to this file - First United Methodist Church of Escondido


to this file - First United Methodist Church of Escondido
341 S. Kalmia Street, Escondido, CA 92025
760-745-5100 ·
To be and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world
To be a community of people
who love Christ, live like Christ,
serve Christ and share Christ
8—8:45 AM Morning Prayer & Praise, Chapel
9—10 AM Worship in the Sanctuary
10:45—11:45 AM Arbor Worship, Sanctuary
12:15 PM Worship in Spanish, Sanctuary
9 AM and 10:45 AM For all ages in English
10:30 AM For all ages in Spanish
1 Serve others during Lent
1 Community Prayer
2 Gratitude for Advent Giving
2 Stewardship Update
3 Glimpses of the Kingdom
3 Lenten Study Opportunities
3 Ash Wednesday Worship
4 Music Ministries
4 YAM, Youth Ministries
5 Children’s Ministries
5 Light of Christ
Children’s Center
6 United Methodist Women
7 Golden Weds, Birthdays
7 Prayer List
8 Foundation Sunday
8 Combined worship photos
Be the hands of Jesus during Lent; Feed the hungry
During Lent we are invited and encouraged to help serve others in our
community by preparing, serving and/or helping provide a meal for
residents of Haven House, the emergency shelter for homeless men and
women operated by Interfaith Community Services. Haven House provides
services to men and women who are either already working, or are on-track
to gain employment.
Facilitated by the Believers in Action committee, our church has committed
to providing hot meals with enough food for 60 people six times during
Lent. We’ll serve on four Mondays: February 22 and March 14, 21 and 28;
and on Wednesday, March 2 and Tuesday March 8. (Be praying about
whether we’re called to give this kind of service beyond Lent. )
It’s fun to help! We’re hoping friends and families, service and fellowship
groups, Sunday School classes and others will collaborate and volunteer to
make, deliver and serve a meal. As it’s available, you’re welcome to use the
church kitchen to prepare the food. The meal needs to be delivered to
Haven House, located at the Interfaith headquarters at the corner of
Mission and Quince, no earlier than 6:15 PM on the designated day.
Donations of scrip grocery gift cards to purchase supplies for the meal will
also be gratefully accepted.
You can also get involved by making a donation of items requested by the
shelter such as sleeping bags, socks, clothing, and more. Just place these
donations in the box in the Narthex marked Haven, beginning February 14.
Stop by the Adult Ministry table on Sundays to get all the details and menu
suggestions, or contact Mary Anne Dijak or the church office. Thanks!
Community Prayer
Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Living God,
in an inner life with neither beginning nor end,
Your continual presence
makes new freshness break through, every day.
-Brother Roger of Taizé
FEBRUARY 2016 | The United Methodist Messenger | 1
Almost $6,000 given to alleviate food insecurity, share Christ’s Love
The Believers In Action Ministry Team wants to send be delivered to people recovering from surgery or an
a BIG thank you to everyone who participated in the illness or grieving. Bravo!
Advent Project! We exceeded our goal of $5,000 and Forty-five blankets were also donated and given to
adopting Military Outreach
people in need.
Ministry families! We raised
During Advent we challenged
$5,960.20 that will be used to
you to Worship More, Spend
purchase supplies for the Sack
Less, Give More and Love All.
Lunch Program and the Casserole
Our prayer is that you enjoyed
Ministry. And we purchased
joining the "conspiracy" and it
Christmas gifts & groceries for six
made a difference for you. We
military families.
know that it made a difference
Your generosity is overwhelming
for many people who will benefit
and humbling. Many were brought Gifts were wrapped for MOM families.
from this project.
to tears when they saw what you
Remember that these projects are worthy of your
have done - generosity to a stranger. Jen Hawkins,
support any time of the year, and unfortunately there
who hands out the lunches each day is relieved to
is no shortage of need. So we ask you to continue to
know this vital program will continue to serve the
keep these projects in your prayers and support
most vulnerable among us. Sandy Holmes and her
them when you can with your time and treasure.
band of merry chefs will be busy restocking the
Mary Anne Dijak
freezer with delicious casseroles and soups that will
In Gratitude, We Give— Stewardship 2016
Church Office Hours
Mon—Thurs: 8:30 AM to 5 PM
Contact Us:
Phone: 760-745-5100
Fax: 760-745-9338
E-mail: [email protected]
Christian stewardship is the faithful management of all our gifts from
God and how we live out our calling as followers of Christ. Here’s a
report of our church’s total pledged giving and received for 2014
and 2015, and pledged thus far for 2016. Pledged income is one of
several sources of income for the general budget.
