World War II Memories, 1995 (Part 2)


World War II Memories, 1995 (Part 2)
Moody Field
These pictures t('11 the early story of AIM/y, established
in 1941 as an Air Training Base {or Twin Engine Bomber
Pilot Training.
Thelop photographI::. Cla..,j 42E, graduating ~ lay , 1941.
whileat the right isa Beechcraft A1-1 0 and below, J
viewinsidea maintenance hangar.
Atbottom It.'ft i5 a view of the tOWN control roomwith
radioand instruments.
T)1X'5 of Training Plant'S
usedat MlUly Fidd during
lVorid lVar II:
Cl'S~n<1 AT-17
Curtis AT·~
Bccchcraft AT·IO
NorthAmerican 8-25
NorthAmerican AT-/> (5E)
George E. Sikes
121I/lfalltry Regimt'llt
SIllf antry Divisioll
George Hubert "Bouncer" Smilh
28Photo RL'comzaisSllllcr Sqd.
VII Air ForC<'
Attadu'd. 2 Mari1lt' Dit'isioll
Above, "Bouncer" is standing beside
a P38, whileat lefthe is siltingal the
controls of a plane.
Maxwell Stalvey
All/rillt' Corl's
.3 Mllrillt' PI/radl/ltr BII.
1st MllrillL' Division
Fought with his Battalion in the Solomon
Islands, Bougainville. and lwo[irna.
Francis Julian Norman
Army AirForct's
Sol Tn-.v,' Carrit'r Squadro1l
Mitchell Jones Smith
Roy D. Thomas
1866 £"sillca Arrilltioll Balta.Jiol/
TheAl'iatioll ElIgillt'L'r~ kept busy as the American forces moved
from islandto island in the Pacific. Therewas .1Iw.lYS .1 new
forward airfield to bt' built.
TIll' markeron his grave at Sunset Hill, Valdosta, is typicalof those
placed on gravesof thosewho served.
Walter H, Stembridge
B' II<'r¥ C/ 51 Fidd Arlil/c"l BII. / 6 111r'"lry Di"i,i""
An earlv draftee, be served with the "Sight-:'t'cillg"
Dit'jsimi fin' vears, from Hawaii to his return via
Alaska, They"campaigned in NewGuineaand
Luzon, Philippines Islands.
B-24 "Liberator" Heavy Bomber - England, 1945
56. Bomb Squadrou /389 Bomb Group / XIII AirForet'
This planeand crewwas based near Norwich, England, tlyingmissions 10 Germany in March and l\ priI 19i 5. Crew: Ll R, Front - Lewis, Engineer; McDowd l, Nose
Gunner; Joyce, Bottom Turret Cunner; Henthorn, Waist Cunner; Erickson, Lower Cunner: Thomas, Radio Operator/Top Turret Gunner. L/R, Rl"U · Parsons, Pilot; Dckot.
Co-Pilot; Hoad, Bombardier/Waist Gunner: and Leon ard Rudolph Howell, Navigator.
The Underseas Fleet
Crewof the U55 Elllem,dor 55-.J.IO at commissioning of the vessel, 19-1-1.
In 19-1-1, the U 5 &I;/",il' 55-Nl. sanka Japanese freighter. It was the
practice, when possible. to pickup survivors.In thisphoto sequence. a
japanese sailor isbeing taken aboard as a prisoner of war.
In the centerphoto. standingon deck watching the activity, is Charles
Wesley Barnes , [r., the Engineering Officer.
Charlie's initia l submarineservice waswith the llSS Trollt 55-201 as
Commissary Officer. whilo on the Trolll . they sank several freightersand
small naval vessels, He transferred tothe &ISItJ1il' asCommunications
Officer. Afterwards, the Trollt was sunk bv theJapanese and allaboard
werelost, February, 19-1-1. Later, he servedas ExecutiveOfficeron the U55
Elltl'lll<,dor 55-J.lO.
. .....
... ...
USS Ellfell/t't!or 55-340. Inset above the submarine is a close-up of the 20mm gun used as anti-aircraft protection. Thl'lISS E"lrll/fl/or helped maintain a picket patrol off thecoast of
Japan, 19-15, to rescue downed American flyers.
