kingdom builder - Salem United Methodist Church


kingdom builder - Salem United Methodist Church
Manheim, Pennsylvania
Our Best Days are ahead of us.
Through Christ
“He (Christ) appointed
some to be apostles,
others to be prophets,
others to be evangelists,
others to be pastors
and teachers.
He did this to prepare
all God’s people
for the work of
Christian service,
in order to build up
the body of Christ.”
(Ephesians 4:11b-12 TEV)
Invite your
neighbors, relatives,
and friends to
Christmas Eve
Service with
Lessons and
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The church season of Advent is fast upon us!
The word “Advent” means “coming” or
“arrival.” During Advent the Church celebrates
the first and second coming, or arrival, of Jesus.
The first arrival was the Jesus of history who we
celebrate being born as a baby in Bethlehem.
The second arrival will be King Jesus, coming in
the future to consummate all time and history
and to restore a fallen creation. So, we look
back at the first arrival and we simultaneously
look forward at the pending arrival. That’s the
meaning of Advent.
I hope you will consider joining us this Advent
season as we celebrate the coming of Christ. I
will be preaching a sermon series called “The
Journey Walking the Road to Bethlehem.”
Based on the book of the same name by Adam
Hamilton, it takes a fresh look at the story of the
birth of Jesus. Each Sunday’s sermon will be
immediately followed by an in depth study in
three of our Sunday School locations. This
includes our youth, the Ages and Stages, and
Wrestling with Grace.
Please take a moment and note that our times for
Christmas Eve services have changed. Come to
the 7 PM family worship to experience our
children’s pageant. Then at 9 PM, come to enjoy
the traditional service of Lessons and Carols.
My husband Kirk and I want to wish you a
joyous Christmas.
In Christ,
Pastor Marcia
December 2015
“An Ode to Christmas Lights”
—Peggy Ferrell
Bursting through December nights
That could be long and cold,
Our Christmas lights bring warmth and joy
With colors soft or bold.
Cascading from the rooftops,
And from trees both small and tall,
The lights cry out, “We have good news!”
We want to shout to all.
“You’ve seen the darkness earth can hold,
The sorrow, war and fear;
But God has sent his Son for all,
To show his Love is here.
“The darkness can’t put out God’s Light.
Christ’s with us day by day,
Illuminating paths so we
Can follow in his way.”
Light homes and streets and candles.
Make your world shine clear and bright.
God’s love surrounds and blesses us.
Come, celebrate God’s Light!
Christmas blessings to all, as we celebrate the
birth of Jesus, God’s gift of love, and all of the
goodness that surrounds us. God’s love will
surely fill us with joy as we share the many
blessings we have received.
Wishing you a light-filled Christmas,
Salem’s Staff
Pastor Marcia Lincoln-Heinz
Pastor Russ Stahley
Suzette McCarty
Matthew Wise
Frank Rittenhouse
Cheryl Gingrich
Josiah Snader
Dennis Meck
The Giving Tree
Thank you for your help in bringing Christmas to families in Manheim.
Select a gift tag from the tree, please return the tag with the item (this will help us get it to the
correct child). Gifts (UNWRAPPED) need to be delivered to Salem by Monday, December
We are also collecting food items to be distributed to families with the Christmas gifts.
Foods such as peanut butter, cans of soup, jelly, microwave popcorn, boxes of cereal, pop-tarts,
cans of fruit, instant pudding mix, apples and oranges.
News from Salem’s United Methodist Women
Salem UMW Work Circle
Work Circle meets again on Wednesday, January 6 to
work on sewing and knotting quilts for those in need. If
you are interested in joining us, just come on the first
Wednesday of each month. We start at 9:00am and work
until 11:00 or 11:30am. If you have questions, contact
Judy Brandt, 665-7098.
December Mission Project
Salem Family Ministry.
January and February, 2013 Mission Project
Salem’s ASP Team.
Thank you to all who assisted with the Thankoffering
Service on Sunday, November 22: Betty Nauman, who
led the service, Gwen Newell for the children’s message,
Gina Eshleman who led us in the morning prayer, Gareth
Wright for reading the scripture and to Suzette McCarty
for sharing a message on Salem’s Ministry through the
Manheim Central Food Pantry, Wednesday Night Suppers
and Salem Family Ministry.
Thank you for your generous gifts to the Thankoffering
Community Wednesday Night Suppers
52 weeks of Specific Prayer
Every week the congregation will be provided with one
specific thing for which to pray.
