File - Murringo Village


File - Murringo Village
April 2016
Issue 77
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Lest We Forget
The Murringo Community and rela ves will be commemora ng Anzac Day
on Monday, 25th April. Anzac Day goes beyond the anniversary of the
Dates for your Diary
landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is the day on which we remember all who
 Playgroup will be gathering in
served and died in war and on opera onal service. The spirit of Anzac, with
the Murringo Hall on Thursday,
its quali es of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, con nues to have meaning
23rd April and the 7th May
and relevance for our sense
from 1.30pm to 3pm. Please
of na onal iden ty.
bring the kids along for some
great activities.
 Anzac Day will be held on the
25th April starting with the
march from the school to the
hall followed by the ceremony.
Please bring a plate to share
for morning tea.
 The Murringo Markets and
Country Music Afternoon will
be held on Sunday, 1st May at
the Hall. More details inside.
 Tuesday Ladies Tennis
is on every Tuesday at 11am.
 Church Service
Murringo Anglican
Church - 2nd Sunday of
each month starting at
We will again be joined in the
march by HMAS Albatross
and the Young and Boorowa
Cadets which make it that so
much more special. The
March will start at the school
at 8.45am, marching up to
the Murringo Memorial Hall
in me for the service at
9am. Anyone who wishes to
join the Anzac March is asked
to be down at the school by
8.30am ready to assemble in
me for the 8.45am start.
Any school students who
wish to march are asked to
march in school uniform.
The Anzac service will begin
once the Anzac Parade
arrives and assembles at the
Memorial Hall. This will be
followed by a morning tea
and a display for the
community and visi ng
personnel. We are asking for
your generosity in bringing
along a plate of morning tea
to share amongst our
wonderful community
members who have joined
together to remember this
very important day.
Page 1
Marengo and the First World War 1916
In 2015 Murringo Ma ers traced the history of those soldiers from the Marengo area who served on the
Gallipoli peninsula from the landings on 25 April 1915 to the final withdrawal overnight on the 19/20
December 1915. A er the ini al withdrawal to Mudros on the island of Lemnos, the Anzac troops were
transported back to Egypt and spent the next three months integra ng reinforcements into their
depleted ba alions, crea ng new ba alions by spli ng the original 16, undergoing training, and were
then deployed to defend the Suez Canal against probable Turkish a acks during the cooler months when
the Sinai desert wells would support a Turkish advance. But this peaceful existence was not to last.
The Australian light horse regiments were formed into a force which would stay in the Sinai and Pales ne
and would eventually defeat the Turks in that area in 1918, whilst making a name for themselves in the
famous charge at Beersheba. The rest sailed for France in the last week of March. A er landing at
Marseilles and following a long, 50 hour, train journey north, by Anzac Day 1916 they were occupying part
of the extended trench system in northern France known as the Western Front facing their new enemy,
the German army. 1916 was to be the year of the Ba le of the Somme. It would bring the first death in
ba le amongst the Marengo volunteers.
Pozieres village was the focus of the Australia deployment on the Western Front and in late July 1916 the
Australians were part of a general allied a ack along this trench line. It was a hard won fight for li le
ground gained in the last week of July, which brought greater casual es than ever experienced on
Gallipoli by the Anzacs. The scale of ar llery bombardments on both sides were unprecedented and the
frontal a acks caused many casual es. For example, the 1st Pioneer Ba alion suffered the following
casual es in the period from 23 to 27 July: 2 officers and 20 other ranks killed in ac on; 5 officers and 130
other ranks wounded in ac on, and 19 other ranks missing in ac on.
William James Foots (SRN 3750) was part of that ba alion. He had enlisted at Cootamundra on 20 August
1915, and was allocated to the 12th reinforcements of the 4th Infantry Ba alion. A er basic training at
Holsworthy camp he sailed from Sydney on 30 December 1915, arriving at Alexandria, Egypt on 7 January
1916 amongst many other reinforcements for the depleted Anzac forces from Gallipoli. He sailed for
France, arriving at Marseilles on 3 April 1916. On 20 May 1916 he was posted to the 1st Pioneer Ba alion.
