Divine Savior Parish Pentecost Sunday May 27, 2007


Divine Savior Parish Pentecost Sunday May 27, 2007
Divine Savior Parish
Most Rev. J. Peter Sartain, D.D., Bishop
Rev. Robert E. Pietras, Pastor
We, the members of Divine Savior Parish,
of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet,
DuPage County, Illinois,
as a community inspired by the Holy Spirit,
are committed to providing an environment that
enables our members to build the Kingdom of God
through the sharing of our time, talent, and treasure.
As Catholics we are called, by our Baptism,
to a life long conversion of the heart by
committing ourselves through the Eucharist,
to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ
through the ministries of
prayer, worship, education, service and
Pentecost Sunday
May 27, 2007
Check us out on the Net:
Page Two
Pentecost Sunday
Monday, May 28—Weekday
8:30 AM—
In Memory of those who have
served our Country
Tuesday, May 29—Weekday
8:30 AM—
Jerry Gawrlik by Daughter
Theresa Tylman by Barbara
Martin and family
Wednesday, May 30—Weekday
8:30 AM—
Robert C. Shires by Marie Firlit
Thomas Gilbert by O’Sullivan
May 27, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day
Offices Closed
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Spirit of God Prayer Group
7:00 PM
10:30 Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM
Thursday, May 31, 2007
8:30 Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM
11:00 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
Thursday, May 31—Visitation of the Virgin Mary
8:30 AM—
Dora Wrobel by Hartig Family
Friday, June 1—Justin, martyr
8:30 AM—
Ronnel Linhof C. Pascual by
Ellen Cassarino by Lou &
Ralphine DiProspero
Evelyn Filipowicz by Arlene and
Jim Hruska
Saturday, June 2—Vigil: Trinity Sunday
5:00 PM—
In Thanksgiving for Mark
Rosenbaum’s Vocation
Sunday, June 3—Trinity Sunday
7:00 AM—
8:30 AM—
10:30 AM—
12:30 PM—
For Our Parishioners
For Vocations
For Vocations
For Vocations
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Mark Rosenbaum Ordination
Food Drive
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Food Drive
Mark Rosenbaum First Mass
Mark Rosenbaum Reception
2:30 PM
Key: C=Church; N=Narthex; M=Mass; A=Away;
PC=Parish Center; CR=Conference Room in Church
May 27, 2007
Pentecost Sunday
Page Three
Saturday, June 2,
5:00 PM
Fr. Bob
Melissa Garza
Olivia Dolce
Emily Foernssler
Ray Vicha
Peter Schibler
Kathy Hamilton
Jeffrey Holliday
Chris Pietrucha
Maureen Chmel
Sunday, June 3,
7:00 AM
Fr. Sum
Carolyn Heinrich
Donna & Roy Clavey
Barbara Fidanza
Pam O’Donnell
Joan Wash
Mary Bliss
Sunday, June 3,
8:30 AM
Fr. Sum
Julie Rubel
Sabrina Thomas
Brooke Buresch
Rosanne Widrlechner
Amanda Gregorich
Robert Muehlhaus
Maureen Chmel
Ralphine DiProspero
Dave Gallagher
Sunday, June 3.
10:30 AM
Fr. Bob
Deacon Paul
Amanda Cervantes
Michelle Cervantes
Marisa Cervantes
Amanda Loris
Jan Moon
Patti Rose
Deacon Paul Newey
Fe Asuncion
Paul Jara
Susan Larson
Elaine Jara
Sunday, June 3,
12:30 PM
Fr. Bob
Adrean Morales
Matthew Santee
Chrysti Henderson
Patrick Lahey
Joann Halpin
Marietta Dizon
Like sun through a
stained glass window,
the Spirit of God can
shine in your life to
use the best in
another. Come,
follow him.
May 28, 2007
Sir 17:20-24; Mk 10:17-27
Sir 35:1-12; Mk 10:28-31
Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Mk 10:32-45
Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16;
Lk 1:39-56
Sir 44:1, 9-13; Mk 11:11-26
Sir 51:12cd-20; Mk 11:27-33
Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8; Rom 5:1-5;
Jn 16:12-15
Page Four
Pentecost Sunday
May 27, 2007
know the exact number of students for
next year in order to place orders for
supplies and books for the coming year.
There are two important events
coming up for the young people of our
Parish; one is the trip to Great America,
you need to sign up in advance for this
trip, the other is the special Ice Cream
Social for all teens currently in the 8th
grade and all the way through graduating
seniors. This event will take place on
June 13 at the Parish center. There will
be games, fellowship and plenty of Ice
Cream for all.
Welcome and greetings! This is the
last week of May. I am sure that you will
agree that it was a delightful month and
gave us some very good weather. I am so
pleased that many of you have taken the
opportunity to visit the shrine of our Lady
during this month of Mary. I am pleased
to announce that the second section of
memorial pavers has arrived and they will
be installed very shortly. We will be
taking paver orders in the near future so
you can still have one completed for your
special intentions. If you are interested
please speak with Sue Hartig our
business manager. I want to thank all
who are participating in the project.
