Holy Trinity Parish


Holy Trinity Parish
Holy Trinity Parish
A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust
5718 Steubenville Pike, Robinson Township, PA 15136-1311
Pastoral Staff (412-787-2140)
Rev. Kenneth R. Keene, Pastor
ext. 104
[email protected]
Rev. Vincent Kolo, In Residence
ext. 110
Mr. Tim M. Killmeyer, Deacon
[email protected]
Mrs. Barbara Kralik, Pastoral Associate
ext. 103
[email protected]
Mrs. Kimberly Stevenson, School Principal
[email protected]
Mrs. Catherine Wilkinson, CCD Coordinator
787-2656,ext. 156 [email protected]
Carl Stuvek,Young Adult Minister
ext. 117
[email protected]
Mr. Bruce Hayes, Business Manager
ext. 108
[email protected]
Mr. David Haseleu, Director of Development &
ext. 152
[email protected]
Mrs. Marybeth McGinley, Bookkeeper
ext. 105
[email protected]
Mrs. Carol Ludwick, Bulletin Editor/Receptionist
ext. 100
[email protected]
October 12, 2014
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(412) 787-2140
Rectory Fax:
(412) 787-3799
CCD, Mrs. Wilkinson:
(412) 787-2656, ext. 156
RCIA, Mrs. Bridge:
(412) 787-1069
Youth Ministry:
(412) 787-2140, ext. 117
St. Vincent dePaul :
(412) 860-3669
Mr. Stephen R. Graham, Chairperson of Pastoral
Mr. David Hess, Chairperson of Finance Council
Mr. Daniel Betten, Chairperson of Building &
Church E-mail:
Church Website:
School Fax:
Social Hall:
School Website:
[email protected]
(412) 787-2656
[email protected]
(412) 787-9487
(412)787-2656 ext. 4
(412) 722-1586
Mass Schedule
Saturday evening:
5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7 PM
Weekdays: 8:15 AM (See inside schedule)
8:15 AM
Mrs. Loreen Iezzi, Contributions/Safe Environment
ext. 102
[email protected]
BULLETIN DEADLINE: Friday afternoon the week
before bulletin printing.
“Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.”
October 12, 2014
Page 2
I can do all things in him
who strengthens me.
— Philippians 4:13
MONDAY, OCTOBER 13—Columbus Day
8:15 am Sr. Paul Marie Peterman (Mr./Mrs. Michael Ruggiero) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 — St. Callistus, pope
8:15 am
Andrew & Anna Kocis (Daughters, Louise & Jeannette) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 — St. Teresa of Jesus 8:15 am Fr. William Scholz (Louanne, Tim & Megan) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 — St. Hedwig & St.
Margaret Mary Alacoque
8:15 am William Carnot (Michael Krivanek) 6:30 pm Frank L. Johnston (Anna Szarmack & family) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 — St. Ignatius of Antioch
8:15 am Raymond McConaghy (Pete & Silvana Mariani) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 — St. Luke, evangelist 8:15 am Mobrey Family (Paul & Fran Burke) 5:00 pm Eugene Fillipone (Wife, Millie) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 -29th Sun. in Ordinary Time
8:00 am For Our Parishioners 10:00 am Michael Kuchta (Mary Lou & Jim Berry) 12:00 pm Joseph Skoff (Sophia Skoff) 7:00 pm Gary Tomcik (Mary Kay Buranosky) Traveling Chalice Participation
If you would like to participate in the Traveling Chalice program, please fill out the form below and return to the Rectory. Name of Family ______________________________________________ Phone Number ______________________________________________ Circle Mass Time You Normally Attend: • Saturday, 5 pm • Sunday, 8 am • Sunday, 10 am • Sunday, 12 pm • Sunday, 7 pm HOLY TRINITY PARISH
Daily following the 8:15 am Mass (Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious & Luminous Mysteries of Our Savior’s Life) Confession: Sat. 11:30 to 12 Noon, First Floor Parish Ministry Center Adoration: Every Thursday after 6:30 pm Mass with Benediction at 8:15 pm, Chapel, First Floor Parish Ministry Center; 24‐hour adoration on First Fridays. Baptism:
By appointment only. Times — The First Sunday of the month & the Third Sunday of the month, both at 1 pm. Baptism class required (3rd Wednesday of the month at 7 pm): Call Anita Bridge at 412‐787‐