Pioneer ba alions worked in close support of the infantry in an a ack and dug and repaired
communica on trenches and dugouts and carried out other minor engineering works, including drainage
and road building.
Foots was reported missing in the period from 22 to 27 July and following a court of inquiry in 1919,
reported in the Red Cross files held at the Australian War Memorial, in which evidence was taken from
another soldier, it was determined he had been killed on 25 July 1916. However the loca on of the event
is clearly wrong, as it iden fies the area around Ypres, not Pozieres. Strangely, the evidence was provided
by Lance Corporal J.W.K. Mitchell, who,
although being a member f the 1st Pioneer
Ba alion was s ll in Australia un l 24 August
1916 a er enlis ng on 27 May 1916. He
arrived in England on 12 October 1916 and
was soon in hospital, not arriving at the front
un l 1917, so he could not have witnessed the
events of the Pozieres a ack.
His family in Marengo was no fied that he was
missing in ac on between 22 and 27 July,
which was reported in the Young Witness on
1 September 1916. A le er, dated 2 February
1917, from his company commander was
published in the Young Witness on Friday, the Page 2
Marengo and the First World War 1916
1st June 1917. An extract said “It seems hard that there should be no hope of his s ll living. Through the
dark days of Pozieres, under a shell fire unprecedented during the whole war, he did his duty with calm
for tude and unwavering steadfastness, doing all that was required of him as a soldier.” The family posted an In Memoriam no ce in the Young Witness on 24 July 1917 to mark the anniversary of his death. On
24 August 1917 extracts from his diary which had been received by his family were published in the Young
Witness. His name is inscribed with those of many other soldiers who were listed as missing in ac on at
the Villers-Bretonneux Memorial in Picardie, France and who have no known grave.
The shocked and depleted Anzac troops were withdrawn from the Somme in late August and early September 1916 and moved to the Ypres area, which was regarded as being a quieter area for the necessary
reorganiza on and rebuilding. The Anzacs expected to spend the winter here, but the Allied strategy of
maintaining frontal a acks in the hope that the Germans would falter and a breakthrough could be
achieved, meant that they were moved back to the Somme to a ack in the area of Fleur. It was here the
second Marengo volunteer died.
John James Joseph Cummins (SRN 2377) had enlisted on 26 May 1915, and was
posted to the 7th reinforcements of the 2nd Infantry Ba alion in Holsworthy army
camp. He sailed from Sydney and joined his ba alion on Gallipoli in September
1915. Some weeks later he was evacuated to England via Malta with dysentery
and influenza where he recuperated. He re-joined his unit in France in August
1916. On 29th October 1916 the 2nd Ba alion moved into the front line near
Flers. Cummins was killed by an ar llery bombardment on the 31 October 1916 in
which one other soldier was killed and 12 others were wounded. He was ini ally
buried near Guendecourt. His permanent grave is at the AIF Burial ground, Flers,
Picardie in France. His brother, Thomas Patrick Cummins (SERN 2377) enlisted on
18 July 1916 and sailed from Australia on 11 November 1916. He served with the
20th Infantry Ba alion, won a Military Medal and survived the war, returning to
Australia in August 1919.
The dreadful ba les of the Somme had claimed the lives of two of Marengo’s volunteers, but the deaths
of the majority would occur in the two remaining years of the first world war, at the ba le of Passchendale in October 1917 and in the final offensives in 1918.
Lest We Forget
Researched and wri en by Neil Gow Page 3
Remembering One of Our Own…...
