May 29-June 11 - Elizabeth Baptist Church


May 29-June 11 - Elizabeth Baptist Church
Financial Report
Thank You
Wednesday Night Menu 2
Vote Results
“Notes” from Mike
Keenage Beach Trip
EBC Kids Info
Prayer Warriors
Children’s Home Info
Camping Info
After the service this Sunday, a number of people commented on the quote I shared from
the 19th century revivalist Charles Finney and one person suggested I share it in writing
with the congregation. That was a great idea and a perfect fit for this newsletter article. The quote from Sunday, shared on Dec 4, 1873, is listed first, followed by a series of
popular quotes by Finney. Remember, these are quotes delivered primarily in the mid1800’s.
“Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If immorality prevails in the land,
the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible
for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the
church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the
pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our
government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact,
my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in
respect to the morals of this nation.”
Chrismon Workshop
Birth Announcement
“A revival is nothing else than a new beginning of obedience to God.”
June Calendar
June Birthdays
“If the presence of God is in the church, the church will draw the world in. If the presence
of God is not in the church, the world will draw the church out.”
High School Grads
College Grads
What’s Happening
Servants on Call
Food Bank List
“The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in
politics or the Lord will curse them. . . . Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently. . . . Christians seem to act as if
they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it - and He
will bless or curse this nation according to the course they take.”
See you Sunday, as we sit at the Lord’s Table.
Financial Report
May 15 Summary
8:30 Service attendance=
11:00 Service attendance=
Sunday School attendance=
Brookdale Shelby=
Tithes & Offerings=
Capital Improvements/Building Fund= $175.00
Adult Ministry=
Baptist Children’s Home=
Benevolence Fund=
World Hunger=
May 22 Summary
8:30 Service attendance=
11:00 Service attendance=
Sunday School attendance=
Brookdale Shelby=
Tithes & Offerings=
Backpack/Food Bank=
Handyman Ministry=
Handyman Ministry-Reed Project=
Student Ministry=
Student Ministry Scholarship=
World Hunger=
June 1
Oven-Baked Turkey, Dressing/Gravy,
Green Peas, Sweet Potatoe Yams,
Rolls, Pot Luck, Desserts, Salad/
Potato Bar, Children’s Menu: PB&J
June 8
BBQ Ribs, Garlic Little White Potatoes, Pinto Beans,
Beets, Steamed Cabbage, Corn Bread, Desserts, Salad/
Potato Bar, Children’s Menu: Pizza
Serving hours: 5:00-6:15pm. Prices: $5 per adult, $2
for children six years old and under, and $15 for one
household. Please be sure to call by noon on Tuesday
to add or delete your name from the list.
Nursing Facilities/Homebound:
Cleveland House: Willie Carney
Cleveland Pines: Thelma Porter
Shelby Manor: Ann Herndon, Virginia Spangler
Brookdale: Ted Westmoreland
Hospice (Wendover, residential):
Lynn Hamrick
Hospice-Wendover: Ellen Simpson
Home: Ken Strickland, Alva Wilson,
Carolyn Reed
Ongoing Needs: Louise Moore, Mary Roberts,
Judy Allen, Amy Berry, Linda Shope, Poe
& Floy Walker, Scott Strickland, Clyde
Willis, Bootsie Mayfield, Judi Mori, Claudia
Borders, Troy Dover, Steve Gardner
Other: Roger Blanton-loss of stepmother, Kelly
Grier, Jeff Brendle, Virginia Curry, Bernard
Schulze-loss of mother.
Missions: Padgetts in Costa Rica
Thank You
Just want to thank your Women’s Ministry for
gift and attention for Mother’s Day. Thanks, too,
to RA Game night. The young man beat me
playing checkers and I am challenging him to a
second chance! Thank you all,
Marie Wellman, Shelby Manor Resident
Bro. Rit and Members,
It was certainly our pleasure to be with you all.
Your kindness, encouragement, and generosity
was such a blessing to us. Your church was everything we had heard it was and more!
