Objective #1 Describe the water cycle and the processes that move


Objective #1 Describe the water cycle and the processes that move
Unit VII: Water Cycle
and Climate
Review Book pp.139-158.
Textbook Chapters 9 & 31
Objective #1
Describe the water cycle
and the processes that
move water.
The Earth’s water supply is constantly
moving between the atmosphere and the
earth. This movement is known as the
hydrologic or water cycle.
Image taken from http://www.jointheevolution.ca/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/water-cycle-21.png on 7/7/10.
The water cycle includes the phase changes
of water and the movements of water above,
on and below the Earth’s surface.
Image taken from http://www.ngdir.ir/sitelinks/kids/Image/water-en/labelanswers.gif on 7/7/10.
What process of the water cycle provides water to
the oceans and the Earth from the atmosphere?
Precipitation. Examples are rain,sleet,hail,snow,etc.
Once precipitation falls to Earth, a number
of things can happen to it. It can infiltrate
(seep into) the ground and become ground
Image taken from http://dnr.wi.gov/org/caer/ce/eek/earth/groundwater/images/groundwater.gif on 7/7/10.
Image taken from http://www.interwet.psu.edu/watcycle.gif on 7/7/10.
Precipitation can also runoff the ground into
streams, lakes and the ocean.
It can also be stored in the form of ice or snow on the
Earth’s surface. Lastly, precipitation can return to the
atmosphere from large bodies of water, soil, plants and
animals by the processes of evaporation and transpiration.
Image taken from http://www.iksr.org/typo3temp/pics/c6d6c54ac6.jpg on 7/7/10.
Image taken from http://peer.tamu.edu/curriculum_modules/Environ_Hazard/images/Watercyclesmall.jpg on 7/7/10.
The oceans and large lakes act as the temporary
storage area for the majority of water within the
water cycle and act as the major stabilizing factor
in the Earth’s climate.
Objective #2
Know the processes that move water
into and on the Earth’s surface
(porosity, infiltration, permeability,
capillarity, runoff, discharge).
Percentage of open space between particles.
The porosity of loose material
depends on three factors.
1. Particle shape
2. Particle packing
3. Particle sorting
Image taken from http://www3.gov.ab.ca/env/water/GWSW/quantity/learn/Evaluation/EV_Images/EV3_porosity.gif on 7/7/10.
Greatest Porosity
Round shape
Loosely packed
Sorted material
Image taken from http://belmont.sd62.bc.ca/teacher/geology12/photos/erosion-water/porosity-low-high.jpg on 7/7/10.
Particle Size Does Not Affect
Diagram taken
from McGuire,
Reviewing Earth
Science: The
Physical Setting.
New York:
Amsco, 2005.
Seeping and absorption of water into ground
Image taken from
Precipitation from the atmosphere can infiltrate the
Earth’s surface and become part of the groundwater. In
order for the water to do this and penetrate the ground,
the soil or rock must be permeable and unsaturated.
Therefore loose material such as sand and
gravel will allow for greater infiltration than
more dense, closely packed earth materials
or solid rock.
Solid Bedrock @ Frink Park, Clayton
Image taken from http://crushercn.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/gravel.jpg on 7/7/10.
Original photo taken by Mr.O on 7/9/10.
Image taken from
/images/pores2.gif on
Permeable- allows water to pass through
connecting air spaces.
Water that has infiltrated loose material continues down
through the ground within the zone of aeration until the water
reaches the zone of saturation. The top of the zone of
saturation is called the water table.
Image taken from http://myweb.cwpost.liu.edu/vdivener/notes/water_table.gif on 7/7/10.
The depth of the water table depends on many factors:
Type of earth materials (rock, soil, etc.).
Thickness of those earth materials.
Amount of water infiltrating ground.
Amount of water removed from ground.
Characteristics of surrounding materials.
Image taken from http://faculty.weber.edu/bdattilo/parks/unconfined.jpg on 7/7/10.
Image taken from http://www.spe.org/web/training/demo/mod1/030.gif on 7/710.
Image taken from http://techalive.mtu.edu/meec/module06/images/Percolation.jpg on 7/7/10.
Upward movement of water in narrow
spaces against gravity.