James Joseph Lowe SERN 1579 Fust AIF Gallipoli and France
When it was decided to widen the criteria for inclusion of names to be inscribed on the Murringo Cenotaph, unveiled in 2015, from the original honour roll at the Murringo Memorial Hall doors to include those
born in Marengo, but not living there at the me of their enlistment in the First AIF, several names were
added to the original list. One who was overlooked was James Joseph Lowe. His uncle, Walter Lowe, although only four months older than James, enlisted in 1916, and had made efforts during the war to join
his nephew, James, in his ba alion, the 1st (NSW) Infantry Ba alion, but these efforts were unsuccessful.
Walter’s biography has been previously wri en about in Murringo Ma ers.
James, son of James and Catherine Lowe who were living at of Bendick Murrell at the me of his enlistment on 23 November 1914, had been born in 1890 at Marengo Creek, possibly because Walter’s mother,
Elizabeth, known locally as “Granny Lowe”, was a well renowned midwife. A er comple ng his recruit
training, James embarked on 11 February 1915 amongst the third reinforcements for the 1st Ba alion,
and a er spending some me in Egypt, joined the ba alion in Gallipoli on 10 May 1915. Therefore he was
not at Gallipoli for the landing on 25 April, but arrived in me for the brutal Turkish assault on 19 May,
which produced so many casual es that an armis ce was held on 24 May for both sides to bury their
dead who lay between the trenches. At the me the 1st Ba alion was in the line at Steele’s post at the
head of Monash Valley. By 11 June 1915 he was back in Egypt, in the Army hospital in Heliopolis with
heart palpita ons. In July, whilst s ll recovering in Egypt, he came down with gastri s. These diseases reflected the level of stress and poor hygiene on the Gallipoli peninsula for all troops there. It appears he
was s ll in hospital with bronchi s in September 1915 and was finally discharged from Ras-el-Tin convalescent home on 7 October 1915.
During his three month convalescence in Egypt the 1st Ba alion had par cipated in the legendary a ack
on Lone Pine from 6 to 8 August and its hard fought defence immediately a erwards. Casual es were
heavy and many of his mates would have been killed or wounded in this ba le.
A er his return to Gallipoli from Egypt on the “Borda” on 18 October, he was wounded by shrapnel in the
right leg on 30 October 1915 when the 1st Ba alion was occupying a posi on on the south of the Anzac
line. The wound must have been slight as he re-joined his unit in the line on 3 November 1915 from the
2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance who treated him on Gallipoli. At the me of the Anzac evacua on from
Gallipoli at the end of December 1915 he was again admi ed to hospital in Egypt on 23 December with
influenza. It appears that he had been evacuated from Gallipoli to Egypt on 16 December with rheumasm.
A er recovering at the Ras-el-Tin Convalescent Home in the ancient city of Alexandria he rejoined his unit
at Tel-el-Kebir camp and later travelled to France, landing at Marseilles on 28 March 1916 travelled by
train north to the Western front, where he was wounded on 28 August 1916, but only slightly so, as he
remained on duty. On 18 February 1917 he was promoted to Lance Corporal, but wounded for a third
me the final offensives against the German army on 10 August 1918.
He returned to Australia on the “Kashmir” on 9 March 1919 and was discharged from the army as able to
“perform normal du es” on 1 July 1919.
Whilst serving he had made an allotment to Mr Ernest Farnsworth on Bendick Murrrell, who may have
been his employer at the me if his enlistment in 1914. The allotment was for three shillings, out of a
total pay of five shillings a day (and slightly more for a lance corporal!), so one hopes there was a fair bank
roll awai ng him on his return a er 4 years of hard service and seeing the world! It
had been quite a journey for the “five bob a day tourists” of the First AIF.
His service records include a le er in 1969 reques ng the issue of the Anzac badge
when he was living at Byrock, near Bourke, in New South Wales.
Page 4
News for Murringo Public School
A huge congratula ons to everybody for their fine efforts at the YSS Athle cs
Carnival last week. We had a very suppor ve army of red family and friends on
the day. The children tried their best in all areas and showed great sportsmanship
throughout the day.
We had four age champions on the day: Shania McKinnon, Archie Dowling,
Charlo e Edwards and Adrian Waru and we offer them our congratula ons.