All for His glory, Rick & Pat Lanier,
US Motto Action Committee
Minister of Discipleship and Administration
Search Committee
Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance to be
upon our new search committee. The committee responsible for finding our new Minister of Discipleship and Administration was
elected on Sunday, April 22. The members:
Kevin Atchley
Beth Beam
Joe Collins
Joel Mikell
Billy Scruggs
“Notes” from Mike
We will share in the Lord’s Supper this Sunday, with our
focus on 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. In this passage, the
Apostle Paul reminds us of our witness and the significance of the Communion experience. “For whenever
you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the
Lord’s death until He comes.” We should experience
the Lord’s Supper as a time of personal reflection on
what Christ has done for us at Calvary, but we should
also realize as the Apostle says, that we “proclaim the
Lord’s death until He comes.” Our own personal testimony is not complete without telling others about
Christ’s death, resurrection, and return. That is what
makes our relationship with the One True God very different from all other religions.
The great hymn writer, Charles Gabriel, states this well in the final stanza of “I Stand Amazed in the
When with the ransomed in glory,
His face I at last shall see,
’Twill be my joy through the ages
to sing of His love for me.
We will proclaim Christ’s love for us as we gather for worship in this life, but it will also be our “joy through
the ages” to sing of His love for us through all eternity. Looking forward to worshipping with you around the
Lord’s table this Sunday.
I am grateful for the team that we have
in place to provide sound, video, and
recording for our worship services.
Help is still needed in this area of ministry. If you have a gift and interest in
any area of technology which includes
audio, video (recording and broadcasting our service live online) and projecting lyrics and other big screen presentations, there are places to serve.
Training will be made available as this
team continues to grow. Please contact
Mike at [email protected] if
you have a desire to serve the Lord in
this ministry.
The Keenage Council is
now taking reservations
for our annual beach trip
to Springmaid Beach
Resort at Myrtle
Beach. The dates this
year are Sept. 18 - 22,
2016. Additional
information and sign-up
sheet are located on the
bulletin board outside
the choir room.
Summer Morning Activities
Bible Study, Mission Activities, Craft Time,
Recreation, Library Story Time, Lunch
9:00 am-12:00pm (lunch provided)
3 yr.-Kindergarten (completed Kindergarten)June 14
1st Grade-3rd Grade (completed 3rd Grade)June 30
4th-6th (completed 6th Grade)-August 2
Wednesday Summer Bible Study
All Children in grades 1-6
Zip for Kids helps children understand that God
had a plan for them even before they were born.
We are loved by God, and He gifted us with a
purpose. Children will uncover God’s purpose
for them through Bible study and fun activities.
Mary Ledbetter will lead this summer Bible Study
beginning Wednesday, June 8.
Volunteers… make VBS go
‘round, don’t they? Volunteers
are probably the single most
valuable resource for our
VBS. Please sign up on Sunday, June 5 to assist with Vacation Bible School. There will be tables outside of
the sanctuary and at the welcome center for volunteers to sign up. Thank you in advance for your
commitment to the children of EBC and our community. We appreciate you! Dates of Vacation Bible
School: July 17- July 2
Preschool and Children Parents
*Thank you to our Christian parents who are
constantly leading their children to Christ
and making sure that they develop a
relationship with Him.
*Thank you for reminding your children that they
are a child of God.
*Thank you for showing Christ’s love the way you
always put your children’s needs before
your own.
*Thank you for giving your children morals and
values to follow throughout their life.
*Thank you for teaching your children to love
Parents are invited to an appreciation morning on
Sunday, June 12 during the Preschool and Children Sunday School. Postcards will be mailed out
with details of the appreciation morning to all of
our parents.
Thank you
Mission Friends, GAs, and RAs
Directors and Leaders
Elizabeth Greene-Director of
Mission Friends
Brandy Curtis-Director of GAs
Mary Ledbetter-Director of RAs
Collectively, these three groups have completed
this year:
35 Mission Projects
27 Missionary Studies
135 Memory Verses
Through these weekly mission groups, our children are given opportunities to participate in mission-based activities and mission studies. Our
hope is that our children will learn to be missionaries in their own community and share the love
of Jesus Christ.