Dec. 6th- Pray that God would help us to rid our lives
of all the distractions during this busy season. Pray that
instead we could focus our thoughts and hearts on his
love for all of us.
Dec. 13th- Pray for God to help you rediscover the joy
of simplicity. Pray that he will help you remember the
true reason we are celebrating. Pray that you would
find in your heart to call out " Come, Lord Jesus."
Dec. 20th- Pray for help to stay humble this Advent
and Christmas season. Help us to remember that
humbleness and the simple joy of our Savior’s birth.
Dec.27th- Pray that God would hold all of us in his
loving arms this coming year so that we would be
comforted by the strength and peace he offers us
through the birth of his son, Jesus. Thank him for all
the gifts he offers us.
“The value of consistent prayer is not that He will hear
us, but that we will hear Him.” (William McGil)
Meals are served 5:15 to 6:00pm.
To join us in this wonderful ministry and time of
fellowship with community members contact Susan
Donahey. 689-3060.
Meals will not be served on December 23 or
December 30.
Operation Christmas Child
Salem collected 70 well-filled boxes.
Thank you to all who participated in the
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box
Special thanks to Denny and Terri Enck
for heading up this project.
Mary Kelsey is in a nursing home in Lock Haven,
located near her daughter’s home.
You may send a card to her c/o Barb Ditzler,
PO Box 281, Blanchard, PA 16826.
Result from Pledge Cards for 2016
 65 Giving Units returned Pledge Cards
 Pledges on those cards = $206,496
 101 Giving Units did not return a Pledge Cards
 Based on historical giving from 2015
 2016 estimate of giving from those members $85,879
 Total Income for 2016 is projected to be $301,655
Status on 2015 Conference Billings
 Conference Billings for 2015 = ........... $83,763.60
 Paid as of November 30, 2015 = ........ $46,913.08
 Unpaid Balance = ............................. $36,850.52
Budget for 2016
 2015 Budget was $324,377
 In order to have a balanced Budget for 2016 we need to
reduce last year’s budget by about $22,272 or a 7%
 At the Church Council Meeting on December 8, the
Finance Committee will present a Budget for 2016 based
on the projected income for 2016. The 2016 Budget will
be voted on at that meeting.
It’s hard to believe winter is here already. With advent
approaching, many exciting things are happening with our
Youth Ministry.
Sunday Morning Bible Study – The Youth are working
their way through a series based off of Adam Hamilton’s
“The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem” During
this series, our Youth will witness the birth of God-withUs! Follow Mary and Joseph on the arduous journey to
Bethlehem, feel their disappointment when there’s no
room at the inn, and rejoice with the angels and shepherds
when Jesus is born. Through theological interpretation,
and spiritual insight, our Youth will see a vivid picture of
Christ’s Nativity in a compelling way.
Upcoming Events - Activity wise, a lot of activities are
scheduled for this Christmas Season. The Youth will go
caroling and have their Christmas Party on December 13th.
They will also Ring Bells for the Salvation Army on
December 19th at Longenecker’s Hardware. In addition,
Youth Group Guys will have a Lock - In December 29-30
and Youth Group Girls will have their annual KOP Trip
December 28th. More specific details will be made
available soon, but signups are presently going around for
each of the above activities during our various meetings.
Youth are encouraged to be a part of as many of these
activities as possible and also to invite friends!!
Looking Ahead – Winter Retreat 2016 - Also, Winter
Retreat will be happening soon. This year, our Winter
Retreat will take place February 5-7, 2016 at Pocono
Plateau Camp and Retreat Center in Cresco, PA. It
will be a combined Junior and Senior High Retreat. Due
to the equipping nature of this event, there will be no cost
to our youth. A signup sheet has been posted for Winter
Retreat in the Youth Room and signups will be due in
mid January.
Below you will find a list of planned activities for the
month of December. As always, thank you for your
continued support and interest in our Youth Ministry. If
you have any questions feel free to email or contact me at
any time.
For Him,
Matt Wise
Junior and Senior High
Youth Activity Schedule
December 2nd; Going Deeper 6:30-7:30pm
December 6th: Student Leadership Team 6:30-8:00pm
December 9th: Going Deeper 6:30-7:30pm
December 13th: Caroling/Christmas Party 4:00-10:00pm
December 16th: Going Deeper 6:30-7:30pm
December 19th: Salvation Army Bell Ringing
at Longenecker’s 9:00am-3:00pm
December 20th: No Meeting (Christmas Break)
December 23rd: No Meeting (Christmas Break)
December 27th: No Meeting (Christmas Break)
December 28th: Girl’s KOP Trip 9:30am -7:30pm
December 29-30th: Guy’s Lock – In (Times TBA)
December 30th: No Meeting (Christmas Break)
KFROG’S Bible Study
Mark your calendars for the next
KFROG’S meeting on
January 6
Join us as we go through the study “The
Story of Jesus”.