Archie also broke a record, which had been held for quite a while. Fantas c effort,
AthleƟcs Carnival Results are:
Sarah Miller
1st 8yr Girls Age Race & 3rd in Jnr Girls 800m
Charlo e Edwards
1st 11yr Age Race, 800m, 200m, High Jump, Long Jump & Shot Put, 2nd in Discus
Adrian Waru
1st 12yr Boys Age Race, 800m, 200m, High Jump, Long Jump, 2nd in Discus & Shot
Toby Dowling
1st 9r Boys Age Race, 200m, 2nd in 800m,Discus, Shot Put, Long Jump
Shania McKinnon
1st 10yr Age Race, 800m, 200m, 2nd in Discus, 3rd in Shot Put & Long Jump
Lily Rice
1st in Shot Put & Discus
Archie Dowling
1st 11yr Age Race, 800m, 200m, Long & High Jump, Shot & Discus
Abbie Grant
1st Senior Long Jump, 12rs Age Race, Shot Put, 3rd in Discus and 800m
Mark McCarron
2nd Jnr Boys High Jump
Jacob McKinnon
1st 8yr Boys Age Race & 3rd in Shot Put
Peter Edwardes
3rd 8yr Boys Age Race
Jack Dowling
1st 7yr Boys Age Race
Brooke Corkery
1st 7 yr Girls Age Race
Anthony Lincoln
2nd 7 yr Boys Age Race
Page 5
Murringo Students Raised Funds for Jump Rope for Heart
Page 6
Funeral Arrangements for these Gentle Souls…...
Maurice John Harcombe
Service Date: 19th April 2016
Service Time: 11:00 AM
Late of Burrowa House, Boorowa and formerly of “The Barracks”, Murringo.
Loved son of the late Roy and Ruby Harcombe, and brother of Ken, Ron, Keith
(all deceased) and Colin. Much loved Uncle of their families. A special companion to Jean and friend to Ron. Aged 91 years.
Family and friends of Maurice are kindly invited to a end his Funeral Service to
be held on Tuesday 19 April 2016 in Christ Church, Murringo commencing at 11am. At the conclusion of
the service, the cortege will proceed to the Murringo Cemetery for interment. Following the interment,
rela ves and friends are welcome to share a cuppa, stories and some refreshments at the Murringo
Community Hall.
RSL and ex-service personnel are invited to a end wearing medals.
Kenneth Walter Virgo beƩer known as Ken
Loved husband of Maureen. Devoted father of Kaelene and Belinda and
cherished Pop of Tennyson, Sofala, Nate, and Eliza. Late of Murringo and
formerly of Seven Hills, Sydney. Aged 68 Years
A service to celebrate Ken’s life will be held Thursday, 14th April 2016, in
Christ Church Anglican Church, Murringo, commencing at 2.00pm.
Rela ves and friends are respec ully invited to a end. Following the
service, Ken’s family and friends will gather at the Murringo Community Hall
where further celebra ons will con nue for Ken’s life where many more
stories will be told about this beloved gentle man.
Ken will be taken for a private family crema on on Friday, 15th April in
Francis William English beƩer known as Frank
Passed away peacefully at the Mount Saint Joseph’s Nursing Home Young, Saturday 9th April, 2016.
Eldest son of Ki y and Jack (both deceased). Loved brother and brother in law of Paul (deceased) and
Miriam English, Patrick (deceased) and Margaret English, and Mary and Noel Maloney (formally of
Murringo). Devoted Uncle of seven nieces and eight nephews and their children. Late of Hardy Avenue
Young, and formerly of Concord, Sydney. Aged 89 Years.
A Requiem Mass to celebrate Frank’s life will be held Friday 15th April 2016, in
St Mary’s Catholic Church Young, commencing at 11.00am.
The cortege will then leave for the Young Lawn Cemetery. Rela ves and friends are
respec ully invited to a end.