Inverse relationship
Image taken from http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/Biology/botf99/xylemweb/cappil.gif on 7/7/10.
Image taken from
/sandy%20beach.jpg on 8/9/10.
Image taken from
magekits/136/pebbles-onbeach.jpgon 8/9/10.
Example of capillarity: Along a beach composed of sand,
the water will seep up along the shoreline, moving inward
from the water line. However, along a rocky beach, the
water will not seep very far inward from the water line.
Water does not infiltrate, instead flows (runs) over
land surface to lakes, streams and oceans.
Image taken from http://www.gawb.qld.gov.au/images/graphs/HydrologicCycle.gif on 7/7/10.
Surface runoff can occur when rainfall exceeds
permeability rate of the ground in that area.
How does increasing slope affect runoff? Why?
↑ slope causes ↑ runoff (direct relationship)
Water running downhill too quickly, not enough
time for it to sit and soak into ground.
Image taken from
jpg on 7/7/10.
How does saturation level affect runoff? Give
an example.
Image taken from
runoff.jpg on 7/7/10.
↑ saturation level ↑ runoff (direct relationship)
Ground already “full” of water, more can not easily
infiltrate so it runs off
How does freezing of the ground affect runoff? Why?
↑ freezing of ground causes ↑ runoff (direct relationship)
Water frozen on/in ground prevents additional water from easily
penetrating surface so it must runoff.
Image taken from
on 7/7/10.
Both images taken from
runoff.html on 7/7/10.
Name human activities that impact
surface runoff. How do they impact?
Cutting trees (deforestation)- allows water to
runoff slopes faster, lack of live roots allows ground
to saturate faster, can lead to runoff and flooding.
Blacktopping/paving roads, parking lotsdecreases infiltration because asphalt is
impermeable, causes increased runoff.
Construction/mining/tilling- digging up soil,
removes vegetation, lack of roots allows ground to
saturate faster and can increase runoff.
Route 12 heading to
Clayton from Depauville
Route 12 heading to
Depauville from Clayton
A stream is only one part of a larger drainage system.
Watershed (drainage basin)- land from which water
drains into a larger body of water.
Watersheds for different systems are separated by
drainage divides such as mountain ridges.
Image taken from http://www.moleuk.com/uploads/media/19.jpg on 4/26/10.
Image taken from http://www.chescocooler.org/images/watershed_800.jpg on 4/26/10.
Image taken from http://cgee.hamline.edu/rivers/gfx/msa98_gfx/us_ws_na.gif on 4/24/10.
Image taken from http://www.dec.ny.gov/images/administration_images/watershedimap.jpg on 4/26/10.
Water & Stream Discharge
Stream Discharge- rate of stream in volume,
amount of water in a stream passing a given
point in a given amount of time, think
discharging a gun, hospital discharge or military discharge
Image taken from http://tiee.ecoed.net/vol/v1/data_sets/hubbard/fig1stream.jpg on 4/26/10.
The water carried or
discharged in a stream
is often extra water
that can not infiltrate
the ground and so it
runs off into the
stream. This extra
runoff water is called
surplus water. If there
is no surplus water as
in a period of drought,
than streams will be
fed from the stored
groundwater and this
is called base flow.
Image taken from http://www.chesapeakebay.net/images/stream.jpg on 4/26/10.
Compare groundwater speed with a river.
Objective #3
Define insolation and describe
factors affecting both angle and
duration of insolation.
The primary source of energy for the Earth is solar radiation.
• Solar radiation- energy from the Sun.
Image taken from
ar_energy.gif on 7/7/10.
Solar radiation contains a variety of wavelengths
of energy from the electromagnetic spectrum
including visible light and others such as infrared,
x-rays, uv, gamma rays, radio waves, etc.
The greatest intensity of solar radiation that
reaches Earth is the visible wavelength.
Electromagnetic spectrum
• Wide range of wavelengths of energy from low
frequencies (radio waves) to high frequencies
(gamma and x-rays).
• E-M spectrum is on ESRT p.14.
This spectrum shows different forms of energy that
are distinguished from one another by wavelength.
• Why does the kid think ultraviolet bull or violet
bull would have more energy than a redbull?
• Incoming Solar Radiation
• Part of the sun’s radiation that is received at
Earth’s surface.