Bible lesson, games, and activities will
lead the children through the events in
Jesus’ life.
Children’s Chapel
The Children’s Chapel meets in the Library. Children who
are potty trained through First Grade are invited to go to
the Library after Children’s time during worship. This new
location is closer to the Sanctuary for the convenience of
parents and ushers. Please come to the Library to sign out
your child following the service.
Nursery Care available
during the 9:00am service for
newborns through children, age 3.
If you are able to volunteer to provide
this ministry please contact Chelsea Barr or the church
December Birthdays
Derek Hart
Nick Johnston
Kortnee Winters
Matt Wubbolt
Aubrey Coonan
Darlene Bechtel
Laurie Ober
Kylee Trovinger
Jon Hershey
Sheri Swope
Mabel Graham
Olivia Showers
Jason Coonan
Brian Schatz
Coleen Funk
Christine Bandriff
Rachel Metzger
Lauren Weeks
Arlene Thompson
Nate Schatz
Samantha Yohe
Michelle Connelly
Lisa Bates
Reba Rettew
Dolores Bauknight
Trevor Enck
Adam Kline
Dean Beamesderfer
Gerri Messman
Ted Fink
Lee Garlin
Amber Graham
Rose Brayman
Bob Summy
Samantha Connelly
Drew Eshleman
Chris Trovinger
Lynsie Lewis
Pam Schatz
Senior Citizen Breakfast
for all Senior Citizens of Salem
Join us at Lintia’s
Restaurant and Bakery
at 9:00am on December 22.
Each person orders and pays
for his/her own breakfast.
Join us for good food, fun,
and fellowship.
January Birthdays
Barb Yoder
Brenda Hart
Ron Shenk
Mervin Ruhl
Beth Hackman
Bryan Byus
Cathy Patterson
Jena Beamesderfer
Shane Miller
Tony Loser
Mia Pastor
Terry Engle
Katie Yoder
Dick Graybill
Kathy Snader
Peggy Bradford
Gloria Kile
Sherry Kreiger
Patti Brubaker
Arlene Martin
Nick Harshaw
Samuel Pastor
Steve Brandt
Mary Jean Frey
Stefne Shreiner
Barb Witman
Keith Harshaw
Philip Wubbolt
Alexia Patterson
Nedra Nace
Amy Foreman
Emily Hackman
Zachary Bauknight
Sue Connelly
Judy Hasselbach
Pat Ibach
Sandy Sauder
Nancy Breitigan, Jr.
Beckee Faus
Sunday Worship Drivers
Jim Stouch 278-9945
Mike Mosemann 560-0565
Jim Messman 665-3569
Jere Graybill 664-3671
December Anniversaries
Jim and Stacey Spangenburg
Bob and Rose Brayman
Don and Marian Mosemann
January Anniversaries
Ken and Jenna Eppinette
Martin and Mary Wubbolt
John and Brenda Brendel
If your name has been missed
from the birthday or
anniversary list or information
is not correct please contact
Suzette at the church office.
Big things come in small
Remember that candy commercial
declaring, “Big things come in
small packages”? The prophet’s
message to tiny Bethlehem is
similar: “Though you are small
among the clans of Judah, out of
you will come for me one who will
be ruler over Israel” (Micah 5:2,
We’ve all felt too small for a
certain role: too little to play with
the big kids … too skinny to make
the football team … short on the
skills needed for a choice
assignment. Perhaps we fear our
gift of money is too little to make a
difference, or the small amount of
time we can volunteer isn’t even
worth it.
But God brings big things out of
“small packages.” From a newborn
baby — merely six to eight pounds
of helplessness — God brought
salvation for the whole world. Rest
assured, he’ll do big things through
you, too.
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Sunday Worship
Traditional 9:00 am
Praise & Worship 11:15 am
Sunday School for all ages - 10:15 am
Chapel (K-4) - 9:00 am and 11:15 am
Marcia Lincoln-Heinz [email protected]
Pastor of Visitation
Russell Stahley [email protected]
Director of Youth
Matthew Wise [email protected]
Office Manager and Dir. of Salem Family Ministry
Suzette McCarty [email protected]
New Covenant Leader ......................... Josiah Snader
Salem Singers Director ................... Cheryl Gingrich
Organist ......................................... Frank Rittenhouse
Custodian .............................................. Dennis Meck
Lay Leaders ..................... Paula Knapp, Trevor Enck
Phone (717) 665-2331
FAX (717) 665-9984
Office Hours
Monday –Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm
Mark your calendars for Christmas Eve Worship
times (they have changed since last year).