*Sergeant Robert Elmo Deloach
Army / CompallY B
1211llfillltnJ Regiment / BIllfalltry DivisiOlI/ 'T heGolden Arrow"
Home on leave, with his wife,
Frances Cov.. . art Deloach.
Lived with his familyin Remerton, where they workedat the Strickland
Cotton Mill. Robert wasemployed in thecommissary.
Drafted into the Arm)', October, 19~1, he wassent to Camp Croft, South
Carolina, for training. He was later assigned to CompallYH, 1211/1fimtry
Regimmt,8 Dil'ision, Fort Jacksoll, South Carolina. Company B wasa unit of
the GeorgiaNat iollal GlIard, from Barnesville.
He married Frances Cowart August 3,19-12.The division sailed for
England, December, 19~3, and crossed to France, july I, 19~~ .
Duringthe fighting in Normandy, he was awarded the Broll:f Star Melial
for "heroicservices as a squad leader against theenemyon the 13th ofJuly,
1 9~~ . " Sergeant Deloa ch wasleading his platoon across an open field
through machine-gun fire from threesides, He wascredited withslnglehandedly wipingout fou r German machine-gun positions. He was
wounded in this action and received the PurpleHeart.
Back to duty with his unit,
engaged at Saint Lo,
August3L 19~ , he was
killed in action. He was24.
Sergeant Deloa ch is buriedat the Brittally Amf.'ricQlt Military Ct'lfldery, SaintJames (Manche),
France. At right is pictured his grave and a general view of the cemetery.
Robert M. Williams
60Firld Artill,,,, Battalioll
10A1(1lmlaill Division
He attended Valdosta Public Schoolsand graduated
from the Ullitrd Statl's Military Acadcllly, West Point,
Class of 1939.
He was CommandingOfficer of the 60th Field Artilll>ry
&ttalioll of the lOtli MOl/lltai" Di['i~i(lll . He led them
through campaignsin Italy from Rome-Arne to the Po
Valley. I\ear the end of hostilities in Italy, he was
severely wounded by enemyartillery fire.
AfterWorld War II, he was assigned to the JlIdgr
Adrrocate GrtlrralCorps. In 1968. he was appointed
Assistant Judge Advocate Cencralof the ArmyforCivil
Law. He retired in 1969 after a distinguished military
career. and died July 12, 1994.
(11ft 1(1 rigllt) Winston C. Coleman, Jack C. Williams, Harold McCrary,
Lionel Ebbert Deming
Army/ColI/flJmy G/ 11111l! a1llry Rigillll"1lt
Forl/ac/:.",".S.c.. 19.1{)
T. Baron Gibson
ClIQI,lailf C0'1~
Owen King Prewitte, Anl/Y AirForer
Mrs. Aline Jones Prewitte
Mrs. Altnc Ioncs Pre\.. . itte, Gold Star Mother of lsi Lt. William Vivian Prewittc,
W,lS presented the medals awarded him. ,lt A1(j(ljly Fit'lll on April 1-1, 19.Ji
lst It. I'rewitte rec eived the PI/rl,ll' Hellrl. Di,,'illSll i~IIl'li Flyi"g ((():O s, and Air Ml'tidf
with twoOdk Lt'afC1u ~ttr~ . He " \15 killed Augusl16. 19-1-1. when his 8-2-1 bomber.
flyin~ from England, crash...-d in the North St.'.1. (See pagl" 2)
Anotherson, Corporal OWl'R King Prewitte, who was stationed <It Mooly f it'ld, is
standing with her.
USS Man';nMcl"tvrt
John F. Gibson
Amlll Air Forces
JU6 &m/lCrollI' / XIV AirFora
john was a turret gunner on a B-2i
Bomber and completed 27missions
in the Clli"a· B lmllQ· I"J~l ((B"
Theater. HI.' was based at Rupsi.
During World War I he serve.. .i .1S ,1
Chaplain \v-ith the AIllt'TicQ/1
Ex'lt'lfititlllary Force, Army, in
France. His World War IIservice
was with the Nat'Y. firstat NAS
Pt'1I:sJcola, Florida. In the Pacific. he
was with the forces in the invasion
of Okinawa, S('(\·ingon the Attack
Transport USS A!arvin Mcintyre.