Image taken from http://www.cambioclimaticoglobal.com/english/images/greenhou.jpg on 7/7/10.
Angle of Insolation
• The angle of insolation depends on the position of the
sun in the sky.
Sun at zenith, angle
of insolation is 90o
Sun on horizon,
angle of
insolation is 0o
Image taken from http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0505/lighthouse_landolfi_big.jpg on 7/7/10.
Therefore as the sun’s position becomes higher in the
sky, the angle of insolation increases. When this
happens, not only does the angle of insolation increase
but the intensity of insolation also increases.
Image taken fromhttp://www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/~tbw/wc.
notes/1.atmosphere/insolation.spreading.by.latitude.jpg on 7/7/10.
Image taken from
gle.gif on 7/7/10.
• So when the sun is straight
overhead, the angle and intensity
of insolation are both at their
greatest with the sun’s rays
perpendicular to earth and the
maximum amount of solar energy
is received at the earth’s surface.
Image taken from http://www.sunpeakusa.com/insolation/insolation-diagram.gif on 7/7/10.
• The angle of insolation changes on any particular
date with either an increase or decrease in latitude.
Image taken from http://inkido.indiana.edu/a100/summer_solstice.gif on 7/7/10.
Look at diagram in
• What latitude would see the
sun exactly overhead at noon?
• 23½ oN
• On this same day, what can you say about the
intensity of the sun and its position in the sky at
the north pole?
• Less intense and lower in sky.
• Which location would have more intense sun
rays, the equator or 23½ oN?
• 23½ oN because sun is higher in the sky.
Where are the Sun’s rays perpendicular
(straight overhead)?
• The equinoxes- equator which is 0olatitude.
• Summer solstice- Tropic of Cancer (23½ oN)
• Winter solstice- Tropic of Capricorn (23½ oS)
Image taken from http://inkido.indiana.edu/a100/summer_solstice.gif on 7/7/10.
Image taken from http://astrocoffeehut.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/equinox_solstice-equator.jpg on 7/7/10.
• Besides changes in latitude, the angle of
insolation also varies with the time of day. The
intensity of insolation is greatest at noon when
the Sun is highest in the sky (not necessarily
straight overhead) and is least when the Sun is
very low in the sky.
Image taken from http://www.wikihow.com/images/d/da/SunPosition_979.jpg on 7/7/10.
Duration of Insolation
• The number of daylight hours.
This is
determined by
the length of the
Sun’s path
across the sky.
The Sun’s path
appears to move
15 degrees
across the sky
every hour.
Image taken from http://www.hsphys.com/dayinb.jpg on 7/7/10.
Complete the Graphs in your notes below!
Objective #4
Describe how duration of insolation
varies with both latitude and
• Because of the 23½ tilt of the Earth’s axis and
the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the
rays of the Sun hit the Earth’s surface at
different angles and the length of the Sun’s path
across the sky also varies. This causes different
places on Earth to receive different amounts of
energy throughout the year. The greater the
angle of insolation and the longer the duration,
the more total energy received.
Interactive Sun’s Path
Image taken from - www.wsanford.com/.../sundials/ani_sunpath_jp.gif
Image may be on 7/7/10.
Objective #5
• What causes the seasons?
Image taken from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Seasons.jpg on 7/7/10.
• The seasons are the result of yearly cyclic
changes in the duration and intensity of solar
radiation or insolation.
The #1 Reason for the Seasons
• Inclination (Tilt)
of the Earth’s
– The earth’s axis
is tilted 23½
degrees which
allows the Sun
rays to be
vertical over any
between 23½ oN
and 23½ oS
Image taken from http://user.gs.rmit.edu.au/caa/global/graphics/insolation.jpg on 7/7/10.
Factor of the Seasons
• Parallelism of the Earth’s axis.
– Since the Earth’s axis is always pointing into
space in the same direction, the axis of Earth
at any given point in the Earth’s orbit around
the Sun remains parallel to the axis at any
other given point of the orbit.
Image taken from http://img.timezone.com/img/articles/tmachine0006/TBfig3-1.gif on 7/7/10
A 3rd Factor of the Seasons
– Causes the
rays to fall on
different Earth
between 23½ oN
and 23½ oS.
This is the
reason that when
we are in
Australia &
South America
are in winter and
vice versa.