If you are not receiving and reading
the weekly emails and updates from
the Student Ministry, please email me
at [email protected] and request to be added to the list. These go
out every Thursday or Friday and cover the announcements and upcoming week’s events. You may also
pick up hard copies of the emailed information from
the CREW Quarters or from the Student Ministries
Reception Desk.
Thanks to all of you who supported
our fundraising efforts this year. Because of your generosity, we have
been able to reduce some of the mission trip costs. The Middle School Mission Trip to
Atlanta has been reduced to $175.00, and the
adult cost for Puerto Rico has been reduced
to $800.00, and may be reduced further. Refunds will be issued to any who have overpaid.
Co-ed Softball 2016 season is underway even though printed game
schedules are available at church,
please go online to see up to the
minute schedule, game or field
changes…or to see if weather has
affected the schedule. You also need to follow
the instructions on the website to download the
app so that you will receive so that you will receive cancellations on your phone or through
email. We have discovered that the website is not
update nearly as fast as the notifications reach
your email or phone. The link to the online schedule is:
Upcoming Parent/Chaperon Meetings:
A Parent and Participant meeting for the Atlanta
Mission trip was held Wednesday evening,
May 25 at 7:30. If you missed that meeting,
please contact David or Tim for important
A Parent and Participant meeting for Caswell will be
held on Sunday evening, June 5 at 7:00 in
the CLC. This will be a very important
meeting. All forms will be mailed in advance
and should be completed prior to and
brought to the meeting. Each form needs to
be notarized separately, and notaries will be
present at the meeting for any who need
their services free of charge.
A Caswell chaperon meeting will be held on
Wednesday evening, June 1 at 7:30 in The
Scholarship Fund
If you missed the Puerto Rico Parent and ParticiAs our church grows and attempts to reach lost people
pant meeting, please contact Tim Beam to receive
for Christ, very often we find ourselves ministering to
important information, sign up for projects, and
people for whom church simply costs too much. We
provide information for your airline ticket.
have many wonderful ministries for all ages, but there
always seems to be a cost…for workbooks, registration,
lodging, transportation, food, etc. This is a challenge for all ages, but very often this hurts our students hardest because many of them struggle find jobs, and those who do, often end up helping to finance things their families cannot afford. Particularly hard-hit are those families with multiple children. Please consider making it a little easier to
minister to these students by making a donation to our “Youth Scholarship Fund.” Even with fundraisers, there are
still significant costs associated with many of our ministry opportunities, and as we grow in number, the money
earned through fundraising averages to be less and less per student.
We want to provide the students with a variety of opportunities, and their attendance at each of them is important
because what so many of them need is to be nurtured in a caring environment where they feel that they belong.
That is what we are trying to build, a loving community of faith built upon inclusion rather than exclusion, and since
community is built through shared experience, the more experiences teens have with other Christian teens, the
more they will feel that they belong. The more that they feel that sense of belonging, the more they can experience
Christ through the Holy Spirit who is alive in the hearts of the students who comprise the community to which they
belong. It is only when teens feel they have a place at the table that they begin to feel a God-given sense of selfworth. It is only then that they can come to know the source of the love that surrounds them and encounter Christ
on a personal level. It is often only then that they are often saved. The costs of our upcoming events are as follows
(note price change to Atlanta trip): Middle School Mission Trip - $175
Caswell - $273
Puerto Rico Mission Trip $500
If you would like to be a donor to help a student in whole or in part, please take advantage of the opportunity by
contributing directly to the fund or, if you prefer, you can ask to be placed on a call list to be contacted as needs
arise. Students/parents who wish to be considered for scholarship assistance should contact David and complete a
short application indicating the amount requested and event for which the funds are being requested, and you will
be contacted back in a week or less with a response.
The EBC 24 hour Prayer Line:
If you would like to become a part of the Prayer
Ministry, please contact Steve or Cindy Borders.
