Message Month


Message Month
APRIL 2013
Hello Friends!
Namaskar! I behold the Christ in you. It is with
great joy that I greet you in this month's edition of our
Newsletter. This month our spiritual faculty is Wisdom.
The disciple that corresponds with this faculty is
James, son of Zebedee. The color is yellow and
physical location in the body is the solar plexus.
Pastor Jack’s Message
for the Month
Science of Living
Spotlight: Create Your
Own Garden of Eden
A Garden of Three
Generations of Faith
and Light at United
Palace Cathedral
Creating a Garden of
Spring Cleaning
— It's a bird, it's a
plane... it's Superman!
Connect With Us!
Contributing Writer:
Dr. Cynthia Diaz
Cicely Bland
Proverbs 4:7 says, "Wisdom is the principal thing;
therefore get wisdom. And in all thy getting,
get understanding."
Wisdom is the faculty that helps us to discern,
evaluate and establish a basis for all of our decisions.
Wisdom is a knowingness that comes from within. It is
that intuitive feeling, the "still small voice" that speaks to
us and gives us instruction. Allow the wisdom of God to
instruct you in all you do.
Pastor Jack L. Bomar’s
for the
We all have access to the Mind of God. We have the
ability to communicate with the Mind of God at will. When challenges present
themselves, we can steal away and, in the stillness, allow the Divine Mind to speak
to us. There is no need to run to and fro seeking advice; we each have a personal
inner resource that is available at all times. The wisdom we receive will allow us to
take the next steps toward our greatest and highest good.
You can access the Divine Wisdom within you. Whenever you require an answer
just take time to go inside, to be still, meditate, pray and allow the voice of God to
speak to you.
Proverbs 24:3
"Through wisdom a house is built; and by understanding it is established."
Call in on Monday mornings at 7 am to
“God’s Private Telephone Number.” This is a
half hour of uplifting prayer time. To join us,
dial (605) 475-4700. At the prompt, dial the
Participants’ Access Code: 985834#
You may also write to us at our mailing
address: P.O. Box 55000, Boston, MA 02205,
or visit us here at 4140 Broadway in New York
City for a Sunday Experience at 3pm.
Peace and Blessings,
Whether you join us in
person or on the web —
wherever you are, know that
there is room for you at UPC!
— for the month of April
Inspired by Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter
Better known as "Rev. Ike." From A Science
of Living Study Guide - Chapter Four
Only when you have a clear idea of what
you want will you get it. Deciding what
you want is the first step in creating it.
You can create your own
Garden of Eden because "Garden
of Eden" is a useful term for the
positive things you want to
achieve or acquire. Your Garden
of Eden is whatever makes you
healthy, happy, loving, successful,
and prosperous. You can start your
own Garden of Eden, but first you
have to decide what you want in
your garden. You have to figure
what seeds to plant to make what
you want grow. Then you have to
plant those seeds and nurture them
until they bloom into what you
want. But this all starts with a
Build A Good Greenhouse
You know what happens when you don't water plants,
don’t you? They turn brown, shrivel up, and die. Don't
let that happen to your garden. There is a saying by David
Everett that goes, "Tall oaks from little acorns grow."
This quotation means that no idea is too small if you
believe in it and help it grow into something bigger. Don't
let people discourage you. Don't let the world-mind
discourage you. If you envision a big oak, you go right
ahead and plant those tiny acorns. No idea is too small if
you believe in it.
Forbidden Fruit
There is only one kind of forbidden fruit: Negative
ideas. Now you know how powerful your mind is, and if
you start putting bad thoughts into your mind, then bad
things will try to come into your experience. Negative
ideas are like rotten fruit.
April showers lead to
May flowers. What will your
Because one bad thought,
personal Garden of Eden look
just like one bad apple,
like when your flowers are in
will spoil a whole barrel
full bloom? Fill this "Vision
of good ideas. So, be sure
Box" with the images and
words that reflect the seeds you want to sow
you keep only good ideas
and the garden you expect to grow in your life.
growing in your garden.
Because those good ideas
will grow into your
Garden of Eden.
A garden is a wonderful
place, full of sweet smells
and nice colors. Life
should be the same way.
