other functions.
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