If you have not returned your
Religious Education forms or have not
come in to register for Religious
Education this coming school year, please
note that there will be a late fee assessed
very shortly. Remember that Religious
Education is the prime responsibility of
the parents of a child; we the Parish are
helping you in this process. We need to
Next weekend there will be a FOOD
DRIVE. You can bring your donation to
Mass and place it in the collection cart in
the narthex of our church.
I want to congratulate the winners
of the Parish Council election held last
weekend. Those elected are Rick
Baranski and Lori Dolce. I want to thank
the outgoing members of the council,
Donna Rooney and Bob Mizek after
completing 3 years of service to our
Parish through their work on the Parish
Council. Thanks to all the candidates
and to all of you for voting and helping to
keep the Parish moving.
Speaking of the Parish Council, there will
be a Parish Council meeting on Monday
June 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish
Conference room. All members elected
and retiring are asked to be present.
Just a little reminder again that the
Parish offices will be closed the week of
June 4 – 8, these will be PARISH
May 27, 2007
Pentecost Sunday
Page Five
STAFFING DAYS. Emergencies will be
handled as usual. We will be checking
our answering service to make sure that
you are always taken care of.
Finally don’t forget that next
weekend we will be celebrating the
ordination of Rev. Mark Rosenbaum to
the priesthood. Mark’s ordination will
take place on June 2 at the Cathedral of
St. Raymond and the following day,
Sunday, June 3, Mark will have a special
Mass at 2:30 p.m. in our Parish church.
Immediately after the Mass there will be
a reception for Mark in the Parish Center.
All members of the parish are invited to
the Mass and reception. This will be a
chance for all to greet Mark and wish him
well as he begins his work as a priest of
our diocese.
Well, I think that this is all for this
week. Remember to have a good week
and please begin to drive with more
caution since our young people will be
starting their school vacation. A safe
driver is a God loving driver.
In Christ,
Fr. Bob
The following report covers donations for the
weekend of May 13, 2007.
Weekly Envelopes
Total Weekly Contributions
Needed to make budget
Children’s Envelopes
Campagna Family
Please accept a word of thanks from our Parish
family for the generosity you show each week to the
Page Six
Pentecost Sunday
Our 2007 Mother’s Day Flower Sale was a
Huge Success. A complete sell out was seen after
the 10:30 mass with additional roses at 12:30 and
then too a sell out. With ever so many wanting to
remember Mom, Grandma, Godmother, or mother’s
to be, our rose’s made an ever so special gift.
Thanks to the Pro-Life committee and other
special women for setting up and selling Mother’s
Day flowers. Your support was appreciated. A big
thank you to all who bought flowers and supported
the Pro-Life cause. Our proceeds of $600 will be
shared by the Illinois Citizens for Life and Project
Thanks Again
God Bless
Pro-Life Committee
"Heal our wounds our strength
renew, on our dryness pour your
dew" (Pentecost Sequence) Let
the Holy Spirit heal and renew
your marriage/Holy orders. The
next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is June 22-24, For
information please call our Parish
representatives Ray and Jan Walters 630-963-2453.
One miracle of Pentecost was
that, despite their diversity, each
listener heard God’s word in his
or her own language. The meaning
for stewardship is that, by
sharing the gifts poured out on us
by the Holy Spirit, we will be
empowered to meet the needs of
our brothers and sisters, whatever
they may be.
May 27, 2007
We are looking for adults (21+) who would
be interested in joining the Youth Leadership Team
to work with our teens (8th grade through seniors in
high school). If you like working with energetic
young people, please contact Sue Hartig at 630-9691532 ext. 23 or [email protected] for more information. Participation in Protecting God’s Children is
We would like to offer our deepest sympathy
to the following:
The family of Josephine Switt, mother of
Roberta (Albert) Muehlhaus who passed away at the
age of 97 and who was buried in Otis, Indiana.
The family of Albert Guerrero, who died on
May 17 and was buried from Divine Savior on May
The family of Genowefa Muklewicz, who
passed away on May 21st and was buried from our
Please remember all of them in your prayers
and pray also that their families may receive the
Lord’s consolation in their time of need.
Since the Supreme Court’s 1973
ROE v Wade decision legalizing
abortion on demand for all nine
months of pregnancy, almost 50
million unborn American children
have been killed by abortion.
More unborn children die every
year than Americans died in all the nation’s wars
May 27, 2007
Pentecost Sunday
Page Seven
At the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, May 20, Divine Savior Parish recognized the high school seniors of our Parish who have been active in ministries
through their teen years.
Afterward a brunch with their families was held in the Parish Center.
Many thanks to the Youth Leadership Team and particularly the younger Peer
Ministers who assisted with brunch. They are: Marie Meizis, Laura Meizis,
Jamie Skiba, Brittany Socha and Jeff Schorsch. Many of these young people
came after working all night or into the late hours on the Relay for Life at
Downers Grove South High School for American Cancer Society.
Thanks you also to the adult leaders who participated: Terri Skiba,
Chrysti Henderson, Julie Zemaitis, Sue Hartig and Jim Socha.