1069. Holy Communion to Home Bound First Fridays (please inform the Parish Receptionist if a member of the family is no longer able to attend Mass) PRESENTATION OF OFFERTORY GIFTS
Parishioners are encouraged to participate in the presentation of offertory gifts at Weekend Masses. Please check in with the ushers ten minutes before the Mass that you have selected. READINGS FOR THE WEEK
Monday: Gal 4:22‐24, 26‐27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b‐5a, 6‐7; Lk 11:29‐32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1‐6; Ps 119:41, 43‐45, 47‐48; Lk 11:37‐41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18‐25; Ps 1:1‐4, 6; Lk 11:42‐46 Thursday: Eph 1:1‐10; Ps 98:1‐6; Lk 11:47‐54 Friday: Eph 1:11‐14; Ps 33:1‐2, 4‐5, 12‐13; Lk 12:1‐7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10‐17b; Ps 145:10‐13, 17‐18; Lk 10:1‐9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4‐6; Ps 96:1, 3‐5, 7‐10; 1 Thes 1:1‐5b; Mt 22:15‐21 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES
Sunday: Twenty‐eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Columbus Day; Canadian Thanksgiving Day Tuesday: St. Callistus I Wednesday: St. Teresa of Jesus Thursday: St. Hedwig; St. Margaret Mary Alacoque; National Boss Day Friday: St. Ignatius of Antioch Saturday: St. Luke Please Pray for Vocations!
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Page 3
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion
Altar Servers
October 18
5 pm
Mary Shiwarski, Raymond Belhumeur, Linda David Hess Gomulka, Catherine Wilkinson, Harry Brian Hermiller Postufka Kate Hermiller Larissa Krulac Sunday,
October 19
8 am
Anne Marie Canny, Stanley Stavish, Ralph Buck, Thomas Dirda, Mary Dirda Nathan Maggi Jenna Stavish Sunday,
October 19
10 am
Leigh Snyder, Gary Silvestri, Denise Silvestri, Duncan Penney Kathy Ann Yamatani, James Burns Rufie Harr Chloee Borgialli Ryan Parker Sunday,
October 19
12 pm
Anne Koller, Veronica Rojahn, Al Jami‐
olkowski, Margaret Jamiolkowski, Diane Moran Michael Lesifko Kimberly Feeley Chiara Golomb Madeline Minsinger Sunday,
October 19
7 pm
Mary Weibel, Charles Baker, Claire Lajoie, Debbie Manion Melissa Cullin Kenneth Zern Jacob Jones Seth Moore REVELATION:
Revelation is the first “ongoing” study in The Great
Adventure Bible Study Program. In this intriguing look at one of the most talked‐about books in Scripture, Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate how the kingdom established by Christ in His Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven, especially through the celebration of the Mass. You will learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation present, as well as what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history. Join us for Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come at Holy
Trinity in Robinson Twp beginning the first Monday
of Advent at 6:30 pm and continuing every Monday
through Advent, then picking up again on the Mondays throughout Lent. For more information or to register for the study, call Dave at 412-855-0960 or via email: [email protected]. POOR BOX DONATIONS
During the construction period in the church, please put your monetary donations for the poor box in an envelope marked “Poor Box” and place the donation in the collection basket during Mass. Rebecca Kutzavitch Joseph Canny PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL
Clare Beer, Dolores Bianco, Joseph Bianco, Bob Blumling,
Sara Babro, Theresa Boros, Eugene Camarota,
Hazel & Chuck Dolence, Marian Drexler, Jerry Funaro,
Irene Gaskins, Jerry Grimm, Carol Holzapfel, Cecelia
Houlihan, Mary Louise Karns, Barry Krally, John
Leaman, Lori Leaman, Patricia Misklow, Betty Ann
Navickas, Bernadette Neimeyer, Loretta Petrilena,
Jolaine Roberts, Margaret Ruprecht, Dan Sabatucci,
Marie Sabatucci, Fran Smith, Harry Suehr, Marian
Teriet, Patricia Zombeck
Please pray for these and all those who are ill. If you know of anyone who is ill and would like to receive the sacraments please let Fr. Ken know. CHURCH RENOVATION PICTURES The photoframe on the table in the gym lobby shows the progress of the renovations after Sun‐