"Old Gray Bonnet Regiment"
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Army 0.\ l"'on.. \\~'f\'~nlJ'l'\! ~ - ""'Iw rt>-, ",,'>lntn~ t'ach h.KI four n~m\('flt<. , Iht~· were R"l"'S.1nUC'd a
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T'ht. ft'gunrnl Colmr.llgl1l.'\J In ~'"lIlIUInch •. nnhMn Fromer. Rhlnl.'Lu1d. Anil'f1llL~Al"-K.... . nJ C~'ntr.1
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Dunn}o: \\odJ \\u 1l.lf\oln\· of IhrmJ;U'Io1J mrmt."'r",,(Jt lh l" comr&"\ trMl'll"J'Tt'\i (lUI tuothrr br..nch.....Cl4
"R & R" - Rest & Recreation
Josephine Reddick
Moody Fwld
U.S.D. Building
Clockwise, from top left, the United Services Organization (u.s.a.)
building.locatedbetweenRiver Street and \Vest CentralAvenue. This
was thecentral entertainment centerforthe AIOtldy FidJboysin
Valdosta. Bu5.."t.'S brought them hen' for dances and other
entertainment, hosted by local girlsand volunteermothers.
At lop right. Josephine Reddick (laterxtrs. Donald E. Gerlock) poses on
thedivingtowerat the.\ 101111.1,' Fil'1J pool. whileat bottomrightMarine
*Josc.'ph ~1 . Davis is charmed by twins. Aline and Irene Parrish.
t\'e\t, at right, a Valdosta soldier in Hawaii was given this picture by a
friend. dancing in d native costume. On the backshe wrote,
"Remember me- alway:> - Philomina Naihima.....and. he alway~ did!
At left. Fred J. Grooverstands outside the American Red Cross
WJ~hingtoll Club, near Piccadilly, in London, England. The Red Cross
took over hotels, such as the Washington Hotel.for servicemenon
leave, providing overnight WOOlS, food and entertainment.
Fred Julian Groover
Joseph Malachi Davis
Aline Parrish
Irene Parrish
Philomina Naihirna
War Crimes Trial
Abow,110 the bus, ~o i ng 10 the International Mili tary Tribunal for trial,are [apanese
prisoners held responsible for war crimes.The man at the far left with dark hat,
g l.b~~ and moustacheis General Hideki Tojo, who it!' Premier led [apan into war
with the United States in . He was executed as a war criminal.
Foster Zipperer
Am('rical Dit'i~ i<l/l
720 MilitaryPt,lict'
Poster Zipperer[oined the Americal Diz-i5ioll in the Philippines in lQ-I; , .1 s~ i gnl.'li as J
n-plarement. Thedivision WJ~ training on Ccbu bland for the expectedinvasionof
[apan, From this Rtl,lilWllt llt ( om,.,.my, several men were selected fOT servicein the
720 Military Ptl{jct, as~igTll--d to Xl ( °'115.
XI c0'l~
Milito", Pt,fict Ddaclimt71t
HI '01/111Iilrtl'f'S
As pout 01 the occupationarmy, he was among thosechosen fOT assignmenllo a
Ht'I1JllIlQrter~ Ddilcl,mt'llt. The detachment was respore...ible for guarding and
transporting prisoners to the l"tm liltiCl/Jal Militl1ry Tribllllal-Far fa~t , where they
were being tried for war crimes.Althougharmed. the ~lP's were instructed to
prutl'lt and control the prisoners. but not to shootfhcm under any circumstances,
even if tht.·y attempted escape. Daily at 7:00am, they picked up the prisonersand
transported them bybus to the court.
FosterZipperer t.1h'!' J ride in it rick.....haw in Tokyo, 19-15.
Cadets at Moody Field
Alexander \\'l'lll~ Skoropat, an ArmyAir [t)ferTraining Instructor ill Moody Firld,
Force Cadetat Il'tt. This 1~2 pictureshowsNorthAmerican Alb trainingplant'S is Flanked by Army Air Forct' Cadetson the rightand an Army Air Force Cadetstanding witha R"JYtJI Air
in the background . Many Brite..h Royal Air ForrtCad eb were trainedat Mtlt\ly
Parachute Infantry
101 A;rl~)ml' Div;s;,,"
"Screaming Eagh's"
AirborneDivisions had "Pathftlldtrs" whoseasslgnrnent was to parachute
behind('nmylint'S and establish"drop" or "landing" zones for those' vho
followed .It was J job fraught with danger. Theycarried radio homing
devices and radar. Two"sticks", in separate planes, were always dropped
so that at It'ast one mightsurvive and SUCCl.'t-d, in the mission.