Page 7
Murringo Footy Tipping Comp…….. After Round 6
The top of the ladder are star ng to
spread out a bit and the double point
rounds are beginning to come into play
with many punters not doing so well on
their joker round.
It is very sad to inform our footy pping
punters that our very own Ken Virgo
passed away last week. Ken was a very
passionate Parrama a supporter who
managed to get him a win this week.
This week, Kenny opted for Round Six as
his joker round which got him up the
ladder to fi h posi on.
Our sincerely condolences are sent to
Ken’s family - Maureen, Kae, Belinda and
their families and we will watch to see
how Ken’s ps proceed for the rest of
the season. Go Parra!
The Murringo Footy Tipping Ladder looks like this:
Jacob Hardy - 76
Grace Galvin - 70
Wayne Galvin - 70
Kevin Gruber - 70
Ken Virgo - 68
Michael Johnson - 68
James Maloney - 67
Joan Wall - 67
Greg LeStrange - 66
Samantha Barnes - 66
Angie Kay - 64
Glen Hall - 64
Maddi Smithers - 62
Cameron Jones - 62
Joanne Foster - 62
Cheryl Hall - 62
Steven Herriott - 62
Zac Smith & Tika - 60
Nick MacKenzie - 60
Karissa Jansen - 60
Slip Smithers - 60
Jimbo Parkman - 60
Team Rice - 60
Michael Chapman - 60
Jamie Patterson - 60
Michael Newham - 60
Steve McDonald - 660
Shawn Brown - 60
The Spring Family - 58
Dalziel Wymer - 58
Tracey Jansen - 58
Robbie Aston - 58
Sue Rice - 58
Docketta McDonald - 58
Lee Hardy - 58
Billy Maloney - 58
Nicholas Maloney - 58
Ray Sherratt - 58
Dick Donges - 58
Vicki Newham - 58
Wayne Robinson - 58
Graham English - 58
Kerri McDonald - 57
Lucy Donges - 56
Kris & Wally Gardner - 56
Pete Parkman - 56
Sue Mullany - 56
Charlie Croker - 56
James Foster - 56
Simon Hardy - 56
Jarryd Foster - 56
Freda Galvin - 56
Sam Langford - 56
Liam Carnley - 56
Bloody Bob McDonald - 56
Pauline Cottrell - 56
Nev & Co - 56
Alice Croker - 54
Carol & Marty Hewson - 54
James Baker - 54
Jan & Paul Herriott - 54
Max Wall - 54
Matt Loiterton - 54
Kim Cormack - 54
Paul Krebs - 54
Gina Galvin - 54
Madie Smith - 54
Gary Foster - 54
Lisa Hardman - 54
Gaye Osborne - 54
Steve Brill - 52
Steve Hajsinger - 52
Peter Bray - 52
Oz Osborne - 52
Peter Newham - 52
Rhonda Hobson - 52
James Carter - 52
Slavko Hajsinger - 52
Courtney Foster - 52
Matt Johnson - 52
Declan Telfer - 52
Charlie Parkman - 50
Heidi Hajsinger-Waru - 50
Ben Baker - 50
Sheryl Hajsinger - 50
Mark Crutcher - 50
Dick Galvin - 50
Johnny McGrath - 50
Roy Holmes - 50
Sophie Donges - 50
Thomas Telfer - 50
Emily Anderson - 50
Doug Hobson - 50
Shirley Anderson - 50
Bec Wells - 50
Cath Carmody - 50
Megan Hardman - 50
Young Guns & Ammo - 48
Dave Wynne - 48
Jack Barnes - 48
John Hobson - 48
Meg Galvin - 48
Cabbage McDonald - 48
Glenda Bray - 48
Craig Filmer - 48
Jack Donges - 48
Brian Mullany - 46
Scone Baker - 46
Ellie Croker - 46
S H Barnes - 46
Leeanne Farrell - 46
Justin Telfer - 46
Brendan Croker - 44
Nick Galvin - 44
Shayne Taylor - 44
Fay Gruber - 42
Ainsley Telfer - 42
The Mitchell Family - 42
Locke Croker - 42
Sheryl Smith - 42
Narelle Maloney - 42
Fleur LeMesurier - 40
Narrele Smithers - 38
We Us & Co - 38
Page 8
Murringo Markets with a Little Bit of Country……..