day Masses, but now you can view the progress online by going to: http://tinyurl.com/
HTrenovations The Rectory Office will be closed on Monday, October 13th. The office will open Tuesday moning at 8:30 am. Holy Trinity Parish
Holy Trinity parish community is conducting our 16th annual winter coat and clothing drive for the needy families of the Appalachian Region of WV beginning October 1st through October 31st. Please leave any winter coats, clothing, hats, gloves, blankets, and toys in front of the center door of the garage located at the Parish Ministry Center. Your donated items will be delivered and distrib‐
uted directly to our Appalachian neighbors who struggle to meet the basic needs of daily life. If you need any additional information, please call Barb Angelo at 412‐787‐3655. PARISH DONATIONS FOR THE WEEKEND OF
September 20/21, 2014 $ 9,870.50 Regular Sunday Envelope $ 2,839.50 Parish Share (PSP) $12,710.00 TOTAL $ 1,777.72 Middle East Crisis Collection STEM Comes Alive
at Holy Trinity Catholic School Students in Fourth Grade were given the Marsh‐
mallow Challenge. This STEM (Science, Technol‐
ogy, Engineering and Math) project is a fun and instructive design exercise that encourages stu‐
dents to experience simple but profound lessons in collaboration, innovation and creativity. The task is simple: In eighteen minutes, teams must build the tallest freestanding structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow needs to be on top. The students enjoyed employing various creative approaches to complete their task. Page 4
Sun., Oct. 12 — CCD Classes Mon., Oct. 13 — Columbus Day — The Rectory Office will be closed. Wed., Oct. 15 — Marian Prayer Group, 8 pm, chapel Thurs., Oct. 16 — 6:30 pm Mass with adoration & benediction at 8:15 pm, chapel; Ladies of Charity meeting, after 6:30 Mass, Parish Ministry Center Sun., Oct. 19 — CCD Classes; World Mission Sunday; Baptisms at 1 pm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The loss of a spouse through separation, divorce, or death is a most traumatic experience. The Beginning Experience weekend is intended to help widowed, di‐
vorced, separated people who would like to pass through the grief and begin to move forward with their lives. Come to a safe place. Travel from heartache to hope. The next weekend will be held October 2426, 2014 at the Gilmary Center in Moon Twp., PA. Pay‐
ment arrangements and possible financial assistance are available. For more information, www.BeginningExperience.org or make a confidential call to Mary at 412‐523‐2405 or Steve at 412‐720‐
St. Joseph Spirituality Center will sponsor an Ignatian
Weekend of Prayer beginning on Friday, October 24
at 7:00 pm and closing on Sunday, October 26 at noon. This directed retreat, offered by Sister Catherine Higgins and a team of spiritual directors, is based on the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola. It is an opportu‐
nity for Scriptural‐based prayer in a contemplative mode in an atmosphere of silence and quiet prayer. This retreat will include daily liturgy and daily individ‐
ual retreat direction. A fee of $120 includes meals, lodging, and individual direction. To register, call 724‐
869‐6587 by October 15. JOURNEY FROM GRIEF TO HEALINGSt. St. Joseph Spirituality Center will sponsor Journey
From Grief to Healing, conducted by Sister Mary Ann Thimons, on five Thursday afternoons (October 23 to November 20) from 1:30 – 3:00 pm. Sessions consist of input, sharing, and mutual support – helping us to learn coping, surviving, and healing skills during a time of grief. There is no fee for this program. To register, call 412 ‐ 600 – 3247 by October 19. October 12, 2014
Page 5
Just a reminder that, even though you are coming
to what looks like a gym, you are entering sacred
space. The Blessed Sacrament is present, therefore, we should be respectful of our Eucharistic
Lord and keep our chit chat to a bare minimum,
offering prayers in preparation for Holy Mass.
