January_7_2015 - First Christian Church


January_7_2015 - First Christian Church
First Christian Church, 402 E. Noble Ave, Guthrie, OK 73044
Sunday Worship
Sunday School
Children-16 Youth-5 Adult-28
Communion to Shut-InsBudget Receipts 1/4/15
Amount Budgeted per week
Amount Budgeted to date
Budget Receipts to date
Budget Expenses to date
January Giving
Monthly Budgeted Giving
Budgeted Giving
Dear Church Family,
We are having a terrible time finding words to describe our
feelings. We have spent the last week just trying to get into the
groove of not being in the groove. (If that makes any sense)
Dennis’ office is finally cleaned out and the drawers ready for
Amy’s files and important documents. We couldn’t be happier
with the selection of transitional minister you have made.
Awesome Amy will be great in the role of moving you to
whomever you select to lead you in the next chapter of the
story God is writing.
We want to say a huge thank you for the beautiful reception
you hosted. What an amazing committee you put together!
Their creativity was incredible (including the pew and the
bobblehead). The monetary gift was overwhelming. I will
cherish the beautiful necklace and my new watch. The
reception was just right. The catering company was so elegant.
I don’t think we have ever had a nicer reception in that room.
We felt like it was a perfect day.
Sunday, Jan. 4, we went to church with Carmen and Donnie
and the girls. We attended the 10:45 worship service at
Crossings. As the orchestra played the prelude, “Be Thou My
Vision,” I started crying. Dennis’ request for his last Sunday was
“Be Thou My Vision.” My eyes leaked throughout their service. I
think I was finally grieving. I go to my ophthalmologist tomorrow
to get a clean bill of health on the shingles in my eye. I am also
hopeful he can address that leakage problem. 
When we reflect on you we are grateful on so many levels.
It has been a privilege to know, serve, and love you. We have
high hopes for what we know God will do next. Thank you so
much for what you have been and will always be to us.
The Tie That Binds (USPS 577280) is published weekly except for the last week of December by First Christian
Church (Disciples of Christ).
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to First Christian Church, 402 East Noble Avenue, Guthrie, OK 73044
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402 East Noble Avenue
Guthrie, Oklahoma 73044
(405) 282-4080 Fax (405) 282-4088
DR. DENNIS CLARK, Senior Pastor
KAREN ALLEN, Minister of Christian Education
We are a family of faith
sharing God’s love by
reaching out, touching lives
and building relationships.
“What’s What” With Amy…
January 7, 2015
Volume 51, No. 1
Most every important project we tackle in life begins with an orientation. Whether it’s a new
job, the start of college, a new role in a volunteer organization; there is typically a period of time
in which we are “coached” in our new role. Even new parents are usually given a crash course
caring for a newborn before leaving the hospital.
Not so for pastors! Sunday morning I hit the ground running by sharing in my first worship service with
you. You have made me feel so comfortable and welcomed here, offering me wonderful FCCG hospitality
(the loaf of homemade bread was an added bonus!). Today I am busy unloading my “stuff,” meeting people
as they come and go from the church, and working to meet a newsletter deadline. I am slowly figuring out
how the staff operates, how the church leadership is structured, and I am learning names. Lots of names!
This is how it goes in a time of transition. Change can threaten to pull the rug out from under us and leave
our heads spinning, even bringing about a sense of “disorientation.” But transitions can also be exciting! What
new ideas might be generated? What directions might we travel that we have never before considered? What
God-given gifts do we possess that we might put into practice?
The future of this congregation is yet to unfold, but one thing is certain: anything we do from this point
forward will build on the strong foundation of great pastoral leadership. Dennis Clark has loved this
congregation well! We continue to pray for Dennis and Cathy in their new adventures in life. And let’s pray for
one another as we make this transition together.
Never underestimate what God can do as we step out in faith! See you Sunday as we gather to worship
our amazing God.
This Sunday we look forward to the baptism of Makenna Bench, daughter of Nick and Shana Bench, in
the 10:30 service. Our scripture is Mark 1:4-11, and my sermon title is “Worthy.” We will explore how our
baptism in Christ makes us all worthy in God’s eyes.
The search is on for our next Minister of Music! The committee met Monday evening and
spent time putting together a proposed job posting, discussing the many roles this position
covers, as well as the importance of this ministry within our congregation. The committee will
be posting the job in a number of arenas this week and hopes to have candidates apply over
the course of the next two weeks. At that time (Jan. 21) we will meet again and evaluate the
resumes of those who have applied and determine possible interviews and proceed.