What are some things you
want to grow in your
garden of life?
Ike's Secrets For Health, Joy, and Prosperity For You:
One way to nurture or help these Rev.
A Science of Living Study Guide is available for purchase
seeds grow is to give them a through the UPC Bookstore. To order, call: (212) 568-6700
positive atmosphere: a greenhouse
for ideas. To make sure the seeds in your greenhouse of
REALITY grow, write down your ideas. When you write
down what you want, you are focusing all your conscious
Right now, I will create my own Garden of Eden.
mind-power on getting it. It helps you to focus your
I must decide what I want to grow there. No one
else can decide for me. I must decide. Now, I must
mind. The Bible says, "Where there is no vision, the
get the seeds or ideas of what I want firmly planted
people perish." (Proverbs 29:18) When you have clearly
my mind. I am visualizing my Garden of Eden.
in your mind the good that you want, when you trust in
I believe in what I want, it will come to pass.
the Presence and Power of God within, your ideas will
be otherwise. Thank you God-in-me!
2 sprout into reality. Mind power is that powerful!
A Garden of Three Generations of Faith
and Light at United Palace Cathedral
Focus On A Family Within a Family
hurches and communities of faith all over the nation are
faced with the challenge of maintaining unity in families
that are interested in promoting faith and a spirit of
cooperation and love. Unlike previous generations, the
tradition of grandparents, parents, and grandchildren attending
religious services together seems to be a dying tradition. With
increased economic and employment demands, competing
athletic and social activities on Sundays, and mental, physical,
political and spiritual distractions, it is becoming a rare sight to
witness multi-generational families demonstrating their shared
faith and light in church and in church-related activities.
That is not the case at United Palace Cathedral. Multigenerational families are part of this community. The James
family is one example. Grandmother Rev. Audrey, Mother
Minister Danielle and Granddaughter Ashley joyfully sit in the
Congregation on Sundays, while contributing to the well-being
and the life of the church on Mondays through Saturdays.
Their energy and contributions are illuminated by a son,
brother and uncle; Rev. Keith Mitchell. Rev. Mitchell has been
active at United Palace Cathedral for more than four decades.
Every garden needs a powerful source of water and light to
grow. The sun, unlike sources of water, does not make a lot of
noise. In this James family showcase, Grandmother Rev. Audrey's
light seems to shine, like powerful rays of silent sunlight. Her
light can be seen radiating through her eyes and the powerful
way that she shines upon her daughter and granddaughter seven
days a week, 30 days a month and four seasons every year.
Like the sun, her illumination is seen in the beautiful growth of
the seeds she has shined upon.
She does not need to make a
lot of noise for her radiance to
be felt in the beauty of the
flowers that have grown and
prospered in her garden.
Minister Danielle,
daughter of Audrey, mother
of Ashley, is like a needed
rainfall. Her essence feels like the showers we anticipate in our
rainy seasons. Brilliant rays of sun would not result in a healthy
garden without needed rain. Rainmakers like Minister Danielle,
complement her mother's silent sunshine. Danielle's gifts can
be heard and felt, pouring upon the lives of others. Her
raindrops fall in her multiple roles as a dedicated daughter, as a
mother to a seven-year old-daughter, as a hard working
professional outside of the church, as a faithful follower of God
Left to right: Matriarch Rev. Audrey Owens, Daughter Danielle James,
Oldest son Keith, standing, and Danielle's daughter Ashley on far right.
and through the fertile soil she rains upon, in various ministries
at United Palace Cathedral. In each instance, you can see the
beauty of the flowers she leaves behind through the showers of
growth that she shares with others.
Granddaughter Ashley, a seven-year-old precious rose,
bears the light and likeness of her grandmother, while
displaying the rainmaking skills of her mother.
She is the flower that makes the garden explode
with renewed life, hope and super vibrant color!
It is obvious that she shares the same seed of the
women who came before her, with the added beauty of
innocence that has not withered. At the blossoming age of
seven , her beauty has not been touched by the weeds of the
world. Instead, she demonstrates the smiles, the faith and the
light that has been planted into her spirit and evolving growth.
