
January 2007
The Newspaper for Discriminating White People! Tolerance is Suicide!
The Insurgent
1/574-267-5036 PO BOX 2267 Temecula, CA 92593
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Are our opponents Correct?
Of course! Using their premise in the debate. I do not question
much of their logic. It may be flawless but with the wrong
premise all the most correct logic in the world yields the wrong
answers. Say you see a large animal grazing in a field. Your
logic says its big, it has four legs, it has a tail and big ears. It is a beautiful cow! But its not a cow ! Its a horse. Your logic
was great but your premise was wrong. You only assumed it was a cow. Again most people are always wrong when
its most important to be right.
Our premise is that the idea of equality is all wrong. We now move to the logic portion of the equation. If we are
correct in our premise and our logic is correct then the answer must be correct. This correct conclusion then boils down
into nearly everything we do or think.
Our opponents for a myriad of reasons have based all their bets on the premise that equality is a perfect premise.
From there they proceed with solid logic to produce an answer that spreads confusion and error in almost every facet
of our lives. In reality as you look around you see examples of the inequality premise in everything we do in White
The myth of equality is very attractive to two classes. One is the predator that uses the myth for personal gain and the
victim who wishes no one to be superior to him or her. As long as the victim holds the equality myth it effects every
area of his life. Believing in this false notion gives the weak some comfort that they are held back by the bias of the
world around them. They know it can’t be their fault since aren't we all equal?
They cling to religious myths of the preachers and politicians to reinforce the unreality of equality. Of course with
strength in numbers they can beat down those that do not agree. Predators love this arrangement. By just using
trigger words they can control most people almost before a debate begins.
Racist, bigot , prejudice, xenophobic, homophobic, Neo Nazi and a host of other words. Theses are a few of the
weapons that keep the equality predators in the drivers seat. WELL! If a A million people disagree with you and say
your nuts. You must be nuts. But are you nuts? Not if you use a correct premise and correct logic.
One of the biggest scams the predator controllers use is another abstract word called rights. It comes from the same
dark pit as equality. Neither equality nor rights in fact exist but your masters convince you through smoke and mirrors
that these are ideas you should be willing to die for. The king or the state grant you privileges and as long as you
follow their wrong premise and logic you are a good citizen and are free to participate in whatever the state or church
makes available to you. The minute you insist that almost everything you were taught is false and proceed to expose
the lie the green light in your life turns red!
Another example of false premise is the idea of a God walking around in human form. I read in the Christian mind
In the first place faith has nothing to do with correct premise or logic. Most preachers admit this. They even tell you
that you must be as a baby and act like sheep. Give all your money to the church and on and on it goes.
I submit to you that any premise that says a dead man with worms crawling through his body has ever risen from
the grave alive is a terrible lie. I would be glad to put a bullet in the brain of every religious leader whether Christian,
Jew, Muslim or Hindu that would agree to that test.
Xenophobia is a term that if they cant shut you up with RACIST at least your Xenophobic. Fear of strangers or
foreigners. Being higher animals of course we are at least concerned about strangers and foreigners.
This is our evolutionary history. That animal sense has separated the weak from the strong. Those who die young and
those that live to grow old. If a rabbit hops down the jungle trail and sees a lion approaching. How long do you think
that rabbit would live if it stops to analyze the intentions of the lion. The rabbit has inherited important instinct's that tell
him beware and you better run like hell.
The reason so many white people are murdered, brutalized and raped is simply because they have suppressed their
natural instincts. In nature every being is a PROFILER. Life and survival depend on PROFILING but since the false
premise of equality has become a FAITH Whites and others are at the mercy of those that operate by instinct and not
The Myth of equality and rights are great weapons in the dumbing down of the masses. Its not new. This process has
been used as far back as prehistory and the submissive keep taking the so called easy way out SLAVERY. The
mythical Jesus should have said to his 12 recruits, throw down your nets and follow me and I will make you hunters of
men . Better yet bring your nets with you to entrap most men. Tom Metzger
Dear Terrible Tommy:
The oligarks could still get their comuppance,take it for granted that power and
money are flowing from West to East. It is one of our Big E trends.
How much? How fast? We don't know. But in both theory and headlines, the East is
rising. There is also no theoretical orpractical reason why this big trend should end
any time soon.
At the same time, we also take for granted that anyone who invests casually in
China will get what he deserves. You can be very right about a major trend, and still
lose all your money betting on it.
China is the same country that put up with Mao Tse-tung for three decades. Only a
generation ago, mobs of lunk-headed Chinese filled the streets...dragging some
poor 'intellectual' or 'capitalist roader' along so that he could be humiliated, tortured
and even executed. What kind of a crime did you have to commit to deserve that
treatment? None at all. You might have read a book. You might have made a
comment such as "is it really necessary that I tell the party what my wife and I talk
about in private?" You might have made the mistake of getting one pig too many in your backyard. Or you might have just been in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
China was clearly the wrong place; and the 1960s was clearly the wrong time. Only a damned fool would have wanted to be there. But now, say the
expensive suits, the new China is the place to be. Foreigners can't wait to get there. And if they can't get there in person...they send their money.There
is a hell of a lot of multi-national and American money over there, How will it end? I can't say when or how, but I am certain it will end badly.
Dear Terrible Tommy,
It has occurred to me that some criticisms leveled at the Jewish community need to be evaluated objectively by a Jew. These criticisms are vital for
Jews to understand if they ever hope to get out of the current, worldwide predicament that we are in.
One criticism is that the Jews have poisoned the wellsprings of civilization. I heartily concur with this analysis. Aside from the Jewish Occult religion
and its derivative daughter religions messing up the whole world balance, the Jews also forsook their holy people status scant minutes after getting in
foreign countries based on the holy people ticket.
Essentially, to use a Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, the Jews changed the whole natural, historical progression of the world [through the ideas in the
Torah, its commentaries and also even in a wider basis, through Islam and Xianity.] While the Jewish establishment will never convert en masse to
the daughter religions, the change that occurred in the Moslem and Christian countries is bad enough. The Mid East Europe, and the USA are among
the affected areas. Christianity and Islam are enough of a situation but when Jews became involved in media like theater, radio and TV they often wrote the most
puerile trash that you can imagine. While in Israel it’s slightly saner than what what’s done in the US, it still is insane.
One of the things that I learned when I was going for my Master of Science in Management degree, in Beer Sheba, Israel (I came in 3rd in the class
3.73 GPA), none the less, is that it was marketing experts that figured out that if they could split families up, they could make more money for
companies that sold convenience goods like single, serving desserts, etc. Prominent Jews were in on the conspiracy. The commercials sponsored TV shows like All in the Family, where disrespect was shown for elders and
also TV shows like Love American Style which showed people who rejected old, tried and true moral values and dispensed with that with ease. Families split up, domestic problems were exacerbated all carefully orchestrated by marketers that worked closely with the media to screw people
over in the quest for profits. And just look at your local newspapers to see the atrocious results!
And the amazing thing is that many orthodox Jews don’t watch TV at all. The very people who cause the problem isolated and insulate themselves
from it. A really great tag team effort! And non-Jewish society degenerates all around the Jew community.
Former portfolio and finance minister of Israel, Yitzchak Peretz, lamented years ago that, the first time in 2K years that a Jew can go to Israel and act
like a goy. Israel is the only place that according to the story a Jew can really be Jewish. And only in Israel do secular Jews grow in numbers unlike
the assimilation rate in the foreign countries, or chutzaretz. In Israel, the Jews as a group aren’t discouraged to regenerate.
And it should be noted that the two most numerous forms of Judaism in chutz laaretz are negligible in Israel. While there are many secular Jews the
Reform and Conservative movements are very small.
There are also many traditional Jews who side with the orthodoxy but are not orthodox themselves.
One of the commonly voiced concerns is about Talmudic thinking. One thing the Talmud does maintain is that if someone is coming to kill you, you
can kill him first. So much for Brother’s doctrine that the good shepherd lays down his life for the flock. I actually think that is a problem exacerbated
by the non-Jewish world. My thinking is as follows: many people seem to think that the only real Jews are the orthodox, black hat and coat or
haredihose in awe of God Jews.
It works in this way: people fit Jews into a mold they hate and then hate the Jews in that mold. The Chasidim in particular, seem to have the best
public relations. It’s actually a vicious cycle because Jews freaked out because of all the persecution over the years and didn’t handle the problem
correctly. It’s a matter of what caused our fall from grace. The Jews have tried the Enlightenment or Haskalah, movement of some 300 years ago,
along with the Chasidic movement which started right about the same time.
So far, none of this has solved the problems. The orthodoxy has the right idea when it says that due to the sins of the Jewish people that the Jews
were dispersed some 2K years ago. But exactly how to fix the problem has yet to be found.
That’s why I started corresponding with Terrible Tommy some years ago. Those are the Jews who smell in those filthy outfits they wear. They want
nothing to do with non-Jews socially, no matter how much loot gets passed Israel’s way, etc. All of this can only lead to disaster.
Jews for Hitler, NYC Media Rabbi Reuven Mordechai Green, CEO Telling it like it is for all to hear: Parasite infestations removed.
Dear Mr Metzger
Before I explain anything, I must first commend you for the timeless and undoubted commitment you have given to the noble cause of white
European (Aryan) preservation. I have observed your website in great detail (your audio and videos) and I can only admire how much you have
done to help promote the idea of racialism.
It is clear for all to see that you have sacrificed all, both in employment and even your dear family, for this final struggle to ensure that North
America does not become a disgusting mirror image of Brazil. If ever such sacrifice was necessary, it is this that you have dedicated your life.
I first became familiar with your name about five years ago when I watched a documentary on the Discovery channel (White Supremacy), which
was obviously a distorted insight into the racial movement in America by the Jewish media, but it roused me to the extent where I thought that there
is life at the end of the tunnel for our people. When I heard you declare, The white man is by nature liberal and civilised; but once he gets pissed:
watch out, these words sent a shiver of hope down my spine.
Letters to the Editor continued on page 4
Letters to the Editor continued from page 3
As a young lad of about sixteen, yourself and other racialists were a breath of fresh air to me; although I had bore my views since the age of God
knows. I often thought of the great potential of this people that had evolved in the extremities of northern Europe, which had created such fine culture
and technology thousands of miles from their ancestral home, such as Canada and America, Australia and South Africa, and even helped civilise
the rest of this primitive World.
One can imagine that you read the above paragraph and see a young man deluded with his sense of being British, as most of the culture above
was founded, more or less, by the people of my country.
To a certain extent, you would be right; but I also appreciate the great cultures of all Europe, whether that be Germany, France, the Low countries or
the Scandinavians. All are of the highest culture on this Earth, and although we may be sentimental about our own individual culture, we must
appreciate that we are all equal in our greatness. The great age of empire has gone for the white race; as even if we held those vast territories, only Jews and their allies would bear any significant
wealth. As you rightly say, even the land that we tread upon and call our beloved home is the financial property of these vile tyrants, and we must
embrace any law or foreign culture that is launched at us.
This for me is the most despicable thing that we are forced to stomach; and the fact that most of this brain washed population is oblivious to just how
bad it is makes me want to tear my hair out.
I listened to one of your interviews with the press, in which you described Germany’s struggle to racially cleanse her people as a cake walk
compared to what America will have to endure in order to secure her rightful people. This is undoubtedly true. If White America is to prevail, then the
blood must flow like the rivers of the Amazon. If the statistics on your website are anything to go by, with 73% of the population declared white when
including spics, half cast mongrel and Jews, then one must worry even more about the Europeans of America. With these frustrating statistics in
mind, I conclude that possibly only 50% of your once great country would be in the category of Aryan from a racial perspective.
My country, as you know, is also gripped with the evil of racial mixing, with the bulk of the youth glorifying and thus imitating the Negroes that they
see on the television. Fortunately, like yourself, I was fortunate enough to be brought up in an all white area; but when I visit various parts of
Lancashire and Yorkshire, where entire areas have been settled by races (mainly Pakis) that have not one ounce of European blood in their veins, I
grow positively livid. And the inner cities that are over-run with Negroes and the next wave of foreign races make me so livid that my blood boils to
the point of congealing in my veins. I’m sure your very familiar with most of that. Although I relate to a great many of your views, there is also a deeper purpose for writing this letter. Inspired by yourself and other great racialists, I believe that there may be hope in the near future that I will be able to flex my muscles on the racist scene. This is where your advice would be
most helpful in my final decision for my future plans.
