.tr:nE WOOLE F~M\l`( S€UIE5


.tr:nE WOOLE F~M\l`( S€UIE5
.tr:nE WOOLE
by Nbrene
F~M\l'( S€UIE5
1n. the pa.I.lt .th..Ulty OJt .60 yea/t.6 SONSHIP hM JteallJj been a. ma.jOJt top.(c. among thO.6e. who had
a. gUmp.6e. 06 .6omethJ.ng mOJte.than even the. FuU GO.6pel Chwtc.hu could 066eJt. In. 6a.c.t, i:t.
wa.6 dwt.wg the. .60 ca.Ued "Laftvt
RcWt Moveme.nt" that th.W .6Ubje.ct Jte.a..U.y got 066 the.
gJtound, .60 to .Qpea.k, and be.c.ame.the. theme. 06 thO.6e ht. thai: onuxvr..dmovht.g a.dva.n.c.eme.nt 06
hun.gJty heMU.
~hen. .6~me Jte~oa.c.h 6 oU~d,
.6 oJt theJt.e ~e. tho.Q~ cla.i.m.i.ng to a.l!r.ettdy be
the .QOM.06 God -<;it ma;u.6uta.ti.on..
But -<.n.Qp-Ue. 06 .6omeTnu.Jtea.c.h-Utg and m.i..6a.ppJLopJL-i.a.tion.,
theJt.e .6UU Jte.ma...<.ned
the Jte.a.l :tJwth that Ls .6:tiU :tJtuth today.
iA that veJt.y :tJtuth
tha.t we would Uke to touch on. at thL6 .t.ime.
F..iJr..4t, let me me.nU.on. a. 6ew .6c.Jt..iptwtu tha.t ha.ve. peJt.ha.p.6been oveJt.u..6ed by thO.6e. c.la.i.m.i.ng
.60Yl..6h.ip. J OM 7: 72 staxes, "But a..6 many a..6 Jtec.e..ived H.im, to them ga.ve he powe.Jt.to bec.ome
the SONS 06 God l P.la.c.eJt.), even. to them that beUe.ve on. H.i.6 Name.••• " Yet.in. the GJteek, .u
does not .6OJj SONS, nolf. the GJteek wOJtd iA TEKNONwh.ic.h doe« n.ot mean SONS but CHZLVREN. The.
Glteek. woJtd 60}( SONS -fA HUIOS and me.an.6 a. ma..t.uJte .60n., not: a. c.hiliI~ The above veJt.-6e srare.s
:tha;t tho.6e tha..t Jte.c.u.ve H.im Me. g.iven pOWQiZo be.come .the CHILDREN 06 the P.la.c.eJt. lGod Ln.
~e. GJteek. Ute.Jta.Uy Ibe.in.g P.la.c.eJt., the. On.e.who· .6e.U e.veJt.y:tJvJz.g I ;£n. m p.la.c.e).
An.ofheJt. v~e. iA PMyl. 2: 75, "Tha:t ye. may be bla.meleM and kml~'
the. SONS 06 the
.P la.eeJt., w.Uhout Jte.bt\.k.e., .(Jt the rn.-i.t:Ut06 a. c.Jt.ooked and peJt.veJt.6e naccon , amon.g whom y~ -6Mn.e
.in. :the woJt.td." Aga..in. t:ha..t wO}(d :tJt~d
.·U:.~ean.6 H.u o66.6plt.in.g, bu:t. li does net: mean a. 6ull 6led ed .son. w-i;th :the abi..U...t.lj1t» :ta.ke.
the Jtule 06 goveJt.n.meYl.tand 6uUyJte.pJLuent the F~
I J~h4 3: 7, 2 ha..6bei.1i. vo.ten quo.:fuc:.,.M m-U,quote.d. "~2.hoU; wha.t ma;u-t~'f;- o6.tc:ve the Fo.the»:
hath butowe.d upon. u..6, tha.t we. .QrlCi/lM: be. c.a..ue.d tJie. SONS 06 God (Pla.c.eJt.)•••• Beloved, n.ow
Me. we th~ SONS 06 theP.la.c.eJt., and U doth not: ye.t a.ppe.aJt wha.t we- -6ha.U be.': but we ,kn.ow
t.ha.t, wh~ He .6ha.U a.ppe.M,we..6ha.U
be. Uke H.im, 60ft we. .6ha.U .6e.e H.im a..6 He .<A." In.