Those on the committee include: Janie Carey, Susan Davison, Linda Holtz, Gary Weeks
and Terryl Wieczorek. Brian Pierson (serving as a rep. from pulpit committee), Rev. Amy
Rogers, Karen Allen and David Ball are also working on the committee as non-voting
As is the case with all of our committees tasked with hiring duties, please understand the
confidentiality that the committee must maintain during this process with the candidates who
apply. Likewise, if you have candidates you personally know who may be interested, please
ask them to submit a resume to the church office c/o Karen Allen. We would love to have a
great selection of candidates! Finally, we ask for your prayers as we go through this process
that God would guide us as well as work in the heart of whoever He is calling to serve in this
Ministry Opportunities for the week
TUESDAY, January 6
8:30 a.m. – MDO/ Preschool Resumes
6:30 p.m. – Stewardship Meeting
WEDNESDAY, January 7
6 p.m. – Ms. Betty’s Celebration/MDO Open House
6:30 p.m. – Choir Rehearsal
7 p.m. – Property Team Meeting
THURSDAY, January 8
8:30 a.m. – MDO/Preschool
SATURDAY, January 10
10 a.m. – Worship Team Meeting & Undecorating
SUNDAY, January 11
8:30 a.m. – Celebration Service
9:30 a.m. – Sunday School for all ages
10:30 a.m. – Worship Service
Our love and sympathy go to:
Robert Irby and family in the death
of Marilyn Irby. Also to the family of
Frank Uselton. Hospitalized at this
time: Maxine Ball, Babs Gumerson,
Bill Wade, Marilyn Walter and
Sharon Beman. Preparing for
surgery: Vickie Hopkins and Denise
Shoun. We pray for our church
family: Wayne Graybeal, Cathy
Clark, Shana Bench, Velma Cox, Jo
Hayes, Ada Dilley, Debbie Hubbard,
Janet Roulston, Phil Beman, Maxine
Yost, Marilyn Irby, Myrna Laughlin,
Jim Willbanks, Phil Morrow, Flo
Olds, Ruth Ellis, Wayne Bennett,
Don Bross, Gene Reed, Joan Jones,
Viola Dilley, Kathleen Olds Elliott,
Ann Geisler, Karen Yancey and
Joyce Carter-Eitson. We pray for our
friends and family members: Willie
White, Dustin Cook, Carmen
Morales, Steve Humphrey, Kay
Webb, Rev. John McLemore,
Carolyn McLemore, Linda Calvert,
Frank Saxton, John Gathers, Joy
Raymond, Jack Thompson, Toni
Blatizar, Sharen Bowers, Brian
Vincent, Glenda McKeever, Ashlee
Townsend, Glenda Fournier, John
Krausse, Gary Clay, Jack Bond,
Donnie Savory, Earl Johnson,
Sherry Hall, Rhonda Lovelace and
Hollie Chappell. Our military
overseas: Jeremy Wilson and
Tauren Sampson. The church we
are praying for: OKC Crown Heights
and their pastor, Jeannie McMahan;
transitional, Aaron Krueger.
are now
available in
the Narthex.
I am excited to start my new adventure with MDO this week
and continue the Ministry that Ms. Betty built over the last 23
years. I look forward to meeting or reacquainting myself with
everyone Wednesday evening at our Open House/Farewell
Dinner for Ms. Betty at 6 p.m.
Youth Group Scoop…
It's a new year and we are ready to get back to business!! YOUth
Sunday planning begins this Sunday @ 6 p.m. See you Sunday at 9:45
a.m. & 6 p.m.
Leadership Training School 2015 will be at Crown Heights Christian Church in OKC on
Jan 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. followed by a luncheon with new Regional Pastor Rev. Pamela
Holt. The event is open to all those interested in learning more about various topics of
interest and leadership within the church. The topic of this year’s school is “Where Two or
More Are Gathered” and a few of the topics include: “Dealing With
Everyday Conflict,” “Forgiveness,” “What to Say When You Don’t
Know What To Say,” The Role of Elders,” “Diaconate,” “Family
Dialogue” and so much more. The keynote speaker for the
morning is Dr. Melinda McGarrah Sharp from Phillips Theological
There will also be children and youth activities. The youth activities
will have a mission focus. The morning will also be followed by an optional luncheon (with a
separate registration) with the purpose of introducing our new Regional Pastor. We will also
be offering a “Choral Music Exchange,” where music leaders will have the opportunity to
exchange music from their church libraries to help us be better stewards of our resources.
The church will pay for a group registration for all who would like to attend the conference
and there is a $8 per person charge for the luncheon. Please call the church office and let us
know if you’d like to join us.
