Item 3 - Rancho California Water District


Item 3 - Rancho California Water District
Thursday, June 18, 2015
8:30 a.m.
Roger Ziemer, Chairman
Steve Corona
John Hoagland
Jeff Armstrong, Interim General Manager
Andrew Webster, Chief Engineer
Fred Edgecomb, Director of Operations and Maintenance
Eileen Dienzo, Human Resources Manager
Rick Aragon, Finance Manager
Jason Martin, IT/Customer Service Manager
Darren Milner, Field Services Manager-Facilities
Tim Carlisle, Field Services Manager-Construction
Warren Back, Engineering Manager–Operations
Kathy Naylor, Accounting Manager
Mike Calvert, Operations Project Manager
Corey Wallace, Engineering Manager–CIP & Development
Jeff Kirshberg, Principal Engineer
Meggan Valencia, Senior Public Information Officer
Dave Morrison, Safety/Risk Officer
Justin Haessly, Senior Conservation/Water Use Efficiency Analyst
Nikki Reedy, Administrative Assistant II
Megan Martinez, Temporary Employee-Public Affairs
Ana Belland, Administrative Assistant II/Recording Secretary
Lisa Herman, Alternate, Planning and Administration Committee
Ben Drake, RCWD Board of Directors
William Plummer, RCWD Board of Directors
James Stewart, RCWD Board of Directors
Jeff Brown, Urban Parks Concessionaires
Reza Paydar, Paydar Companies/Sundance RV Resorts
Chris Johnson, Rancon Real Estate
Mike Willard, GKH Partners
Michael Knight, Premier Pool Services
Ben Fraley
Edward Hiberer
This Committee meeting is also noticed as a special meeting of the Board of Directors
because a quorum of the Board may be present. Members of the Board who are not
members of the Committee may attend and participate in the meeting, but only
members of the Committee may make, second, or vote on any motion or other action of
the Committee. Any actions taken pursuant to this agenda will be actions within the
purview of the Committee and shall be approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of
the quorum of the Committee. The Committee is not empowered to act for or on behalf
of the Board or the District unless exercising delegated authority from the Board. Any
actions taken by the Committee shall be deemed recommendations of the Committee
for future consideration by the Board at a separately noticed regular or special meeting
of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors retains all powers, privileges, and
duties to exercise and perform the business of the District.
Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to
persons with disabilities, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation
in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the District Secretary at
(951) 296-6900 at least 48 hours before the meeting, if possible.
Chairman Ziemer called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Items may be added to the Agenda in accordance with Section 54954.2(b)(2) of
the Government Code (Brown Act), upon a determination by a two-thirds vote of the
Members of the legislative body present at the meeting, or, if less than two-thirds of the
Members are present, a unanimous vote of those Members present, that there is a need
to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the
District after the Agenda was posted.
There were no additions to the Agenda.
Chairman Ziemer entertained a motion to approve the Agenda of the Regular
Meeting of the Planning and Administration Committee of the Rancho California Water
District of June 18, 2015, as presented.
June 18, 2015
Director Corona moved to approve the Agenda of the Regular Meeting of
the Planning and Administration Committee of the Rancho California
Water District of June 18, 2015. Director Hoagland seconded the motion,
and it carried unanimously.
Planning and Administration Committee
An opportunity was given for any person to address the Planning and
Administration Committee upon any subject not identified on the Agenda but within the
jurisdiction of Rancho California Water District. For items not listed on the Agenda, the
Brown Act imposes limitations on what the Committee may do during public comment.
As to matters on the Agenda, persons will be given an opportunity to address the
Committee when the matter is considered.
There was no public comment.
Item 1.
Review and Discuss Vail Lake Recreation Contract Status
Addressing the Planning and Administration Committee (Committee), Director of
Operations and Maintenance Fred Edgecomb expressed that at the May Committee
meeting, an item was presented to extend the contract with the California Parks
Company dba Urban Parks Concessionaires (UPC) for the operations and maintenance
of the Vail Lake RV Resort and Recreational Facilities—discussion on this item was
deferred due to staff reorganization, and as a result, Mr. Edgecomb relayed that he has
been given the responsibility of continuing with subject contract review with the
Committee and Board of Directors (Board).