botA .iYI..6.tancu wheJt.e the wOJtd .<A tJc.a.n4We.d a..6 SONS .u .i-6 In. the Glteek TEKNONOJt CHILDREN-a. .clue 06K.6pJL.wg but not: a. ma.twr.e 066.6pJL-i.n:gOJt a. 6ull 6ledged SON. TheAe veJt.-6U heJt.ebt
quoted .Qhfutd be u..6ed w.ith the woJtd CHlLVREN Jta:th.eJt. than SONS. TheJt.e60fte. we cann.otcla..im
NOWI Me we the SONS 06 the Pla£;eJt ~ but Jta.theJt. NOWMe we. the. CHILVREN '06 the Hea.venly
Fa1:JteJt.• tha.t Jtea.Uy maku a. d.i6 6Mence.;
M ~d
I be60Jte, ea.c.h m~beJt. 06~· e.\He.d.V~ Farn.ily head« up a. company 06 wh.ich each
mem8,eJt. .<A the ~n.
6M that
. .ti.c.u1aJt c.ompany. We. ha.ve. he.aJtd 06te.n tha.t Yahashua:
the M~
.i.6 the. PATTERN SON 6 aU the Jtut 06 the ..60M, a.n.d ..60 He-:L6. In. Uke ma.nn.eJt.
the. Fa,theJt i6 the. I pa.t.tvr.n 60)( .tho i 06 the. 6a.theJthood company, the. MotheJt iA the. pa;t:t.eJr.n.
60Jt thO..6e. 06 the motheJthood company, and the Va.u.ght:.eJt.u :the pa..t:tVtn noJt .the dcught..eMhi..p
c.ompany. Tiu.L.6 at ~
time. we. look mOJte.c.lO.6e.ly ou» the. .60Mh.ip c.ompany wh.ich Ls headed
up by the veJty SON 06 the. MO..6tH.igh •
'v '
Thue. ..6c.Jt..ip.tuJtu 6ftom the. New Tutament
6a.U geneJt.a.Uy .in.to 60uJt ~6.ica.ti.oM:
RELATIONSHIP; two, REGULATION; thJt~e, REVEMPTIONj a.n.d, 60uJt, RULERSHIP--n.ot the thJtee
R'.Q 06 educa.:Uon.~ but the 60uJt R'..6106 -6oYl..6h..i.p. Let u..6 look at: the.6e mOJte cl04ely.
RELATIONSHIP-rJte.la-t.ioMh.it? w.Uh the Fa.theJt. a.n.d MotheJt.. It: will a.l.6o
.in.c.lude. Jte.la.:UOYl..6h.ipwU:h othe»: bJtotheJt.6 and .Q.W~,
bu.t 60ft ouJt pultpo.Qe. we. will be dea.li.ng w.Uh the. RELATIONSHIP w.U:h the. I paltent.6.
Ga.l. 4 :4-7, "But when the. 6u.ln.~ 06 the Urne
ux:w c.ome, the. Pla.c.eJt .6ent 60Jtth H.i.:6Son, made. 06 a. woman, ma.de. undes: the. tOJ», to Jte.de.em
them that WVte. uncleJt. the. taw, that we. m.i.ght Jte.c.e.ive. the. AVOPTION OF SONS. And be.c.a.u.6e.ye.
Me. SONS, Yo.hwe.h hath ..6e..n.-t60Jtth the sp.u.r.u 06 H.<ASon. Isu» qou»: he.all-to, CIly.in.g, Abba,
Fa.theJt.. WheJt.e60Jte:dtou Mt no mOJte a. .6uva.n.:t, but a. SON; and .i6 a. SON, then. an he.iJt 06 Yahweh thJtough ChJtiAt lMu.M.ah)."
