MDPW Toastmasters Club EXCLUSIVE


MDPW Toastmasters Club EXCLUSIVE
 MDPW Toastmasters Club
10TH Anniversary Celebration
The MDPW Toastmasters Club BUBBLED OVER WITH EXCITEMENT on March 4, 2014! Behind the scenes putting all the plans together were the High Performance Leadership (HPL) Guidance Committee (Jenny Murphy, Sandy Herbert, Carolyn Pennett) and Action Committee (Linda Pond, AEmilia Jarvis, Lynn Burritt, Marvel Sampson) Members. The Vision, Mission, Mandate and Action Plans were created and measured like any successful project should be. The Team Dynamics fueled by inspiration, dedication and champagne too resulted in a successful event. The Core Values Formula MANAGEABLE + MEASUREABLE + MEMORABLE = BUBBLING OVER WITH EXCITEMENT. The Results we gathered from everyone who attended says it all: MDPW Toastmaster 10th Anniversary Exclusive by Monique Tremblay HPL Project Leader Page 1 of 4 The Bubbles where everywhere in the room from the Centerpieces, Bubble Making Wands, Bubbling Over Personalities and all was captured for historical purposes with pictures and testimonials. Here’s what our Members and Guests had to say about our Celebration: Is there a better way to laugh, reminisce Both the club and the event are inspiring. I and spend a motivational evening like this? want to be more like all of you. You Rock. MDPW always sets the bar high. I'm The event was fantastic! The program was professional and very interesting. It flowed exceptionally well and I was very proud to participate and be a part of it. Loved your theme and found it well illustrated throughout the room and evening well organized. Great evening and loved your speakers. They all had a connection to the club and spoke with sincerity and love. A totally fun evening! Table Topics WooHoo! You did a fabulous job and I really like the 'surprise speakers' and the twist to Table Topics session. honoured to be associated with the amazing group. We got game! I really enjoyed tonight’s Toastmaster. It brought back so many fun memories and met again my friends. The camaraderie, fun and memories! Thanks for including so many folks from the past, the present & future. Very enthusiastic people! We know how to have fun. I was very happy to see two of my MDPW Teachers. The organizer of the event did a superb job. MDPW Toastmaster 10th Anniversary Exclusive by Monique Tremblay HPL Project Leader Page 2 of 4 Visit our website and click on the 10th Anniversary link to view pictures, read the amazing Closing Thought and check out the Ottawa Woman March issue page 16 where our club is featured. A Priceless Touch to our Event was having most of our Charter Members in attendance. Pictured below Marvel Sampson, Janissa Read, Margaret Foo, Lynn Burritt, Margaret Walton, Jenny Murphy, Lynda Damen, Shirley McKey, Merryl-­‐Jean Mason and Florence D’Eon. Other Charter members who were there in ‘spirit’ Marilyn Albert, Rosemary Carter, Pat Gibson, Marta Khan, Eileen Labrie, Gulabi Ladhani, Marilyn Lindsay, Marie Morgan, Nora Prud’homme and Diane Rocheleau. Our Club over the last 10 Years has grown and had fun each and every year and in part it is due to the Executive Team that made the experience Rock Solid! The President’s were honoured with each table featuring their name and they wore special corsages too. They are: Year 2003/4 2004/5; 2008/9; 2012/13 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2013/14 President Merryl-­‐Jeanne Mason Shirley McKey Marilyn Albert Lynn Burritt Margaret Walton Pat Gibson Sandy Herbert Christine O’Connor Monique Tremblay MDPW Toastmaster 10th Anniversary Exclusive by Monique Tremblay HPL Project Leader Page 3 of 4 Is there a High Performance Leadership project in your future? Here are my TOP 10 tips to consider before you start your Toastmaster HPL journey: 1. Do your research! Talk to other HPL Project Leads in your Club and other District 61 Clubs. There is a lot of knowledge out there – tap into it! 2. When creating your Guidance Team and Action Committee Team stick between 3-­‐4 members and be sure to add someone from outside your club to add a non Toastmaster perspective. 3. Select a project that provides a challenge but manageable in light of other work-­‐life demands on you and your committee members. 4. Monitor your leadership mid way through the project. Create ‘directional questions’ and use Survey Monkey. Current HPL book only has close-­‐ended questions which doesn’t provide insight into areas you can improve. 5. Measure, Measure, Measure! Create a Binder along with all documentation and create a close-­‐out report. 6. Communicate often and get people to act. 7. Create a Team Mandate and Project Tagline – this is not an HPL requirement but should be as it empowers the team and members. Monique Tremblay 8. Leverage Technology – Doodle Poll, Eventbrite, Survey HPL Project Lead Monkey and online forums. 9. Be ready for Plan B and take advantage of unplanned opportunities. (i.e. Ottawa Woman Article) 10. Celebrate your achievement with the Committee Members and Volunteers to acknowledge all their hard work and your own too. This was a wonderful experience filled with inspiring people and bubbling over memories!
Mostly I have been empowered to embrace the Leader and Communicator that is within me
due to my supportive and nurturing club – MDPW Toastmasters!
MDPW Toastmasters Club #654417
Meetings are held every 1st and 3 Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m.
MDPW Toastmaster 10th Anniversary Exclusive by Monique Tremblay HPL Project Leader Page 4 of 4