Below, the 101 AirllOnlt' Dil,jjion PallifilldlT!' are pictured before takin~ off
June 5, 19-4-4. for the D·D,ly invasion. "MaC''' Tillman is standing at top right.
Over Normandy, the plane was hit by flak. The pilot made a tum and
ditched into the English Channel. Rescued by the British Destroyer. HAtS
T.,rtar, the)' were heldon the ship for threedays after the June6 invasion,
Then, transferred to a Pl boat , tht.' r wert' transported to Portsmouth.
Issued British uniforms. thev wert.' returned to the base from which thev
had departed. They remained separated from the Division until it was '
withdrawn from France and reformed in England for their nextdrop.
September 17, 1944, al7Am, Holland,
Lachlan Macpherson "~I.1C" Tillman, third from right, top row, isstanding
with his "stick" of P"tIJji"dm; in Belgium, 19-45.
when the Division wasactivated. ~Iaior Ccncral W.e. Lee said "TIlt 101M
Airbonlt" Dh';j;o/l 'LIS 110 ',ijtof1l, bill it }lJlj a Jt':.'hml. " It found its "Jt.'$t;m( at
Bastogre. Belgium.December 19+.1. the Battle of the Bulge. Perhaps it was
not as he fOTl'S.lW the "J losljm(. as the 101:01 was not airborne in this action:
it was fi~htin~ as ground force infantry, havingbeen rushed into position
December IS, I q~ on trucks. Fewrealized thcv Wt'Wheaded forcombat,
becauseof the paucityof theireq uipment and ammunition.
December 20,"Mac" and his Palllft/llkr "stick" were dropped into the area
occupied by the surrounded 101 Airbonlt Dir ijiolJ at Bastogre. which was
fighting a classic"closed circle" defense with littleequipment and
ammunition. Their mission was to deliverand set up radar and homing
devicesforair drops of ammunition, food and other supplies which
followed ,
Surrounded and in desperate conditions, the Acting Commander,
Brigadier General AnthonyMcAuliffe, gave.l famous one word reply,
December 22, to the Germandemand forsurrender, "Nuts,"
*Joe Justice
377 ParQ(hlltt' Arlilltty BII.
101 Airbor1lt DirisJOII
At horneon leavebefore
departingoverseas. JOt..' is
with Louise Mock.
jumped in Normandy with
his battalionon D·D.1\', June
6, 19-H. He was wounded in
actionJune 25and died June
28. 19-H. He was 23vears
Bill)' Brantley Lastinger
John Kyle Zipperer
An"" AirForct"S
23 F(,?Jftt"r Sq/ll1drcl/l
36 Figlllt'rGroup
IX AirForet'
Willie Alvin Shumphard
9-1 Engineer Battalion
Insupport of the operations.
there was alwavs work for the
Engineers. With his battalion, he
Thomas Norwood Holcombe, Jr.
j'ln ",
served in 'orth Africa, 11.,1\·,
France andCormany.
U55 Paid';' PCSS~
S(,?/1l11 Company
Nat'll AmJ,!li[Ji(ll/sForce
VIII A"ipl/Mtllls Force (Pacific)
He transferred. to the MJi.'Y A"'IJ1Iibioll!; Forct' and was in
James G. Tunison
Marine Corps
I Marillt' Rt'.,?imi'llt 11Aft/Tint' Dh'isiol/
Okinawaand Cuadalcanal came first. Then the FIrst
'\-Llri'll~ were sent to Tientsin, China. 10 assist the
Armyof the Republic of China in demobilizing the
the Okinawa invasion.
japanese forces in northern China.
Norwoodwas ,1 Quartermaster/ Signalman on the USS
Prridt1t. Thevpatrolled the Pacific islandgroups of the
Cilberts. Mjrshalb and Midway.
The Ntn>y A"'plzibit11lSForet was a "ground" fighting
organization, along~idl' A1l1ritlt'$ and the Anlly.