Saturday, June 25
9 a.m.-Noon
HeBrews Coffee Shop
Beaded Bell – cost is $10
Please sign up on the bulletin
board across from the
Prayer Room
Each year the North Carolina Baptist Children’s
Homes promotes a “food roundup” which gives
churches an opportunity to donate food, supplies, and gift cards. Our WMU is promoting a
church-wide effort for mission groups, Sunday
School classes, individuals, etc., to consider collecting gift cards only that we can drop in the
mail. The cards will replace collecting and
transporting food items as we have in the past.
Gift cards may be purchased locally from the
following places: Wal-mart, Food Lion, Lowes,
and Ingles.
We will collect the cards during the month
of June. Please turn in your gift card(s) to
Beth Beam, WMU director, no later than June
30. THANK YOU for your participation in this
Congratulations to
Casey & Amber Justice
on the birth of their son,
Miles Alexander
Miles was born on May 18,
2016 weighing 6lb 12 oz and
18 inches long.
Congratulations also to proud
big sister Maggie.
Church Camping Trip at KM State Park
September 16–September 18
Sign up at the Welcome Center
Non-refundable Deposit of $20.00
Please pay Staci Hoyle or at the church office.
Graduate Sunday
CentriKid Camp
7pm-Men’s Bible Study @
T. Curry’s
No evening activities
6pm-Church Conference
Youth Activities only
9am-Kids JAM-Preschool
6pm-Sara Snell Bible
1:30pm-Afternoon Mission
Regular Activities
7pm-Men’s Bible Study @
T. Curry’s
Regular Activities
7pm-Caswell Meeting
7pm-Deacon Meeting
Regular Sunday Activities
(unless otherwise noted)
3:15pm-Abandon Rehearsal
4:30pm-East to West Rehearsal
5:30pm-Youth: SNAC
5:30pm-Men’s Bible Study
6:00pm-The Guys/GEMS/ The Watchmen
6:00pm-Sunday Night Worship
Regular Activities
Regular Activities
Regular Activities
Regular Activities
6:30pm-Youth Bell Choir
from Johnson City, TN
6:30pm-Guest Speaker
Kids’ Bible Study Starts
7:30pm-Caswell Chaperon
9am-Kids JAM
(1-3 Grade)
Abandon Workshop
w/Mike Romero
9am-Chrismon Class
5-6:15pm-Wed. Night Dinner
6:00pm-Praise Team Rehearsal
6:00pm-Middle School 180
6:30pm-Children’s Bible Study, Mission Friends,
Adult Bible Study
6:45pm-High School 180
7:30pm-Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal,
Youth: d2L, Xcelerate
Regular Wed. Night Activities
(unless otherwise noted)
June 1– Jacqueline Connell
Lynn Hamrick
June 2-Tony Berry
Gerald Binion
Savannah Burns
Derrick Dellinger
Bobbie Few
Billy Roberts
Laura Tharrington
June 3-Marshall Greene
Jack Isaacs
Julie McCallum
Richard Reynolds
Virginia Spangler
June 4-Iris Beam
Abby Grier
Julie Humphries
Millie Kittrell
June 4-Ed Price
Oren Wyatt
June 5-Everette Ledbetter
Craig McCall
June 6-Kayah Connell
Aaron Senter
Edward Spangler
June 7-Chase Thompson
Jennifer Williams
June 9-Alan Heavner
Greg Randall
Landon White
June 10-Jamie Banner
Pat Champion
Sara Richard
April Van Dyke
June 11-Sue Dover
Dean Gardner
June 12-Rick Hamrick
June 13-Brooklin Heavner
Zachary Hoyle
Madison Strickland
June 14-Mike McGee
Ann Williams
June 15-Lisa Mauney
Andrew Tharrington
Rebekah Thompson
Ashley Webber
June 16-Pete Griffin
Tyler Smith
June 17-Betty Burgin
Dean Champion
June 17-Donna Mikell
June 18-Ashley Atchley
Laney Hardin
Mary Roberts
June 19-John Beam
June 19-Cary Webber
June 20-Garrett Hastings
Matt Lytton
Terry White
June 21-Evan Ledford
Terry Lee
Savannah Nichols
Adam Queen
Samuel Ramsey
June 22-Joyce Beam
Erin King
June 23-Jennifer Burns
Noah Burns
Kaitlyn Carpenter
Kathryn Causby
Gayla Fraser
Doug Ingle
June 25-Tom Curry
Dwight Humphries
Sara Messer
June 26-Linda Hoppes
Skip Pinkerton
