June16-13 - St. Jude Catholic Church


June16-13 - St. Jude Catholic Church
St. Jude Catholic Church
Tequesta, FL
Parish Office Phone Number: 561-746-7974
Parish Secretary: Liz Schauer, Ext. 222
Sandi Gallagher, Ext. 224
Mary Lehman, Ext. 221
Facilities Manager: Tom Lehman, 746-7974
Religious Education Grades K thru 7
Position Open contact the Diocese of Palm Beach
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Frank Faranda 748-8805
Director of Music Ministry
Lisa Bucheck 746-7974, Ext. 223
Deacon Les Loh 743-6133
Saturday, June 15
4:00 p.m. Dorothy Wroblewski
(Fr. Ben)
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 16
~Happy Father’s Day~
7:30 a.m. Lucille Unterman by Maria & Tony Cimo
(Fr. Ben)
9:00 a.m. Harold Hunter by His Family (Fr. Tom)
10:30 a.m. People of the Parish (Fr. Brian King)
5:30 p.m. Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Ben)
Monday, June 17
We look forward to welcoming your child into
our family at St. Jude Catholic Church.
A mandatory pre baptism parental preparation program
is held in the mornings of the second Saturday in the
months of January, March, May, June, October and
November. No babysitting is provided.
Registration in the parish is required.
Please contact the Parish Office at 746-7974.
Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 10:30 am.
Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance and no other plans should be finalized until the
parish priest has been consulted. You must be a registered member of the parish for at least 6 months before
making arrangement.
This process is for those wishing to become a full member of the Roman Catholic Church. (Non baptized persons, baptized in another faith, baptized Catholics but
have not received Eucharist or Confirmation or would
like updating.) See page 10 of the bulletin.
Our Parish School
All Saints Catholic School
1759 Indian Creek Parkway
Jupiter, FL 33458
Phone Number: 748-8994
Web Site: www.allsaintsjupiter.org
7:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Tom)
8:30 a.m.Christine and Richard McDonald (Fr. Ben)
Tuesday, June 18
7:30 a.m. Kevin Tucker by Sue & Fred Harkness (Fr. Ben)
8:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Tom)
Wednesday, June 19
7:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Chuck)
8:30 a.m. Claudia Beasley by John & Marlene Canzio
(Fr. Ben)
Thursday, June 20
7:30 a.m. Sherry E Graham by M/M W Magrogan
(Fr. Tom)
8:30 a.m . Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Chuck)
Friday, June 21
7:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Ben)
8:30 a.m. Carl Apuzzo by His Daughters (Fr. Tom)
Saturday, June 22
8:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Ben)
4:00 p.m. William Pratt by Rose Pratt (Fr. Chuck)
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 23
7:30 a.m. Chickie Fichera by Forgony Family (Fr. Tom)
9:00 a.m Kathleen & Mark Cripe by Bill Cripe
(Fr. Ben)
10:30 a.m. People of the Parish (Fr. Chuck)
5:30 p.m. Father’s Day Novena (Fr. Ben)
Blue Denotes “Living” Masses
The Celebrant assigned to say Mass may change.
If you have the Mass Intention please be sure to notify an
Usher so that you may bring up the Offertory Gifts.
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 16, 2013
Dear Parishioners:
Recently, Mary, Mother of Light
Maronite Catholic Church was
related to Tequesta. The parish is
part of the Eparchy (Diocese) of
Saint Maron of Brooklyn, which
has its Chancery in Brooklyn, NY. The Eparchy covers the
entire east coast of the United States, from Maine to Key West,
and has jurisdiction over all Maronite-rite Catholics. The parish
had formerly been located on Lake Worth Road, between Military Trail and Haverhill Road. Bishop Gregory Mansour, the
Bishop of Saint Maron, is a colleague and friend of Bishop
Maronites take their name from Saint Maron (died 410), a Syrian Christian saint who was a priest and a hermit on a mountain
in Syria. He attracted many to his ascetical lifestyle and spirituality. He spoke a dialect of Arabic called Aramaic, the language
of Jesus. Because the Maronites embraced the declaration of the
Council of Chalcedon (451) that Jesus was human and divine
(which the Christian Church believes to this day), they were
persecuted, and after 350 monks were executed, a group fled to
the mountains of Lebanon. The Bishop of Rome, Pope
Hormisdas, granted recognition to the Maronites as a distinct
rite of the Catholic Church in the early 500’s.