I am currently a member of the British Army (the Infantry in fact), and I am not so sure that my future lies in this so-called organisation. I joined up
two-years ago in the hope that I would gather some indispensable learning experience, both in life and military knowledge. This theory, however,
has been proven mostly wrong. In a sense, I have had a lot of experience living in close contact with other people, and thus learned a great deal
about the strengths and weaknesses of certain kinds of people, and how to deal with them.
However, from a military perspective, I have gathered virtually nil.
What military knowledge I do have is what I have taught myself in my own spare time, and thus my knowledge is better than most others that have
relied on the training from the NCOs. I swear to you that I know lads that are very intelligent as individual human beings, and yet half of them don’t
know their basic battle drills or how to read a military map for the simple reason that they have never been taught the basics, either thoroughly or at
all. This angers me to the extent that I do not see the point in staying in the Army; especially when you consider the morale of the lads. Almost all the
lads, apart from the odd nut-job who love the pointless lifestyle, want out of this so-called organisation.
The reason why I constantly refer to the Infantry as an organisation as so-called is that I believe that most of the innocent creatures that are apart of it
do nothing but make up the numbers for these military campaigns in the desert. Why else would the senior NCOs and Officer’s try endlessly to
convince the bulk of the lads that they are apart of the best Infantry in the World when it is obvious they are ill-equipped and untrained to do most of
what a truly professional Infantry should do. I guarantee that most Armed Forces are similarly corrupt.
The extreme case of how bad things are is the case of one of my associates that unfortunately past away only a few days ago. He didn’t die in
combat on the streets of Basra as you might expect. Rather, he died of a massive overdose of painkillers whilst on leave at his home in Wigan,
Lancashire. This was the case of a lad who should never have been able to bear arms, as he suffered terribly from dyslexia and probably never
learned a single thing about the military in two and half years due to this. On learning that he was going to Basra in September and that he faced
shooting people for the sake of his comrades, he became so traumatised that he tried to cut his wrists twice; supposedly rehabilitated, before he
finally killed himself at home with his parents. Baring this in mind, and many others, I have come to the point where the idea of going AWOL doesn’t seem that bad. Almost my entire family
encourage me on a daily basis to just leave, and this especially so of my parents. They want me to help build the family business so that we can
make ourselves financially comfortable over the next ten to 15years. I believe that this kind of wealth would enable me to concentrate on the Racial
Cause without struggling for bread on a day to day basis.
With this in mind, could you please explain to me where I would stand on a legal basis, and would this hinder me for the rest of my life. I have
thought about writing a letter to my Commanding Officer explaining my contempt for the current state of affairs both inside the military and
international affairs, and thus not returning to my base, but I fear that this could make matters worse. It must be said that I do not fear a term in
Colchester (British Military Prison) if it means getting away from this joke that has the cheek to call itself an organisation. I would most appreciate
your opinion on this matter. (P.S) For the past few months, I have been an avid listener to your radio show, Insurgent Radio (Insurgent Radio calling . .
.Insurgent Radio calling. . .). This show is probably the highlight of my day, as I hear you speak the truth about our current mess, with a touch of humour. Although we have such a mess, it would be wrong if we were to express nothing but rage at any given moment. I have been encouraging
many other people to listen to your show, by reciting your opening lines to get them interested. Because of your timeless work, I hope to send a
donation of a few hundred pounds to your organisation, as well as buying your newspaper. It’s impossible to get a newspaper in England that
expresses the views of the racist, so I must look overseas. I personally like the idea of a CD newspaper, as it is more advanced and compact. It will be
easier to keep a little collection of them for the archives. Apart from this, I wish you your health, so that you can inspire many other Racialists to
the noble cause. XXXX England.
Based on the information you give me I agree with your family. If there is so little to gain by being in the military its to dangerous to be of any benefit.
As far as the legality of which way to go I cannot say especially since you are under British law. I am sure there are support groups in England even
on the web that will direct you as to the methods. Do not expose your views when talking to them. Most are not our friends. One warning. Do not allow
your superiors to know your views. Keep aloof from present membership groups in England. If need be pretend you think like the enemy as a
tactic.We all live behind enemy lines and must conduct ourselves accordingly. Thank you for your fine e mail and offer to assist when possible. TOM METZGER
All funds to federal prisoners now go to: Federal
Bureau of Prisons - inmate name, inmate number, PO
Box 474701, Des Moines, IA 50947-0001.
Use USPS Money Orders!
Richard Scutari #34840-080
PO Box 1034
Coleman, FL 33521
Randy Evans #09882-016
PO Box 5500
Adelanto, CA 92301
Chester Doles #54525-019
Manchester FCI
PO Box 4000
Fox Hollow Road
Manchester, KY 40962
Richard Kemp #09886-016
PO Box 5000
SC 14B
Sheridan, OR 97378
David Tate #155209
Cross Road Correction Center
1115 E. Pence Road
Cameron, MO 64429
Randy Duey #09884-016
PO Box 1000
Oxford, WI 53952
David Lane #12873-057
PO Box 7000
Florence, CO 81226
Mathew F. Hale #15177424
USP Florence ADMAX
US Penitentiary
5880 Highway 67 South
Florence, CO 81226
George David Loeb Jr. #292124
Union Correctional Institution
7819 NW 228 Street
Raiford, FL 32026
Bruce Pierce #04181-085
USP Allenwood
PO Box 3000
White Deer, PA 17887
On ancient mountain, eon's keep,
A mighty brow is bent in sleep.
But distant cries release the chains,
That hold his slumbering frame.
From ancient stone and long dead dreams,
Comes blood that warms a long still heart.
The deeps of the Earth do rumble now,
As heartbeat makes the Heavens cow.
Who wakes me from my deamless sleep,
To call my long forgotten name?
He stirs and mountains fall to sea,
And oceans heave and planets spin.
An ancient voice has called to him,
The cry of his people from past so dim.
He slowly rises up to stand,
And surveys lands that once were his.
But now swarmed with evil's spawn,
His people scattered, bled and chained.
With cry that rings across the land,
He pulls his hammer to his hand.
Steel blue eyes blaze fury wild,
For they have angered Odin's child.
They call down the thunder,
And they shall have it!
Cries Thor as he marches cross' the land.
And from his footsteps rise the dead,
All long dead valiants army rises.
Sword and shield and armor shines,
The Elder Gods Awake........
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→ Gailieo Galilei discovers
4th Satellite of Jupiter,
january 13th, 1610
→ white separatist day,
january 17th
7pm EST/4pm PST.
→ john sanger day,
january 19th
→ adolf hitler appointed
chancellor of germany,
january 30, 1933
Hard core white racist news and talk
only. One hour of no holds barred
revolutionary talk. Tom Metzger
represents the insurgent struggle. I
infuriate both left and right but
borrow any good ideas from either.
This show is an out of the box show.
I do not advocate policies that have
failed for over 50 years. Call in and
let it all hang out. No question is too
tough for Tommy.
And what would January be without
a few good birthdays!
Happy Birthday to you . . Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear
. . . . . Happy Birthday to you . . . . .
gordon kahl
January 8th, 1920
Jack London
january 12th, 1876
robert mathews
january 16th, 1953
robert e lee
january 19th, 1807
dorothy miles
january 24th, 1925
robert miles
january 28th, 1925
For America
By Gemma Meyer (Gemma Meyer is the pseudonym of a
South African journalist.)
She and her husband, a former conservative
member of parliament, still reside in South
People used to say that South Africa was 20
years behind the rest of the Western world.
Television, for example, came late to South
Africa (but so did pornography and the gay
rights movement).
Today, however, South Africa may be the
grim model of the future Western world, for
events in America reveal trends chillingly
similar to those that destroyed our country.
America's structures are Western. Your
Congress, your lobbying groups, your free
speech, and the way ordinary Americans
either get involved or ignore politics are
peculiarly Western, not the way most of the
world operates. But the fact that only about a
third of Americans deem it important to vote is
horrifying in light of how close you are to
losing your Western character.
Writing letters to the press, manning stands at
county fairs, hosting fund-raising dinners,
attending rallies, setting up conferences,
writing your Congressman - that is what you
know, and what you are comfortable with.
Those are the political methods you've
created for yourselves to keep your country
on track and to ensure political ccountability.
But woe to you if - or more likely, when - the
rules change. White Americans may soon
find themselves unable or unwilling to stand
up to challenge the new political methods that
will be the inevitable result of the ethnic
metamorphosis now taking place in
America. Unable to cope with the new rules of
the game - violence, mob riots, intimidation
through accusations of racism, demands for
proportionality based on racial numbers, and
all the other social and political weapons used
by the have-nots to bludgeon treasure and
power from the haves - Americans, like others
before them, will no doubt cave in. They will
compromise away their independence and
ultimately their way of life.
That is exactly what happened in South
Africa. I know, because I was there and I saw
it happen.
Faced with revolution in the streets, strikes,
civil unrest and the sheer terror and murder
practiced by Nelson Mandela's African
National Congress (ANC), the white
government simply capitulated in order to
achieve "peace."
Westerners need peace. They need order
and stability. They are builders and planners.
But what we got was the peace of the grave for
our society.
The Third World is different - different peoples
with different pasts and different cultures. Yet
Westerners continue to mistake the
psychology of the Third World and its peoples.
Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe are perfect
examples of those mistakes. Sierra Leone is in
perpetual civil war, and Zimbabwe - once the
thriving, stable Rhodesia - is looting the very
people (the white men) who feed the country.
Yet Westerners do not admit that the same
kind of savagery could come to America
when enough immigrants of the right type
assert themselves. The fact is, Americans are
sitting ducks for Third World exploitation of the
Western conscience of compassion.
Those in the West who forced South Africa to
surrender to the ANC and its leaders did not
consider Africa to be the dangerous, corrupt,
and savage place it is now in Zimbabwe and
South Africa. Those Western politicians now
have a similar problem looming on their own
doorsteps: the demand for power and
treasure from the non-Western peoples inside
the realm.
It is already too late for South Africa, but not
for America if enough people strengthen their
spine and take on the race terrorists, the
armies of the "politically correct" and,
most dangerous of all, the craven politicians
who believe "compassionate conservatism"
will buy them a few more votes, a few more
days of peace.
White South Africans, you should remember,
have been in that part of Africa for the same
amount of time whites have inhabited North
America; yet ultimately South Africans voted
for their own suicide. We are not so
very different from you.
We lost our country through skilful
propaganda, pressure from abroad (not least
from the U.S.A.), unrelenting charges of
"oppression" and "racism," and the shrewd
assessment by African tyrants that the white
man has many Achilles' heels, the most
significant of which are his compassion, his
belief in the "equality of man," and his "love
your neighbour" philosophy - none of which
are part of the Third World's history.
The mainline churches played a big role in
the demise of Western influence throughout
Africa, too; especially in South Africa .
Today's tyrants were yesterday's missionschool proteges. Many dictators in Africa were
men of the cloth. They knew their clerical
collars would deflect criticism and
obfuscate their real aims, which had nothing
whatever to do with the "brotherhood of man."
Other tyrants, like the infamous Idi Amin,
were trained and schooled by the whites
themselves, at Oxford, Cambridge, and
Harvard. After receiving the best from the West,
they unleashed a resentful bloodlust against
their benefactors.
From what I have seen and read thus far, I
fear Americans will capitulate just as we did.
Americans are, generally, a soft lot. They
don't want to quarrel or obstruct the claims of
those who believe they were wronged. They
like peace and quiet, and they want to
compromise and be nice.
A television program that aired in South
Africa showed a town meeting somewhere in
Southern California where people met to
complain about falling standards in the
schools. Whites who politely spoke at the
meeting clearly resented the influx of Mexican
immigrants into their community. When a
handful of Chicanos at the back of the hall
shouted and waved their hands at them, the
whites simply shrunk back into their seats
rather than tell the noisemakers to shut up.
They didn't want to quarrel.