R. B. Montgomery
Waller James Gaskins
Navy / USS Ariwl/a / USS MeDol/ollX"
Survived the explosionand sinkingof the USS
Ari:Olfl1 88-39at Pear! Harbor, December 7, 19-11,
when it was hit by japanesebombs. Dying in the
attack were 1,177 ofhisshipmates,
w hen the "abandon ship" order was given. Gaskins
followed the guidance he gol as a South Georgia farm
boy - his father had taught him"alwaysslaybehind
the fi re" in the woods, neverout front. The waterwas
covered with burningoil.but he swam 10 Ford bland.
alwaysstaying behind the burningoil!
He was later assigned to the USS!drDol/ough, ,1
destroyer, and served in the Pacificuntil the end of
the war.
Will iam Pope Langdale
Marillt' Corps
3Marine Rtgimt'llt
3 Ml1rillt' Dir.'isicm
was 21 months in the Pacific,
his most notable action being
in the engagement at Piva
Forks, Bcugainville, Solomon
Islands. Here he led his
combat patrol of 15 men
again~t a superiorJapanese
force, inflicting many
casualties on the encmvand
forcing their retreat. .
Androckles Manu s la rsen, Jr.
"Hamben e"
Army/ 13-11 Combat EngineerB1I. / X Army
e Thomas walla ce Oliver
NnmlAL'iatioll Sm'ict'
A PBM"Martin Mariner" pilot fl vinganti-submarine
patrol, he died in a crash November 30,1944.
At Fort Kamt'lllllllt'1Ia, Oahu, ,1t the entrance to PtarlHarbor, on December 7,
19-11, he was startled by the sound of explosions about 7:55A.I\.t. His unit
was not armed. Very shortly they moved into activity, sandbagging the
ArmyCommand Post and preparingfortifications.
Jle servedin Hawaii, Supan, Tinian, New Hebrides(Vanua tu), and W.15
on Okinawawhen the war ended.
Standing with him is hissister,Dorothy Larsen Parker.
Donald McDonald III
306 Illfautry Rt'Ximt'llf 177lllfalltry Diri s;lm
Oliver Rive" McDonald ICl
220 MI'/lical Battalioll /20 ArllliJrt'd Dil'isiotl
Earle S. McKey n.m
Jack Holt McDonald IRI
71 7 RililrooJ Ball.lioll / 111 AnllY
Mnlic.f tolJ~
June Lee McDonald
Marine Cory's
Flee; A1ari/lt's
The McDonalds
[uneand Jack wert! twins. Juneserved
withthe Flfft Mari lft':' in the Pad fic. Jack
was with TIlirdArmy in Europe, from
Normandy to Vienna. Austria, opcrattng
the railways in support of the troops.
Barges wereloaded with equipment and
supplies on railway cars, in England, and
transported acrosstheChannel. Thenthey
were transported bytrains. across Europe.
The717 Railnltltf Balta/itm built, repaired ,
maintainedand operated the railways.
Donald was with the J06 FielJArlillt'ry 811.
in theSouth Pacific, on Guam, and Levte
in the Philippines.
Oliverserved with the 220 Medical
Battalionin Germany and Austria.
Donald McDonald Ileftl and
Oliver Rivers McDonald
Harold ~l cCra ry
AftJicJJI Ddac!lmml
1211rifalltry Rrgimt'1l1 /30 hifarltry Div;siOll
Cene L Metts
i02Tank Dts"troytr BII.
Ann!! Air Ftlrcts
416 Bamb Grollp
VIII Air Fore,
Joyce F. Mixson
Mt'Jical Corl's
HI1S1'itl1l Shil' Ulli!
Theship in whichhe
served transported
the woundedacross
the Channel from
France to England.
George L. Moulton
68Armomllllfillltry 811.
14 Arlllort'li Dii.'isitl/l
Served in the Rhineland , Germany.
and in Central Europe.
Sol Miller
354 l"fal/fry 'Rtgimt'JIl
891nfimtry Dittisitl/l
111 Army
A Russian immigrant, he was
drafted into the Armv jenuarv 5.
19-1-l. He served .1S infant~'man
in the Ardennes and otherareasof
northe rn France, the German
Rhineland, and Central Europe.
when contact was made with the
Russian forces, he '.v. as a Russian
language interpreterfor the Third
*Kenyon Orville Miller
Arm.1I Air ForCt'S
Mal' 12, 19+1, he was killed duringa
bombing raid 10 Germany. Theplanecrashed
into the Engl ishChannel. He wasa tail
gunner and had been credited with shooting
down three German planes during his first
combat mission.