There are many Maronite eparchies throughout the world. In the
United States, there are two: one in Brooklyn, which covers the
East, and one in Los Angeles, which covers the West. [There is
one in Montréal, Québec (Canada) as well.] Universally, they
are called a Patriarchal Church, because they are immediately
governed by Patriarch Béchara Boutros Cardinal Raï, who is in
communion with the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis.
Each Catholic acquires a proper parish by residence. However,
according to the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of
the Eastern Churches, Catholics of any rite can attend the Divine Liturgy (known in Aramaic as the Qurbono) in any rite and
fulfill their Sunday obligation there. One can find many familiar
elements similar to the Latin (Roman) Mass, but there are many
differences as well. Incense is used extensively in the ritual, and
the language of the Liturgy is English (or the vernacular) and
Arabic / Aramaic, with the Consecratory Prayer (that changes
the elements of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of
Christ) always chanted in Aramaic.
Latin (Roman) rite Catholics are often unfamiliar with the twenty-one different Eastern rites of the Catholic Church. Each rite is
equal in dignity to another, and each celebrates the seven sacraments left as Christ’s touch in the world.
Father Alaa, a newly ordained priest from Syria, has been appointed as pastor of Mary, Mother of Light. I wish to welcome
him as a Catholic priest to the Tequesta area. May the Lord bless
him in his new ministry.
Fr. Chuck
Sacrificial Giving
$ 10,216.20
Black & Indian Mission
Parish Hall Renovation
$ 2,140.16
$ 1,288.00
Thank you for your continued generosity.
What is the best way to ensure our parish receives the
support needed for our operating expenses and ministries during the summer months? You can sign up online
at www.faithdirect.net using our church code: FL131,
or by mailing a paper enrollment form available in the
Parish office. Increased enrollment with Faith Direct
will help stabilize our parish finances during the coming
summer months when many families are away on vacation!
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Times are tough especially for our low
income families. We help them with food,
from being evicted, and to keep their
lights on. Please help us if you can by
putting your donations in the Poor Boxes.
~Thank You
Readings for Next Sunday,
June 23, 2013
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading: Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
Second Reading: Galatians 3:26-29
Gospel: Luke 9:18-24
We must become aware that God dwells within
us and do everything with Him,
then we are never commonplace even when
performing the most ordinary tasks, for we do
not live in these things, we go beyond them.
A supernatural soul never deals with
natural causes but with God alone.
~ Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
A Blessing Prayer
for Fathers
Blessed are you, Lord and
Father of all life, who has
given us the gift of the father of our family. Today we honor him. His love for
us has been a sign of your affection and a sharing in
your holy love. Bless him this day with your strength
and grace that he may continue to be a sign of your
presence and a priestly parent to our family. May we
who are a part of this family assist him by our respect,
obedience and care. Bless him, Lord, with happiness
and health, peace and prosperity, so that he may live
in harmony with all your people. Receive into your
eternal kingdom all our fathers who have gone to
their rest. Grant them life forever, as they gave us life
here on this earth. We ask this prayer in the name of
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The priests, deacon and staff wish all of the Father’s
“Catholicism Series”
Learn more about our Faith!
We meet on Wednesday evenings
7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Chapel.
Please call Deacon Les to
reserve your seat at 743-6133 or
Email: [email protected]
Pro Life
Many do not want to “interfere”
with someone’s choice to have
an abortion. Yet to them, it makes
perfect sense to “interfere” with a person’s choice to steal your car, burn your
house, or kidnap your child! The fact is that some
choices have victims, and when somebody’s choice
destroys another’s life or rights, it’s everybody’s
business. It is the business of all of us to intervene
to save the pre-born, the elderly, and the infirm.