Thank you for working with us and making adjustments through this change. We can do this if
we all work together.
Thanks to all the dedicated volunteers who have
been helping with the set up and take down of
our worship space. We continue to need dedicated volunteers to help in this effort. Please see
the sign-up sheets in the foyer at the main entrance to Fr. Herrmann Hall to sign up and offer
your help and support. Setup is on Saturday at
2:00 PM. Half of the chairs are taken down on
Sunday evening at 8:00 PM. The rest of the take
down occurs on Monday morning following the
8:15 AM school Mass. Each of these will take
about an hour of your time. Can we count on
Handicapped seating has been added to the front
of the right section of the room. These seats are
intended only for those who find it difficult to
stand from the seated position or unable to approach to receive Holy Communion. We ask that
only those who have this need use these chairs.
Communion will be brought to those in these
During the Liturgy of the Eucharist from the introduction to the Preface when the priest says
“Lift up your hearts” and we respond “We have
lifted them up to the Lord” through the "Holy,
Holy, Holy" and whole Eucharistic Prayer
(Consecration) we are really praying one continuous prayer. Therefore, we should refrain
from responding to the words “…through Christ
our Lord” during the preface. The “Great Amen”
just before the Our Father constitutes the end of
the prayer. If you listen closely to the Preface the
priest is simply saying a statement of fact to the
Father, not petitioning him which would include
an “Amen” from those present.
We all get into habits in our daily living. Some
habits are good and others should change. We
live such a fast paced life that we are always
ready to get to the next thing and have a habit of
leaving Holy Mass early. However, the Liturgy
should not be something that we simply leave
early or after receiving Holy Communion so we
can beat the traffic or get to the next thing on our
list. Let’s try to set good example for others, especially our children, by taking time after receiving our Lord to thank him for his many blessings.
If you are not able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, take some time for a Spiritual Communion,
inviting the Lord into your life, thanking him for
his many blessings.
As you can see by viewing the slide show located in
the foyer of Fr. Herrmann Hall, renovations are progressing. Having completed a little over a month of
celebrating the Liturgy in Fr. Herrmann Hall, the
gym, I just wanted to offer a few thoughts.
We continue to make minor adjustments as time
goes on. One adjustment was the position that
the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
take to distribute the Body of the Lord. We ask
that as you come to receive Holy Communion
that you are mindful that everyone should proceed out of the left of their row. Two Ministers
of Holy Communion are available in each section. Please follow the usher’s direction and receive communion from either minister. Also, be
careful not to cut off someone who might be in a
line next to you by stepping in front of them.
I know the temperature has been an issue. The
HVAC system in the room is automatic, i.e.,
there is not a dial to set the temperature. The
system is set up in such a way as to sense the
number of people in the room and adjust accordingly. I will ask our HVAC contractor to raise
the temperature a bit. However, without getting
too technical, the floor of the gym requires the
temperature and humidity to be at specific points.