Familiarizing himself with the current contract with UPC, approved by the Board
in August 2014, which expires on December 31, 2015; Mr. Edgecomb relayed staff’s
interest in preparing a request for proposals (RFP) to competitively bid the subject
contract, before the current contract expires. In addition, by way of a PowerPoint
presentation, Mr. Edgecomb discussed Rancho California Water District’s (District)
purchasing policy guidelines, the subject contract budget for fiscal year 2015-2016, and
the timeframe for preparing and issuing an RFP.
At this time, discussion continued regarding capital improvement projects costs
versus a separate maintenance and repair account, lack of inquires received from other
property management companies, and the need to take a due-diligence approach for
continual management.
Acknowledging a request-to-speak form for the subject item, Chairman Ziemer
invited Razar Paydar to the podium to address the Committee. Mr. Paydar announced
that he is President and Chief Financial Officer of Paydar Companies and Sundance RV
Resorts (Sundance), whereby at Paydar Companies, its primary business is real estate
management and construction master planning development. He shared that his
business has completed many projects with affiliated companies, in terms of master
planning large areas of land in both Arizona and California.
Continuing, Mr. Paydar shared that he is in attendance today to relay Sundance’s
specific interest in the Vail Lake Property, as he tried to acquire the property himself in
the early 1990’s. However, following a year of studying Vail Lake and its (then) RV
operations, Sundance came to the conclusion that running the Vail Lake RV Resort at
that time was economically infeasible. He then relayed his company’s interest in
acquiring the Vail Lake property today with a long-term lease, which Sundance will
June 18, 2015
Planning and Administration Committee
redesign and redevelop the property at their expense—this potentially includes adding a
motorcoach resort and, if permitted, building structures around the lake.
At this time a brief question-and-answer session ensued between the Committee
and Mr. Paydar, which included property development, incorporating activities on the
Vail property highlighted in a Board survey conducted earlier this year, and defining the
length of time for a long-term property lease.
Following Mr. Paydar’s presentation, Chairman Ziemer entertained a motion from
the Committee.
Director Hoagland moved that the Committee endorse staff’s plan to
proceed with a 1-year contract extension (with the option to extend), and
during this time, work on the details to proceed with an RFP for a
concession agreement. Director Corona seconded the motion and it
carried unanimously.
Item 2.
Project Status Update for the Vail Property Master Plan and Review
of a Site Lease Presentation from GKH Partners
Addressing the Planning and Administration Committee (Committee), Chief
Engineer Andrew Webster provided a brief review of the Vail Property Master Plan
status. By way of a PowerPoint presentation, he discussed management plan
objectives, as follows:
Fully utilize Vail Lake for water supply purposes
Vail Lake water quality protection
Habitat conservation/restoration
Provide recreational opportunities
Fiscally-sound property management
Mr. Webster further described the Vail Property Master Plan process and
roadmap, by explaining that discussion points will be developed and presented to the
Board of Directors (Board) in the summer of 2015—with the discussion points then
providing a framework of reasonable options to be evaluated in the planning process
and for stakeholder input.
Staff would then develop the Vail Property Use
Options/Scenarios based upon the Vail Property discussion points in the fall, with
anticipated priority of use options as: 1) Rancho California Water District’s
(RCWD/District) purposes, 2) complying with Riverside County/Habitat issues, and 3)
appropriate recreation and other activities in correlation with items 1 and 2.
Next, Mr. Webster reviewed a series of District facility requirements, which
included Vail Dam remediation, Vail Lake sedimentation removal, Vail Lake water
quality and invasive species monitoring program, determination of water and
wastewater service requirements, potential pump-storage project, and potential
solar/wind/hydroelectric generation facility. With review of several decision points, he
then highlighted steps to proceed with the Vail Property Master Plan, which included
conducting a workshop on Tuesday, August 25, 2015.
June 18, 2015
Planning and Administration Committee
Mr. Webster concluded his presentation and then introduced Chris Johnson of
Rancon Real Estate and Mike Willard representing GKH Partners, who attended the
meeting to address the Committee with their interest in developing a sportsman’s park
on the Sundance Ranch Property.
Utilizing a PowerPoint presentation, Messrs. Johnson and Willard displayed
maps delineating the property of interest, discussed benefits of the proposed park and
preferred location, implementation plan and project timeline, and proposed activities to
be offered.