Pledge Units
Amount Received
William deBos
Associate Pastor
Senior Pastor
Ruben Torres
Spanish Language Ministry
Messenger Deadline
15th of each month, please email
all copy/images to
[email protected]
Christine Thompson, Editor
Thank you to all who have pledged to support the church! We
rejoice that the total amount pledged in 2016 has increased $5,642
above 2015 pledges. This is good news. But if our church is going to
grow, growth is also needed in pledging units (individuals and/or
families). Look for more detailed information about the church’s
financial stewardship in next month’s Messenger.
2 | The United Methodist Messenger | FEBRUARY 2016
Glimpses of the Kingdom…
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” -Acts 1:8
How exciting was it for us all to be together in worship on January 10, 2016 with all of our sisters and
brothers in faith who call First UMC of Escondido home? We were gifted with being participants in a
clear, vivid, and exciting glimpse of God’s Kingdom, RIGHT HERE!, in Escondido!, at our church! We
do indeed have a wonderful and beautiful community of faith, and the Spirit of God is certainly dwelling
within, over, and all around us. THANK YOU! to the WHOLE church for welcoming one another and
the Spirit into our midst.
In many ways, the events recorded by Luke in The Acts of the Apostles (aka: Acts) are being repeated
among us, as the Spirit of God becomes the driving force behind what we do and who we are as disciples
of Jesus. As such, I would invite us all to read Acts, again and again, so that we can deeply immerse
ourselves into the work of the Holy Spirit and become “witnesses in Escondido, in all San Diego County
and throughout the Annual Conference, and to the ends of the earth.”
God’s mighty presence is blowing among us.
‘Living The Questions’ Lenten Study begins soon
Prepare for Lent
Pancakes & Praise
Pastor William will lead a study on Tuesday
evenings and Thursday mornings during Lent
working from the series, Living The Questions 2.0,
An Invitation to Progressive Christianity. Choose
the day that works best with your schedule.
The series “seeks not to provide easy answers,
but to be a resource for people who are in the
midst of a life-long conversation about the mysteries of faith and life.”
The format includes a DVD presentation followed by discussion.
Notebooks with study materials will be available at the first session. A
$3 donation per person is requested to cover the cost of printing and
5:30 PM
Tuesday, Feb. 9th
In the Social Hall
Food & Fun
Ash Wednesday
Worship at 7 PM
In the Sanctuary
Watch the Sunday bulletins and enews blasts for start dates and times.
FEBRUARY 2016 | The United Methodist Messenger | 3
Valentine’s Dinner/Dance
supports Young Adult
Methodist (YAM) work project
Mid-summer Hawaii
service project is set for
young adults at Camp
Mekokiko on the Big
Island of Kona
The Young Adult Methodists (YAM)
group, college aged and young
professionals, is traveling to the Big
Island of Hawaii this summer to
provide repair and construction
service at United Methodistowned Camp Mekokiko. We leave
July 24 and return August 2, with
options of shorter or longer stays.
We hope to raise much of the trip
costs, which include construction
materials, and travel expenses. The
first fundraiser is the Valentine’s
Dance on February 13. Watch the
Messenger for other opportunities
to support a young adult.
If you are interested in attending,
you can secure your spot with a
$100 deposit by February 28. If you
have questions, talk with Kay Guy or
Pastor William.
The Young Adult Methodists are
sponsoring a Valentine’s
Dinner/Dance at 6 PM,
Saturday, February 13. Tickets
are $15 per person. Proceeds
will support the summer service
The menu includes baked ziti,
salad, baked chicken, and
dessert, with vegetarian and
gluten-free options. We
encourage participation of all
ages, singles and couples. Bring
your friends! Childcare will be
Last year’s event was a fun-filled available.
multigenerational evening, with Tickets will be for sale Sundays
a nice variety of dance music.
on January 30 and February 6.
Welcome to Leap Year
by David Leigh Shearer, Director of Music Ministries
In keeping with the extra day of Leap Year we have scheduled a full
February musically. Lent begins early this year on Wednesday,
February 10. We will have a service at 7 PM in the Sanctuary to
usher in the season featuring our Disciple Singers. Begin a Holy Lent
with us.
The new organist at Concordia University Irvine, Tom Mueller, will be
playing a special pipe organ concert in our Sanctuary on Sunday,
February 28 hosted by Dr. Michael Munson and the Palomar
American Guild of Organists Chapter. Put the 3:30 PM concert on
your calendar and enjoy an afternoon of fine music.
I will attend a study week at the end of February sponsored by the
American Choral Directors Association. I will hear new repertoire for
choirs, attend workshops on worship music and “reset” my ear as I
hear excellent groups from around the country. I plan to bring home
fresh ideas that will work for us. Thank you for this opportunity.