The sweet fragrance of this young flower is seen and felt
throughout the United Palace Cathedral Garden through
Ashley's excitement and her desire to participate in every part
of the church and its related components.
Ashley is a prime example of a "now consciousness." She
is the bright future in the present. When recently asked whether
she would be willing to serve as a "Greeter" at the doors of the
church, she quickly agreed. In response to how a good greeter
should serve, she responded that a greeter should always have
a "big smile," they should "make people feel happy" and they
should be "very helpful". Obviously, her three points have been
greatly influenced by three powerful generations of growing in
a beautiful garden of faith and light in her family and at United
Palace Cathedral.
Creating A Garden of Spring Cleaning
at United Palace Cathedral
Team Member
as Jariel
very season has its rituals. Spring is no exception. It is
the time of the year when houses, businesses and
churches begin to spruce up their outward appearances.
Making things look cleaner and more attractive by removing the
clutter that has piled up from an earlier season results in a flurry
of renewed activity that is generally attached to Spring cleaning.
dedication to always
make things look
and feel right feels
like the rewards of
spring cleaning.
United Palace Cathedral is fortunate to have an outstanding
maintenance department that is dedicated to maintaining and
cleaning every nook and cranny of its huge space, all four
seasons of the year. The women and men that are part of the
maintenance team can be seen moving furniture, applying their
gifts towards cleaning all of the seen and unseen areas of our
seven-story building. In the months before Spring, and all of the
months that follow, they work hard at cleaning and rearranging
whatever needs to be moved from the foundation of the historic
site to the top of the Prayer Tower. Members of the maintenance
team consistently set up and break down the customized
arrangements that fill all four corners of the awesome theater, the
Grand Foyer, a breathtaking mezzanine, the sacred Chapel, the
multifaceted cafe and all of the diverse areas that need to be
cleaned and transformed throughout the entire building. At
United Palace Cathedral "Team Work undoubtedly makes the
Dream Work."
Whenever dust,
dirt, grime and the
remnants from a
long hard winter
with all of its storms
accumulate, it is
time to wash it all
away. Creating a
garden of successful Spring cleaning oftentimes calls for
gardeners who have the gift of preparing the soil for beautiful
flowers to grow. There are times when the job may seem so
great that everyone might start calling on "Superman" to prepare
the spaces that need to be spruced up. Don't be surprised if
miraculous images emerge from the old phone booth at the
Palace. Just step back and listen with your creative imagination.
You may hear the words; "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman!"
silently play in the heads of those whose consciousness may be
in need of a supernatural "Garden of Spring Cleaning."
April is the month that is generally recognized as the time of
year that is filled with rain. The rainy season and the showers
that fall on the earth, are followed by the beauty of full flowers
in bloom. In many ways the maintenance staff are like needed
rainmakers before each event. Their spirit of cooperation with
the Church Office and other ministries function like the rain that
is needed to blossom into the flowers that bloom in weekly
Sunday services, in all of the events that are hosted for the
community, in diverse special activities and in every aspect of
this vineyard of hope and healing for the community.
On every team there is always a shining star among a galaxy
of stars. Shining stars light the path of exemplary service for
others to follow. This type of light shines bright in the midst of
unexpected storms. It is not extinguished by challenges and it
shines the brightest in dark or dim moments. One of the shining
stars on the maintenance team is a young man many have
affectionately identified in appreciation as " Superman"
(otherwise known as Jariel Estrella). Shortly after his arrival,
Jariel was nicknamed Superman as soon as others began to
recognize his contributions to the beauty of United Palace's
Garden of Faith. Event after event, whenever tensions arose and
things needed to be done at an exceptional rate of speed,
Superman seemed to appear out of nowhere. Superman has
demonstrated the youthful ability to "fly like a speeding bullet
and move faster than the speed of light." Like the infamous
Clark Kent of early television, whenever there is an assignment
that needs extraordinary attention, this young man seems to
transform from a "natural" employee to a "supernatural" source
of assistance. His smile, his warm spirit and his energetic
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For prayer, call:
(212) 568-6700 X. 22 or 23
United Palace Cathedral provides soul-level
support, opportunities for spiritual growth, and
life-enhancing initiatives and programs for our
congregation, local community, and global family.