Catechism Question
87. In what way is Jesus Christ
true God and true man?
Special National Masses
to be held for
“Fortnight for Freedom”
A mass to open the Fortnight for Freedom will be
offered on Thursday, June 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of
the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore, Maryland,
celebrated by Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore
and Chairman of the USCCB’s Ad Hoc Committee
for Religious Liberty. Similarly, a mass to close the
Fortnight will be offered on Wednesday, July 4 at
Noon at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl of the Archdiocese of Washington.
Jesus is inseparably true God and true
man in the unity of his Person. As the Son of God,
who is “begotten, not made, consubstantial with the
Father,” he was made true man, our brother, without ceasing to be God our Lord.
All Saints continues to accept applications for admission for the 2013-2014 school year. For further
information and to schedule a personal tour of the
school, please contact Mrs. Carolyn Lavelle at 561748-8994. Please go the school’s website,
www.allsaintsjupiter.org to take the virtual tour located under the Who We Are tab.
We have rented a Pavilion at Jonathan
Dickinson State Park, 16450 SE Federal Hwy, Hobe
Sound for our Cook-Out/Bon Fire! The cook-out will
be next Saturday, June 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00
p.m. We will provide items for the cook-out. We ask
that families bring covered dishes and beverages. We
will be going canoeing and kayaking along with other
fun activities.
To reserve your spot for this event please contact
Frank at 748-8805.
It’s the start of another incredible summer! Please remember the Student Ministry has many activities
planned that are open for everyone to enjoy and participate in! Bring your friends ~
everyone is welcome!
Find our summer activities calendar at:
under the Student Ministry’s link.
There will be an Usher Meeting this coming Tuesday, June 25th in the Church at 7:00 p.m. Please
call Art Palmieri at 339-4929 if you plan to attend.
~ Thank You
God our Father, Creator of the
Universe and Lord over all creation, we humbly stand before you as
your children and ask that you keep
us safe from all hurricanes which
may threaten us. Protect us from all fear and anxiety
of storms and give us an ardent trust and hope in
Your love and mercy. You alone have the power to
command the sea, the wind and the rain. You alone
bring peace, calm and safety. Father, we thank you
in advance, for you are our only refuge. We ask this
through Christ Your Son, Who lives and reigns with
You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Mary, Queen of the Apostles,
and Patroness of our Diocese, pray for us.
Holy Cross Church Kids Seeking to Fund Their
Vacation Bible Summer Camp 2013
Children from Holy Cross Church in Indiantown are
praying for sponsors for their summer camp. Can
you help a child enjoy “Vacation Bible Summer
Camp 2013”? Your donation can make the week of
July 15th to the 20th the “Best Summer and Vacation Ever” for these children! The camp week will
include sharing God’s love through prayer, parables,
music, crafts, daily trips to local attractions, and a
safe and happy place to spend part of their summer.
We will take them to the beach, movies, the Zoo, and
Wet’ Wild Water Park in Orlando. This will be best
Vacation Bible Summer Camp ever in their life. Donation of any amount are gratefully accepted and
most appreciated! The kids themselves will send you
a personal photo and note of thanks!
More info: Please call Holy Cross Church office @
772-597-2798, [email protected] or [email protected] Or you can send your tax deduction check to: Holy Cross Catholic Church, Summer
Camp 2013, P.O. Box 999, Indiantown, FL 34956
Donations Needed
for Pregnancy Care
Birthline/Lifeline Pregnancy
Care Centers serve over 500
clients every month in Palm Beach County. Birthline/
Lifeline offers FREE services to women, including
pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, basic counseling, referrals for prenatal care, material assistance and parenting
classes. There is a great need for the following items:
Baby clothes, shoes, newborn up to 3T, maternity
clothes; cribs with mattresses or Pak N Plays; blankets,
sheets and towels; strollers; car seats (need to be new);
unopened formula and baby food; high chairs; bathtubs; bottles; diapers and wipes. The items donated are
nearly new or slightly used but in excellent condition.