4 | The United Methodist Messenger | FEBRUARY 2016
Messy Church is coming
You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your
might. Deuteronomy 6:5
by Kim Hinrichs, Director of Children’s Ministries
During my morning devotional I came across a quote
by Jow Bowen about the subject of helping children
to grow in their faith. “The most important thing is
parents teaching worship in all things all week long
to their children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). And the
church’s role is to support and equip parents to pull
that off. “
“Messy Church” is a way to help parents teach
worship. Messy Church is an intergenerational
gathering that explores Church in a very new and
different way. All ages get together and using
creativity and hospitality in a Christ centered
gathering, we celebrate and worship together. If you
A growing ministry;
new classroom opened
by Judy Moore,
Director of Light of Christ Children’s Center
are interested in hearing more about Messy Church
you can click on the following link in You Tube Our Messy Church
team is forming right now and if you are interested in
being part of this
ministry please contact
Throughout February
the children will be
collecting a special
offering to help
purchase 100 pairs of socks for our church’s Mission
Trip to the Border on March 12. This is a very easy
goal to reach if every child contributes $1 every
Sunday in February. On the last Sunday of February
“Kids Club” children will make a special trip to
purchase the socks. Please help us achieve our goal
by sending your child with an offering.
Children learn and play in the new
classroom for 2-year-olds at our
Children’s Center.
Our new 2-year-old classroom opened the last week of January. The children and we are enjoying getting to
know each other. In the preschool classrooms the children are learning about the winter season and hearing
stories about Jesus feeding people, walking on water and being the Good Samaritan. We’re talking about the
letters M, N and O and the numbers 11 and 12. We’re using the colors of pink and purple and learning the
heart shape as we talk about showing love.
Please help spread the news that Escondido City Hall employees will receive ten percent off the standard
tuition cost when they enroll a child at the Children’s Center. And we’re looking for an additional full-time
teacher. Candidates must have completed a minimum of 12 early childhood education units. Let folks know!
FEBRUARY 2016 | The United Methodist Messenger | 5
Human trafficking:
Around the world, around the corner
February 23 program will help educate, inform, spur action
Elizabeth Circle meets at 9:30
AM at Barbara Budd’s home. Cochair is Wanda Fuller. The
program will be presented by
Myrtle Johnson.
Susanna Circle meets at 6:30 PM
February 11th, off campus.
Come out and learn about modern human trafficking in this interactive
presentation. We will explore how human trafficking today compares
with historical slavery and gain a global perspective on the human
costs. Human trafficking is a huge problem worldwide, and is
increasingly prevalent in the United States, including San Diego
This is a United Methodist Women's sponsored event featuring Doug
Paulson and Sarah Colling. They share how teens they work with have
fallen victim.
Come Tuesday evening, February 23rd. Coffee and dessert in the
Lounge at 7 PM Program will begin in the sanctuary at 7:30 PM.
Ann Savage
Next meeting
February 15,2016
5:45 in Room 15
The Light Between Oceans
by M.L. Stedman
The setting is in 1920s Australia. Email or
call Glenna Long to borrow a copy.
Come enjoy the great fellowship.
Learn about life in Africa at Feb. 16th dinner
sponsored by United Methodist Men
Have you ever wondered how a
Methodist manages in the Heart of
the African Continent? Bud
Wrisley, longtime member of our
church will tell us. The United
Methodist Men have invited him
to be our featured guest speaker
at our February 16th dinner
meeting, and all church members
and guests are invited to attend.
us through a photo presentation
the lives of this African culture he
experienced as he traveled
throughout the province of
Rwanda and with African safaris.
Don’t miss this opportunity! Come
and learn about the lives of the
people and animals of Rwanda.
Social time starts at 6 PM, with
dinner at 6:30, followed by Bud’s
Bud will tell of his exciting
presentation. Cost is just $6.
experiences in the communities
Purchase a ticket from Tom Ralls,
of Rwanda where he traveled and Methodist Men’s treasurer, or in
taught out of workbooks
the office. Men, please bring your
translated into the local language, significant others and friends to
Kinderwanden. He will share with this event.