Mr. Johnson further discussed operational safety, environmental, and liability
options, as well as RCWD’s consideration of a property/land lease proposal.
Chairman Ziemer thanked Messrs. Johnson and Willard for their presentation,
and with this item being presented for informational purposes only, the Committee
proceeded to the next order of business.
Item 3.
Update on Drought Efforts
Addressing the Planning and Administration Committee (Committee)
IT/Customer Service Manager Jason Martin and Senior Public Information Officer
Meggan Valencia provided an update on the progress being made to comply with the
Emergency Drought Regulations promulgated recently by the State Water Resources
Control Board (SWRCB).
Ms. Valencia began by announcing that, moving forward, the subject item will be
presented to the Committee monthly as a recurring discussion topic to relay current and
upcoming information.
By way of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Valencia and Mr. Martin discussed
partnering with the City of Temecula on conservation/workshop advertisements and
mailings, other pubic conservation outreach, customer service efforts specific to Tier 4
customers, including the recent increase in call volume and upcoming “hot topics.”
Following staff’s presentation, Chairman Ziemer acknowledged a request-tospeak form from Michael Knight on the subject item and invited Mr. Knight to the
podium to address the Committee.
Thanking the Committee for the opportunity to speak, Mr. Knight introduced
himself as the owner of Premier Pool Services and spoke of a client who has a waterfall
in front of their business, which uses reclaimed water. With the recently announced
restriction of decorative fountains, Mr. Knight requested clarification if this restriction
applies to fountains that strictly use reclaimed water.
Following brief discussion, the Committee agreed that Mr. Knight’s client may
continue to run the decorative fountain, with the use of reclaimed/recycled water. The
Committee further suggested that proper signage be placed in front of the fountain
announcing the use of recycled water.
June 18, 2015
Planning and Administration Committee
Following discussion, Chairman Ziemer proceeded to Item 4.
Item 4.
Update on Human Resources Activities
Submitted for the Planning and Administration Committee’s (Committee) review
and information was a written report pertaining to Rancho California Water District’s
(District) Human Resources Activities for the period of May 15 through June 11, 2015,
provided by Human Resources Manager Eileen Dienzo.
Reflecting information not provided in the meeting packet regarding recruitments,
Ms. Dienzo announced that the recruitment for the position of Conservation and Water
Budget Analyst is currently being held and will remain open until filled—said position
was created to assist with conservation and water use efficiency programs, as well as
water budget rate structuring. She further relayed that a Student Intern position is also
open to assist with planning activities.
Next, highlighting recent promotions, Ms. Dienzo congratulated Rancho
California Water District (District) employee Randy Crowell who was recently promoted
to Construction Inspector Supervisor, effective June 15. With this recent promotion, an
internal recruitment was open for a Senior Construction Inspector position, to provide a
promotional opportunity for current District staff.
Hearing no questions or comments from the Committee regarding Ms. Dienzo’s
report, Chairman Ziemer proceeded to Agenda Item 5.
Item 5.
Update on State and Federal Lobbying Activities
Provided for the Planning and Administration Committee’s (Committee) information
were written reports pertaining to Rancho California Water District’s (RCWD/District) state
and federal lobbying activities, submitted by Senior Public Information Officer Meggan
Valencia and Federal Lobbyist Eric Sapirstein of ENS Resources, Inc.
Providing an update for the Committee, Ms. Valencia briefly discussed the State
Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) framework pertaining to tiered rates. She
relayed that the SWRCB is working on conservation-based rates, which staff will be
responding with comments. As well, Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) and
Irvine Ranch Water District have also developed the framework of proposed legislation
that they would like to issue on budget-based tiered rates. Staff will be working with
both agencies in order to ensure that the District will not be impacted.
Continuing with the presentation, Interim General Manager Jeff Armstrong
referenced the memorandum submitted by Mr. Sapirstein, whereby he briefly expanded
on the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Mission Indians Water Rights Settlement Initiative
and review of corresponding agreements.
There being no questions or comments for staff on the subject matter, the
Committee moved to the next order of business.
June 18, 2015
Planning and Administration Committee
Item 6.
There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting
adjourned at 10:34 a.m.
/s/Ana Belland
Ana Belland, Recording Secretary
June 18, 2015
Planning and Administration Committee