June 27-Lu Adams
Jo Boggs
Matt Borders
Troy Dover
Erin Kershaw
Morgan Kinmon
Hayden Price
Jane Spangler
Sarah Williams
June 28-Meagan Kinmon
Houston Lattimore
Joyce Summers
Andrew Folk
June 29-Gail Richard
Elizabeth Baptist Church’s
Graduating Class of 2016
Jacob Edward Clary-Son of Brian & Amy Clary
Graduate of West Lincoln High School
Activities: Varsity Football, Varsity Wrestling
Honors/Achievements: Student Council, Lincoln County Student Advisory Council,
National Honor Society, Ranked 3rd in class of 225, Placed 4th in State Wrestling
Plans to attend U.S. Naval Academy
Georgianna Cecile Connell-Daughter of Jacqueline Connell,
Jennings Connell, & Alan Keever
Graduate of Burns High School
Activities: Chorus, Math Club, Spanish Club
Honors/Achievements: Math Honors Society, National Honors Society, Beta Club,
Spanish Honors Society
Plans to attend Clemson University and major in Pre-Physical Therapy.
Micah Nathan Croft–Son of the late Chalmers W. Croft and
Ronda & Tim Champion
Graduate of Crest High School
Activities: Men’s Varsity Tennis, Chamber Orchestra, Latin Club, Science Olympiad
Team, Forensics Science Academy, Women’s Tennis Team Manager
Honors/Achievements: Beta Club, National Honor Society, NC State Scholar, SECU
Scholarship, Scholar Athlete, Honor Graduate
Plans to attend NC State University and study Chemical Engineering.
Kings Mountain
West Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Cleveland Early College High School
Elizabeth Baptist Church’s
Graduating Class of 2016
Andrew Almond Estridge-Son of David & Cindy Estridge
Graduate of Kings Mountain High School
Activities: Tennis Team, Golf Team, Boy Scouts; Honors/Achievements: Eagle Scout,
Scholar Athlete, Beta Club, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society,
KMHS Prudential Spirit of Community Scholarship nominee, SECU People Helping
People Scholarship, Making It Work/Rockwood Lithium Engineering Scholarship, Jacob
Spencer Medford Scholarship, A. Mickey Church Scholarship, Chuck Early Scholarship
Plans to attend Western Carolina University and study Mechanical Engineering.
Beth Ann Fraser-Daughter of Joel & Keri Fraser
Graduate of Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Activities: Drama Club, Beta Club/National Honor Society Secretary, Student Council
Secretary, Nation Latin Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Volunteering
Honors/Achievements: National Merit Scholar Commended Student, Shelby Star Best
and Brightest Honoree, AP Scholar with Honors, Magna Cum Laude Latin Award, Research Paper Award, Homer Essay Writing Award, Lead in Alice in Wonderland Musical,
Female lead in the Devil and Daniel Webster.
Plans to attend Furman University and double major in English & Theater Arts.
Brandon Dale Glover-Son of Shane & Stacey Glover
Graduate of Burns High School
Activities: Marching and Concert Band, Varsity Tennis, member of various academic
and volunteer clubs
Honors/Achievements: Beta Club, National Honor Society, AP Scholar
Plans to attend NC State University and major in Environmental Science.
Kings Mountain
West Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Cleveland Early College High School
Elizabeth Baptist Church’s
Graduating Class of 2016
Brittany Michelle Green-Daughter of Junior & April Green
Graduate of Kings Mountain High School
Activities: Soccer, Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Honors/Achievements: Beta Club, National Honor Society of High School Scholars
Plans to attend the University of NC at Greensboro to major in Elementary Education
and become a Second Grade Teacher.