Page 9
A Blast from the Past….
Bendick Murrell 1979 runners Up: Top Row - Mooka Jeffs, Barry Brownlie, Mark
Sutherland, Johnny Porter, Gerald Hardman, Fuz Jones, Roy Hogan, Barry Caig, Ray
McKeown, Brad Allan, Mark Edwards, Russelll Horne, Mick O’Neill, Paul Hardman,
Graham Meers, Robert Hyde, David Wynn, David Kiss and his son, Joey Broadhurst,
Brian Allan and Andrew Walton.
Page 10
Page 11
Welcome to the world little Eliza…...
Belinda Virgo and Matt Leech
have welcomed a precious baby
girl, Eliza Joy Leech to the
world at 12:45pm on the 10th
March weighing 9.8 pounds,
measuring 53cm. Mum, Dad,
big brother Nate & the most
beautiful girl Eliza are all
healthy & well.
Proud grandparents are
Maureen and Ken Virgo and
cousins Tennyson and Sofala
can’t wait to spoil her rotten
along with Aunty Kae and
Uncle Paul.
Beau Rice was spo ed at
the Boorowa Swimming
Club Presenta on Night
where he was awarded
Most Improved Junior
Boy Swimmer. Cool man!
Pat Dawe was
spotted in
Central Park,
Grace Galvin & Steve
Herriott were spotted
climbing Mt Warning.
Mary and
spo ed at
Page 12
Murringo Bush Fire Brigade News
South West Slopes Zone ended our official Bush Fire
Danger Period at midnight on 31st March 2016. Permits
are no longer required. Landholders are reminded that
it is s ll a requirement to give neighbours a minimum
of 24 hours no ce of inten on to light any fire and to
give considera on to weather and fuel condi ons.
Fire always has the capacity to escape and endanger
life and property so please ensure that adequate
firebreaks are in place and suitable fire figh ng
equipment is available before ligh ng any fire.
Kind Regards, Geoff King, Secretary Murringo’s Community Chest says Thank You…….
We have had a great start to the Murringo Community Chest and many people have said what a great
idea it is. If you haven’t heard about it or want to know what it is in aid of, here is how it came about.
It had been brought to our a en on that the publica on of “Our Murringo Ma ers” not only gets news,
no ces and ar cles out to you - the community, but it can also bring some much needed financial help
back into our community. So for all those of you who receive “Our Murringo Ma ers” via email , we are
asking if you donate a small amount of $10 for the year, which works out less than one dollar per issue.
This dona on will be held in a separate account for the purpose of providing charitable ac vi es and
social welfare to our community and it’s people. Murringo’s Community Chest is a charity supported by
our individual subscrip ons that defrays the demands on a community. This money may be used for many
different issues for example: a family who has fallen on difficult mes, a worthwhile cause that would help
someone in their me of need or some items that would enhance, improve and promote our beau ful
historical village.
All dona ons can be made by cash or cheque to “Murringo Community Chest” , 91 Murringo Gap Road,
Murringo NSW 2586 or direct deposit to BSB: 082-367, Account No: 100000866 at the South West Slopes
Credit Union. Please insert a reference of “Murringo Community Chest” or “MCC” and your name.
Thank you for suppor ng this great charity!
Get Your Hardcopy of Murringo Matters by Subscription.
Now that “Our Murringo Ma ers” has gone digital, there is s ll a way to get a hardcopy to you.