In America, the courts are still the final
arbiters of society's laws. But what will happen
when your future majority refuses to abide by
court rulings - as in Zimbabwe . What will
happen when the new majority says the
judges are racists, and that they refuse
to acknowledge "white man's justice"? What
will happen when the courts are filled with their
people, or their sympathizers?
In California, Proposition 187 has already
been overturned.
What will you do when the future non-white
majority decides to change the names of
streets and cities? What will you do when they
no longer want to use money that carries the
portraits of old, dead white "racists" and slave
owners? Will you cave in, like you did on flying
the Confederate flag? What about the national
anthem? Your official language? Don't laugh.
When the "majority" took over in South Africa,
the first targets were our national symbols.
In another generation, America may well
face what Africa is now experiencing invasions of private land by the "have-nots;"
the decline in health care quality; roads and
buildings in disrepair; the banishment of your
history from the education of the young;
the revolutionisation of your justice system.
In South Africa today, only 9 percent of
murderers end up in jail. Court dockets are
regularly purchased and simply disappear.
Magistrates can be bribed as can the prison
authorities, making escapes commonplace.
A Warning continued on page 8
A Warning continued from page 7
Vehicle and airplane licenses are
regularly purchased, and forged school and
university certificates are routine.
What would you think of the ritual slaughter of
animals in your neighbours backyard? How
do you clean up the blood and entrails that
litter your suburban streets? How do you feel
about the practice of witchcraft, in which the
parts of young girls and boys are needed for
"medicinal" purposes? How do you react to
the burning of witches?
Don't laugh. All that is quite common in South
Africa today.
Don't imagine that government officials
caught with their fingers in the till will be
punished. Excuses - like the need to
overcome generations of white racism - will
be found to exonerate the guilty.
In fact, known criminals will be voted into
office because of a racial solidarity among
the majority that doesn't exist among the
whites. When Ian Smith of the old Rhodesia
tried to stand up to the world, white South
African politicians were among the
Westerners pressuring him to surrender.
When Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe murders
his political opponents, ignores unfavourable
court decisions, terrorizes the population and
siphons off millions from the state treasury for
himself and his friends, South Africas new
President Thabo Mbeki holds his hand and
declares his support. That just happened a few
weeks ago.
Your tax dollars will go to those who don't
earn and don't pay. In South Africa,
organizations that used to have access to state
funds such as old age homes, the arts, and
veterans' services, are simply abandoned.
What will happen is that Western structures in
America will be either destroyed from without,
or transformed from within, used to suit the
goals of the new rulers. And they will reign
either through terror, as in Zimbabwe today,
or exert other corrupt pressures to obtain, or
buy votes. Once power is in the hands of
aliens, don't expect loyalty or devotion to
principle from those whose jobs are at stake.
One of the most surprising and tragic
components of the disaster in South Africa is
how many previously anti-ANC whites simply moved to the other side.
Once you lose social, cultural, and political
dominance, there is no getting it back again.
Unfortunately, your habits and values work
against you. You cannot fight terror and street
mobs with letters to your Congressmen. You
cannot fight accusations of racism with prayer
meetings. You cannot appeal to the goodness
of your fellow man when the fellow man
despises you for your weaknesses and hacks
off the arms and legs of his political
To survive, Americans must never lose the
power they now enjoy to people from alien
cultures. Above all, don't put yourselves to the
test of fighting only when your backs are
against the wall. You will probably fail.
Millions around the world want your good life.
But make no mistake: They care not for the
high-minded ideals of Thomas Jefferson and
George Washington, and your Constitution.
What they want are your possessions, your
power, and your status.
And they already know that their allies
among you, the "human rights activists," the
skilful lawyers and the left-wing politicians will
fight for them, and not for you. They will exploit
your compassion and your Christian charity,
and your good will.
They have studied you, Mr. and Mrs.
America, and they know your weaknesses
They know what to do. Do
The Golden State Today bodes Ill for the U.S. of Tomorrow
SANTA BARBARA--October 5, 2006--America prepares to surge past a population of 300 million people sometime around October 15, one need only
to look at what has happened to California over the past two decades to see what is in store for the rest of the nation.
"Three hundred million people is neither an achievement nor an endpoint, but just a landmark on the way to a billion people," said Diana Hull,
President of Californians for Population Stabilization. "It is time to remind everyone again, that perpetual growth is the philosophy of a cancer cell."
Hull delivered her comments at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, where some of the nation's top
population and immigration experts warned that 300 million people is nothing to celebrate.
The grim foretelling in California of the impacts that massive population growth will have on the nation's environment and quality-of-life
demonstrates how fast the 'tipping-point' can be reached. "The California Experiment is an example of how far and how fast a magnificent natural
inheritance can be squandered and plundered," Hull said. "How fast the skid and how far the fall."
Hull, a behavioral scientist trained in demography who served on the Sierra Club's Population Committee and the Southern California Demographic
Forum, said California's cultural penchant for fast-if-easy living was quickly outstripped by its unchecked appetite for simply 'more.'
"In our state, the race to gargantuan-size has progressed so far and so fast that we can barely move," Hull said. "Freeways have become like doors
that the morbidly obese can no longer fit through, thus the size of everything has to expand."
It's unlikely that Governor Pat Brown, who invested heavily in California's infrastructure, could have envisioned in 1965 the human tidal wave that
would eventually swamp his fabled public works.
But it was in 1965 that real sustained population growth began in California that would take on what Hull described as "astonishing momentum" over
the next four decades. In 1965, California's population was just over 18 million people. Today, California has more than 37 million people, and sustains
a net-gain of about 500,000 more people annually.
The vast majority of people flowing into the state, Hull said, are legal and illegal immigrants; the vast majority of them are poor and uneducated and
require social assistance. The resulting cultural arguments over immigration have obscured the most basic question the state government and the
media should be openly discussing: how many more people can the state take?
The answer may be found in the devolution of California over the past four decades, from a sun-dappled state that could provide its people an
enviable quality of life to a gritty jumble of jammed public schools, failing emergency rooms, overwhelmed social services, vanishing green space
and suburban sprawl so vast that three hour commutes to and from work are now a reality.
As Hull noted on Tuesday, the overpopulating of California occurred not with popular support, but rather amid a collective slumber.
"The state became a pilot project in a failed social experiment that no one had agreed to beforehand," she said. "All around us there were more
people, more traffic, more crowds, more long waits, more houses and more shopping centers…but never enough."
The resulting dislocations caused by a deteriorating quality of life, which has seen large numbers of Californians fleeing the state, has been more
than made up for by surging net gains in the population fueled by immigration.
Yet amazingly, the nation's bi-partisan leadership at virtually every level of the federal government seems unwilling to learn from what has
happened to California, but to the contrary seem more than prepared to let California's fate become America's future.
Despite four decades of hard evidence of the potentially catastrophic impacts--particularly for the environment--of unmanaged population growth,
Hull said the nation's leaders have been shamefully silent.
"As demographic momentum accelerated, the pace of this growth and the changes it wrought were never systematically observed and monitored,
nor even officially acknowledged," she said. "And little interest was shown in evaluating outcomes."
Those outcomes are evident everyday now in California, from the implosion of trauma centers across Los Angeles County to the bulldozing of some
of the most fertile farmland in the Central Valley to make way for more homes.
"The two very worst outcomes are that infrastructure over-use wears everything out faster than we can replace it," Hull said. "And there is an
insatiable demand on natural resources that are now unable to replenish themselves."
ABOUT CALIFORNIANS FOR POPULATION STABILIZATION (CAPS) Californians for Population Stabilization is a non-profit organization dedicated to
formulating and advancing policies and programs designed to stabilize the population of California at a level which will preserve a good quality of life
for all Californians;
Antonina Makarova, 78, spends her days watching news and soap
operas in her peeling wooden dacha, the only inhabited structure in
two lanes of sagging cottages that once were a village. Her nearest
neighbor, 80-year-old Maria Belkova, lives in adjacent Sosnovitsy,
population 2.
But Belkova can't hear anymore, and all in all, Makarova finds the
television better company.
``All the houses here were filled with people. There was a cheese
factory. But now everyone else has died. God has taken care of them,
and he's still making me suffer," Makarova said. ``Even the thieves
have disappeared."
The Tver region, along the upper reaches of the Volga River 130 miles
north of Moscow, is dotted with more than 1,400 villages such as
Kstinovo marked ``nezhiloye" -- depopulated. Since 1989, the number
of people here has shrunk by about 250,000 to about 1.4 million, with
deaths outnumbering births more than 2 to 1.
The Tver region is far from unusual in this country. Russia is the only
major industrial nation that is losing population. Its people are
succumbing to one of the world's fastest-growing AIDS epidemics, resurgent tuberculosis, rampant cardiovascular disease, alcohol and
drug abuse, smoking, suicide, and the
lethal effects of unchecked industrial
In addition, abortions outpaced births
last year by more than 100,000.
An estimated 10 million Russians of
reproductive age are sterile because of
botched abortions or poor health. The
public healthcare system is collapsing.
And many parents in more prosperous urban areas say they can't
afford homes large enough for the number of children they would like
to have.
The former Soviet Union, with about 300 million people, was the
world's third-most populous country, behind China and India.
Slightly more than half of its citizens lived in Russia. The country has
lost the equivalent of a city of 700,000 people every year since the
collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, only partially offset by an influx of
people from other former Soviet republics.
A country that sprawls across one-eighth of the globe is now home to
142 million people.
The losses have been disproportionately male. At the height of the
power of the Soviet Union, its people lived almost as long as
Americans. But now, the average Russian man can expect to live about
59 years, 16 years less than an American man and 14 less than a
Russian woman.
Sergei Mironov, chairman of the upper house of Russia's parliament,
said last year that if the trend didn't change, the population would fall to
52 million by 2080. ``There will no longer be a great Russia," he said. ``It
will be torn apart piece by piece, and finally cease to exist."
That may be an overstatement, but there are serious questions about
whether Russia will be able to hold on to its far eastern lands along the
border with China over the next century or field an army, let alone a
workforce to support the ill and the elderly.
Russian officials, flush with revenue from record prices for the
country's oil exports, have started to respond. President Vladimir V.
Putin pledged payments this year of $111 a month to mothers who
choose to have a second child, plus a nest egg of $9,260 to be used for
education, a mortgage, or pensions.
He also called for renewed efforts to attract ethnic Russians living in
the ex-Soviet republics.
``Russia has a huge territory, the largest territory in the world,"
Putin said. ``If the situation remains unchanged, there will simply be no
one to protect it."
The economic earthquake of Russia's transition from communism to
capitalism plunged tens of millions into poverty overnight and changed
the value systems upon which many had planned their lives.
A small minority, mostly in urban centers such as Moscow and St.
Petersburg, were able to exploit
the absence of rules in the
chaotic 1990s to
become fabulously wealthy. But
such a profound social
transition, coming at the end of a
century of war, revolution, and
ruthless social experimentation,
condemned a great many more
to a deep malaise.
Those who lost out have proved susceptible to drinking, smoking, and
other habits that killed millions of Russians even in the best of times. In
more extreme cases, they kill themselves.
Russia's suicide rate, at about 36 per 100,000 people, is second only to
that of Lithuania, according to the Serbsky National Research Center
for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. In some remote areas of Russia, the
rate exceeds100 per 100,000.
Some say the cause of Russia's problems can be found in
communism's willful destruction of generations of the country's most
capable and adaptable people.
``Seventy-five years of Bolshevik life in this country led to the
formation of a tribe of people which was cultivated to listen to orders,
and fulfill them," said Alexander Gorelik, a St. Petersburg physician.
Stalinism, he said, aimed for ``the planned and gradual physical
destruction of the most moral, the most creative group of the
``There is such a thing as a will for life," he said. ``And the whole
trouble is that the Russian public in general, and especially the
male population, has a big deficiency in this area."
Russia has a long history of alcohol abuse. Soviet President Mikhail
S. Gorbachev tried to tackle the problem 20 years ago by limiting
the production and distribution of liquor. When he did, male life
expectancy increased three years.
But massive drinking resumed when the controls were eased. The
average Russian drinks 5 gallons of pure alcohol a year, causing an
estimated 900,000 deaths over the past decade through acute alcohol
poisoning, fights, and accidents, according to figures released by
Tatyana Yakovleva, head of the Russian parliament's healthcare
committee, at a recent conference in Moscow. Others have
permanent brain damage or liver damage from homemade alcohol.