•Revolution of the Earth
Image taken from http://www.kidzoneweather.com/images/seasons-1.png on 7/7/10
A 4th Factor of the Seasons
• Rotation of the Earth
– Causes the alternation of night and day.
– Varying angle of sun caused by tilt hits both
sides of the globe.
Image taken from http://www.kidsgeo.com/images/earth-terminator.jpg on 7/7/10.
For latitudes near Watertown, NY (about 44o North)
Dates &
Angle of
Day Names Insolation
June 21st
March 21st
Sept. 23rd
Dec. 21st
Duration of
15 hours
(High in sky) (long day)
angle in
(low in sky)
12 hours,
(equal day
& night)
9 hours,
(short day)
Image taken from http://www.geography.hunter.cuny.edu/~tbw/wc.notes/2.heating.earth.surface/images/sun.path.3.days.jpg on 7/7/10.
Image taken from http://sunsensesolar.com/images/uploads/SolarElectric101_14.jpg on 7/7/10.
• For the northern hemisphere, the Sun’s path is longest
on summer solstice (June 21st). This is the longest day
of the year. On the winter solstice (Dec.21st), the Sun’s
path is the shortest and lowest and we have our shortest
day of the year. Twice a year we have equal days and
nights, these are called the equinoxes when the Sun is
straight overhead at the equator.
Sun Path Simulator
Objective #6
Describe processes of absorption
and terrestrial radiation that
determine daily and yearly Earth
surface temperatures.
Image taken from http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect16/earth_rad_budget_nasa_erbe_big.gif on 7/7/10.
C. Temperature & Insolation
• The surface temperature of the Earth is directly
related to insolation received at that surface.
• Insolation (heat gain) raises the Earth’s surface
temperature, however, terrestrial radiation
causes a cooling effect on the Earth’s surface
(heat loss).
Image taken from http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/
uploads/global-energy-balance.jpg on 7/7/10.
• Surface temperature is a result of the
relationship between heat gained and lost.
Where insolation exceeds radiation, the
temperature rises. If more radiation occurs than
insolation, then the temperature of the Earth’s
surface decreases.
Image taken from
rthsTerminusRadiate.jpg on 7/7/10.
Image taken from http://solarweatherworks.com/sunspath.gif on 7/7/10.
• At what time does maximum insolation occur?
• Noon
• What time are usually our hottest temperatures
of the day?
• During the day, the maximum surface
temperature usually occurs sometime after
maximum insolation- usually during the early
afternoon. This is called temperature lag.
• Also the coolest (minimum) surface temperature
usually occurs about an hour before sunrise,
due to the continued loss (radiation) of heat
during nighttime.
Image taken from http://www.photographyblog.com/images/photo_of_the_week/18020107/The%20Hour%20Before%20Sunrise.jpg on 7/7/10.
• Other factors can
affect surface
temperatures beside
insolation, such as
cloud cover. Clouds
tend to reduce the
amount of heat lost
due to radiation at
night but also reduce
the amount of
insolation reaching
the Earth during day.
Image taken from http://www.atmos.umd.edu/~meto200/2_11_03_lecture_files/slide0024_image104.gif on 8/9/10.
What month do we have maximum insolation?
June, (think summer solstice, June 21st)
What month are our hottest temps?
During the year the maximum surface temperature often
occurs in midsummer (months of July and August) after
the summer solstice and maximum insolation.
Image taken from
nh_temp_yr.free.gif on 8/9/10.
Image taken from http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/images/atmosphere/energy/radiation_balance_usgs_large.jpg on 8/9/10.
• The reason for this is that temperatures continue to rise
as long as insolation received during the long days
exceeds radiation during the shorter nights.
What month do we have minimum insolation?
December, think winter solstice (Dec.21st)
What month are our coldest temps?
The minimum surface temperatures usually occur later in
the months of January and February.
• Why?
• This is because more terrestrial radiation during the long
nights allows for continued cooling.
Image taken from http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter3/graphics/nh_temp_yr.free.gif on 8/9/10.
Data from 2000-2005
Image taken from http://science.impavid.org/pics/tor_temp.jpg on 8/9/10.
• The fact that
the high and
low surface
both occur
after the
months of
and minimum
insolation is
seasonal lag.