Grantland Sheppard Miller
John McGowan
Mt',/iclll ~tnticl'
Attended Emory University, Atlanta. in a
naval training program. Later served as J
physician on .1 ship offthe Korean coast.
Slwt'lIIakrr Nattal Bast', Cllif.
Horne on leave, with his wifeMartha.
Ed ward Harrison Mixson
Mt'liiClII Corps
307Gel/t'm! Hospital (Pl1i1ipP;lIes)
13 Cellt'ral H()~I';tlll (Ill/11m)
"Doctor Harry" was with forces inthe
Philippines and served in the
occupation of Jap,1O,
Thomas Richard Nisbet
Mt'Jica! St'n'ice Corl'5
35 Medical O,·/",t
His adopted peldog "Capsule"
traveled with him as the NintJl
Army invaded Germany.
Ernest J. Nijem
Army Air Force»
1 Fighta Group
A·ft'dita rallt'all Allit'd Air FMC!?
Assigned tothe M.A.A.F. in Italy, he is standin~
outside his temporary home ncar SanSeviro.
Harry Nadack (#15) (5<-e Page70)
This isoneof the 1943 Moo<iy Fidd basketball teams coached byIVO Bill Conner. The
base champions!
• ••
W. Arthur Porter
Army Air Fom~
Sally Lou Powell (rightl
Womm's Antty A'!lXi/iQry ( 0'l1'S
Pictured with her niece, Hall' Powell.
James R. "[i rnbu" l'c well
Marill f Cor/ ~
I Raidt" Rt',o,:;lIIt'ld
.J Rni,fer&ltl a!icl/l
Foughton Okinawa. In top
photo. at right.he,isshown
with a fellow xlarinc.
Wilmotine Ragan
Nurse Corps
Namf Hospitlll. Portsmollth. VI).
Thomas Wilton Ragan
Asa Natty Cadet. he attended
pre-flight school at the
Universitv of Ccorgie. Athens.
HI.' madehis careerin the Sat'!'
and retired as a Petty Officer.
Peter Clark Quarterman, Jr.
498 Bomb Sqlladroll/ 3-15 Bomb GrailI'
VIII A" Foret
Wasan Enginl't'r /Gunner on a 6-25
flyingmissions to New Guinea, the
Philippim'>, and le Shima, Japan.
Jack Ragan
Army AirForces
1978 QM Truck Co.
W Air Drl"'t GrollI'
VIII Air Forer
John IV. Selph
J09 AlIti-Tallk Co.
Served withhisanti-tank comp<ln)' in
France. Belgium and Cerrnanv. He was
wounded and received the pli,!,!!' Ht'art .
* Herman R. "Smokey" Rivers
Cmll/(l/l CompallY
lVillie Sauls
E"X;lIl'('r Battalioll
.lOS /lIrollt ry R,-gilll<'llt
77 Dil,jsioll
A forward observerin Cannon
Company, "Smokey" "\1S killed in
actionon Guam,July 26,1944. He was
First Sergeant of this company.
A member of the Valdosta Natiollal
GlIard,CIIIIII'ally G, 121 Illfalltry
RcXilllt'/lt , he went on activemilitarv
service, September16, 1940. Themiit
went to ForI /ackS()/I, South Carolina, for
training. He later was assigned to the
i7 Division for overseasservice.
Roscoe Rouse, Jr.
AntIllAir Forces
VIIi Air Force
During hisAAF service, tlying as
a B-17 Navigator, from England,
he completed 33combat
missions and survived two crash
Mackey IV. Sauls
Julian Carol Sherwood
362 1,,!mlfryRt'g;/IIf1lt / 911"!lHftry Dirl;S;O/l
ACombat Infantryman and a Mess Cook, hewas
responsiblefor keeping the 200 men of his unit fedand
happy. It has been said that "an Army marches on its
stomach!"With the "Will! West" DiI'isioll, he served from
aples, Italy, to the Yugoslav border.
Fred Simmons
Laf orrest Smith (Eberhardt)
USNR(WJ · Wat'CS ·
All/aim! Dh1isitm
Naml O,'t'rfltioll:>, WlIsI,illgltm, D.C.