Thue. veJt.6U Me a.U ba..6e.d on. Jte.la-tioMh.ip w.Uh the
Fa.theJt. a.n.d wUh the Son.. TheJt.e'.<A no .6Uch thbtg a..6 be.in.g a. .Qon.w.i.thou.t. be.wg boJtn. M sucl«,
To ~
HE .i.4 .the. CREATORbu:t no:t .the. GEN~RATOR. AU cJte.a.:tul be.60Jte. the. Adam 06 Ge.n. 2
jU4:t tha.t.--CJr.~,
and to .the:n, He.,.w .the. CtutoJt.
Bu.:t -in the. Ca4e.
Adam, He. 60Jtme.d
h.i.m ~..t 9e.nVt~
h-<.m,and the. Adam.<.c. 6amUy Me. poUn:ti.a.l. 40n4 be.CaMe. 06 the. Jte..ea..t<.On4Mp.
I sacd ; po:te.nti..a.l .60n4, be.c.CW4e.up :to the time. 06 6u.U .60n4h-i.p the.y Me. but c.h-i..i.dJte.n not.
ma.tuJr.e .60n4 ~ FWtthe.JtmOJr.
e. U .i.4 ~,
"Z.6Jta..e..l.i.4 my .6on • " TiwA we. k.now tha.t .thO.6e. who Me.
btue 1.6Jt~
Z am no:t :ta.lh..in.g abou.:t:..the.Je.£U6J Me. c.ancUda.:teA 6M 6ull .6oMlUp be.c.au..6e.
06 the ..te..la.ti.On4Mp.
He.b. 12:7 ,,,16 ye. .e.ndwte. (Jte.ma.Ot unde.Jt~ ,~g
(c.JUld btcU.n..ingJ, Ya.hwe.h de.a.le.:th w.Uh you
a..6 SONS~•• , It..w RELATIONSHIP thai:. ,.w -U!.vo1.ve.d hes«, no« jt.L.6t. .the.' tJtcU.n..i.ng, but. the. Fa;the.Jt
,who! .6hou.l.d ~e. a.c.c.omp-U6he.d -in H.i.4 own 066.6pJt-ing. SOn4h-i.p due. to Jte..la.ti.On4h..i.p
-Otvolvu the. -Otti.ma.te de.a..Ung.6 06 .the FatheJr.wlih H-iA .6 OM •
Now, c.otiWiVt .tha..t_SOn4h..i.p -in~ol~u REGULATION. He.b. 12: 5-6 L!> ta.lk.-ing abou.:t. SOYL-Upa.nd.
If~nd ye. have: 60Jtgo:t:ten the. e.x.hoJt:ta:tion wh.i.c.h .4pe.a.k.e.:thurdo you a..6 u.n:to c.hU.dlte.n, My
SON, - dUp.we. not. .thou the. c.ha.4:te.n-i.ng lt1tcU.n..i.ngj 06. Ya.hweh, nOJt 6a..in.t whe.n thou Me. Jte.bu.k.e.d
lc.onv.inc.e.d, c.onv.tc.U.d) 06 H.un: 60Jt whom Ya..hwe.hlove..th He. c.ha.4:te.ne..th, and .6C.Ot.LJtge.the.ve.Jty
SON whom he. Jte.c.uveth
(Jte.c.uve.d bu.ide. J ."
FOJt .40n.6 .in p1te.pa..ta..ti.on 60-'t Jtu.t.e.MlUp, .the.Jte. .i..6
no otiteJr. way but C.oMe.c..tion, c.onv.inc..i.ng C:tndc.onv.i.c.Uon.
It._ taku
thI...6 :to bIt-ing about. 6uU
mo.:tuJr.UIj. Ye.:t w.Uh U. ctll, U .i..6 due. to H.i.4_e.ve.Jtla.4.ti.ng love. tha.t He. C.OMe.C.:t4 and btai.n-6
e.ve.Jtyone. :tha.t. He. Jte.c.uvu
0Jt lUe.Jta.ll..y Jte.c.uvu
L6 a.-iJn.i.ngt» .6U you buide. H-im
in. HL!>glo..ty and pOWVt, and ~
what. L!> ha..ppe.n.ing and wha:t ha..6 happe.ned ht yoWl. li6e L!>
:to pJtepa.1te you ooJc; that. p-la.c.e 06 hona«,
SOn4-h,{p ~
Rom. 8: 14 L!> a. ve.Jty 6a.mU..i.aJt pCU.6a.ge.06 .6CJr..tptwte., "Fos: M many a..6 Me. ted by the. Sp.i.JtU 06
.the. P.la.c.u (Yahweh J, :the.y Me. :the. SONS 06 Ya.hwe.h.If ThL!> dou not. me.an to be. lee - :toda.y and.
not: llga.i..n 60Jt a. long Ume..