Objective #7
Describe differences in absorption between
land and water. Also contrast different
colored and textured surfaces.
Objective #8
Identify absorbers of both infrared and
ultraviolet radiation. Explain causes of
both ozone depletion and the greenhouse
effect and the affect humans have had on
these issues.
The atmosphere is generally transparent to visible
radiation with most of this visible (light) radiation
reaching Earth’s surface. However the atmosphere
selectively absorbs particular types of solar radiation.
Image taken from https://www.e-education.psu.edu/astro801/files/astro801/image/atmos_windows_KL.jpg on 8/9/10.
• Ultraviolet radiation
is absorbed by the
• Infrared radiation is
absorbed by the
atmospheric gases
carbon dioxide,
methane and water
Image taken from http://www.ctc-phaseout.org/images/img012.gif on 7/7/10
Image taken from
ages/01a.jpg on 7/7/10.
• The surface of the
Earth tends to
control temperature
changes itself
through absorption
and radiation.
• Water surfaces heat
more slowly than
land surfaces, and
water also tends to
hold heat longer.
The Arctic/Polar Amplification Effect
is mainly caused by the amount of
land in the northern hemisphere,
the amount of reflective snow and
ice in the northern hemisphere and
the fact that the southern
hemisphere is mostly ocean.
Image taken from http://www.ossfoundation.us/projects/environment/global-warmi
ng/arctic-polar-amplification-effect/arctic-polar-amplification-effect/image_mini on 7/19/10.
• Therefore, land
change more
quickly and
change to a
greater degree
than water
Image taken from http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ijPl2CG1EdU/SjYcm
gEnPfI/AAAAAAAAAW8/kMQ2G84jYc0/s320/scan0006.jpg on 7/19/10
• The surface
material is one
factor that
how much
energy will be
reflected and
• Rough & dark
absorb more
energy than
smooth & white
Image taken from http://www.perfectionpavinginc.com/sitebuildercon
tent/sitebuilderpictures/blacktop-driveway-img-844-s.gif on 7/19/10.
Image taken from http://www.corbisimages.com/images/67/92226
71C-8AFB-4122-BA55-A98D8C60E573/42-16259516.jpg on 7/19/10.
Image taken from http://www.p-wholesale.com/upimg/3/210a2/77
-interactive-electrical-whiteboard-jl-8500f-830.jpg on 7/19/10.
Image taken fromhttp://www.theschoolhousetheater.com/last_3_years/rockn-roll-beach-party-04-05.jpg on 7/19/10.
• Good absorbers
of energy are also
good radiators of
Image taken from http://cheaperthandirt.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/RoadMirageCourtesyBrentDanley.jpg on 7/19/10.
• The Earth’s surface generally absorbs strong, short
wavelengths of electromagnetic energy. These
wavelengths are converted to longer wavelengths
with less energy that are reradiated.
Image taken from http://www.goalfinder.com/images/SPHPHE1/greenhouse-earth-2.jpg on 7/19/10.
Image taken from http://generalhorticulture.tamu.edu/lectsupl/temp/P34f1.gif on 7/19/10.
• An example is when visible light (short wavelengths)
are absorbed and reradiated as infrared or heat (long
wavelengths). If these infrared or heat waves are
absorbed by the atmosphere on the way back up,
then the atmosphere is warmed. This process is
called the Greenhouse Effect (Global Warming).
• It is the carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and
water vapor (H2O) gases in the atmosphere that
absorb the reradiated infrared waves. This warming
of the atmosphere acts as a “thermal blanket” which
reduces the loss of energy to space and raises the
temperature of the Earth’s surface.
Image taken from http://www.climateandfuel.com/gifs/globalsunreflected.gif on 7/19/10.
• How have humans altered the
environment to put more greenhouse
gases (CO2,CH4,H2O) into the atmosphere
causing more global warming?
Image taken from http://www.linnaeus.ne
t/images/pollution.gif on 7/19/10
Image taken from http://www.communityecolivingtrust.org
/how_it_works_files/deforestation.jpg on 7/19/10.
Image taken from http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org
/articles/20041208/a610_3857.jpg on 7/19/10.