It has been five years since Svetlana Glukhova was diagnosed as HIVpositive, but she says she still has no idea whether she needs drug
therapy. Doctors at the only AIDS center in her city do not have the
necessary laboratory equipment to decide that.
She does know that even when she took her first AIDS test, the sores
on the fingers she once used to inject heroin already were failing to
The United Nations says Russia has the worst AIDS problem in Europe,
fueled by ``extraordinarily large numbers of young people who inject
drugs." But the disease has spread widely through the population, and
more than half of all new cases result from heterosexual intercourse.
Officially, 340,000 Russians are infected with HIV or AIDS, but the UN
says the number could
easily be four to 10 times
Compounding the
problem, most Russian
victims are young. The
prevalence of the illness
among young people
threatens to add to Russia's
demographic meltdown
by killing them before they
can bring a new
generation into the world. The Dangers &
Lies of Depleted
As the second Gulf War comes to a close, the U.S now has the more
difficult task of rebuilding a war-torn nation. We have some experience
in this field mind you, along with some successes (Europe after WW II) and some failures (Iraq the first time, Germany the first time) but todays
wars have advanced so far technologically that there are some very
serious post war efforts that are being overlooked. These are mostly
environmental concerns, stemming from the use of Depleted Uranium
weapons. Any military strategist will tell you that depleted uranium
weapons give us a great advantage in combat. Used on in our Tanks, helicopters, and now even in infantry weapons,
they can pierce the thick armor of tanks, and can even pierce thick
pieces of wood and concrete. It is unfortunate then, that these
weapons have so many terrible side effects, that the government and
military cover-up, ignore, and downright lie about. The name depleted uranium is misleading since the uranium is not all
that depleted. Depleted uranium is the leftovers of the
uranium enrichment process. Uranium is enriched by separating the
U-235 from the uranium ore mined from the earth, this is done using a
number of costly and complicated procedures, but is not as effective
as we would like. In nature, the U-235 isotope constitutes roughly seven
tenths of one percent (0.7%) of all the uranium in the Earth and the
most effective enrichment processes leave approximately two tenths of
a percent (0.2%) of U-235 in the depleted uranium. To quote Dr. Doug
Rokke, “There ain’t nothing depleted about it!” For the record Dr. Rokke
is an officer in the U.S military and has been charged (was first directed
in 1990) with the task of cleaning up the environmental mess that DU left
from Gulf War I. Dr. Rokke will be spoken of in more depth later in this
article.To begin how it affects humans lets go through the firing of one
shell of depleted uranium. Loaded into a tanks main turret, it is
approximately ten pounds of uranium, with small amounts of other
radioactive by-products (including Neptunium, Plutonium, and
Thorium), when fired it begins to burn within the first three feet after
leaving the gun barrel. This burning produces a uranium oxide, a very
poisonous to many and mildly radioactive to all, gas. As the shell hits
its target anywhere from ten to forty percent of the uranium shell is lost
as splash back from the impact, the remainder of the weapon bores
through the target, and explodes, killing anyone and everything inside. 10
This, in addition to creating huge amounts of uranium oxide,
contaminates the target with radioactive material. Now, DU munitions do an awesome job destroying things,
unfortunately this includes innocent by-standards. The impact of the
DU weapon creates particles of radioactive materials ranging in size
from a fist, to a tenth of a micron.
The latter of which cannot be stopped by even the best gas masks,
thus making any attempt to shield oneself obsolete. But the military still
tells its soldiers that our equipment can protect them. Not only that, but
these tiny dust particles also have a tendency to hang in the air until
disturbed. This means it does not just float down to the ground, like the
government and military insist it does, but will hang in the air
for period of hours, days, even years. The DU in the area of Iraq and
Kuwait and Afghanistan has cause many terrible effects, some of
which have been captured by anti-nuclear activist and photographer,
Takashi Morizumi, and put on display on his website [Web site is no
longer available] and are touring universities throughout the U.S. His
website is in Japanese, but the photos transcend language (i.e., not for
the weak of heart).
Jews are psychotic and dangerously sociopathic; Christian believers
are schizophrenic and are their allies.
Consider these definitions and the facts which follow and see if you
don't perceive it this way also.
This is an explanation of psychosis that I got from
"Psychosis" ... is a state of mental impairment marked by
hallucinations ... and/or delusions, which are false yet strongly held
personal beliefs that result from an inability to separate real from
unreal experiences. Less obvious symptoms, such as social isolation
or withdrawal, or unusual speech, thinking, or behavior, may precede,
be seen along with, or follow the psychotic symptoms.
Early Jews claimed to hear the creator of the universe giving
them instructions; to hear a burning bush talk; to have fought with an
angel; to have seen the sun stand still; to have argued with the creator
of the universe and won; to have obtained an agreement with the
creator of the universe that sets them above all the other people on our
planet; to have been given a commitment by the creator of the
universe that he will give them the earth. Surely, if these were not lies,
they were hallucinations. If lies, then sociopathic. Even present day
Jews claim that they are "the chosen people," that is, the one and only
people on the earth chosen by the creator of the universe for a special
mission, purpose, or reason. And they believe strongly in the truth of
that perception.
Additionally, as a people, they practice being apart from other
groups; in other words, they are withdrawn from those who are not
members of their group. Withdrawal is also a symptom of psychosis.
These symptoms are consistent with the mental disease known as
Here is an explanation of schizophrenia.
Psychosis is a condition that is common in schizophrenia. But there
are also other indicators. They include:
1. Distorted perceptions of reality (such as the belief that someone
is going to save them from something; the belief that someone was
born of a virgin, walked on water, raised the dead, came to life again
after he was killed.)
2. Hallucinations and illusions are not found in every case of schizophrenia but do occur in some of them. The belief that oneself is "saved" on account of belief in a deceased person, that for this reason
oneself is substantially different -and better- than anyone who is not "saved," the belief that a person can heal illness by touch, the belief
that one's own self is in touch with Jesus, or with the creator of the
universe, these could all be hallucinations or illusions.
3. Delusions are false personal beliefs that are not subject to reason
or contradictory evidence and are not explained by a person's usual
cultural concepts. Christian believers characteristically claim that their
own beliefs are not subject to doubt or to question and that reason
cannot explain them, and that logic does not apply to them. The one,
most notable characteristic of the people who most help the
Jews achieve their goals is that they are Christian believers.
Jews are psychotic and dangerously sociopathic; Christian believers
are schizophrenic and are their allies.
From the L.A. Times
1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County ( L.A. County has 10.2 million
people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because
they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien
Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are
Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most
likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A. County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak
Spanish. (There are 10.2 million people in L.A. County).
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on
Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90%
of California , Florida , and New York ) results from immigration. The
cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was, (after
subtracting taxes immigrants pay), a NET $70 BILLION/ year, [Professor
Donald Huddle, Rice University ]. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid
minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a
NEGATIVE number. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
If they can come to this country to raise Hell and demonstrate by the
thousands, WHY can't they take charge over the corruption in their own
country? L.A. Times, Orange County, California is home
to 275 gangs with 17,000 members, 98% of
which are Mexican and Asian.
According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years
after the great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia, 30% are
still on welfare compared to 8% of households nationwide. A Wall Street
Journal editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement
officials as stating that Asian mobsters are the "greatest criminal
challenge the country faces." Not bad for a group that is still under 5%
of the population.
Is education important to you? Here are the words of a teacher who
spent over 20 years in the Los Angeles School system. "Imagine
teachers in classes containing 30-40 students of widely varying
attention spans and motivation, many of whom aren't fluent in English.
Educators seek learning materials likely to reach the majority of
students and that means fewer words and math problems and more
pictures and multicultural references."
I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis
Island . They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They
wanted to become Americans. Now, far too many immigrants come
here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language.
They demand special privileges ... affirmative action. They demand
ethnic studies that glorify their culture.
We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue.
On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams
met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was
overwhelmingly pro-Mexican even though most lived in this
country. They booed during the National Anthem and U.S.
flags were held upside down. As the match progressed,
supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with
projectiles, punched and spat upon. Beer and trash were
thrown at the U.S. players before and after the match. The
coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the
most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."
Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other nonEuropean countries can come to this country and get
preferences in jobs, education, and government contracts. It's
called affirmative action or racial privilege. The Emperor of
Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and
immediately be eligible for special rights unavailable for
Americans of European descent.
Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities
and third world immigrants should get special, privileged
status. Some examples are Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch,
Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.
Did you know ... that Mexico regularly
intercedes on the side of the defense in
criminal cases involving Mexican
Did you know ... that Mexico has NEVER
extradited a Mexican national accused
of murder in the U.S. in spite of
agreements to do so? According to the
Zionists Are In
a Complete
Zionists live in a veil of lies, they claim they
are righteous, and live in a world of torment,
and a gullible public buy it.
Before they invaded Gaza they staged a
'Attack and kidnapping', where they claimed
Arabs tunneled a half a mile through the sand,
and surprised a tank crew.
Or they plant a bomb on a bus loaded with
Russian immigrants, and foreign workers, and
blame Palestinians. Their scam of weekly
hate hoaxes has become laughable. They
became so frightened over this Richards'
episode, that they had Seinfeld rush on to
Letterman's show and do a telecast of
Richards apologizing. The Letterman
audience started laughing, and Seinfeld blew
up, and shouted for them to stop.
The Zionists, who portray utter love for blacks,
in reality despise them. They kept Blacks out
of their Hollywood for 70 years, and even
Black entertainers had to stay in separate
sections of Las Vegas. When they wanted to
revitalize New Orleans as their next Las
Vegas, they pushed the blacks out under the
cover of Katrina.
The Richards' thing was so vicious, that it
really pulled back the veil.
Ancestry By
DNAPrint‚ genealogy product,
ANCESTRYbyDNA‚ 2.5, is a pan-chromosomal
assay for genetic ancestry. The test surveys
176 Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) to
provide an inference of genetic ancestry or
heritage. The AIMs were carefully selected
from large-scale screens of the human
genome; and are characterized by
sequences of DNA that are more prevalent in
people from one continent than another.
Using complex statistical algorithms, the test
can determine with confidence to which of the
majorbio-geographical ancestry groups, SubSaharan African, European, East Asian or
Native American, a person belongs, as well as
the relative percentages in cases of admixed
peoples. It‚ its a great tool for those individuals
or groups interested in more deeply
understanding their ancestry and lineage, or
for certain people (i.e. some adoptee of mixed
heritage) learning about their genetic
The EURODNA 1.0 product is similar except it
measures European sub-ancestry. European‚
ancestry from Ancestrybydna 2.5 actually
refers to a type of ancestry shared by people
who derived from the fertile crescent of the
Middle East some 50,000 years ago and spread
to occupy Europe, the Middle East, parts of
Eurasia and South Asia. EURODNA 1.0 breaks
the European ancestry into 4 groups, reporting
individuals‚ percentages for each:
Northwestern European, Southeastern
European, Middle Eastern and South Asian.
We are currently developing more advanced
versions of both ANCESTRYbyDNA‚2.5 and
EURODNA 1.0. These advanced versions are
expected to provide greater sensitivity and
accuracy, involve many more AIMs per test,
and will be considerably more expensive. Why are we improving a product that already
is a world‚ as-first technological leap from
what was available prior to the human
genome project? Some individuals who take
Ancestrybydna 2.5 and EURODNA 1.0 will find
interesting, unexpected results and may
desire to obtain a second opinion provided by
a different, more extensive marker set. Others
have very specific questions about their
genetic ancestry that the current
Ancestrybydna 2.5 assay may not be sensitive
enough to answer.
President Lincoln’s
Many people portray Abraham Lincoln as
the great President that changed America.