Holy Trinity Parish
Page 6
ROSARY PILGRIMAGE You are invited to attend a Rosary Pilgrimage to the outdoor Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Joseph Convent, Baden, on Sunday, October 26, at 1:00 pm. The pilgrimage will begin on the Station Path behind the Chapel and consist of rosary and songs, followed by closing prayers at the grotto. (In case of bad weather, the prayer will be held in the Chapel.) Light refreshments will then be served in the Sisters’ Dining Room. For directions and parking, see the website at www.stjoseph‐baden.org and go to “Contact Us,” then ”Directions and Parking.” Proceed around the building to the lawn behind the Chapel. For more information, contact Sister Roseann Gaul at 724‐888‐6809. OLSH OPEN HOUSE
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School invites you to its Open House for prospective students and families on Sunday, October 19 from 12:00 to
3:00 pm.
You are also invited to join us for Mass at 11:00 am in the OLSH chapel. Did you know that OLSH was named a 2014 School of excellence by the Cardinal Newman Society for its commitment to Catholic identity and academic excellence? Learn more and register for Open House at www.olsh.org! Holy Trinity Social Club
Come Join Us For Lunch And Fellowship!
Tuesday, October 21
Olive Garden
6000 Robinson Centre Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15205
(We’ve reserved the back room.)
All are welcome! Bring a friend!
Please RSVP to the Parish Office:
412-787-2140 x100
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
theYMCA For Youth Development
For Healthy Living
For Social Responsibility
For Western Area Y
Annual Campaign
Sunday, October 26
Doors open at 1 pm — Bingo begins at 2 pm
Holy Trinity School Cafeteria
Please park in the upper parking lot near the
church. Parking will be limited near the cafeteria entrance.
Tickets can be purchased for $25 in advance via our website at www.westernarea‐y.org or at the YMCA Welcome Center. $30 if purchased at the door. Call Western Area Y for details at 412‐787‐
9622. 20 Games of Bingo
Large Chinese Auction
Wednesday, October 22nd at 6:30 pm
The Mass will be celebrated at St. Malachy Church, Kennedy Twp. by Rev. William J. Kiel on Wednesday, October 22nd at 6:30 pm. Page 7
TODAY — Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Forest Grove V.F.D. is holding an All YOU CAN EAT PANCAKES AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST on Sunday Oc‐
tober 12, 2014 from 8 am to 1 pm at the firehall lo‐
cated at 2044 Ewings Mill Road, across from Forest Grove School. Adults are $5 Children $2.50. Takeouts are available. Thank you for your support! SOUP TAKE OUT
at Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God October 22, 2014
Wedding, Acorn Squash, and Stuffed Cabbage soups for $5.00 a quart. Orders must be placed by Thursday, Oct. 16 at (412) 885‐7232 or [email protected]. Pick‐
up is Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Sisters’ Motherhouse, located at 3603 McRoberts Road in Pittsburgh’s South Hills (15234.) The Sisters Gift Shoppe will be open, and Franciscan Blend Coffee will also be available. All proceeds benefit the Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God. PENN STATE STUDENTS FUNDRAISING
The Penn State Dance Marathon, affectionately known as THON, is a yearlong effort to raise funds and awareness in the fight against pediatric cancer. Since 1977, THON has raised more than $114 mil‐
lion for the Four Diamonds Fund at Penn State Her‐
shey Children's Hospital. The mission of THON is to conquer pediatric cancer by providing emotional and financial support to the children, families, re‐
searchers and staff of the Four Diamonds Fund. The Penn State Powerlifting Team is one of hundreds of General Organizations who assist in raising funds during this yearlong fundraising effort. Members of the Penn State Powerlifting Team will be accepting donations before and af‐
ter Sunday Masses on October 19, 2014. We would like to thank the parishioners of Holy Trinity Parish in advance for their generous support. SPAGHETTI DINNER
At Montours Presbyterian Church,
3151 Montour Church Road
Saturday, October 18, 4:30 to 6:30 pm
Take‐outs available. Tickets at the door. For more info. call the church at 412‐787‐1050.