• How can global
warming cause sea
level to rise
Image taken from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/bigphotos/images/070719-warming-glacier_big.jpg on 7/19/10.
Objective #9
Describe factors affecting reflection
and scattering of energy.
• Electromagnetic energy bounces off a surface instead
of being absorbed into the material itself.
• Clouds are thought to reflect about 25% of the
insolation entering our atmosphere.
• This causes the energy to be reflected back to outer
Image taken from http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/lemke/geog10
1/images/02c_shortwave_fluxes.gif on 7/19/10.
• The amount of energy that is reflected on Earth depends
on both the surface and the angle of insolation.
• The greater the angle of insolation, the greater the
absorption. As the angle of insolation decreases, the
amount of energy reflected becomes greater.
Image taken from http://www.master.co.th/images_content/mastericon/angle_of_incidence.jpg on 7/19/10.
• Surfaces such as
snow and ice may
reflect almost all of the
energy hitting those
surfaces, this is why
many people wear
sunglasses for
daytime skiing.
Image taken from http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archiv
e/01204/whistler-sunglasse_1204558c.jpg on 7/19/10.
What would happen to the
amount of reflection at the
poles if global warming
melts large amounts of
snow and ice caps?
Image taken from http://eilismcdonald.com/reflections/icecaps-melting.gif on 7/19/10.
• Mixture of small particles suspended in a liquid or
gas (air) such as fog, smog, muddy water, dust, etc.
• Aerosols in the atmosphere cause solar energy to be
scattered or randomly reflected.
• This causes the amount of insolation reaching Earth
to decrease as the amount of reflected energy
How does smog affect the
temperatures of this city, Shanghai?
Image taken from
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/83/237635741_bb7949829f.jpg on
Image taken from http://www.koshland-science-museum.org
/exhibitgcc/images/causes06.jpg on 7/19/10.
Energy Conversion
• Not all of the insolation is directly reflected or
radiated as heat energy. Some of the insolation is
converted into potential energy by the evaporation of
water and the melting of ice. This energy conversion
does not directly cool or warm the temperature of
Earth’s surface.
Image taken from http://www.smartpower.org/blog/wp-content/photos/melting_glacier_1.jpg on 7/19/10.
Terrestrial Radiation
• Energy that Earth gives off to atmosphere and
• This terrestrial radiation is almost all in the infrared
region of the spectrum.
Image taken from http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect16/earth_rad_budget_nasa_erbe_big.gif on 7/7/10.
Radiative Balance
• The Earth’s temperature depends upon the
relationship between incoming and outgoing energy.
When the average Earth temperature remains stable,
the Earth is said to be in radiative balance, gaining
as much energy as is given off.
Image taken from
s/Ebalance1_m.jpg on 7/7/10.
• Long-term measurements
(thousands of years) of worldwide
surface temperatures indicate that
the Earth is not in radiative balance.
Example: Past Ice Ages,
temps 5-10oC cooler than
NYS looked like this???
Image taken from http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/student/tinsley1/drilling.jpg on 7/7/10.
Image taken from
http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/files/imagecache/news/files/news/20081113_ice_age.jpg on 7/7/10.
Image taken from http://www.climateark.org/overview/graphics/large/2.jpg on 7/19/10.
The instrumental record,
black line, (meaning the
record since we’ve had
thermometers all over the
place) matches fairly well
to other methods for
determining historic
Image taken from
• Annual measurements of worldwide surface temperatures
indicate that Earth is not in radiative balance. Daily, weekly,
monthly and seasonal temperatures are constantly changing,
resulting in variations in the yearly average.
Objective #10
What is climate?
Objective #11
Explain the processes and
associated with a water
• Average weather conditions over much longer
periods of time.
• Climate is mainly concerned with temperature
and moisture conditions.
Image taken from
com/climate-map.jpg on 8/9/10.
Water Budget
• System of accounting for moisture income,
storage and outgo for soil in a specific area.
Image taken from http://www.water-research.net/Watershed/watbudg.gif on 8/9/10.
Water Budget Vocabulary
Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration
Image taken from http://www.cimis.water.ca.gov/cimis/images/water_budget.gif on 8/9/10.
• Evaporation
– change of phase
from liquid to gas
at the surface of a
• Transpiration
– loss of water by
evaporation from
a plant’s surface.