The 7:00pm service will feature a Children’s
Christmas Pageant.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and
cards during Fred’s illness and passing.
A special thank you to Pastor Marcia and Pastor
Russel Staley and Kathy for all their visits and
communion, which meant so much to Fred.
Thank you for the very nice and good luncheon.
God bless all of you and Salem.
It is so good to belong to such a great church
and all of its wonderful members.
Doll Gabriel
Daily Reflection
Daily life can seem out of control — too busy, noisy,
overflowing with demands. Yet we’re called to make
room for the Holy. That’s where Alive Now fits in.
We’re about helping you make a little space for God in
the midst of the chaos. Take 5 minutes — open up a
spread in the magazine, light a candle and read today’s
email, sit for a few minutes and gaze at a photograph.
God is right here ... with you. Nurture your spirit.
Being 13 in the Social Media
Why some 13-year-olds check social media 100 times a day by Chuck Hadad, CNN
Watch a CNN Special Report #Being13:Inside the Secret World of Teens on CNNgo.
Warning: This story contains explicit language.
Story highlights:
More than 200 8th graders from across the country allowed their social media feeds to be studied by child development
experts who partnered with CNN. This is the first large scale study to analyze what kids actually say to each other on
social media and why it matters so deeply to them.
“I think they’re addicted to the peer connection and affirmation they’re able to get via social media,” said child clinical p
psychologist Marion Underwood, the study’s co-author. “To know what each other are doing, where they stand, to know
ho may people like what they posted, to know how many people followed them today and unfollowed them…that I think
is highly addictive.”
15% of teens in this study reported receiving inappropriate photos.
Almost all parents – 94% - underestimated the amount of fighting happening over social media.
“I would rather not eat for a week than get my phone taken away. It’s really bad,” said Gia, a 13-year-old. “I literally feel
like I’m going to die.”
“When I get my phone taken away, I felt kind of naked,” said Kyla, another 13-year-old. “I do feel kind of empty without
my phone.”
DEADLINE for ordering is DECEMBER 14
_____ I want to have a poinsettia placed in the sanctuary during Christmas
and will pick it up after Christmas Eve.
_____ I want to contribute to Salem Family Ministry, in lieu of having an
actual plant. The money will go to assist families with rent, oil and food in the Manheim Community.
(You will still be listed in the "In Memory of" or "In Honor of" listing.)
In MEMORY of: ______________________________________________________________
In HONOR of: ________________________________________________________________
Given by: __________________________________________ Phone # __________________
Qty. _____ 6.5" Branched (5+blooms) $7.25
$___________ Salem Family Ministry
While they were sleeping
It was an evening like any other. Ordinary men were doing an ordinary job. Shepherds were “keeping watch over their flock
by night” (Luke 2:8). Was it chilly? Were they tired? When angels appeared with news of a Savior, had the shepherds been
talking about their troubles or sharing a good joke?
How quickly, how mysteriously, how unexpectedly an ordinary night became the turning point of human history. How
remarkable that God chose to set his great rescue plan in motion when only a young couple was paying attention and only a
few shepherds were awake.
God’s work is sometimes so secret we may wonder if he’s there or if he cares. The Christmas story tells us that God works
out breathtaking plans for our lives in the dark, often while we’re sleeping or going about our ordinary routines.
A special baby
Mark Lowry, who wrote the lyrics to the Christmas song “Mary, Did
You Know?” says he’s always been amazed by Mary’s silence at the
cross, as her son was being crucified. Maybe she was remembering
back to that first Christmas, he wonders, when she counted Jesus’
fingers and toes.
“I wonder if she realized then that those were the same fingers that had
scooped out the oceans and formed the seas. I wonder if she realized
those were the same feet that had walked on streets of gold and been
worshiped by angels. Those little lips were the same lips that had
spoken the world into existence. When Mary kissed her little baby, she
wasn’t just kissing another baby; she was kissing the face of God.”
Mary silently watched her son die 33 years later, Lowry notes — not
just for the world but also for his own mother. “The baby boy she had
delivered on that first Christmas was now on a cross delivering her.”