Reagan Alyssa Harp-Daughter of Brent & Teresa Harp
Graduate of Burns High School
Activities: Varsity Soccer, Latin Club
Honors/Achievements: Beta Club, National Honor Society, National Math Club
Plans to attend Gardner-Webb University and major in Biology.
Zachary Spencer Heaton-Son of David Heaton, Lynn Williams
Graduate of Kings Mountain High School
Plans to attend Cleveland Community College for Welding and Mechanics.
Kings Mountain
West Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Cleveland Early College High School
Elizabeth Baptist Church’s
Graduating Class of 2016
Christopher Ian Jones-Son of Greg & Shelley Jones
Graduate of Crest High School
Activities: Football, Softball
Honors/Achievements: Scholar Athlete, 3-time All Conference, Best Offensive Line 2
years in a row, 2-time State Football Champion, Senior Scholars 4.0 Scholarship,
Cleveland County Educational Foundation Scholarship.
Plans to attend Coastal Carolina on full football scholarship and enroll in
nursing program.
Michael Lee Morton-Son of Tony & Margaret Morton
Graduate of Crest High School
Activities: Tonal Spectrum A cappella Group, Virtuosic A cappella Group, Football,
Honors/Achievements: Honors Chorus, Mars Hill Choral Clinic, Furman Choral Clinic
Plans to study Sacred Music at Wingate University.
Matthew Seth Pennington-Son of Dale & Kathryn Pennington
Graduate of Shelby High School
Activities: Soccer, Cross Country, Tech Theater
Plans to attend Cleveland Community College for the next year or two with a possible history major and Criminal
Justice focus.
Kings Mountain
West Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Cleveland Early College High School
Elizabeth Baptist Church’s
Graduating Class of 2016
Jacob Wayne Scruggs-Son of Tony & Danell Scruggs
Graduate of Crest High School
Activities: Golf
Plans to attend Belmont Abbey College.
Landon Tyler Smith-Son Brian & Margot Smith
Graduate of Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Honors/Achievements: 4.0 GPA, Scholarship to Gardner-Webb University.
Plans to attend Gardner-Webb University for a Pre-Med Degree and then pursue a
Masters Degree as a Physician's Assistant at GWU.
Zachary Storm Standish-Son of Robb & Angie Standish
Graduate of Cleveland Early College High School
Plans to attend Western Carolina University and major in
Mechanical Engineering.
Kings Mountain
West Lincoln
Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy
Cleveland Early College High School
Elizabeth Baptist Church’s
Graduating Class of 2016
Jessica Denise Stroup-Daughter of Ted & Sandy Stroup
Graduate of Burns High School
Activities: Beta Club, Environmental Club, Marching Band, Spanish Club, Cross
Country, Junior Civitans, FFA, Math Club
Honors/Achievements: FFA JV President, AP Scholar with Distinction, Junior
Plans to attend Wake Forest University and double major in Biology and Chemistry
with a concentration in Biochemistry.
Zachary Lee Willobee-Son of Crystal Willobee
Graduate of Alpha-Omega Home School
Activities: Football, Wrestling
Honors/Achievements: 3.75 GPA
Plans to attend college for mechanical engineering.
Join us on Sunday,
June 5 as we recognize
our High School
Graduates during the
11:00 service.
The College & University
Graduating Class of 2015-2016
Patrick David Brown
Son of David & Janet Brown
May 2016 Graduate of
University of NC at Wilmington
Bachelor of Science in Business
Brittney Cline Cook
Daughter of Brian & Cindy Cook
May 2016 Graduate of
University of NC at Chapel Hill
Bachelor of Arts in Political
Science and Minored in History
and Religious Studies
Joshua Harrison Croft
Amber Jade Justice
Son of the late Chalmers Croft
and Ronda & Tim Champion
Wife of Casey Justice
May 2016 Graduate of
Virginia Tech
Bachelor of Science in
Meteorology and minor in
Special Activities:
Air Force ROTC, Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets, Red
Card Wildland Firefighting
Daughter of Gary & Elizabeth
May 2016 Graduate of
Gardner-Webb University
Masters of Science in
Nursing-Family Nurse
Honors/Achievements: Sigma Theta Tau
Plans to work for Shelby Women’s Care.