Image taken from http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ZQIxMLGsEtY/SfISs_MLrI/AAAAAAAAAmE/KK2TKuDUqcQ/s400/260px-Surface_water_cycle.svg.png on 8/9/10.
• The moisture source for the water budget
is precipitation measured in millimeters of
water. Snow, sleet, hail and rain all add
water to a local climate.
Image taken from http://www.fondriest.com/images/science_library/precipitation_measured.jpg on 8/9/10.
• Potential
Evapotranspirationestimated amount of water
lost that can occur due to
heat energy available.
• Ep is directly proportional to
the energy available.
• In summertime when the
temperatures are warmest,
Ep values are highest.
• The higher the temp’s, the
more water can evaporate.
Image taken from
les/eto_overview.gif on 8/9/10.
• Actual Evapotranspiration- actual amount of
water lost from a given area in a specific amount
of time.
• The actual evapotranspiration can never exceed
the predicted (Ep).
Image taken from http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.edu/html/costaricaclimate.html on 8/9/10.
• Amount of water held (stored) in top soil
Image taken from http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/hydrosphere/water_budget_diagram_small.jpg on 8/9/10.
• When water evaporates out of soil
decreasing storage.
Image taken from http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/hydrosphere/water_budget_diagram_small.jpg on 8/9/10.
• When precipitation infiltrates soil
increasing storage.
Image taken from http://www.washoecounty.us/repository/images/10/water_cycle.gif on 8/9/10.
• When all the
stored moisture is
depleted or used
up and there is not
precipitation to
fulfill the potential
then a moisture
deficit or drought
Image taken from http://sustain.cs.washington.edu/blog/wpcontent/uploads/2009/05/drought-pix.jpg on 8/9/10.
Image taken from http://www.nwas.org/meetings/nwa2006/Broadcast/Kelsch/watersheds/u5_assets.htm on 8/9/10.
• When the moisture stored in the ground is at a
maximum and there is more precipitation than
evapotranspiration then a surplus condition exists.
This surplus condition causes excess water to
runoff into local streams.
• Water budgets can be used to differentiate
between humid and dry climates. Humid
climates have precipitation greater than potential
evapotranspiration and generally show many
months with a surplus.
Image taken from http://www.ecosystema.ru/08nature/world/43lao/02.jpg on 8/9/10.
• Dry or arid climates generally have less
precipitation than potential evapotranspiration
and have months with a deficit or drought.
Image taken from
on 8/9/10.
Climate Pattern Factors
What characteristics change the climate of an area?
Objective #12
Explain how latitude, elevation, proximity
to large bodies of water, ocean currents,
el niño /la niña, mountain barriers and
wind belts affect climate patterns.
All images on remaining slides are taken from Clipart unless otherwise noted.
Climate Pattern Factors
Altitude or Elevation
Proximity to Large Bodies of Water
Ocean Currents
El Niño and La Niña
Mountain (Orographic) Barriers
Wind Belts
Latitude is the most
factor determining climate.
Latitude is
numero uno.
• Latitude influences temperature
• Low latitudes (equator)- high temperatures
• High latitudes (the poles)- vary a great deal
but are lower on average
Why are the poles so much
• Due to lower average duration of
The Sun just isn’t around as much!
• Due to lower average angle of insolation.
I wish the Sun would go higher
up in the sky! I am freezing!
What is the relationship between
annual temperature range and
As one goes up,
the other goes up.
What is the relationship between
average yearly temperature and
Did you hear that it is an
inverse relationship?
Warm at low latitudes
and colder at high latitudes.
Factor #2: Altitude or Elevation
• Lower elevations are more stable in
temperature and moisture.
• Higher elevations have more varied
More stable
Average yearly
temperature decreases
As the
altitude or
increases …..
It is usually colder and
wetter at the top!
Factor #3: Proximity to Water
• Large bodies of water,
ocean currents and
prevailing winds modify
the climate at the shore.
• Slow heating and cooling
of water cause land
nearby to have modified
Image taken from http://www.atmos.umd.edu/~meto200/2_11_03_lecture_files/slide0013_image063.jpg on 8/9/10.
Marine climates tend to have
small temperature ranges with
cooler summers and warmer winters.