We understand the some people don’t like to read their papers or informa on on the computer, tablet or
phone, so you can subscribe to us and have a hard copy sent to your home address. The subscrip on will
only cost you $25.00 for the year, that just over $2.00 per monthly issue. If that sounds good to you,
please complete the form below and either post it to Murringo Public School, 91 Murringo Gap Road,
Murringo NSW 2586 or drop it in. We would hate for you to miss out! **************************************************************************************
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
I would like to receive a hard copy of “Our Murringo Ma ers”
Enclosed is $ _______ for 2016.
Page 13
What have you been up to…...
Katherine Allen nee Smith recently
celebrated her 50th birthday and
pictured left with her was her two
brothers Paul and Toby and her
baby sister, Angela. Above is Jamie
Price enjoying a drink with Paul.
It was all smiles for this exMurringo Mob.
Check out the grin on
this little vegemite who
goes by the name of
Ashton Robertson.
Ashton was baptised last
week and celebrated
with a fantastic Teddy
Brother and sister, Adrian and Heidi were over the
Bear Cake.
moon when they both past their grading
Hope you didn’t party all
examination in their martial arts classes recently.
More smiles!
Page 14
Murringo Celebrations …………………...
Hip Hip Hooray 22nd Birthday for Annelise Arber on the 22nd April. Have Fun! Mickey Price
for the 14th
You haven’t
changed a bit
except for the
grey hair!
celebrated his
25th Birthday on
the 9th April and
we sure hope
you made it
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to
Hope your 86th
birthday on the
11th April was
spent with your
beautiful girls.
Happy 60th
B’day to our
Sheryl Smith
for the 14th of
April and it will
be a hell of a
ride when you
least expect it.
Ha Ha, Joking!
65 years old
on 20th April.
Enjoy a nice
cold one for
your b’day!
Cheers Big Ears!
Luke Hennock
Kaelene Neville on the 25th April. And we hope you feel the love on your special day. xxxx Happy
for the 2nd
Your Shout
to Ana
Benton for
the 8th
Hope you
loved your
from Pete.
for the
18th April.
You’re 41 Happy 44th
B’day to you
for the 19th
April. How
come the baby
of the family is
the cutest!
had gone
we think
for his
59th B’day
on the
10th April.
Happy 49th
Birthday to
Happy B’day
Sue Mullany
for the 27th.
I wonder
what Brian
has got for
you, I bet it’s
Happy 8th B’day
to this little
Sofala Neville
for the 22nd
April. You are
so lucky to have
a big brother
like Tenno to
look out for you!
turned 47 years old
on the 12th April
and spent it with
her youngest son
in hospital after
he got a buster
off his bike.
Page 15
Murringo Celebrations …………………...
Hooray for
little Gretel
Paul “Herb” Smith turns 52 yrs old on the 25th April. Keep Christopher
celebrated his
27h B’Day on
the 5th April.
Enjoy what 19
is all about for
a whole 12
Happy B’day
for the 4th
April. xxx
up the moisturiser, it seems to be working. Happy 7th
to Anthony
Lincoln for
the 4th of
Love from
your bro,
Ma hew.
So Cute!
8 Years Old is Peter Edwardes 25 Years
Married is
Dickie and
Gina Galvin.
That’s a
quarter of a
century on
the 27th April.
on the 15th
who will be 64
years old on the
18th April.
Have a wonderful
day and hope
Johnny cooks up
a storm for you!
Hope it rains
on you
birthday so
the grass
2 yrs
old is
Six yrs
old little
her 11th
b’day on the
2nd April.
HajsingerWaru and
we know
that she
had lots of
cake on
the 4th.
Hope it was a
wonderful day
spent with
family and
Happy 27th Wedding Anniversary
William and Narelle Maloney - 22/4/89
turned 56 years old on the 2nd April and hopefuly got to get a sleep in! Happy b’day for the 2nd April. Make sure you catch a big fish! Happy Birthday
71 yrs old
is our
OMG Kathryn Young Has reached half a century and doesn’t look a day over 29. Happy Birthday for the 29th April. We can dream! Robyn Smith NATE
on the
April. Hip
Hip !!!
Miller will
be turning
8 on the
27th April.
have a great
Page 16