I:t mean..6 a. c.onUnuOt.L.6 y.te.lde.dnU.6 to :the. '~e.at:Ung.4 00 :the. Sp,{Jt.tt..
Ma.y 1 Jte.m.i..ndyou :that. .in :thue. 4tu.cU.u we. ha..ve c.on.6.i.de.Jte.d tha.:t the. Spbc.U -iA the. MOTHER.in
th«. Yahweh Fam.Uy. Thelt.e.60-'te, U L!> thO.6e. who Me. 60Uow.Utg :the. le.a.cUng 06 the Mo:the.Jtwho
pJtove to be:the SONS 06 the. MO.6t H.tgh. ThL!> :the.n.i..6 not jt.L.6tREGULATION, bu.:t:.:thL!>.i..6 a.l..60
RELATIONSHIP w.Uh the. .~I?a."Je.n1yMothVt. .She..i..6.the. J~/J~ale.m wlUc.ft.·,b.Fa;b()lJi·:~~ -,u. the.
MOTHER06 U4 a.U, a.tld M Mothe.Jt, .6he ha« :the Jti.ght' and Ji.Upon4.i.bUUy
06 leacUng :the. .60M.
He.-'t le.adi.ng.6 Me. ne.VeJteVtMUc. and haJr..4h, but he.Jt le.a.di.ng.6 Me. tha.:t 06 a. lov.ing mothe.Jt who
on-ly c.oo.nt.6 the. Ve.Jty but. 60Jt he»: .60M. _PIt.L.6. :th04e. le.a.cU.ng.6 wiU a.1wa.y.6ha.ve. the. :te.ncieJtne.-6.6
06 the. 6em.&Wte. touc.h, the. bJtood.ing. hove.Jt-ing, lov-ing d.Vt.e.C.tiOM 60./t e.a.c.h 06 he»: -60M. The
Fathe.Jt C.OMe.C.:t4, wfUc.h .i..6 HL6 pVtoga.:ti.ve., but :the MOTHERtead«, And, U m.i.gh:t be. adde.d, .t6
he.Jt lea.IU.ng.6 ~e. heeded, :theJte. Ls le..6.6 c.au..6e 60Jt C.oMe.c.Uon.
So:the REGULATIONS60Jt :the. .60n4
a/te. CORRECTIONand LEADING--mMc.u.lkne. ,'. C.oMe.c.Uon, oe.m.iJWte. le.a.t:Ung.
FoUow.Utg the. REGULAT1ON c.omu REDEMPTION. By the. WCUJ, 1 would Uke. to .inte.Jtj ecz :thL!>
./te.de.mpt.i.on.i..6 .6br..i.c.t1.tj an I.6Jt~U:te. :teJr.m,i.nology. The. puJtP04e. 06 the. Sa.v.tOt.LJtWM
to REDEEMI.Ma.e!. Ne.ve.Jt.the..t.U.6, H.i..6.6a.cJU.6.i.c.e.at. ea.l..vMY ~
not .ti.mLted :to Z4-'ta.el, 60Jt He
pJtomi6ed :tha.t. He. w~uld eVtaw ~
me.s:t.LfI-:tDH.im. So whoe.ve.-'t wo~
c.a.?lupon H.im wou..ld be. saved ,
bu.:t. 4tJr.i.c.:t4J .4pe.aJUng-,Jt.e.demp.Uen -.(4 6-eJt-1~ae:t--wn-eJte.~ ';&tiva;Uon--,(..6 dOJt--a;tt •• · -"
We. k.now tka;t;. Jtwe.mp:ti..on. :touc.hu the--~p.<Jr.4~~.&'W.:t___Then.i.:t. WOJC:M-in :the ~01.L.t.1m.i.nd
-'te.a..lm :to
b-'thtg abou.:t:.a. cha.nge.. LMUy, i:t L!>Jte.de.mpUon 6M .the.. body whe.Jte.by the. phy.6-ic.a.l ahanqe:
.ta.ku p.t.ace.. Rom. 8: 23, IiAnd no:t only the.y, bu.:t. Ou./t.6e.lvu a.l...60, wlUc.h have. the. 6.i.M:t6Jtu.U-6
06 the. sp.iJr.U, e.ve.n we. oL.Llt.6e.lvu gJLOa.nw.i.:tJz.,&.z.