Last week in Kid's Worship we started a new
curriculum called "Where Kids Connect.“ Our
first lesson was about the plagues on Egypt. We
learned about how God protected His people from
Pharaoh, and learned that God is our refuge and
strength, always ready to help in times of
trouble! Next week our lesson is on the parting
of the Red Sea. We will learn about how God helps us when we are
scared. The Kid's Worship Extra class also started a new video series
from Right Now Media called "Prayer.“ They will be learning about the
importance of prayer and ways to start and enhance their prayer
life. Kidventure will be kicking off again really soon so any 5 year olds
through 6th graders, be watching for details!!!
We are really needing more nursery workers to help in the nursery on
Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights and special occasions. This paid
position could be as often as you would like (for example, every Sunday)
or could be as minimal as you would like (every other Sunday, one
Sunday a month, etc.) If you will please be in
prayer for our nursery ministry and if you feel
called to help in any way, please contact Amanda
[email protected]. Thank you for your
prayerful consideration!
Keeping Up
With Karen
Speechless. Not something I had planned on being four, five, even six days
into the New Year. Our new Pastor joked last Wednesday about if I was
having a Zechariah moment and while at the time it was a pretty funny joke,
I am beginning to wonder what exactly I’ve done to foster such voicelessness
(is that a word?). I’d test it out loud but for now I only squeak like a mouse.
I figure whatever state you find yourself in, you might as well see the
good in it and learn from it. So this past week, since I’ve had a case of acute
laryngitis I have spent a lot of time listening. I have spent a lot of time
observing others and I have spent a great deal of time making my children
listen more. I have learned how quickly my kids say “huh?” when I say
something and how quick I am to repeat what I said. Initially, I thought it was
because I could barely whisper but the more I quit repeating what I said, the
more I realized that the response to say “huh?” was really just a reaction
they had become programmed to say. (I won’t even mention that my
husband was doing the same thing…).
For those who have battled laryngitis you know that talking exhausts you,
so I started a new program with my family. I would say things one time and
wait for the “huh?” and then stare at them and let them process what I had
said. Amazingly 85% of the time they had actually heard what I said.
Another good lesson learned this past week is how often nothing needs
to be said at all. I have been amazed at the conversations that take place
around me and there are times when I would normally would have given
input and simply couldn’t. It has been refreshing to see others take the lead
on things and stand back and watch things happen in ways I may or may not
have done them but yet they are still getting done. So, lesson learned –
sometimes you just need to relax and let go!
The final lesson of the week has been patience. Apparently, the key to
getting your voice back is not talking. Oddly enough, about everything in the
world revolves around communication. You know how many times a day my
kids say “mom?” You know how many times a day the phone rings (and you
just find yourself blankly staring at it?). How about pulling up to a drive-thru
window – yes, that’s exciting. Try calling out to a co-worker in the next room
– not happening. And let’s not even talk about trying to make a doctor’s
appointment over the phone!
Yes, all lessons in patience and oddly enough, all lessons in “life could be
worse.” This is only temporary. I have certainly learned to slow down this
week and find a place of QUIET rest that I would not have ordinarily found as
I started this new year. I certainly wouldn’t have listened as much or allowed
others to be heard as much around me.
So at the end of the week, maybe this speechlessness hasn’t been all bad.
I will be glad to be back among the talking whenever it is granted but as I go
into this year I do so a little differently. This year, I hope I will be able to hear
more, talk less, choose words more carefully and take less for granted.
I pray that whatever God has given you to begin this New Year, that you
have found the good in it and will use it for His glory!
God Bless,
Sunday, January 11
Alex Allen and Jake Carey
Tyler and Amanda Shipley
Tara Yancey
Tyler Shipley
Karen Allen
Mollie Swartzbaugh
Myra Phillips and Mollie Swartzbaugh
8:30 – Philip Moseley
10:30 – Linda Holtz
and AJ Griffin
Dave Williams, Philip Moseley,
Keith & Deannie Young
Tara Yancey
Bobby and Susan Davison
(Please wear nametags when serving)
Gary and Angie Byte,
Bobby* and Susan Davison,
Steve and Gretchen Hanna,
Tom Janik, Alex & Carolyn Lunn,
Jed and Carissa Redman,
Jerry Rucker, Dan Russell
* Denotes team captain
Joe Hall, Andy Anderson,
and Jim Smith
Anna Frey, Penny Gooch
Carol Husmann, Clara Ketch
Frances Macrory and Linda Cameron
Kegan Payne, Logan Payne,
Abigail Ball, Mikayla Johnston
John Allen
Kaye Wells
Thank you to all those who helped serve on the Retirement Planning Committee during the past
four months. They included Judy Coburn, Janet Hudson, Tom Janik, Francie Krittenbrink, Terryl
Wieczorek, Pam Williams and Karen Allen.