All Donations are tax deductible.
Please contact 561-775-9560 or
visit the Catholic Charities website
charities for program information.
Upcoming Training
Are you interested in Health Ministry? Catholic Charities Interfaith Health & Wellness is announcing its annual Faith Community Nurse Basic Preparation
Course, June 17-21, 2013 at Duncan Conference Center in Delray Beach. All nurses who complete the
course will receive 33.5 credits and a certificate. To
register: www.ihwassoc.org or contact 561-345-2006
or [email protected]
6th Annual
Young Adult Retreat
“Draw Near to God” is the theme for
this mid-summer retreat at Our Lady of Florida
Spiritual Center. This retreat is planned and presented by the Young Adults of the Diocese of
Palm Beach. The date of the retreat is July 12-14,
2013. This retreat is for young adults age 18 to
35. Married couples are welcome!
The retreat fee of $50 is required when making
your reservation. The actual cost of the retreat is
$195. You can email: [email protected] or go to
Notice of Open Positions
Diocese of Palm Beach
The following positions are open in
the Diocese. They are: Vice Principal for Academics - Pope John Paul II, Boca Raton; Religious
Education Director - St. Jude, Tequesta; Principal
- St. Helen Catholic School, Vero Beach.
The following positions are open at Catholic
Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach.
They are: Executive Administrative Assistant Pastoral Center, Palm Beach Gardens.
Please see our job posting and application instructions at: http://www.diocesepb.org/job-listing.
Please Pray for the Sick
Peggy Radford, Celia Sardinha, Ralph Ianuzzi, Bob Collins, Rita Meing, Rose Bibble,
Jules & Eleanor Winfree, Mitchell Colucci, Patrick O’Connor, Patricia Hobbie,
Barbara Hufner, Carmine Nappi, Denise Sessions, Rafaela Casado, Marlin Olson,
Epifanio Velazquez, Tyler John Harpe, Beto Gage, and Gladys Rose Connors.
Please call the parish office with your requests for our sick.
The name will be removed after two weeks.
St. Jude Parish Registration Form
We are so blessed that you decided to join our
Parish family. Please fill out the registration
form below and drop it in the Collection Basket.
If you are moving please note your new address
below or on the Offertory Envelope. If you are leaving
the Parish, please indicate below also. All permanent
and seasonal residents are requested to register in the
New in the parish:________________________________
Leaving the parish:_______________________________
Envelopes: Yes: _____________ No: _____________
Last Name (& Husband’s First Name)_________________
Religion:________________ Date of Birth:_____________
Sacraments received:
Baptism______ Communion______ Confirmation______
“Honor Those in The Military”
This section of the Bulletin acknowledges
the men and women serving in the armed forces. We
are grateful to them for protecting us all. They are:
S.A. Kenan O’Connor, Navy; SPC Michael Faranda,
Army; LC Patrick McKenna Calahan, USMC; S.A.
Christian R. Anderson, Navy; SSGT Adam Foote, Green
Beret, Army; Samantha Fergus, Navy; SSGT Robert
Darling, Jr., Air Force; LCPL Etham McElwee, USMC;
SN Christopher Curtis, Navy; LCPL John Corsi, III,
USMC; SGT Ted Wells, USMC; MAJ Kevin Campbell,
USMC; SGT Steve Cotter, AF; SGT Michael O’Connor,
USMC; 1LT Caitlin Powers, USMC; 1LT Daniel Lee,
USMC; LC Bret Powers, USMC; Lt. J. G. Daniel Glenn,
Navy; William R. Richards, III; MAJ. Jack Antedomenico, USAF; LT. COL. Noemi Antedomenico, USAF;
Warent Officer James Rehl, USAF; SGT Parker S.
Lane, USAF; LT.JG Christopher Dooley, Navy; SGT.