Continental climates tend to have
large yearly temperature ranges
with hot summers and cold winters.
Factor #4: Ocean Currents
• Maps of global winds & ocean currents look
• Winds blow-create a frictional drag on water
that create surface currents.
• Currents are like HUGE rivers. They’re huge
• See ESRT p.4 on next slide.
Image taken from
global_winds_map.gif on 8/9/10.
Image taken from http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/57/70057004-85830DA6.gif on 8/9/10.
ESRT p.4
• Coriolis effect- caused by Earth’s rotation.
• Currents curve clockwise in Northern
hemisphere and counterclockwise in Southern
• Large circulating currents of water are called
Image taken from http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/images/OceanCurrents.gif on 8/9/10.
• Currents depend upon temperature of the water
through which they pass and their direction.
• Warm currents flow away from equator.
• Cold currents flow towards equator.
• Currents distribute solar energy from low latitudes
to higher latitudes.
• Warm currents make land warmer and cold
currents make land cooler.
Image taken from http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/images/OceanCurrents.gif on 8/9/10.
Factor #5: El Niño
• Trade winds blow
from east to west in
Pacific ocean toward
low pressure near
• Cool water full of
nutrients comes up
from deep water
(upwelling) off coast
of South America to
sustain ecosystem
food webs.
Image taken from http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/yos/resource/JetStream/tropics/enso_patterns.htm on 8/9/10.
El Niño
• Ocean flow reverses direction
• Warm surface currents carry
nutrients away from coast.
Affects ecosystem (no fish).
• Warms ocean temps.
evaporation which brings
lots of rain.
• Speeds up jet stream &
alters wind patterns.
• Heavy rainfalls, mudslides,
flooding-west coast of
• Ice storms in Northeast,
Canada & Tornadoes in
Image taken from
http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/yos/resource/JetStream/tropics/enso_patterns.htm on 8/9/10.
La Niña
• Strong tradewindscoldwater upwells
along west coast of
South America.
• Pushed across
• Creates cold
surface water.
• Less moisture
evaporates into air.
• Less rainfall along
western coasts of
Image taken from http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/yos/resource/JetStream/tropics/enso_patterns.htm on 8/9/10.
Image taken from http://www.southwestclimatechange.org/files/cc/figures/nino_nina.jpg on 8/9/10.
Factor #6: Mountain Barriers
• Orographic Effect- effect that mountains have
on weather and climate, results in blockage of
precipitation from leeward side of mountain
•Latitudinal climate
patterns are
modified by
mountains that act
as barriers to
weather systems
and interrupt the
normal path of the
prevailing wind.
Image taken from http://webpub.allegheny.edu/dept/bio/bio220/Milt_lectures/ClimateFigs/OrographicUplift.jpg on 8/9/10.
As dry air sinks on
opposite side of
mountain, it will
warm up. The
result is that this
side is warm and dry.
As wind hits mountain, it
gets pushed up and cools.
This forms clouds
and precipitation.
Prevailing wind blows this way
The Orographic Effect with Adiabatic Cooling and Heating
Now Fill-in the Four Questions in Your Note Packet!
Fill-in with the Words Leeward or Windward!
The Final Factor (#7):Wind Belts
ESRT p.14
• Planetary
winds and
belts affect
Image taken from
ger/images/trade_winds.jpg on 8/9/10.
Page 14 in the ESRT
Shows the Wind and Moisture Belts
• If the prevailing wind comes across water,
it will bring moisture. When this happens
in winter, it is often called Lake Effect.
Look at blue
radar bands of
Lake Effect
Image taken from http://infranetlab.org/blog/wpcontent/uploads/2009/12/LakeEffectSnowRadar.jp
g on 8/9/10.
Image taken from http://buzzardbook.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/lake-effect-1.gif on 8/9/10.
• If the prevailing wind comes across land, it
will bring arid (dry) air.
• Tropical winds bring warm air and polar
winds bring cold air.
Image taken from http://www.puttingzone.com/graphics/Misc/WindsPrevailing.png on 8/9/10.
This concludes Climate Pattern
Do you know what the 7 factors are?
Altitude or Elevation
Proximity to Large Bodies of Water
Ocean Currents
El Niño and La Niña
Mountain (Orographic) Barriers
Wind Belts