002 Ch9.1Psych - Intelligence Theories.key


002 Ch9.1Psych - Intelligence Theories.key
What is Intelligence?
• Intelligence - abilities to
learn from experience, to
think rationally, & to deal
w/the environment
It is NOT achievement.
Theories of Intelligence
Spearman’s TwoFactor Theory
• G factor & S factor
• G = general
intelligence, or
abilities to reason &
solve problems.
• S = specific factors
that account for
particular abilities.
Sect. 1
Theories of Intelligence
Sect. 1
Thurstone’s Theory of Primary Mental Abilities
Louis Thurstone – 7
mental abilities.
separate factors of primary
Visual & Spatial relations
Perceptual speed
Numerical ability
Verbal comprehension
Word fluency
Deductive reasoning &
Inductive reasoning
Theories of Intelligence
Sect. 1
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Howard Gardner – 8 different kinds of intelligence within us
1. Linguistic intelligence
2. Logical mathematical intelligence
3. Visual spatial
4. Body kinesthetics
5. Musical rhythmic
6. Interpersonal intelligence – sensitivity to others’
feelings (good with people)
7. Intrapersonal intelligence - insight into own feelings
8. Naturalistic - “in tune” with nature -aware of the
What’s the Difference
between Thurstone’s
& Gardner’s Views?
Thurstone 7 factors combined
make up intelligence.
Gardner 7 intelligences are
independent of each
Theories of Intelligence
Sect. 1
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory
• Analytic - ability to solve
• Creative - ability to deal
w/new situations
• Practical - ability to
accomplish everyday tasks
Theories of Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
Sect. 1
5 factors involved in academic or occupational
success. (emotional intelligence )
• self Awareness – Ability to recognize own feelings.
• Mood management – ability to separate one from
unpleasant feelings
• Self motivation – ability to move ahead w/
confidence & enthusiasm.
• Impulse control – ability to delay pleasure until
the task at hand has been accomplished
• People skills – ability to empathize, understand,
communicate & cooperate w/others.
Theories of Intelligence
Sect. 1
Overlapping Intelligence
Listening to complex
or playing a musical
instrument helps
other cognitive
functions such as
spatial reasoning.
Mozart Effect
Theories of Intelligence
Sect. 1
Overlapping Intelligence
Listening to complex
or playing a musical
instrument helps
other cognitive
functions such as
spatial reasoning.
Mozart Effect
Theories of Intelligence
Review Questions
Sect. 1
1. What is the difference between achievement &
2. What is the difference between Gardner’s &
Thurstone’s theories?
3. Describe two factors of intelligence as specified
by Spearman’s theory.
4. Which two of Gardner’s intelligences do you
MOST possess?
5. Choose one of the five theories on intelligence you
believe best explains intelligence. Write a paragraph
explaining why you like that theory the best.