Thanks also to all those who helped behind the scenes in various ways – John Allen, Charlie Ball,
David Ball, Shana Bench, Carmen Bond, Darin Clark, Holly Evers, A.J. Griffin, Brian Pierson, Sherry
Porter, Derek Shoun, Stan Wieczorek and Dave Williams. Also to Traci Hayes Photography for taking
so many pictures. And a special thank you to Kleins Catering for making a special effort to cater our
event even though they were closed for the holidays!
Most of all thank you to all those who attended, brought cards and contributed to the monetary
gift. Your presence spoke volumes to Dennis and Cathy as we celebrated at this farewell reception.
Thank you so much First Christian Church for my college care package. Also, thank you for the card and the scriptures. One
semester down, seven more to go!
TJ Wilson
Dear Dennis and Church Family, Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness at the loss of our Grandson, Curtis Dale Hixon.
Thanks to the Crescent Bible Study group who brought food for our family. We appreciate your thinking of us.
God Bless You, Don & Margaret Hixon & family
Thank you to my church family for thinking of me during finals. I was so happy to be thought of during this stressful time of my school
year. The gift cards were great and very much appreciated!
Sadie Porter
Spaghetti Dinner & Open House!
Join us Wednesday, January 7
As we honor Ms. Betty for her dedication
to the nursery ministry and Mother’s Day Out
for 27 years!
Dinner will begin at 6 p.m.
with a Reception following at 6:45 p.m.
Please make plans to join us for this celebration!
(There will be a special performance by the MDO children)
Memorials and Special Gifts
We would like to thank the
following individuals and families
for their generous donations.
Building Fund
In Memory of Sid & Irene Ewing
By Randy & Linda Cameron
Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
In Honor of Dennis & Cathy Clark
By Sherry Canning
Choir Music Fund
In Honor of Wayne & Jenny Elder
By Ada Belle Elder
Scholarship Fund
In Honor of Lyndia, Kevin, Eric, Ethan
& Brittney McMahon
By Ada Belle Elder
Makenna Bench made her Confession of Faith on Sunday
and will be baptized this coming Sunday, January 11.
Makenna, or “Mak” as she likes to be called, is the 9-yrold daughter of Nick and Shana Bench and the
granddaughter of Brian and Janna Pierson in our church
family. She is in the 3rd grade at Fogarty Elementary. Mak enjoys arts and crafts,
basketball, softball, dancing and playing Barbies with her little sister, Gabby.
In Honor of my Louisiana Family and my Elder family in Guthrie, OK
By Ada Belle Elder
In Honor of Joy Elder
By Ada Belle Elder
In Memory of Chip Fields and in Honor of Ronnie Fields
By Ron Fields
In Memory of Wayman Momsen
By TJ Wilson
Memorial Fund
In Memory of Bill Wagoner, Marilyn Irby, Peggy Wehr and Sharon Waner
By Bill & Kathy Warner
In Memory of Edith Oswald
By Randy & Linda Cameron
In Memory of Marilyn Irby
By Boyd & Linda Rice
Norman Parker
Ken & Becky Wilkerson
Marilyn Irby
1955 - 2014
In Memory of Mike Harvey
By Mary Harvey
Kenzie, Riley and
baptized on December
28. They are the greatgranddaughters of longtime member Matilda
Rodman. Kenzie is 19yrs-old, Riley is 15-yrsold and Bently is 9-yrsold.
David Lawson came forward on December 28 to recommit his life to Christ and
become a member of our church family. David is a friend of Brandy Riley and has been
singing in our choir for some time. He is a Captain in the
Army and a probation officer for Oklahoma County. He
has recently been stationed to Ft. Bliss and is expected
to be there for one year.
Youth Ministries
In Memory of Ray and Emmett Elder
By Ada Belle Elder
Go On Sale
Ellie and Hattie Bond came forward
to make their public confessions of faith
and be baptized by their Papa on
December 28. Everyone here knows
they are the daughters of Donnie and
Carmen Bond and the beloved
granddaughters of Dennis and Cathy
Clark. Ellie is 10-yrs-old and enjoys
computer games and art. Hattie is 8-yrsold and enjoys playing with dolls and
going to the zoo.
Welcome to the body of Christ!
If you have been thinking about joining or are interested in
being baptized please call (282-4080) or stop by to talk with
Rev. Amy Rogers. She plans to be in the office by 9 a.m. each
day, Monday–Thursday and would be glad to speak with you
about this important decision.