Lee Ann Long
Wife of the late Brian Long
Daughter of Ken & Ann White
May 2016 Graduate of
University of NC at Charlotte
Master’s of Science in Nursing
Nursing Administration
Special Honors/Achievements:
Awarded 2016 Excellent in
Leadership for Online MSN Award,
Awarded Best Poster Award at the 16th Annual
Graduate Research Symposium, Member of The Honor
Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Plans to continue her career at Hospice Cleveland
Ren Ramsey
Husband of Angela Ramsey
May 2016 Graduate of Liberty
University School of Divinity
Master of Arts in Christian
Ministry with
Leadership Cognate
Plans to seek God’s next direction in his ministry.
The College & University
Graduating Class of 2015-2016
Samuel Aaron Senter
Lauren Brooke Spake
Son of Donna Randall Ketron
Daughter of Michael & Tammy
May 2016 Graduate of
University of NC at Charlotte
Bachelor of Science in
Geography and a concentration
in Geography Information
Plans to begin career in Geography Information
Matthew David
December 2015 Graduate of
East Carolina University
Master of Science in Occupational
Special Activities: Student
Occupational Therapy
Association Social Committee
Honors/Achievements: Pi Theta Epsilon Honor
Currently lives in Charleston, SC and works at The
Regional Medical Center.
Son of David & Donna Sparks
May 2016 Graduate of
University of NC at
Chapel Hill
Bachelor of Art in
Management and Society
Special Activities:
Summit College Leadership Team (Campus Ministry),
Delta Sigma Pi (Professional Business Fraternity),
Phi Alpha Delta
Honors/Achievements: Dean’s List Spring 2015, Fall
2015, Spring 2016, Sigma Alpha Lambda Honors Society,
National Society of Leadership and Success.
Plans to attend Campbell University Law School in the
fall to pursue a Justice Doctorate Degree.
Zachary Storm
Son of Robb & Angie Standish
May 2016 Graduate of
Cleveland Early College
High School
Associates in General Education
Plans to attend Western Carolina University to
study Mechanical Engineering.
The College & University
Graduating Class of 2015-2016
Brandon Shane
Morgan Elizabeth
Son of Michael & Tracey Tolbert
Daughter of Paul & Sherri Weeks
May 2016 Graduate of
Appalachian State University
December 2015 Graduate of
NC State University
Bachelor of Science in Exercise
Bachelor of Science in
Polymer & Color Chemistry
Special Activities: Sigma Nu Fraternity
Honors/Achievements: Summa Cum Laude,
Chancellor’s Scholar
Plans to attend Physician Assistant School.
Special Activities: Phi Sigma Pi
National Honors Fraternity
Honors/Achievements: Scholar
Plans to attend Physician Assistant School.
Michael Spake Williams
Son of Mike & Pam Williams
May 2016 Graduate of
Appalachian State University
Bachelor of Science in Criminal
Special Activities: Member of
Kappa Alpha Order
Plans to complete internship at NC Department of
Public Safety.