Special thanks to our own Mrs. Dee Sinclair for organizing and working with the peer ministers on
the brunch.
Our graduates: Liz Augustine, Christine Dorth, Shannon Ford, Cassandra Fox, Amanda
Gregorich, Amanda Loris, Elliot Purse, Kristen Seelander and Tom Skowronski. Not
pictures: Jennifer Bauer, Missy Saternas and Jeffrey Danziger
Father Bob asked the parents of the graduates
to stand and be recognized for their efforts.
Brunch in the Parish Center
Page Eight
Pentecost Sunday
May 27, 2007
May 27, 2007
Pentecost Sunday
Page Nine
Any teen presently in eighth grade through a senior in high school are invited to join
the Divine Savior Youth Ministry at Six Flags Great America on Tuesday, June 26th. We
will only be able to schedule the event if we have at least 30 teens willing to participate. The
price of $42.00 includes bus transportation to and from the Church parking lot and Great
America. If you and your friends are interested in attending, please complete the form below
and return by June 4th to the Religious Education Office or drop it in the collection. We
will then send you a permission slip. All money and permission slips must be returned by
June 18th. You can also e-mail the information to [email protected].
Yes! I want to go to Great America on June 26th, 2007.
Number of Permission Slips needed:______________
Page Ten
Pentecost Sunday
May 27, 2007
Our next food collection will take place the
weekend of June 2-3, and will benefit the Humanitarian Service Project. They assist many seniors
with special needs.
Most-requested items include mayonnaise,
ketchup, water-packed tuna, low-fat peanut butter,
jam and jelly, canned meals (such as stew, chicken
and dumplings, etc.) pasta and sauce, boxed rice,
canned fruit, powdered milk, low-fat/low-sugar
snacks, vitamins, Ensure, incontinence products,
denture cleaner, laundry detergent and other cleaning supplies. Phone cards and postage stamps also
are welcomed.
Thank you for your generous support of our
monthly food drives!
Congratulations to Lori Dolce and Rick
Baranski, who were elected to serve 3-year terms
on the Parish Council. Thank you to all the candidates and many thanks to Donny Rooney and Bob
Mizek who have completed their terms as members
of the Parish Council.
Rick Baranski
Lori Dolce
Thank you for your participation in the 2007
Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal. We are well
on our way to meeting our goal. You now can
contribute by credit card using the diocesan web
page. Go to www.dioceseofjoliet.org
and click on Donate now Click and
Pledge. This is an easy way for you to help
our parish fund the ministries in our diocese
that help so many. May God continue to
bless you for your generosity.
May 27, 2007
Pentecost Sunday
Page Eleven
Most Rev. J. Peter
Sartain, D.D., Bishop
Rev. Robert E. Pietras, Pastor
The Parish Office is open Monday-Wednesday from 9:00 AM Noon, and 1:00 - 8:30 PM, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 AM –
Noon, and 1:00—4:30 PM. Closed on Saturdays and Sundays.
6700 Main Street
Downers Grove, IL 60516-3425
FAX: 630-969-1724
e-mail - [email protected]
Fr. Robert Pietras, Pastor, ext. 21 [email protected]
Fr. Robert Sum, O.S.B., Weekend Assistant, 630-969-6410
Deacon Paul Newey, Pastoral Associate, ext. 25 [email protected]
Mrs. Susan Hartig, Business Manager, ext. 23 [email protected]
Mr. Elliot Purse, Information Services, ext. 22
[email protected]
Mrs. Noreen Lisy—Parish Secretary, ext 21 [email protected]
Mrs. Gloria Pirkins, Evening Secretary, ext. 21 [email protected]
Ms. Bunny Harmon, Director of Music, ext. 34 [email protected]
Ms. Janet Alikpala, Associate Director of Music, ext. 39 [email protected]
Mrs. Dee Sinclair, Arts & Environment, ext. 21 [email protected]
Mr. Daniel Garcia, Custodian, ext. 21 [email protected]
8:30 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
7:30 AM
12:00 Noon
7:00 PM
e-mail - [email protected]
Mrs. Sharon Middleton, Prog. Coor., Preschool—5th Grade, ext. 29 [email protected]
Mrs. Cathi Loris, Program. Coordinator, Jr. High—ext. 30
[email protected]
Mrs. Linda Burke, Religious Education Secretary/Registrar, ext. 31
[email protected]
Religious Ed:
Eucharist Min.:
Youth Ministry:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Once a month at special Baptism Service. Arrangements must be
made two months in advance. Parental preparation requires registration
in the Parish, active Saturday or Sunday participation in Parish Worship
and attendance at a Baptismal Preparation meeting. Please call the office
to make arrangements.
Arrangements for celebration of marriage must be made with the
Pastor at least six months in advance. Weddings are not
scheduled on Sundays.
4:00-4:45 PM and by appointment
Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the
homebound. Please call Parish Office.
Stop in the Parish Office during regular business hours to register as
a Divine Savior Parishioner.
Anyone seeking information about becoming a fully participating
member of the Catholic Faith should contact the Parish
Office. Classes begin in October.