6 | The United Methodist Messenger | FEBRUARY 2016
Geoff Allinson
William Atkinson
Alden & Merle Avery
Jan Berge
Barbara Bonnin
Dottie Brown
Rev. Kimball Coburn
Donna Cook
Gene & Pat Cook
Cecelia Cowles
Carrie & Nicole Crawford
Emma Damrauer
Ann Dambso
Frances DeWilde
Jane Dodge
Jessie Evans
Lynn Fisher
Flores Family
Gloria Fouts
Laura Freeman
Sylvia Freeman
Evelyn Fury
Josefina Galang
Jacob George
Fern Gruber
Ralph Hampshire
Earl & Laura Harvey
Randy Haskell
Jules Hertz
Jackie Hill
Howard & Hilda Holston
Tom & Sharon Howard
Irene Johnson
Horace Jones
Ben Machada
Alice Mandich
Dianne Mandich
Becky Marco
Mary Marabotto
Sue MeGee
Angeline Mitchell
Roy Mitchell
Rosie Motzer
Tom Oldfield
Joan Perron
Ratanavadee Perron
Barbara Perry
Moe Peter
Harrison Pluta
Joy Roberts
Donna Rodriguez
Kelsey Sanchez
Pamela Selna
Bob Shaw
Austin Sherman
Betty Sikes
Lolis Siqueiros
Ron Skare
Ann St.Onge
Muriel Steinberg
Karen Strakon
Mel Takahara
DeDe Tillotson
Rafael Tolentino
Jim & Marlene Tusing
Maaike Van Mourik
Cheryl Walker
Peggy Watson
Jolene Williams
Butch Windham
All home-bound
for healing
** In bold, new to list
24 Thomas Clark
24 Deanna Clatworthy
24 Elisabeth Lentulo
24 Heather Turner
25 Cyd Dolegowski
26 Nathan Hinrichs
26 Cathy Loadman
27 Sean Walker
27 Alayna Wenzlick
27 Marcia Wrisley
28 Walt Bonneau
28 James Branch
28 Sam Johnson
28 Joanna Odorico
29 Savannah Martin
Tom & Marilyn Escher
February 28, 2016
Dick & Ann Lievers
February 28, 2016
Dick & Joan Marsala
Best wishes for a wonderful day!
We offer our love and sympathy
to the family and friends of
Mary Margaret Morris
who died January 23, 2016
We also offer our love and sympathy to the
family and friends of
whose brother, Harry Ranck, died in January
These are the members and friends of our Church family with birthdays this month. Please remember them with a call, card, or prayer
13 Jack Kroeker
13 Betty Lou Sikes
13 Frankie Soderberg
14 Harriett Mills
15 Charlotte Lass
15 Cheryl Walker
16 Pat Collins
16 Gina Ruiz
16 Wes Turner
17 Dottie Brown
17 Faith Conklin
17 Jon Haerr
19 Carla Coleman
19 Belle-Marie Geibel
19 Susan Mitchell
19 Jacki Wellman
20 Clara Fay Wade
21 Ren Everett
21 Kristie Matsuoka
21 Elizabeth Schimmel
21 Deborah Wilder
22 Jean Adkins
22 Ester Bennett
February 13, 2016
Justin & Cathy Gray
February Birthdays!
1 Vi Couch
1 Zella Norwood
2 Ann Anderson
3 John Allison
3 Susan Liguori
3 Andy Sweet
4 Elmer Cameron
4 Ramona Chester
5 Genevieve Lyon
6 Janelle Odorico
6 Lars Rasmussen
7 Ann George
8 Jessica Escarcega
9 Wayne Brown
9 Carl Tomlinson
9 Bud Wrisley
10 Kitty Moris
10 Michael Poutre
11 Colin Cramp
11 Alice Mandich
11 Ken Nelson
12 Tom Escher
12 Donna Jackson
They are with God and we rejoice in their
victory over death
Save, donate unused things
for 2016 Rummage Sale
Are you sorting and organizing
your home, closets, and garage
for 2016? Please save your
unused or discarded items for
the FUMC 24th Annual Rummage
Sale April 15 and 16. We sell
furniture, household items,
jewelry, art, antiques, books,
clothing, toys, sporting goods,
appliances, electronics, and more!
We need your donations to make
the sale a success. Thank you for
Betty Roberts
FEBRUARY 2016 | The United Methodist Messenger | 7
First United Methodist Church of Escondido
341 S. Kalmia Street, Escondido, CA 92025
760-745-5100 ·
341 S. Kalmia Street, Escondido, CA 92025-4208
With prayers and blessing this is sent to:
Rev. James Dollins will
be guest preacher
on Foundation Sunday
This year marks the 40th anniversary
of our Escondido United Methodist
Foundation, which provides financial
and recognition programs for
deserving members of our
congregation including ministerial
students and others seeking
professional careers. The Foundation
also provides financial assistance for
important church projects not
included in the annual budget.
Wonderful worship together!
This year, the Foundation Board is
pleased to welcome the Reverend
James Dollins as our guest
speaker for Foundation Sunday
on February 28th. Rev. Dollins is
the Senior Pastor at Anaheim United
Methodist Church. The son of Dave
and Linda Dollins, James grew up in
our church, and was a scholarship
recipient during his years in seminary.
We look forward to welcoming him
back and to hearing his message for
On Foundation Sunday a reception,
with refreshments, will be held in the
Social Hall following the 9AM service.
This will be an opportunity to meet
and visit with Rev. Dollins.
Ann George
8 | The United Methodist Messenger | FEBRUARY 2016