History books tell you of the hero that freed the
slaves and brought justice to American’s
through the Civil War. What many people don’t
know, however, is that President Lincoln had a
story behind his actions during his time as
President. The founding fathers of America’s
Constitution greatly enforced their famous
document and intended it to be followed and
looked up to. However, during his time as
President, “Honest Abe” created many
unconstitutional acts. Lincoln took away
Americans rights against the Constitution,
began the Civil War-against the Constitution,
and didn’t even really free the slaves. Looking
at this, was Lincoln really such a great
President as many portray him, or, in fact, a
dictator with amazing disregard for America’s
Lincoln had promised many times that he
would not reprovision Fort Sumter, although
this was not true. Lincoln knew that the enemy
would indefinitely fire upon a ship heading
towards Fort Sumter, but he still sent a ship,
along with gunboats and soldiers to the fort.
With this, the Confederates would be put in a
bind. They could fire the first shot of the war by
attacking the supply ship, but they would also
be looked upon as the aggressor, firing upon
a ship supplying hungry, starving men and
women. The South chose this option. The battle
that followed led to the bloody, quaking defeat
of the Union fort. The battle of Fort Sumter
shook the Union considerably, not only from
shock of losing a very important fort and
strategically placed base in the South, but also
from President Lincoln’s choice to secretly
resupply Fort Sumter. Many Union newspaper
articles recognized Lincoln’s actions as an
undignified way to secretly lure the South into
the predicament of being the aggressor in the
war. During the entire battle, Union gunboats
had not fired a single shot at the Confederates;
the South had fired the first shot, and that’s all
the Union wanted.
- Lincoln’s smashing of
America’s rights
Many historians say one of Lincoln’s most
vindictive acts on America’s freedom, and not
to mention the constitution, was the
suspension of a document known as the
habeas corpus. The habeas corpus in
America grants arrested and imprisoned
Americans the rights to a fair trial and
protected them from being prosecuted for
political reasons. By suspending this rule,
- Lincoln’s war
The beginning of President Lincoln’s growing
ignorance for America’s Constitution first took
its launching along with the commencement
of the Civil War. As stated in the Constitution,
declaring war requires a consulting with
Congress of the United States, Lincoln,
however, began the war with no such
consultation. In 1861, Lincoln officially (or
unofficially), declared war on the Confederate
States of the South. The first battle of the Civil
War, the siege on the North’s Fort Sumter, near
South Carolina, started much conflict between
the divided nation. Lincoln had been advised
by his military commander to abandon Fort
Sumter, but the President stood strong with his
decision to not evacuate the fort. Sumter,
which was very low on provisions such as food
and oil, desperately needed resupplying.
Lincoln would be allowed to arrest practically
anyone who disagreed with his war actions,
his thoughts, or anyone who simply didn’t like
him. In doing this, he could extinguish the fire
of his blazing anti-war oposers.
Lincoln continued on page 20
THE YEAR 1906 This will boggle your mind, I know it did
mine! The year is 1906.
One hundred years ago. What a difference
a century makes! Here are some of the U.S. statistics for the Year1906 :  The average life expectancy in the
U.S. was 47 years old.  Only 14 percent of the homes in the
U.S. had a bathtub.  Only 8 percent of the homes had a
telephone.  A three-minute call from Denver to
New York City cost eleven dollars.  There were only 8,000 cars in the
U.S., and only 144 miles of paved roads.
 The maximum speed limit in most cities
was 10 mph.
 Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and
Tennessee were each
more heavily populated than California.  With a mere 1.4 million people,
California was only the 21st most populous
state in the Union.  The tallest structure in the world was the
Eiffel Tower!  The average wage in the U.S. was 22
Cents per hour.  The average U.S. worker made between
$200 and $400 per year .  A competent accountant could expect
to earn $2000 per year, a dentist made $2,500
per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 per
year, and a mechanical engineer about
$5,000 per year.  More than 95 percent of all births in the
U.S. took place at HOME.  Ninety percent of all U.S. doctors
had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they
attended so-called medical schools, many
of which were condemned in the press AND
the government as "substandard."  Sugar cost four cents a pound. 
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen. Coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Most women only washed their hair
once a month, and used borax or egg yolks
for shampoo.  Canada passed a law that prohibited
poor people from entering into their country
for any reason.  Five leading causes of death in the U.S. were: 1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis 3. Diarrhea 4. Heart disease
5. Stroke  The American flag had 45 stars.
Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska hadn't been admitted to the
Union yet.  The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30!!!!  Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and
ice tea hadn't been invented yet.  There was no Mother's Day or Father's
Day.  Two out of every 10 U.S. adults couldn't
read or write.  Only 6 percent of all Americans had
graduated from high school.  Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were
all available over the counter at the local
corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, "Heroin clears the
complexion, gives buoyancy to the
mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and
is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health." (Shocking? DUH!)  There were about 230 reported Murders
in the ENTIRE U.S.A. !  Now I forwarded this from someone
else without typing it myself, and sent it to you
and others all over the United States, possibly
the world, in a matter of just Seconds !!!!!!!!!  Just Try to imagine..... what it may
be like in another 100 years!!!!!!!  IT STAGGERS THE MIND !!!!!!!!! _________________________ Germany - Land of
by Henrik Holappa
The planned meeting of German patriots in
Halbe (18.Nov.2006)
to commemorateGermany's fallen heroes
was banned. However, a counterdemonstration by the extreme Left was
permitted to demonstrate near
the military cemetery in Halbe against "right
wing radicalism". German system politicians
have announced that they are doing
everything possible to prevent meetings,
demonstrations and marches be the "far
right". By such oppressive, unconstitutional
measures, they intend to prevent the NPD from
gaining further support. Some 200 million Euros
have been spent to combat the "extreme right"
by the present German regime but not a cent
against the Left.
In recent years, the tightest censorship laws
in Europe have been enacted by Germany.
Even certain car license plate numbers have
been prohibited because the numbers
(e.g."88") might constitute "codes"
with extremist meanings and letter
combinations like KZ, SS, SD, SA, BDM, AH, HH,
etc .because these might "hurt the feelings of
holocaust survivors".
The Finnish Internet newspage
(verkkouutiset) wrote on their site of 23. April
2006 that Germany has banned
the use of such terms as "asylum seeker",
"foreigner" and "anti-Semitism" in official
press releases.
When the German nationalist party, NPD, got
7.3% of the vote in the province of
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the
parliamentary elections this year, it was
asked in Germany "how can this be
possible?". Soon after this, demands were
made to ban the NPD. The NPD was nearly
banned in 2003 by the Constitutional Court but
when it became public knowledge that secret
agents of Germany's domestic spy outfit,
Verffassungsschtz", had infiltrated the
party and organized violent acts to frame the
NPD, the case collapsed and the party remained legal. Now, they don't want to ban
the NPD because of "violence" but mostly from
fear that it could become a major factor in
mainstream German politics.
On the other hand, the increase of support for
the NPD is partly a result of these measures
by Germany's rulers. Naturally,things which
are forbidden arouse curiosity. Many question
what "bad things" the NPD supposedly did
to cause the authorities to want to ban the
party's meetings and the organization itself.
And many vote for it because the NPD is
opposed by the same groups which they
oppose. Last autumn in Gattingen, the police
did not make a single move against extremist,
violent leftists who had built a huge pyre
blocking the intended march path of the NPD.
The leftist extremists then set it on fire and so
stopped the NPD march. A few years ago in
Halbe, the German police even destroyed the
wreaths of flowers placed at the
graves there for the fallen German soldiers. Germany has become a strange sort of proleftist, ideologically extreme
"democracy"which shows no tolerance for
either patriots or nationalists and has
imprisoned thousands of them for merely
expressing their opinions publicly.
Gunther Grass, a well-known, left wing
Nobel-awarded German writer lost all
favorable publicity after admitting his service
in the Waffen-SS in the last months of the war.
Since Germany is the largest EU-country, all
actions Germany takes influences the entire
European Union. We should all consider what
kind of European Union we will have in the next
decade and how actions against national
patriotic dissidents by Germany will affect the
political climate in other EU-countries, if such
undemocratic oppression is allowed
to continue unopposed. ______________________
Tommy’s Radio
Club for up to
date information!
Don’t be left out!
A Giant
Amongst Men:
A Tribute to
He was not a tall man. He stood about 5, 7, yet
he was a giant amongst men. Wide in the
shoulders with bulging biceps, Robert J.
Mathews was known as a no-nonsense guy in
the community of Metaline Falls, Washington.
This Selkirk Mountain town employed miners,
woodsmen, and blue-collar union men in
season. It was known more for bars and
taverns than its churches, thought Bob was too
busy to hang out for a beer after work. He
would work his 8-12 hour shift in the Bunker Hill
zinc mine and would spend the remaining
daylight hours falling timber on a forty-acre
parcel he had purchased on Boundary Dam
Road. Like his ancestors that tamed the West,
Bob was determined to clear and fence a
small parcel to raise Scottish Galloway cattle.
In the town, he earned the moniker Badger
Bob for his hard work and determination. He cleared and prepped an area for two
doublewide trailers on this land, one for
himself and one for his elderly parents.
Without much help from anyone else, he built
a chicken coop, a root cellar and a barn.
After pulling up all the stumps and seeding a
five acre pasture, he brought in a bull and
three or four cows. Near the creek in the
woods, close to his house, he placed some
benches in a mossy grotto-like area with a
small waterfall, so he could sit and relax at the
end of the day, enjoying Natures beauty. In
the evenings, he would read from his
extensive library until he could barely hold his
eyes open.
Oftentimes, the book would tumble to the
floor and he’d be found snoring in his easy
chair. Then, in the morning, he’d start his day
at the crack of dawn with John Philip Sousa
marching music, or the Black Watch playing
reveille on the pipes, blaring on his
phonograph. His breakfast, every single day,
365 days a year, had to include grilled eggs
(slightly running) and a bowl of oatmeal
because he had read somewhere that the
Scottish Highlanders would carry oatmeal in
their sporrans when they went to battle and
would live off the land supplementing their diet
with pillaged eggs or small game.
In the early 1980s, Bob had created a
movement called White American Bastion
(W.A.B.) and was active trying to get people to
move to his
corner of the
Pacific Northwest.
He felt that if
whites would
move out of the
urban cesspools,
they would return
to their idyllic
tribal roots. The
bad part was that
jobs were few
and far between
in this utopia.
A recession was
going on in the
country at this
time. Farms were
being lost to
foreclosures. The
logging industry
was depressed,
and many of the
mills shut down.
The zinc mine
was no longer
operating. The
union at the
cement plant was
going on strike.
was 20%, or
worse, as many
jobs in Pend
Oreille County
were seasonal.
Yet Bob was undeterred. One day, he invited
a number of people he had met at
Aryan Nations Church in Hayden Lake, Idaho,
up to his place for a potluck dinner. After the
meal, while the wives and children stayed in
the house, the men moved out to a building
Bob, and I, and two others, had built that
Bob sat us in a circle of chairs he’d placed in
the upstairs room. In a very serious manner,
he explained to us what he perceived to be a
major conspiracy against our race, our
families, and our way of life. He showed us
articles pulled from the Spokane newspaper
that would prove to us our people were under
attack. Mostly these were article on farm
foreclosures with violent endings, or court decisions pushing affirmative action to the
detriment of White communities. He reminded
us of what was said at the 1983 Aryan Nations
Congress about how money was scarce for
our Folk. He gave us examples of how people
on our own community were struggling to
make ends meet. Less than half the men in
the circle that evening had steady jobs. One
mans family was living in a dirt floor cabin
without running water.
He asked us if we could think of ways to
make money. Dan Bowers
suggested sponsorship by appealing to
wealthy donors and creating some
equitable means of distributing the proceeds.
Most of us viewed this idea as too labor
intensive to set up on short notice for our
immediate needs. Kenneth Loff suggested we
bid on forest service trail cleaning jobs. Someone argued that we would have to put up
money to bid on the contracts as a promise
we’d complete the job; then someone
suggested doing robberies. None of us had
engaged in criminal activity before and most
of the men were very much against it; Most of
the men were Identity Christians and could not
justify it by their faith. Most of us agreed that
people worked hard for their money and we
didn’t want to rob them of their hard earned
property or savings. It was suggested that
money from banks was insured, but none of
us were prepared to take such a drastic step.
The general consensus was that we’d try to
create jobs in our area and would make it a
point to help one another.