Ot.LJt~e.lvu. ~g
60.1t :the. adoption,
:the. Jtede.mpUon 06 :the body."
The. VVL-6U above. thL!> one. me.n.:Uon the. SONS 06 :the. Mo.-6:tH.(.gh,
.60 we. know U .i..6 Jte6e.M.ing to the. SONS in. :thL!> VVL-6e.~o.
It. L!>.6:ta.:te.d:tha.:t the. .60M Me.
and gJtoan.tng 60Jt :the. ADOPTIONwh.i.c.h woJtd mea.n4 SON PLACING, OJt the. pla.c.ing 06 boJtn
.60M .into the..i.Jt ma.joJtUy 0Jt rno.:tu.Jt.Uy. Adopdon hM noth-i.ng wha..t6oe.vvr.to do w.Uh tak.ing a.
c.h-Ud oJtom one. 6am.Uy and p.t.a.c..i.ngU In. anothe.Jt. The. tvLm me.an.6 to pla.c.e. a. bosn. .6on .i.n:t.o
hL6 null ma.jOJtUy whe.Jte he. Ls able. to 6ully JtepJtue.n:t the Fa.:the.Jt. Tlli adoption .i..6 -then
e.xpWne.d M .the. REDEMPTIONOF THE BODY. It,w.:t:Jt.,W phyMC.a1. c.ha..nge. :tha;t maku man.i.6ut
0.It t.Lnve..i..t..6
:the SONS. utLt-U that t.Lnve..i.l.ing .taku p.la.c.e.* no one. ouUy know.6 wha.:t has be.e.n
a.c.c.omp.ti.4hed unde»: the. vill.
1 -61.LPPO.6e.
.tha;t e.ac.h -i.ndi.vi..dua.l will be mo./te. 4UpIt.i..6ed a,t wha-t
hM-.bee.n done. w.<.th..<.n
IU.m than. what otheM .6e.e has be.e.n done; The. Jte.de.mpuon 06 the. body
.i..6 the. loo~g
06\ th.i..6 moJt:ta.t. body -i.ntc -imnoJt:t.a,i,Uy to be. a.ble. to do what. ne.e.c:.i6:to be. done.
:thJtoughout the. whole. eaJtth.
Tw' L!> not glM.t6.i.c.a.:ti.on 06 whic.h 1 .6pe.ak, bu.:t.Jte.de.mpt.i.on.
we ~hall. corLMdelt RULERSHIP. Gal •. 4: 1, ~f' "Now I saq , Tha..t .the. he.-i.Jt., M tong M
he. .w a. chLed di..66eJteth noth.in.gnJtom a. .6eJtvan.t, -Otough he be !o.ltd 06 aU; bu.-t.w undeJt tu.:toM
and' goveJtnoM u.n.i::il the. ~
a.ppointtd 06 the. 6a.theJt ••••• whue.6oJte. thou. aJti: no mOJte.a. -6uvan.t,
bu;t a. SON; and '<'6 a. .6on .then an hw
06 Yahweh tJvr.ough CM.i4t. lM~I."
REGULATION, aJtd REDEMPTION, then cdme..6 RULERSH1P. M long M the boJtn .6on Ls a. c~,
.i4 alwo.y-6 wtdeJt tutoJt-6 and govvmoM u.nt.U the .tUne. a.ppoWe.d.
Bu..t upon Jte.aching h.w 6ull
maj 0Jr.,i;ty, he becomu an he.iJr. and a. Jtule.Jt. The.Jte. 1...6 n.o .6U.C.h t:JUn.a M RULER.C\HIPwi.tltou.t:. the.
nece.44,v'!l p.tepaltation
gJtow.Utg up by cOJr.Jtec.Uon and cUlte.c.Uon by the. Mothe.Jt and the. fa..the.Jt
and then coming .into the change. 06 the. body--the. Jr.e.dempUon 06 ~
TheJte..w a.
glLe.a..tJtugn ahead whe.Jte.by the. whole. e.cvr.th w.Ul. be. &bdue.d unde.Jt H.w ano.in:te.d on~, bu..t.u:. .