Thomas Davis Shelton
. igllols
Before her careerended. she was a Regular Navy Lieutenant
!lIIlgt' Adl'ofate CCllna! Corps
With the Amcricnl Di llj:;;OIl in the South Pacific, Tum wasan
"Island Hopper" - Fiji, NewCaledonia. Cuadnlcanal and
Bougainville in the Solomon Islands.
The A1Ilf'ricaJ Division was formed in Hawaii and was the onlv
unnumbered division in the Anny during World war II. .
Commander, one of the first women tohold a Regular Navv
Afterher retirement, shemarried Judge Homer Eberhardt of
Valdosta and Atlanta.
Harold Southgate
Ar1ll11 Air Foret'S
6 AirCars" Rt~III'Ply Sq"ad"," / V Air Force
5<"",,<1 m the Pacific Theater. including the Philippines.
Joseph G. 5tev'ens
Eugene E. Slocum
1 "ifnI/try Regil/lt'llt / 5 ltzfillltry Dii'isioll
Landing atOmaha Beach in the Normandy Invasion, hefought through
France to the Battle ~f the Bulge. Cone wasin France, Belgium and
Luxemburg. On Christmas Eve, 194-1, he was wounded bvGerman machine-
gunfire, thus endinghis European service. He returned to America aboard a
hospital ship. The best sight he had seen sinceleaving the UnitedStateswas
his retumtng \ 'It'W ofthe Statueof Libertv in New York Harbor.
942 EIIgilltW
AI'illtiOIl TOllOgral'hical Bu.
VIII AirF"rcc / IXAirF"ra
Was an aerial photography
Interpreter. He was in
England. workingwith both
the VIII a/ld XI AirF"rcc.
Albert S. Pendleton, Jr.
317 "~""'t ry Rl'gimt'llt / 80 ,,,fill/t ryDiI'i..ion
The battlefield fighting ended fur "Bert" NovemberS, 1 q~
when he was hit by cnemv fin', northeast of \!ancv, France.
during the push ttl the Rh'int'with the "Rlllt' RiJ,~ r" Dirris/tlll.
, ,
He W.h taken to ,10 Army Hospital in N,me)'. Later, he was
transferred to a hospitalin England where he staved until
March. 1~45.
Aboard the RMS Qllt'fll Ala"" he arrived at Staten bland, New
York, and was transferred to a train for hb homeward journev.
lit' arrivedback in (;t'orgia March 15, tQ.t5, histwentieth
Clarence M. Paine
627 E"gitll'Cr Ligllt Eqljipmt'llt Co./ I Armll
Designated ,1'" a "Light Equipment Company". he
insiststhat nothing the 62jtl, ElIgilll't,rs had was
"light". He ncmembersl'wrylhing a~ bt.'ing quite
hcavj-. They gavesupport to organizations of the
Fir:.>t Army in its march through France, Belgium and
William r. Pendleton (left)
Na llY / Nat'l/ Pa/n,1 FlIrcl'
Cml' J8S/ NASCtlrplI:.> Cllri,.. t;, Tt'.m."
Albert S. Pendleton (rightl, Arml/
and theirsister, FrancesH. Thomas (Mclaughlin)
NlJPlf /llS. Rf\\! ) "Wm::o"
:Vaal1O~'nYl/ory, Wa..l/lIlgtiJ" , D.C
Jessie James Pollock
lvey Webster Plair
Ib5lnfimtry 'R/gill/t" I!
2i '''''lIIt", Dir';:.>;ol/
Ii he didn't learn his· geography in
school, he knewplenty about this
subject when he carnehornein 19-15.
Thirteen islands in the Central Pacific
were his stops a~ he traveledover
thousands of mill'S of blueocean, onlv
one trip by air.
William J. "Hill" Pearlman
790 &mlb Group (VHJ
Makin Island in the Gilberts, the
Caroline bland." Canton Island in the
Phoenix Group, l'arrv Island in the
Eniwetok Atoll. and finalh' Okinawa,
all had his footsteps in tht:irsands.
Here, he is pictured with his wife,
Clydl' Donaldson Plair.
Joseph W. Dukes - Army
William P. Langda le - Mar;"l'Corr
.. Ilomer ~ , . Passmore, [r . . Am/IIAir Foret'S
Deering"Country" johnston - ArmyAir Force'S