Then Bob told us to wait in the circle while he
ran downstairs. In a moment, he came back
carrying Jamie Ann Loff, Ken’s infant
daughter. He placed her on a blanket on the
floor in the middle of the circle, lit some
candles and dimmed the lights. He told us he
wanted us to make a pledge to one another;
he said was just as sacred, if not more so, than
a wedding vow. He impressed upon us that
this oath was so unlike any other that, if we wanted, we could leave the room with no hard
feelings. No one moved. There was a moment
of silence as all of us stared at the child in the
center of our circle. Bob told us that the oath
we were about to swear was directed toward
all White children, which were represented
this night, by this one child. It was a pledge to
defend the children at any cost.
RJM continued on page 15
RJM continued from page 14
We all raised our right arms as Bob began
reading prepared words from a sheet of
paper, in a trembling, yet determined voice.
As he read a line, we would repeat after him.
The moment was so moving I could feel the
energy generated by each one of us, fill the
room. Tears filled my eyes as I felt a deep
connection to each of the men standing in the
circle. Like a pebble dropped in a pool of still
water, I could feel the energy radiating
outward, through space and time, to our
brethren not present with us on this evening.
We were pledging to give our life for our folk
and would use all our resources to protect this
child and all White children, to defend their
safety and honor. From this moment on, our
lives were thoroughly charged.
Ultimately, we did take action, engaging in
more than a years worth of criminal activity to
support our cause. Many of the men in the
circle that night were fortunate enough to get
a bit of prison time for their involvement. They
would have a chance to re-evaluate and
examine where they went wrong and how to
do things better in the future, but not Bob; he
gave his life.
After a two-day stand off with scores of
government agents, Robert J. Mathews was
killed in a fiery blaze; a Viking funeral pyre.
When they located the charred remains of his
body the next day, a gun was found melted
into each hand. His Bruders Schweigen
medallion was melted onto the Kevlar vest
where his chest had been.
With his passage went his dream of creating
his White American Bastion, a community of
families banding together in support of one
another in a little town called Metaline Falls.
His ashes were scattered beneath an apple
tree on his property on Boundary Dam Road.
Though they were able to destroy his body,
they couldn’t kill his spirit. Wherever people
gather to work for the glory and honor of our
Folk, the spirit of Robert J. Mathews is alive and
well, his dream renewed. Hail Robert J.
Mathews! - Richard Kemp
In the murky mist of the beginning
A light began to glow.
It was the birth of the highest of all,
The Aryan Soul.
All directions spread
He forth across the virgin land;
All creatures before him were at his
Mighty kingdoms did he make,
Mightiest of all-the Aryan lord.
But a flaw there was, & a flaw there is still,
As dangerous as that of Achilles' heel.
When upon the field of battle clashed Aryan
son Against Aryan son,
Came forth again the murky mist,
For the Aryan soul was no longer one.
German slew Roman,
And Saxon slew Dane,
Hatred amongst brothers- The Aryan's bane.
Blood flowed freely from the Aryan soul
As it set forth upon its quest to again become
And from the Far West came a beckoning
Telling of a land where the soul could mend.
So once more went forth the Aryan tide,
Venturing across the waters wide.
In this land they became one,
The Saxon & the Dane.
Here you could not find
The Aryan's bane.
But their mighty foe would not let this be,
An Aryan land across the sea.
Around his neck hung the talmudic stoneHe rubbed it & let loose a spawn of his own.
He set them next to the Aryan child,
The work of their God they defiled.
In the new land they spread the seed of the
Aryan's bane;
Soon once again, Saxon slew Dane.
But wise is Yahweh, the wisest of all;
A sword He has forged for the talmudic fall.
For one hand only was this sword made,
The sons of Yahweh, who are yet babes.
But very fast do they grow,
As for the living water that doth flow.
His hair is like that of the fire that glows red.
It is a crown upon His kingly head.
His eyes shine with a wondrous light,
Green as pines within His sight.
How many more years will the sword stay,
When His hand will bring it forth on that long
awaited day,
When the King with the hair like the fire that
glows red,
Seeks vengeance for all the Aryan dead?
In all corners of the earth the blood will flow,
That of the spawn of Yahweh's foe.
Many scars are upon the Aryan soul,
But years hence will it again be whole.
-Robert J. Mathews
- Randy Duey
On December 6, 1984, at about 11:30 p.m. I
saw Bob Mathews for the last time. We had
been the objects of hot federal pursuit for
months and it was getting steadily hotter. Bob's
cell, in the Portland area, had been hit and
scattered, when a snitch led the FBI to a
meeting with Bob. Bob was wounded in the
hand in a gun fight with them, but managed to
escape. Contact was made with my cell,
which was temporarily on Whidbey Island at
the time. We helped Bob's cell get on their feet again. By December 6 all of them had left to
reestablish themselves elsewhere. Only Bob
was left. In a day or two we would all have
been gone from Whidbey Island.
The signs were all around us that the
enemy was getting close. There was a growing
feeling that we were becoming cornered.
Along with the gloomy weather of Whidbey
Island in November and December these
things were weighing heavily on our spirits.
After spending most of the evening
various things and
making plans, I
got up and put my
coat on to go to
my house. Bob
turned to me
and said, "You
know, Randy, I
think if they come
to get me, I'm just
gonna shoot it out
with 'em." I
agreed with him that it was the thing to do, said good night and drove home. The next
morning at daybreak the FBI hit all three
houses on the island. I ran out my back door
into a platoon of them. I had my chance to
shoot it out with them. But, I put my gun down. On the other side of the island Bob didn't put
his guns down. Bob never willingly put his
guns down. On December 8 they
burned the house down on top of him. That's
what stands out in my mind about Bob -- he
was the real thing. He went all the way.
Dr. William Pierce on Robert J. Mathews
written by colonel LL
The dollar plunged with startling ferocity late last week, driven by
heavy selling. This was very bearish action that signals panic, and the
probable onset of a severe downtrend. A break below the crucial
support at 80 on the dollar index is expected to mark the transition from
a clandestine unloading of dollar assets to an all-out stampede to get
what you can for them before it’s too late.
The conditions leading to an inevitable dollar panic sell-off did not
come about overnight. They are the result of years of abuse, principally
by the Federal Reserve of the US, which has created a veritable blizzard
of dollars, and the universal acceptance of this funny money has, up
until now, allowed the United States to freeload economically on the
rest of the world, living way beyond its means. The exponential growth
in dollars has been and is created electronically at the touch of a
button, so that paying for anything is never a problem, whatever you
want you simply print the extra money to pay for.
Because foreigners have so far played along with this game, they are
now widely, and to some extent understandably, regarded as stupid.
However, it is a dangerous mistake to underestimate the mental
capacities of other peoples. The Chinese, in particular, have an
ancient and deep culture, and when it comes to strategic
considerations, can outthink- and outflank virtually anyone. So what’s
going on? - why have they accepted a mountain of paper and IOUs
over many years in exchange for real hard work and a vast quantity of real tangible products? The Chinese, and others, have done this to
carry them over a bringing period during which they have built up their
economies and infrastructure. Their goal - which they are fast moving
towards - is to arrive at the point where there is sufficient domestic and
regional demand that they no longer need to rely on orders from
countries like the United States. At this point - which we may arrive at
sooner rather than later - things will become very dangerous for the US
dollar, and the situation is actually far worse than many now believe,
because the Chinese and others are preparing to WRITE OFF THEIR
DOLLAR ASSETS AS A BAD LOSS - they will try to get what they can for
them, of course, but otherwise will be ready to fall back on domestic
and regional demand and tough it out, thus severing the umbilical with
the United States, which will be left stranded, with no takers for its
funny money, a gutted manufacturing base, astronomic debts and
fiscal chaos, and a huge military it can no longer afford to service.
When the forces of globalization are let loose, as they have been, this is
actually a natural and inevitable process, as orders and work simply
move to the lowest bidders.
Europe and the United States are uncompetitive and will be sidelined
by the powerhouse economies of China and South East Asia. The
Chinese and other trading partners with the US are already rotating out
of dollars and into Dinars, Euros, commodities generally and Precious
Metals at an ever increasing pace. As we already know, this has been
a primary driver for the commodities boom. The recent attempt by the
United States to maintain its dominance by brute force - a big reason
why Iraq was invaded was that it was planning to sell its oil in Euros - is
right now, quite literally, running into the sand, and it is now only a
question of when, not if, the helicopters arrive on the rooftops to
evacuate the last of the embattled US service personnel, like in the film
The Killing Fields, although a last wildly dangerous attack on Iran still
cannot be ruled out.
Genocide Rules Ant Warfare
By Sara Goudarzi
When it comes to differentiating a friend from a rival, invasive ants
have it easier than humans: They can spot genetic differences, a new
study shows. [I can spot them pretty easily Tom!] Invasive Argentine
ants form large supercolonies in California. These colonies stretch for
hundreds of miles and include millions of nests. Ants from different
nests of the same colony rarely show aggression toward each other.
But those of different supercolonies clash often and engage in battles
that result in the death of many workers. The largest supercolony in
southern California extends some 600 miles and borders three smaller
colonies. The researchers collected dead workers at the territory
borders of one of the smaller colonies at Lake Hodges each week for
six months.
Battles in that area killed at least 15 million worker ants.
But when they placed ants from a distant location of the same colony
next to each other, they didn’t fight.
The ants from the same supercolony were genetically similar no
matter what their geographical distance was from each other.
But they were genetically different than those in the neighboring
supercolonies, the researchers note.
Our results are strong evidence that lack of genetic diversity permits
supercolonies to arise, said study co-author Melissa Thomas, now a
researcher from at the University of Western Australia. Workers
cannot differentiate between nestmates and non-nestmates if they all
seem the same.
So ants from different nests in the same colony do not fight with each
According to the researchers, keeping peace with their kin allows the
ants to devote more resources to breeding.
Territory defense is expensive both in time and workers, Thomas said.
If nests invest this time and workforce into collecting resources and
raising larvae instead of defending territories, then colonies should
grow at a much faster rate.
The study is detailed in the December issue of the journal
Molecular Ecology.
Some insight into Detroits Problems
Well, I hear what you’re saying about all the soft cost loaded into
the cost of a car. It’s a very capitalistic slant or viewpoint. Here is what I
think about the Cost of a car produced by Detroit.
First of all, heres the fucking solution to this problem. Its called Tariffs. Tariffs are not to protect the profits of the shareholders; they are to
protect the wages, benefits, and retirements of the workers. That the
company should be protected as well is of secondary consideration to
me; a former capitalist at heart, and never one in fact.
We do not export to the car making countries, not in a significant way.
So, how can they retaliate if we put a tariff on their cars? Well, they
could sell off the dollar assets they’ve accumulated over all these
years of working the living shit out of their employees and selling to us
with no tariffs. Yes, they have converted those profits to dollar
denominated assets; mostly US Government bonds and notes. And,
should they not renew them, it will be a problem for Washington and
the International Bankers who hold no allegiance to any sovereign
country. Yes, they would be in trouble, they would print even more
money to cover the notes.
The bankers and the politicians (who they’ve bought) do not care that
we are giving away our employment base any more than a casino
dispassionately rakes from the table a losers last dollar. It was after all,
in the plan.
The corporations that have the privilege of manufacturing cars in
America attracted labor to their doorsteps with the sirens song of a
good wages and a good retirement. What? You mean they weren’t
All of my indoctrination in grades 1 through 12 + the bachelors degree
led me to believe that I am a capitalist. I’ve discovered, that’s not true.
Guess what, you ain’t one neither. Why? You have no capital. All you
have amassed will be consumed by medical, retirement, and
accidents of one sort or another. Capital is something that is significant,
and powerful. Do you have that? No. You and I fret about our retirement
when were 50 for we speculate it will never be an adequate sum to
make us happy in our old age.
So, refer back to the chart above to observe the perspective. The
first thing you should notice is from whose point of view, the view of
capitalist. The second thing you should notice is the problems mostly
point to labor getting too much of the pie. I don’t believe it. Make the pie
bigger with tariffs.
The third concept needs a little background; Third, notice that
interest cost is mentioned. Keep in mind that in Japan the Kurutsu,
which is an intra-economy idea of a bank, backed by the Japanese
Ministry of Finance (tax revenue) being responsible for the success of
Detroit continued on page 17
Detroit continued from page 16
basic industries, which means the cost of funds to dominate that
industry is not a factor. Japanese banks have bad loans to Japanese
industry (automakers included), but the Ministry of Finance will fund
losses of the bank. They don’t give a shit about interest expense. They
take it from the taxpayers to replenish the banks lost reserves.