.w not: ga..i.ne.d a;t a. 4.i.ngle. bound nOJt doe.4 u: take. p.ea.c.e. be.60Jr.e. the. .tUne. a.ppo.£nted 06 the.
He..w WOJtfUng on a. time plan, and at. the tight time. e.vuyth.in.g w..i.U 6a..U isu»
p.la.c.e. and e.ach -6on w..i.U be. Jtea.cUe.d na.d p.te.palte.d 6 0Jr.Jr.u..t.eJr.-6h..ip.
I w.i...6h I could .te.U you the.Jte WM an eMy waJJ, bu.-t .the.Jte .w not.
You Me. ~
undeJt :the.
hand 06 :the,Fa.:the.Jt and :the. cLUte.c.:ti.on 06 .the. Mo:theJt and will con.:tinue. :to be. u.n.:tU 6uU
Jtede.mp.ti.on L6 man.i.6~t.
The.Jte60Jr.e. do not be.come. d-WcoUJta.gfd nO)( 6a.W tu: HL6 Jte.bu.he., bu.:t
Jta..theJt Jtejo.<.ce. know-<.n.g.(;t Ls woJtfUng 60Jr. you a. 6aJt mOJte.and e.:te.Jtna.t we,ight 06 g.(.oJty.
Heb. 2:1 0 :t.e.U..6 U4 a.bou.:t H.i.m "te.a.cU.ng ma.ny SONS to gloJty," and :tha.:t U4U.a.Uy bJt.ing4 a. ~hou:t
6Jc.ommany, bu.:t1JJt:t.U.a...moment I The. wOJtdGLORY: .in the. Glte.ek -Ls VOXOS,and U com~ 6Jtom :the.
woJtd VOKEd wlU.ch me.an..6TO THINK.
A.6 you Me be.i.ngled co gloJty, J..:t .tJ.;tvr.a.Uy meanb, you
Me. be..ing !ed :to btue. thA..nJU.ng whvr.e. :the. mUui .£4 6u.U.y :taken ovvr. by·:the. m.&td 06 :the Mo'.6:t
H.<.gh. Then and onttj :then w..i.U you be. able. xa Jtfght.e.ou.4ly Jtlde. a . ugn.
de.pe.nd.4 upon a. mhtd tJzaj; .w 6u..t.ly Jtene.we.cLand contJtoUe.d by the. S I. Lt; a. mind tJzaj; w
be.come. :the. mi.nd 06 :the .in6.i.rUte One...
To bJt.i.e.6l1J
up: The. .6onJJh.i.p company .£4 pa.:t:te.Jtned a.6:tVt ~e. Son. E«.c.h one .w
boJtn 06 Inca upUble. seed and :thu.4 Jr.e..ta:ted :to :the. fa.t.heA and M VI; and :thfloJtu-t on:thflo
6am.U.tJ. Each one Pa4.6U :thJtough :the Jte.gtda..t.i.onJJ 06 cOJtJte.c.tion
cLUtec.:ti.on u.n.:tU :the
thne. a.ppo~
on the. Fa-t'te.Jt. EM.h one ~i.naUy cornu to(:the Jte.d I Oyc--v6--:the.~~od!/ ,~,ch
-w :the. ad?~~n oJt ~oap~i.ng M ma-tu/ted .60M. And, ea..c.h one. . b~ ought to Jr.ul~h.i.p
wheJte.by the wlJ,ole. eaJt:th clan be 6Ule.d with :the. knowledge 06 H.w 9 oJty. GlLe.at..£4 the a.a.lUng
06 .60n-6h.i.p, :to -6onJJh.i.pand-Ut'.60MMp,
.theJte60Jte., you. .60n-6 06 Y
coUJta.ge, 60JtI,pie.
.on .w a;t hand.
6501 tJJrus/i Country$.I. #148
J1i.ustin, lJX 78749