Dear Lord,
Please bless these graduates as they go out into the world to make it a
better place, while they pursue their dreams. Gently guide them, lead
them, show them Your way to success and happiness through service to
others, as they maximize their own potential. Fill them with joy when they
reach their goals. Strengthen them, as they deal with life's obstacles, and
show them that every challenge is a path to character development. Give
them the intelligence to make a plan for their futures. Give them the patience and persistence to pursue their ambitions. Most of all, give them caring hearts to look for
ways to help the people they meet on their life's journey. Encourage them and lift them up now, as
they spread their wings into a clear sky of limitless opportunity. Let each and every graduate here be
wrapped in the warmth of Your infinite love, and let Your wisdom show them the way to make the
most of their lives. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
By Joanna Fuchs
Sunday, May 29
8:30 am
Worship Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Worship Service
No afternoon or evening services
Monday, May 30-Memorial Day
Office Closed
Tuesday, May 31
6:00 pm
Wednesday, June 1
5:00-6:15 pm
Wednesday Night Meal
6:00 pm
Praise Team Rehearsal
6:00 pm
Middle School 180
6:30 pm
Mission Friends, Adult Bible Study
6:45 pm
High School 180
7:30 pm
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal,
7:30 pm
Caswell Chaperon Meeting
Sunday, June 5-Graduate Sunday
8:30 am
Worship Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
11:00 am
Worship Service
3:15 pm
Abandon Rehearsal
4:30 pm
Ignite, East to West, IMFC Rehearsal
5:30 pm
Series 33 Vol. 3 Bible Study
5:30 pm
Youth: SNAC
6:00 pm
GEMS/ The Guys/Watchman
6:00 pm
Sunday Night Worship
7:00 pm
Deacons’ Meeting
7:00 pm
Caswell Parent Meeting
Monday, June 6
7:00 pm
Men’s Bible Study @ T. Curry’s
Tuesday, June 7
6:00 pm
Wednesday, June 8
5:00-6:15 pm
Wednesday Night Meal
5:50 pm
Praise Team Rehearsal
6:00 pm
Middle School 180
6:30 pm Children’s Bible Study, Mission Friends,
Guest Speaker-Jim Gardner
6:45 pm
High School 180
7:30 pm
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal,
Sunday, May 29
Sunday, June 5
Prayer Room: Dave/Ola Shockey
Nursery: Mark Beam, Lee Ann Long
Ushers: Bruce Wilson, David Brown
Prayer Room: Margaret Lipscomb
Nursery: Lisa Queen, Donna Pierce, Pam Williams,
Linda Weeks, Brandy Curtis, Betsy
McPherson, Darlene Schwantes
Children’s Church: Dana Deveney, Staci Smith
Ushers: Grayson Pierce, Everett Wright, Dick
Clatfelter, Oren Wyatt, Courtney Madden,
Tom Thurkill
Prayer Room: Edna Greene
Nursery: Mary Willis, Lee Ann Jaynes
Ushers: Steve Queen, Eddie Greene
Prayer Room: Myra Graham
Nursery: Tristan Reynolds, Melia Lutz, Margaret
Morton, Deborah Thomas, Sarah Beth
Bingham, Sara Messer, Jennifer Burns
Children’s Church: Crystal Bryson, Morgan Weeks
Ushers: Dave Shockey, Eddie Smith, Kevin Greene,
Dale Willis, Byron Hendrick
The Harvest Corner Food Bank has been relocated to the gym. You can
leave your donations to the food bank now at the Donation Station in
the hallway. You will find a tote there labeled for the food bank. Thank
you for your support of this ministry!
Items needed for Backpack Buddies:
Ramen noodles
Cheese/peanut butter crackers
Microwave popcorn
Macaroni and cheese
Gelatin or pudding
Toaster pastries
Instant oatmeal
Applesauce (individual serving containers)
Powdered drink mix
Canned pasta (ravioli, spaghetti, etc.)
Hand sanitizer
Dental floss
Small packs of tissue
Items needed for the Harvest Corner Food Bank
Please only bring items on the list and make sure they are not
out of date. Items can be dropped off at the Food Bank.
Contact David Putnam for more info.
Boxes of instant oatmeal packets
18 oz. jars of jelly, assorted flavors
Standard size jars of peanut butter
Fruit juice in cans or bottles
(not individual serving size)
Vegetable beef soup, tomato soup, chicken noodle soup
16 oz. boxes of spaghetti noodles
Jars/cans of spaghetti sauce
Canned spaghetti and meatballs
Boxes of macaroni and cheese
Boxes of instant mashed potatoes
Tuna or salmon (5 oz. cans)
Standard size cans of pinto beans
Standard or family size cans of beef stew
Instant rice
Spam or Treet
SHELBY, NC 28152
PHONE: 704-482-6339
FAX: 704-481-8965
EMAIL: [email protected]
MIKE McGEE Minister of Music/Senior Adults
Assistant Minister of
Senior Adults and Pastoral Care
Children’s Leader
Children’s Leader
Minister of Students
Administrative Assistant