They are not interested in a profit, they are interested in dominating
the industry, then they get their profit. Why should our manufactures be
so burdened with interest cost; after all they provide some of the most
powerful jobs in our nation? Have we lost our fucking minds? Yes we
have. We lost our minds in 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was
passed giving a bunch of private bankers control of our money supply.
You get to see first hand how that bird is coming home to roost. Our
basic industries are up against foreign competition where nationalistic governments assure their economies can be the low cost producer of
automobiles and trucks. Foreign automotive competitors are willing to
socialize the cost of producing exports in order to kill of competition
and take market share. (The Kurutsu information can be found in
Weight of the Yen, by Tagart Murphy. He goes into great detail about it)
Finally, you should notice a full one forth of the pie chart above is
about Revenue. They have to sell to rental companies and deep fleet
discounts. The solution is again a ubiquitous answer - - Tariffs.
Here’s a real life story. Harley Davidson was a brand of motorcycle
owned by AMF Corporation back in the 70’s. It was on its ass. It sucked
as product and could not compete with the Japanese motorcycles
being imported. A fellow employed at AMF named Jefffrey L. Bleustein,
did a leveraged buy out. But before he did, he or his emissary went to
the US President of the day, Ronald Reagan, and requested Mr. Reagan
establishes a 50% tariff on Japanese motorcycles. Upon getting the
legislation passed, Mr. Bleustein went forward with the leveraged buyout. (Pat Buchanan tells this story in his first book Decline of the
Well, take a look at Harley Davidson Motorcycles today. Yeah those
tariffs seemed to have worked pretty well. The author of this article is a
HOG shareholder. My average buy-in was somewhere around $45,
and I just checked the price onYahoo at $73.01.
So I don’t want any of your bullshit about the American automakers
having to outsource to offshore, to cut wages, to cheapen the product,
to cut-pensions those were promised. In a Christian nation, we keep
those promises. In a Money Temple, we don’t.. We have a solution
stupid, itsTariffs.
Finally, we don’t need new cars every year, we could cut pollution,
and yes, we consumers could find another status symbol besides a
New Car. If there were tariffs, our protected-manufactures could
produce every-other-year, and still be profitable, the demand for cars
would go up, profits would go up, and wages of Americans would go
up, yet energy consumption to manufacturing would go down and
pollution would go down. Oh and
by the way, taxes on wages would go up. Intra-economy competition
would keep quality up. Everybody but the international banker is a
Kevin MacDonald, 62 Long Beach, CA
Kevin MacDonald, a professor of psychology at California
State University-Long Beach, is the man the radical right hopes will
make anti-Semitism respectable. With a master's degree in
evolutionary biology and a Ph.D. in biobehavioral sciences,
MacDonald is the author of a trilogy of books, written between 1994 and
1998, that argue that Jews use a "group evolutionary strategy" to survive
in the "host" societies where they are typically tiny minorities. The
"strategy" involves backing democracy, equality, socialism and the
like in order to weaken the dominant ethnic group, the idea being that
that will keep Jews safer. An example of his thinking came in a
recent posting to the V-Dare hate website: "Despite the fact that Jews
constitute less than 3% of the U.S.
population, the Holocaust has become a cultural icon as a direct result
of Jewish activism and influence in the media, Israel has become a
sacred cow ... and the role of Jewish organizations in helping unleash
massive multiethnic immigration into the U.S. ... goes unmentioned." In
one of his books, MacDonald blames the deaths of "millions of people"
on "the failure of Jewish assimilation into European societies." He has
even suggested that colleges restrict Jewish admission and that Jews
be heavily taxed to offset the Jews' "advantage ... of wealth." In a recent
film, MacDonald says that by supporting immigration and
multiculturalism, Jews "have wanted to essentially end European
domination of this society." MacDonald is on the advisory committee of
the National Policy Institute, a racist think tank, and is a frequent
contributor toThe Occidental Quarterly, a white supremacist journal. Don’t Wound
What You
Cannot Kill
Klan Border Watch 28 years later...
In 1977, David Duke and a handful of his Knights of the Ku Klux Klan got
tremendous media attention when they inaugurated their 'Klan Border
Watch.' The patrol turned out to be little more than a publicity stunt.
Although Chris Simcox and Jim Gilchrist are seen as the fathers of the
Minuteman movement, citizen vigilante border patrols are not a new
concept. Simcox and Gilchrist are following in the footsteps of other
anti-immigrant activists before them, and it is well-trodden ground.
Klansmen were on the Mexican border 28 years before the
Minutemen co-opted the concept. And they were talking about the
Hispanic immigration threat more than five decades before that.
In 1926, Klan Imperial Wizard H.W. Evans warned that "to the South of us
thousands of Mexicans, many of them Communist, are waiting a
chance to cross the Rio Grande and glut the labor marts of the
In an article that traces the history of the Klan in San Diego from the
1920s through the 1970s, The Journal of San Diego History describes an
atmosphere of fear that persisted for decades. "Any Mexican worker
who challenged authority or appeared suspicious of one thing or
another would forfeit his life," Mercedes Acasan Garcia, a maid during
the 1920s, said in a 1979 interview. Garcia tearfully recalled lynchings,
whippings and burnings of Hispanics. "Since they were ragged
wetbacks, nobody cared who they were and nothing was done about
With such a history of anti-immigrant violence, Klan boss David Duke
and his California leader, Tom Metzger, had little trouble directing the
energies of their followers to the Mexican border a half century later.
In 1977, after shoring up their ranks with Marines from nearby Camp
Pendleton, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan kicked off its Klan Border
Watch. Klansmen were supposed to drive the border from Texas to the
Pacific Ocean in a caravan, instructed to report suspicious people to
the Border Patrol. Media attention was huge, and cameras at times
outnumbered Klansmen eight to one. The event wasn't much more
than a publicity stunt, although Metzger boasted of leading 500
volunteers from four states.
Metzger split with Duke in 1979, critical of what he saw as Duke's
showmanship and inveterate womanizing. But, in the spring of 1980,
Metzger formed his own rogue Klan chapter and led a "security force"
of around 40 Klansmen to John Landes Park in Oceanside, vowing to
rid it of Mexicans. Metzger's followers carried black shields
emblazoned with "KKK" in white letters. They wielded bats, chains and
nightsticks and wore hockey masks and helmets. Some brought
attack dogs. Protesters met the Klansmen at the park and pelted them
with rocks. Seven people were injured.
That same year, Metzger parlayed the attention he had gained, along
Metzger continued on page 18
Metzger continued from page 17
with growing anti-immigrant sentiment, into a victory in the
Democratic primary for his local congressional district. He got
some 33,000 votes, although he lost the general election
Today, Metzger is dismissive of the staying power of the
Minutemen. "They remind me of the big splash about the
militias a few years ago," he told the Intelligence Report.
"When the Murrah Building in OKC went up they all
disappeared. The Minutemen are similar and when the blood
really flows on the border, most will be long gone. They go out
of their way to claim not to be racist. They are hypocrites of the
worst order. They go on and on that they want no racists
among them. What a joke."
Basis for
Darwin and his disciples were not only pseudo-scientists, but
they were also radical, rabid racists! Ernst Haeckel was a
German biologist, and a contemporary of Darwin, who laid the
foundation of racism and imperialism that resulted in Hitler's
racist regime.
Edward Simon, a Jewish biology professor at Purdue
University, wrote, "I don't claim that Darwin and his theory of
evolution brought on the holocaust; but I cannot deny that the theory of
evolution, and the atheism it engendered, led to the moral climate that
made a holocaust possible."
I wonder what the "climate" is doing to students in public schools as
they are taught they came from animals and are without any purpose
in life? Could the incredible number and depth of our social problems
be the result of Darwinism? I am convinced this is so, for if one believes
that life has no purpose, and man came from beasts, then dignity,
fairness, kindness, honesty, faithfulness and justice have no relevance
and importance.
Sir Arthur Keith, a well-known evolutionist, assessed Darwin's impact
on Hitler and Germany: "We see Hitler devoutly convinced that
evolution produces the only real basis for a national policy....The
means he adopted to secure the destiny of his race and people were
organized slaughter which has drenched Europe in blood."
The unreasonable, unbiblical, unscientific philosophy of Darwin and
his disciples laid a foundation for hundreds of years of hatred, barbarity
and unbelief reaching into the future and impacting millions of
innocent lives.
If Darwin were alive today, he would be hooted out of the scientific
community because he was not a trained scientist and because of his
outrageous views about black people. Darwin thought that blacks were
closer to man's ape "ancestors" than the white race! Wonder what
Jesse Jackson thinks of that?
Darwin's disciple, T. H. Huxley, wrote, "It may be quite true that some
negroes [sic] are better than some white men, but no rational man,
cognizant of the facts, believes that the average negro [sic] is the
equal, still less the superior, of the average white man....The highest
places in the hierarchy of civilization will assuredly not be within the
reach of our dusky cousins...." (I "siced" the above places not because
he used the term, negro but because he did not capitalize it.)
"Dusky cousins!" How would that be received down at the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People? But it gets worse.
Henry Osborne, who was professor of biology and zoology at
Columbia University, said that blacks were further back on the
evolutionary ladder (nearer the apes) than whites, and "The standard of
intelligence of the average adult Negro is similar to that of the elevenyear-old youth of the species Homo sapiens." Blacks aren't human!
Wow! the most KKK nut doesn't believe that!
Edwin Conklin, professor of biology at Princeton University and
president of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, said that blacks had not evolved as far as whites and "Every
consideration should lead those who believe in the superiority of the
white race to strive to preserve its purity and to establish and maintain
the segregation of the races, for the longer this is maintained, the
greater the preponderance of the white race will be." Well, there goes
any possibility of Ed ever becoming a life member of the NAACP. Too
The major haters of the last 100 years have been evolutionists. Men
like Nietzsche (who often said God was dead, called for the breeding of
a master race, and for the annihilation of millions of misfits), Hitler,
Mussolini, Marx, Engels, and Stalin were all outspoken evolutionists, and
these people and their theories have been responsible for the
slaughter of multi-millions of people, and the destruction of freedom all
over the earth. It is amazing that so many liberals, radicals, fascists,
communists and the easily impressed worship at Darwin's shrine.
Yes, the foundation of racism, hatred and violence in the last hundred
years is based in evolutionary teaching.
Jews must be constantly on guard to oppose anti-Semitism wherever is rears its ugly head, even in places where we least expect to see it - Rabbi Levi Brackman
In an attempt to explain why most Jewish Americans are liberal and vote Democrat, a friend of mine sent me Philip Roths award-winning book
entitled The Plot Against America (2004). The Plot Against America is an alternative history novel, in which, at the presidential election of 1940, Democratic presidential incumbent
FranklinDelano Roosevelt is defeated by isolationist and mildly anti-Semitic right-wing Republican candidate Charles Lindbergh. The novel follows the Roth family during the right-wing Lindbergh presidency, under which anti-Semitism becomes more accepted in American life
and Jewish American families like the Roths are persecuted. If indeed this book is representative of Jewish American fears about the Republican
Party in 2006, I am rather perplexed. Left, right, left.
Traditionally the terms right and left, used in the political sense, referred to different political philosophies in which the left defended the interests of
the working class and the right defended and looked out for the interests of the wealthy and the aristocrats.
According to this definition, Judaism is very much a left-wing religion. However, most agree that this characterization no longer adequately defines the modern-day difference between right and left.