Jesse Cox, Army; SSGT Richard Miller, USAF
Occupation: ______________________________________
Wife’s name or single full name:______________________
Religion :_______________ Date of Birth:_____________
Rosary Service Held Every Month
Catholic Charities Office of Respect
Life conducts a Rosary Service the first
Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
outside the Presidential Women’s Center in West Palm Beach. The center is
located at 100 Northpoint Parkway, just off 45th St. and
Village Blvd.
City: _________________ Zip Code: _________________
E-Mail Address: ___________________________________
Please join us across the street from the abortion center
as we peacefully pray. For information call 775-9565.
Sacraments received please circle:
Baptism______ Communion______ Confirmation______
Mailing Address:__________________________________
Home Phone: ________________Cell__________________
Single_____ Catholic Marriage_____ Civil Marriage_____
Divorced_____ Widowed_____ Separated_____
Seasonal Northern Address:__________________________
Are you a full time resident?__________________________
If you are a part time resident, what months do you reside in
Name of subdivision in which you live:________________
Names of children living with you and their date of birth and
the Sacraments they have received____________________
The Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of
Palm Beach invites you to consider participating in the upcoming Cursillo weekend retreat, currently scheduled for June 20-23, 2013
(Women’s weekend), at All Saints Catholic School in
Please visit www.cursillo.org/palmbeach or call Ron
Crescenzo, 561-758-9364, for information.
Our Lady’s Rosary Prayer Group ~ Our Blessed
Mother has always asked us to pray the rosary to
help us become closer to Jesus. Our families,
church, country, and the world are in need of all
the rosaries we can pray. Peace can only come through God and prayer. All are welcome to join us on
Tuesday evenings from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel. We pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine
Mercy. If you have a question, please call Mary at 746-7974. (Please enter through the doors on the south
side of the chapel.) Please also note the Rosary is said after the 7:30 & 8:30 a.m. morning Masses in the
Devotions to Our Blessed Mother
Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle Prayer Group meets on Friday mornings after the 7:30 a.m. Mass in the Chapel.
We do hope that you will be able to join us.
Devotion to Mary is always on the First Saturday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
Adoration Chapel
The Most Blessed Sacrament is exposed every day in the Adoration
Chapel from 9:00 a.m. in the morning until 9:00 p.m. in the evening. On the First Friday of the month, exposition is 7:00 a.m. through 7:00 a.m. the following morning, First Saturday. If
you wish to participate in the opportunity to spend time in silent prayer before the Lord and bring many blessings to yourself, your family and our parish, please come to the Parish Office for further information.
Attention: Men of the Parish ages 18 and over are welcome to an
hour of Men’s Fellowship, Prayer & Scripture Reading every other
Saturday morning. Until work is completed in Room 8, we will
gather in the Parish Hall Conference Room on June 29th from
7:15 am to 8:15 am.. Please enter at the main door to the Parish Hall Lobby. “Where one alone would be overcome,
two will put up resistance: and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12. Please call Deacon Les at 561743-6133.
Men in Fellowship & Prayer
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
RCIA is for:
1. Those who are interested in becoming Catholic;
2. Those who want to learn about the Catholic faith and teachings;
3. Those adults who were Baptized Catholic but have not yet made their First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation;
4. Those Catholics who want to learn more about their Catholic Faith. We will resume in the Fall.
Lord our God, before you there are no secrets;
nothing is hidden from your eyes and nothing happens without your permission.
Grant us the happiness of beginning this trip entrusted to you;
permit us to go and to return in peace and tranquility, in your infinite love and mercy.
Accompany us with your loving security and direct our footsteps with
the steady love of your heart, keeping us always close to you, Lord.
May we see clearly the obstacles of our journey,
and may we keep safe from affliction and despair, thanks to your blessing and care.
Blessed are you, O Eternal God; you have protected us in such a way that
by the light of your presence we shall always find new roads
and fulfilling answers to our yearnings. Amen.