The fact is that many who claim to have a right-wing ideology will champion the cause of the minorities and many self-proclaimed left-wingers will trample upon them. In fact, the German Nazis considered themselves socialists and the Soviets held extreme left-wing ideologies but this did not stop the Nazis from
killing Jews, gays and gypsies or the Soviets from killing and enslaving their working classes. During the Holocaust, left-wing President Roosevelt himself could have done more to help the plight of European Jews but for political considerations
decided not to. For example, after the passengers of the "St. Louis" which set sail from Germany in May 1939 carrying over 900 Jewish passengers fleeing Nazi
Germany had been refused entry into Cuba, President Roosevelt ignored a cable from the passengers asking for refuge in America and later
refused to use his executive power to grant them visas. As a direct result of this, most of the Jews on board were sent back to Europe, where many
were eventually killed by the Nazis. To be sure, Roosevelt was not an anti-Semite and just because a politician does not stand up to protect Jews, it does not mean that she or he hates
Nonetheless, in saying never again with regard to the Holocaust, we must be alert to the ever-changing guises of anti-Semitism and recognize that it
does not consistently come from any one particular side of the political aisle. Look left.
In this vein, the British Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks once made the following important observation: Anti-Semitism, he said, is a virus, and like a
virus it mutates, and because it mutates, it gets
past our immune systems, which are still on the look-out for last year's virus. He observed that in the 19th century the
religious anti-Judaism of the Middle Ages
became racial anti-Semitism and now that
the world has become immunised against
that strain of anti-Semitism, it has mutated
again into anti-Zionism and defines all Jews
as Zionists. It seems that many American Jews are
still trying to fight the old strain of antiSemitism that manifests itself in an extreme
right-wing ideology of patriotism and
nationalism. Although this is undoubtedly
still a threat, while our attention was
directed elsewhere, a virulent strain
developed, which manifested itself in
extreme anti-Zionism an alarmingly high
rate of which is found on the left of the
political divide. The evidence for this is aplenty. Just read
left-wing blogs (,, etc.) or
witness how
left-leaning radio stations and media cover
stories related to Israel, not to mention the
overt anti-Israeli sentiment and covert antiJewish feeling that exist in the
liberal academic world. With the potential of a nuclear-armed Iran,
the threat to Israel and its six million Jews is
real. It is therefore more important than
ever for American Jews not to support a
party whose base seems to
have become both anti-Zionist and antiSemitic. Ultimately we Jews must be constantly on
our guard to oppose anti-Semitism
wherever is rears its ugly head, and be
prepared and open to recognize it even in
places where we least expect to see it. 19
Lincoln continued from page 12
So on April 27, 1861, “Honest Abe” decided the freedoms granted by the constitution were unneeded, and threw them out the window. The
suspension of the habeas corpus would now be enforced throughout the Union. “This amazing disregard for the . . . constitution,” once wrote a
historian, “ was considered by nobody legal.” One government official argued that even if congress did ratify the suspension of the habeas corpus
that it would still be unjust to hold anyone without a fair trial. He also reminded us that the constitution was created shortly after fighting against Britain,
and by giving the president such powers gives him more authority than even the king of England.
Throughout the North the suspension of the habeas corpus would take its toll on the civilians and government alike. Lincoln extended the
suspension even more by issuing the Martial Law; this ruling allowed troops to imprison anyone by rumors that they were against the government. In
turn, thousands of newspaper editors, civilians against the war, and some priests and preachers were captured. No trials were held and no one was
told why they were being arrested. Along with this, Lincoln censored telegraph messages, sent troops to interfere with elections, confiscated private
property, seized firearms against the Second Amendment, removed members of congress for disagreeing with his proposals, and even created new
states without their inhabitants say so. After these acts, consequently, few wanted to stand in the way of Lincoln’s unlawful conquest.
-The Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by President Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation was supposedly created to free the slaves residing in America. When Lincoln released
the proclamation in the January of 1863, however, he excluded all the union controlled states because he was afraid of losing northern support, since
not all northerners believed that they were fighting the Civil War over slavery. In a famous public letter to the editor of a newspaper called The New
York Tribune in 1862, Lincoln expressed his thoughts about slavery by stating “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not
either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it; and if I could save it without freeing some and leaving
others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union.” On the contrary,
seven months earlier, Lincoln stated in his first Inaugural Address that he had in fact “no constitutional authority to change or disturb slavery.”
The Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves in rebel territory. Since the proclamation allowed federal soldiers to free any slaves in the
territory they conquered, few slaves were freed here because there where no soldiers to enforce it. One newspaper said that Lincoln “Purposely
made the proclamation inoperative (not of use) in all places where we have gained a military footing which makes slaves accessible. He has
proclaimed emancipation only were he has notoriously no power to execute it.” This suggests that Lincoln did not have any intension to free the
slaves except for causes to save the union.
Today conflicts about Lincoln continue. Was he really the great emancipator as he is portrayed, or the dictator that is reflected by his
unconstitutional actions as president? By examining what he did as president and why he did it, you may be able to form a hypothesis of your own.
I don't know what kind of tour this teacher took in South Africa but it
was obviously tailored and structured to give a VERY false view of that
Bechard states "All South African people were forcibly and legally
categorized as white, Asian (Indian), colored or black. How can people
not know we are all members of the human race?" Forcibly
categorized? What does that mean? Are Americans forcibly
categorized during our census taking? I think not. I have news for
politically correct, misinformed "teachers" like Bechard; "human" isn't
a race. It's a species of Homo sapiens. We allow this woman to teach
our children?
The blacks in the ANC and South Africa have NO problem in
identifying who is White. They are the ones that are systematically
murdering White farmers as we speak in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Europeans were the people who built that nation from the ground up.
Then 12 years ago the Whites gave up their rule of government over to
globalization and social Marxism. Since then, South Africa has been
returning to the jungle with a downward spiraling economy, thanks to
the murder of thousands of White farmers and the blacks who worked
for them. This had nothing to do with so-called "apartheid" during which
many blacks in South Africa had clean and normal lives. The media in
America is quite silent over the burning to death of a White baby tied up
with wire then set on fire after being doused with gasoline. That doesn't
quite fit the anti-White media agenda of multiculturalism. Winnie
Mandela wanted to give these people “necklaces”. She didn’t mean
the ones made of an over expensive stone, no, she meant a gasoline
soaked tire thrown over someone’s shoulders and lit on fire.
What Bechard doesn't understand is that integration is unnatural and
must be enforced at gun point aka Little Rock, Ark. Segregation is
natural and most of the planet abides by natures rule. People prefer to
be with their own kind. Bechard wanted to "understand diversity as a
concept, integration and blending of races particularly in light of what
we are experiencing in the Plainfield schools with our increasing
diversity." Diversity means the state of being different or diverse. I don't
know if she comprehended the exact economic/political situation in
her sanitized tour but South Africa is not experiencing any peace with
their increasing "diversity". More “diversity” equals more tension,
squalor, and division. In South Africa not only are they murdering an
agricultural mainstay of their economy (white farmers) at the behest of
the ANC government through "land reforms", but they have a high
number of illegal aliens sneaking across their borders and taking jobs
from more "indigenous" South Africans. That situation sounds so
familiar doesn't it?
This murdering of White farmers by the Communist ANC is killing not
only the most productive segment of their economy via agriculture but
also farmers who are left must live in gated communities in fear for
their lives. Of course some hate filled individual would say that's what
they get for years of segregation. I guess murdering of the people who
built that nation and gave blacks a MUCH better life style than under the
ANC is not to be taken into account.
As Bechard stated "There is almost no middle class. The middle class
is beginning to develop now that apartheid is breaking down. But a lot
of economical disparity is still based on racial discrimination of the
past under the apartheid system." What middle class is developing?
Hey Miss Bechard apartheid ended over 12 years ago. The ANC
guarantees there will be NO middle class. There is mostly wide spread
poverty thanks to an inhumane and selfish government. On top of that
South Africa has nearly the highest crime rate in the world. 21,000 child
rapes (many are infants) and some 37,000 adult rapes, were reported in
South Africa last year. According to the South African Police Service,
only one in 35 are actually reported. The actual incidence of rape
could well be in
excess of a
million per year.
teachers like
Bechard need a
big dose of
Perhaps if she
had stayed in
South Africa for
a few more days
she would have
learned what
THEY really think
about White
submitted by an associate
I am the Lone Wolf; I am undercover of the day & night. I conduct
surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence on my enemies. I don't
join groups and or organizations do to informants, agent provocateurs
and troublemakers. I avoid being on a list.
Even if I am on a list: I have a list and data on them. I know where they
live, where they go shopping, where their kids go to school, where their
spouse works, what model their vehicle is, where their relatives live,
where they go for recreation, who their friends are, their habits and
even their birth dates.
I studied and research people like the Unabomber, BTK Wichita,
Kansas serial killer, Eric Rudolph and others the same and learned
from their mistakes.
I am preparing for the coming War. I am ready when the line is
crossed, my Aryan race, liberties and freedoms are infringed upon of.
For now, I never engage in terrorism or violent acts until the time
comes. I don't start the trouble, my enemies do and that shall give me
the excuse to fight back!
I am prepared if I'm detained and arrested or questioned by
authorities who have no authority over me but do my best to avoid
being a person of interest.
I keep records in my brain on my enemies and avoid having
electronic data devices and computer with information on them in
case they are confiscated and if I do; they are secretly hidden away
from my property including 'how-to' books, weapons and equipment
needed for the coming War.
I protect my informants and sources the best I can who are working
inside government and non-government agencies who provide me
intelligence information to better myself and others when the coming
Battle begins.
I create a phony Website or two on a White supremacist gang and
leaflets on this gang to neighborhoods. Even some graffiti and plant
evidence to make it look like there's a gang in the area scaring and
confusing ignorant Whites, race mixers, liberal media, non-whites and
law enforcement. They can't figure it's called, "Psy-Ops."
I am the underground secret freedom fighter and independent. I am 2
your neighborhoods, schools, police department, bars, coffee shops,
malls, etc. I am, The Lone Wolf!
Male Genital Mutilation
This Jewish practice was first foisted on Gentiles in the U.S. after W.W.I.
And, it became more prevalent after W.W.II here. Jewish doctors here,
at the time, said that Gentiles were getting sick being stationed
overseas as a result of not being circumcised, because it was unclean;
and said that Jews were not getting sick because they were
circumcised. The medical community believed that these Jewish
charlatans were right, accepting what they said at face value; and the
practice of circumcision was widely embraced by the general
population in the U.S. Today, almost 75 percent of Gentiles in the U.S. are
circumcised due to this medical misinformation; and these Gentiles
are, for the most part, the better-educated. However, this is changing.
It turns out that the diseases that soldiers picked up overseas had
nothing at all to do with circumcision; the diseases were VD (syphilis,
gonorrhea, etc.), picked up from being too promiscuous with Africans
and such. (The Japanese, who were also not circumcised, remained
true to their people and, consequently, did not have the problems that
U.S. soldiers did with these diseases.)
Circumcision is a barbaric practice that dates back to ancient times
and causes inhumane torture to young children. Jews engage in such
behavior as an ancient rite, substituting the circumcision rite for
sacrificing their first-born child (such as a sacrifice to their ancient
deity Molok, for instance). In the Jewish circumcision rite, which is
even more barbaric and cruel and is shown on the left, the Mohel
(rabbi) tears off the skin with a sharp fingernail and sucks the blood out,
spitting it into a cup. While the practice to Gentiles is not quite that sick,
it is still barbaric and serves no purpose other than to torture an
innocent child.
This practice has led to many infections of young boys' phalli, not to
mention some incidents where "too much" was taken off. (An incident
in Britain occurred several years ago, which gained international
attention, when the person who meant to circumcise the child
accidentally lopped off the young boy's entire phallus. The child was
then surgically "changed" into a girl, which failed miserably later in life,
causing him ceaseless mental harm.)
There are no advantages to circumcision. Some doctors argue that
there are deviations in penile cancer. However, these deviations are
negligible and, even if given credence, can probably be attributed
more to differences in living conditions, since most Gentiles who are
circumcised are the better-educated, because they have been taught
a blatant Jewish falsehood. (The less-educated would, in fact, be
exposed to more conditions that would lead to penile cancer. But,
again, the difference is negligible: There is approximately 1 case of
penile cancer per 100,000 people. Compare that to 1 complication to
200 circumcisions performed.)
Can we continue to allow this barbaric practice to continue? Some
have suggested that people who perform this mutilation rite should be
fined $100,000. However, any intelligent person, who examines this
barbaric practice and learns how evil it is, must agree that the people
who commit this crime should be sentenced to, at the very least, five
years in prison. Help put an end to Male Genital Mutilation. The
following are some links about this barbaric practice: